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Make up gray eyes. Beautiful makeup: creating a new image. How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup

To repeat the image of a fatal beauty for a fair-haired girl, follow our step-by-step photo instructions.

Apply foundation to prepared skin (micellar water, moisturizer, toner): Foundation, fluid or mousse. By the way, if you still haven’t found a foundation of a suitable shade, use ours.

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Treat the area under the eyes with concealer to hide the slightest bruises, spider veins or dark circles. Don't forget to apply the product on the sides at the base of the nose, where it "connects" with the inner corners of the eyes: this is where the most distinct blue usually appears. Emphasize your cheekbones with a dark creamy product and blend it properly.

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Emphasize eyebrows with a pencil to match lighter colors hair and be sure to comb them with an eyebrow brush so that there is no clear outline left.

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Using a fluffy brush, apply gray-brown shadows to the entire eyelid and orbital line.

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Use the same shadows to highlight the lower eyelid. Line the mucous membrane of both the upper and lower eyelids with a black pencil. It would be better if it was waterproof.

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Add light satin shadows to the inner corner of the eye, add light beige shadows without shimmer under the eyebrow (a concealer or corrector is also suitable for this purpose), and paint your eyelashes.

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Apply a rich berry shade of lipstick to your lips.

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Add a little light blush to the top of your cheekbones. At the final stage, set your makeup with powder.

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Watch the video dedicated to fresh and unusual daytime makeup for a fair-haired girl with blue eyes.

Even more ideas for makeup are in the photo selection of looks from the shows:

Makeup for blue eyes for all occasions

For the office or a party, wedding or graduation - we tell you how to choose makeup depending on the occasion.

Easy everyday makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for the office or school should, firstly, be simple to perform: if you bring the actions to automaticity, the makeup will ultimately take no more than 5 minutes. Secondly, neutral: bright colors are not always appropriate, and choosing an outfit will not be so easy. The image we propose to repeat meets both parameters!

Give preference to a foundation with a light texture that is easy to blend. Apply it using a sponge, previously soaked in water and wrung out.

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Treat the area under the eyes with concealer (apply it with a synthetic bristle brush). To achieve a lighter coverage, additionally blend the product using a “pressing” motion with your finger.

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Fill in your eyebrows with a powder pencil or shadow. Apply beige or light brown shadows to your eyelids (maybe with light shimmer) and blend over the entire eyelid. Lightly coat your eyelashes with mascara, without trying to achieve the effect of doll eyelashes: they will be superfluous in daytime makeup.

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Apply a light nude gloss or lipstick to your lips.

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Other ideas for easy daytime makeup:

Wedding makeup for blue eyes

If you are hesitant to entrust your wedding makeup to a professional makeup artist and decide to take everything into your own hands, you will find our detailed video instructions on light makeup for a wedding useful. By the way, it can also be used if you play the role of a bridesmaid at a wedding: the image is universal.

Fashionable wedding makeup - 2019 - in our photo gallery:

Prom makeup for blue eyes

Graduation evening, on the one hand, is a formal event. But at the same time, you can easily afford not too strict makeup. Add some color to your makeup!

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Apply light shadows with shimmer to the entire moving eyelid up to the orbital line. For example, champagne or peach shades are suitable. By the way, you can easily replace them with a highlighter containing warm-toned pigments.

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Fold upper eyelid and highlight the entire sub-brow area with shining dark brown shadows so that the shading turns out smoky. Don’t be afraid to overdo it - the makeup should be quite “sweeping”.

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Emphasize the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a waterproof turquoise pencil. Blend it onto the lower eyelid as well.

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Apply thicker mascara to your upper eyelashes.

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Apply peach lipstick to your lips; it can also be used instead of blush.

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Evening makeup for blue eyes

Watch the video on evening makeup and read the description for tips that will help you create a flawless look.

Makeup for blue-gray eyes

  • Choose contrasting warm shades. Golden and copper shadows will perfectly highlight the color of your eyes and make them more expressive.
  • The right choice will be the most fashionable shades of this season - red. From light orange to eggplant, use whatever suits your look best.

For every day, arrows made with brown or copper eyeliner are suitable. A shimmering liner will highlight your eyes and literally make them sparkle.

Popular eye makeup techniques

Smokey eyes for blue eyes

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Blend the cobalt shade along the eyelid and orbital line, leaving the outer corner bare.

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Add rich purple shadows to the outer, “clean” corner of the eye and blend the boundaries of the two shades with a brush.

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Blend pink eyeshadow on the lower eyelid.

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Be sure to line the mucous membrane of the eyes and the space between the eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids with a black waterproof pencil. If this is not done, the look may look painful.

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Mark the inner corner of the eye with silver shadows. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

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Makeup with arrows for blue eyes

To learn how to create graphic arrows in a couple of minutes, watch our video!

Arrows can be of completely different shapes. Photo selection from fashion shows is further confirmation of this.

Daytime makeup ideas for blue-gray eyes

Properly executed makeup in suitable tones will decorate any girl. A banal mascara seriously changes your look. Makeup culture is growing, but there are still ladies who are in the realm of standard thinking. There are two most common stereotypes about the color scheme of eye shadow in relation to eye color: blue-eyed - bluish, green-eyed - greenish, gray-eyed - steel-gray.

And also that pearlescent shadows are intended for evening makeup. This kind of thinking is fundamentally wrong. In addition to shiny eye products, evening makeup differs from daytime makeup in a number of other ways.

Using cosmetics to create evening and daytime looks

The very phrase daytime makeup reflects the main essence. This is “decorating” the face during daylight hours. The tones used are lighter and translucent. During the day, apply delicate shades of any cosmetics. Depending on the situation, you can create both a gentle and a businesslike look without using bright colors and bold arrows.

This applies to all used cosmetic products. A slightly softer shade of blush, a lighter version of your favorite lipstick, a little less mascara on your eyelashes.

Bright cosmetics, as well as excessive amounts of it during the daytime, create the impression of gross vulgarity.

When applying makeup intended for the evening, the color scheme and density of the makeup changes. Brightness, shine and a non-trivial combination of colors, styles, and textures are acceptable.

Main features of blue-gray eye makeup

Gray-blue eyes tend to change their color depending on the weather, mood, and even the color of the wall behind them. With help decorative cosmetics These eyes can be given different color nuances. A variety of blue and cyan shadows will emphasize the blueness of the look. To highlight the gray shade, shades of steel, silver or ash color are selected. Copper and gray-green shadows will bring out a slight green sparkle in the look.

Ten popular shades of eye shadow suitable for a blue-gray iris:

Choosing color combinations regarding hair color

Among those with a blue-gray look, there are both blondes and brunettes with brown-haired hair. Natural hair color gives a special color nuance to the skin. This determines the choice of colors for decorative cosmetics.

Harmonious daytime makeup for gray-blue eyes For women with any hair color, wide black eyeliner is excluded. This option is most often used by gray-eyed brunettes in the evening. Whereas not a wide eyeliner in gray, blue, brownish tones is almost mandatory. A universal option is to combine this eyeliner with silver-blue varieties of shadows. This type of makeup is suitable for girls with any hair color.

Nevertheless, there are differences in the daytime looks of brunettes, blondes, and brown-haired women.

Blonde daytime look

Blonde can be warm or cold. Regardless of whether it is natural or artificially created tone. Interesting combinations are obtained by using cool varieties of shadows with warm skin and hair tones. The use of various color combinations helps in creating specific images. Cold blonde together with ashy, silvery shadows they create a businesslike, detached look.

If you add cosmetics in golden or peach shades, the girl becomes more feminine and romantic.

Eyeshadow colors for light-eyed blondes:

  • variety of blue
  • all varieties of gray
  • golden-copper
  • peach
  • powdery purple
  • light lilac
  • shade of sea wave.
  • Mascara can be brown, blue, including purple, and light gray. Images that involve the use of dark ash paints allow the use of black ink. Eyeliner is preferably gray-brown, varying degrees of gray, blue, steel.

    Daytime brunette makeup

    Natural brunettes are most often the warm type. The exception is beauties with searing black braids and olive skin. As a rule, they extremely rarely have light irises. Girls who dye their hair dark may have a cold skin type.

    Brunettes can use the entire range of shadows suitable for blue-gray eyes. In addition, dark-haired girls can use moderate coffee-brown and pink shadows. Eyeliner is preferably brownish, gray, dark blue.

    Any mascara is acceptable, with the exception of green.

    Brown-haired woman's daytime look

    The color of the iris of natural gray-blue-eyed brown-haired women is the most unpredictable. Closer to the pupil there is a green, sometimes hazel, and sometimes downright brown tone. This allows them to use the entire palette of colors. Gray-blue-eyed brown-haired women are the only ones among those who, having gray or blue eyes, can use greenish shades of shadows.

    Mascara of all colors, eyeliner except black.

    Daytime makeup technique for blue-gray eyes

    Daytime makeup for gray-blue eyes is applied in various ways. The choice of method for using cosmetics depends on the color scheme, the number of colors used, and the image being created.

    Three methods can be distinguished:

    1. Standard - a combination of three or four colors with pronounced darkening on the outer edge of the eyelid.
    2. “Smoky Ice” is every possible combination of shades, without pronounced boundaries with a “powdered” look effect.
    3. Natural - use 1-2 types of shadows in a natural tone with a thin or shaded eyeliner.

    The technique of applying cosmetics in each listed form has its own characteristics, different types of complexity, and speed of execution. For those new to using decorative products, this will probably seem difficult. In this case, you should use a multi-purpose method of applying cosmetics. This method is remarkable because it can look trendy for different eye shapes.

    Makeup technique

    Universal makeup for light eyes of any shape:

    1. A thin layer of powder is applied to the eye and eyelashes.
    2. Light natural shade of eyeshadow completely covers the upper eyelid.
    3. The inner corner of the upper eyelid and the area under the eyebrow are shaded with the lightest tone.
    4. The outer corner of the eye is darkened with the selected color.
    5. Draw along the contour with a pencil or a thin line of shadows of a suitable shade.
    6. The shape of the eyebrows is corrected with pencil strokes.
    7. Eyelashes are tinted starting from the outer corner.

    Mistakes in daytime makeup for blue-gray eyes

    There are a number of prohibited actions in daytime makeup for light eyes. Accidentally or deliberately making mistakes can ruin the entire image.

    1. Black eyeliner.
    2. Wide arrows, regardless of color.
    3. Using pink shadows separately from gray ones.
    4. Mostly yellow, green, brown makeup colors.
    5. Shadows that completely match the eye color.

    By knowing these mistakes and avoiding them, you can create great makeup. Knowing the basic colors that suit gray-blue eyes, you need to try to play with images and techniques for applying cosmetics. Steel shades harmonize with most tones. They, combined with blue eyeshadow colors, help create a truly beautiful makeup for those with blue-gray eyes.

    The art of makeup seems complicated only at first glance. Any girl can add tenderness or severity to a girl’s face with the help of cosmetics. All it takes is a little knowledge about the colors that suit her and a little practice.

    Makeup for blue-gray eyes

    makeup for blue-gray eyes

    It is believed that girls with blue-gray eyes are freedom-loving, practical and purposeful. They love life very much and enjoy it in all its manifestations. Gray-blue eyes are chameleon eyes. Their color changes depending on their mood, time of day, and color of clothing.

    Makeup for gray eyes should emphasize the beauty, crystal purity of the eyes, reveal individuality and hide existing flaws.

    Makeup technique for blue-gray eyes

  • Apply a light beige or pinkish tone. Use concealer to hide bags and blue under-eyes. Then powder your eyelids a little.
  • Choose shades of gray-blue, sky blue, gray, dark blue; golden, mauve and silver shades also look great. Sea green and turquoise shades go well with gray-blue eyes.
  • In the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow, shadows are applied in the lightest possible shade, and at the edge of the eye it is richly dark.
  • The color of the eyeliner is brown, gray, silver, turquoise. The use of black pencil is allowed exclusively in evening makeup.
  • Don't forget about correcting your eyebrow shape. Use a brown and dark gray pencil. “Draw” your eyebrows with strokes, not a solid line.
  • Eye mascara can be blue, light blue, dark brown. For evening makeup, black mascara can be used.
  • Eyelashes should be carefully colored and separated.
  • Mistakes when applying makeup for blue-gray eyes

  • The use of green shadows and eyeliner looks ridiculous and inappropriate in the makeup of blue-gray eyes. This color does not add expressiveness to the eyes.
  • Black eyeliner in daytime makeup makes the look heavy, and black arrows look unnatural and vulgar.
  • Pink shadows without eyeliner create the effect of puffy, tear-stained eyes.
  • Using shadows that match the color of the eyes makes the look expressionless and dull.
  • Smokey eye makeup for blue-gray eyes

    Makeup in the style of smoky eyes suits owners of blue-gray eyes very well. A special feature of this makeup is the shading of shadows or pencil, which creates a hazy effect. Let's look at smokey eye makeup for gray-blue eyes step by step.

    blue-gray eye makeup at home

    Apply concealer to the lid and under eyes to hide puffiness and blue circles.

  • Outline the outline of the upper and lower eyelids with a soft brown or dark blue pencil, blend it well with a brush or applicator.
  • The shadows are applied light in the corners of the eye and under the eyebrow, darker on the crease of the eyelid and at the edge of the eye. They blend out well. The transition from color to color should be as blurred as possible. The color of the shadows can be very diverse and depends on the time of day.
  • When applying smokey eye makeup, apply mascara in several layers. First, apply the first coat of mascara and let it dry, then apply the second coat.
  • When gluing eyelashes, they must be separated with a brush.
  • Don’t focus on your lips and cheekbones; the goal of smokey eye makeup is to emphasize your eyes as much as possible. Therefore, lipstick should not be a bright rosy or beige color.
  • The smokey eye technique can be used for both daytime and evening makeup options.

    Makeup for brunettes with blue-gray eyes

    Such girls look bright and memorable due to the contrast dark color hair and light, blue-gray eyes.

    For brunettes with gray-blue eyes, brown, gray, gray-blue, golden, violet-lilac, pale blue colors are very suitable when choosing shadows.

    Lipstick can be peach, light pink, apricot in daytime makeup.

    For evening makeup, more saturated and bright lipstick colors are suitable - red, hot pink, plum. The color of mascara is black, dark blue, brown. Eyeliner in the color of the shadows.

    Makeup for blondes with blue-gray eyes

    A blonde with blue-gray eyes often looks expressionless and “transparent”. They, like fairy-tale elves, are tender and reverent, so the task of makeup is to preserve this tenderness.

    For daytime makeup, foundation and powder are taken in beige, pink shades, transparent, light texture. The color of eye shadow is golden, gray, steel gray. Shadows are applied without sharp transitions in the smokey eye style.

    The eyeliner should not be black, as in daylight such eyeliner looks unnatural. Choose a pencil of gray, brown, gray-blue color. Mascara blue or Brown.

    In evening makeup, you can use the same combination of colors, but apply cosmetics more intensely and richly. It’s very beautiful to use shiny shadows and pearlescent shades for evening makeup. lipstick bright shades of pink and red.

    There are a lot of makeup options for blue-gray eyes. The main thing is to find yours in order to emphasize your individuality and uniqueness.

    Makeup for gray or blue eyes

    Makeup for gray-blue eyes: seduce with your gaze

    Makeup is a universal tool that allows you to highlight existing advantages and hide flaws. If you forget about the faces looking at us from TV screens and look at women passing along the street, the difference will be huge, but both of them use cosmetics.

    Of course, professional makeup artists worked on the makeup of advertising stars, but even taking this into account, we should not forget that everyone should know the standard rules for using and applying cosmetics. Makeup can turn a beauty into a monster and vice versa. This is why you shouldn’t put on tons of products to feel like a standard of beauty.

    To work and to party

    The rules for applying cosmetics for evening and daytime makeup are slightly different. The main difference is the amount of funds used. At work, too expressive makeup for blue-gray eyes, or for eyes of any other color, is hardly welcome, since the effect of vulgarity and some vulgarity cannot be avoided.

    And for an evening out, where you need to make your facial features more expressive, this makeup will come in handy. Thus, you should select a basic set of cosmetics for a daytime outing and complement it with more saturated colors in preparation for an evening outing.

    Makeup for gray-blue eyes: what the eyes say...

    The standard rule for applying makeup, which many women often violate, is quite simple and is that you cannot highlight both eyes and lips at the same time. It is necessary to understand that there must be one accent, otherwise the gaze of others will “run” over your face, not noticing something more important and more expressive.

    “Eyes are the mirror of the soul” - famous phrase, which can hardly be trusted in our time, since contact lenses and plastic surgery can work wonders, changing not only the color, but also the shape of the eyes. Despite this, makeup should be applied taking into account the color of the eyes, so as not to “overwhelm” their natural beauty and, on the contrary, highlight it.

    Let's talk about makeup for gray-blue eyes. It’s worth noting right away that women with this eye color are purposeful, willful and love freedom. These valuable qualities allow you to achieve success in many ways, because knowing what you want and doing everything to achieve your goals is something that few are capable of.

    Proper makeup helps solve many problems, especially when it comes to the need to impress the opposite sex. To correctly highlight blue-gray eyes, you must follow a number of rules, which will be discussed below.

    The main enemies of blue-gray eyes

  • green shadows, pencil, eyeliner, as they create a contrast with the color of the eyes without giving them the necessary expressiveness
  • black eyeliner, as it makes the makeup darker, and the arrows create a vulgar effect.
  • Tenderness, seductiveness, courage...

    Proper selection of shadows is the main thing that needs to be done before applying makeup. It is likely that you will have to practice before you find the necessary combination of colors that suits you, because not only the color of the eyes matters, but also their shape, the size of the main apple, the position of the eyebrow, and so on.

    For those with gray-blue eyes, make-up artists recommend using precious shades (gold and silver), as well as a pink-violet range of shadows, to create a lighter, lighter makeup.

    More expressive evening makeup should be created using pearl, lilac and taupe shadows. A lavender tint will add tenderness to the look, and for the most daring women who know how to use bright colors correctly, you should pay attention to rich blue or light blue colors, which will highlight blue-gray eyes.

    To create a romantic makeup for gray-blue eyes, you need to use shades of turquoise and sea wave. Against their background, the eyes will become more expressive and deep. There is no doubt that you cannot do without such an effect on a date. For a party, the look should be more alluring, playful and sparkling, which is very easy to achieve using hot pink shades.

    When applying shadows of the first and second types, special care must be taken, since a sparkling or alluring look can easily turn into bruises left after a recent operation. If you don’t want to do several training sessions with choosing shadows in front of a mirror, then it is better to use shadows of lighter colors.

    Beautiful eyes - the right contour

    Eyeliner and mascara create special boundaries, without which makeup will seem unfinished and blurry. To make the right contour, it is not at all necessary to use black eyeliner, pencil or mascara.

    Daytime makeup for blue-gray eyes can be done using sand-colored eyeliner, while brown eyeliner is more suitable for evening options. Leave brown mascara for those with green eyes; a rich black mascara color is more suitable for you, which will effectively highlight the eyelashes and serve as a good contour for the applied “drawing”.

    Eyebrows are a part of the face that needs to be given a lot of attention when applying makeup. An eyebrow with a barely noticeable arch is in fashion. Create correct form Specialists in the beauty salon will help. To highlight blue-gray eyes, use a black or brown eyebrow pencil, depending on your natural hair color.

    Before applying makeup

    Puffiness and bags under the eyes are the main enemies of any makeup artist. To make beautiful makeup for blue-gray eyes, you need to get rid of these defects. To do this, just make a compress from tea bags, applying them to your eyes for ten minutes.

    The same effect can be achieved using iced tea cubes, but this procedure will be less pleasant, especially in the morning. Without bags under the eyes, the look becomes fresh and cheerful, and a minimum of cosmetics, applied taking into account the above rules, will give the eyes an expression of readiness for work achievements.

    Gray-blue eyes - makeup secrets

    Light eyes, especially gray-blue ones, the color of the evening sky, are always mesmerizing. The right makeup can make them look extraordinary and enchanting. At the same time, incorrectly selected shades make the appearance faded and gray, and will dispel the charm of the unusual eye color. Therefore, the owner of this eye shade needs to know the secrets of makeup for gray-blue eyes.

    Makeup for every day

    Everyday makeup should be discreet, calm and delicate, so ladies with gray-blue eyes should avoid bright and contrasting shades so as not to make their face vulgar.

    Silver shades of pencil or eye shadow will highlight your eyes and their unusual color.

    Cool tones will make the eyes appear grayer, while warm tones, especially golden ones, will emphasize blueness. The finishing touch will be dark gray or brown mascara. Brunettes can use black mascara and draw thin arrows on the upper eyelid. It is better not to let down the lower eyelid.

    Day makeup

    This makeup involves the use of light shades of shadows, a brown or gray pencil. Contrary to popular belief, it is better not to use blue pencil and shades of blue tones. They will make your eyes dull and deprive them of their natural blueness. Peach and golden shades will look good, but pink shades will visually make your eyes look painful and swollen.

    Girls with light eyes can also use a black pencil or eyeliner to apply thin arrows, but provided that the shadows are flesh-colored and the mascara is brown or gray. For young girls who are not afraid of experiments, green, blue or purple mascara is perfect. It is important to follow the “lips or eyes” rule. If you have chosen complex eye makeup, then you do not need to paint your lips, but if you like bright lipstick, then you can highlight the beauty of your eyes with just mascara.

    evening make-up

    Complex, multi-layered makeup can turn the owner of blue-gray eyes into a mysterious Bond girl, a vamp or a discreet, elegant lady. To create an aggressively sexy look, you can use contrasting shadows, black mascara and black eyeliner. You can line the lower eyelid with eye shadow or pencil along the lash line, but it is important to carefully shade the edges so that the makeup does not seem harsh. Monochrome smoky eyes will be the best solution for any outfit and hairstyle.

    A vamp woman means wide black eyeliner and black, maximum voluminous mascara on her eyelashes (remember Renata Litvinova). Eyelash extensions will come in handy. Shimmering pearlescent shadows combined with thin eyeliner are suitable for ladies who want to highlight their beauty rather than try it on new image. In all cases, apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, and leave the lips a natural color. Bright colored shadows are unlikely to suit a lady with light eyes; it is better to stick to muted tones, but play with their intensity. Flashy colors would only be appropriate at a disco.

    Makeup for prom

    Prom is the evening when every girl wants to feel like an adult and look irresistible. The best option would be smoky eyes makeup in gray, olive, silver or golden tones. Dark shadows on the outer corners of the eyelids need to be shaded towards the temple to create the “cat eyes” effect that suits all girls.

    Thin arrows (it is better to use eyeliner rather than pencil) and dark mascara can complement the look.

    You can line the inner part of the lower eyelid with a white pencil, and use a black or brown pencil to draw a thin strip along the lash line. This will “open” your eyes and make them larger. Brunettes can successfully combine dark gray and white shadows, carefully blending the transition. It is better not to use too dark and bright colors; they will not suit the graduate’s girlish face and will make her look older.

    How to choose the right makeup for gray eyes? Does eyeliner suit gray-eyed women, what eyeshadow color should you prefer? We will talk about this in our article entitled “ How to paint grey eyes? «.

    The opinions of stylists sound encouraging. Owners of gray eyes can afford almost everything. Gray color is neutral, this is why there are such possibilities. Unfortunately, it will almost never give you admiration for gray eyes; this gift most often belongs to women of the Slavic type of appearance.

    The most beneficial shade for gray eyes is
    silver. Its metallic shade will add zest to gray eyes. This will look especially good in, because the Dragon loves glitter!

    On the contrary, it is not recommended to use matte shadows - the look will seem dull and lifeless. Soft gray tones of shadows will perfectly highlight the shade of your eyes, but they should be one or two shades darker than the color of your iris. Gray-blue shades are also perfect.

    You should not use gray eyeshadow in the same shade as your eyes. In this way, we do not shade our beautiful eyes with shadows, but hide them from them, as if we are masking them. Too bright shades are also contraindicated for you.

    If your eyes are very light in color, do not experiment with very dark colors, your iris will be almost invisible and you will get the effect of a “glass” eye. It is better to focus on the eyelashes and eyebrows, this will make your eyes brighter and larger.

    So, you are a grey-eyed girl. Avoid yellow and orange shades - they are contraindicated for you. These are warm colors and gray is a cool color scheme.

    When it comes to eyeliner, classic black will look stunning on you. It is also worth paying attention to brown, dark gray and blue shades.

    Since gray eyes are quite neutral, if desired, you can give them any desired color using eye shadow. Do you want to give your eyes a certain shade? Then draw a contour along the lower lash line with the color you like. And on the upper eyelid you should apply a tone that contrasts with the desired one.

    We hope our tips will help you when creating

    In order to look amazing every day, girls spend a huge amount of time. After all, you need to be able to not only apply makeup skillfully, but also take care of your face every day, because without proper care, the skin will peel off and makeup will go on unevenly.

    As you already understand, one of the main components of successful makeup is good, healthy skin. So don’t forget to apply a moisturizing mask at least twice a week.

    Well, if your skin is fine, then it’s time to start honing your skills as a makeup artist. The main thing here is to know in moderation in everything. Never before has a girl been painted with too bright provocative makeup, more like war paint. Everything should look gentle and natural. And this is the only way you can achieve the close attention of the opposite sex.

    Today we will consider these basic questions:

    • How to use eyeliner;
    • What is the difference between eyeliner and pencil?
    • Which mascara is the best?

    So, let's proceed to a detailed consideration of the above issues. We will also dwell on how to choose the ideal eye makeup depending on the color.

    How to make up your eyes beautifully with a pencil

    A pencil is one of the most popular cosmetics with which you can draw any arrow. It is ideal for those who are just entering the world of makeup. The fact is that it is easily applied to the eyelid and also easily wiped off with a cotton swab. So if your hand trembles, it won’t be difficult to correct such an oversight.

    The main rule of any arrow is that it should be drawn as close to the lash line as possible, otherwise you will ruin your entire look. And one more thing - if you want to create a smoky look effect, we advise you not to resort to using shadows, but simply shade the upper edge of the pencil with a special brush.

    How to apply eyeliner to your eyes

    How is eyeliner different from a pencil? For example, the fact that when applied correctly, the line always turns out thinner. But if you are not yet a professional, then any error will be a hundred times more noticeable. So eyeliner is usually used by those who are already good at drawing arrows with a pencil.

    As for the features of the arrow for different shapes of the eye shape, you should remember the following: if you are the owner of huge, far-set eyes, then in no case forget to draw a line beyond the corners of the eye. This way you won't create an even larger visual gap between your eyes.

    Also, you should not make a thick arrow for those who boast big eyes. In this case, the arrow should be very thin and neat. Then you will add mystery to your look without making them visually huge.

    How to make your eyes beautiful with mascara

    Mascara is a must for any makeup. If you haven’t applied foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, or drawn arrows, but at the same time you have smeared mascara on your eyelashes and lipstick on your lips, then you can consider yourself wearing makeup. But without mascara, your makeup will be considered incomplete.

    Before applying mascara, separate your eyelashes using a special brush. It will not only separate each eyelash, but will also help to bend it a little. It is also worth combing your eyelashes at the moment when you have just applied makeup and the paint has not yet dried. This way you will consolidate the result and also get rid of lumps on the tips of your eyelashes.

    You should start tinting your eyelashes from the lash line towards the tips. After a few minutes, when the paint has dried a little, we recommend that you paint your eyelashes again, not forgetting to bend them.

    How to make up brown eyes beautifully

    The basis of any makeup is the color scheme. Thanks to color, you can make your look come alive, or vice versa. So you should be very careful when choosing the color of the shadows. If you have brown eyes, then simple makeup will definitely not suit you.

    The best way to highlight your eyes is with sophisticated makeup, the main colors of which are grey, brown and purple. Don't be afraid to use multiple shades as this will only highlight the amazing color of your eyes.

    How to make up beautiful green eyes

    And here green eyes will allow you to experiment. Almost all shades of brown, purple and emerald will suit you perfectly. The main thing is to make sure that the color of your makeup does not clog your eyes, making them dull and lifeless.

    And a little trick: be sure to apply a little pearlescent shadow to the middle of the upper eyelid. This will make your eyes appear larger and brighter.

    How to make beautiful blue eyes

    Blue - eyes the color of the sky. And therefore, the shades used in makeup should be subtle. Golden, lilac and silver tones are best suited in this case. Don’t be afraid to experiment; perhaps some completely unusual combination will perfectly shade your eyes.

    Some women envy those with gray eyes. Like, and makeup looks amazing, and the color itself is almost magical, enveloping, incredibly sexy.

    The secret is simple: nature has come up with hundreds of different shades of gray, sometimes such “chameleonism” is found in one bearer of a given color, varying shades depending on the mood.

    Let's not argue, but rather we'll tell you and show you a beautiful make-up for gray eyes.

    Famous stylists and makeup artists acted as advisors, because they know how to emphasize natural beauty and make you stand out from others. They believe that ladies with gray eyes are allowed almost everything in makeup, any fantasy.

    Read also:

    Make-up features

    What is exceptional about these options is that the makeup should emphasize the strengths of the gray eyes, highlight and create any effect.


    For example, the now popular silver color favorably emphasizes the uniqueness of gray eyes, the metallic shine of the shadows is a win-win option for all occasions. To make your look expressive, use black eyeliner and mascara with the effect of false eyelashes.

    An evening option is to increase the area of ​​application of silver shadows up to the eyebrows and use them on the lower eyelid. This somewhat expressive make-up looks great at a holiday or New Year's party.

    For blondes

    Women with light hair color tend to have light skin tones. Therefore, excessiveness and overkill are not their option.

    You don't want to become like a vampire, do you? That's why blondes with raw eyes need to be more delicate when choosing the tone of the shadows and the intensity of their application.

    They will look natural powdery shades of shadows, as well as those close to beige and brown. If you want to use gray color directly in your makeup, choose soft, pastel colors, do not overload the image.

    Vary their intensity and richness, depending on who you want to represent today - Snow Queen or a defenseless simpleton girl.


    Brunettes and brown-haired women were a little more lucky. With almost any makeup they will not go unnoticed. They may not shy away from excessive expressiveness and allow themselves almost everything. Gray eyes will become perfect even when using bright shades of eyeshadow. The only taboo- to obvious warm colors such as orange and yellow, unless you are going to a carnival.

    These gray-eyed girls get the most stunning types of eye makeup if they apply all shades of blue to their eyelids. Dark blue is enchanting, ultramarine is mysterious, light blue turning into blue is lightness and ease in character and mood.

    The final touch is thick blue-black eyelashes. Here you should try mascara It would also be useful eyeliner, which will highlight the eyes especially clearly in an evening look, you can do without it in everyday life. But you need to be careful with inner eyeliner; it doesn’t suit everyone. Unless you're a vamp lady.

    So, let someone try not to drown today in your pool of gray eyes!

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