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May 5th is the day of the formation of a diving school. The holiday of people of the heroic profession is Diver's Day. Traditions of Diver's Day in modern Russia

Date in 2019: May 5th, Sunday.

The profession of a diver or scuba diver, as it is also called, is dangerous and responsible. In Russia it originated in the 19th century. Since then, there have been many people all over the country who dive underwater for various research and technical work. You can congratulate them on their professional holiday on May 5th.

On Diver's Day, congratulations are accepted by real men - representatives of one of the most dangerous and courageous professions. Now, with the development of new technologies, this work is no longer as dangerous as it used to be. However, in their professional activities, divers daily face serious threats to life and health. Brave conquerors of the underwater world undoubtedly deserve to have their own holiday in the Russian calendar.

When is it celebrated?

Several memorable dates fall on May 5th, one of them is Diver's Day. Now these specialists are officially called scuba divers, but in the 19th century the Russian word was used. In Russia, this specialty is of particular importance, since scuba divers have always actively participated in military operations, helping to rescue drowning people. This date is celebrated on a grand scale at the St. Petersburg Naval Institute. Scuba divers - graduates of this university are considered the best specialists in the world.

Who should be congratulated

On this memorable date it is customary to honor:

  1. Military and civilian scuba divers.
  2. Students and teachers of the specialized department of the Naval Institute of St. Petersburg.
  3. Divers who retired.
  4. Relatives and friends of scuba divers who died while on duty.

Diving enthusiasts also widely celebrate the holiday by organizing massive deep dives.

This is interesting! Ceremonial events traditionally take place in Voronezh. In this city there is a diving school, which, along with the St. Petersburg one, is considered one of the best in the world.

Celebration traditions

When scuba divers celebrate their day, the following events take place in Russia:

  • symposia and forums on professional issues;
  • memorial events in honor of divers who died defending the Fatherland;
  • master classes in scuba diving for ordinary amateurs;
  • exhibitions in military history museums introducing visitors to this rare and unusual profession.

Relatives of scuba divers who died in service receive memorable gifts and financial assistance.

With development modern technologies The role of scuba divers in the life of Russia has increased significantly, so the scale of ceremonial events increases every year. Previously, the memorable date was celebrated only at the federal level, but now regional celebrations have been added.

history of the holiday

In 1882, Emperor Alexander III issued a decree on the creation of the first domestic underwater diving school in Kronstadt. The teachers of the educational institution were K. Pilkin and V. Verkhovsky. However, the official holiday for Russian scuba divers appeared only in 2002. Before this, military specialists celebrated their day together with the defenders of the Fatherland, on February 23, and civilian divers did not take part in the celebrations.

Congratulations in prose

I would like to wish you safe diving and clean, clear water. Let your life never be overshadowed by accidents!

Scuba diver is a difficult and dangerous profession. Let them always remember to be careful and never take unnecessary risks! Health and long life!

Congratulations in verse

On Diver's Day we wish
Find treasure in the sea.
We send underwater greetings
With a fair current on the way!

Come down, diver,
At sea forty thousand times,
Everything will be fine
You won't be bored underwater!

Diver's Day in Russia is a holiday of brave, healthy and strong-willed people. Seas and rivers have always played a big role in the history of Russia. When deep sea explorers celebrate their professional holiday, for ordinary people this is another reason to remember the beauty of the underwater world and the protection of the aquatic environment. And also send a funny postcard to those who love diving, and look at pictures from the life of divers on the Internet.

Alexander, April 24, 2019.

For a long time, this holiday did not have official status, but the fifth day of May became memorable in 2002. Then, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, this day was included in the register of memorable dates and holidays of the Russian Federation.

“The diving school must train officers and lower ranks experienced in diving for shipboard needs and underwater mine work,” the sovereign’s decree stated.

The urgent need for divers arose in the middle of the 19th century. After the end of the Crimean War and the liberation of Sevastopol, Russian troops needed people who could carry out the work of clearing the fairway and lifting guns from sunken ships.

It seems that at that time the fleet had such specialists, but they were poorly prepared for this work, there was no one to teach them new techniques, and they charged quite a lot of money for their services.

It is noteworthy that in the Russian Empire, diving began to develop in connection with the development of the navy. As early as 1861, every warship in the state had at least one diver on board, and his equipment became standard equipment.

But, as we wrote earlier, specialized training of diving specialists began in 1882 in Kronstadt. The founder of the school and the compiler of the first training methodology was captain 1st rank, and later admiral, Vladimir Pavlovich Verkhovsky. Lieutenant-Captain A. G. Leontiev was appointed head of the school, and M. N. Khrabrostin was appointed as the doctor.

It is interesting that for a long time the Kronstadt diving school remained the only such institution in the world; people came here from all over the world to learn the art of being underwater.

Subsequently, divers entered the service of many departments and ceased to relate to purely military topics. Now divers are not only a difficult and very dangerous profession, but also an opportunity to look at the world from a different perspective: be it the endless depths of the Mariana Trench or sunken ships, including the Titanic or hundreds of warships.

P.S. It was divers who became the progenitors of today's diving, a hobby for millions. It was thanks to divers that we comprehended the boundless expanses of rivers, seas and oceans. And now we can't stop.

Diver is an honorable and rare profession that has a rich history. Despite the fact that scuba divers have been working in Russia for many years, they received an official holiday only under Vladimir Putin. The first Diver's Day in our country took place only on May 5, 2002.

history of the holiday

The date was chosen for a reason. At the end of the 19th century, the world's first diving school appeared in the city of Kronstadt on May 5th. Emperor Alexander III signed a decree stating that it should train experienced specialists to carry out underwater work. At that time in Russia there was an acute issue of the shortage of professional divers who needed to lift sunken ships. Several decades have passed since its founding, and the school has gained respect throughout the world.

Kronstadt training has become a symbol of high professionalism. Subsequently, a scientific and methodological basis was developed for Russian divers, the author of which was Admiral V.P. Verkhovsky. This man became the founder of a diving school. And captain-lieutenant A. G. Leontyev was appointed head of this educational institution. It enjoyed well-deserved respect in the world.

The school existed for a long time, it was replaced by the Naval Engineering Institute, founded in 1998, after the VVMIU named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and VVMIU named after V.I. Lenin. We are talking about one of the best naval technical universities in the world. They still train good specialists there who bravely put their own lives at risk.

The professional holiday Diver Day in Russia is traditionally celebrated on May 5th. This date was not chosen by chance. It was on May 5, 1882 that Emperor Alexander III signed a decree establishing the first Russian diving school in Kronstadt. However, there is evidence that the profession of a diver appeared in Russia much earlier. Even in documents from the early 18th century, it is mentioned that divers were used to carry out underwater work related not only to repairing ships and rescuing people, but also to searching for sunken treasures. In the 18th and 19th centuries, there were full-time divers on Russian military and research ships studying natural water resources.

In 1873, special diving equipment appeared. The first autonomous diving apparatus, in which oxygen was used for breathing, was developed by a naval officer and famous Russian engineer and A. Khotinsky. A little later, in 1878, engineer Mamota created the first diving apparatus designed specifically for military purposes.

Of course, working with complex diving equipment required well-trained specialists. The diving school in Kronstadt, created in 1882, aimed to train professional divers for the Russian navy: ships, and later submarines. In the 20th century, the Russian Kronstadt School received worldwide recognition. In 1998, it was reorganized into the Naval Engineering Institute. Now it is a prestigious institution of higher education, where young people not only from Russia, but also from other countries consider it an honor to study.

Traditions of Diver's Day in modern Russia

Decree establishing May 5 professional holiday Diver Day was signed by the President of Russia in 2002. On this day, not only special events, but also numerous sports competitions in which divers from all over Russia take part. Veterans are awarded memorable gifts, and novice specialists undergo a “baptism of fire” under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Divers also celebrate the holiday, although this hobby is not directly related to the profession of a diver. It is believed that May 5 is the best day for the first acquaintance with the rich and mysterious underwater world.

Countries that celebrate Diver's Day

Diver's Day is also celebrated on May 5 in Ukraine, Belarus and some other countries of the former post-Soviet space.

If you ask any boy, or even an adult, about who the people in spacesuits are, then all of them, without really thinking, will definitely answer that they are astronauts. But such equipment as a spacesuit was originally intended for conquerors of the depths of the sea - divers. The word "spacesuit" literally means "boat-man" in Greek.

Why do we only remember these people in spacesuits when we hear congratulations on Diver’s Day? Why did it happen that it became a dream for many boys and gained wide popularity, but such an equally dangerous and heroic profession as a diver is undeservedly forgotten and little known?

What kind of profession is a diver?

May 5 is Diver's Day. What do we actually know about this profession? Quite a bit, especially if you live far from the sea or a deep river.

Scholars will affirmatively report that this is a low-demand, especially dangerous and rather rare “harmful” profession that involves a risk to life. And they will be mistaken: the work of divers is in demand and is used very widely. Such specialists maintain underwater structures, offshore oil platforms and hydroelectric power stations, carry out ship repair work, explore water bodies, and participate in rescue operations. In general, it’s impossible to list everything, since people in this profession are general specialists and do underwater what a mechanic and electric welder, researcher and scientist, rescuer and military man do on the shore.

So Diver's Day is a day of brave, hardy and courageous conquerors of the water element, a day of general professionals. The only shame is that humanity knows negligibly little about the achievements of people in this profession and has undeservedly forgotten the names of its best representatives.

Dive into historical depths

Diver's Day in Russia was officially declared as a holiday in 2002. The date of the celebration, May 5, was not chosen by chance. It is dedicated to the day of the creation of the Kronstadt diving school - the first institution in the world where diving was taught.

It was on May 5, 1882, on the initiative of Russian naval commanders K.P. Pilkin and V.P. Verkhovsky Emperor of Russia Alexander III signed personal decree, which stipulated the main task of the school - training lower ranks and officers experienced in diving work to carry out ship repair work and underwater mining. Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Pavlovich Verkhovsky was able to fulfill his life's dream - he was appointed the first head of an educational institution that has no analogues in the whole world.

In honor of the recognition of the merits of Russian divers, current representatives of the profession began to count from this date.

Currently in Kronstadt, on the site of the former home of one of the founders of the diving school, shipowner and shipbuilder M.O. Britnev opened the Maritime Museum. I would really like for grateful descendants to visit its walls not only on Diver’s Day, but to constantly be interested in the history of heroic submariners.

Little mermaid divers

It would seem that Diver's Day is a holiday for men. However, “there are women in Russian villages...” who are not inferior to men in courage. It was they who devoted themselves to working in the depths of the sea.

One of them, she is the only female diver in the former USSR, is Galina Aleksandrovna Shurepova. She has 3,000 hours spent at depth. May 5th is a double holiday for Shurepova - every close person sends her congratulations on Diver's Day and happy birthday.

By the way, Shurepova dubbed Guttiere performed by Anastasia Vertinskaya in the film “Amphibian Man” - the first filmed under water.

Shurepova’s record for staying under water was recently broken by Kharkov resident Svetlana Matveychuk. This “little mermaid” managed to accumulate 4,500 underwater hours.

Join the ranks of divers!

On Diver's Day, May 5, many people have a unique opportunity to meet representatives of the profession not only on land, but also to dive into the depths of the sea together with the heroes of the occasion. First of all, divers, of course, will not fail to take advantage of this, because who, if not them, can understand why the sea is so attractive and how beautiful the world of its inhabitants is!

Let this day bring together diving enthusiasts and professional divers into a common and friendly family, and the date of May 5 will not only be the opening of the season, but also a reason to once again meet all those who are in love with the sea!


Diver's Day is not complete without ceremonial meetings where veterans and deep-sea diving professionals are honored and awarded. There are many warm words and good wishes in their honor.

We sincerely admire our heroes and join in congratulating them:

Being a diver is not only an honor -

This is the profession of brave men.

Risking your life in any weather

You are plunging into the depths of the abyss.

May good luck accompany you everywhere -

The one who communicated with Neptune on a first name basis,

He doesn’t expect miracles from nature, he works

Proved to everyone who is the master of the water!

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