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The most vanilla ones. Vanilla quotes. What is status

Why vanilla statuses about autumn and love? It's just that autumn is probably the most romantic period... at least in the life of the Internet, everyone has returned from the seas, vacations and sun to the Internet. Changes in weather and mood force you to change not only clothes, but also VKontakte statuses, in Odnoklassniki, and on Facebook.

Why vanilla statuses? Yes, because autumn is probably the most “vanilla” season and not only of nature...

Vanilla statuses about autumn are sad:

Autumn- this is coffee with cloves and cinnamon, maple leaves as a wreath on your head, and walks in a warm yellow park, lukewarm tender and soft buns with vanilla and kisses with hope...

Autumn- meetings are shorter, faces are duller, and loneliness is more noticeable. But autumn makes hugs, kisses stronger, and love???, and Love does not depend on the time of year...

On a warm November morning, I will write down our story on fallen yellow leaves, and then sail away on a tiny paper boat to a new life….

Autumn, September. Quiet smile. A sad morning, a gray day, and in the evenings chocolate and tea, but the most delicious thing is not chocolate - it’s dessert, but for dessert warm memories of the past summer...

I'm in an autumn mood, I turn up the volume and close my eyes, don't ask why, just... I'm in an autumn mood...

In autumn, along with the yellow fallen leaves, we certainly lose someone...

Autumn is a time of tender, tender, tender sadness...

In autumn it is always easy to think, but difficult to dream, and eternity, having forgotten space and time, loses tension, and something soft and sad pours into the soul...

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

Your words wanted to make me cry, but the falling leaves stopped them and took them away into autumn...

Autumn depressively covers the city with leaves, and we...

Feeling sad, autumn shed a little rain...

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun has hidden: everything is so black and gray... Why? Maybe because it's October? No, you're just not around...


In autumn you need only 3 things - L'Eau d'Issey Eau d'Etе perfume with a warm fruity scent, tart red wine and... love.

Dance of fallen leaves...rainy season...a cocktail of smoke and thoughts!

Autumn... There is always something of gray Eternity in it, simple and incomprehensible. always smells a little like unfulfilled dreams...

Don’t be upset, it wasn’t me who decided that it would be autumn, it’s just that time of year...

Autumn feels happy! She's simply the most beautiful. She’s just the most real and can’t deceive... How I love you, Autumn!

We agreed with the fall to cry for all 3 months together, it’s easier than alone. Only now she hasn’t kept her promises yet... and I, it seems, have already cried for both of us back in September.

Autumn is the colorful dreams of falling leaves...

Autumn...You are so beautiful, bright and memorable, but so lonely...Yes, you and I have too much in common. Too much.

Autumn, But not because it's October. The nights just became cool. But not because it’s autumn...

Vanilla statuses about autumn and love:

Yes, I still smile at you quietly and calmly. After all, behind this door is a new autumn. Which means I’m closing the season...

Autumn give me love - I don’t want to change my status to autumn...

Autumn..cold, windy, and rainy...But it becomes cozy and warm...if you are not alone in it...If there is him in it...

She just loves Autumn, and doesn’t know how to be alone. She will definitely find the boots of her dreams, the man of her life and, of course, herself.

I want a beautiful Autumn, with the leaves swirling in the warm wind. And I really want to meet love this fall!

You know... you are very similar to autumn... she has the same Brown eyes, sad look and she, just like you...makes loving hearts suffer...

Well, as a bonus for those who didn’t choose vanilla status about autumn several cool autumn statuses:

Autumn broke everyone up into pairs... and the bitch just broke me up...

The sad time is not autumn, but the week before payday.

Autumn has come...the fourth one this year.

Such a strange Autumn. You left me, I left you. And so eight times...

If you lubricate the roof of the house with condensed milk in advance in late autumn, then in early spring sucking icicles will be much more fun and enjoyable!!

For the faint of heart, please turn away. Tough men need to drink valerian. Cynical women - come on in. Delicate persons of any gender with forelocks and unfulfilled ambitions - wait, I will tie a noise-absorbing pillow to your buttocks. The post is entirely dedicated to stupid vanilla quotes that wander around social networks thanks to cute, but not always smart girls. Take off your hats. Be quiet for a minute. Then you can grit your teeth and proceed under the cat.

At the end of our top there is a good old rant from an unknown author, dedicated, obviously, to socks. The statement has been floating around for so long that worthy answers have already been found to it, they began to quote it in comedies, and the activity of the “impossibly forgotten” on social networks has subsided. But you will remember these wonderful times when every second one was so easily lost. Have you already forgotten?

The second most common among alternatively gifted girls is the famous “Don’t do good - you won’t get evil.” Most likely, it was born in the excited cerebellum of vanilla, who gave the guy a bun and did not receive eternal love in return. Over time, the statement has become an eternal excuse for those who are always offended by the world and themselves, although it does not stand up to any logic. The lizard will confirm.

Alexander Bely and his “Brigade” are so firmly entrenched in the minds of the vanilla girls that with enviable regularity you can come across hellish portraits of Bezrukov from the shitty series with this sentimental signature. Vanillas dream that Sasha Bely will come and begin to solve their problems - which ones, as a rule, are not specified. But just in case, it’s worth warning vanilla that if a man regularly, without asking, wipes your butt and snot, he is at least a psychopath, and you are at least an infantile vanilla without your own personality.

Fowles wrote a whole book about how a man is able to not let go. It’s called “The Collector”) But alas, the Vanillas read only one book to choose from - “Twilight” or “50 Shades of Gray”. Therefore, their hypothetical man must strap his wife to the radiator in the evenings. The rest, as they note, is empty words.

A special subspecies of vanillas, who consider themselves no worse than Marilyn Monroe, believe that living with a man should be good both day and night, and throughout life. If suddenly problems break out on the doorstep, you urgently need to live alone, because everything is bad enough. Problems, as you noted above, must be solved by Vanilla’s personal man. We'll give him 48 hours to do everything.

I love this quote as a separate point, because it immediately falls under several articles of the criminal code. Vanilla can excuse herself that this is irony, humor, a joke - but we know that she is just a fool, who has never in her life looked into the legal intricacies of intergender relations. Of course, if you are Vanilla Man with a cape fluttering in the wind, you can safely grab the first girl you like by the ass and run with her along the road, listening behind your back to the howl of sirens and the stomping of those catching up.

Vanillas love to dramatize, even when it goes against physics, anatomy and thermodynamics. However, it is recommended for those who are especially stubborn to climb into the mortar and pour water into it, because another strange Russian proverb says that they carry water for the offended. Otherwise, the repeated thesis “You offended me once, and now I’m shit in life” serves as an excellent send-off for any stupidity that emanates in waves from the source of the quote.

If you are still not in a fairy tale, then you need to be locked in a closet, because a real man won't let go of his only one. Sniffing mothballs, you may well find yourself in a personal Narnia, and meet there a little satyr who, laughing loudly, will take out a magic wand from his wide trousers. But I really don’t recommend getting involved with Gandalf.

Imagining the massacre provoked by the following vanilla quote, I will make a reservation that cutting a round globe, an atlas of the world and the fabric of reality for a loved one is counterproductive and incredibly strange.

And finally, once again coming across the assurances of a girl with a tender mind that her love is like a butterfly, I remember the good old joke about how a hare hid poop from a lion, and to the question “What do you have there?” answered “Butterfly”, and then, having successfully burned, shouted “Oh, it flew away!” But I didn’t give a shit, I didn’t give a shit!”

If among my unexpected readers there are those who used to be fond of quoting this cute shit in their friends’ feeds, don’t despair, write to me that I’m a bastard and a shithead who encroached on the most sacred. The main thing is to never keep this to yourself, otherwise the pink bubble of your reality will burst from the rays of cruel diarrhea directed in my direction :) If the period when you were rapidly attacked by brain slugs has already passed, and now you laugh with us at the stupidity of the above - I'm glad. So it can be treated.

And his lips are sweeter than any of your vanilla.

And she loves milk chocolate, the smell of vanilla, night, strong coffee in the morning, cherries, cream and you.

And she is so vanilla, but I would never call her sweet.

But I don’t smell like vanilla, and I don’t drink martinis every night. I don’t smoke after every failure. I rarely drink coffee. I'm not like you. I am normal.

In love, pauses are especially delightful. It’s as if tenderness accumulates in these moments, breaking out later in sweet vanilla outpourings.

In my purse you can only find perfume with the smell of joy, glitter the color of the rainbow and Orbit with the taste of happiness...

Vanilla is good for scones.

Vanilla, Dreams, Chocolate, Snow, You.

Vanilla dreams, chocolate life and strawberry mood are all we women need.

She may not be perfect, not the girl of your dreams, and not all the guys are at her feet. Sometimes she is hysterical, a psychopath. But he really loves you.

Everyone is afraid of a positive pregnancy test, but I'm afraid of a positive love test.

Bitter coffee, bitter chocolate, bitter truth. And they say that life is sweet. Stupid.

A girl with eyes the color of life.. She loves the sun, so tender, so proud. Like? You can't... Not yours.

There are films like Titanic that make you cry even after the 100th viewing. There are guys like you that you love, even after hundreds of others.

We noticed that there are fewer statuses about vanilla, etc. Now it is fashionable to hate pathos.

The smell of love is the smell of: Dark chocolate, grapefruit, hazelnut, subtle vanilla, almond, mint, red roses, strawberries and cream and pre-dawn fog.

And again coffee and cigarettes... tired... but still just as naive... Sometimes it seems to me that I should have been born a boy. I hate when they call me bunny, sunshine, etc. I don't like vanilla and snotty statuses. Favorite clothes: sneakers, jeans and a T-shirt. I love to play prison. And I can't find my socks either.

How nice it is to freeze and then warm up in the arms of a loved one.

Someday we will become older. We will no longer trust everyone. Only for myself. Let's remove all the vanilla. Let's become more serious and at the same time more boring. But we will not be “little kids” We will be big aunts.

It's better to have a vanilla flavor than a fume smell.

I love chamomile, condensed milk and the smell of vanilla.

I love to tease you, pester you, get on your nerves... and then just say with an innocent look: “Well, whoa...” and kiss you with a smile.

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand.

I feel kind of pretentious about throwing vanilla into pie dough.

I’m already 18 years old, and I’m so stupid, I love vanilla, I love it when they call me “sunshine,” I’m crazy about toys and I can’t live without you.

My lips are covered in caramel, I smell like vanilla, and my tears taste like strawberry syrup... I'm too sweet - your ass will stick together!!!

My life is not a photo. There is no need to comment on it.

We get used to smiling at those who don’t want to smile, and looking great at the moment when we want to scream in pain.

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Hello, the title of this article is vanilla love quotes for girls. The first saying will be: The honeymoon is good when the honey is not fake... V. Sumbatov

Ah, the experience of feeling, how it interferes with feeling! Alphonse Daudet

Once a woman gives you her heart, you will never get rid of everything else. John Vanbrugh

Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. .

Love the one who loves you.

You love to talk about your love, but you forget to share it.

Falling in love is a firm knowledge that happiness exists. A. Kruglov

Amor caecus - love is blind.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love cannot be treated with herbs.

Don’t regret the past - it didn’t spare you!

I don't like work - I just hate idleness. Ramin Ivanovich

Lovers don’t watch the clock, but only after 9 months will they begin to count the years...

Love is a battle between two sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself after, and woe to the vanquished! And Dumas is the son.

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

When encountering and dealing with people, keep the word love in your heart and, listening to it, talk to everyone with love and goodwill in your heart. Never let this word out of your heart when you encounter a neighbor: it greatly contributes to strengthening the heart in love.

To love is bliss; to hate is torment. The entire law and prophets are focused on love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:40).

Amor patriae - love for the Motherland.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. F. La Rochefoucauld.

In love, the spiritual is controlled by nature, but at the same time it is enriched with all its colors and power. A. Kruglov

He who stops loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive

The inconstancy of the women with whom I was in love was redeemed only by the hellish constancy of the women who were in love with me. B. Shaw.

Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

Jealousy is the sister of love, just as the devil is the brother of angels. S. Bufflet

We love to love our favorite memories, but in reality, the best is only yet to come!

Anger towards a person will never develop into love.

Love under a mask is like fire under ashes. C. Goldoni.

Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the great. Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

Our love began at first sight.

The more spacious the heart, the more it can accommodate loved ones; the more sinful, the more cramped it is, the less capable it is of containing loved ones - to the point that it is limited to love only for itself, and that is false; we love ourselves in objects unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication and the like. St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

Have you been abandoned? Well then say thank you! This was not your man!

Don't humiliate yourself real love, without humiliation.

A woman is, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? Faina Ranevskaya

Judging by the covers of countless women's magazines, two subjects are of particular interest to women: 1) why men are such pigs; 2) how to attract men. Dave Barry

It is better to love and lose love than to never love at all. Alfred Tennyson

Anyone who has ever been in love is not devoid of imagination. V. Borisov

Love and be interesting to yourself.

Love us in black, and in white, and everyone will love us. Russian proverb

The chastity belt does not affect the possibility of betrayal, but only the method. J. Stebo.

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

Love is limitless, it has no boundaries and no visible horizons!

A man loves a woman because he loves them in general.

Everything else doesn’t matter... When your favorite miracle is waiting at home and the man with whom you want to live forever!

Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race.

Friendship is love without wings. Byron

To love deeply means to forget about yourself. J. Rousseau

What can you say about a man who spent a thousand and one nights with a woman, listening to fairy tales? Alexander Kumor

And she loves milk chocolate, the smell of vanilla, night, strong coffee in the morning, cherries, cream and... you.

It is impossible to kiss lovingly with your eyes open. Because when you kiss lovingly, tenderness comes to your eyelids with careful little feet...

Vanilla princes on a white horse remained in the land of unfulfilled hopes, waiting for their chocolate princesses.

I will pour vanilla syrup on your velvet heart, leaving on it the silky taste of sugar winter.

But how you still want to believe that a miracle will happen... And everything will turn into a fairy tale... A fairy tale that you yourself invented...

Happiness is when you stand on your toes, kiss him, and in response you hear: “You’re my little one.”

The window sill is small, the coffee has run out, I don’t smoke cigarettes - well, there are no conditions for the mega-suffering of a modern girl.

And she is so vanilla, but I would never call her sweet.

And again coffee and cigarettes... tired... but still just as naive in this cruel world...

Glasses with bright frames, disheveled hair, sneakers on his feet, a thick book in a huge bag, cynicism in his eyes, a taste of vanilla and a boorish grin on his lips.

Bitter coffee, bitter chocolate, bitter truth. And they say that life is sweet. stupid.

Among all the cigarette smells in the world, she could find it, the one with the scent of vanilla.

She hates deception and smells of rain and vanilla; sits on the balcony for hours, counting floors by eye. And if suddenly a new acquaintance again turns out to be not a prince, Laughing, shrugs his shoulders and whispers under his breath: “this is life.”

Love is when, right there on the left under the ribs, what belongs to him beats at the speed of light, and you whisper: “Hush, he’ll hear now...”

You cry because it’s hard without love. Believe me, when I don’t have candy at home, I feel even worse.

At such moments, I really look like a little naive child, with sparkling eyes and squealing with delight)))).......

I want to forget, forget... everything connected with you, but now there is a small miracle inside me... which constantly reminds me of you..

My lips are covered in caramel, I smell like vanilla, and my tears taste like strawberry syrup... I'm too sweet - your ass will stick together!!!

She loves vanilla dreams, coffee, rain and you.

Loves snow, naive children's laughter, your old sweater, children's champagne and cool wind... Makes faces when you are silent in response. You just don’t know that she’s not like everyone else! Simple, funny and naive... maybe stupid, but so...

There's a chocolate-vanilla mood in my head, and your face before my eyes

I want someone’s 36.6 and vanilla out of my dim imagination.

Give me the letter "I". She is cool. It can connect everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me...

It's just that when we're together, I feel like I'm alive again. Not the heartbeat itself, but the lightness that lifts me to heaven.

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