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Lesson notes for the second junior group “And the Snowman stood at our window in the morning.” Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" (drawing). Lesson on speech development Fizminutka snowman in the second junior group

Olga Chiligina
Plan - outline directly educational activities with children in senior group on topic: “Snowman visiting the guys”

Plan - summary of direct educational activities with preschoolers of the senior group

Subject: « Snowman visiting the guys»

Integration educational activities: « Speech development» , “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”


1. Develop children’s coherent speech, general and fine motor skills hands, expand your vocabulary.

2. Develop joint activity with peers and adults.

3. Reinforce unconventional techniques drawing: finger painting.

Methods and techniques:

Practical – games;

Visual – viewing and observing;

Verbal - riddles, proverbs, word games.

Material and equipment: Paintings, with image winter and winter landscapes; small ball white– snowball; a snowflake with a riddle, a ball, white gouache, a napkin and a dark sheet of paper for each child.

Logics educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.


(In the hall there are paintings with image of winter. Children enter the hall, stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text.)

Let's say "Hello" with your hands!

Let's say "Hello" eyes!

Let's say "Hello" we use our mouths -

There will be joy all around!


- Guys, what time of year is it now? (Winter)

The teacher finds a basket with snowballs and offers to play with snowballs.

2. Playing with a snowball: “Tell me, what is winter like?”

Children need to throw a snowball, then name the adjectives of the noun. word: winter. For example: winter is cold, harsh, frosty, snowy, blizzard...

The teacher notices a snowflake with a riddle and tells it to the children.

3. Asks a riddle:

What a ridiculous man

Snuck in at twenty-one century:

Carrot nose

Broom in hand

Afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman)

Enters the hall to the music Snowman.

Snowman: I'm not an ordinary snowman,

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what Guys

Do you exercise in winter?

Children together with Snowman perform physical education.

4. Physical education minute: « Snowman»

One is a hand, two is a hand.

(Stretch one hand forward, then the other.)

We sculpt snowman.

("Sculpted" snowball.)

Three - four, three - four,

(Stroke the neck with their palms.)

Let's draw the mouth wider.

Five - let's find a carrot for the nose,

(They rub the wings of the nose with their fists.)

Let's find coals for the eyes.

(Touch the eyes with their index fingers.)

Six - let's put on our hat askew,

Let him laugh with us.

(Put your palms to your forehead with a visor and rub your forehead.)

Seven and eight, seven and eight -

We'll ask him to play.

(Stroke palms.)

Snowman: I want to play with you some more.

5. Ball game "Remember the words"

Snowman throwing a ball, the child names a related word to word: Snow(Snow Maiden, snowflake, snowy, bullfinch, snowman, snowdrop, snow scooter) and returns the ball snowman.

6. Game: "Finish the proverb about winter"

In winter, two friends - frost... (Yes, it's a blizzard.)

The frost is not great, but stand... (does not command.)

February builds bridges, and March builds them... (breaks.)

December ends the year, winter... (starts.)

February is heavy with blizzards, and March is... (drop.)

Take care of your nose in big... (freezing.)

In the winter cold, everyone... (young)

Prepare a cart in winter and a sleigh... (in summer.)

How winter is not angry, but spring... (will submit.)

Snowman: I just heard about spring, and it’s become hot for me at your place, which means it’s time for me to return, but I don’t want to part with us, I don’t want you to forget me, I want you to portrayed. For this I have prepared leaves and white gouache for you. It's time for me to see you!

7. Task "We are drawing snowman» (finger painting)

The smallest circle

We'll start drawing.

And sculpt, sculpt a snowball

We won't get tired either.

One - circle,

Two - a circle,

Three - circle.

Who did it happen?

Maybe we can guess?

Children's work: painting with white gouache snowman on a dark sheet of paper.

Bottom line: How wonderful things turned out for us snowmen. Let's take them in group and we will arrange an exhibition of our works, and the snowman will be happy that we have not forgotten him. All children look at the drawings.

- What time of year is it now (Winter). Show that you are cold and shriveled,
warmed up and relaxed. Depict how children make a snowman: they put snowballs on top of each other, it’s hard for them.

Physical exercise "Snowman".
Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy,
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball
And the lump will become a snowman.
His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.
But the sun will be a little hot -
Alas! - and there is no snowman. (V. Egorov)
snowman song
a song about a snowman and a video of his construction

Finger gymnastics “Snowball”

One, two, three, four, bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

You and I made a snowball. “Sculpt” by changing the position of the palms.

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle, clasp your palms together,

We stroke the other with one palm.

And the not at all sweet “We threaten” with our finger.

Once - we'll throw it up. We look up and throw it up

Imaginary snowball

Two - we'll catch it. We squat, catch the imaginary


Three - let's drop Drop an imaginary snowball

And... we'll break it. Let's stomp.

After completing each task, a new ray is attached to the snowflake (a circle of paper on the wall).

Didactic game"Builders".
The snowman loves to play with words. But all the words in his head were mixed up. Help him rearrange the syllables so that they form words (wa-so, sy-cha, ka-mis, ki-nos, ti-se, ki-san, sa-kry).
What words do you remember?
The task of the wise owl.
The wise owl asks you to name words similar to the word SNOW. (Bullfinch, snowball, snowflakes, snowballs, snowfall, Snow Maiden,
snowdrop, snowman).Name as many as possible beautiful words by the word SNOW. Snow sparkles in the sun, which means what it is (Sparkling, sparkling). The snow sparkles. (sparkling, silvery. (silver, crumbles. (crumbly, crunchy. (crispy). And what a snowflake (Crystal, silvery, sparkling, shiny)
lots of ideas for crafts and activities

Game ideas:
We read, we play" How snowmen searched for the sun". based on the Romanianfairy tales"The Sun and the Men"
snowman in a shaving foam bag

Children, while the teacher reads poetry, massage biologically active zones (M. Kartushina).

7. Find and name related words in the poem.

The Snow Maiden lived in the forest,

I made snowballs in the morning.

Snowflakes called for a round dance

And I was waiting for bullfinches to visit,

So that in a snowy forest

See the beauty of the dawn.

I danced under the snowfall,

Covered the snowdrop with snow,

it didn't freeze until spring

And he brought joy to everyone.

Winter-winter brought frosts,

Winter fun and icicle tears,

For animals - winter quarters

And under the snow - winter,

Winter clothes for people

So as not to freeze.

In summer, frost lives in the freezer.

There he is on a frosty morning

To avoid melting, he eats ice cream.

And for a snack there is ice and berries.

The icebreaker breaks the ice.

He went through the ice.

Even ice floes are not afraid of him,

He will push them apart with his nose in an instant.

He will pave the ice path,

It will help the ships get through.


Outdoor game “Two Frosts”

Goals: develop attention, agility, and the ability to run quickly; foster honesty when following the rules of the game; courage when running away from Frosts.

Rules. The teacher marks two houses on opposite sides of the site. Two Frosts live in one house, and children live in the other. Two horizontal lines are drawn between the houses, between which dashes will take place. Two Frosts come out to their line a little away from the center and say:

We are two daring brothers,

We are young frosts.

I am Frost Red Nose,

I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?

Children answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

Then the children run to their house, and Frosts salt them. They take the greasy child to their house. Not only greasy children are considered frozen, but also those who ran before the words “And we are not afraid of the frost!” The winners are those Frosts who hit the most children.

Competition for the best drawing on snow, the best pattern of colored ice floes

Goals: be able to come up with a pattern and beautifully place colored pieces of ice; take into account the properties of snow and ice; navigate the proposed plane.

Observing changes in inanimate nature

Goals: be able to identify signs of the end of winter and compare them with the beginning and middle of winter; describe signs using a dictionary on the topic; see and note the relationship between changes in inanimate and living nature.


Didactic exercise “Choose the signs of winter”

Goals: be able to listen carefully to the text of the poem, highlighting the signs of winter; correlate these signs with those drawn in the pictures, explain your choice; Use lines from familiar poems and songs to explain the choice.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children must remember the signs of winter described in this poem, and select from the proposed pictures those that correspond to these signs, describe the pictures using monologue speech, lines from familiar poems or songs that the children know.


Winter is different

From spring and summer.

It's very snowy

All dressed in snow.

The rivers are all frozen,

And in glass patterns,

Frost hangs on the branches,

A blizzard blows through the windows:

The sky is gray in the morning

Snowflakes are falling,

The trees and bushes are sleeping,

Rowan trees feed the birds.

Animals in hollows and holes

Hiding from the cold.

And for the kids to have fun

We need fluffy snow.

They instantly make a snowman -

And ride down the hill.

Fur coat, hat and pants -

Everything is covered in ice!

Only in winter New Year

Comes with a Christmas tree.

New Year's round dance

Makes it fun.

Outdoor game "Snow - Blizzard - Blizzard"

Goals: be able to perform movements in accordance with the command immediately after the words of the teacher; navigate in space, do not collide with peers when moving.

Rules. At the command “Snow”, children, smoothly spinning, squatting, and easily move on their toes throughout the entire space. On the command “Blizzard,” they quickly run in the direction indicated by the teacher and gather in a large pile. At the command “Blizzard,” they stand in a circle, hold hands and run in a circle, accelerating the pace.

Travel game “Visiting Winter”

Goals: be able to imagine different signs, phenomena of winter and depict them; expressively convey the content of the poem using pantomime; perform movements rhythmically in accordance with the teacher’s instructions; show creative individuality.

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey through the snowy country. Children form a large circle - this is a snow cloud. The teacher says that it is fluffy, snow-white, light, soft, and invites the children to swing on it and tell them what shape it is. Each child imagines a cloud and talks about it.

The teacher says that the cloud became so heavy that snowflakes fell from it to the ground. Music is playing, children are singing. The teacher describes the movements of snowflakes or reads a poem, while listening to which the children imitate snowflakes (spinning, squatting, the wind drives them in different directions, collects them in a snowdrift, carries them, lifts them up, spins them in place, etc.).

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that it has become warmer, the winter sun has come out, by the end of winter it has become warmer, dripping from the roofs, and asks the children a riddle about an icicle. Offers to listen to the poem and show what happens to the icicle.

The teacher says that while the children were pretending to be an icicle, a real blizzard arose and, like a carousel, spun everything around. Offers a ride on a snow carousel. The outdoor game “Carousel” is played.

The blizzard spun like a carousel.

Slowly at first, and then faster.

Nothing is visible, everything is white and white.

It finally calmed down and the ground was covered with snow.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the blizzard has passed; it became quiet, you can go to the skating rink. He hands out skates to the children, asks them to try to see if they feel too tight, stand, and take a few steps. He asks to skate like figure skaters. Accompany children's actions with poetry.

We will become figure skaters.

We skate on the ice.

We'll show everyone the high class

And we'll jump as we run.

We'll spin like a top,

It's easy to soar with a swallow.

Sharp, steel horses

They will carry us far.

After the skating rink, the children go skiing: they try them on, try how they glide, help themselves with poles, slide down a slide, climb it, walk through deep snow. They return to their site. They collect snow with shovels, roll a ball for a snowman, make snowballs, and play with them.

The teacher suggests listening to a poem about a snow woman and showing in movements how the children sculpted her.

We sculpted a snow woman so that she would not be more beautiful. They collected all the snow with shovels, They didn’t forget anything: First they rolled up a big lump And pressed this lump tightly. The second one was smaller in size. He sat down on the first one boldly. And the last snowball became the head of a snow woman. The face was decorated with carrots and coals instead of eyes. They drew the mouth deftly. We looked in profile and full face. They put a bucket on his head and decorated it with a feather. The broom was stuck in for order. The whole yard worked together. Draw three circles in the air in succession and run your hands over your face. Simulates collecting snow with shovels. They shake their heads negatively. Draw the largest possible circle in the air. Draw a circle in front of you with your hands and lower it to the floor. Draw a smaller circle. They squat. They put out three fingers and point to their head. They “pull out” the nose. Point to the eyes. Draw a mouth with your finger. Turn their head to the side, then look straight ahead. Run both hands over the head from top to bottom. Raise one hand up, fingers spread out. Simulate sweeping. Cross your fingers into a lock.

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to talk about their impressions and draw a picture about winter and winter fun.

The game is based on imagination. You can use visual material.

Option. Instead of a travel game, you can play a dramatization game based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.”

Theme day content options

Didactic game "Atelier" winter clothes»

Goals: be able to choose winter clothes from those offered, describe them, naming the details, the quality of the material, choosing by color, use (sports, for games, for walking); perform the roles of cutter, tailor, customer; engage in dialogue in accordance with the role.

Rules. The teacher invites the children to play in the winter clothing workshop. Determines the roles and actions of each participant: the cutter accepts the order, asks the customer questions about what this item of clothing will be used for, about the style, material, trim, buttons, fur; a tailor assembles clothes from individual parts, naming them and his actions.

Didactic game “Who spends the winter how?”

Goals: know how wild animals and birds winter in the middle zone; be able to select from the proposed picture options those that correspond to the animal’s home and its food in winter; talk about the wintering features of various animals (bear, badger, hedgehog, squirrel, mouse, fox, hare, elk), birds; guess from an excerpt from the story which animal’s wintering is being discussed.

Rules. The teacher reads out excerpts from educational stories about the wintering of animals, and the children must guess which animal they are talking about. Find a picture of an animal and match it with a picture of its winter home and the food it eats in winter. They talk about it.

Didactic game “Four Seasons”

Goals: know the names and sequence of the four seasons; signs characterizing each season; be able to choose from the proposed pictures, emblems, symbols those that correspond to any time of year, name them, explain why what is shown in the picture is happening at a given time.

Rules. Children choose a picture, attach it to one of the sectors of a large circle, divided into four parts, or to the clothes of peers who act as the seasons, starting with winter, name the phenomenon depicted in the picture, and explain their choice. When filling in seasons in which certain periods are distinguished (early, late autumn), children work sequentially, explaining the features of changing natural phenomena.

(See poems: lexical topic “Autumn”, didactic game “What time of year?”, p. 31.)

You can give the children the task of lining up in order, starting with winter (seasons - neighbors), using the text of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”.

Lesson “Winter in music, painting, poetry, fairy tales”

Goals: know the signs of winter as a season; be able to celebrate the beauty of winter nature in painting, poetry, stories, fairy tales; display in speech the originality and beauty of winter phenomena, using lines from familiar works; convey in speech your impressions of listening to musical works, looking at paintings by famous artists.

Lesson “Collective application “Winter” or “Winter fun””

Goals: know the signs of winter, the features of working with different materials (cotton wool, fluff, napkins, paper, foil, etc.) and different bases (flannel, velvet paper, whatman paper); be able to collectively think through and compose a composition on a given topic; distribute the content of the work, the sequence of its implementation; discuss it; compose a story about the resulting picture, using figurative expressions from poems, stories, fairy tales; come up with your own epithets.

Didactic exercise “Snow - good and bad”

Goals: know the properties of snow, its importance for wildlife and human life; be able to highlight the positive and negative effects of loss large quantity snow (snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard) and light; see two sides to every phenomenon; think logically and explain your thoughts.

Wellness leisure "Winter Olympics - Arctic"

Source: .

Didactic exercise “Finish my sentence”

Goals: be able to listen carefully to the teacher, comprehending the essence of the event, establishing cause-and-effect relationships; logically complete sentences, explaining the reason for the event.

The teacher reads sentences of his choice to the children. The children finish them.

The children got their skates ready because...

Fishermen went out for winter fishing because...

In the morning everything was white and white, because...

Passers-by were frozen through on a winter day because...

Small white balls fell on the clothes of passers-by because...

By evening there were big snowdrifts because...

On the street everyone was falling and sliding because...

Long icicles hung from the roofs of houses because...

Birds moved closer to human habitation in winter because...

A bear can sleep in a den all winter because...

Tits, crows, sparrows, pigeons spend the winter in Russia because...

Trees are dormant in winter, sleeping because...

People wear warm, fur clothes in winter because...

The hunter knew where the hare ran because...

It is difficult for a fox to see a hare in winter because...

The hare, fox and squirrel do not freeze in winter because...

After the snowfall, cars were unable to drive along the road because...

The grass doesn't freeze in winter because...

In winter, the lights in houses and streets come on early because...

Children love winter because...

The children couldn't build a snowman because...

Many animals in the forest died in winter because...

The ice path didn't slide because...

Didactic exercise “Name the action”

Goals: know winter phenomena; be able to complete the teacher’s sentence, choosing the appropriate verb according to its meaning.

The teacher starts the sentences, the children finish them.

Snowstorm in winter... (sweeps).

At night the wind is in the chimneys... (howls, howls).

Snowflakes from a snow cloud... (fall, fly, spin).

There is a hungry wolf in the forest in winter... (howls).

For the winter the bear is in a den... (falls asleep).

Frost on cheeks and noses... (pinches).

In winter, the water in the river... (freezes).

In winter there is snow all around... (covers).

Grass under the snow in winter... (heats up).

Finger game “Winter’s hut in the forest”

Goals: be able to coordinate words with movements, perform rhythmic movements with hands and fingers; listen carefully and act together with the teacher.

The teacher reads poetry, the children perform the appropriate movements.

Reading poetry

The teacher reads poems to the children, then asks questions about their content.

Frost the artist"

Draws patterns

There is frost on the windows,

But only with white paint.

These are wonderful birds

Here is a miracle flower,

This is a beautiful castle, like in a fairy tale.

You can look at the paintings all day long,

But just don't touch it with your hands.

The patterns will then melt from the heat

And they will instantly say goodbye to us.

· On what days can you see drawings on windows?

· How are they formed?

· Why are drawings afraid of heat?

· What most often causes frost to appear on glass?


How a blizzard blew onto our street.

All the paths, all the porches are now white.

There will be snowdrifts - the doors won't open.

It will climb into the cracks to catch a cold.

He'll play enough and go into the woods,

And behind it will remain the snowy beauty.

· What is the difference between a blizzard and a snowfall? ,

· What is the difference between a blizzard and a blizzard?


It's frozen in the morning

There is no yesterday's warmth.

There is ice on the roads;

And the cars carry everything.

The sidewalks are like a skating rink.

I'd like to take another step,

But the sole failed -

She's very slippery.

How much trouble there is from ice!

There is work for janitors -

Pour salt and sand,

So that a passerby could pass.

· What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?

· Why do many accidents occur on the roads during icy conditions?

· Why do people often get injured in icy conditions?

· How to protect yourself in icy conditions?

· What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

Winter mirror

Smooth, very slippery

Ice shines like a mirror.

It is strong on rivers,

You can walk on it.

And on the smooth surface you can


Drive with the breeze

Even on a sleigh.

· How does the poem describe ice?

· What is ice formed from? How?

· Why can you even ride a sleigh on the ice on a river in cold weather?


The snow is so fluffy, soft, like a feather bed.

Suddenly it was decorated with rowan trees.

I sketched a pattern with a red berry,

She ordered the bullfinches to guard him.

The cake sparkles under the moon, silver.

And the mountain ash tree can’t even sleep at night.

White snow covered her like a bride,

And he left only room for bright cheeks.

· How is snow described in the poem?

· How can you decorate snow with rowan berries?

· Why are there always a lot of berries under rowan trees?

Logorhythmic poem "Blizzard"

The teacher reads poetry, the children perform movements.

The blizzard howls: Oooh, Make circular movements with your hands

I can wrap you up. kami overhead rhythmically.

Sweep it into a big snowdrift, Hands below, moving rhythmically

Hop-hop-hop, hop-hop-hop. them from the sides to the center, “raking up” the snow.

I'll take you away from home, They clap their palms rhythmically

I’ll bring you into an open field. body.

And then I'll go to bed Rhythmically sway crossed

To your snowy bed. with your hands in front of you.

Didactic game “Safety rules in winter”

Goals: know the safety rules in winter time(in ice, thaw, on reservoirs, when crossing the road, in windy and frosty weather); be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures; describe it and the rules that must be followed so as not to get injured or die.

Materials: pictures-signs depicting black ice, icicles, melting ice on rivers, transport on an icy road, strong winds with frost, severe frost.

Rules. The teacher offers children pictures-signs on safety rules in the winter, and the children must determine what the sign warns about and what not to do, how to prevent injury in winter.

Didactic game “Technology in the service of man in winter”

Goals: know the differences between cars that are used in winter; how a person prepares ordinary transport for the winter period; be able to compare machines with different purposes, find differences, explain the uniqueness of winter equipment (snowplow, snowmobile, icebreaker, motor sleigh, etc.).

Materials: pictures depicting machines: watering and snow removal, with wheels and runners, winter, sports cars, icebreaker and ship, snowshoes.

Rules. The teacher invites the children to select from the proposed pictures those that depict winter transport and talk about its differences and purpose. Children then imitate the actions of the machines, “turning” into them.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Goals: know the content of the fairy tale, the character of the characters, the signs of winter that are revealed in the fairy tale; be able to expressively, using different intonations, facial expressions, gestures, portray characters, act out scenes, interact with partners; use decoration elements to decorate the game.

For speech material on the lexical structure of speech, see.

Sketch “Let's decorate the Christmas tree”

Goals: know that in Russia New Year is celebrated only in winter; be able to imagine Christmas decorations, Christmas tree, actions to decorate it; convey images through pantomime, speech accompaniment, spatial orientation; transmit emotional condition, associated with the New Year, New Year tree.

Teacher. Children, the New Year has long passed. And we were waiting for him so much! What a pity that there is no longer a New Year tree. Or maybe we should bring back this holiday? I suggest you go for a walk in the winter forest, choose the fluffiest Christmas tree there and dress it up. Do you agree? Let's dress warmly, because it's cold in the winter forest. Warm first sports suit. Pants, jacket. Zip the zipper all the way to prevent frost from getting under your jacket. Well, I'll check. Now let's put on our shoes. What will we wear?

Children offer their own options.

Or maybe in shoes? Why not?

The children explain.

Tuck your pants into your boots. Let's put on a warm hat. Which hat is who? What is it made of? What colour?

The children answer.

Let's put it on winter coat or a fur coat. Help each other fasten the top button. Alyosha, not all your buttons are fastened. Well, check it out. Lena, is your zipper stuck? Let me help. We will tie a scarf over the coat so that the neck is covered. What color are your scarves? What are they connected from?

The children answer.

Don't forget about mittens to keep your hands warm. Let me look at you all again. Is everyone ready? Well done! How will we carry the Christmas tree decorations? Let's take our backpacks, they won't interfere with our movement. Now I will give them to you. For Anya - a yellow backpack with parsley, for Sasha - a blue one with a boat... Put the toys that you would like to take into the backpacks.

Guys, what if there is deep snow in the forest? Maybe we should take skis? How do you think? Take a pair of skis and ski poles. Stand one after another more freely, put your skis on the floor. Let it be a ski track. Put on your skis and pick up your poles. I'll go ahead.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, let's start a round dance, Miracle Christmas tree we'll find it. Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree. Let's dress up this Christmas tree, we'll look at it.

Children, look around. Maybe someone will see a beautiful Christmas tree.

Children look for a Christmas tree and find it.

Oh, what a beauty! Take off your skis quickly. Place them side by side. Take off your backpacks and take out your Christmas tree decorations. Who has the star? Let's decorate the top of the Christmas tree with it. You can’t get it, so I’ll plant the star on the tree myself. Look, did I plant it straight? Now show me your toys and tell me what you want to hang on the Christmas tree. Let all the toys be different, then the Christmas tree will be beautiful.

The children answer.

Stand around the Christmas tree and hang your toys. Hang it firmly to prevent the toy from falling. Whoever can reach it, hang it on the upper branches, and others on the middle and lower branches. Let's admire it. It turned out great! But we haven't decorated the Christmas tree with lights yet! Forgot! There is no electricity in the forest, so I took a battery with me. Take the wires and unwind them. I'll take it by the middle and attach it at the top, and you spread the wires on all sides. Let's check if the lights are on or not? Look, I'll connect it to the battery. Are they burning? What color are the lights? Have we distributed them evenly throughout the tree?

The children answer.

All the forest dwellers will be surprised! They'll be happy! They'll think it's New Year's Eve. It seems to me that the sparkling rain is missing. Who's having rain? Bring it quickly. Take a little of everything and hang it on the Christmas tree on all sides. Very beautiful! I did not see better than a Christmas tree! Tell me what you see on Christmas tree? (Points to different parts of the proposed Christmas tree.)

The children answer.

Let's dance around her.

Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to the Christmas tree. If you want, we will come and visit her again.

Beautiful Christmas tree, don’t be sad without us!

You won't be alone in the forest now.

The bunny and the fox will come running to you.

The squirrel will jump, the birds will all be there.

Test questions and assignments

1. What is winter? (Season.)

2. What time of year does it follow?

3. What time of year comes after winter?

4. Name the winter months in order.

5. What changes occur in the plant world in winter?

6. How do domestic animals, animals, and birds winter?

7. What happens to reservoirs?

8. How does the length of day and night change?

9. Which month is the snowiest?

10. Why do they say “A lot of snow - a lot of bread”?

11. What is black ice? Why is she dangerous?

12. What is the difference between snowfall and blizzard and blizzard?

13. What is the difference between sticky snow and loose snow?

14. How do people dress in winter? Why?

15. What technology helps people in winter?

16. What changes in people’s lives in winter?

17. Why do children love winter?

18. What winter games and fun do you know? Do you like it?

19. What holiday occurs only in winter?

20. What is snow and ice made of?



Children should know:

The first signs of spring in nature; signs of early and late spring;

What happens in the spring with snow and ice on reservoirs;

That in the spring the length of the day increases, reaching the vernal equinox;

What happens in the spring in the plant and animal world;

What people do in the spring, how their clothes change in accordance with the changing weather.

Children should be able to:

Summarize the signs of spring and specify them, compare them with the signs of winter;

Use knowledge about the signs of spring in completing the teacher’s tasks, answering questions, describing phenomena, and selecting visual aids;

Develop interest in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, observation skills.


Spring (teacher), Vesnyanka girl, spring leaf, primrose, breeze, etc.

The first half of the day


Introductory conversation

Goals: prepare children for the upcoming activity; arouse interest in the topic of the day; gather attention; plan together the main stages of the day.

Morning exercises

Goals: be able to reproduce an image through plasticity and expressiveness of movements, emotionally coloring it; differentiate your muscle sensations, manage them; use knowledge about spring to create an image.

Running like a stream; walking through puddles; walking - borders on arable land; running in all directions - insects, chafers, petals of flowering apple trees, bird cherry, cherry - , reach for the sun; sit down -melted snowdrift; sitting - the breeze sways the grass, the flower blooms, hand movements - ice floes break; lying down - the bear wakes up; clapping or walking in place - spring thunder, jumping - catching sunbeams, construction - Sun rays, running one at a time trickle, two - river, four - flood

Spring calls

Goals: know the various ancient spring chants that people used when turning to the forces of nature; be able to pronounce chants expressively and emotionally.

The teacher invites the children to invite spring to their place for the Spring Festival. Invites you to come to the window, stretch your hands forward and say chants in unison.

Ay, ay, howl,

Let's hear about spring:

March, March

I'm glad to see the sun;

April, April

Will open the door;

Walk as much as you want!

Aw, aw, let's go!

Bucket sun,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, go for a ride,

Red, dress up!

Rain, rain, harder,

The grass will be greener

Flowers will grow

On a round meadow!

Thunder, thunder,

Don't hit our house.

And hit the deck

Into cold water.

Come out, rainbow-arc,

To green meadows

By its end,

Golden crown!

For examples of small folklore forms, see.

Related information.

I hope you had fun exercising with your kids? And together you had great fun with moving snow exercises! Now it's time for a new winter warm-up, and this time we'll do it in the company of a snowman.

Outdoor activity “Snowman”

You, of course, remember that we need the child to be in a wonderful mood, a small exercise mat on the floor and cue cards with the texts of poems and descriptions of movements. Also, for today’s lesson, it is advisable to prepare several of any size in advance - one for each warm-up participant.

And we will start the physical education session, according to tradition, with a riddle:

“We made a snowball,
They made a hat on him,
The nose was attached, and instantly
It turned out..."
("The Big Book of Santa Claus")

I am sure that the children will immediately guess who we are talking about and correctly complete the humorous riddle. And you, in turn, suggest to the child: “Do you want us to make a wonderful snowman right now?” And not alone, but together with mischievous animals!” "Yes I want to! Where will we get snow and animals? And besides, do animals really know how to sculpt a snowman?” - the baby may be surprised. “Of course they can - they are fairy tales and came to visit us from a funny children’s poem! And they took a snowball with them - there’s enough for everyone!” - it’s so easy and fun to involve a child in the game.

- Well, baby, are you ready for some active fun?
- Yes!
- Then let's begin! Repeat after me!

Mother and child stand at a short distance opposite each other, with one ball lying on the floor next to them on the side.

Physical education lesson based on the poem “About a Snowman”

It was in December.
(We squat down)

The snow sparkled in the yard.
(We move our hands along the floor in front of us - we touch the “snow” with our palms)

The winter sun was burning,
(We slowly rise and at the same time show a large solar circle with outstretched arms)

The sky was bright blue.
(We wave our arms extended above our heads, trying to reach as high as possible, trying to reach the sky)

(Gently lower your hands down and squat down, hands on the floor)

The old dog asked the cat:
(We turn into a dog - we get on all fours and move our butt from side to side, as if wagging our tail)

- What is all this fuss?
(We depict vanity - we alternately step from one knee to another, from one palm to another)

The cat smiled slightly:
(Now we become a kitten: also standing on all fours, first we smoothly round our back, then carefully bend it - we make a “kitty”. These movements can be done several times)

- We're making a snowman!
(We are in the same position. With one hand we roll the ball lying next to us and place it on the floor under the stomach, still standing on all fours. Let the baby do the same. Now with either knee we “kick” the ball forward, at this time the child too “ kicks" his ball, and your ball rolls up to him and hits him again with his knee. You can linger longer on these fun exercises - let the baby frolic)

Chickens with a rooster
They roll a snowball together.
(We squat down, keep our back straight and begin to walk in a circle on our tiptoes, like chickens, rolling the ball in front of us with our palms as we move)

The second calf made the second one,
The lamb helped him.
(Now one of you will become a calf, and another a lamb - we need to decide among ourselves. We rise to our feet, lower our torso down, reach the floor with outstretched arms, you can slightly bend your legs at the knees and lean on your palms. We begin to roll each other with our hands one ball for a friend - “making a snowball.” In this position, the muscles of the legs and back stretch very well)

The third lump was rolled by a boar.
(Being in the same position - with your knees slightly bent and your back tilted, take the ball in your hands and move your outstretched arms back and forth between your legs several times)

(We straighten up)

The ram brought the broom,
(We hold a “broom” in our hands - we bend our arms at the elbows in front of our chest, interlock our fingers. Now we will “sweep the yard” a little - we move our arms bent at the elbows in front of us from side to side with a large amplitude)

From rowan eyes
The goat did it quickly.
(Hands on the belt, the torso is tilted forward, the head is lowered - and we begin to walk in a circle, slowly stepping from foot to foot, as if a horned goat is walking. Then we straighten up, begin to reach as high as possible with our hands and “pluck” “berries” from an imaginary rowan tree. )

The rabbit brought his breakfast,
(Now we become a rabbit: we squat down, hold our palms in front of our chests and begin to jump in a circle on our toes)

Made a nose out of a carrot!
(Then we jump up, bend over with our legs slightly bent at the knees and begin to “pull the carrot” - take turns lifting it from the floor and lowering it with the force of our arms)

(We straighten up)

Tired of boring walks?

Drawing with coal
Mouth of a kitten with a puppy.
(Let's take an imaginary coal in our hands and draw a big mouth for the snowman: stand straight, extend one arm in front of us slightly to the side and begin to “draw a smiling mouth”, moving the extremely outstretched arm from side to side and depicting a semicircle. We repeat the same thing with the other hand )

In a fashionable bucket hat
(Round your arms above your head and move your head from side to side, or tilt your head to the right and left)

Snowman in the yard
(In a standing position, we hold the ball in front of us with outstretched arms, then we bend down with the ball, then even lower to the floor - this is how we got a big snowman from three snow globes!)

Stands like a monument
(They put their legs together, pressed their straight arms tightly to the sides of the body, straightened their back as much as possible, raised their head high, stretched their neck, stood on their tiptoes - they froze in this position for a few seconds)

And it makes the animals happy!
(And now mother and baby can completely relax and have a little fun, imitating funny and mischievous movements)

Did your child like it so much that he doesn’t mind moving around a little more? Great! For this occasion, we have another wonderful warm-up with a snowman in the title role. Here she is!

Physical education lesson based on the poem “Snowman”

Cheerful snowman Vasya
He lives in our yard.
(“We draw” the outline of a snowman with our hands: we stretch our arms in front of us and depict three snow globes in the air with our palms, one after another - the top one is the smallest, we lower the body lower - another middle ball, we bend towards the floor and depict the largest snowball)

Orange carrot nose
(We straighten up, put our palms folded together to our nose and gradually stretch our arms forward - we depict a long nose as a carrot)

Buttons instead of eyes.
(We stretch our arms forward at eye level and draw round eyes for our snowman with both hands at the same time - while the index fingers are extended and the hands are fully in motion. It is advisable to “draw” several circles in one direction, then in the other)

Red hat with a pompom
We brought it for him,
(We clasp our fingers together and place them on our heads, then smoothly raise our joined hands up above our heads, trying to stretch as high as possible - that’s how tall the snowman’s hat is!)

They took half an armful of hay
(From a standing position on straight legs, we bend as low as possible to the floor and collect hay with our hands, making several springy movements with our backs)

And they wove a broom for him.
(We hold one hand extended in front of us, holding an imaginary bundle of hay for a broom in a fist, and with the other hand on top we twist the rope around the bundle in a circular motion - this is how we make a broom)

Vasya doesn't need a tie -
(Hold the clenched fist of one hand near your neck and slowly turn your head left and right, trying to look behind your back with each turn)

His scarf is smart,
(We stretch our arms in front of us and spread them as far apart as possible - we show how long the snowman’s scarf is)

The wind blows in the cold
Knitted fabric.
(And now, with an effort, we wrap our arms around our shoulders twice, changing hands - this is how the scarf flutters in different directions)

Vasya is brave - look in the window:
(We draw a window in the air with our hands, then place one and the other outstretched palms alternately on our foreheads, straighten ourselves well, stand on tiptoe and stretch our body forward and up, looking out for our snowman)

He won't run away from the crows!
(Let the mother be a crow - strongly waves her “wings” with her arms and “flies” towards the child, and the baby runs away from her)

Why, at the sight of the sun?
(We depict a wide solar circle with our hands, spreading them strongly to the sides)

Is he worried or trembling?
(We squat down, clasp our knees with our hands, pressing them to our chest, and pretend to tremble)

Our outdoor activity with the participation of the very winter character has come to an end. But you can also organize a logical continuation of the physical education minutes... Did you guess it? Well, of course, we’re going to go outside and build a real snowman. The health benefits will be simply excellent, and how many joyful emotions children will receive during this exciting snow activity- you can imagine! The main thing is that the weather outside the window does not let you down and that you have prepared enough natural material.
The following publications were used to prepare the article:

  • Irina Gurina “About the Snowman” ( Ozone, Labyrinth);
  • "The Big Book of Santa Claus" ( Ozone).

Nikitina I.V., teacher II quarter.
d/s No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Target: Clarify and expand ideas about winter and its signs. Ideate. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form high-quality adjectives, plural nouns, and improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words. Develop perception, speech hearing, phonetic perception, memory, motor skills. Build mutual understanding and independence. Cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

1. Ball game “Seasons”.

Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher throws the ball and asks questions:

What time of year is it now?

The days have become shorter

The sun shines little

The frosts are here

And winter has come!

And what season will come after winter?

If the river is blue

Woke up again from sleep,

Everyone knows, along with the sun

Spring is coming to visit us!

What time of year do we go on vacation?

The sun has appeared

Summer in the meadow

I admire the sky

I'm very careful.

And who are the guys in a hurry to come to us in the summer?

So autumn has come,

The leaves have turned yellow

And, gliding through the air,

They flew to the sky.

And in autumn, children, what is coming?

Winter is decorated:

There is fringe on the headdress,

From transparent ice floes,

Snowflake stars,

All covered in diamonds and pearls,

Multi-colored lights.

Snow and blizzard patterns,

In the blizzard field, conversations,

Cold, twilight.

Day skates, mountain, sled.

Evening grandma's tales.

Here it is winter!

2. Introduction to the topic.

Working at tables. Music is playing. On the tables there are subject pictures: snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowball, icicle, bullfinch, sleigh.

Children, look at the pictures, name what is shown in your picture and make a sentence with this image.

What is shown in the picture?

What sound does the image in the picture begin with?

From what letter?

What proposal did you make?

How many words are there in a sentence?

3. Didactic game “Finish the sentence.”

The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, and the children add the word SNOWMAN.

We decided to make... (snowman)

We attached a nose to our... (to the snowman)

We showed moms... (snowman)

We're playing with... (snowman)

We told dad about... (snowman)

Our... (snowman)

Let's not forget... (snowman)

Guys, make up a sentence that begins with the word SNOWMAN.

Sentence with the word SNOWMAN.

4. Physical education lesson “Snowman”.

Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy,

Roll your snowball in the snow

(children walk in a circle)

It will turn into a snowball

And the lump will become a snowman.

(circular movements with hands)

His smile is so bright

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

(children show a smile, eyes)

But the sun will be a little hot

Alas, ... and there is no snowman.

(children squat down)

5. Reading an excerpt from the story “Four Artists. Winter" (according to G. Skrebitsky)

Winter has come into the forest. She dressed the pines and fir trees in thick coats of snow; she pulled snow-white hats down to their eyebrows; I put downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, decorously and calmly. Winter also dressed various bushes and young trees, like children, in white coats. And she threw a white blanket over the rowan tree. From under the blanket, clusters of berries can be seen like red earrings. The gray-haired sorceress WINTER decorated the winter forest well!

6. Sensory vocabulary work.

What does the word “rite” mean? (Dress, dress up)

What does “pushed” mean? (on top)

How do you understand the word “sorceress”? Say it differently (sorceress, fairy)

Bunches of berries differently (fruit clusters)

Cover? (blanket, cape)

What does it mean to stand decorously? (important, calm)

What can you grab? (cap, cap, hat)

What can you wear? (in a fur coat, in a jacket)

7. Conversation on the content of the story.

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations for the story and answer the questions:

What has winter dressed up pine and spruce trees? (in heavy snow coats)

What did she pull down to their very eyebrows? (snow-white hats)

What did you put on the branches of the pines and spruces? (down mittens)

What has winter dressed the various bushes and young trees? (in white fur coats)

What did winter throw at the rowan tree? (white bedspread)

8. Retelling the story with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams.

9. Summary of the lesson.

What did you like most about the lesson?

What was interesting and what was not so interesting?

What game would you like to play again?

We're going skiing

We're rushing down the mountain

We love fun

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