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Congratulate your daughter-in-law on her birthday. How to congratulate your daughter-in-law on her birthday The best birthday greetings for your daughter-in-law

Happy anniversary, dear dad,
You are the only one in the world.
The strongest, the smartest,
The best of men.

You will always lend your shoulder,
You will get me out of any trouble,
I want to say thank you
That you are next to me.

I wish to be healthy
Always move forward
Let the stage of this life be new
It will bring you happiness.

Daddy, I wish you good luck!
On your anniversary it cannot be otherwise.
Believe me, she will definitely come,
And happiness will follow!
I also wish you to live long,
Have fun in life, don’t worry!
Everything will be fine, I know it
After all, I wish this for you from the bottom of my heart!

Today is your holiday,
Congratulations to the hero of the day,
Let the years go into the distance
And there is no need to be sad about them.
Remember only the good
We will help you with this.
Our dear daddy,
On this day we want to wish:
Babysitting my little granddaughters,
To play with the heroes-grandsons,
And also a lot of health,
Strength, joy, patience,
And skill in all matters!
We hug you tightly, tightly.
With respect - your children.

I see it in an old photograph.
How dad holds me in his arms
And tears come to my eyes!
You know that I will never offend
Daddy! Be happy, honey,
On your anniversary day I want to wish you!
And I’ll light a candle for God,
May you live long, my beloved!

Happy Anniversary, my beloved dad!
For me, you are the dearest.
And may everything in life please you,
I will always be with you.
I wish you health,
And I wish you many years to come.
So that you don’t know grief in life,
And there will be more victories in business!

Birthday greetings for dear dad

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that you live, dreaming about beautiful things,
And to fulfill your wishes,
There will be your guardian angel, dad,
I wish you were like this
As always, very kind and brave,
Know that you will always be loved by us!

Dad, daughter is behind you,
Like behind a stone wall.
You will protect, you will always help,
You will never be disturbed.

You can do everything: fix a faucet,
Screw the nut somewhere.
Borscht is not worse than mom cook it,
And you will always get along with me.

Happy birthday, happy anniversary!
Turn your cheek quickly.
Be happy and healthy
Strong, young, cheerful.

Who is the boss in our house?
And an exemplary family man,
Appreciates a noisy feast,
And we appreciate it in the company.

Everything will be fixed and corrected,
And he doesn’t know the word no,
Never gets discouraged
The one who is faithful in the matter will give advice.

There is only one wish
For a secret person
To live and be in the world for him,
Next to us without end.

Vaughn embarrassed and pleased
He sits among the guests.
This is our beloved dad!
It's dad's anniversary!

There is no such specific date
To indicate age.
You are forever young, dad,
There are still a hundred roads to walk.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
And to the envy of everyone I will say:
Dad doesn't even get old
I go rollerblading with him.

Let your glow sparkle
May your health be normal
Let the money go into your pocket,
And significantly quite!

Dear dad, happy anniversary;
Great joy and love!
Let the days pass with what you love,
Just call happiness into your life.

May all your sorrows disappear
Be near family and friends;
I want everyone to wish you
Only what I want.

Let your soul sparkle with fullness,
It will be like one big diamond;
May God always be with you,
Let the shine of your eyes not fade.

Your life in all its diversity
Let him always give you only light,
Because you deserve it
And there is no better person in the world.

Happy Birthday to Dad - Touching Wishes for the Birthday Boy

Happy anniversary daddy from children and grandchildren!
Happy anniversary, our dear, kind man!
We wish, daddy, that you never experience boredom!
May you make us all happy with your health!

Always be as playful and cheerful
Bright, wonderful, festive in the soul!
May happiness and good luck be in your home!
And you already have us, so cool!

My beloved dad, I want you to know:
I am so grateful that you raised me.
Thank you for not reproaching me,
Thank you for giving me life.
Thank you for saving me with deeds,
Thank you for giving advice.
Thank you for being there too.
Thank you for putting in all your effort.
I wish you health... Health to you!
Thank you for being on earth.

An anniversary is not just a date.
This is like summing it up.
You managed everything in life, dad -
He raised and helped everyone.

I heartily congratulate you,
May you always be lucky in everything!
I wish you good health,
Let your angel protect you.

In the heart of the world and in matters of order,
What more could I ask for?
To be the happiest and most prosperous,
And don’t lose friends over the years.

A heavy load of worries and troubles
We always carry them, and how to avoid them
But the main thing was that there was inspiration,
And so that the path is visible, where to run

Your years are ours too,
Together we walk hand in hand,
That's why they're even more expensive
We will survive all adversities this way.

You, the most, all over the globe.
You are our king, president and helmsman
Patience, strength to you as the hero of the day,
To the father: to burn and not know peace.

We wish you to be in everything: What you need,
Winter, summer, autumn, spring,
So that we feel next to you
Yourself, as if behind a stone wall.

To my dad on his anniversary,
I want to say more gently!
Dad, always be happy
These are all words from the heart!
Let there be joy only in the house,
And everyone treats you with love
To your ideas and dreams!
And if it gets difficult for you,
Let them help together, in unison!
I wish you health
May you have fun in your soul!
So let's have a toast, friends,
For what I told!

Good congratulations to dad on his birthday

Father, I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Today everyone gives you flowers,
Today we will dispel sadness around the world,
May your dreams finally come true!
Today let the clink of glasses be heard,
Let only true friends come to your house!
Let there be little room for sadness in your heart,
May only success and happiness await you!

Today is not an ordinary day,
And daddy's birthday!
We, dad, want to wish
Good luck and goals to achieve.

We wish you good health,
Love, prosperity and goodness.
May your life be wonderful
And it lasts for many years.

Today, father, I congratulate you,
All my life you have been my ideal,
I wish you health on your anniversary
And may you always remain young.
So that all dreams turn into reality,
So that all the problems remain behind,
And true friends surrounded you,
The whole family is proud of you.

Cheerful, you are young at heart
Every day you are great
I'm very proud of you
Happy birthday, father!

I wish you good luck
Office of Heaven
Gives success for change,
A ton of joy to you.

This holiday is celebrated:
And family and friends,
Well, I'll promise
Only to make you happy!

May this day, beloved dad,
The world gives you gifts,
I wish to fly up, but not to fall,
May the feast be a success today!

I wish you good health -
Health is the most important thing.
Congratulations to you today
In honor of your birthday!

Only in a family can there be the most heartwarming holiday. And the birthday of such a relative as a daughter-in-law is one of the most significant. Within a few days or even weeks, the whole family begins to discuss the details of the upcoming holiday, everyone chooses gifts and decorates the house.

The momentous day is coming. The mother-in-law is preparing a festive dinner, the father-in-law is preparing to present his birthday greetings to his daughter-in-law, the whole house is buzzing in anticipation of the celebration. Touching and beautiful words The sister-in-law also comes up with the idea in advance, because her daughter-in-law is like her sister. Each family member is going to tell their relative their wishes on such a wonderful day.

What kind of congratulations can be given to the daughter-in-law? The form can, of course, be any, the main thing is that such words must be pronounced with kindness and warmth. Here are some wording options:

1. Congratulatory text in poetic form. Best choice– beautiful poems (it’s best to congratulate happy birthday in this way). They are especially suitable as congratulations on an anniversary - this matter is always respected. However, on a regular date you can use this option.

2. Which one fun party Can you do without congratulating your beloved daughter-in-law simply in your own words? Most often, it is in this form that the most wonderful wishes can be expressed. To congratulate your daughter-in-law on her birthday, you can simply use improvisation and say warm words sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. It is in your own special wish that you can very accurately express your attitude towards the girl. It is enough to simply express love and respect for her in words.

3. This option is suitable as a happy birthday greeting to the daughter-in-law from the sister-in-law - funny wishes in any form will make the birthday girl smile. And on your holiday you need to smile and laugh as often as possible.

A good option for a wish for a daughter-in-law would be a small comic text that would be shared between the sister-in-law and sister-in-law. For the hero of the occasion, both of them are sisters. This means that together they will be able to create such a happy birthday greeting to their daughter-in-law that everyone will be delighted: both the birthday girl and the guests.

4. And, of course, happy birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law in prose will sound great. It’s the nicest thing to hear from your husband’s parents. Your daughter-in-law will really like this birthday greeting, there is no doubt about it.

Words from second parents

It’s wonderful when a daughter-in-law enters her husband’s family so successfully that her parents begin to consider her a daughter. The better a girl’s relationship with her mother-in-law and father-in-law, the happier she becomes.

And any approval heard from the lips of the husband’s father and mother is perceived as the highest praise. And if it’s a birthday greeting, the girl’s happiness knows no bounds! If the mother-in-law and father-in-law want to move their daughter-in-law to tears, then presenting her with birthday wishes in verse is an excellent choice.

Happy birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law from second parents are most beautiful in poetic form. Below are some examples of touching and kind wishes.

It is imperative to take into account who is making the wish. Happy birthday greetings to a daughter-in-law from her father-in-law, for example, should be somewhat more serious and parting words, like fatherly greetings. Here you can use the prose form. The father-in-law must show that he is always ready to support the girl, just as her own father would have done.

And happy birthday greetings to the daughter-in-law from the mother-in-law in prose are generally the most touching wishes, which are only possible. The husband's mother is always the person you want to please the most. It is her words that will be especially dear to the girl. They should sound both gentle and parting.

You can also compose your own text that will correspond to the character of your daughter-in-law. Happy birthday greetings for your daughter-in-law in your own words sometimes sound even better than prose or poetry. It is these variations that are remembered for a long time, and then carefully stored in a person’s memory for the rest of his life. You need to compose your text with maximum effort, this can play a decisive role. The efforts will not be in vain - the birthday girl will appreciate such work.

What should a husband’s brother or sister say on such a day?

A wish from a sister-in-law or brother-in-law should be short and humorous. This will sound best. It is to these people that you can present your birthday greetings to your brother’s wife in a simple and fun way. Usually, these relatives are approximately in the same age category, it is easier for them to joke among themselves. This is not surprising - most often, relatives of this degree quickly find a common language.

Cool birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law come in both poetry and prose. Here, let the congratulator himself navigate, choosing the option that suits the birthday girl. All these words have only one purpose - to entertain the hero of the occasion and bring a little more laughter into her life.

When choosing a specific option (it doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry, prose or just your own words), you need to rely on your imagination and the interests of the birthday girl. Anyone can make a holiday memorable. The main thing on such a day is to please the hero of the occasion.

In any case, no matter what form the wish appears in, the main thing is that it comes from the heart. Only in this case will birthday greetings be truly valuable for the daughter-in-law. On such a date, you want to hear only the most pleasant things. Make a girl's little dream come true by simply giving her the warmth of your soul!,,,

Let the song ring on this day of joy,
Trouble will go away and all bad weather will disappear,
For us you are a daughter and accept from the heart
Wishes of tenderness and happiness!

For the mother of our grandchildren, for you,
May the days of joy continue for a long time,
Good luck and peace will come, trouble will go away,
And what I have in mind, everything will work out!

The best birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law

May your life be wonderful
You are your own son's wife!
Your love with your son is like in a song,
Let it be for all time!
I congratulate you now,
On a wonderful birthday,
I wish you happiness, daughter.
Well, more children!

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law

Happy birthday,
Let your dreams come true.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
I am everything you want!

What does a woman strive for?
So that my husband always loves,
So that she can be proud of her children.
The rest is not a problem!

I wish you health
For you and everyone close to you,
And let your life prepare
Great success for you!

SMS Happy Birthday greetings to daughter-in-law

We sincerely congratulate our daughter-in-law,
We wish you health, love and success,
May the sun shine on her forever,
And the kindness of the heart did not dry out.

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law

No, I won't tell you today
I wish you banal wishes,
But I’ll take it and put it on
Super spell on you:

Let your chest not hang like a rag!
And cellulite, go to the forest!
And you, work, don't be
Forever a cause for stress!

Let there be a scale arrow
On the number you want,
Despite the fact that the food is delicious
You allow yourself all the time!

And may he be with you,
Who got your heart?
May he always understand you
And let your soul warm up!

Short birthday greetings to daughter-in-law

We wish you joy, daughter-in-law.
Like a holiday mood.
May your life be full of love.
Have a nice chat!
We wish you every moment
Something interesting.
Let this bring joy to the world.
After all, there are so many wonderful things in it!

A short birthday greeting to your daughter-in-law

Daughter-in-law, I wish you happiness
On your birthday and always.
Enjoy every moment.
Let your dream come true!
For you, even the sun
The round goal shines brighter
May luck smile on you.
May success await you everywhere!

Happy Birthday greetings to daughter-in-law in verse

Raising a daughter-in-law is wonderful,
Thank you to her parents for that,
For my son she is like the red sun
And for me, like a daughter, she is beautiful.

And the work is in her hands,
The pots and pans shine,
Busts around merrily, everything is as expected,
Tirelessly scurries back and forth.

She is attentive and patient
Caring, a little hasty,
Honest, gentle, decent, beautiful,
Live happily, my dear.

And I wish my dear son,
Love, appreciate and respect your wife,
Comfort, a full cup, peace at home,
Sunny days, and spring in my soul.

Happy Birthday to your beloved daughter-in-law

What should I wish you on your birthday? -
Of course, peace, kindness,
I wish you a lot of strength, patience,
Health, happiness and love,
So that warmth reigns in the family,
So that everything goes well,
So that going to work feels like a holiday,
I wish you different impressions,
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad,
Always, always be loved!

Comic happy birthday greetings to daughter-in-law

You are like a daughter to me,
Dear daughter-in-law!
Happy Birthday to You!
Always be wonderful!

Be healthy and smart
Stay good!
You're the only one I have!
And don't relax!

Funny Happy Birthday greetings to your daughter-in-law

We are very happy for our son,
He has been happily married for a long time.
You, daughter-in-law, are like a daughter to us,
In general, we are all lucky!

The whole family we are together with you
Let's pull your ears!
Happy birthday to you
And hearty congratulations!
We wish you happiness with your son
Multiply every year!

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