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The child loves dad more than mom. Why? Why does a child love and obey his father more than his mother? Since you are here...

Time: 23:44 Date of: 05/05/03

Girls, mommies, tell me what to do? Our baby loves his dad more than me. It seems to me that jealousy is already awakening in me. And this is to my beloved husband, the father of my child! This is not normal. But nevertheless, I get so upset when my father comes home during the day and then in the evening, the boy follows him around, he can easily do without me (he is 1.5 years old). This is probably due to the fact that all mothers force her to eat, change her clothes when her tights are wet, give her medicine, put her to sleep in the most interesting place, etc. And dad came and played. I ate what my mother cooked, wore what my mother washed and stroked and kissed my son on the top of his head: “Dad will come soon, behave well!” and went about his business. And mothers, to the detriment of communication with the Rubenka, again cook, wash, etc. And the baby is in the kitchen with her, not where he wants to be and play. and where mom needs it because of her business. It turned out a little confusing, but I think the problem is clear. Can you advise me how to behave?

Time: 00:20 Date of: 06/05/03

It seems to me that you are exaggerating about “loves more.” I would say “he misses him more”, since he sees his dad less often. And if mom also “disappears” for the whole day, then there will be a lot of joy!!!

Time: 06:34 Date of: 06/05/03

It seems to me that the child simply takes you for granted, because you are with him constantly. He knows that you are not going anywhere, and dad is leaving. This does not mean at all that he loves you less. It also seems to me that you just stayed at home and tired of the daily routine of household chores. Try leaving your baby with dad on weekends or evenings and going out on your own! business for at least an hour and a half. Well, go to the store or drink tea with a friend. You will see that your child will happily greet you after your absence.

Time: 07:53 Date of: 06/05/03

I agree with the previous answers. Try leaving dad and baby alone and go somewhere else for the whole day. And you will see that the child missed you too, and will be very happy about your return.

Time: 11:19 Date of: 06/05/03

And I agree that the child just misses his dad, because... sees him less often. Don’t worry, you are the closest person in your baby’s life.

Time: 17:40 Date of: 06/05/03

Of course, I agree with the previous answers, don’t worry. Love your dad, let him love you too, don’t hide your tender feelings from your baby and everything will be great.
Somehow, leave dad with Lyalya for a day or two.

Time: 00:54 Date of: 07/05/03

I am observing relationships in a friend’s family. The child periodically adores his mother, then adores his father, but pays zero attention to his mother. I think babies go through these stages to better understand the world.
Now they are in the stage of adoring their mother.
Wait, there will be a holiday on your street too.

Time: 05:17 Date of: 07/05/03

I read everything that was answered here, our situation is the same as the author of the topic, he loves his dad more (but this only makes me happy) So about boredom, we gave the child to his grandparents for four days, and when he returned, he Dad rushed and kissed him, and I got a careless kiss. Maybe this is due to the fact that we gave him away for weaning and he was offended by me for this, but I’m more inclined to think that he really loves dad more!!!

Time: 10:00 Date of: 07/05/03

I think it's like that for everyone.

Time: 22:12 Date of: 07/05/03

The children don’t see us both much - we both work, so they actually run to both of us. And then they all have a period - mums and paps. This is a normal stage of personality development in your case. Mom is always there, but dad is rarely there.

Time: 22:22 Date of: 07/05/03

And my little one also plays with daddy, laughs. When I pick him up, he looks at dad and doesn’t take his eyes off him. But if she cries, she calms down only with me.

Time: 04:48 Date of: 08/05/03

Be glad that your son loves his dad. My son is also 1.5 years old. Dad is at work all day, and when he walks, the son does not react violently to him, because he is used to me. This upsets me...

Time: 04:51 Date of: 08/05/03

Well, what’s wrong with it that a child loves his dad? Moreover, he is a future man, his dad can instill in him many masculine qualities!

Time: 08:05 Date of: 08/05/03

Oh, in my opinion, there are mums and then there are paps. Here I have a pronounced mamsik. I would be glad for the child to go to dad and play with him, but it doesn’t... But my friends’ son is already 3 years old, but he does everything only with dad, and practically no attention is paid to mom. Moreover, I don’t think that in any of these cases the second parent is unloved, no, the child just chose for himself with whom he needs to spend all his time now. Most likely, relations will improve in the future.

Time: 13:10 Date of: 08/05/03

With us, Nikita, too, until he was 1.5 years old, somewhere loved his dad more than me, and then equality came. But all the same, when I come home, I walk through the door. Nikita immediately asks where dad is.

Time: 16:35 Date of: 08/05/03

And he immediately rushes to dad. Although if dad leaves home, it’s normal, I’m used to it. And if mom - roars for half an hour.

Time: 11:59 Date of: 09/05/03

He is drawn to a man intuitively, without fully realizing that he himself is a man.

Time: 15:44 Date of: 11/05/03

so that's good! Some of my friends' daughters are scared of their dad. True, she is small - only 1.3, and dad is constantly traveling on business trips...

Time: 11:05 Date of: 12/05/03

Mom - everyday life, dad - holiday!

Time: 19:38 Date of: 12/05/03

Be patient a little, soon he will grow up, you will come out of your depressed state and everything will return to normal.

Time: 22:06 Date of: 12/05/03

It was so! Sometimes jealousy appeared. But then it all goes away. The child gets used to the mother, the mother is, as it were, a matter of course that she is always there, and the father appears less often. Then the child grows up and everything falls into place. Good luck to you.

Time: 14:35 Date of: 13/05/03

Mom is everyday life, and dad is a holiday. Now, if dad starts scolding the child for pranks and punishing him, then mom will immediately become loved

Time: 18:21 Date of: 13/05/03

I think this is true, it's sad, but you're right. Throughout my childhood, I also loved my father more than my mother, and even now. But only now, when I myself am already thirty, I understand that he actually did nothing to deserve this love, and my mother did, but did not receive her.

Time: 20:51 Date of: 16/05/03

Dont be upset. Now he is more happy with his dad, but if you start working and are not able to spend the whole day with him, then all his attention will be divided haphazardly.
My daughter is one year old and she is a real mom. To be honest, I’m very tired, we don’t have any grandparents. I’ve been getting up to see my daughter several times every night for a year now. I don’t like spending the night with my dad, and sometimes during the day I don’t really want to stay with him.
So be calm and rejoice, and don’t be jealous.

Time: 11:26 Date of: 18/06/03

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common. The child sees his mother often and this is taken for granted. And dad is perceived as a holiday.

Time: 13:32 Date of: 18/06/03

Because dad most often just plays with the child, and mom plays, forces him to do something, and scolds him. It’s all natural that he perceives dad as a holiday. This does not mean at all that he loves him more. And then it’s great that he loves both dad and mom. I think that dad would be more offended if the child pushed him away. So don't worry. Everything will be fine! And the baby loves you both!

Time: 09:56 Date of: 19/06/03

Well, Sonya also loves her dad more. All she wants from me is boobs. But it’s so great when a child loves his dad! I'm not jealous. Almost

What to do if the child loves dad more, and when you try to approach the baby’s crib or occupy him with something, the baby simply ignores you? Don’t be upset, in the life of all children, especially one-year-olds, there are moments when all their love goes only to dad or mom. Don't take it so personally. We will tell you what to do in such a situation.

A child loves his dad more Of course, when a baby chooses his dad as his favorite, it is very difficult to bear his indifference towards himself. But it's not that bad. On the contrary, this indicates the correct emotional development baby, demonstrates his natural desire. In the same way, in the future he will choose his friends, favorite food, fairy tales and toys. These are the first manifestations of his sympathy and antipathy. You must remember that when a baby shows clear preference for your spouse, this does not mean that he is rejecting you. All these manifestations of love for one of the parents are nothing more than signs of the development of the baby’s personality. In addition, when a child turns more than a year, he begins to understand that dad and mom are the closest people to him. But since both dad and mom react completely differently to his behavior, the child has to be torn between two poles. For example, if the mother always makes concessions to the child, and the father forbids it, the baby will naturally choose the company of his mother.
Children are warmer towards the one who spends more time with him. As a rule, children are warmer towards the parent who spends more time with him. But it also happens the other way around - someone whom the child rarely sees becomes a favorite. The way parents communicate is of great importance. For example, if a child sees that dad very rarely raises his voice at him, always speaks gently, and almost never reprimands him with the phrases: “Be careful!” or “Don’t go there,” the baby will naturally prefer dad’s company.

Mom and Dad: Confrontation

Very often, parents themselves play along with the child, thus strengthening his addictions. Do not try to compete with your husband for the baby’s love. If the baby has already started playing with dad, don’t disturb them. Don’t reproach your child with phrases like: “You kiss daddy, you play with daddy, but what about mommy?” Try to alternate between parenting responsibilities. If your baby ignores you, carefully hide your disappointment. Otherwise, he will begin to manipulate. Let your child know that his choice does not affect you at all: “I see that you want to play with daddy. Great!". His favorite toys or games will help you win over your child. Group games in which all family members play are effective in such a situation.
Don’t try to compete with your husband for the baby’s love. If your child cries every time your husband leaves for work, don’t be upset. You should let your child know that you understand his feelings perfectly: “Do you want dad to stay? But he has to go to work! But I’ll be with you all day, and we’ll go to the zoo.” So, if your baby has chosen his dad as his “favorite”, don’t be upset. This is a completely natural process. Remember: the preferences of babies, especially those up to two years of age, change every day. It even happens that a child begins to insist that you feed him, for example, and only dad reads a fairy tale and puts him to bed.

In many families, parents are often puzzled by the behavior of their little daughter, who shows much more attention and love to her father than to her mother. The little daughter tries to spend all her time with her dad, doesn’t let him have a proper breakfast in the morning, doesn’t let him go to work, and only goes to bed in the evening in her father’s presence. At the same time, it seems that her mother simply does not exist for her, she is uninteresting and boring. This situation occurs quite often in families where a girl is growing up. What should mom and dad do with “daddy’s daughter” and why did she become like this?

Father's daughter

It should be noted that such a system of relations with the father is an element of the girl’s gender self-identification. At the same time, a little girl may also experience a certain attraction to her father and a feeling of competition towards her mother. This stage of a girl’s development is in itself natural and laid down by nature itself. Therefore, if you do not inflate the problem and treat the situation with understanding, then everything will go completely harmlessly.

In such a situation, a dad needs to support his daughter’s emerging femininity in every possible way. However, at the same time, you should not allow your daughter to manipulate herself, otherwise this may negatively affect the development of the girl’s personality. Excessively pampering, indulging in everything, showering with gifts and only praising the child is not the wisest behavior of a father.

On the other hand, if the father reacts dryly to his daughter’s attitude towards himself, if he tries to distance himself from the child, then this can also negatively affect the formation of her personality. Of course, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean.

Why does a child love his dad more?

Sometimes the mother becomes jealous of the child’s father even at a young age. early age baby. And regardless of gender. Both tiny daughters and sons are much more interested in their father, they smile at him more, laugh, and reach out to him, but they perceive their mother with much less emotion. Why does a child love his dad more at an early age? Usually the reason is the simplest - the mother spends almost all the time with the baby, so he perceives her as familiar and ordinary, or even as part of himself, but the father, who comes home from work, falls into the category of “everything that is unknown is interesting.” In the same way, very young children can become very animated at the sight of a visiting grandmother, a doctor, guests, absolutely strangers on the street.

At a conscious age, a child loves his dad more for the same reason - a male parent brings more new things into life, it seems less “ordinary.” Plus, in most families it is the father who is the source of the coolest toys, the most beautiful outfits, but the mother, who is always nearby and therefore more involved in the educational function, reveals herself to the child as a source of prohibitions and restrictions. It’s not difficult to guess who, in this situation, seems “good” to the daughter and even the son, and who seems “bad.” In other words: an honest little girl loves not her dad or her mom, but her doll and ice cream.

How should a mother behave?

Try to assess the current situation objectively. Don't compete with dad. Let him give Monster High dolls and let it raise his authority in the eyes of the child - there’s nothing wrong with that. Try to give your daughter the most valuable things - communication, participation, understanding, female advice, support from a friend, because your girl can discuss many issues only with you. Teach cooking, handicrafts, together do the doll’s hair and new outfit. Don’t show jealousy, don’t ask “who is better – mom or dad,” and don’t present this question in a veiled way. Show how important they are to you a good relationship daughter with her father and how important she is to you.

Accept your daughter's femininity and let her know that you are accepting of it. According to the principle: “you and I are both girls, and this is wonderful!” If the mother is angry with her daughter for her behavior, makes claims and shows her displeasure, then this will only indicate the mother’s insecurity in her personal femininity and alienate you from the child.

For parents in such a situation, it is very important to show the child harmonious relationships in the family, pay attention to each other, spend time together and separately with the child and sometimes only as a married couple. Do not be afraid to thereby indicate your status in the family. If a child observes tender and harmonious relationships between parents, then he himself will soon learn the rules by which life flows and interactions in the family take place. The crisis that you thought was threatening the “daddy’s girl” state of affairs will resolve itself.

Denis VU

The child loves dad more than mom. Why?

    In our country, when dad is at home, the principle of a good cop and a bad cop most often operates: dad, accordingly, is a good cop, and mom (that is, me) is a bad one, always asking to clean up after himself or do something. Dad allows the child a lot - more than I do (but, of course, within reason), he can play games with him that I can’t (twirl, for example, or throw him in the air a couple of times - I’m not strong enough for that ). Plus, the child rarely sees his dad - he works a lot, but he sees his mother all the time - I sit at home with him on maternity leave. That’s why he misses his dad more and seems to love him more. Although I think that he still loves us equally (well, or almost equally).

    This often happens up to a certain age in children, girls are more drawn to dad, boys - to mom, even jealousy can be observed, as Freud argued - this is something like first love, the first attraction to the opposite sex, but what if an adult child loves more father, which means the father played a more significant role in his life, not all mothers can be nominated for an Oscar, some cope worse with their maternal responsibilities, so the child is more drawn to the one who understands him and who was more involved with him in his time.

    Well, most likely it’s because he sees his dad less often than his mom. And his dad constantly brings him some toys and goodies for him. And in rare moments when a dad plays with a child, he (the dad) gives his best full program, a week ahead.

    Perhaps the father constantly pampers the child with all sorts of gifts, trips to interesting places, and treatment. The stricter mother forces the child to do what he does not want (I say this is not in a bad way, but as a fact). Perhaps the father is more busy at work The child misses him, rarely sees him and is always very happy when dad is with him.

    It is difficult to deceive a child, while he is small; it is unlikely that his great craving for one of the parents can be explained by some kind of guile. The child just feels better with this parent. Perhaps dad spent more time with the child; in the modern world this is not so rare. Perhaps the mother overdid it somewhere while raising the child, and the father, whom he sees less often, does not allow himself to do this, spoils him. Although this situation cannot be called standard, as a rule, while the child is small, he is more drawn to his mother. In this matter, the age of the child and family situation, this is where we need to start.

    The child sees his father less often, but usually plays with him more often. Moreover, the nature of the games is different. The father can throw the child, spin the carousel, wrestle, ride on himself. Which, of course, the mother will not do. Because the most important thing for her is the safety of her child. Chad can’t wait to experience life in all its manifestations. The father needs to physically develop the child. Show your child that sports can be fun.

    Well, children are most drawn to those parents, either mom or dad, if one of the parents pays as much attention as possible. Well, or pampers, doesn’t scream, doesn’t scold. Well, mostly boys go to dad and girls go to mom, since dad raises the baby like a real man, and mom makes the girl a girl, prepares her for later life, a girl.

    The child feels a more harmonious person, so he reaches out to him. And that's it. And this is natural, and this is correct. This explains the child’s attraction to the parent. Thus, he saves his soul as best he can.

    I’ll tell you for myself. I have both a boy and a girl. The girl is drawn to me more (and this is understandable), the boy is less drawn to me, but he is also drawn to me. My wife blames me for being harsh with my children. The main thing for me is to get them on their feet. I am more loyal to a girl (a girl is a girl), but the requirements for a boy are strict (he still has to serve in the Army). Naturally, he doesn't like it. I won’t turn a girl into a WOMAN (my mother is responsible for this), I need to turn a boy into a MAN, not a wimp. A man can do it better. This is where the answer lies. Who wants to do something that you don’t want to do, but you have to!

    Dads have more demand from boys than from girls.

    Don’t worry about this, the main thing is to love your children, love your wife (a good example for a girl) and of course don’t forget about yourself.

    In all likelihood, the father is closer to the child in spirit. As a rule, sons are more drawn to fathers, although the enormous spiritual connection between fathers and their beloved daughters is known. Common interests especially bring people together. Moreover, the frequent absence of the head of the family makes communication with him a real holiday for the baby.

    probably because dad makes more concessions to the child. Mom demands more, that's why she comes in 2nd place

    ....the father is more advanced in some important issue for the child...usually this is a question of some kind of safety for the child....astral safety....the mother never thinks about it...the man is more well-read and his imagination is more developed, he can imagine and realize.

    Probably only in the case when dad pays maximum attention, cherishes, never punishes). For a child when he is little, no one scolds, whoever plays with him is the one he loves). Only with age does the child understand the full value of the mother’s care and love ).

    We need to know both you and your husband well in order to give an answer even close to the truth. Firstly, this may only seem to you. Secondly, be happy for your husband, he means a good father, and do not compare who the child loves more, especially with actions to win him back, and your reputation in the eyes of the child will grow. Raising a child is a joint endeavor, even when the parents are divorced. Priority for a little man arises involuntarily, based on concern for him, out of respect that arises. Look behind you. Maybe you're grumpy, argumentative, or just constantly busy. In other words, you are inferior to your husband in purely human qualities. Try to fix this. And remember that the child loves you from the very beginning, even if it seems that less than the father. And manifestations of less craving than for your father are dictated by some of your mistakes. This is sometimes difficult to admit, but you always have to start with yourself. And under no circumstances should you be offended by your child or make demands, because the child doesn’t owe you anything. His love is your merit, not his responsibility.

    Everything is very simple. The mother spends more time with the child, and as a result, forces the child to do what he does not always want and what he likes, sometimes even punishes him. And dad spends more time at work, away from the family, when he comes home it’s like a holiday, he brings gifts, sometimes something tasty, plays and spoils the child. That is why the child reaches out to his dad, but this does not mean at all that he loves his mother less. Just imagine what will happen if your child spends the whole day without you, not to mention more time away.

    In vain do adults try to evaluate the relationship between children and parents from the point of view of the child’s attachment strength or preferences. The child is not able to understand himself, and most importantly, he is completely far from assessing his relationship with his parents, but the parents organize serious competition for the object of their adoration. This happens due to the fact that parents do not form a family, which is a single organism responsible for raising children. It is the children themselves who suffer from this first of all.

Very often, a child loves his mother more than his father, and prefers to spend time with her. Accordingly, the father is worried about this. And sometimes the opposite situation arises: the child loves his dad more. The site “Beautiful and Successful” will tell you how to make baby's love was the same to both parents.

Any change in a child’s behavior has its own logical explanation. First we consider the situation when the child loves his mother more than dad. This is quite typical.

The baby spends more time with his mother. He is calm, comfortable with her, he feels protected. And since dad is at work most of the time, the child spends little time with him.

In order for a father to deserve the love of his child, Something needs to change in dad's behavior.

The child loves mom more than dad

If a child grows up as a “mama’s boy” and is not at all attracted to his father, then the problem is precisely in dad's behavior. You should change something in your behavior towards your child, and you will notice how the baby will be drawn to you.

Devote your free time to your child, not to the computer

Often, when a father returns from work, he immediately sits down at the computer, citing fatigue. The child does not see him at all and does not feel that the parent wants to communicate with him.

A small family member has feeling of the unknown. He doesn’t know how dad will react to his joke, he doesn’t know whether dad will agree.

And out of a sense of self-preservation (and it is very developed in children aged 3 years and older), the child himself does not make contact, but reaches out to his mother. In such circumstances, a situation where a child loves dad more than mom cannot arise.

Try to devote at least not all your free time, but most of it to your little son or daughter. Deep down, the child really wants your attention.

Of course, the baby will not change his attitude towards his father on the very first day, but spending time with the child every day will soon yield results. The child will stop losing his mother and will calmly play with his dad. And yours family relationships will become with the child close and trusting.

Consult with your son or daughter, ask their opinion

A child who loves mom more than dad may be interested in personal participation in making any paternal decision. It would be appropriate for dad to cheat and make sure that the baby himself expresses a desire to spend time with him.

This is easy to do: tell your child that you have a very important task, and you don’t know what to do in a specific situation.

Children are little dreamers.

They really love it when parents not only listen to their imaginations, but also implement them in practice. Consult with your children more often, and they will feel indispensable. It is with you that the children will want to spend time, as they will feel their “need”.

Set aside one of your days off to spend time with your children.

Only on weekends and holidays we can forget about everyday work. It is on such days that you need to spend as much time as possible with your family in nature, at the dacha, in the zoological garden, in a cafe, on attractions.

You can come up with a whole lot of places for a joint holiday (and the site is about this. Only games, relaxation and shared hobbies can change the child's attitude towards his father.

Express love to your child's mother more often

The child loves his mother more than his father, perhaps because the father pays little attention to his wife (mother of the baby). For a child, a mother always remains the most beloved and dear person in the world. And if dad ignores her requests and signs of attention, then the baby sees his father as an offender.

When quarrels occur in the family, the child takes the side of one of the parents.

An even distribution of children's feelings of love between parents is possible only if baby sees dad's love for mom and vice versa.

Thus, if dad does not “take a break” from the family, is interested in communication, and most importantly, tries to earn the child’s love, then the child will love his father and will strive to spend more time with him.

A happy, strong family is the key to the healthy development of a child!

The child loves dad more: rules of conduct for mom

Surprisingly, there are also families where the child prefers dad's company communication with mom. This situation is considered not entirely normal.

And in order to correct it, mothers need to listen to the advice of the site.

So, how should a mother behave if the child loves dad more?

Be kind to your child, don't yell at him

Perhaps the child loves his dad more and is drawn to his father, because his mother does not yet have enough patience to calmly accept all his pranks. In any case, a child, no matter how well he is raised, will do all sorts of stupid things and be mischievous.

There can only be one piece of advice here - be patient.

This problematic age ends when the baby turns 5-6 years old.

Engage in creative collaboration every day

Joint creativity will help bring back the former love for your mother. The child is interested in general “handicrafts” and forgets all grievances.

Taking advantage of this moment, Praise your baby more often encourage his efforts.

Little children love to be praised. With the help of such an activity, the bonds between mother and child become much stronger.

Don't ignore your baby's requests

A child loves dad more than mom when cannot get a response from the mother. Children aged one and a half to three years are very attached to their mother and do not want to play without her. They distract her from household chores in various ways so that her mother can play with them.

But repeated ignoring of such requests leads to resentment towards the loved one himself and the child, out of despair, goes to his father.

If the mother is busy and the child drags her to play his games, then these two activities should be combined.

For example, you are preparing dinner. Give your child a task in the kitchen. Bring this, throw that away. This way, the child will be busy and happy to help you.

Spend time as a complete family every weekend (mom, dad, baby)

If a child loves his dad more, he needs to spend more time together as a full-fledged family. This is how the child learns to love mom and dad equally. He sees the attitude of his parents towards him, the attitude of his mother and father towards each other. This kind of idyll helps the baby feel beloved, needed by both parents.

Only constant spending time as a complete family can teach a child to value family ties and set an example for his future family.

Thus, for a child to love both mom and dad, both parents need to listen to him, help him in difficult life situations and always be there.

Parents' love gives rise to the baby's response. Don’t ignore your child, because someday he will have a family and everything that you instilled in him as a child will certainly affect his attitude towards his own children!

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