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Joyful woman. Death and the Joyful Woman Joyful Woman

Happy woman! How to become happy?
All women want to be happy. We are constantly looking for this happiness, thinking that it lies somewhere on the road of our life, but we just haven’t reached it yet. We are looking and looking for everything... How to become a happy woman?

The life of a happy woman largely depends on herself. What do we do to be happy? And in general, how can you become a happy woman? What is the secret of a happy woman?

Nowadays, the priorities of happiness are changing so quickly. From the media, we are bombarded with a stream of ways to be happy, they show rich, happy women swimming in luxury, and then the criteria for happiness are given:

– a lot or a lot of money;

– a house in Spain or, as a last resort, in Montenegro;

– a cool car, like a Bentley;

– fitness. diamonds, auto parties, corporate events, stylists….

I almost forgot! All this should be provided and ensured by a knight on a white horse (read, a businessman husband). That is, the husband of a happy woman should ensure happiness.

Well, if this doesn’t work out, then... become an independent woman - a businesswoman and you will be happy!

All this just makes me cringe, but that’s not the right word... It’s scary to look at young painted girls who, after such TV shows, have such a mess in their heads...

What kind of wives will they be? And what mothers? Will they be happy with such demands and guidelines in life?

What prompted me to think like this? Recently I saw a young family with a baby on the street. The boy tried with all his might to get out of the stroller, getting rid of the fastened belts. His mother irritably whipped him and abruptly sat him down. The husband could not stand it and reprimanded her. What a stream of abuse she poured on his head! And when it’s crowded! And he’s a loser, and he can’t make money, and she, unhappy, puts up with him! Now here, if you mentally insert obscene words, then her colorful speech will become complete.

Certainly! She is an unhappy woman! But not because her husband is bad and her child is bad. She will always be unhappy! There is no love in her heart! Only anger and unfulfilled mercantile desires live in her heart.

I'll tell you a short parable.

Once a spiritual teacher asked his students why people shout when they quarrel.

The students gave different answers. Some said that they were simply losing their calm, others believed that they were simply annoyed by the actions of another person.

But the teacher rejected all their answers.

Here's what he said:
“Why should a person shout if his interlocutor is nearby? The thing is that when people are unhappy with each other, their hearts are far from each other. And when hearts move away, they stop hearing each other. To cover this huge distance, you have to scream. And if people love each other, then their hearts are close. Not only can they speak in a whisper, but they can also hear each other without words.

Try not to say words that distance you from each other, because you can move your hearts so far away and the distance will become so great that you will not find each other.”

If only schools and families taught girls to be happy. And they would tell them that a happy woman is not rude in queues, does not swear in public transport, does not gossip about colleagues, does not call her husband the derogatory word “goat”, does not pull her child in vain... But she lives and loves!
Happy women live in a different reality.

So where does a woman’s happiness lie?

What should a happy woman be able to do?

Be able to forgive. This is the best quality of a happy woman.

Be able to give. This is a rare quality, but happy women have it.

Be able to remain silent. This is the most difficult thing, but happy women are the ones who know how to do it.

Be able to listen. This is the most necessary quality!

Be able to ask. It is very important not to be afraid to ask!

So what makes a happy woman?

Reasonable. She always listens to her heart and not to rumors.

Joyful. Because a joyful woman will be able to withstand any challenge.

Patient. This way she will be able to survive any suffering and adversity.

Merciful. This quality brings her closer to divine beauty.

She believes in herself. This is her strength.

She always has peace in her soul. And this is manifested in her good deeds and shines with a constant light in her eyes.

What kind of happy woman will never be?

Chatty. It’s hard to imagine a more harmful habit than this.

Quarrelsome. A happy woman cannot be unpleasant.

Irritable. After all, a woman’s irritation shows that she is wrong.

Doesn't fall into hopelessness. Because this can lead to illness of the soul.

And a happy woman will not love money more than anything in the world, love her body so much that she will pay more attention to it than to her soul and her loved ones.

She will never take revenge on anyone, because she knows that this will lead her to great suffering. Revenge returns like a boomerang to the one who created it. It is impossible to take revenge on “others”, because there are no “others”, “others” are a reflection of ourselves.

Be happy women! It's up to you!


A woman who does everything with joy will be healthy, happy and fulfilled... If you check your day, you can track what was done because it was “necessary” and what was filled with the energies of your soul.

Why is it so difficult for us to live joyfully?

One of the reasons is that we have already forgotten what a life sanctified by the sun is. If you live by inertia or in a hurry, then it is almost impossible to capture this joy. It is also difficult to do this because joy comes from the soul, and not from the mind. It's hard to force yourself to be happy.
So why is your soul silent?.. Maybe because you haven’t been living to your liking for a long time?

Many masters say: better for a woman Don’t wash dishes or cook at all if you’re not in the mood. Performing women's duties without joy means creating tension.

In the old days they talked about women very affectionately - a caretaker, a crustacean - the one who takes care of someone. Therefore, care gives a woman deep joy of soul. The surprising thing is that now even taking care of herself is sometimes not a joy for a woman! Everything is on the run.

The energies of the word “joy” speak of abundance, light and giving. That’s why it’s so joyful in your soul when you give gifts, for example. Giving speaks of inner wealth.

What can become a source of joy in a woman’s life?
- Favorite activities
- Communication with family
- Affection and love
- Care
- Nature
- Early rise, when the energy of the Sun nourishes the earth
- Smile and kind words
- Singing
- Dancing
- Feminine outfits and self-care

Joy is the cure for greed, envy and melancholy.

A woman who keeps joy in her soul is a source of inspiration. You've probably noticed that when you're happy in your soul, everything is fine at home, but when you're sad, everything falls out of your hands and from your family.

What is a woman's joy? This is fullness of light. When you and I walk around like little suns and warm the whole world with ourselves, then everything goes well.

You can always find a reason for joy. After all, the key to positive thinking is not to expect negativity. Don’t dwell on mistakes, but immediately give a sign to the world that you are ready for the best-case scenario.

The state of joy comes through the fulfillment of childhood desires. And today try to fulfill at least one of your childhood dreams. And also allow yourself to fool around.
A good mood and laughter are the faithful companions of a feminine woman.

Walking around frowning and offended by the whole world is, to say the least, stupid. Simply because this day will never come back. So is it worth spending it on sadness?
To rejoice means to be immersed in joy. My head feels like I'm in warm milk. And let's do this already :)


1. Smile.
Make your smile your signature today. Laugh heartily. If constantly smiling is something new for you, then smile at least from the corners of your lips. Just lift them up a little. Has your mood improved? Be sure to smile at every person you meet today. Believe me, in our world everyone suffers from the lack of such a sincere smile addressed to a person personally. And don't be afraid to look funny!

2. Watch a comedy!
Allow yourself to take your mind off your worries.

3. Chudi!
Today you can jump on one leg, blow soap bubbles or launch air balloons into the sky.

4. The clothes of this day must be bright.
If you can’t afford a lemon-colored sweater, tie a yellow scarf or let any object the color of the sun be in a visible place.

5. Make any childhood dream come true.
What did your inner girl want so much and never get? Give it to her! Take her and yourself to the park or circus, buy her soft toy, eat ice cream. The main thing is this delight that you will certainly experience.
And remember that you always have a choice...

Ellis Peters

Death and the "Joyful Woman"

When Dominic Fels first saw Kitty Norris, she was dancing along the wide railing of the yacht club terrace, barefoot, in a cloud of rainbow nylon, and carrying silver sandals. On the evening that fell in the middle of the season, there was a dance at the club immediately after the Comerbourne Regatta, and such acrobatic feats did not cause much surprise, although they were usually performed by men. It was also Leslie Armiger's wedding day; however, Dominic did not know this, and even if he had known, he would not have given this circumstance of great importance.

He was returning home from a music lesson - a dreary weekly duty that was impossible to avoid. And, since it was a beautiful warm evening, he missed his bus, deciding to walk to Comerford along the road along the river, walking a little over a mile. On the outskirts of the town, the road ran almost under the terrace of the club; from behind a wooden balustrade, a melody flowed towards Dominic, almost completely drowned out by the hubbub. Floating along the railing, about ten feet above his head, was Kitty in her extravagant dress. In her outstretched arms dangled those strange, incongruous contraptions of spider-web-like straps and three-inch stiletto heels that she called shoes. The chorus consisted exclusively of male voices, begging her not to fool around and get down to the floor. Maneuvering between the tables on the terrace, two young men quickly rushed towards her to pick her up. One of them, in his fever, did not notice the waiter with a tray filled with drinks. The sound of breaking glass was heard, accompanied by exclamations of amazement, confusion and impetuous movements. Everything around was immediately flooded with drinks. Ignoring the commotion, Kitty continued her dance on the railing. The lamps on the tables illuminated her childishly concentrated face from below, with her mouth slightly open, from the corner of which the tip of her tongue protruded. Dominic had never before seen a person overcome with such joy.

At first, he thought with slight contempt: “If it’s already a quarter to ten they’ve reached such a high point, then what will happen to them by one in the morning!” But a youthful sense of superiority simply began to speak within him, immediately giving way to curiosity. For the last year and a half, he had been experimenting with tobacco so often, secretly from his parents, that the feeling of novelty from his passion for this activity disappeared, without revealing its attractive sides. But now, when Dominic began to think about alcohol with vague hope, he believed with the same incorrigible conviction that perhaps alcohol was great if adults found so much joy in it and so jealously guarded their exclusive right to drink it. This extravagant display over his head was one of the components of the drinking ritual. Dominic appreciated this outlandish spectacle with one wry smile, but, remaining in the darkness under the terrace, he decided to nevertheless watch the bacchanalia, in which he was not allowed to participate. And when he saw Kitty, he stopped noticing everything else.

She was in the center of everyone's noisy attention, but at the same time she was silent, and this created a bewitching impression of some kind of unearthly beauty, devoid of a human shell. She was no taller than average, but she was so thin that she seemed tall, especially when she balanced, swaying above him against the dark blue sky. She also seemed somehow pale, almost transparent, although in fact she was healthy, tanned and strong, like a bull terrier. Almost everything around her floated in translucent clouds of illusion, just as her body floated above the railing, but in the center of this illusory phantom there was a real, material Kitty.

He stood in the shadow of the terrace, holding his breath, waiting in horror that it was about to fall. One of the young men, flashing a black and white magpie over the railing, tried to grab it, but it twisted out of his hands with a risky feint, her bouffant skirts took off and swirled. Dominic caught a glimpse of long slender legs and a smooth light golden thigh. He quickly averted his eyes, but then, with even greater haste, directed them upward again. After all, no one can see him now. She will not know. Nobody looks at him. They have no idea that he is standing here, under the balcony.

Kitty, you're going to fall! Don't be stupid! - a young man begged in fear, grabbing her hand at the moment when she shied away from him. She squealed sharply, and one of the shoes fell straight into the hands of the frightened Dominic. Yeah, there was still something real hidden in this rainbow cloud, at least this silvery thing made for a healthy size six leg. Dominic cautiously held the shoe in front of him, as if it were bewitched by a spell he did not understand, and, completely dumbfounded, did not immediately notice the silence that reigned over his head. When he finally looked up, he saw several heads sticking out over the balustrade; he was examined carefully. He did not waste time studying these faces, because he was only interested in her.

“I’m very sorry,” said Kitty. - I hope you didn’t get hurt because of me? If I had known that there was someone there, I would not have behaved so badly.

She spoke clearly, sincerely and directly, and also kindly; this politeness confused him even more than her extravagant escapades. She was neither drunk nor even tipsy. As soon as she noticed him, she immediately spoke to him as well-mannered child talking to stranger. And where did her gaiety go? She looked at him guiltily with large violet eyes, dark under the shadow of long, smooth light brown hair, and when she realized who she was dealing with, her expression did not change. Dominic was accustomed to seeing a kind of deliberate, merciful condescension on the faces of older interlocutors, but Kitty continued to look at him with the wary, curious, polite, courteous gaze of an equal and peer.

It was as if he had swallowed his tongue and didn’t know what to say so as not to make a fool of himself, and how to get out of an awkward situation. Hating himself and blushing to the roots of his hair, he stood there, sweating with shame, and wished he had gone home right away, wished the evening was not dark enough, and wished those fools up there would stop grinning stupidly, or better yet, would have gone away.

“You can throw it to me,” Kitty simply suggested. - I can catch it, don't worry.

And so it happened. He carefully calculated the distance and tossed the shoe. She stretched out her arms and easily picked it up like a fluff of thorns, then raised it above her head to show him. This gesture resembled either a greeting or a farewell wave. Kitty then bent down to put the shoe on her foot. That's all, actually. One of the young men hugged her, and Kitty allowed him to lead her into the dance hall. She looked back only once; her gaze expressed reluctance to leave and regret, as if she understood that she had irreparably disturbed the peace of her neighbor’s soul by taking him by surprise. Oval face with pure noble features, shaded shiny hair, seemed warm like amber; dark elongated eyes looked with sad concern. Dominic had never seen such a sad look before. A moment later she disappeared from sight.

But this did not stop her from accompanying Dominic home and for several more months disturbing his peace and influencing Dominic’s relationships with his loved ones. At school, his performance dropped sharply, and on the football field his coordination of movements was completely disrupted. He had no one to talk about Kitty with. Best friends with their good-natured jokes they would turn his life into a nightmare; parents were also excluded: the mother was, after all, a woman, and he instinctively felt that he should not talk to her about another woman, since she was the mother’s natural rival in the fight for her son’s heart. The father was a man, attractive enough and young enough to be, to some extent, a rival to Dominic himself. But even if the boy wanted to pour out his soul to them, he would not know what to say: after all, Dominic himself did not really understand what was happening to him.

At fourteen, love can be overwhelming. Mainly because it is not yet realized. But in this regard, Dominic turned out to be on top: his appetite did not change, rather, it even increased, he slept well; He experienced what was happening to him more often joyfully, despite all the worries, and in general he coped with his difficulty. When he saw this girl again more than a year later, Dominic was already the first student in his class, zealously interested in sports cars and pestered

Ellis Peters

Death and the "Joyful Woman"

When Dominic Fels first saw Kitty Norris, she was dancing along the wide railing of the yacht club terrace, barefoot, in a cloud of rainbow nylon, and carrying silver sandals. On the evening that fell in the middle of the season, there was a dance at the club immediately after the Comerbourne Regatta, and such acrobatic feats did not cause much surprise, although they were usually performed by men. It was also Leslie Armiger's wedding day; however, Dominic did not know this, and even if he had known, he would not have attached much importance to this circumstance.

He was returning home from a music lesson - a dreary weekly duty that was impossible to avoid. And, since it was a beautiful warm evening, he missed his bus, deciding to walk to Comerford along the road along the river, walking a little over a mile. On the outskirts of the town, the road ran almost under the terrace of the club; from behind a wooden balustrade, a melody flowed towards Dominic, almost completely drowned out by the hubbub. Floating along the railing, about ten feet above his head, was Kitty in her extravagant dress. In her outstretched arms dangled those strange, incongruous contraptions of spider-web-like straps and three-inch stiletto heels that she called shoes. The chorus consisted exclusively of male voices, begging her not to fool around and get down to the floor. Maneuvering between the tables on the terrace, two young men quickly rushed towards her to pick her up. One of them, in his fever, did not notice the waiter with a tray filled with drinks. The sound of breaking glass was heard, accompanied by exclamations of amazement, confusion and impetuous movements. Everything around was immediately flooded with drinks. Ignoring the commotion, Kitty continued her dance on the railing. The lamps on the tables illuminated her childishly concentrated face from below, with her mouth slightly open, from the corner of which the tip of her tongue protruded. Dominic had never before seen a person overcome with such joy.

At first, he thought with slight contempt: “If it’s already a quarter to ten they’ve reached such a high point, then what will happen to them by one in the morning!” But a youthful sense of superiority simply began to speak within him, immediately giving way to curiosity. For the last year and a half, he had been experimenting with tobacco so often, secretly from his parents, that the feeling of novelty from his passion for this activity disappeared, without revealing its attractive sides. But now, when Dominic began to think about alcohol with vague hope, he believed with the same incorrigible conviction that perhaps alcohol was great if adults found so much joy in it and so jealously guarded their exclusive right to drink it. This extravagant display over his head was one of the components of the drinking ritual. Dominic appreciated this outlandish spectacle with one wry smile, but, remaining in the darkness under the terrace, he decided to nevertheless watch the bacchanalia, in which he was not allowed to participate. And when he saw Kitty, he stopped noticing everything else.

She was in the center of everyone's noisy attention, but at the same time she was silent, and this created a bewitching impression of some kind of unearthly beauty, devoid of a human shell. She was no taller than average, but she was so thin that she seemed tall, especially when she balanced, swaying above him against the dark blue sky. She also seemed somehow pale, almost transparent, although in fact she was healthy, tanned and strong, like a bull terrier. Almost everything around her floated in translucent clouds of illusion, just as her body floated above the railing, but in the center of this illusory phantom there was a real, material Kitty.

He stood in the shadow of the terrace, holding his breath, waiting in horror that it was about to fall. One of the young men, flashing a black and white magpie over the railing, tried to grab it, but it twisted out of his hands with a risky feint, its fluffy skirts fluttering and spinning. Dominic caught a glimpse of long slender legs and a smooth light golden thigh. He quickly averted his eyes, but then, with even greater haste, directed them upward again. After all, no one can see him now. She will not know. Nobody looks at him. They have no idea that he is standing here, under the balcony.

Kitty, you're going to fall! Don't be stupid! - a young man begged in fear, grabbing her hand at the moment when she shied away from him. She squealed sharply, and one of the shoes fell straight into the hands of the frightened Dominic. Yeah, there was still something real hidden in this rainbow cloud, at least this silvery thing made for a healthy size six leg. Dominic cautiously held the shoe in front of him, as if it were bewitched by a spell he did not understand, and, completely dumbfounded, did not immediately notice the silence that reigned over his head. When he finally looked up, he saw several heads sticking out over the balustrade; he was examined carefully. He did not waste time studying these faces, because he was only interested in her.

“I’m very sorry,” said Kitty. - I hope you didn’t get hurt because of me? If I had known that there was someone there, I would not have behaved so badly.

She spoke clearly, sincerely and directly, and also kindly; this politeness confused him even more than her extravagant escapades. She was neither drunk nor even tipsy. As soon as she noticed him, she immediately spoke to him as a well-mannered child would speak to a stranger. And where did her gaiety go? She looked at him guiltily with large violet eyes, dark under the shadow of long, smooth light brown hair, and when she realized who she was dealing with, her expression did not change. Dominic was accustomed to seeing a kind of deliberate, merciful condescension on the faces of older interlocutors, but Kitty continued to look at him with the wary, curious, polite, courteous gaze of an equal and peer.

It was as if he had swallowed his tongue and didn’t know what to say so as not to make a fool of himself, and how to get out of an awkward situation. Hating himself and blushing to the roots of his hair, he stood there, sweating with shame, and wished he had gone home right away, wished the evening was not dark enough, and wished those fools up there would stop grinning stupidly, or better yet, would have gone away.

“You can throw it to me,” Kitty simply suggested. - I can catch it, don't worry.

And so it happened. He carefully calculated the distance and tossed the shoe. She stretched out her arms and easily picked it up like a fluff of thorns, then raised it above her head to show him. This gesture resembled either a greeting or a farewell wave. Kitty then bent down to put the shoe on her foot. That's all, actually. One of the young men hugged her, and Kitty allowed him to lead her into the dance hall. She looked back only once; her gaze expressed reluctance to leave and regret, as if she understood that she had irreparably disturbed the peace of her neighbor’s soul by taking him by surprise. The oval face with pure noble features, set off by shiny hair, seemed warm like amber; dark elongated eyes looked with sad concern. Dominic had never seen such a sad look before. A moment later she disappeared from sight.

But this did not stop her from accompanying Dominic home and for several more months disturbing his peace and influencing Dominic’s relationships with his loved ones. At school, his performance dropped sharply, and on the football field his coordination of movements was completely disrupted. He had no one to talk about Kitty with. His best friends would turn his life into a nightmare with their good-natured jokes; parents were also excluded: the mother was, after all, a woman, and he instinctively felt that he should not talk to her about another woman, since she was the mother’s natural rival in the fight for her son’s heart. The father was a man, attractive enough and young enough to be, to some extent, a rival to Dominic himself. But even if the boy wanted to pour out his soul to them, he would not know what to say: after all, Dominic himself did not really understand what was happening to him.

At fourteen, love can be overwhelming. Mainly because it is not yet realized. But in this regard, Dominic turned out to be on top: his appetite did not change, rather, it even increased, he slept well; He experienced what was happening to him more often joyfully, despite all the worries, and in general he coped with his difficulty. When he saw the girl again more than a year later, Dominic was back at the top of his class, passionate about sports cars, and pestering his father to let him buy a motorcycle as soon as he was old enough. Dominic had almost forgotten what Kitty looked like. He never found out who she was, and, indeed, he didn’t try, because any inquiry would in some sense mean betraying himself. She remained for him just Kitty, a memory of an absurd melancholic beauty, already disappearing into the darkness of oblivion.

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