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To the eldest. Happy birthday greetings to older brother Happy birthday to older brother funny

Do you want to put on funny skits for your brother's birthday? We offer miniatures that will cheer up the birthday boy and guests, causing smiles and good laughter.

The sketch congratulating my brother on his birthday begins with the following verses:
- Everyone thinks that for a man
Not needed beautiful words.
No, they are needed for only one reason
That the man is the head everywhere!

Everyone will congratulate you on your birthday,
Let everyone drink to the dregs for you!
We wish you happiness and health
And may beautiful words come true!

Then the birthday person is presented with a flower made of colored paper. The flower has seven petals of different colors.

You say:
– There is a riddle written on each petal of this magical flower. We will give it to the birthday boy, he will tear off the petals and ask riddles. I’ll tell you a secret: answers to them are what we all wish for him.

1. What signs of attention do bankers prefer? (Money)
2. What is more valuable than money? (Health)
3. Even if it’s bad weather outside, being with your family is... (Happiness)
4. Her smile inspires more than all the girls combined. (Luck)
5. A smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes. And he won’t leave you... ( Good mood)
6. A magnet attracts iron to itself, and it attracts people to each other. (Love)

One petal remains empty. The birthday boy will need to tear it off and make his cherished wish. For this, the guests raise their glasses.

It is possible for someone to dress up as a gypsy and predict the future of the birthday boy:
– Next year will bring you success in all areas – professional, financial, personal. Everything that is planned will come true, and adversity and sorrow will pass by! Happiness, prosperity and health to you and your family!

Or you can act out a funny scene at your brother’s birthday, performing funny ditties with other relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

What kind of screams, what kind of noise
And an earthquake?
Don't worry, it's us
Came for a birthday.

I want to congratulate you
Brother, happy birthday!
Pour your glass fuller
Listen to congratulations!

I'm here for your birthday
I'll give you three roses.
May your eyes be filled with happiness
They glow like stars.

I go out to dance in a circle.
Move aside, dear friend!
I wish the birthday boy
One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends.

We all came from mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

These comic congratulatory scenes on your brother's birthday will certainly please the hero of the occasion and his guests.

Big brother, you are the best
Happy birthday, dear!
You always say everything straight
But everything is true with the soul.

I wish you inspiration
And work for success.
And not only on your birthday
Know that you are the best of all.

May good luck accompany you
In every sense, everyone is rich.
You mean a lot to me
Best big brother!


Happy birthday,
My beloved older brother.
In life I wish you
Good luck and money!

It's easy for me to be with you, even if we argue
We do, sometimes.
But you are the best brother in the world
Know that I love you always.

I wish you to be appreciated
So that all your dreams come true,
So that you live as if in a fairy tale -
You deserve it!


Brother, happy birthday to you! I wish you incredible happiness! You are my older brother, my protector, example and helper. I can always rely on you. I really want everything to work out for you, all your goals to be achieved, and easily and simply. So that every day is filled with joy and love. I wish you true friends, rich travel experiences, a lot of strength and energy. You are the best brother in the world!


My elder brother, my own blood,
You and I shared a roof,
Toys, room, dreams,
Today is your birthday.
I wish you, brother, more strength,
To sail as a ship on the sea,
In no way inferior to others,
He lived in abundance and flourished.
Let there be everything: love, success,
Luck, inspiration, laughter,
May everyone's dreams come true,
After all, you are fully worthy of them.
Once again, brother, congratulations,
I love, appreciate and respect!


Happy birthday, brother!
Oh, how I want by the ear,
Having fun, dragging
But tug your ears to your heart's content...
Won't you be glad?
But you are my elder brother.
It’s unlikely that I’ll really make up my mind
I send virtually
Lots of ear tugging
... and now, brother, listen:
Joy and laughter to you,
Good luck in life and success!

Happy birthday poems for older brother


I greet you, big brother,
Happy birthday to you today!
They sound only for you now
All compliments, congratulations!

I wish you to be happy
Found my way, my path.
To go forward with all your might,
After all, there are many discoveries ahead!

May all your wishes and dreams
Come true easily and simply.
Let it be everything you want:
Car, villa, private island!

Let your friends be faithful
Whatever your income.
And remember, brother, you are family
She will always support and understand!


You are support and support,
My best guide.
Even though we sometimes argue,
For me you are the whole world.

Big brother is such a blessing
He is an advisor, he is also a friend.
He will help you figure it out
If something goes wrong suddenly.

And today, beloved brother,
I congratulate you.
Happy birthday, dear!
Love life, live loving!


Happy birthday, big brother!
Be healthy and be rich
Happy every new day
Let laziness bypass you
Plans will come true
Reach new heights.
Pump up your brain and biceps,
Have a great birthday!


Happy birthday!
Brother, I want to wish
So that you are successful in your work
I could conquer peaks.

To make your vacation interesting,
Go out into nature
Newfangled items into the house,
Never know the need.

Let everything be in order in the family,
Happiness overflows
All good things will come
And throw away the bad.


My big brother is the best
Behind him I feel like I'm behind a wall,
He is the strongest and most cheerful
Handsome, smart, lively.

Always be like this, brother.
I love you most of all
I always want to see you happy
And hear your cheerful laughter.

Good luck, joy, smiles,
Victory, love and beauty.
Achieve all goals and desires
I know, my brother, you can do it!

Cool congratulations to your older brother from your sister/brother


My big brother, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You,
And, as usual, I wish
So that life is not lived in vain.

For good health,
To be famous in love happy,
So that rumors may spare you,
In friendship, so as not to let you down.

Was held in high esteem at work
And there is always peace in the family.
Let your beloved relatives
They will be with you forever.


The one who has an older brother
Well, just fabulously rich.
After all, the elder brother is protection and support,
Authority to resolve disputes,
He will always find words of consolation...
I love you, brother! Happy birthday!


My dear brother,
You stand up for me like a mountain,
You mean a lot to me
Even though I piss you off sometimes!

You are the elder, you are my example,
I love you, believe me.
Happy birthday my brother.
It's trouble if you don't know the barriers.

Live in abundance, smile.
Never to give up
May all your dreams come true.
You are the best in this world!


How strange it is to envy yourself...
How can you not envy it when
You got an older brother in the world,
The one they talk about is a star!

A star in everything - both in life and in work.
And it seems that the whole world is captured by you.
Brother, I wish you that everywhere
And luck was with you everywhere.

Illuminate your destiny with starlight,
Go forward to high achievements,
And protect your family from adversity.
My dear brother, happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!
Congratulations, big brother.
Happiness, will and luck,
Strength, health and money.

Everyone finish their beginnings,
Hurry to new frontiers.
Failures and throwing
Rather forget everything.

Tightly grasping luck,
Move forward boldly.
Always look macho.
Do not interrupt your flight.

Happy Birthday Wishes for Big Brother from Little Sister/Brother


I'm lucky to have an older brother
After all, you are always happy to help,
You will always lend a strong shoulder.
I love you very dearly!

I wish you on your birthday,
Let there be a straight path to success.
To easily reach any heights,
May you always be lucky in everything.


Happy birthday,
My beloved older brother,
And I wish you in life,
May you always be rich
For kindness, love and affection,
On friends and girlfriends,
And so that success with luck
You have been accepted into their circle.
So that you succeed in everything
And desperately lucky
So that happiness smiles
And it was walking next to you.


Happy birthday my big brother
Be healthy and happy always.
Your life is like an interesting book,
And the pages in it are years.

Take care of the tome, it is priceless,
Don't rush to flip the leaf.
Live and savor gradually,
With pleasure every day.

Let optimism not leave you,
And trouble will pass by.
You are good, sympathetic, kind -
Stay the same, dear.


Big brother is my hope and support,
Let life pass without force majeure,
There will be success and good luck
Set yourself great goals!

Happy birthday, warmest congratulations,
And I wish you good health,
And a fast and successful career,
Without losing faith and hope!

To be loved sincerely and truly,
Be an exemplary family man too,
Enjoy life, be happy,
Young, cheerful, slim and beautiful!


Big brother, I congratulate you,
I wish you good health on your birthday,
And good luck and success every day,
To work in joy, not in laziness!

Let the money flow like a river,
Not an ordinary river, but a golden one,
To be called an oligarch,
The world was amazed at your success!

Love yourself and always be loved,
Adored, dear, necessary,
Travel to see the whole world
When there is joy, but no grief!

Original words of birthday greetings to older brother


Big brother, dear,
For me you are like a hero
You always help me
A kind word of encouragement!

Happy birthday, dear,
Always be a fighter
Mischievous, daring, brave,
And always skillful in everything!

So that the personal front is invigorating,
Encouraged, gave
And care and warmth,
Let everythnig will be alright!


A page awaits new life -
Open it soon!
May your world be transformed
You are ripe for joy.

Smile, dream bolder -
Everything will come true, believe me.
You will become better and wiser,
The doors are open for miracles.

Find time for your family,
Be healthy, happy, rich.
Happy Birthday,
My beloved older brother!


On your birthday, brother,
I wish to be happy
May your eyes always sparkle
Goals will be achievable!

Be healthy always, strong,
And, of course, rich
To make a million money
You had it, my brother!


My protector, my pride, my beloved older brother, happy birthday to you! I wish you many bright, colorful colors so that you can color your life and its individual fragments the way you want. I wish you always know where in life story you need to put a full stop and a comma so that you strive for your desires and achieve the goals you need so that you are truly happy, healthy and loved.


I wish you to be happy and not know
A century of sorrows, sadness and anxiety!
I wish you to make all your dreams come true,
So that you can achieve everything in life!

Let your health only get stronger,
Live in abundance, always be rich!
Let everyone in the world know on this day,
That you are my best big brother!

Happy birthday to big brother


My brother, today is your holiday,
And I will spend this day with you.
You've been messing with me since the cradle,
You were always nearby.
I'll say that better than brother No.
Keep your regards from me.
My brother, today is your holiday,
Friends will come to you in droves.
They will all congratulate you
Please accept my wishes:
May your life be filled with dreams,
It will light up as a bright, guiding star.
May the angel always help,
Let no trouble come into the house.


The elder brother is a mentor and support,
For me it is always authority.
Apart from the elder brother, no doubt,
There is no friend closer or dearer.

Let everything in life work out as it should.
And every year will be successful.
Remember - I'm always with you,
And move forward successfully.


Today, brother, you have become a year older,
Now you are very big with me.
You are closer and dearer to me than anyone else,
I congratulate you on your holiday!

Let only success make you dizzy
And everything will be fine with health,
I wish you good luck and goodness in everything,
May you always live in peace and prosperity!


Big brother, today is for you
Birthday fulfills
Let your wish be yours.

If you want happiness, then it will be,
If you want joy, get it
To be successful, with luck
Make a deal with confidence.

I look up to you in life
I always, my older brother,
And I wish it were you
Cheerful, happy and rich.


My dear elder brother,
Happy Birthday,
I want to wish you all the best,
Sunshine, happiness and luck.

May good luck accompany you
In your endeavors
There will be a lot of money, dacha,
Less everyday work.

Funny, cheerful and humorous birthday greetings to your older brother


Happy birthday, my elder brother!
Congratulations, dear!
I want it to continue
You were happy, my dear.

I wish you a bright life,
May luck smile on you.
May fate give gifts,
And the trouble will not return.


May life be a stormy river
Knocked off your feet by the current.
I know your hand is there
My brother, happy birthday!

More reliable and braver than you
I can't find a friend.
So be happy always
On the path of life.


What about the older brother
May I wish?
Prestigious awards
And fly into space!

By the tail of the bird of happiness
Hold securely
Having thrown away adversity,
Become a big boss!

Don't lose yourself
And achieve everything
Win everywhere
Stay a nice guy!


You are more experienced, more mature,
Beloved older brother,
I wish you happiness
Always be happy in life
May it be your birthday
Will bring good luck
Will give you the mood
And joy for the year!


You are a hundred carat diamond
My beloved older brother.
Happy birthday, sai,

I wish you
So that you do not have a day in fate
I didn’t get bored and didn’t get bored -
Became the President of the world.

To realize all plans,
So that you live like a sultan,
To have everything I wanted
He was cheerful, healthy and brave.

Heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to your older brother in verse


Big brother is a big responsibility,
You helped my mother nurse me,
I wish you happiness on your birthday,
To be successful and nothing else!

Travel, achieve your goals!
Don’t be sad about what you’ve lived, don’t!
Well, what if something happens there,
Contact me, I will help my brother!

Celebrate - you are the best and beautiful,
Develop your body and soul,
Know that in life it is not in vain!
I'm deservedly proud of you!


I love you very much, brother,
And I want to wish you
May there be many wonderful days
In your happy destiny.

May all your hopes come true,
And all your dreams come true
You will always help and support,
What a blessing it is that I have you!


My older brother, you are like a father to me,
You were always by my side,
And I will say on your birthday,
Good words for you.

I love you very much
You have protected me since childhood,
You took me to cartoons,
We were like friends with you.

You did your homework with me,
And he took me to clubs,
I haven’t heard any reproaches from you,
Thank you for being there!


My protector, big brother
Amazing man.
For cheerful congratulations
There is a good reason.

Happy birthday, dear!
Be healthy, loved and cheerful.
Let there be more occasions
For smiles and for songs.

Let your dreams come true
There will be wise advice.
The sun is bright in the soul,
Only good omens.


My elder brother, accept congratulations,
I wish you a happy birthday,
Do you know how immensely glad I am,
Why do I have such an older brother?

After all, for me you are a role model,
And there is always understanding between us,
I'm having a lot of fun, it's great with you,
I am a mountain for you in this life.

Always be lucky in everything you do,
May everything be the best for you.
The sun always lights the path,
And trouble doesn't knock on the door.


You are my support and shoulder,
As long as you're around, I'm very rich,
And I don't dream about anything anymore
Like the kind look of a growing brother.

May there be a series in your life
Happy meetings and joyful events,
Love and tenderness will bring years
And many wonderful discoveries!


My beloved older brother!
I want you to be happy
And today and always,
And for many years!

Be both cheerful and healthy,
Be happy in everything
May the whole world be with you
Gave happiness again and again!


Big brother - you are the best
And today you listen:
Happy birthday,
I wish you only the best.
Be successful and beautiful
The best, the cutest!


I have a wonderful brother
I'm very happy for him,
And with great pleasure,
Happy Birthday!

And I wish you to be
Me and my brother are on top
Achieve the desired goal
Be successful in any business!

And, of course, be healthy
And not the least bit strict,
Be obedient, energetic,
Fashionable, stylish, aesthetic!


Happy birthday, big brother!
May you succeed in everything
Enough time for happiness
And goodness will always return.

May love and faith be a miracle
Will open any doors
Let there be hope and joy -
To achieve all your goals!

For almost every person who has brothers or sisters, these relatives are the closest and most beloved. And this is not surprising, because they are connected not only by blood ties, but also on a subconscious level. That is why every person wants his brother or sister to do well. Moreover, many people try to make sure that everything is great for their brothers and sisters. To achieve this, people perform all sorts of actions and deeds, including organizing holiday parties for their birthdays.

Recently, there has been an increasing trend of people organizing birthday parties for their brother or sister. And this is not surprising, because such a holiday party can become the best gift for such a close relative.

If your brother's birthday is coming up soon, and you want to please him with a festive party, then approach the issue of organizing it with all seriousness. After all, how your birthday celebration will go depends on your preparation.

There are options for holding a festive party in honor of your brother's birthday. a large number of. For example, you can organize a pirate-themed event for him. At such an event, the birthday person, as well as each of the guests, will be able to try on the image of one or another pirate. Your brother will surely like such a party, because the topic of piracy has always been interesting for men of any age. The incredible popularity of the series of films in which Johnny Depp played a charismatic pirate is further confirmation of this.
Preparing for a pirate party

1. Buy everything you need to decorate your room in a pirate style. We are talking about toy swords, balloons, black pirate flags and other decorative elements.
2. Buy toy coins that will act as piastres. They can be awarded to guests for participating in certain competitions. Also, such coins will become part of the decor of the visit where the holiday party will take place.
3. Buy everything you need for a pirate feast.
4. Warn all guests that the holiday party will be held in a pirate style. Do this in advance so that guests can prepare, because choosing a good pirate costume is not as easy as it seems.
5. Look for the necessary props for holding all kinds of games and competitions at the festive event.

In general, prepare everything you need to ensure that the holiday is held at the highest level. After all, it is the various little things and details that determine how the party will go.

Invitations to a pirate party

If, while organizing your brother's birthday, you take on the responsibility of inviting guests, then approach this issue with all seriousness. After all, there can be a huge number of options for pirate invitations.

1. Invitation in a bottle
Making such a message is quite simple. To do this, just write personalized invitations by hand, put them in a bottle and give them to potential guests.
2. Invitation in the form of a card
Another classic option that is ideal for inviting people to a pirate party. You can create such a map yourself or entrust this task to the employees of a professional printing house.
3. Message with a black mark
Making such an invitation is quite simple. To do this, just write a personal invitation to the holiday on one side of the piece of paper, and stick a sticker with a skull and crossbones on the other. Perhaps these were the kind of invitations that real pirates received for their gatherings.

Room decoration in pirate style

Ways to decorate the room to match the pirate theme of the party are not difficult at all. The main thing is to pay attention to little things and details.

1. Place chests with piastres around the room. Cosmetic bags or homemade boxes can serve as chests. Well, ordinary jewelry and toy jewelry can become treasures.
2. Be sure to hang a classic pirate flag in your room, which can be purchased at any market.
3. In addition to the pirate flag, you can hang fishing nets in the room, which will also be easy to find.
4. Now you can find it in stores air balloons black color with the image of skulls. They can also become an integral part of the decor of the room where your brother's birthday party will be held.
Selection of music for a pirate party in honor of his brother's birth

A prerequisite for a fun party in a pirate style will be lively and fiery music, which is ideal for the holiday. On the Internet you can find themed collections with music that are ideal for celebrating a birthday in a similar style. So it won’t be difficult for you to provide musical accompaniment at the party.

Pirate dishes, snacks and drinks

Concerning festive feast, then it should be stylized with a pirate theme. That is, the main thing will not be the dishes themselves, but how you serve them. For example, salads can be decorated in the style of ships and skulls. You can also make a cake in the shape of a pirate ship, which will be the highlight of the party.

Dress code for a pirate birthday party

If you want the party to go exactly according to your scenario, then warn all guests that they must come to the party dressed as pirates. Creating a pirate image is not at all difficult, especially if you approach this issue with imagination. Therefore, every potential guest at your brother’s birthday party can try on a pirate look without any problems. Moreover, on the Internet you can find a huge number of budget options for creating such images.

Well, for your brother you will need to come up with an image yourself. For example, he can become the king of the pirates.

Meeting guests in Tortuga

All pirates arriving at Tortuga must be met by the birthday boy. When meeting guests, the hero of the occasion must ask the newly arrived pirates who exactly came to the event. If some guests have not fully developed their images, then you can choose pirate names for them yourself. What’s remarkable is that guests choose images of both real-life pirates and fictional characters.

List of famous pirates that existed in real life or were invented by the authors, you can find them on the Internet. So it won’t be difficult for you to find names for your guests that suit them. What is noteworthy is that the names of famous pirates can be chosen for both boys and girls, because history knows several truly famous female pirates. In addition, pirate names for girls can be taken from films.

For my older brother, my congratulations,
Tender love, health, luck to you.
Unreal luck, success in everything,
May happiness always fill your home.

Breathe deeply, hope, dream,
Sweep away all the obstacles that are on the way.
Let everything in life always work out
And let the sun illuminate the path with goodness.

Happy birthday, dear, beloved brother,
I wish you a life without losses, sorrows and expenses.
Let luck follow you,
Let the world know that you are a hero.

Be at the pinnacle of fame, success and luck,
Solve any question and feel inspired.
And be authentic, love, dream, breathe the freedom of happiness,
Let neither troubles nor bad weather be known to you.

Happy birthday, big brother,
Be happy and be rich.
Let health be in the body
And recognition of the case will come.

Let friends stand like a wall,
Joyfully eyes glow,
May success follow.
You, brother, are the best!

Big brother, I'm proud of you
You are responsive, cheerful,
Strong, smart, businesslike!
On your birthday, at a special hour

I wish you a sea of ​​dreams
Fulfillment of dreams,
So that success comes in earnest
Into your life without delay!

Comic funny poems for your older brother's birthday

I wish my elder brother
Now all the joys of earth,
Good health and money,
So that you can bathe in them.
But just remember that wealth
It’s not good to keep it in a chest,
By sharing good things you can definitely
Increase it throughout your life.
Share your love, happiness,
Fun, joy, goodness.
And let everything come back a hundredfold
And the house will be full.

Cool pretzel - my brother,
There is only one like him in the whole world - a super-boy,
Happy birthday, dear, I wish you life very good,
And there is a delicacy from a restaurant, and not some fast food,

And let my brother always have everything in order,
Let a great limousine take you around on business.
I wish you love from the oceans and mountains of money,
And to get any competitor out of the way with “thousands!”

On your birthday I wish
Be successful, big brother,
Let there be a house and a car,
The money rustles in the wallet.

I wish you a rest, brother,
In Goa and the Maldives,
Eat heartily, sleep softly,
Live actively and beautifully.

Big brother, be a hero
On this birthday!
Let the problems come together in harmony
Everyone is leaving you!

Let it rain money
Over your head
And luck will smile
And he will make friends with you!

Happy birthday wishes to older brother from younger sister

I congratulate my elder brother now,
I love and respect you deeply.
I remember you always protected me,
Even when I was still small.

I wish you great happiness in life,
Let bad weather pass by,
May you be strong, successful, rich,
Here are my sister's wishes for her brother.

My older brother, on your birthday I hug you tightly,
I wish you health, happiness, strong strength and good luck.
May this year be marked by success and luck,
And also a wonderful, cheerful mood.

For your little sister, you are support, protection and pride,
I wish you to maintain your courage and firmness throughout life,
I wish you to float with the flow of happiness without ballast
And open an easy road to your cherished dream.

From my sister, older brother,
Flaming hello flies.
On your birthday I wish
Happiness and beautiful years.

My protector and support,
Be healthy, my dear,
Let life be full of water,
Chita, fast river.

It's good to be a younger sister
If there is such a good brother!
I'm very proud of you
After all, there really are countless wonderful qualities!

Remain the strongest, kindest,
Be true luck, love you,
Brother, smile in spite of your problems,
Be happy! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday wishes for older brother from younger brother

Congratulations today, brother.
I wish you prosperity, victories in everything,
So that your rear will always be reliable,
And may you live your entire life without troubles.
Know that since childhood I have always been proud of you,
And only from you I took an example in everything.
Love to you, happiness, success and luck,
And the strength to do everything I wanted.

Today is a big holiday and I am incredibly happy
After all, my dear elder brother is celebrating his birthday.
Congratulations to you, my dear man,
I wish you health for a long, happy life.
Let life float like a stormy river of love,
Let the bright lights light up on your road,
Brother also wishes you good luck and prosperity,
So that you can live every day beautifully and sweetly.

You are the elder brother, you are my faithful friend,
I look up to you in everything.
Let your nerves be strong, brother,
Health is as powerful as armor.

I wish you on your birthday
High rises, long years,
So that we stand brother for brother,
Keeping from sorrows and troubles.

My beloved older brother,
On a birthday holiday
I am glad to congratulate you!
Blessings and inspiration

I wish a whole cartload
And in addition - joy,
So that what you want comes true,
I was happy until I was old!

Beautiful wishes for an older brother in prose

Brother, on your birthday I want to wish you all the best in the world. I remember how cozy and comfortable it was next to you. You did not offend me, protected and preserved, warned and taught. It was always possible to hide behind your wide back. Good luck in all your endeavors. May the wind always be fair, your rear reliable, love real, and happiness intoxicating.

Dear brother, I wish you a happy birthday. We all love you and there is happiness in your life, you are successful, beautiful and purposeful, so I wish you good health and good luck. May all your ideas and plans be easily translated into reality, may there always be great prospects on your horizon, may the talented, sincere, multifaceted personality that you are never fall asleep within you. I wish you to live in abundance without unnecessary worries and difficulties, I wish you an optimistic mood and absolute self-confidence.

My dear older brother, happy birthday! Thank you for your wisdom, care and support, for always being there. I love you, respect you and admire your strength. I wish you fulfillment in your favorite business, the embodiment of all desires, bright achievements and recognition of talents. Be healthy, happy, successful and rich. Let the invisible connection between us only become stronger every year!

Older brother! I wish you fulfilled wishes and inspiring ideas, good health and great achievements, extraordinary luck and ordinary happiness on your holiday! And let your birthday certainly turn into noisy fun, which will charge you with positive energy and be remembered for a long time!

Short birthday greetings to your older brother (SMS)

Brother, happy birthday,
Good luck to you in everything,
Health and luck,
The palace and the gin in it.

On my brother's birthday
I wish that nothing in life upsets you,
So that you are healthy, strong, smart, brave,
So that every day in life is memorable and important.

May love, kindness and happiness
There will be a soft knock on the door,
Invite them all to stay.
Happy Birthday, big brother!

On a wonderful birthday,
The most interesting life
And out of happiness, starfall
I wish you, brother!

On your birthday, brother,
I wish to be happy
May your eyes always sparkle
Goals will be achievable!

Always be healthy, strong,
And, of course, rich
To make a million money
You had it, my brother!

You are support and support,
My best guide.
Even though we sometimes argue,
For me you are the whole world.

Big brother is such a blessing
He is an advisor, he is also a friend.
He will help you figure it out
If something suddenly goes wrong.

And today, beloved brother,
I congratulate you.
Happy birthday, dear!
Love life, live loving!

Happy birthday to you my big brother! I wish you good health, more vitality and energy, positivity and masculinity. Be happy, loved and unique. Thank you, my dear, for your care and protection.

Today, brother, you have become a year older,
Now you are very big with me.
You are closer and dearer to me than anyone else,
I congratulate you on your holiday!

Let only success make you dizzy
And everything will be fine with health,
I wish you good luck and goodness in everything,
May you always live in peace and prosperity!

Happy birthday,
Elder brother, my beloved,
I wish you happiness
You walked the road straight.

I wish the bar
You never gave up in your life,
So that decisively and firmly
He always stood his ground.

To be a worthy example
And an idol for me,
I want to be like you in everything
My elder brother, at you.

Big brother, dear,
For me you are like a hero
You always help me
With a kind word you encourage!

Happy birthday, dear,
Always be a fighter
Mischievous, perky, brave,
And always skillful in everything!

So that the personal front is invigorating,
Encouraged, gave
And care and warmth,
Let everythnig will be alright!

Happy birthday,
My beloved older brother,
And I wish you in life,
May you always be rich
For kindness, love and affection,
On friends and girlfriends,
And so that success with luck
You have been accepted into their circle.
So that you succeed in everything
And desperately lucky
So that happiness smiles
And it was walking next to you.

My older brother, you are like a father to me,
You were always by my side,
And I will say on your birthday,
Good words for you.

I love you very much
You have protected me since childhood,
You took me to cartoons,
We were with you like friends.

You did your homework with me,
And he took me to clubs,
I haven’t heard any reproaches from you,
Thank you for being there!

I'm lucky to have an older brother
After all, you are always happy to help,
You will always lend a strong shoulder.
I love you very dearly!

I wish you on your birthday,
Let there be a straight path to success.
To easily reach any heights,
May you always be lucky in everything.

I love you very much, brother,
And I want to wish you
May there be many wonderful days
In your happy destiny.

May all your hopes come true,
And all your dreams come true
You will always help and support,
What a blessing it is that I have you!

Drive bad thoughts away,
Don't be afraid to ask for help
Don't be afraid to make mistakes
And give out more smiles!

Forget the bad and bad weather,
I wish you joy and happiness,
I wish you a bright moment
Happy Birthday!

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