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Celebrate a man's 30th birthday

Every person's birthday is a special date. After all, this is a year of life lived that cannot be returned. And many do not celebrate their birthdays, citing the fact that they are already tired of celebrating every year. But the anniversary is a different story. The anniversary is celebrated every time, because this event occurs once every five years. We have a ready-made script for a man’s 30th anniversary for you. We think that we have a cool script, because it has games and competitions, funny skits and much more. Watch it and choose what you like best.

First toast.
The first toast I want to say is about the moments of our lives. Everyone knows that every moment in our lives cannot be repeated. Every moment comes once in a lifetime. And even if we get together in a few years in the same company, everything will still be different.
I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day. Raise him so that he appreciates every moment of his life. And so that you always go towards your goal!

The main holiday.

You know, every person dreams of something. We cannot live without a dream. I don’t know what our hero of the day dreams of, but I will try to make his dream come true. Which he once dreamed of. All people, one way or another, wonder if there is life on the moon? I can tell you with confidence - there is!
And in confirmation of these words, I give the hero of the day a visa to the moon, which was personally given to me by the head of the moon. And a certificate to visit the moon at any time!

Game for the mood.
Let's play one game that will cheer us up and liberate us all. The game is called - and it’s in my pants. Many people know this game, but still play it. Because she is cheerful and funny.
The rules of the game are simple: the guest says the phrase - AND I HAVE IN MY PANTIES, and then takes out one piece of paper from the bag and reads out what is in his pants.
Examples of phrases for the game:
- a subtle taste of modern England!
- a complete collection of modern entertainment!
- hedgehog!
- a living source!
- the most favorable conditions!
- nothing went sour!
- cleaning is underway!
- the universe will fit!
- exchange office!
- something is hidden!
- favorable rate!
- bad visibility!
- sale!
- pass to the country's secret facilities!
- Sometimes it rains!
- dry and fresh!
- there are storms!

A scene for the hero of the day - baby.
For the scene you need some props. You need to prepare a sheet with a hole for your head and for your arms. You also need to sew a baby onesie onto the sheet. The sheet is pulled on both sides by the guests and held.

The presenter begins:
- a long time ago, 30 years ago, a child was born in one family.
(the head of the hero of the day appears in the place for the head, and the hands of another person appear in the place for the hands).
His parents were delighted with him and immediately shouted - hurray! But the child was frightened by their scream and began to scream himself.
(the hero of the day cries, imitates the baby’s first cry)
The parents began to calm their boy down and waved to him. In response, the baby waved his hands at them as well.
(the hero of the day, that is, the one who plays the role of his hands, waves his hands)
The baby grew not by years, but by days. He quickly understood everything and within a few days he learned to pat himself on the head.
(hands stroke the hero of the day on the head)
The parents thought that this was the child’s way of showing them that he wanted to wear a cap. And they gave him a cap.
(they give a cap to your hands and your hands try to put the cap on your head)
Although the child grew quickly, he still ate from the bottle.
(they give a bottle of milk into your hands and your hands try to feed your head)
IN kindergarten The child really fell in love with music and even started going to dances.
(they turn on the music and the hands dance with their heads)
And at school he fell in love with rap music.
(include rap)
Soon our baby became quite an adult and tried alcohol for the first time.
(they give a glass of vodka and let the head drink. They don’t give a snack and the hero of the day winces)
See how he immediately didn’t like drinking!
And so year after year went by, and our boy turned 30! And now he became like this:
The screen is removed and the hero of the day appears in all his glory.

Game with guests.
This block is entirely dedicated to playing with guests. The essence of the game is simple - funny tasks are written on the cards that the guests will have to complete. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and doing what is written there.

An unusual game with guests.
You need to select four guests - two girls and two guys. They turn their backs to the guests. Signs are hung on their backs. For guys: sobering station, registry office. And for the girls: sauna, bushes. It is important that the signs with the words are not seen by the participants in the game. And the guests could see them.
After the signs are put on, the presenter begins to ask them the same questions. And the participants answer while the presenter comments on the answers.
- do you like going to this place?
- how often do you go there?
- Who do you usually go there with?
- do they like it?
- how much time do you spend there?
- what are you doing there?
- would you recommend guests to go there?
- and which of the guests specifically?

Since the participants do not know what is written on the signs on their backs, their answers turn out to be ridiculous and ridiculous. The main thing is not to forget about the host’s comments!

Gifts for guests.
The hero of the day was brought gifts for the holiday. But the hero of the day is not going to let the guests go empty-handed. let's hold a raffle and distribute gifts!
The lottery is simple - numbers from 1 to the number of guests are written on the cards. And each number has its own verse and a gift under the verse. Guests take turns taking out a card with a number, and the host reads the verse and gives a gift.
Poems for the game:

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If you need a script for a man’s 30th birthday, then we offer you an excellent option. This scenario can be used as a basis for holding a not particularly large-scale event.
The room where the anniversary will be held is decorated with flowers, balloons, and posters of appropriate content. It’s a good idea to design a kind of wall newspaper that reflects the life path of the hero of the day. At the very beginning of the event, you can hold a kind of presentation of the hero of the day with the presentation of an anniversary diploma at the end. The diploma lists all the merits of the hero of the day and his achievements. One presenter can lead the event, but it is better if there are two of them.
After the presentation of the anniversary diploma, everyone present at the celebration is invited to take their places at the banquet table.
The pronunciation of the first toast is entrusted to a friend of the hero of the day.

I propose the first toast to the hero of the occasion!
People have gathered here in honor of your birthday!
We wish you health and a long, happy life,
And remain faithful to our long-standing friendship!

After this toast, a kind of test is carried out among the guests for attentiveness and knowledge of events in the life of the hero of the day. The presenters hand the guests cards with prepared questions. For example: When did the hero of the day say his first word? What school did you graduate from? Diploma specialty? Favorite dish? And so on. If someone fails to correctly answer the question asked to him, then he will have to give away some of his things as forfeit. It will be possible to get this thing back only after he fulfills the wish of the hero of the day. This does not happen immediately, but throughout the entire festive event. It is the task of the presenters to regulate this issue. Let's say after another toast.
Leading:- Now I propose to honor those thanks to whom our hero of the day was able to become who he really is: an excellent person and loving son! And this toast is in honor of the happy parents of our hero of the day!
We wish you happiness,
We wish you good health
And since the birth of my son
We congratulate you!
Thirty years have already passed,
You raised me well
Own son -
A worthy man has grown up!
And at this hour
We all drink to you!

Leading: And now a little test for my son. I will read the sentences, and our hero of the day will continue them. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, without hesitation. For example, my mother is an excellent...cook.
My mom never...
My dad always...
My mom loves...
My dad can't stand...
My mother often...
My dad sometimes...
My mom doesn't like it when...
My dad is into...
My mom is the best at...
My dad knows best...
And so on. You don’t need to prepare a lot of questions so that it won’t be tedious.

Leading:- Such wonderful parents and their son turned out wonderful!

Our hero of the day is so good!
And you won't find him better
Men in this world!
Let's drink to this!

The hero of the occasion must confirm that he is really that good. To do this, he is asked to complete the following task. Small cardboard circles with numbers from 1 to 30 are laid out on the floor. They can be arranged in different ways, as the room allows. You can do it in a circle, or you can do it in a zigzag, at a distance of a wide step from each other. The hero of the day stands next to the circle with the number 1 and names one of his positive qualities. For example, “I am smart!” and stands on the circle with the number 1. Then he lists his other qualities, stepping in turn on the circles with the corresponding numbers. An assistant is chosen in advance, which can be a wife, girlfriend, friend, who, in case of difficulty, will help with the characteristics of the hero of the day. It is forbidden to give hints to others, otherwise it will not be so interesting. In this case, a temporary restriction on staying in one circle is assigned. The leader counts to a maximum of 10. If during this time a suitable epithet is not chosen, the player returns to the starting position and everything starts all over again, and the task becomes more complicated, since it cannot be repeated.

Toast in your honor
Let me read it now!
You are worthy of all praise
You took it with your intelligence and height!
Your affairs are going as they should
And for your deeds - you will be rewarded!
We drink to your success today!
Good luck, friend, in everything!

Leading:- From all that has been said, it follows that our hero of the day is worthy of all praise and deserves a full-length portrait. That's what we'll do now. Everyone is given the opportunity to have a hand in this matter.
Cards are distributed on which it is written: oval of the face, nose, mouth, right eye, left eye, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, right ear, left ear, hair, neck, torso, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. A sheet of whatman paper is pre-attached to the stand and each of the “artists” approaches it, is blindfolded and draws his part of the “portrait” with a marker and leaves his autograph at the bottom of the sheet. The result is very impressive. You can turn the stand away from the audience and show the “portrait” only when it is completely ready.

Leading:- The creation of this magnificent masterpiece must be celebrated with a glass of wine! But first, a toast. And this toast will also be a collective one!
Each of those present stands up and takes turns saying a wish to the hero of the day, expressed in one word. For example, “Happiness!”, “Good luck!”, “Success!”, “Love!”, “Prosperity!”, “Goodness!”, “Wealth!” It is advisable not to repeat yourself. This is why they raise their glasses to all this.

Thirty years is the prime of life!
There is no reason to be sad today!
Great anniversary
Among family and friends!
Let's drink to the bottom again
We'll have a glass of wine!

After this toast, the host says:
- But I wonder if our dear hero of the day will be able to recognize his relatives and friends from eyes closed? Let's check!
The hero of the day is blindfolded and then the guests approach him one by one, and he must determine by touch who it is. You can't talk. You can change items of clothing, which makes identification difficult and makes the game more exciting.
After “identification,” the lights in the room are turned off and a birthday cake with 30 lit candles is brought in. The size of the cake depends on the scale of the event. All those gathered sing the traditional: “Happy birthday to you!” and the hero of the day blows out the candles. The light comes on. Everyone treats themselves to cake. Song performed:“Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year.” And then comes a colorful fireworks display, prepared in advance at a special site. Like any festive event, the celebration of the 30th anniversary continues with dancing.
Depending on the setting, if the guests show a desire and are able to do so, you can hold a competition for a couples dance with balloons held between the foreheads of the partners. Also, during the dancing, a ball with surprises, prepared in advance and installed under the ceiling, is revealed. This, in fact, is where the scenario of a 30-year-old man, as such, ends.

Today we will tell you how to celebrate a man’s 30th birthday with his closest people. A cool anniversary scenario will help you arrange the best celebration, and all your friends will be happy. Our scenario includes games and competitions, funny pranks and much more.

But first, let's look at what is already on the site for a man's 30th anniversary. And we have the following:
So check it all out and be sure to add a presenter to your list.

And we go directly to the script.
After the first congratulatory speeches have been said and the first glasses have been drunk to the health of the hero of the day, you can hold a small competition.
The presenter selects several people, and we read the text to them:
This drink has more than a thousand varieties. And it is the third most popular drink in the world after water and tea. This drink comes in light and dark.

After the text, the selected people must pour this particular drink into their glasses.
Then the presenter selects the next group of people and reads the text to them:
This drink got its name thanks to a French city, in the vicinity of which, in fact, it was first made. For Russian ears, the name of this drink can be broken down into two words. One is an animal, and the second is a brand of airplane.

And a group of people also pour themselves this drink.

And the last group of people and their text:
They say that this is an original Russian drink. Most tourists come to our country to try this particular drink. And in the USSR during the war, all military personnel were entitled to 100 grams of front-line food.

And this group of people pours the drink in question into their glasses.

After everything has been poured, the host says:
Look - you all poured the right drink, none of you made a mistake. So let's drink to our hero of the day, who was not mistaken about his friends! And let's drink to the friends of our hero of the day, who were not mistaken in choosing their friend!

Now comes the entertainment program.

To begin with, a game called - what to drink from. Each guest takes turns taking a note from the bag, which says what he should drink from. Examples of what to drink from:
1. From a glass using a straw.
2. From a bottle with a pacifier for newborns.
3. From a bucket.
4. From a small spoon.
5. From the palm of the neighbor on the right.
And so on. Think of your own items that you have in your home.

The next competition is for all gambling people.
Alcoholic drinks are poured into glasses, and a deck of playing cards is placed on top of each glass. The participants' task is to blow away as many cards as possible the first time. But you can’t blow everything away! After everything has been blown away, the number of remaining cards on the glass is counted. Whoever has the most loses and drinks the contents of the glass.

Now a competition for talented actors.
We divide into pairs. One participant in each pair will have to perform a mini-performance without words. And the second one must guess what we are talking about. For example, the first should, with the help of gestures, facial expressions, movements, but without words, invite the second to the opera. In the next pair, the first one must also invite the second one to the children's amusement park without words. In the third couple, invite one of them over to watch a movie. And so on. Well, the second participants must guess where his name is. Whoever can guess the fastest is the winner. And plus the audience award for the funniest show.

And in the end, we must congratulate the hero of the day again, but only do it in an original way.
You need dice from a game of dominoes. They are all upside down and no one can see the number of points on each domino. Each guest takes turns taking one domino and turning it over. And how many glasses she has, so many words will be in his congratulations. And whoever pulled out the dummy talks until he has enough.

A man's birthday is an important holiday. And the anniversary in this case is doubly important. And it is celebrated on a special scale. And in order for such an event to go smoothly and interestingly, this needs to be taken care of in advance. Many birthday people with round dates prefer not to bother themselves with pre-holiday chores, but simply transfer all organization issues to professionals.

In terms of the scope of the celebration, anniversaries are sometimes not inferior to weddings. An abundance of guests, an extensive entertainment program, a professional toastmaster, toasts and congratulations - this day simply must remain in the memory.

But instead bright holiday It can turn out to be a rather banal event if nothing dilutes the abundance of toasts with wishes and memories. Summing up is an integral part of anniversaries. But just without surprises, fun competitions and bright entertainment program nothing good will come of it. Everyone present will die of boredom. The birthday boy, of course, is a good person and remembering his achievements and merits is not only possible, but also necessary. But not throughout the evening. And a detailed and lengthy excursion into the past, right up to childhood, would also be unnecessary.

A properly organized event will be remembered by all guests for a long time. The key to success is a good script. But you just need to take into account such factors as the age of the birthday boy, as well as his gender. So, 30th anniversary script for a man will differ from that of women. But for those who are in their seventies, such an event program will not be suitable.

30 years is considered half of life, the age when a person is in the prime of life and has already achieved a lot. A little solemnity, enthusiasm, optimistic notes and good wishes for the future - all this should be present at the anniversary.

Scenario for celebrating a man's 30th birthday must be very competently and thoughtfully composed. It is necessary to take into account all the little things. Such an event should be carried out as well as possible, without serious failures or delays.

The venue can be a nightclub or restaurant, or a forest lawn. It all depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and, of course, financial capabilities.

But don't lose sight of all the little things. Even if you have prepared a thousand competitions, but if, in the case of a picnic, transport is poorly taken care of, the overall impression will be spoiled. So, careful preparation and attention to detail in this matter are also important.

Before moving on to the scenario, we suggest ordering a congratulation by phone. You can select the sending date and voice greeting will arrive exactly on your birthday.

Voice greetings to your phone

Right now, choose the congratulation option and send it directly to the hero of the day’s mobile phone.

Script theme for a man's 30th birthday

A funny script, classic style, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary. The room in which the celebration will take place needs to be decorated with dignity: balloons, festive ribbons, all kinds of thematic posters. Tablecloths and napkins should also be in bright colors so that the holiday can be felt in everything. You can also hang up photographs of the hero of the day, from childhood onwards.

Turning 30 is already quite a bold and decisive date for a man, because he has already achieved a lot - career, family, and faithful friends. This means that there are definitely people with whom you can celebrate this wonderful holiday. So it’s necessary to celebrate, and of course it’s best to celebrate according to the script.

Today is not an easy day,
Anniversary, golden,
Very festive in everything
This holiday is in full swing!
You are passing by as guests,
Look at the gorgeous table,
Take your places behind him,
And wait for the hero of the day,
He has been rushing to us for a long time,
But he’s just not there,
Perhaps I should call
One-two-three, let's shout!
(the guests, at the command of the presenter, call the hero of the day, he comes out, solemn music and applause sounds)

We welcome him with joy,
And congratulations on your anniversary,
But it took you a long time to come to us,
Did you find an apology?!
But if not, I will give you a task:
How old are you, so many push-ups from the floor!
(The hero of the day does thirty push-ups to the applause)

For push-ups like these,
You are worthy of charm
I am happy to present you with a medal,
And I announce the next task!
(the presenter gives the Jubilee a gold medal with the inscription “Happy 30th anniversary!”, can be purchased at the gift shop)

And now to go to your place,
You need to walk thirty steps!
(the presenter goes to his place at the table, but he must walk exactly thirty steps)

You did everything right,
Now hurry up and get your Jubilee Diploma!
(the presenter presents the hero of the day with a Diploma of a real hero of the day, can be bought in the gift shop)

Presenter (toast):
For three dozen dear,
And what were they like?!
Both with joy and with sorrow,
With passivity and surprise!
On the whole, we lived them with dignity,
We deserve applause!
(guests applaud)
(musical break, meal)

And now the first congratulations,
Amazing musical performance!
(the song is rehearsed in advance, can be performed by several people at the same time, preferably by friends)

Song-remake based on gr. Gas sector "30 years"

Verse No. 1

Today we gathered at your table,
To wish you happiness home,
So that this holiday rejoices,
So that he surprises in many ways,
Because it happens once
Thirty years have come to you now,
And in their honor today we sing,
To be lucky in everything!


So that your wife bakes pies for you,
So that children always make you happy,
So that the family hearth is always hot,
And if something goes wrong, just don’t cry,
After all, we will hold you forever,
After all, we are always friends for you,
And today just relax,
Celebrate thirty years of glory!

Chorus 2 times.

The artists sang their song,
But the guests were still sitting,
Now their turn has come,
So that everyone can congratulate the hero of the day!
(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day, giving him their gifts and wishes)

Well, now, for congratulations,
Let's drink without delay
So let's open the bottles
We fill our glasses,
And to our dear, to our beloved hero of the day – let’s drink!
(musical break, meal)

Now let's hold a competition,
You will like everything about him!

Competition "Winter Party"

Everyone is welcome to participate; we are divided into two teams. Each team is placed at a distance of 5 five meters with a chair on which lies: a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, a bottle of vodka (mineral water) and a shot glass. Task: at the command of the leader, each member of his team runs up to his chair, puts on a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, opens a bottle, pours a glass, drinks, undresses and returns to the team. And so, the team that empties the bottle the fastest wins. Prizes: each bottle of mineral water, with parting words for tomorrow.

Let's play, well done
We drank everything from our hearts,
And now let's pour the real wine,
And we drink to the family of the hero of the day!
(musical break, meal)

Now it's time for everyone to stand up
And with joy, dance!
(good cheerful music sounds, guests dance if they wish)

And now I ask you to light the sparkler candle,
Look at the hero of the day with a smile,
And of course, drink to him,
After all, this day is everything for him!
(guests light sparklers, a good birthday song plays, a meal takes place)

I hasten to tell you, friends,
That, alas, it’s time for me,
So please forgive me
But I'll have to leave
And you all are having fun here,
And enjoy this holiday to the fullest!
(the host leaves the holiday, but the guests continue to have fun)


30 years is already quite a stately age for a man. There is a soulmate, some even have a family, as well as a permanent and favorite job. And this all means that he has much more relatives and friends and acquaintances than at a young age, and this means that an anniversary such as the 30th anniversary should be celebrated widely and, of course, according to the script.


We propose a fairly simple but interesting topic: “Anniversary of a real man.” The room in which the holiday will be celebrated can be decorated with balloons, you can give preference to the colors of the Russian flag, adhere to a certain rigor, because it is a man’s holiday, but still the decoration itself causes joy. You can also hang up various mini-posters depicting the winners of various sports competitions, and paste a photo of the Jubilee on the photo of the first place winner. The Jubilee’s clothes also correspond; if he prefers a formal suit, then the number “1” should be depicted on his tie, using a special one. colors, with the thought that today he is the winner and the best. If not a suit, then we buy a T-shirt with this number.

At the age of 30 he managed everything,
Everything he wanted
There is a second half
I have a job and a car,
I have great friends
Am I right, gentlemen?!
Then you will support him,
And shout his name out loud!

(all the guests call out to the hero of the day in chorus, he enters to applause)

Here he is, number one
The hero of the day and the lord,
He wins in everything
The sparkle in the eyes attracts with fire,
And the figure is just classy,
Presents himself well
And for these achievements,
I present the certificates without delay!

(The presenter presents the following certificates to the hero of the day:
- “To the best man”;
- “To the hero of the day”;
And a gold medal with the number “30”.
All this can be purchased in the specialized store “Everything for the Holiday”)

For such a young man
You can also drink some wine!

(musical break, meal)

Well, now I’m announcing a competition to you,
Who wants to participate?
I invite you to my place!

The competition is called: “Anniversary Jelly”. 4 people take part. Each person is given a portion of jelly, in which the number “30” can be depicted using berries, as well as toothpicks. Task: at the command of the leader, with the help of toothpicks, all participants begin to eat jelly. All this is not as simple as it seems, the jelly slips and falls, it is very difficult to get it into the mouth. The one who eats everything first is the winner. Prize: a bottle of champagne.

And now I suggest you drink again,
Raise a glass to our Anniversary!

(musical break, meal)

Dear guests, don’t sit still,
Come to (name) with gifts and wishes!

(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day)

And now, I want to introduce you to the artists,
Wonderful guitarists
They came to the Jubilee with a song,
And they will sing it from the heart!

(song is rehearsed in advance)

The song is an adaptation based on the tune of the Gaza Strip group “30 Years”.

Verse No. 1:

We came to you for your anniversary,
Let's pour wine into glasses quickly,
You'll be a great man
And as a gift a song from us!

We wish you the best to be
Discover something new for yourself in life,
Get a lot of money
At 30 years old, you can swim across all seas!

On this day you were born,
On this day we send you a big “hello”,
May there be a great dawn in your soul,
You (name) are 30 years old!


And now for a little romance,
Everyone invites the other to dance!

(guests can dance if they wish)

And we raise our glasses again,
We are very happy about this day,
Today (name) turned 30 years old
And let this day leave its mark!

(musical break, meal)

I'm announcing a new competition
I invite the strongest!

The competition is called: “The Best”. Men (4 people) take part. Everyone is lined up along the road of obstacles: 1) do 15 push-ups; 2) tear a stack of papers into two parts; 3) eat a maxi sandwich and drink one liter of beer. Whoever does it all quickly and deftly and comes to the finish line first wins. Prize: a set of beer glasses.

What can I tell you
I can offer you a toast,
For the hero of the day, and for you, friends,
If only you would always meet more often!


(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)

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