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Pedagogical living room in kindergarten for teachers. Psychological and pedagogical living room in kindergarten. Pedagogical lounge “To kindergarten with a smile”

Mankova Natalia Igorevna

senior teacher of MDOBU "Kindergarten of compensatory type

"Golden Key" Gavrilov-Yam
Pedagogical living rooms

What are “teaching lounges” in my understanding?

Pedagogical living room in a preschool educational institution - a specially organized form of interaction between all adult participants in the educational process, all members of the staff of the educational organization.

Who is a participant in the pedagogical lounges in our kindergarten?

Participants are all kindergarten teachers, as well as other members of the preschool educational institution team - medical personnel, junior teachers, maintenance personnel, etc.

Why am I organizing teacher lounges in our kindergarten?

The purpose of pedagogical living rooms:

Expanding the general horizons of teachers and other members of the kindergarten team,

Development of their cognitive interest, cognitive activity,

Creating opportunities to express creativity,

Motivating teachers for self-improvement,

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Relevance of the topic

In the federal state educational standard preschool education(Federal State Educational Standard for Education) it is emphasized that in kindergarten it is necessary to “... ensure the full development of the personality of children in all basic educational fields, namely: in the areas of social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude to the world, to oneself and to other people...” (clause 3.1.). And on whom, first of all, does the development of a child’s personality depend? preschool age? Of course, from the adults who surround him. In kindergarten, these are primarily teachers - specialists and educators. It is not without reason that the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for the first time highlights the requirements for the personality of a teacher (personnel conditions for the implementation of the Program). But the classics of pedagogy have repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​the unconditional authority of the teacher, educator, and his personal example in the system of means of pedagogical influence on the younger generation.

Now let's ask ourselves: “Is it possible to entrust such a delicate, responsible, significant matter as the training and education of the younger generation,person with limited horizons , poverty of emotional experience, dogmatic thinking, bad habits?" The negative answer is obvious. So what should it be modern teacher?

More V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that nothing surprises or captivates teenagers so much, nothing so powerfully awakens the desire to become better than an intelligent, intellectually rich and generous person.

It is known that there is no learning without passion. “To raise a personality, you need to be a personality yourself; to ignite another, you need to burn yourself” ( J. Simenon).

As noted D. B. Elkonin, the child is limitless in his need for knowledge, and in order not to get into trouble, the teacher himself must have a broad outlook. Taking into account the increased level of knowledge of modern children, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, general culture, he must be a high example of morality for his students, a bearer of human virtues and values .

Thus, a modern teacher must think freely, have a scientific understanding of the world, and have a broad outlook- for this he must master political, economic, legal and other social knowledge, including in the field of culture (painting, music, theater, etc.).

Of course, the most important thing is the teacher’s personal interest in self-improvement, but this process can be partially motivated from the outside. If you “catch” a teacher in time, stimulate his cognitive activity, deepen his knowledge and skills, broaden his horizons, this will lead to the personal and professional growth of the teacher and the development of his creative potential.

I believe, that pedagogical lounges are an excellent method of motivating teachers for self-improvement .

Famous teacher A. S. Makarenko great importance emphasized that in such a team even a young, inexperienced teacher can achieve a lot, and if teachers are not united in a cohesive creative team, then even an experienced teacher will not achieve high results in working with children. And our pedagogical living rooms bring together the entire kindergarten staff, thereby contributing to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team, which is the basis effective interaction between participants in the educational process , which undoubtedly affects the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions, and also contributes to the fulfillment of one of the main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - ensuring the emotional well-being of children, protecting and strengthening their mental health.

How long ago and with what frequency have pedagogical lounges been held in our kindergarten?

From 2011 to present.

2-3 times a year.

Features of organizing and holding pedagogical lounges in the MDOBU “Kindergarten of compensatory type “Golden Key”

  1. Organizer – senior kindergarten teacher Mankova N.I. - at first school year determines the topics of pedagogical living rooms, the time of their holding and coordinates with teachers, develops a script for each event (lately with the obligatory use of a computer presentation), selects audio and video materials, offers topics for speeches to preschool teachers.

  2. Teachers are active participants in pedagogical living rooms and prepare presentations on the theme of the living room.

  3. All members of the preschool educational institution team are invited to the pedagogical living rooms (the main principle is voluntary participation).

  4. Teachers' lounges take place in an informal atmosphere, over a cup of tea. (Such an environment facilitates communication between members of the preschool educational institution team with each other, helps to perceive each other as people who are completely equal in all respects, who know each other well enough personally, and not as officials.)
Topics of pedagogical living rooms organized by me

for the period 2011 – 2016

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Journey into the world of poetry"

"In the world of painting"

"So different, different world"(teaching ring),

"Favorite Writers"

"The Magical World of Music"

"Around the world",

“What kind of people are in Hollywood!”,

"Relay of Generations"

"Unsolved mysteries of the world"

“Come on, girls!”

Result of work

The pedagogical lounges introduced us to interesting facts from the life and work of many writers and poets - Pushkin, Blok, Tsvetaeva, Bunin, Belyaev, Perrault, Dumas and many others. others, artists and composers - Kalman, Beethoven, Frida Kahlo, Malevich and others, domestic and foreign theater and film actors, with outstanding teachers - K.D. Ushinsky and M. Montessori, with the world's most famous dynasties of monarchs and representatives of professional dynasties - Boyarskys, Durovs, Zapashnys, Lokalovs. At the teachers' lounges we visited Hollywood's Star Walk, traveled around the world and got acquainted with the wonders of the world - classical and modern lists...

But the most important and very important result is the pronounced cognitive interest of teachers, which they show when preparing for pedagogical lounges and find really interesting and unusual facts on the proposed topics. In addition, all teachers and other preschool employees enjoy visiting pedagogical lounges and are upset if for some reason this does not work out.

Did you know...

What do the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, and the world-famous film industry called “Hollywood” have in common?

A dynasty is recognized as having three or more generations. In this case, can the Boyarsky dynasty be called a dynasty?

That in Germany there is a very famous and popular tourist route “The Road of Fairy Tales”, which passes through ancient medieval cities?

What attractions are included in the classical and modern lists of wonders of the world?

Are you interested?

Then welcome to our pedagogical living rooms!

Examples of teacher living room scenarios

Scenario of the pedagogical living room

"Visiting a fairy tale"


- expanding the general horizons of teachers and other members of the kindergarten staff (enriching knowledge about the life and work of storytellers),

- development of their cognitive interest, cognitive activity,

- creating opportunities to show creativity,

- motivating teachers for self-improvement,

- creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Preliminary work: script development, selection of illustrative and educational material, audio and video materials; preparation of speeches by preschool teachers –about H.-K. Andersen, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm.
The song of V. Shainsky and Yu. Entin is played"There are many fairy tales in the world".

As children, we dream of quickly getting to know the world in which we live. We dream about distant countries, about traveling around the Earth and deep into the Earth, about flying into space.... Each of us, setting out on the journey of life, takes dreams and knowledge as our companions. A dream calls a person forward, does not allow him to stop, inspires him and attracts him with unknown wonders, opens up distant horizons. Knowledge helps a person to go, makes him strong, equips him to fight all the difficulties and dangers, all the enemies that may come along the way. Both of these companions appear before us in the book.

But the fairy tale is older than the book, because printing is only five hundred years old. The tale is older and so are the letters. Even in those immemorial times, when people did not know how to write, they already told fairy tales. Hundreds of generations passed it on from mouth to mouth, and each storyteller added something of his own to it. This is how the fairy tale lives, forever renewing itself, old and always young.

Many domestic and foreign writers, inspired by folk art, have created and are creating their own fairy tales.

And today I invite you to plunge into magical and enchanting world of fairy tales.

1. “My homeland is Denmark, a poetic country, rich folk tales, ancient songs, the historical past...” - one world-famous storyteller said in his autobiography. Who is this? Of course, Hans-Christian Andersen.(Speech by the teacher.)

2. Now we call him a storyteller, but in general during his lifetime he was known as a poet and publicist, dignitary and academician. He was a lawyer, the first clerk of the French Minister of Finance Colbert. But it is this storyteller who can be considered the founder of world children's literature and literary pedagogy. This Charles Perrault.(Speech by the teacher.)

3. “The Road of Fairy Tales” - this famous and very popular tourist route in Germany passes through ancient medieval cities, which contain priceless masterpieces of architecture, painting and decorative arts. The residents of these cities are smiling, very kind, friendly and hospitable. They welcome any guest and love to dress up in the costumes of their loved ones. fairy-tale heroes. And the “road of fairy tales” originates in the city of Hanau. And this is not without reason: after all, it was in this city that eight sons and one daughter were born into the family of one famous lawyer and his respectable wife. And his name was Philipp-Wilhelm Grimm. Teacher's speech O Brothers Grimm.

Quiz “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.”

All those present are divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a name for itself.

Exercise 1. Remember and name Russian folk tales.(Teams name fairy tales one by one.)

Task 2. Guess the fairy tale using the given words, name the author. (Each team initially receives 3 words. If this number of words is not enough to correctly name the fairy tale, then the presenter adds one word each, but the points earned will be correspondingly less.)

1) Tsar, princess, queen, apple, mirror, heroes.(“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, A.S. Pushkin.)

2) Boys and girls, old men and women, clocks, time, evil wizards, Petya Zubov.(“The Tale of Lost Time”, E.L. Schwartz.)

3) Sister, brothers, stepmother, Eliza, swans, nettles.(“Wild Swans”, H.-C. Andersen.)

4) King, queen, fateful prediction, fairy, yarn, spindle.(“Sleeping Beauty”, Ch. Perrault.)

5) Winter, mirror, sleigh, roses, deer, Kai.(“The Snow Queen”, H.-C. Andersen.)

6) Sister, brother, Baba Yaga, apple tree, stove, geese.(“Geese and Swans”, Russian folk tale.)

7) Sons, father, donkey, mill, ogre, cat.(“Puss in Boots”, Ch. Perrault.)

8) Orphan, cat, goat, Kokovanya, Daryonka, Muryonka.(“Silver Hoof”, P. Bazhov.)

9) Trader, flies, giant, jam, unicorn, little tailor.(“The Brave Little Tailor,” Brothers Grimm.)

10) Rat, mystery, theater, log, key, Malvina.(“Golden Key”, A.N. Tolstoy.)

Task 3. Musical competition. Based on many fairy tales (both original and folk), cartoons or fairy tale films are created. Based on the musical fragment, you need to name the fairy tale and its author.

1. “Cuckoo” from the film Morozko.” (“Morozko”, Russian folk tale.)

2. “Tango of the Snow Queen” from the film “The Secret of the Snow Queen”. (" The Snow Queen", H.-K. Andersen.)

3. “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the movie “The Nutcracker”. (“The Nutcracker”, V. Hoffman.)

4. “Song of Cinderella and the Prince” from the film “Cinderella”. (“Cinderella”, Ch. Perrot.)

5. “Song of the Troubadour” from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”. (“Musicians of Bremen”, Brothers Grimm.)

6. Song of the guards from the film “At the Pike’s Command.” (“At the command of the pike,” Russian folk tale.)

7. “Road” from the film “An Old, Old Tale.” (“Flint”, H.-C. Andersen.)

8. “We are going to the Emerald City along a difficult road...” from the film “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” (“The Wizard of the Emerald City”, A. Volkov.)

Task 4. Solve the crossword: guess the author by the title of the fairy tale.

1) “Dwarf Nose”.

2) “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything.”

3) “Pippi Longstocking.”

4) “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

5) “Grandma Metelitsa.”

6) “Town in a snuff box.”

7) “Fairy Gifts.”

8) “Baby Elephant”.

In the highlighted cells - “The Little Mermaid”.

1. G




2. M




3. L








4. E





5. G














7. P





8. TO







The parents' living room is an effective form of cooperation between kindergarten and family.

Master class for teachers “Parents’ living room”

Zhilichkina Maria Yurievna, educational psychologist, MADOU kindergarten No. 66 “Yablonka”, Shchelkovo, Moscow region.
Description: The article presents experience of working with parents in the form of a parent's living room, where the teacher plays the role of a consultant, providing the parent with the necessary information and teaching him some special skills and techniques for interacting with the child. At these meetings, children and parents play together, do exercises, and the result is joint child-parent creative activity - the creation of individual or collective works on the theme of the living room. This material will be useful to everyone who works with children and who needs to interact with parents of students.
Purpose of the master class: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers.
1. Show the need for creative interaction between teachers and parents.
2. Introduce the form of interaction with parents in the form of a living room, show its distinctive features.
3. Introduce teachers to holding a parent’s living room on the topic “Development of fine motor skills.”
4. Show the effectiveness of implementing this form of interaction with parents.
1.Multimedia system.
2. Presentation 17 slides.
3. Flowers of red and yellow color according to the number of teachers.
4. A tape recorder with a recording of a Latvian polka, music by E. Makshantseva “Warm-up”
5. Tassels according to the number of children.
6. Soft toy- a medium-sized bear.
7. Circles made of cardboard, plasticine, natural material for decoration, wet wipes.
Progress of the master class.
Slide 1. Designation of the topic.
Interaction with parents is an important area of ​​professional activity for teachers.
Slide 2. The need to interact with the family.
The need for interaction between family and educational organization arises from natural reasons:
1. The close emotional connection of the child with the family and its influence on the child’s behavior.
2. The inevitability of joint efforts of parents and teachers when helping the child in his normal development or when problems arise.
3. Recognition by parents of the usefulness of a child’s stay in an educational organization for his overall development and recognition by teachers of the importance of parental competence in raising a child.
No pedagogical system, even the best, can be fully effective if there is no place for the family in it. It is the relationships in the parental family, the attitude of the parents towards the child that largely determines the mental development of the child. And if the parent is not competent in matters of education, does not have the necessary knowledge, then pedagogical influences to raise a child in an educational organization will be in vain.
If the educational organization and the family are closed to each other, then the child finds himself between two non-communicating systems. Hence conflicts, misunderstandings, and uncertainty. To avoid this, it is necessary that these two systems become open to each other, to interact. The main thing in them should be an atmosphere of kindness, trust and mutual understanding. To do this, teachers must put people in a position to communicate, interest them, and make sure that kindergartens are warm and comfortable not only for children, but also for their parents.
Slide 3. Parents' living room.

Our kindergarten teachers use various forms of interaction with parents. In our opinion, the most effective option was the “Parents’ Living Room”.
“Parents' living rooms” is a model of interaction “parent-child-teacher”, where the parent and child are assigned leading roles and take the initiative. The teacher plays the role of a consultant, providing the parent with the necessary information and teaching him some special skills and techniques for interacting with the child.
At these meetings, children and parents play together, do exercises, and the result is creative activity - the creation of individual or collective works.
Slide 4. A distinctive feature of parents' living rooms.
Active involvement of the family in the educational process of a preschool institution.
Preparing each family for the meeting.
Parents share their experience in solving parenting problems.
Agreement on common principles in education between teachers and parents.

Slide 5. Goal of this form of work: to achieve a high level of interaction between kindergarten and family through the active participation of parents in the pedagogical process.
Slide 6. Tasks.
- Organize consultations with specialists, education of parents in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
- Study and disseminate family experience in raising children;
- Inform parents about the life of children in the group;
- Form the position of a “loving adult”;
- To interest parents to participate more actively in the life of the kindergarten.
Slide 7. Themes for creative living rooms.
The starting prerequisite for selecting the topics for meetings in our “Parents’ Living Rooms” is long-term monitoring of kindergarten parents on issues of child upbringing and development early age.
Creative living room themes for the school year:
- Let's get acquainted!
- In a healthy body healthy mind!
- Educational toys
- Learning to speak beautifully
- Development of fine motor skills
- Fireworks of virtues (conference with awards)
Slide 8. Living room participants.
- educational psychologist;
- teacher speech therapist;
- physical education instructor;
- musical director;
- children of the group
- parents of students;
- group teachers.
Now we invite you to split up into parents and children and take part in one of the “Development of Fine Motor Skills” lounges. To do this, I suggest everyone take one flower. Those who have yellow flowers will be children, and those who have red flowers will be parents.

Slide 9. Parents’ living room “Development of fine motor skills.”
Target: interaction between kindergarten and family.
Tasks: expand the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents about games, exercises, developmental fine motor skills young children, create favorable conditions for the development of positive emotional relationships between parents and young children.
Slide 10. Quote from V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
The message "What are fine motor skills."
Psychologist: V.A. Sukhomlinsky also said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child’s hand, the more subtle its interaction with the tool, the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child’s mind. The more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”
Modern parents often hear about fine motor skills and the need to develop them. What are fine motor skills and why are they so important?
Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, visual-spatial perception, visual and motor memory, and speech.
Throughout early childhood, the dependence clearly appears - as fine movements of the fingers improve, speech function develops. Until finger movements become free, it will not be possible to achieve a good level of speech development. All scientists who have studied the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note the great stimulating effect of hand function. Neuropathologist and psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev wrote that hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development.
Scientists have noticed that systematic work on training fine finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on speech development, is a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the child’s entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform many everyday and educational activities.
Slide 11. Games and aids for the development of fine motor skills.
Review of manuals and games that develop fine motor skills.
“Parents” - those who took the red flower - pass each other an object for hand massage and tell each other how they develop fine motor skills at home with their child. Then the teacher describes the most Interesting games, which are in kindergarten.

Slide 12. Surprise moment.

Welcome song "Hello".
“Children” - those who took the yellow flower, leave the music room, and then come in and approach the “parents”. “Parents” together with “children” sit on chairs standing in a semicircle.
Educator: Let's say hello to each other. I will sing the greeting song “Hello” to the music of the Latvian polka, and you repeat the words and movements after me. The first time I sing a line alone, and then we repeat it together.

Hello, little eyes, little eyes!
Hello, ears, ears!
Hello, nose, nose!
Hello, mouth, mouth!
Hello, pens, pens!
Hello, legs, legs!
Eyes look, ears listen,
Hands clap, feet stomp.
We all reached out together
And they smiled at each other!

Slide 13. Outdoor game “Birds”.
Outdoor game "Birds"
Educator: Let's play with you and turn into birds. Show how the birds fly and peck the grains. Suddenly an angry wind blew in and the rain started dripping, “Knock-knock-knock.” Hide, little birds, in the house! (children squat down and clasp their hands above their heads). The rain has stopped, the birds are flying again, pecking at the grains.
When I say: “Run to mom, dad!”, “children” will run to “adults” (the game is repeated 2-3 times).

Slide 14. The meaning and types of massage.

A message about the importance of massage.
Psychologist: The influence of the hand on the human brain has been known since before our era. Oriental medicine experts claim that hand and finger massage brings the body and mind into harmonious relationship, keeping the brain systems in excellent condition.
Regular massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain and tones the entire body. Index - activates the activity of the stomach. Medium - activates intestinal activity. Unnamed - normalizes liver function. Little finger - stimulates the heart.

Play massage.
Educator. Let's do a play massage. Using the thumb and index finger of one hand, rub each finger on your child's hand. Rub and stretch your fingers from your fingertips and back.
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
That's my whole family!
Now let's repeat the massage on the other hand.
Finger gymnastics.
Educator: Now, to the musical accompaniment of E. Makshantseva “Warm-up”, let’s do finger gymnastics. Parents, help your children do finger exercises.
Let's clap our hands, clap a little. Light pops
Let's clap our hands - very good! in front of the chest. (2 times)
Rotating the brushes
And the little guys' fingers will dance! slowly raise
And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance, both hands up and
And the girls and boys all sit straight. lower them.
Knock-knock with a hammer - They knock their fists
We will build a house for the birds. about each other.
Knock-knock with a hammer -
Let the birds settle in it. (2 times)
Boom boom drum! Knocking on your knees
What is all this noise and commotion? index fingers.
Boom boom drum -
Wake up in the morning! (2 times)
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo fingering
What a trumpet! both hands, simulating the game
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo on a pipe
What a trumpet! (2 times)
Let's go slowly Slowly alternate clapping
Let's go slowly! palms on knees.
And quickly, Quickly, cheerfully slap the knees
And quickly! (5-6 times)
Game with a brush.
Educator: Take one brush at a time and do it in accordance with the words (children sit on their parents’ laps).
The brush went out for a walk, we move along the child’s palm with a brush
I started counting my fingers then on each finger
One two three four five from base to tips
One two three four five bend your fingers, brushing
along their back surface
Fingers went out for a walk unclench our fingers
They hid in the house again we clench our fists.
And we decided to draw. free movements of the brush over the child’s body.

Game exercise "Let's play with the bear."
The psychologist brings a toy bear into the hall.
Psychologist: Guys, look who came to visit us today! Say hello to him, pet the bear with your palm. Show how the bear walks (children pretend), come up to mom and show how the bear is angry (children and adults show with facial expressions).
Slide 15. Treat for the bear.
Modeling “Treat for a bear”.
Psychologist: Mishka wants to invite his friends to visit and asks them to help him prepare a treat. Shall we help him?

For treats, you need to grind plasticine on cardboard and decorate with beads, bones, buttons (during work, parents exchange impressions about the meeting, what they liked, what they would like to know more about).

After preparing the treat, the psychologist approaches each child, thanks on behalf of the bear for the treat, takes the baby by the hands and sings goodbye:
Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.
Goodbye, goodbye, we'll play together.
Psychologist: Our meeting in the parents' living room has come to an end, and we all become teachers again.
Slide 16. Result.
Psychologist:“Parents' living rooms” contribute to the formation of parents' need for frequent communication with children, increase parents' pedagogical knowledge, and help them realize the importance of the preschool period of childhood as the basic stage in the development of a child's personality.
When holding regular parent meetings, parents become more interested in raising children, united with kindergarten teachers, and common guidelines are created for the formation of value guidelines in children.

Family club meeting in kindergarten

MBDOU "Bokhansky kindergarten No. 1"

Psychological and pedagogical living room

for parents

older preschoolers

Subject:"Play therapy at home and in kindergarten"

prepared by educational psychologist Ivanova A.V.

Bohan, 2018.

Equipment and materials:

A ball, family photographs from places where they spent time together, small pictures depicting various animals and objects; 4 large sheets of whatman paper glued together; gouache; brushes; sippy cups with water; laptop, music records.

Preliminary work: Games aimed at constructive interaction between children. Homework: parents select photos from vacation spots.

Progress of the meeting


P.: Hello! I have a ball in my hands. Now we will pass it on to each other! The one who has the ball in his hands will tell how he spent the winter holidays. And parents can show photographs taken during their vacation.

The child and parent can talk about the holiday together.

Game "Bow"

P.: Now my parents and I will play the game “Bow”. Each parent comes to the center and bows. Bows should not be repeated. You can use hats, scarves, etc.

Game "Pass it in a circle"

Main part

P.: Please stand in a circle, now we will pass a heavy barbell to each other. She is very heavy! We strain our hands and pass it on to our neighbor.

Look, I have a naughty little chick in my hands! Let's carefully pass it on to each other. He is small and tender! Listen to him chirp quietly. Carefully holding it in our palms, we pass the chick to each other.

And now in my hands beautiful bouquet from multi-colored autumn leaves. We will also pass it on to our neighbor. Handle the bouquet carefully, as it may fall apart.

Now let’s hand over the heavy barbell: we strain our arms and pass it on to our neighbor.

And now I have light cotton wool (snowball) in my hands. It is airy, you need to pass it in such a way as not to drop it.

Parents and children imitate passing a heavy barbell in a circle.

They imitate the handing over of a small chick.

A “bouquet of autumn leaves” is passed around in a circle.

They pass a heavy barbell.

They pass on “light cotton wool”

Game "Good Angel"

P: Now I ask you all to sit down comfortably. Parents, hug your children. I want to read you a fairy tale.

In every family there is a good angel who protects and rejoices when he sees that all family members help each other, take care of their loved ones, and bring them joy. And he gets sad when he notices that the family is fighting, walking around gloomy and saying bad words. Let's please our Good Angel and show how we treat our loved ones with care and love.

Now, parents, show how much you love your child (you can show it with gestures, you can show it with words). Then we will switch roles and the children will show how much they love their parents.

a psychologist reads a fairy tale to music.

Parents and children take turns hugging each other and saying kind words to each other.

game "New Fairy Tale"

P.: Today I invite you to compose a new fairy tale yourself. On the table you see pictures placed face down. You need to tell a story based on them.

Liked? What an interesting fairy tale we have created.

The first adult takes the picture and immediately begins the story, where the action unfolds with one character - the animal depicted in the picture. Other participants continue to tell the story (correct the plot, weaving information related to the image in the pictures into the story). If the child finds it difficult. Then the adult helps. If the game is played at a fast pace, you can play twice.

drawing “Favorite fairy tale”

Productive activities of children and parents

P.: Please come to the tables, now we will draw.

Today we should get one big picture called “Favorite Fairy Tale”. Parents can also draw, or they can help their children. Turn on the music, let's start drawing!

What a beautiful picture it turned out to be! Well done!

Children and adults together draw illustrations for their favorite fairy tales on one large piece of paper. After drawing, you can have a joint discussion of what you have drawn. It is possible to compose a general fairy tale.



P: Our meeting has come to an end. Today we played games that you can also play with your children at home. The game “Pass in a Circle” helps relieve psychomuscular tension, “Good Angel” helps to achieve tactile contact, which is so necessary for a child. Compilation new fairy tale develops verbal communication, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen.

What games did you like today?

Was it difficult to perform?

What feelings did you experience while playing?

P.: Together with the whole family, have a conversation on the topic “favorite fairy tale” and draw a general picture, as we did in the group.

Let's stand up and say: “Thank you for the pleasant meeting! See you again!

Parents and children answer questions

Meetings with parents in the form of pedagogical living rooms make it possible to organize the equal participation of children and parents in playful and productive activities. They help teach how to play with children and understand them.

Scenario of a psychological and pedagogical living room for parents

Location: Office of psychological and pedagogical correction of the Sarykol region.

Target: promoting an atmosphere of unity between parents and teachers, helping parents master the skills of family pedagogy.

Tasks: updating psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents;

analysis of the problems of raising children with disabilities in the family;

developing a strategy for interaction with a child with disabilities.

Manager. Good evening, dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to this meeting. For the first time, we decided to unite and try to be together in order to get to know each other better, jointly solve pressing issues and simply support each other. We understand: without cooperation with you, without your support and help, the correction and development of our children is impossible. So let us be allies in matters of their education and development. But before we start solving this problem, let's get acquainted!

Presentation of CPPC, teachers.

The correction office of the Sarykol region was opened in 2003. Since then, many children with various developmental problems and their parents have found help and support from us.

CPPC employs competent, intelligent and responsible people. I want to introduce them.

Introduction of each teacher: name and patronymic, areas of work, length of service and work experience, successes, personal qualities and hobbies /accompanied by a presentation/.

Manager. You have gotten to know us better, now we will have the opportunity to continue getting to know you.

Getting to know each other / conducted by a psychologist /

Mini-presentation of yourself.”

Parents take turns passing the ball, the one who has it must introduce himself and tell about himself.

Inscriptions on the ball: - State your name;

A few words about yourself (where you work, your hobbies, strengths, virtues, life principles).

A few words about what kind of parent you are?

Exercise "Snowflake"

The main condition: close your eyes and listen to the instructions. Each parent has a sheet, all sheets are the same shape, size, quality, color. Parents listen and do the following:

1. Fold the sheet in half.

2. Tear off the upper right corner

3. Fold the sheet in half again

4. Tear off the top right corner again

5. Continue this procedure as long as possible.

6. Now unfold your beautiful snowflake. Now I ask you to find among the other snowflakes exactly the same as yours.

Conclusion - children are all different. Their abilities, capabilities and personal qualities are different.

Manager. Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. A teacher is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in the upbringing and development of children.

Master class for teachers.

Each of the teachers conducts games and exercises that demonstrate specific areas of their work. After the game, an explanation is made for what purposes this game can be used.

Game “Magic Bag” /defectologist/

Progress of the game: objects of different shapes and sizes are placed in an opaque bag. The parent is asked to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item according to the riddle description. The answers are words that symbolize moments of raising a child in a family.


Doesn't sit for a minute

And everything is running somewhere,

A naughty boy from the cradle

This is a small...


It knocks day and night,

It's like it's a routine.

It will be bad if suddenly

This knocking will stop.


My head is on fire,

The body melts and burns.

I want to be useful:

There is no lamp - I'll shine it.


My relatives live there,

I can't live a day without her.

I strive for it always and everywhere,

I won’t forget the way to him.

I can hardly breathe without him,

My shelter, dear, warm

Exercise /physical therapy specialists/

“Find a pair” /speech pathologist/

Progress of the game: The defectologist invites parents to go out in a circle, hands out air balloons, filled with different cereals. The task is to name the cereal and find a match to the ball according to the filler.

“The ABC of affectionate words” / speech therapist /

Speech therapist: How do you affectionately call your children by name? (Parents' answers). Now we will practice this.

The box contains letters. Each of the participants in the game takes turns taking out a letter and saying a kind word to their child starting with it. (Come up with as many kind words as possible)

A - my angel, little angel.

D - darling, cub, daughter.

Z – my golden one, little bunny, little darling.

K – cat, kitten, button, little one.

L – sweetheart, beloved, affectionate.

M – baby, baby, bear cub.

P – chick, princess, baby.

R – fish, joy, dear.

S – sunshine, sweet, treasure, etc.

Collect the phrase /speech therapist/

There are letters scattered on the board; parents must use these letters to make up the phrase “Child’s Rights.”

Social teacher. It was not for nothing that we offered you exactly this combination of words in the last task. After all, today, November 20, is World Children's Day. The relevance of the problem of observing children's rights is beyond doubt. The right to life, to a family, to a name, to personal integrity, to comprehensive development is the necessary conditions harmonious existence of a modern child. Understanding that children are the most precious thing in any society, adults are faced with solving the most important problem: how to protect the rights of the child.

Social teacher. We want to talk to you today about violations of children’s rights, but not about those for which the state is responsible, and which are related to the economic situation in the country. We will focus on everyday life, in which the rights of a child are often violated. It is difficult for many adults to understand and accept that a child is an equal person with them, having rights, including to their own actions and opinions. His rights, like the rights of any person, must be respected and not violated, and also taught to use one’s rights in various types of children’s activities.

Video "Our Children".

Social teacher. In our fast-paced, materialized lives, there are very few moments to stop and think a little about our parental position. Do we often think about whether we are good parents and whether we are coping with our responsibilities? We conducted a survey to study the observance of children's rights in the family.

Results of the parent survey /Social teacher/

The most important thing for a child is to be loved for who he is. Life and science have proven that all the troubles in children, and therefore in parents, are explained by mistakes family education, the main of which is the lack of unconditional love and the inability to praise and support their children.

No matter what kind of parents we are (and there are no ideal parents), each of us will give a positive answer to the question “Do you love your child?” But how we love, and especially whether we know how to love, is something we don’t have to think about. Now I will clearly demonstrate how parents influence their child, and let’s try together to assess the consequences of this influence.

Exercise “Child”.

Instructions: take a silhouette of a man. Imagine this is a child who is being scolded for doing a bad job (put down whatever part (now and beyond) that is suffering the most at the moment). Now for the fact that he didn’t think through the situation well (fold the relevant part); went where you did not allow him (bent); disobeyed you (bent); did not do something (bending); received a bad mark (bend); rude (bent), etc….

Look at this silhouette. You see the “traces” of your upbringing. What if something was unfair, in the heat of the moment? Have pity on him (straighten).

It has been noticed that we usually scold children much more often than we praise them. If our children experience difficulties in completing school assignments, it is important for them to realize themselves in something else. The role of parents is to notice some achievements, good deeds of the child, support him, and discover his talents in time.

Video "We need your love"

Social teacher. Our children are similar delicate flowers in a huge garden. They need the morning breeze and spring sun, not sweltering heat and strong storms. You cannot insult and offend children, you cannot use force, humiliate them in the presence of friends, or exaggerate their mistakes.

Who do you think has more rights in the family - the parents or the child?

Work in subgroups: “Rights of parents and children.”

private owners are divided into 2 groups, one of which represents children, the other – parents. The task of each group is to compile a list of their rights. After each group has completed preparing such a list, “parents” and “children” begin to alternately present these rights to each other. Each right can only be shortlisted when it is accepted by the other party. Each party has the opportunity to reject a right or insist on changing it. The social teacher regulates the discussion and records the accepted rights on a piece of Whatman paper.

Social teacher. We are convinced that each of us sincerely loves our children and has sufficient competence in matters of education and respect for children's rights. It has always been said that there are no recipes in education. And, nevertheless, we will try to give you some recommendations that will help ease your work in raising a child.

Reminders for parents

Reflection. Exchange of impressions.

Exercise “Tie the Tie”

Parents and teachers sit in a circle. The psychologist throws a ball of thread to one of the participants, keeping the end of the ball for himself. The one who gets the ball winds the thread around his finger and passes it to the next one. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what the participant feels, what he wants for himself and what he can wish for other parents and the KPK team. When the ball returns to the leader, everyone is “connected” by one thread. Ask participants what, in their opinion, this connecting thread resembles, what associations it evokes. Then invite participants to close their eyes and, holding their end of the thread, think that this group is a single whole, and everyone in the group is valuable and important.

Manager. Our parents' living room has now come to an end. I think today’s experience of interaction between the teachers of the Correction Office and you, the parents, was a success. We are always open for communication, teachers are ready to give you qualified advice, you can get an answer to the most seemingly insoluble question. First of all, the doors of my office, the methodologist’s office, and all teachers are always open for you. We are all interested in making sure our children feel comfortable and interesting in class. Thank you for your participation! See you again!

Aliya Seifullina
“Pedagogical living room” (work with parents)

Forms working with parents

"Pedagogical living room"

- "School for parents"

Target work: involvement parents into a single educational space "Kindergarten - Family".


1. Revival of the traditions of family education.

2. on issues of training and education.

3. Creating conditions for organizing productive communication and interaction of all participants in the educational space.

4. Expansion of forms work aimed at organizing interaction teachers and parents.

When carrying out " Pedagogical living room"in children, parents and teachers there is an opportunity to jointly participate in creative events (the experience of using lullabies is enriched, the experience of developing the child’s creative abilities in theatrical activities, organizing children’s parties at home, etc.).

"School for parents"

Topics for 2010-2011 academic year year:

1. "I'm going to kindergarten"

2. "Age characteristics development of a five-year-old child"

3. "Soon to school!"

When conducting the "School for parents"Various methods and techniques are used to enrich the educational experience parents: solving problematic problems of family education, role-playing family situations, analysis parents of the child's behavior, discussion of different points of view on a question, appeal to experience parents, and etc.

Promising directions preschool work with parents:

1. Creating "multiple roles" for parents in order to organize effective interaction.

2. Expansion of forms working with parents, the use of new methods and techniques to enrich their educational experience.

3. Increasing participation levels parents in the management of the preschool educational institution(Participation parents at the Conference, in meetings of the Preschool Education Council to discuss current problems of development and functioning of a preschool institution).

“Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils”


Since the family has existed, the main concern has been raising children. Increased responsibility parents for raising children, in-depth interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution is closely related to solving educational problems parents.

One of the most important aspects activities of preschool educational institutions is working with family.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with family. It is important to improve the content, forms and methods of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in the comprehensive development of the child.

As practice shows, parents choose exactly the kindergarten that is located near their place of residence. Positive characteristics of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the families of the pupils are laid down at the level of daily affairs and meetings.

The development of such interaction is next:

Trust teachers and parents cannot be imposed, it appears as a natural desire of both parties;

The interaction process develops sequentially.


Solving problems related to the revival of family education traditions, involving parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

The main objectives of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and the parents are the following:

1 Work on enriching the environment social development baby by:

Increasing activity and responsibility parents and teachers in solving problems of social development;

Involving potential subjects of social development in the educational space of the kindergarten;

Increasing the level of competence parents.

2 To promote the active involvement of pupils’ families in the educational space of the kindergarten and to involve them in cooperation in matters of children’s development.

3 Develop criteria for professional activity teachers, taking into account the level of development, their abilities for self-realization in professional activities.

4 Contribute to the development of tolerance consciousness parents, teachers and children.

5 Contribute development among teachers respect for the traditions of family education of children and recognition of priority parental rights in matters of raising a child.

6 Identify and meet the needs of families of preschool children not covered by the preschool education system.

System work of preschool educational institution with family

To solve the assigned problems there were developed main directions working with parents:

Principles working with parents Family Study Methods

Focused, systematic, planned

differentiated approach to working with parents taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family;

age character working with parents;

friendliness, openness Questioning;

child monitoring;

family examination using projective techniques;

conversation with a child;

conversation with parents

Forms working with parents

General, group, individual Consultations, conversations, seminars, trainings, conferences Joint activities, leisure activities, exhibitions

Interest clubs: young family, national traditions, professional interests Participation parents in methodological events: making costumes, game material, video filming

Open days Teachers' Lounge Helpline

Pedagogical education of parents:

IN "education" parents. The institution is expected to take an active position in raising the level parental competence,

parents in individual and group forms work,

Studying the state of child development factors associated with his family,

Working with preschool teachers:

Increasing the level of professional competence teachers,

Satisfying individual requests teachers related to issues of social development of children and relationships with their parents,

Studying the state of environmental factors of children's social development in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

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