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How to dress properly for running in the fall. What to run in in the fall. Choosing equipment. Criteria for choosing clothes for autumn jogging

Autumn is the ideal time for running and personal bests: there is no sweltering heat, and the winter cold is still far away. This is why most major marathons take place closer to autumn. However, you often have to train in rain or strong winds. As you know, there is no bad weather for running, only bad equipment. We have collected the basic rules of equipment for running in the fall, suggested what to wear in different weather conditions and where it is profitable to buy good equipment.

Running clothes in autumn: 5 basic rules

These simple rules Selecting equipment will help you preserve your health in bad weather, enjoy your autumn running and fall in love with autumn running.

The principle of layering clothing

Each layer of clothing has its own functions:

  • First layer wicks away moisture and keeps the skin dry - a synthetic T-shirt or thin thermal underwear
  • Second layer retains heat and absorbs moisture from the first layer - long sleeve or fleece jacket
  • Third layer protects from wind and rain - windproof windbreaker, light jacket with membrane, vest

The principle of multi-layering implies 3, sometimes 4 layers. For running in the fall, you can limit yourself to 2 layers: the first layer is required, the second and third can be changed depending on the weather and the intensity of the workout.

It should be cool before you start training

Dress for an autumn run as if it were 10 degrees warmer outside - this is a relative rule, but it works in most cases. It should have been cool in the first minutes after going outside, but during the workout the body would warm up and become comfortable. If you're comfortable just standing outside in your workout clothes, you've dressed too warmly.

No clap

Cotton is not suitable for running: it does not wick moisture, dries slowly, becomes heavy and chafes. Synthetic items are light, durable, wick away moisture well, retain heat even after getting wet, and dry quickly.

Elastic fabrics

Clothing should not only be light, dry quickly and retain heat, but also comfortable. Sportswear is made from elastic fabrics, so it fits snugly on the body and does not interfere with movement. Even inexpensive running clothes meet these requirements. It’s best to leave old sweaters, turtlenecks, and cotton T-shirts for fishing and gardening, but definitely not for running.


In autumn it gets dark quickly, and there is often drizzle and fog. In such conditions, you need to be as visible as possible to drivers. Pay attention to sportswear with reflective inserts. If for some reason such clothing is not available, purchase lightweight reflective vest.

Where to buy sports things cheap? Use it good discounts online stores. We often order sportswear and shoes from Lamoda is the official supplier of many famous brands. There is free delivery and fitting.

Running in autumn: how to dress?

When choosing clothes for autumn jogging, pay attention to temperature, wind and precipitation, training pace and personal feelings.

Personal feelings

All people perceive cold weather differently: some are freezing at +5°C and take out an insulated jacket, while others run in shorts until 0°C. Everyone has different thermoregulation and you can only find your ideal set of clothes after experimenting.


At the beginning of autumn, before the air temperature drops below +15°C and there is a sunny “Indian summer” outside, you can run in shorts and a T-shirt. In windy weather, a long sleeve is suitable instead of a T-shirt.

When the thermometer shows +10 +15°C, wear long sleeves, shorts or 3/4 tights.

At temperatures of 0 +10°C, switch to long tights or light pants. On the upper body, it's time to use several layers: T-shirt + long sleeve, T-shirt + windbreaker. In windy weather, thin long sleeves or thermal underwear + a light windbreaker.

With the first autumn cold snap, you need to insulate yourself. At temperatures from -10 to 0°C, always wear 2 layers: thin thermal underwear + fleece jacket, thermal underwear + windproof windbreaker. For the bottom, wear insulated jogging pants or warm tights.

In the range from -10 to -15°C, wear 2 layers on the bottom: thermal underwear + light jogging pants or tights. 3 layers on top: thermal underwear + fleece jacket + windbreaker. Adjust the thickness of the layers depending on the intensity of the workout and the strength of the wind.

If the temperature drops below -15°C, autumn has already turned into winter. Wear thicker thermal underwear, softshell pants, and an insulated windbreaker with wind protection. Read our special article.

Temperature What to wear on bottom? What to wear on top?
+15°C and aboveshortsT-shirt
+10 +15°Cshorts, cropped tightsthin long sleeve
0 +10°Ctights or light pantsT-shirt + long sleeve, T-shirt + windbreaker

jogging pants or insulated tights

thin thermal underwear + fleece jacket, thermal underwear + windbreaker
-10°C -15°Cthermal underwear + jogging pants or tightsthermal underwear + fleece jacket + windbreaker
-15°C and belowRead our special article

Wind and precipitation

In windy weather, the temperature feels much lower than what the thermometer shows. Put something on as a top layer wind and waterproof– this could be a jacket with a membrane, a thick softshell windbreaker or a vest.

Workout pace

The intensity of the load determines how much heat the body will release in the process. Therefore, choose equipment depending on your training goals. If you plan to run at a fast pace, dress lightly; if the plan is for an easy jog, warm up; if you are running at a medium pace, choose an intermediate option (for example, use a vest instead of a jacket).

Accessories for running in autumn

It is important to keep your hands, neck and head warm - more heat is lost through these places. This is why marathon runners are dressed strangely for an ordinary person: a T-shirt, shorts, a hat and gloves.

Eliud Kipchoge at the London Marathon. Photo:


Depending on the weather, this can be a thin hat or a headband, the main thing is that the ears are covered. In warm weather, a headband is enough; a hat can be hot. As the weather gets colder, switch to a hat. The material should be synthetic to dry quickly and wick away moisture. There are windproof options for harsher weather.


It is better to have 2-3 pairs of gloves for different temperatures. Thin options may be needed at around 0°C, but at -10°C choose thicker options, preferably with wind protection. Gloves need to be selected individually, based on the characteristics of the body. Some people are comfortable running down to -10°C without gloves, while others already put on warm gloves at 0°C. Warm models can be selected from cross-country ski gloves.

Gloves and mittens for running

Neck protection

You can cover your neck from the cold strong wind with the help of a buff. Other names: trumpet, bandana, gator, scarf. For autumn, thin synthetic options are suitable, and for extreme cold, options with fleece insulation are suitable. You can wear a buff around your neck in different ways: like an accordion, in two layers, covering your chin with it, or pulling it over the back of your head when it’s very cold.

Buffs and gators for running

Running socks

Running socks may seem like a small thing, but they can cause a lot of trouble. The recommendations are standard for any weather: no cotton. Synthetic socks wick away moisture well and do not cause calluses. For fall, choose tall models that cover your ankles. A cold ankle can lead to problems with the joints and Achilles.

Running socks

Video about running clothes in autumn

Video by Egor Ruchnikov from the channel “Running, Health, Beauty”.

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Summer is over, another beach season is behind us. Someone spent it on the beach, showing off their athletic and toned body. Someone got a tan only in places not covered by clothing, hiding figure flaws. The perfect time has come to prepare your body for a new exit.

To prepare for the next season, autumn is the best time to prepare for the next season. Let's talk about the nuances of practicing the most famous and publicly available sport physical culture- run. In order to start running in the fall, you don’t need much, but the main attributes are desire and equipment appropriate for the season.

An important criterion for comfortable running is right choice clothes. The difference in daily temperatures in autumn varies widely. And in order to strengthen and not harm your health, you need to approach the choice of equipment with complete seriousness.

In modern sports stores You will find a huge amount of sportswear for every taste and budget. If it is possible to purchase specialized clothing from well-known brands, then the comfort of jogging will increase significantly. However, the result of training depends little on the cost of equipment.

The advantage of purchasing from branded stores is that you can specify in what temperature range it is convenient to exercise, for example, in tights of a specific model. If you are not afraid of sweating too much, then spending your hard-earned money on branded clothing is not necessary.

Criteria for choosing clothes for autumn jogging

Clothes must “breathe”. Otherwise, the pleasure of running will be blurred, and streams of sweat will be felt throughout the body. However, there is a category of athletes for whom the sensation of sweat gives additional pleasure.

Breathable clothing will prevent your body from overheating and you will feel comfortable. Also, for autumn jogging, you need such quality clothing as waterproofing. Because the autumn climate is often humid and the amount of precipitation in the form of rain is higher than in summer or spring.

While breathable clothing is necessary, a runner's gear must keep them warm as mid- to late-autumn is characterized by wet and cold weather conditions. Equipment should be light and not restrict movement. Taking into account the modern rhythm of life, it is not unimportant to have special waterproof pockets for a phone or player with your favorite music. Since the opportunity to run in a specially designated area is rare, reflective elements on clothing are recommended. Especially if you have to cross the road in a poorly lit place.

Running shoes for autumn

An important attribute of equipment is running shoes. The general requirements for shoes for autumn running are quite simple:

  • Ease. The average weight of sneakers is 300-500 grams. Using heavier running shoes will lead to rapid fatigue, particularly in the calf muscles.
  • Comfort. Must have sneakers correct size, do not press and do not fly off. Otherwise, jogging will turn into a “catch the sneakers” competition. It is also worth paying attention to the pronation of the foot. If you have flat feet, you can purchase special sneakers for underpronation or overpronation.
  • Reliability of the material from which the sneakers are made. Mostly sneakers are made of ethyl vinyl citrate - a cheap material, but light and flexible. Over time wears out and the sole becomes hard . Filight is a more comfortable and durable material, but the cost of shoes made from this material is usually higher.
  • Waterproof . Since we are going to run in the fall, water permeability becomes a priority.

Running shoes come with a price just like any other piece of equipment. Breathable, lightweight, with a separate running sole and, of course, waterproof sneakers will cost sports fans a pretty penny, but if you use them only for running, they will serve you for a long time.

Choosing a time and place to run

The timing of your run is a personal preference. If someone said that running in the morning is healthier than in the evening, it is not true. Of course, running in the morning and in the evening has differences, but these are reflected only in the direction of training. It is more important to go for a run than to spend a week thinking about what time to run is more effective.

Some places to run include:

  • Park areas
  • Sidewalks along the roadway
  • Stadiums

The difference lies in the noise level and dustiness of the jogging area. For example, parks are often located next to roadways. The same goes for sidewalks. Running at the stadium is a priority option, but there are only a few stadiums open 24 hours a day and free of charge. The noise level usually does not interfere with running, as many people prefer headphones. You can also put up with dust, since during a run the lungs actively remove harmful substances that you have inhaled during the day.

Autumn is a good time to improve your physical fitness and strengthen your immune system. Pay attention to preparing for the run and enjoy every meter of the distance that you, unlike many others, managed to overcome.

Although most of our country does not have the best climate in terms of temperature, many running fans try not to interrupt their activities and refuse to train only in severe frosts. Climatic conditions influence the training process and diet of athletes. Let's get acquainted with the rules for choosing clothes for running in autumn and winter.


Running shoes are perhaps the main factor in a successful workout. If you are serious about jogging, then you need to carefully choose this item of clothing. Moreover, this statement is also true for classes in the summer. However, during the cold season, special requirements are placed on running shoes. It is quite obvious that you should not run in regular sneakers in winter or autumn. When choosing shoes in the cold season, pay attention to the following qualities:
  1. The sole must be soft and elastic, and also able to withstand frost.
  2. The tread pattern must be clearly defined.
  3. To ensure maximum traction, sneakers must have special elements.
  4. The top layer of shoes should protect your feet from moisture.
  5. Running shoes for autumn and winter are equipped with a special membrane that allows air to pass through and repels water.
  6. To avoid snow getting inside, shoes should be higher than the shin and be equipped with a special tongue.
  7. Take sneakers one size larger.
  8. Pay attention to the insoles, which should be quick-changeable.
If you are not limited by finances, then pay attention to models from well-known brands. Otherwise, first of all, pay attention to the compliance of the shoes with the properties described above.


There is no need to wear wool socks when jogging, and a few thin ones underneath. This step will not allow you to train comfortably. Today, in sporting goods stores you can buy special socks made from wool blend materials and with grooved soles, which improves their grip on sneakers. We recommend paying attention to seamless products. If the temperature outside has not dropped below minus 15, then one pair will be enough. Also pay attention to the height of your socks, as they should reliably protect your ankles from the cold.

Top of clothing

For training to be effective, you should not experience discomfort while jogging. To do this, you need to dress warmly, but not overload yourself with extra clothes. This problem can be solved by using the multilayer principle:
  • 1st layer- provides reliable removal of moisture from the skin. Very important. So that the sweat that appears during training is quickly and reliably transferred to the second layer. We recommend using thermal underwear or underwear with elastane.
  • 2nd layer- retains heat and prevents hypothermia of the body. In addition, this layer should wick moisture to the top layer, and to solve these problems we recommend using a sweatshirt or fleece clothing.
  • 3rd layer- protects the athlete from wind, snow and rain. In sporting goods stores you can easily find various models of such clothing created using special technologies.
Choosing clothes for running in autumn and winter in accordance with the rules discussed above. You will be able to conduct effective classes and feel as comfortable as possible. Some novice athletes believe that the more items they wear, the warmer they will be. However, they forget that they are going for a run, during which a certain amount of heat is generated.


If the temperature outside is at least minus 15 degrees, then feel free to wear only trousers. If it’s colder outside, then you can’t do without thermal leggings or thais. In specialized stores you can find budget models of winter sweatpants, which fully satisfy your needs. If it's very cold outside, you might want to think about rescheduling your workout. Otherwise, don't be afraid to wear two sets of underwear.


At the beginning of autumn, it is quite possible to do without this element of sportswear. However, at some point you will have to start using gloves. If it is not very cold outside, you can use special gloves. However, in severe frost best choice will become woolen mittens.


As with gloves, during severe frosts we must not forget about reliable head protection. To do this, you can use a regular hat or balaclava if there is a strong wind outside. If you jog during the winter during the day, you can use glasses to protect your vision from bright light.

How to run correctly in autumn and winter?

People who want to always be full of strength and energy do not refuse jogging in winter and especially in autumn. Even in the cold season, running can be just as enjoyable as training in the summer. Above we talked about how clothes for running should be selected in autumn and winter. However, we should not forget about some of the peculiarities of conducting classes at this time of year.

Quite often, novice athletes ask, is it possible to run in winter? If you want this, and there are no contraindications, then, of course, yes. Now we will look at those situations when running in the cold season is definitely not worth it:

  1. In the presence of inflammatory processes and colds.
  2. If you have joint problems, such as arthritis, then it is better to refrain from training in late autumn and winter. Although ardent fans of running continue to train in a similar situation, insulating their joints as much as possible.
  3. Beginning athletes should reduce the duration of exercise and closely monitor their heart rate.
If you are just going to start running, you should first consult with your doctor and possibly undergo a medical examination. Some illnesses develop secretly, and you may not even be aware of their presence. In addition, you must decide for yourself whether you can train in bad weather. This is associated with certain financial costs for the purchase of appropriate equipment. We have already discussed what clothing should be used for running in autumn and winter.

Training plan for beginner runners in autumn and winter

For beginner athletes, the optimal training plan consists of two stages. Let's look at them in detail.

Running in

If you decide to start training in the fall, then best time for this is September or early October. The temperature outside has not dropped yet, and there are plenty of sunny days. If you have not exercised before, do three to four sessions throughout the week. This way you can master your running technique and quickly get in shape without ending up in a state of overtraining.

We recommend making the two workouts shorter, but at the same time paced. The remaining two classes will be long, and you need to work on them at a slow pace. You can also replace long running sessions with brisk walking at a heart rate of 50 to 60 beats per minute. If you are training to lose weight, then even short sessions should last at least 40 minutes, including warm-up.


In November, while there is still no snow outside and the air temperature does not force you to use warmer clothes, switch to five or six daily classes during the week. Set aside two days for long training, running from five to ten kilometers. Other classes should be interval and short.

When the air temperature drops below five degrees, start warming up and cooling down in the apartment. We also recommend that in such a situation you return home running to avoid hypothermia. It is also necessary to remember that you cannot force yourself to go for a run. If you are not ready to run, then you should not do it. Exercise can only be effective if it gives you pleasure.

The benefits and harms of running in autumn and winter

Properly organized running training will be beneficial to your health at any time of the year. Any cardio activity has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, these are not all the benefits of jogging in the winter-autumn period.

Scientists are confident that winter jogging can bring significantly more benefits compared to summer exercise. Surely you know that during the cold season the amount of harmful gases in the air is significantly reduced. Agree. In cold weather you breathe much better than in summer.

As a result, you may consume more oxygen in winter. It has also been proven that ice crystals are excellent air ionizers. As a result, oxygen is absorbed much better. Actually, it is precisely this fact that is connected with the fact that it is easier to breathe in winter.

You may know that oxygen takes part in redox processes. Without it, ATP cannot be synthesized - a substance that is the main source of energy for cellular structures. In addition to all of the above, we also note the opportunity to harden the body, thereby reducing the risks of developing ailments of colds and viruses. After a run, you will feel not only a surge of energy, but also an improvement in your mood. In winter, many people are depressed due to the lack of sunny days.

However, jogging in the autumn-winter period can be harmful under certain conditions. First of all, we are talking about higher risks of injury, because the roads at this time of year are covered with people and water. If you train at minus 15 or below, then the wrong choice of clothing for running in autumn and winter can cause hypothermia.

What clothes you need to choose for running in autumn and winter, see the video below:

AUTUMN JUNGING: all the subtleties and nuances of running in the fall Regular autumn jogging is The best way get in shape. The heat has subsided, and you will not experience any additional stress on your heart. But the intense cold has not yet taken over. For running in early autumn, you don’t even need special equipment. But many beginners get scared and leave the parks for electric treadmills. And it’s completely in vain, because it’s in the fall that it’s easiest to increase your speed and improve your running technique. fresh air. IS IT POSSIBLE TO RUNN IN THE AUTUMN? In fact, you can run anytime – even in the snow in winter. The main thing is to want. And the right feelings will help you want. Choose a day when the sun is still shining, but the air is already cool, and go for an easy run in the nearest park. Just admire nature and maintain a manageable pace. You will definitely want to repeat this. And now about the contraindications for autumn running: Naturally, one should not train in the rain with fever or inflammatory diseases. It is very advisable to heal your teeth in advance, even the slightest inflammatory process + a light breeze = a cold; People with joint diseases and arthrosis should not practice running in late autumn. However, experienced runners neglect this, simply “wrapping” their joints with an additional layer of clothing;, and in running he is only on hand. A novice runner’s training plan for the fall can consist of two stages: “Running in.” In September-October there are still quite a lot of sunny days, and you can practice your technique on dry tracks. Complete beginners should stick to a regimen of 3-4 workouts per week. This will allow you to learn how to run correctly in the fall and get in shape without overtraining. Let two runs be shorter, but at a pace, and two more longer, but very slow. It is possible to replace “long” ones with very fast race walking in the heart rate zone of 50-60 from the MHR. But even “tempo” workouts should not last less than 40 minutes if you are running to lose weight. It’s easy to achieve this - warm up for 10-20 minutes by walking, go running, run, for example, your 3 km quickly enough, and finish the workout with walking. Tights for her: Sports long sleeves. The difference between these things is that they quickly remove sweat and prevent it from accumulating under the windbreaker. Therefore, you won't catch a cold. Long sleeve for him: Long sleeve for her: Running jacket for him: Running jacket for her: Thermal underwear is worn at sub-zero (or close to it) temperatures over regular underwear, tights and long sleeves - on top. Fleece jackets under a windbreaker - for sub-zero temperatures or long runs, more than 1.5 hours; Thermal underwear top for him: Thermal underwear for him: Thermal underwear top for her: Thermal underwear for her: Sweatshirt for him: Sweatshirt for her: A hat, buff, and gloves are required. You should cover your neck in the fall, even if you think the weather is warm. On average, this should be worn at a temperature of 12-15°C, so as not to catch a cold in the ears and throat; Buff:

Sneakers are purchased specialized for autumn running, off-road running, or trekking, especially if you run through the forest or often get mud on your paths. By the way, dirt washes off from running tights and jackets much better than from regular sweatpants. It is enough to dry it, clean it with the back of a knife, and wash it in the usual “for knitwear” cycle. Well, if you don’t take into account the need to run

For running in early autumn, you don’t even need special equipment. But many beginners get scared and leave the parks for electric treadmills. And it’s completely in vain, because it’s in the fall that it’s easiest to increase your speed and improve your running technique in the fresh air.

Is it possible to run in the fall?

In fact, you can run anytime – even in the snow in winter. The main thing is to want. And the right sensations will help you want. Choose a day when the sun is still shining, but the air is already cool, and go for an easy run in the nearest one. Just admire nature and maintain a manageable pace. You will definitely want to repeat this.

And now about the contraindications for autumn running:

  • Naturally, they don’t train in the rain with fever or inflammatory diseases. It is very advisable to heal your teeth in advance, even the slightest inflammatory process + a light breeze = a cold;

  • People with joint diseases and arthrosis should not practice running in late autumn. However, experienced runners neglect this, simply “wrapping” their joints with an additional layer of clothing;

  • Beginners should reduce the duration of their autumn runs and monitor their heart rate. Special autumn equipment can make your movements somewhat more difficult and, as a result, increase your heart rate more.

Well, the correct technique and well-chosen equipment will help make training safe. We will look into this further.

How to run in autumn

They say it's easy to start running in the fall. Psychologically, we perceive this time of year as a new start, a reason for active activity. We’ve just gotten used to this approach since our school years, and in running it’s only beneficial.

For your own convenience, solve 2 questions:

  • can you run in dark time days, so that it is safe. Both morning and evening runs will most likely take place at dusk. You can train in the nearest park where there is lighting. If there is no one nearby, running on the sidewalks of illuminated streets is allowed, but training should be shorter, no longer than 1 hour;

  • Are you mentally ready to run in any weather, and financially – to purchase special clothes for running in the rain? In fact, the denial of running in the rain is pure psychological problem. Conversations about how your feet slip and every cell of your body gets wet are usually carried out by those who run in summer sneakers and any windbreakers bought at the Chinese market.

A novice runner’s training plan for the fall can consist of two stages:

  • "Running in." In September-October there are still quite a lot of sunny days, and you can practice your technique on dry paths. Complete beginners should stick to a regimen of 3-4 workouts per week. This will allow you to learn how to run correctly in the fall and get in shape without overtraining. Let two runs be shorter, but at a pace, and two more longer, but very slow. It is allowed to replace the “long” ones with a very fast sports one in the heart rate zone of 50-60 from the MHR. But even “tempo” workouts should not last less than 40 minutes if you. It’s easy to achieve this - warm up for 10-20 minutes by walking, go running, run, for example, your 3 km quickly enough, and finish the workout with walking.

  • "Running run." In November, until the snow falls and the time comes to change equipment again, you can gradually switch to 5-6 single workouts. Choose 2 days when you can run during the day in a comfortable environment, such as your weekend. On these days, run an extended distance - 5 or 10 km, depending on your form. During the rest of the week, alternate between short runs and interval running. With this approach, it is absolutely not necessary to artificially lengthen classes - 20 minutes for intervals and half an hour for a short distance is quite enough.

Dirt and humidity are a reason to slow down. Of course, you shouldn’t choose to run on dirt every day, because in cities you can easily find clean park paths, and in rural areas you can get used to running on an asphalt road.

Until the temperature drops below 5-8 degrees Celsius, you can leave warm-ups and cool-downs outdoors. As soon as it gets very cold, you will have to move your warm-up and cool-down home. Just do the standard with squats and push-ups at home, then put on the uniform and run from the threshold to the course and along it. Come back running, don’t stand anywhere so as not to catch a cold. do it at home on a mat, and immediately under a hot shower.

Autumn running equipment: what to run in in the fall

It all depends on where you live. In some latitudes, the question of choosing clothes for running in the fall is completely meaningless. If the temperature has not dropped below 10 degrees Celsius, run in summer clothing and sneakers. For rain, purchase a tourist raincoat-poncho with a hood. In it you will not sweat much, and you will be able to maintain an adequate heart rate and speed.

Anything colder requires mastering the art of dressing in layers:

  • In addition to sports bras and comfortable slips, running leggings and long sleeves are added. Don’t be shy about leggings - this is the only type of trousers that not only “dresses”, but also supports and warms the muscles. If clothes from famous brands are not affordable, look online for domestic factories that sew for running professionals. There, leggings and long sleeves cost about 30-50 USD. per item. The difference between these things is that they quickly remove sweat and prevent it from accumulating under the windbreaker. Therefore, you will not catch a cold. Thermal underwear is worn only at sub-zero temperatures, on top of regular underwear, leggings and long sleeves. Fleece jackets under a windbreaker - for sub-zero temperatures or long runs, more than 1.5 hours;

  • There should be several windbreakers - a regular light one to protect from the wind, a windstopper/waterproof, and a softshell. Lightweight, by the way, can be replaced with any jacket from tracksuit. All brands that make running clothing have windstoppers; they differ from Chinese products on the market in that they actually protect from the wind and allow you to wick away sweat at the same time. Well, a softshell is indispensable for a long run through the forest on a cold day, it replaces a windbreaker with a fleece at the same time, and is quite lightweight;

  • cap, buff, gloves are required. You should cover your neck in the fall, even if you think the weather is warm. On average, this should be worn at a temperature of 12-15°C, so as not to catch a cold in the ears and throat;

  • for beginners in asphalt running, rubber knee pads are desirable;

  • Sneakers are purchased specialized for autumn running, off-road running, or trekking, especially if you run through the forest or often get mud on your paths.

By the way, dirt washes off from real running leggings and jackets much better than from regular sweatpants. It is enough to dry it, clean it with the back of a knife, and wash it in the usual “for knitwear” cycle. Well, if you don’t take into account the need to run the washing machine more often, then autumn jogging is one of the most joyful experiences in independent training. Be sure to try running in the fall to experience these feelings for yourself! And excellent health, hardening, immunity and a slim body will be a pleasant bonus for you.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer

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