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Exalted personality type: characteristics, causes, diagnosis and treatment. What is exaltation, or who needs other people's problems Exalted person



(Latin, from exaltare - to elevate). Enthusiasm, uplifting spirit.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. exaltatio] - an enthusiastic, excited state; painful liveliness.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


ecstatic state.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


extreme degree of enthusiastic feeling, reaching the point of frenzy.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .



exaltatio, from exaltare, to elevate, from altus, high. Enthusiasm., 1865 .

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D.

(Exaltation lat.


2) 1) an enthusiastic, excited state; painful liveliness; physiol.

an increase in the amplitude of bioelectric potentials under the influence of smb. influences., 2009 .

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,


exaltation, pl. no, w. [latin. exaltatio] (book). Enthusiastic, extremely excited state., 2007 .

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK" And, pl. No, (and. fr. Exaltation exaltation
exaltātio greatness, pride). An enthusiastic and excited state into which a person often brings himself deliberately, flaunting his feelings..
Fall into exaltation Exalted
|| - relating to exaltation. Wed.

euphoria, ecstasy., 1998 .

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language:


    See what "EXALTATION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat. exaltatio rise, inspiration) elevated mood with a touch of enthusiasm. Highly enhanced irritation of the mental sphere manifests itself either in the form of a dreamy mood or boundless inspiration. U... ... Wikipedia Synonym dictionary

    EXALTATION, exaltation, pl. no, female (lat. exaltatio) (book). Enthusiastic, extremely excited state. Be in exaltation. Painful exaltation. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    exaltation- and, f. exaltation exaltatio greatness, pride. 1. outdated Glorification, exaltation. Thanks to the women: they will give some beautiful lines to our history. The exaltation of fanaticism was definitely visible in them. 1827. P. Vyazemsky. // ABT 1 56.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Late Lat. exaltatio rise) (in physiology) a state of increased excitability that occurs in the nervous tissue following the refractory period... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    EXALTA II, i, g. (book). An ecstatically excited state. Fall into exaltation. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Lat. enthusiasm, admiration. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from Latin exaltatio rise, inspiration) English. exaltation; German Exaltiertheit. 1. Excited, enthusiastic state, painful liveliness. 2. In physiology, a short-term period of increased excitability of nervous and muscle tissues,... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    Enthusiasm, admiration, elevated mood Wed. Provincial young ladies of that time... more ardent, or exalte, as they said in the provinces then, loved to imagine themselves caught across the waist by the mighty hand of a horseman... or even... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    AND; and. [lat. exaltatio] Book. An extremely excited or enthusiastic state. Fall into exaltation. Be in exaltation. Youthful e. ◁ Exaltation, oh, oh. * * * exaltation (from Late Lat. exaltatio rise) (physiol.), a state of increased... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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EXALTED, exalted, exalted; exalted, exalted, exalted (book).

1. Being in a state of exaltation. Exalted man.

2. Generated, caused, imbued with exaltation. An exalted act. Exalted gaze.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language:

D.N. Ushakov.

    - (from the word exaltation). Enthusiastic, easily admired. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EXALTED ecstatic. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F.,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Inspired, enthusiastic, excited Dictionary of Russian synonyms. exalted see enthusiastic Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    exalted- oh, oh. 1. Being in exaltation. BAS 1. The princess continued to engage in his re-education with all the passion of an exalted woman. Salt. Mr. Tashkent people. Exalted man. Ush. 1940. 2. Related to exaltation, characteristic... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    EXALTED, oh, oh; an, anna and EXALTED, aya, oh; an, Anna (book). Exalted, imbued with exaltation. Exalted behavior. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    exalted- exalt, exalted and obsolete exalt, exalted... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Adj. 1. ratio with noun exaltation, associated with it 2. Characteristic of the state of exaltation, characteristic of it. 3. Being in a state of exaltation. 4. Caused by a state of exaltation. 5. Expressing a state of exaltation. Dictionary… … Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted, exalted,... ... Forms of words

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Exaltation is a character quality to show an increased emotional reaction in extreme manifestations. Emotional intensity in disputes, conversations, discussions.

Exaltation - enthusiasm, inspiration and liveliness. Exaltation is constantly in an excited state. Exaltation is a variable state: either in incredible or hopeless grief.

This is a mood with excessive inspiration, immoderate and unbridled enthusiasm for the simplest things and events, possibly with an overestimation of one’s personal qualities, appearance, abilities and capabilities.

Exaltation sees either an embellished, elegant world, or a pronounced black color of reality. Exaltation has a violent emotional outburst and boundless experiences.

The slightest failure, slight disappointment for an ordinary person can become a sincere and deep grief for exaltation. Mood swings from passionate jubilation to mortal depression and melancholy are characteristic of exaltation.

An inclination and talent for high art, nature, religious experiences, passion for sports, and ideological quests are capable of completely, to the depths of the soul, absorbing the attention of an exalted person. Exaltation has good taste: it makes good artistic people, artists, designers, decorators.

Uncontrollably dreamy and imaginative exaltation uses raised tones, colorful phrases, and florid descriptions in its verbal communication. These are bright and memorable personalities. They suffer from their manifestations, but they are unable to admit it. Ready now to embrace the whole world, she is one hundred percent confident in the sophistication of her tastes, manners, and uniqueness of her worldview. She's always right, everyone else is an idiot.

Exalted people are close, and. At the same time, they are prone to alarmism, amorousness and talkativeness.

Here is a vivid example of Exaltation: A neighbor accidentally runs in to borrow salt, and Exaltation shouts: “God, what a blessing that you stopped by to see me. I adore you, and have long dreamed of meeting such a wonderful and wonderful person, nice, I'm very pleased. Can I kiss you???!!!”

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. IN everyday life The term “exaltation” is often misinterpreted. It is confused with shockingness, pretentiousness, i.e. with behavior that is deliberately provocative.

But in reality, we need to talk about an established character trait of a person, which gives rise to certain behavioral reactions.

The explanatory dictionaries of Dahl, Ushakov, Ozhegov and others give the following definition of the term.

Exaltation is a pronounced enthusiastic or excited state.

First of all, it is worth analyzing it from a psychological point of view. Although this concept is used in other areas of life.

At the end of the twentieth century, the theory of accentuations was further developed. According to it, people can be divided into 10 groups, each of which is characterized by the same behavioral reactions to different stimuli.

According to statistical surveys, about 15% of all inhabitants of the Earth can be classified as exalted personality type.

They are characterized by a special nervous excitability as a reaction to any event. Moreover, the degree of enthusiasm that a person prone to exaltation exhibits clearly does not correspond to the intensity of the action itself that gave rise to this reaction.

It is not necessary that a person is constantly in a state of exaltation. It can occur sporadically and spontaneously.

For example, a woman 10 years after graduating from school meets her classmates and begins to cry from overwhelming emotions. In case of episodic manifestations, one should speak not about an exalted person, but about the exalted reaction.

If a person is constantly in a state of heightened emotionality, i.e. shows a very violent reaction to any words, actions, we can talk about exaltation, as a character trait. . It is difficult to correct, correct, instilling standards of morality and behavior.

Such personalities are always in sight. attract attention. Moreover, mood swings are lightning fast and impossible to predict. It would seem that the person is very sad, in a state of despondency and depression. But after a couple of minutes without apparent reason You can observe unbridled fun in him, he laughs and jokes.

A small reason, which would not cause a special reaction in another person, becomes important for an exalted person who constantly seems to be on emotional swing».

Exalted people - what are they like?

You can often hear about. A number of psychologists believe that it is a mild form of psychopathy. But it is difficult to attribute such manifestations to mental illness, although outwardly everything may look exactly like this: like a mental disorder.

It is believed that people with a subtle artistic perception are susceptible to exaltation. They not only do not restrain their emotions, but elevate them to a cult, considering vivid emotionality in the manifestation of feelings an important component of life.

Such people more often realize themselves in professions And. They manage to create such works that cause a serious intensity of emotions among readers, listeners, and contemplators of their creations. There are especially many of them in the acting environment. After all, representatives of this profession need to constantly change images and direct a powerful emotional flow to other people.

It is believed that exalted individuals are sensitive people, but this is a statement debatable.

Often in the wake of momentary experiences, they are ready to help anyone who, in their opinion, needs help. But the very next day their view of the problem may suddenly change to the opposite. And so, a kitten picked up on the street in the evening ends up in the same place in the morning.

At the same time, while such a person is present, he shows and is ready to give his “last shirt” to his neighbor if he is convinced that for someone this is a matter of life and death.

Exaltation is not always characteristic of only one person. In certain situations it may reach a whole group of people.

This phenomenon is possible during a natural disaster, for example, a fire or flood. Or during significant social phenomena, for example, during military operations.

Exaltation in astrology

This word is used by astrologers who study the influence of planets on people’s lives and compile horoscopes. Astrologers call it the presence of a planet in some part of the trajectory (zodiac sign), where its characteristics are in a person’s horoscope appear especially clearly.

While the planet is in exaltation in the horoscope, the person is in an excited and elated mood.

The opposite of exaltation is fall. If the planet is in the opposite position from exaltation, its influence on the person gradually fades away.


Exaltation is the name given to pronounced emotionality of behavior. It appears spontaneously from minor stimuli.

Exalted people quite often have a subtle artistic taste and a vivid worldview.

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Emotions are an integral part of the life of any person. People rejoice at certain events, are sad for certain reasons, laugh, cry, get angry, and all this is a manifestation of special mechanisms in the psyche that are responsible for emotional ups and downs.

But it happens that the emotions of a certain category of people are so strong and vivid that this is considered a deviation from the norm and in psychology is called exaltation or affectively exalted behavior. What does this concept mean?


Exaltation is a manifestation of intense reactions to one or another external stimulus. The psyche of this type of personality is in an extremely excited state, and the very reason for such elation is usually disproportionate to the violent reaction to it.

It is worth understanding that it is common for every person to express their emotions vividly, for example, to cry with happiness in connection with some important event. But this behavior appears sporadically.

If a violent reaction becomes part of the personality, that is, a firmly established model of behavior, a character trait associated with a vivid expression of emotions, then we are talking about accentuation. This extreme was first considered by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. He described the meaning of the concept of exaltation, calling it “the temperament of anxiety and happiness.”

A person with such an accentuation is able to passionately rejoice at something and a second later become mortally sad, and a sharp change in mood can be caused by just tea spilled on his trousers or bad news on TV. This means that from joy to grief (and vice versa) the exalted personality type has an extremely small emotional distance, so mood changes occur in sharp leaps. In other words, this is a kind of cult of emotions.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Interestingly, approximately fifteen percent of all people have such accentuation. At the same time, a man with this type of temperament can be found much less often than a woman. This is logical, because a woman, in fact, is prone to greater expression of strong emotions.

Signs or symptoms that distinguish the behavior of an exalted person from others:

  • The main feature is considered to be sharp emotional jumps from joy to sadness and vice versa. Such a person always cries over a touching film or book.
  • An exalted personality type usually talks a lot and loudly, and laughs contagiously.
  • Often he gets animals and is sincerely moved when looking at them, experiencing the most tender feelings for them.
  • Such a person is friendly towards others, he is always ready to help, other people’s problems touch him to the depths of his soul, he has a strong altruistic streak.
  • But at the same time, there are people for whom such a psychotype experiences extreme hostility, even hatred.

  • Negative features include a tendency to exaggerate, unreasonable panic and dramatization of a particular situation, and high anxiety.
  • This category of people, as a rule, often fall in love and clearly show their feelings. Exalted individuals are true romantics, their feelings are sincere, but their manifestation can often be intrusive and even inappropriate.
  • The emotional state of these people is reflected in their physical well-being, appetite, sleep and ability to work. In a depressed mood, they cannot work, they can quit something they started halfway, and never return to it. For example, a girl with such an accentuation, having fallen in love with a guy, may suffer from insomnia all night long and hardly eat.

  • The ability to perceive oneself and others also depends on one’s state of mind. The same person can seem sweet and pleasant, but a minute later he will already be boring and repulsive. The same goes for memories. Sometimes exalted individuals see the past in bright colors, and sometimes they remember only their failures and failures. They talk about the future sometimes gloomily, sometimes joyfully.
  • Such people tend to take part in one or another mass event, sometimes even being in the foreground, without specifically trying to be the center of attention.
  • It is worth noting that these personality types never use their excessive emotionality for the purpose of manipulating other people. If these are tears, then they are not for the sake of obtaining some benefit for themselves, this is a sincere manifestation of emotions.
  • In general, such people are always friendly and very attached to their family and friends.

Even if a person exhibits such signs, it is impossible to accurately form a conclusion about his exaltation based on them. For the most correct diagnosis, there is a special questionnaire according to Shmishek, which is based on the theoretical principles of psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. This is a kind of testing in which there are about a hundred questions that require monosyllabic answers “yes” and “no”. The final number obtained reveals the type of accentuation, and it does not necessarily end up being exalted. This test exists in children's and adult versions.

If, as a result of diagnosis, a person receives the maximum numbers, then this is an alarming sign that indicates an inability to control his emotions.

That is, such behavior is firmly entrenched in this person, and perhaps he is not even aware of his problem. Based on the testing results, experts can give recommendations on adjusting the intensity of emotional expression.

Causes of occurrence

Exaltation is not a bad or dangerous state. It is even considered normal in childhood. There is no child who, at two to four years old, does not cry loudly or even throw real hysterics to his parents. At the same time, young children are characterized by an exaggerated joyful mood with uncontrollable laughter and intense gesticulation.

Teenagers are also prone to exalted behavior due to hormonal changes in the body. It is difficult for them to control their emotions, their mood is fickle, they become maximalists, not recognizing the golden mean in expressing feelings.

The following stages of manifestation of accentuations can also occur in adulthood, for example, in a person in love or a young parent, when external stimuli have a strong impact on the emotional background. The ability to control your excitability is called maturity. But people can remain eternal children, which already speaks of exaltation as an integral character trait. Factors that contribute to its strong strengthening in the human psyche:

  • Exaltation is largely due to genetic predisposition. A parent who has one or another accentuated character trait will most likely pass it on to their child.
  • In addition to heredity, this type of personality is also formed by improper upbringing (for example, excessive care or, conversely, lack of parental attention).
  • The reason may be incorrect self-esteem (it may be too high or, conversely, low, which is considered an inferiority complex).
  • A person becomes exalted due to the inability to satisfy his basic needs (this concerns interpersonal communication, building relationships, a sense of security, etc.).

  • Some people with accentuations simply lack the concept of moral and cultural norms.
  • Another reason is the presence of private conflict situations among teenagers with their peers. Such a problem can form accentuation and “transfer” it into adulthood.
  • If from childhood you often pay attention to your well-being and one or another chronic illness, then you can also subsequently become the owner of an exalted temperament.
  • Exaltation depends on professional factors. For example, doctors, military personnel, and representatives of creative professions are more prone to vivid displays of emotions.

Realization in the profession

People with exaltation most often prefer creative professions. It is not for nothing that many representatives of the writing or artistic sphere have not lost their childish disposition even in adulthood. Some geniuses were considered “big kids” because of their sudden mood swings and unstable emotional background. Many paintings were painted in a state of passion. The same goes for creating works of art.

Thus, exalted individuals often have artistic or writing talent.

They try to realize themselves in the creative field, because they are not devoid of good taste and sensitivity. Such people produce very touching works and deep paintings. The acting path is another area for a person with accentuations. The ability to express emotions clearly is valued above all else. Such personality types are good at acting in films or theater because their impact on the viewer through experiences is colossal.

In addition to creative professions, people with accentuations choose to work as educators. Their sympathy and kindness help to find an approach to anyone to a small child. But not every person with a similar temperament can realize himself in a creative profession (in the absence of talent). Then a job, for example, as a holiday organizer, will help provide an outlet for emotions.

Relationships with other psychotypes

Excited individuals most often have problems interacting with society. It’s especially hard for those close to you. If someone in the family has a similar temperament, then life with such a person is reminiscent of being located next to a dormant volcano. It is impossible to predict what emotional impact a particular situation will have on an exalted family member.

Society mostly tries to avoid such people, hence:

  • frequent conflict situations occur;
  • a person with such an emphasis at work is not given important tasks, usually he does not occupy high positions and it is difficult for him to move up the career ladder;

  • A person with such a temperament usually does not have close friends either because of mistrust, because a person with such an explosive and unpredictable emotional background hard to trust.

Most often, these individuals, leaving the care of their parents and other relatives, cannot cope with life’s tasks, even with everyday problems, so some of these people simply become drunkards or even find themselves without a roof over their heads. Usually these psychotypes are lonely. Among famous actors and other creative personalities there are many examples with a similar fate. Many of them, despite their talent and popularity, died poor and lonely.

Some exalted personality types may consider their behavior completely natural and normal throughout their lives.

But if you understand and realize the problem in time, then with the help of certain techniques you can curb your character to some extent, stabilizing the emotional background.


Treatment of such accentuation is based on the correction of an enhanced character trait that prevents a person from interacting in society. You cannot completely change your temperament, but you can get rid of negative manifestations. For this, there are special techniques for working on yourself. This is what psychologists do. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the accentuation and can last three months or even years.

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