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Weightlifting champion Anna Turaeva. Very strong weaker sex. “I select things in the men’s department, underwear in the women’s department”

Anna Kurkurina: “In transport I constantly hear: “Young man, give up your seat”

Athletes Anna Kurkurina and Anna Turaeva voluntarily gave up natural feminine attractiveness and literally molded themselves into men.

When you look at photographs of these women, it is difficult to believe that they represent the weaker sex. Muscles, abs, wrinkles, tattoos, gait are clearly not from the hip - nothing from a lady. How do ladies live whose appearance is far from generally accepted standards?

What can you say about this person? - an acquaintance shows a photograph of a muscular man.

He is 30–35 years old, often goes to the gym, maybe an athlete? - I guess. - Dressed well. He has money. Not my taste. But, I admit, he has a lot of women.

How about this comrade? - shows another card.

This one will be older. Look how many wrinkles there are. Most likely a womanizer. The gaze is squinted, as if flirting. Tanned... What are they both famous for?

They are women...

I take a closer look. No I do not believe! A mountain of muscles, biceps the size of a girl's waist, short haircuts, not a hint of small breasts, looks, poses, clothes - nothing betrays women in the characters.

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

One of them is Anna Turaeva, an absolute five-time world champion in the bench press. She is 37 years old. The last time she tried on a dress was in the 10th grade. Then she cut off her braid. And she took up powerlifting. As a result, professional sports turned a fragile girl into a strong man.

“They say that powerlifting is not a women’s sport. When people see me, they are shocked. But after talking to me, they see me as a real woman. As for appearance, that’s how I see myself. And I’m not going to prove anything to anyone,” Anna admitted.

According to acquaintances of the Turaevs, Anna once wore long braid, was a tender, fragile girl. I met a young man. Love broke out. At the same time, Turaeva began to engage in professional sports. But then my personal life began to crack. After that, dramatic changes happened to the girl: she toned up her muscles, shaved her head, completely changed her wardrobe...

Anna Turaeva. Photo from personal archive

However, Anna still does not lose hope of meeting her one and only loved one, starting a family and having children. Perhaps for this she is ready to return to her female image.

I don't have time for my personal life yet. “I’m constantly on the road, refereeing championships, coaching, and training myself,” says Anna. - I prefer not to dwell on the topic of my appearance and personal life.

“It seemed to me that men were better built - that’s where it all started”

Anna’s colleague, her namesake Anna Kurkurina, agreed to meet with us and talk about a sensitive topic. The woman lives in Ukraine. In Russia it happens intermittently. Here she conducts master classes on fitness.

We agreed to meet with Anna at the Spartak sports base.

I approach the administrator:

How can I get to Anna Kurkurina? She is an athlete from Ukraine, today she has a lesson here.

There were no women from Ukraine today,” the lady muttered. - Only men passed by...

In the end, Anna herself met me. She took me to the dining room. Kurkurina is truly more of a man than a woman. A low voice, swaying shoulders, shapeless trousers, a racer T-shirt, a crew cut, deep wrinkles plowed the length and breadth of his face.

I'll have a little snack here, won't it embarrass you? Just on the road, an hour and a half left before classes,” Anna apologizes. - People in Russia know me well. Housewives watch my videos where I tell them how to quickly get in shape. My fans are low-income women who cannot afford to leave home and play sports in a club, because they have three to five children, many have financial difficulties... This is how I help. After all, absolutely every woman dreams of looking good.

-Have you devoted your whole life to sports?

Come on! As a child, I didn’t think about sports at all. I dreamed of working with animals. She graduated from school with a medal, then graduated from the biology department of the university, receiving a diploma in the specialty “zoologist”. Further on my assignment, I worked at a school as a biology teacher in the city of Nikolaev. I had to live somewhere, and only teachers were given a corner in the dormitory. There was a zoo in the city, where I worked as a livestock technician in my free time. She carried bags of food, fed the cubs of predators abandoned by their mothers...

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- Do you live in your own apartment now?

Previously, there was a law: after three years of work at school, the state was obliged to provide me with an apartment. But no one provided me with housing. So I wandered around the dorms. Now I have nothing either. Thank God, I can afford to rent an apartment. I didn't deserve my own. Although I have enough awards. A couple of years ago I received the title of the strongest woman on the planet.

- The press wrote that you still managed to give birth...

-Have you never had a man?

Never a constant companion.

- Is it about your appearance?

More likely. I admit that men do not like such women. But the strongest woman on the planet cannot look dystrophic.

- Do you consider yourself beautiful?

- So you don’t have any complexes about your appearance?

Only fools have a complete lack of complexes, which is why they consider themselves absolutely beautiful. But now I have much less complexes. For example, I used to have a complex because of my crooked legs. Imagine, a girl - and with crooked legs. I couldn’t cover such legs with any dress. Now I'm not shy. I “finished” my figure with the help of sports, and my legs now look different. But I still don't wear skirts. But I know how to turn a woman with a flaw into a beauty.

- Did you start playing sports to remove flaws?

The fact is that at the zoo I raised cubs - lion cubs, tiger cubs, bear cubs, and carried them in my arms. I calmly walked into the lion’s cage - the beast literally threw itself on my neck with joy. As my lion cub grew up, it became difficult for me to hold him. I needed strength, and then I went to the rocking chair.

- Did you look different at that time?

I was small and fragile. Weighed 56 kg. Her shoulders were only inches long, but she had a healthy, wide pelvis. In a word, an ugly, disproportionate figure. I couldn’t pick out the clothes: the top was S and the bottom was L. Triangle, pear, whatever you want to call it. That's when I began to pay attention to male figures. I really wanted to have a narrow pelvis and broad shoulders. Since this all started. I decided to bulk up to improve my figure and become stronger. I went to the usual harsh rocking chair, where I spent about three years. Of course, my body gradually changed and became less feminine.

- So you decided that you would be more comfortable with a male figure?

Definitely. I clearly understood what I wanted. At that time I was 25 years old.

“I select things in the men’s department, underwear in the women’s department”

- Let's talk about love.

I had love. In between jobs. I managed to do everything.

- But you still don’t have a husband...

I don't feel the need for something strong male shoulder. I myself have fairly strong shoulders. And at some point I realized that there was no man for whom I “fell.” All men, when they look at women, evaluate only their external characteristics. No one is interested in what is in our souls. I think this is abnormal.

- What about the children?

To get pregnant, you must first fall in love with the future father of this child. Why do I fall in love? And I never wanted children. It’s crazy for me when I hear on every corner: every woman wants a family and children...

- With such reasoning, you can end up completely alone in old age.

Thousands of women have created families, given birth to children - and howl from loneliness. I don’t want to be pestered with jealousy, tormented by questions: where did I go, why did I come late... I’m happy because I live the way I want. Now I have a job I love, I can afford to look good and dress expensively. I always have well-groomed hands, I am caring and gentle. No need to grow it long hair to be a lady. I am a woman to the core. And I pumped up my muscles so that no man could offend me.

-Have you ever loved?

No. I have many male friends, but I have not been in love with any of them. Of course, I won’t admit it, there were men in my life one way or another, but they understood that I wouldn’t have love for them, so they didn’t try to re-educate me. Meaning?..

Anna Kurkurina before her transformation. Photo from personal archive

- Your parents don’t ask for grandchildren?

When I asked them: “Do you want grandchildren?” - they answered: “When you want, then you will give birth.” They never interfered with my personal space. I sympathize with my girlfriends, whose mothers reproach them for not getting married and not having children. I was not touched in this regard. Thanks to my parents who didn’t break me and didn’t force me to do what I didn’t want.

-Are you interested in fashion?

Of course, I'm a woman. I'm the only woman in male image. I love shopping. I can spend hours in stores, buying things in bags...

- Do you buy clothes in the men's department?

Mainly for men. Sellers often turn to me: “Man, can I help you?..” It’s difficult to find something for my figure in the women’s department. But I buy underwear in the women's department - there is a richer choice there.

- I noticed that you are not wearing a bra.

I don `t wear. My pectoral muscles are so bulging that I don’t need a bra. By the way, I never liked this piece of clothing. My breasts look more like a man's than a woman's. On such a body, a bra would look strange, like on a transvestite.

-Have you ever grown long hair?

I've never had long hair. Even as a child. Always short hair. Mom only tied bows in kindergarten. There was only one dress in my entire life, and that was a school one. I wore it because I was supposed to. Outside of school I always wore trousers.

- Can you admit that someday you will go out in public in a skirt?

Never. Well, I don’t like skirts... I prefer clothes that make me comfortable: pantsuits, jeans. My closet is full of suits: Italian, Spanish, expensive - it’s a pity I have nowhere to wear them. From morning to evening I am at work, always in sportswear. I rarely allow myself to go to a nightclub or to the cinema. That's when I dress up: trousers, White shirt, tie. I wear a men's classic suit for filming on television and for weddings. But even in classic suits I prefer bright colors. Tracksuits me too different tones- purple, blue, yellow. I recently bought purple sneakers to match my sportswear.

- Do you go to the disco?

Yes, although I'm almost fifty dollars. My girlfriends drag me out to nightclubs.

- Do men ask you to dance?

Mostly women approach me. Some even ask for a cocktail. They are sincerely surprised when I introduce myself as Anna. I recently got into a gay club, and guys there started aggressively introducing me to me. It took a long time to convince them that they were mistaken.

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- What cosmetic procedures do you do?

I am serviced in the most expensive salon in the city. I get a manicure and pedicure three times a month. Look how neat my nails are, covered with colorless varnish...

- Do you use bright varnish?

I always have natural nails. I do not recognize any other colors. Nails should be neat and colorless.

-Have you ever tried walking in heels?

When I worked at school, I wore small heels. But in Lately I can’t even imagine how women stand on them. It’s uncomfortable for me, and besides, it’s a serious load on the spine.

- Do you want to remove wrinkles? Rejuvenate?

These are my facial expressions, emotions, why remove them? I don’t understand people who inject Botox and lose their emotions. Yes, I may look like a man, but my clients in the hall look at me with fascination, because I am lively, emotional, and honest. I am almost 50 years old, I have an education, I can teach young girls a lot.

I live by the principle: I don’t owe anyone anything in life. I don't care what they think of me. No one expresses things to my face that could offend me - they are afraid, apparently. If something happens, I can give you change. When they see me at the gym, they sometimes say: “She looks like a man.” Then I calmly answer: “Great, go to trainers who look like women.”

- On the street they also treat you like a man?

Yes, but I'm used to it. If they ask me in public transport: “Man, give way to a woman,” I will silently give in. If in the store they say: “Man, take your change,” I silently take it and leave. Why explain anything? I don't react to such things, I don't care. I don’t understand one thing: why is the average woman better than me? How is she different from me? After all, there are ladies who wear short hair, don’t grow their nails, and wear trousers. But does this stop them being women? Why am I perceived differently? And how many unkempt women are there who can hardly be considered women! I always dye my eyelashes, eyebrows and hair at the salon.

- Do you still dye your hair?

I've been dyeing my hair since I was 16 years old. At that young age, I went completely gray. I remember I was going to prom At school. I went down from the house into the yard, and there, before my eyes, stray cats and dogs were being killed. I was hysterical and in shock. I missed graduation... Then I turned completely gray in a few days, even my eyelashes and eyebrows turned gray. And they went all over the body due to nervousness dark spots- vitiligo. That's when I decided to take revenge on those who hurt animals. Sometimes I think: maybe that’s why I started swinging?.. Okay, I won’t delve into myself. Otherwise I'll start crying.

- And do you often cry?

Often. Like any woman, I can be moved by a sad movie or when I feel injustice.

“A 90 kg barbell fell on my throat”

- Have you achieved everything you dreamed of in sports?

I have the title “The Strongest Woman on the Planet.” I am also a world champion in powerlifting; I hold world records - bench press 145 kg and 147.5 in the 75 kg weight category. Now I am fighting for the title of absolute champion.

Anna Kurkurina. Photo from personal archive

- Where do you get money to travel to championships? As I understand it, no one pays you for them?

So you asked why I don’t have an apartment? Because all the money I earn I spend on preparing for tournaments. Last time I went to Australia. Our Ukrainian businessmen promised to pay for this trip. But then the war in Donbass began, and everyone immediately jumped off. Then I posted a post on my social network page, where I have 100 thousand subscribers, asking everyone to chip in as much as they could. If everyone transferred a dollar, can you imagine how much money would be collected? But in total they transferred me $800.

A ticket to Australia cost more than two thousand dollars. I had to go into debt and take out loans. I returned from Australia with an injury: my pectoral muscle was torn off. I saved money for the operation for four months. The shoulder was screwed in and the muscle was attached in place. I still haven’t paid off my debt for Australia. And you say, an apartment... But nevertheless, now, after a serious injury, I am again going to go to the championship to prove that nothing is impossible.

- Someday you will finish with sports. And then what?

In the future I plan to work with children, help children with cerebral palsy get back on their feet, and treat people with scoliosis. So far I am quite happy with the position of a fitness trainer. I sincerely wish each of my students to become a beauty. That's why they come to my training sessions. Most of my clients are terribly neglected. These are the ones I pull out of the hole - not only do I ask them to stupidly raise their arms and legs, but I also work as a psychologist.

- They probably see you as a caring man, that’s why they come to you?..

Sometimes it seems to me that I am truly perceived as a man. Some are even jealous. But rather, my clients see me as a friend, mother, psychotherapist. Life has beaten me pretty bad. How many sports injuries have I experienced...

For example, when I was preparing for my first championship, a 90 kg barbell fell on my throat and crushed my cartilage. I didn’t go to the doctor then, but just caught my breath - and lay down under the barbell again, although I understood the danger. But I realized that if I didn’t immediately lift the barbell, I would develop a fear of the apparatus. The next day, my throat was blocked, I couldn’t breathe, and that’s when I asked for medical help. At my first championship in America, I set six world records and became the absolute world champion. A year later, my shoulder muscle came off. I couldn't raise my hand. I didn’t go to the doctor, but started self-rehabilitation. Somehow I got out. This way I don't allow myself to break.

- It turns out that not only do you have a masculine appearance, but your psychology is clearly not feminine.

There are many women in history who never gave up. It all depends on the person.

- Do you train men?

Certainly. Look at my body! Men, looking at me, trust me with their figure. Sometimes they come and say: “We want the same torso, biceps...” In general, now so few men look like men that compared to them I really look like a man.

Anna Turaeva - a girl with the appearance of a man
In this photo, the person standing in the center is not a man at all, as you most likely thought. In fact, she is a 32-year-old professional athlete Anna Turaeva(Anna Turaeva), who is currently the world and European champion in powerlifting. Agree, her face shape and physical body characteristics are a little impressive, since Turaeva is a girl with the appearance of a man. Powerlifting is a powerlifting event that includes only three exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, on a horizontal bench and barbell rows. Whoever lifts the most weight is the champion.

Biography of Anna Turaeva

Anna Turaeva was born on August 18, 1978 in Krasnodar, Russia. She was interested in sports from a young age and really wanted to take up martial arts such as judo or sambo. At the age of 16, the girl became seriously interested in fitness, bodybuilding and powerlifting. It is said that her desire to immerse herself in such a male-dominated sport came out of a broken heart from unrequited love. After which Anna became disillusioned with men and no longer tried to captivate them with her feminine charms. If earlier she wore skirts, dresses and long hair, then from the age of 16 the girl began to wear mainly sportswear and made herself a short one. men's haircut and devoted all her time to professional sports. Here is a photo of Anna Turaeva in her youth:

At first Anna was engaged in bodybuilding, but then retrained as a powerlifter. The fact is that she severely injured her back, so she could not fully exercise with heavy weights (even after three months of treatment). Thus, she had to choose exercises that did not put much stress on her back. The barbell bench press on a horizontal bench is an excellent way out of this situation, which turned Turaeva into a powerlifter.

Due to grueling training according to the men's program and thanks to the systemic use of growth hormones to quickly increase muscle mass, the athlete's appearance began to change rapidly. Anna Turaeva has become like a man, which is facilitated by her short haircut (almost zero), voluminous muscles and the visual absence of female secondary sexual characteristics (for example, her breasts are no different from men's). But Turaeva does not pay attention to this and says that she would have had a husband long ago and given birth to a boy and a girl, if not for active sports activities (competitions plus coaching work), because of which she has no time at all to arrange her personal life. life.

Sports achivments

Anna Turaeva is a multiple winner of international powerlifting competitions in Europe, Eurasia, and Russia. For example, in 2012 she took first place at the World Powerlifting Championships, which was held in Las Vegas. With her own weight of 78 kg, she lifted 140 kg without equipment. In 2014, Anna became the absolute European champion in the bench press (without equipment), lifting 180 kg, and also took second place there in the bench press with multi-layer equipment. Anna's personal best in the bench press is 187 kg, but at the same time she dreams of lifting a barbell weighing 200 kg. Here are some impressive photos of Anna Turaeva:

This “man”’s name is Anna Turaeva

Please note that further on there is another page with photographs of Anna.

Women who engage in strength sports break all concepts of female beauty, and some of them do not look at all like the fair sex!

And this is not a man at all, but the strongest woman in Ukraine, Anna Kurkurina!

49-year-old Anna Kurkurina is a world champion in powerlifting (a strength sport, the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the heaviest weight for an athlete), the strongest woman in Ukraine. Today many people look up to her - Anna trains other people, and also posts her master classes on the Internet.

Anna Turaeva, who had to give up women's clothing, is used to being mistaken for a man, and this does not sadden her at all

It is so difficult to believe that a coach of the highest category, international master of sports WPC of Russia in bench press, multiple absolute world champion in powerlifting named Anna Turaeva is a woman, that in Internet search engines people are still trying to find the answer to the question about whether Anna really belongs to the weak half of humanity. And if in the literal sense this is really true, then in the figurative sense it is not.

All her life Julia Vince considered herself unattractive and only when she turned her body into a mountain of muscles did she realize that she was beautiful

If the previous heroines look like men and play men's sports, then this girl consists of incredible contrasts. Young athlete Julia Vince, who has the face of a Barbie doll, has turned her body into a mountain of muscles. Why did she do this? What is hidden behind such a decision?

Complexity and shyness, which have haunted Yulia since childhood, are to blame for everything. In conversations, she was afraid to insert “her two cents,” and her classmates did not stop mocking her. At the same time, Vince was not ugly or fat - at that time she weighed 48 kilograms.
In order to fight with herself and gain confidence, she went to the gym, where the coach left her no choice, saying: “Choose either kettlebell lifting or powerlifting.”

Riga resident Karina Akmens is sure that men like just such women!

Latvian-born fitness model and member of the American corporation World Beauty Fitness & Fashion Karina Akmens (26) made her figure herself and has achieved the point that now everyone who wants to change their appearance for the better and overcome body flaws turns to her for advice. But she will not discover any miracles, because there were none in her life - the girl was simply active. It all started because of disgust for her figure - she weighed 47 kilograms, but felt fat.

At some point, Karina became a member of a sports acrobatics group, which achieved success in Latvian and Baltic competitions, then switched to dancing, took up yoga, and also began to adhere to a vegetarian diet and green thinking. In 2011, as a joke, she took up the iron and did not even imagine that she would be so drawn in! “They quickly saw the potential in me, and soon I decided to participate in competitions. This sport includes increased attention to diet, regimen - appropriate rest and only then exercise in the gym. If some element is missing, there will be no result. You need to get to know your body, understand how it works.”

Photo: From free access on the Internet

The beauty of the female body has been a source of inspiration for artists, poets and sculptors for many centuries. Ideal female beauty varied at different times and in different societies. Most beautiful female body today it is most often a beautiful athletic body. And its most attractive parts are trained legs, arms, chest and hips. But sometimes some representatives of the fairer sex can be distinguished from men only by primary sexual characteristics.

Women's bodybuilding is a very controversial thing. A huge mountain of muscles with bulging veins all over the body looks somewhat unusual. And to the question: “Why do you need this?” - many of them answer: “I want to have a perfect body!”

Such “perfection” can only be achieved with the help of steroids. Steroids are a pretty dangerous thing. And they can create a real nightmare with a woman. By influencing hormones, steroids can create a muscular semblance of a man out of any beauty. But in addition to the rapid growth of muscle mass, they cause irreparable harm to the body. Range side effects steroids is very wide. This is hair loss, breast reduction, irregular menstrual cycle or its absence, infertility. Steroids actively clog the liver, which may not be able to cope with the load, and tumors may appear on the heart and kidneys.

This Denise Rutkowski. She's a silver medalist international competition on bodybuilding. For the sake of this dubious result, the woman used steroids for many years.

Born in 1968 in Tampere (Finland). Has been involved in bodybuilding since 1988. She showed the best results in bodybuilding competitions: Jan Tana Classic, 2002 - third place, and 2007 - second place. Night of Champions 2004 - second place.

Born in Baltimore (Maryland, USA). Lives in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). He has been involved in bodybuilding for twenty-seven years. Best results: New Jersey State Championship, 1994 - first place, US Championship, 1994 - first place.

Born November 21, 1976 in Saskatoon (Canada). Lives in Victoria (British Columbia, Canada). He has been involved in bodybuilding for eleven years. Best result: Canadian Championship 2007 - first place in the overall standings.

Born in Norfolk (Virginia, USA). Lives in Virginia Beach (Virginia, USA). He has been bodybuilding for twelve years, starting training at forty. Best result: Europa Super Show, 2004 - fourth place.

Born on June 8, 1970 in London (UK). Lives in London. Has been involved in bodybuilding since 1991. Best results: British Championship, 2002 - second place; British Championship, 2003 - first place.

Born September 9, 1966 in Denmark. Lives in Västra Frölunda (Sweden). Has been involved in bodybuilding for 17 years. Best results: Jan Tana Classic, 2007 - fourth place, Sacramento Pro, 2007 - seventh place.

Born May 30, 1964 in Caracas (Venezuela). She died on August 7, 2005. Best results: Jan Tana Classic, 2001 - first place, 2002 - first place, Miss International, 2002 - first place, Miss Olympia 2002 - third place.

Born February 22, 1962 in Detroit (Michigan, USA). Lives in Venice (California, USA). I have been involved in bodybuilding for twenty-three years. Best results: North American Championship, 1989 - first place, Miss Olympia, 1990-1995 and 2002-2003 - first place.

The photo is not a man at all, as you most likely thought. This is a thirty-seven-year-old professional athlete who is currently the world and European champion in powerlifting. Her appearance is a little shocking to many, since Turaeva is a woman with the appearance of a man.

Powerlifting is a powerlifting event that includes only three exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, bench press and barbell row. Whoever lifted the most weight is the champion.

Anna lives in the city of Tuapse. Her equipment bench press is one hundred and eighty kilograms. Anna has many plans: to conquer new heights of strength, to learn English language, get married and have a child.

Anna Turaeva’s titles are countless - for example, here is a list of the most famous:

  • multiple absolute champion of Eurasia in bench press
  • European champion in bench press Absolute World champion in bench press
  • multiple winner in bodybuilding and fitness sports
  • multiple absolute champion of Russia in bench press.

- world champion in powerlifting from Ukraine. She is fifty years old, and any man can envy her figure. But ten years ago, a biology teacher looking after animals at the zoo didn’t even think about the star career of an athlete. And the reason for everything was dissatisfaction with my figure - a thin top and wide hips.

In six months, Anna achieved the desired slimness. However, she didn’t stop there. At the age of forty, she decided to show the world that anything is possible. Anna did not leave the gym. I worked out several times a day. And just two years later she received the title of the strongest woman on the planet. However, due to sporting success, I had to forget about women's appearance. Anna is mistaken for a man.

Little is known about the athlete’s family. Anna has a son, whom she gave birth to at the age of forty-one. The son can often be seen with his mother in the gym. And Kurkurina is immensely happy in her relationship with Elena Serbulova, a beautiful young blonde. The couple is not embarrassed by either the age difference or the condemnation of their sexual orientation. Friends post dozens of photos together on social media and they come hand in hand to any talk show.

Do you think there is a woman in this photo? The one in the middle is an athlete from Austria. And don't let her bother you appearance: she is woman. Caroline was born on August 17, 1980. She says about herself that she has always been masculine. And the steroids finally did their job - absolute resemblance to a man.

Caroline began her sports career in 1994 with kickboxing. In 1999, she visited the gym for the first time and decided on bodybuilding. Since 2001, he has been actively participating in all competitions.

The only thing that makes Caroline look like a woman is the women's swimsuits she wears during her performances. Those in the know call her the greatest female bodybuilder in history. According to the Austrian judges, Caroline Wang has the most perfect form and leaves a lasting impression. And the fact that she looks like a man doesn’t bother her at all and even likes her.

Caroline is married and has two children. The woman is happily married and devotes all her free time to her family. But the champion’s professions are not entirely feminine. Caroline Wang works as a car mechanic and works part-time as a security guard.

The photographs you see are of a woman. Natalia Ogryzko forty-one years old. She lives in St. Petersburg, holds the title of absolute champion of St. Petersburg in powerlifting and, moreover, is a multiple champion and medalist of Russia in bodybuilding.

Natalya began her sports career twenty years ago. Judging by her numerous titles and merits, she is a very purposeful person. But, meanwhile, from an aesthetic point of view, the athlete’s appearance is puzzling. Natalya is used to being called a man, and she even likes it.

Natalya prefers men's clothing and shoes. A bikini swimsuit is the only women's item in an athlete's wardrobe, which she wears only during competitions.

This is how they are - iron ladies. Each of them came to the gym in their own way. Some did not like their figures, and thus they eliminated their flaws. By improving their bodies, they were able to realize themselves and assert themselves. With their training and steroids, they brought their bodies to unusual shapes. But such figures also have their fans.

Russian athlete Anna Turaeva became the absolute champion of Eurasia in powerlifting, which includes barbell squats, bench presses and barbell rows. Considering that powerlifting is traditionally considered masculine looking sports, Anna’s body, as a result of long and hard training, acquired characteristic masculine features.

Childhood and youth

Anna Turaeva was born on August 18, 1978. According to media reports, the parents of the future athlete are cooks by profession. The girl’s biography is very modest; nothing is known about Anna’s childhood and family. According to some sources, the athlete lives in Tuapse, according to others - in Krasnodar.

The girl was drawn to sports from childhood, and her choice always fell on martial arts like sambo, but Anna had no luck with coaches. Then Turaeva decided to take up bodybuilding. The parents of the future champion supported their daughter’s unfeminine hobbies.

Until the age of 16, Anna preferred traditional outfits and even wore long hair. According to media reports, the girl experienced severe stress from unrequited love and became disillusioned with the stronger sex. As a result of the unpleasant experience, Anna changed her image to sportswear and short haircut and plunged headlong into professional sports.


The absolute champion of Russia and Eurasia also conquered overseas peaks. The tournament was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she took first place at the World Championships and set a world record. For Anna Turaeva this is an achievement, but the girl is used to overcoming herself for sporting triumphs.

Having become a world champion in powerlifting, Anna continues her coaching career in the south Russian Federation and is still indifferent to fame. After each tournament, Anna promises herself to leave the professional sports arena, but then returns again and again.

And the girl’s sports career began with martial arts and bodybuilding. While engaged in bodybuilding, Anna received a serious back injury and for three months she could not even fully move, let alone play sports. The only ones available to a girl physical exercise were carried out in a lying position, excluding the load on the back. So the bodybuilder turned into a powerlifter.

Personal life

About a Russian girl who entered the top ten strong women planets, everyone has heard, but not many have seen Anna. Therefore, when photos from Instagram appeared on the Internet with comments that Anna had found a stocky male athlete, the public actively discussed this misinformation. In fact, Turaeva herself acted as the “man” in these photographs.

In the photographs found online, the girl model appearance was a friend of Anna, with whom they visited one of the nightclubs in Krasnodar. There, the girls argued with a young man, as a result of which they came into conflict with the club’s security.

As a result of serious physical activity Anna’s appearance really began to resemble a man’s: with pronounced muscles, without any special secondary sexual characteristics. However, the girl does not have a complex about this. In an interview, the athlete says that in the future, most likely, she wants to find a husband and have two children - a girl and a boy. Anna is not yet making plans for the future of her children and emphasizes that she simply does not have time left for her personal life.

In addition to sports, Anna Turaeva has a number of other hobbies in her life: the girl has been working as a coach for 18 years, loves active recreation (hiking), reads a lot and even writes prose and poetry.

Despite the fact that in life Anna is often mistaken for a man, the athlete has not changed her plans for the future and wants to set a new world record for the bench press among women. By the way, professional male athletes have a talisman - a selfie with Anna Turaeva, which promises them good luck in competitions.

Anna Turaeva now

Now Anna continues her career in the women's bodybuilding arena as an international master of sports in powerlifting, while simultaneously working as a coach with children and women. The athlete’s students are no less successful than their coach: Svetlana Kivorkina took first place in the world in powerlifting in her weight category.

Every morning Anna begins with a hearty breakfast, which always includes meat products, after which she goes to the gym. Training takes an average of 12 hours a day and six days a week - it was this busy schedule that allowed Turaeva to achieve success in the professional sports arena.

On November 16, 2017, Turaeva went to Blagoveshchensk to stage new record. The athlete's goal was to weigh 188 kg from the chest while lying down. Unfortunately for Anna and all of Russia along with her, it was not possible to set a record. As the athlete herself explains, during the flight Turaeva lost five kg of weight, in addition, the tournament organizers reduced the time between approaches, so Anna did not have enough strength for a new record. But the girl does not despair, does not plan to leave professional sports and believes that everything is still ahead of her.

Soon Turaeva will have a competition in the city of Tuapse, and Anna plans to break her record there - the athlete had previously already lifted a weight of 187 kg. The athlete’s main goal remains to lift a barbell weighing 200 kg.


  • 2012 – first place at the World Powerlifting Championships
  • 2014 – absolute winner of the European Championship in bare bench press with a result of 180 kg in the category up to 82.5 kg.
  • 2014 – second place in the European Bench Press Championships in multi-layer equipment
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