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How can a woman join the army? A woman in military service. What are the reasons for the popularization of such a desire?

Contract service in Russian military units is not only for men. Women serve alongside them, occupying various military positions. The signing of a contract by female military personnel has its own specifics:

  • Women enter into a contract upon reaching the age of 18, if they have a civilian profession. Lack of a position also does not prevent entry into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Girls who have studied at a military university also serve under contract;
  • Professional job responsibilities - performing tasks for privates, sergeants, petty officers, officers and warrant officers.

There are a number of features in the selection and determination of professions for female military personnel.

How to start serving in the army?

A girl who decides to sign a contract has two options. The first is studying at a military specialized university in the chosen military specialty. The second is showing up at the selection point that recruits contract soldiers. The last case should be considered step by step:

  1. A woman is interviewed at a selection point. The instructor informs you about the benefits of military service and about opportunities for further career growth. The purpose of the contract must be clarified.
  2. Women are offered several suitable vacancies. Military positions correspond to the level of education, professional skills and inclinations. A suitable position is finally determined only after professional and psychological selection.
  3. In general, the conditions for selection for contract military service are similar for girls and men.
  4. After an interview with the selection point instructor, the girls are given an example application, an employment application form and a referral to a medical examination.
  5. Women undergo a medical examination at their place of residence.
  6. At the place of residence they also receive a certificate of no criminal record. After this, you need to go to the local military registration and enlistment office and undergo a medical examination there.

With the entire package of documents, you need to return to the selection point for contract military personnel. From this moment on, a personal file is opened against the girl-soldier.

What kind of work can you do?

The traditional, and at the same time, military professions most in demand among girls are accountants, medical workers, economists, personnel department workers, and clerical workers. In fact, the list of specialties is much wider:

  • Positions in the air defense and communications troops, sapper troops;
  • Service at headquarters, in the field of military medicine, in communications centers, in the kitchen, in the field of material support;
  • Work as telephone operators, cartographers, computer typing operators.

There are other professions that may seem extraordinary - operator of optical, sound-metric, meteorological, and printing instruments. You can work in the field of photogrammetry, topographic geodesy and aerial photography.
Military specialties that involve women's work, according to researchers, are a way of professional self-realization. Statistics provide other data: about 40 thousand women serve in the Russian Armed Forces, and 15% of them have the rank of colonel.

What are the standards?

The requirements for entering contract military service for girls are the same as for men:

  • Age from 18 to 40 years;
  • Good health (certificate no lower than Form A-2);
  • High level of physical fitness;
  • A specialty in demand in the military sphere;
  • No criminal record;
  • Education, not lower than secondary specialized education.

After submitting documents - an internal passport of the Russian Federation, a work book, an insurance certificate or a pension insurance certificate, a diploma of professional qualifications, the woman is a candidate for concluding a contract. To become a military applicant, you need to pass physical physical examination standards.

It is worth dwelling on them in more detail:

  • In total, there are three standards for passing - endurance, speed and strength;
  • The test for strength is the abdominal standards (men, unlike women, have a choice between pull-ups and push-ups). The norm for candidates is 22 times in 60 seconds;
  • The speed is set according to the indicators in the shuttle run. In 38 seconds, the candidate must run a distance of 10 m 10 times;
  • Endurance is also tested by running. You need to run a kilometer distance in 5 minutes 30 seconds. This standard is considered the most difficult.

The above standards are relevant for women aged 25 to 30 years. Girls under 25 years old have to achieve other indicators: press - 26 times, shuttle run - in 36 seconds, and a kilometer run - in 4 minutes 36 seconds.
If a girl has not passed at least one standard, she cannot enter contract service within a month. During this period, the FISO standards can be retaken. All three tests are retaken, not just one. After successfully passing the physical examination, documents are signed at the selection point.
The last stage is passing the military commission at the military registration and enlistment office. It involves studying the personal files of applicants, interviewing them and resolving questions about admission to military service by voting.

In the State Duma under New Year They are preparing a real legislative surprise. It consists of developing a bill that proposes conscripting women into military service for a period of one year. True, at will.
As an example, the developers want to use the Israeli army, where everyone serves, regardless of gender. True, in accordance with the bill, Russian women, unlike Israeli women, will still be able to evade military duty. Now girls can also serve in the armed forces on their own initiative - as civilian personnel, as well as under contract as officers, sergeants or soldiers.
The idea of ​​the deputies from A Just Russia is that upon reaching the age of 18, girls will also receive invitations to the military registration and enlistment office, just like boys. Then the girl decides on her own whether to join the army or remain a civilian.

Girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve military service.

According to the new legislation, girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve military service. Recently, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov presented new amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation for consideration, which will most likely cause a strong reaction among many residents of our country. It should be noted that Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrei Kuraev also supported Milonov’s initiative. At the moment, a corresponding letter has been sent to Dmitry Medvedev with a request to give effect to this bill. If the new changes come into force, then all women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 will have to serve military service - “A woman’s destiny is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift that was given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn’t she go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or not. And if he wants, then finding a spouse is not a difficult matter, but if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he’ll meet someone in the army. And so - at least he will protect the Motherland. There is probably no point in sending women into the infantry, but there is a place for them in the rifle, engineering and flying troops. Otherwise, many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you go, equal rights. It can’t be more equal.” The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone a criminal) offense . One gets the impression that the country will return to ancient times, when the people themselves administered justice. According to Milonov, “This will reduce the number of rapes, and generally raise the overall vitality. Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. Let better woman will help his mother or prepare a delicious lunch. Or, at least, reads a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The external should not cloud the internal." It also became known that when amendments to the bill are introduced, quotas will be introduced for women on the number of places in universities - "A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, thrifty, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her subsequently unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.” One can only imagine what will begin in Russia if all this comes into force.

Military service for girls in Russia seems almost impossible, but in fact there are no special obstacles for those who meet all the requirements and have a desire to serve. The number of girls in the Russian army is impressive; today there are more than 50 thousand of them.

Who will be taken into the army?

Service is carried out only on a voluntary basis, based on a contract. The conscription of girls into the army in the Russian Federation is not mandatory.

The list of positions for female contract workers is established by the Ministry of Defense. As a rule, these are positions in headquarters related to the economic, medical or information support of the army. The full list can be found at the commissariat; the work opportunities are quite varied, but there are practically no combat ones. Ranks range from privates to majors and lieutenant colonels.

There is no division into the female and male army in Russia: representatives of the fair sex serve alongside men, although accommodation within one unit, of course, is organized separately.

Age range: from 18 to 40 years. Education is secondary and this is the minimum, and some positions require special professional education, up to higher education. The level of physical fitness is also important; you will need to pass special tests.

Do they take married people? The legislation does not provide any special rules for women with children or married women. If the candidate herself believes that she can successfully combine both, she can confidently apply.

A woman who has a criminal record (whether expunged or not) cannot go to serve; she will be immediately rejected. This also applies to those against whom a criminal case has just been initiated.

Terms and features of service

How long do representatives of the fair half serve in the Russian army? The characteristics of the vacancy and age are taken into account, the average term is up to 10 years. The minimum and duration of service under the first contract for women in the army is 3 years. If the candidate has reason to apply not for a lower position, but for an officer, or is a cadet at a military university, then in this case the term is 5 years.

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From the point of view of social security, contract service in the army for women is not much different from work in civilian organizations. There is annual paid leave, women with children can take leave at a convenient time, having agreed on it with the manager, they can go on maternity leave and receive all the required payments.

Paper files or what documents need to be collected

Contract service for girls begins with registration and submission of documents. They are submitted to the military commissariat, which is where it is best to clarify the exact list necessary documents. The decision is made by a commission that considers the candidate. Sample package of documents:

  1. Application (form issued at the commissariat).
  2. Questionnaire in the prescribed form (Appendix 3 to the Instructions for the selection of citizens for military service).
  3. Passport.
  4. Autobiography – written by hand.
  5. Copies of documents on work experience and education.
  6. Copies of documents on marital status and birth certificates of children.
  7. Photo of given sizes.
  8. Characteristics (from places of work or study).

Is it possible to join the army without having any specific profession? Yes, and this path is even easier. Girls who have just graduated from school can apply to a military university; their further path is clear and carried out under guidance.

All others, before submitting documents to the commissariat, undergo a preliminary conversation with an instructor who will explain not only the necessary steps that need to be completed at the initial stage, but will also be able to help understand their motives, because it is possible that the desire to enlist in military service is dictated by random reasons, and The girl will change her mind. It will also help you roughly estimate what position you can apply for. The instructor will give samples of all necessary documents for filling out and sending to the primary medical examination.

They undergo such a medical examination independently by going to the clinic at their place of residence. You will also need to obtain a certificate of no criminal record; it is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the easiest way is to go to the State Services website. The next step is passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office. Based on its results, a decision will be made on the candidate’s suitability for service. If this stage passes, a personal file is opened for the candidate.

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Features of medical and psychological tests

According to reviews, this is the most difficult part for a girl on her way to the Russian army. To serve in the army, even as an economist, you need good training, excellent health, and suitable psychological qualities.

Is it possible to serve in a military unit with minor health impairments? There are no differences from men here. Military service is available to girls who, based on the results of the commission, received category “A” (fully fit) or category “B”.

If everything is clear with categories “A”, then category “B” (suitability with minor restrictions) requires clarification. Assignment to this category only limits the types of troops that a woman can join; otherwise, the service will be available in full. Diseases for which this category is assigned are mild and do not interfere with the performance of their duties. Slightly decreased visual acuity (100% corrected vision), mild forms of allergies or chronic diseases, residual effects after operations or injuries.

There are three standards to pass: endurance, strength, and speed.

  • How can a girl pass the strength test? You need to have good abs. Men can take this test at their own discretion, choosing either pull-ups or floor presses. Girls have no choice; the required minimum standard for the press is 22 times per minute.
  • Speed ​​is tested by shuttle running; you will need to run back and forth ten times 10 meters in 38 seconds.
  • Running 1 km must be completed in 5 minutes. 30 sec. (endurance test). This is considered to be the most difficult standard.

Please note: standards vary by age. The above figures are mandatory for women under 30 years of age. If the candidate is older, then the requirements for her are more stringent: press 26 times, shuttle run - 36 seconds, endurance test - 4 minutes. 35 sec.

Military service in Russia has again become prestigious, and the level of salaries is such that even girls strive to get into military contract service. If this is a familiar profession for men, then how can a girl get into the army under a contract?

On the one hand, it is not difficult - good health, good physical shape, complete secondary education... but on the other hand, not everyone will be able to get into the service; there is a strict preliminary selection that must be passed. Let's consider requirements for girls to join the army Russia.

Which girls can serve in the army and are married women recruited?

As you know, in Russia there is an annual conscription for military service. It is also known that only male conscripts qualify for this call. The call for girls is not valid. However, there is still a way for girls to get into the service: this is contract service. Women contract workers can be recruited to serve in a limited number of military positions, which is established by order of the Ministry of Defense.

Basic Rules for recruitment to contract service for females: The woman must be at least 18 and not over 40 years old and have at least a high school education. At a minimum, because some positions require special or even higher education.

And, of course, a contract soldier, even if she is a woman, must pass physical training standards, successfully pass psychological testing and a medical commission. That's why the main reasons for refusal to conclude a contract for military service with a woman such:

  1. The girl is under the age of 18 or over 40;
  2. She has a criminal record, is under criminal proceedings or has already been convicted;
  3. The woman was serving her sentence in a colony.

These are the only obstacles to concluding a contract for military service. The presence of a woman's husband and children cannot serve as an obstacle to service.

What documents should a girl provide to enroll in military service?

If you are determined to serve, an application is submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. You can also submit an application directly to the military unit you are interested in. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • Passport;
  • A copy of your birth certificate;
  • on a regular A4 sheet by hand;
  • Application form on a special form;
  • A copy of the work record;
  • Extract from the house register;
  • Copies of marriage certificate and copies of children's birth certificates;
  • Photo 3 x 4;
  • Photo frontal 9 X 12;
  • Copies of education documents;
  • or study.

Copies of all documents must be notarized unless you provide original documents for verification.

What tests does a girl need to pass to serve in the Russian army?

Aptitude tests are offered only if the application is accepted for consideration by the military commissar.

Only a woman who has successfully passed all checks can be accepted. Among them we include:

1. Medical commission. Successful completion of the medical examination guarantees the girl's suitability for military service. A girl who, based on the results of an examination, has shown category “A” (fully fit for service) or “B” (fit for service with minor restrictions) is recognized as fit for service in the armed forces under a contract.

2. Psychological test. During testing, the IQ, sociability and ability to communicate positively, speed of reaction and thinking, type of temperament, psychological maturity and balance of personality are determined.

As a result of the psychology test, one of four categories of the girl’s psychological suitability is determined. At the same time, only the first two categories are fit for service in the Armed Forces. The third category can be accepted only in case of exclusion, in the absence of applicants for this position for a long time.

3. Physical fitness test. During the test, 3 standards approved by the Ministry of Defense are passed: strength, speed and endurance.

This is a serious test; if at least one standard out of three is not passed, the applicant cannot enter the contract service.

In modern society, women have achieved considerable success in the fight for gender equality. They mastered science, conquered technology and learned to effectively manage teams of thousands. It is not surprising that today an increasing number of representatives of the fair sex are wondering how a girl can get into the army.

What are the reasons for the popularization of such a desire?

Along with the growth of social consciousness, pushing a woman to contribute her duty to ensure the defense of the Motherland, there are a number of more “earthly” reasons. In conditions of economic instability, the military profession allows you to obtain:

  • permanent, well-paid job without delays in salary payments;
  • own housing;
  • free treatment;
  • a decent pension;
  • various social benefits, for example, holidays in a sanatorium or free travel.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for wanting to become a military man, and all of them are valid.

What are the ways to join the army?

Unlike Israel and North Korea, Russian girls are not subject to compulsory conscription for military service. Therefore, if there is a desire, representatives of the fair sex have two alternatives.

  1. Enroll in a warrant officer school or military school, including Nakhimov or Suvorov. In this case, after completing their studies, girls are sent to their place of service in the prescribed manner, along with men.
  2. Conclude a fixed-term contract for military service. This will allow you to choose any type of military if there are vacancies for female positions. Please note that contract work imposes certain restrictions on the ability to obtain certain titles and work in certain specialties.

As for the most common areas of employment of female labor in the army, this includes medical service, administrative and instructor work, office work, and communications. It is prohibited to recruit girls for guard and garrison duty, but there are no problems with combat duty.

But no one will forbid you not to limit yourself to standard specialties, but to enroll, for example, in the missile forces. Of course, subject to your mental and physical compliance.

Basic requirements for the candidate

Can absolutely any woman go to contract service? Unfortunately no. The legislation establishes a list of basic requirements and restrictions for possible applicants.

Girls aged 18-40 years who have successfully passed:

  • Comprehensive medical examination declaring them fit to perform military duties.
  • Professional psychological testing, during which the character, intellectual level, behavioral habits, psychological maturity, speed of thinking, balance and worldview of the candidate are determined. Based on the test results, the candidate can be classified into one of four categories of professional and psychological suitability. The first two categories are definitely suitable for contract service. A girl who has received the third category can be accepted for a certain position only if there are no other candidates.
  • Physical standards for speed, endurance and strength, approved by the Ministry of Defense. In this case, it is necessary to successfully cope with all types of exercises. Failure in at least one standard will negate your dream of becoming a military officer.

A minimum of secondary education is also a prerequisite, although many positions will require baggage in the form of higher or professional education.

Many girls are interested in the question of whether marital status and the presence of children are a limiting factor for performing contract service. We hasten to reassure you - no. If a woman is confident that she can effectively combine family life with work in the army, they cannot prevent her from doing this.

However, a contract will not be concluded with a candidate if:

  • age exceeds the specified limits;
  • having a criminal record;
  • the imposition of a guilty verdict against her or the conduct of a criminal case;
  • the fact of serving a sentence in a colony.

Where to start on the path to a contract army?

What does a girl need to get the desired contract? The first step is to visit the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence or contact directly the military unit in which you want to serve.

If there are vacancies for women's positions, you can begin to fill out an application, which must be accompanied by a certain package of documents. It is better to clarify their list directly at the place of application. As a rule, you cannot do without:

  • passports;
  • full-face photographs 3x4 and 9x12;
  • copies of the birth certificate;
  • handwritten autobiography;
  • a completed application form;
  • copies of documents confirming education;
  • copies of the work book;
  • copies of marriage and birth certificates (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work.

Do not forget that all documentary copies must be properly certified.

After this, you should relax and wait for the decision of the draft commission, which will be communicated to you within 10 to 30 calendar days. If the result is positive, do not rush to immediately sign the proposed contract. Please read all its points carefully to avoid possible disappointments later.

A few words about service in various countries

Today, not only in Russia, but throughout the world there is a steady trend of growth in the number of women serving in the army. Therefore, as an option, you have the opportunity to obtain citizenship of another country. What awaits you in this case?

Girls in the democratic USA and Europe undergo contract service on an equal basis with the male half. They are allowed to work in any type of military force, including control of complex military equipment - ships and aircraft. Small concessions are made only in physical fitness standards.

In Israel, all girls between the ages of 18 and 24 are compulsorily conscripted into military service on an equal basis with men. The only difference is the service life: not 36, but 21 months.

Military service in North Korea has become mandatory since last year. But there were always enough people willing to join the army, because it saved many from a life of hunger. It is interesting that among the parameters for selecting applicants, external beauty was mandatory. By the way, this is the only army where women serve in heels.

In China, military service is also considered compulsory and prestigious, but is carried out on a competitive basis. Therefore, if you wish, you can fail the entrance competition; other candidates will only thank you.

As we see, girls everywhere are confidently winning another right from men - the right to serve in the army. And once again in this field they prove their worth and competence, completely refuting the title of the “weaker” sex.

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