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DIY twist hairstyle. DIY shell hairstyle (French twist) for medium and long hair. What it is

Laying a twist in translation from English means nothing more than twisting. This hairstyle is very popular in evening styling, it is also ideal for business meetings when you need a woman’s image to be stylish and elegant.

There are countless variations of this style: with and without bangs, smoothly combed and with separate strands, hair completely tucked into a bun or left loose at the back, and so on. Today we will look at the classic smooth version. By adding ribbons, lace, flowers or hairpins to your hairstyle, you will get a popular wedding option classic French twist.

Note that this hairstyle for medium hair also has a second name - “shell”. Usually the twist is suitable for those with hair middle length, as well as long ones.

For the twist to look good, the hair must be clean. But if your hair is excessively frizzy or unruly, it is better to do this styling the next day after washing your hair. This way it will look neater and last better throughout the day.

What do we need for the shell hairstyle?

  • medium tooth comb
  • massage brush
  • hairpins
  • invisible

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Comb your hair and spray it with hairspray. You can lightly comb one half of the hair, with which you will begin styling later.

Step 2: Start with a French twist on one side of your hair towards the back of your head. Simply twist your curls towards the center of your head.

Step 3: Use both hands to gather all the hair into a single bun. Try not to tighten the hair; it should be loosely curled.

Step 4: Twist the rest of your hair under the shell and secure with bobby pins or bobby pins. It's okay if a few strands fall out. Afterwards you can return them back by securing them with invisible ones.

Finally, use a massage brush to bring the shell to perfection so that there are no “roosters”, stray hairs or unevenness. Fix your hair with hairspray and enjoy your elegance!

Girls love beautiful hairstyles from early childhood. First with a bunch of bows, multi-colored elastic bands and hairpins, and then with unrivaled Hollywood curls and bouffants. You can create a beautiful hairstyle with good styling products only in a salon, but if you don’t have time to visit one, you can use a handy device - a Twister hairpin.

With the help of this functional accessory you can not only style a protruding strand, but also create a hairstyle worthy of an evening out. Twister, in skillful hands, easily replaces Babette, a tiara, and indeed any solid hair decoration. You can pin your hair with it, using shells instead of traditional hairpins. In other words, this is a universal accessory for all occasions.

What it is

The Twister hairpin gained particular popularity in the 90s, just at the time when the fashion for non-standard and varied hairstyles appeared. The girls wanted to change without putting much effort into it, and a hairpin with a wire that bends in any direction contributed perfectly to this.

The advantage of this hairpin was that it perfectly fixed even the most long hair, but in appearance it looked like a stylish decoration. It could be covered with velvet, silk, lace, decorated with beads and rhinestones, and supplemented with foam rubber for volume.

The hairpin has styling functions because after many hours of wear you can get curled strands. With the help of Twister, girls learned how to do more than twenty hairstyles, radically changing their looks. Today this stylish accessory has returned to the fashion arsenal and every self-respecting girl should learn to use it correctly.

How to use

To begin with, I would like to note that the Twister hair clip is intended exclusively for long hair and if its length does not reach at least the shoulder blades, a normal hairstyle is unlikely to work out. A presentable hairstyle can only be achieved if the hair is carefully combed along its entire length. If the previous condition is met and the hair length is suitable, you can proceed to the most important thing - creating a hairstyle.

It is better to do this according to the instructions:

  1. We collect the hair at the back of the head as if we wanted to make a ponytail, but do not secure it with an elastic band. We make sure that the hair is well smoothed at the back of the head, otherwise the hairstyle will not look very neat.
  2. We take a hairpin and pull the hair through a special hole. We take into account that the hair should be neatly distributed along the entire perimeter of the hole - from edge to edge.
  3. If you have a “cascade” hairstyle and the hair in different areas differs in length, the hairpin will have to be brought to the place where the shortest strand ends and then fixed.
  4. We begin to scroll the Twister, thus tightly fixing them in the hole. We carry the hairpin from the back of the head to the ends, gradually scrolling, and then go back, twisting the hair itself underneath.
  5. When we finally bring the hairpin to the base of the ponytail, all that remains is to secure it beautifully and neatly in the hairstyle. You can do this in the shape of a bun or a bagel - whatever you like.

This hairstyle option can be called the simplest and most homely because it is unlikely to be suitable for an evening out.


Using the Twister hairpin, you can create two dozen hairstyles, but only a few of them are the most popular:

  • Bun. We collect carefully combed hair into a ponytail at the level of the future bun and thread it through the hole of the hairpin. We twist the hair, trying to prevent the strands from falling out, and when we reach the edge, we bend the ends. You can twist them together under or over the bun.

  • Tail with harness. First, we make a horizontal parting, dividing the occipital and crown areas in half. The tourniquet will consist of hair that was left on the back of the head. We temporarily secure the hair on the top of the head with a hairpin, and in the meantime, twist part of the hair from the back of the head into a Twister. After this, remove the hairpin and thread the “top” hair through the Twister ring.

  • Shell. We comb the hair and thread it through the hairpin, placing it vertically. From the same position we begin to twist the hair, and when the hairpin moves to the back of the head, firmly fix the ends of the Twister.

  • Malvina. We comb all the strands and form a parting that visually divides the crown and back of the head into two halves. We fix the lower part of the hair with a shell, and begin to wind the upper part with a Twister. When the hairpin is brought to the back of the head, its edges will need to be fixed. The hair from the bottom should be left loose.

As you can see, the second and fourth hairstyles are created according to a similar principle, but you need to do exactly the opposite. Evening looks with Twister are created like Malvina, but with some changes. So, you can simply curl the lower part of your hair and twist the upper part into a rope.

Can be created using Twister and Hollywood curls. To do this, you just need to twist your damp hair into a clip and undo it after drying. It is worth considering that the result will depend entirely on how the hair was curled, so you will not be able to get the perfect result the first time.

How to make a hairpin yourself

You can also make a Twister hairpin with your own hands. To do this you just need to get copper wire, tape, wire cutters, and a piece of velvet fabric.

The creation process covers several stages:

  1. First, a ring is created from wire, the diameter of which is selected based on the length and volume of the hair.
  2. The wire is tightly wrapped with tape to create a fairly reliable frame.
  3. The cover for the hairpin is sewn in advance according to a pattern that can be found on the Internet.
  4. The hole in the case is made based on the diameter of the frame and the volume of the hair itself.

Basically, the cost finished product It’s not big enough to bother making your own hairpin, but if you want something exclusive, go for it.


The Twister hairpin always has the same design - oblong in shape, thin, with a hole in the center. But some types of such hairpins differ from each other and this is due not only to external characteristics.

So, for longer hair, massive types of Twister with a wide hole in the center are intended. For hair of shorter length, hairpins that are smaller in diameter and have a miniature hole in the center are suitable. And one and the same type of hairpin looks different in different hairstyles.

Today, the twist hairstyle is one of the most popular and universal. After all, with the help of a comb and bobby pins you can create an incredibly beautiful and easy look. If you want to know more, then watch the hairstyle twist video.

First, let's find out what the word twist means? Translated from in English- this is twisting. This technique is actively used in modern styling. This is a very convenient way to remove your hair, giving it a romantic casual look.

Hairstyle twist how to do the technique

Performance technique. The hairstyle will suit every girl, and there are no restrictions. The twist can be done on both smooth, straight hair and curly curls.

  • Combing your hair. If you want to add volume to your hair, then curl it slightly. Now let's get started. Weaving should begin above the temporal lobe of the head. Pick up or leave bangs - the choice is yours.
  • We divide the first curl into 2 halves and twist them together. We begin to move along the entire circumference of the head, picking up new curls from the bottom of the head (be sure to perform the action from the growth line of your hair). We secure it well with pins and spray it with varnish. Just 5 minutes and such beauty!

If you have long hair and there is not enough head circumference for a full braid, then the ends of the strands can be gathered into a simple bun or braided into a beautiful braid. Remember, the thinner you make the strands, the finer and more textured the weave will be. As you can see, everything is very simple and easy, and most importantly, you can do it yourself, without the help of stylists. For a festive look, feel free to add bright accessories, don’t be afraid to experiment.

Hairstyle French twist

Now we'll tell you how to do it french twist. Watch the video below for a hairstyle twist. This weaving style is considered classic version. Perfect for both going to work and everyday wear. Gives special elegance and sophistication to the image. Remember all the steps on how to make a French twist yourself.

  • To make your hair look more voluminous, backcomb it lightly. Afterwards, spray with spray for perfect styling.
  • We remove the hair from one side to the back of the head and secure it well with bobby pins in a zigzag manner.
  • The free end of the curls needs to be wound around your fingers, so that the strands are wrapped inward towards the head. The palm must be kept in a vertical position. We carefully try to pull our fingers out of the shell’s hair. Secure everything with bobby pins and varnish.

Remember a few tips on how to style your twist hairstyle correctly.

  • To ensure that your hairstyle turns out perfect on the first try, do not start doing it immediately after washing your hair. It is better to start weaving the next day or after thoroughly treating with styling products.
  • if you are going to an evening event, be sure to add a bright accessory (hairpin, flower, ribbons, hairpins with stones) to your hair to create an unforgettable look.

Watch the video of the twist hairstyle (shell) below.

Do you want to look stylish and extravagant? Then the French twist hairstyle is for you. This kind hairdressing has become a real favorite for those girls who simply adore wearing classic-style dresses, low-heeled shoes, a stylish handbag and simple jewelry.

Making such a hairstyle is not particularly difficult and it will suit any look or style. And if you want to instantly transform from an earthly girl into a sublime princess, feel free to make your dreams come true.

The French twist is exactly the hairstyle that you won’t be embarrassed to wear at a social party, at a business dinner, or with your girlfriends on a walk.

Features of the French twist hairstyle

In order for the hairstyle to turn out perfectly and stay firmly on your hair, it is best to do it a day after washing. The next day after shampoos and gels, the hair becomes manageable and not voluminous. Therefore, this is exactly the option to give your hair well-groomed for an evening out.

We invite you to watch a video on creating the French Twist hairstyle:

Basically, in the distant past, the French twist hairstyle was intended for an evening out. Modern fashionistas did not expect an evening fashion show and developed their own version of “creative chaos” on their heads. This innovation served as the impetus for it to be adopted by a new trend in style and fashion. It’s safe to say that an elegant mess on the head does not spoil the main feature of the hairstyle.

How to do a French twist correctly?

To create the look of this hairstyle, you need to prepare some hairdressing tools. A fine-toothed comb, hair clips and bobby pins, as well as varnish or mousse-based fixatives are quite suitable for this event.

Comb your hair thoroughly and make an even parting on the side. In this version, the hairstyle looks especially stylish and fashionable. Comb your curls to one side and secure them with bobby pins or clips, starting from the back of your head and roll them up like a shell. The ends of the hair should be in the middle when modeling the hairstyle. The hairstyle, in turn, will turn out to be in the form of a shell and should be secured with bobby pins and hairpins, and then fixed with hairspray (by the way, we recommend reading how to choose hairspray).

If you think that such a creation is not for your image, then you can try a different option. Comb your hair thoroughly, dividing it into several even strands. Move one part of the hair to the right side, and fold the remaining parts of the strands into a strong rope and pin it with a hair clip so that they are on the same side.
Now you need to form a rope from your hair, twist it into a shell, hide the ends of your hair in your hair and pin it with hairpins. This hairstyle will be a similar version of the French twist and is more suitable for girls who do not accept the classics. If a few curls fall out of the main hairstyle, do not remove them or hide them. Let a little carelessness in your hair become the hallmark of your new look.

To ensure that your hairstyle is well formed and your hair stays in place, treat it with a special hair mousse. This product will help your hair not tangle and comb easily. On curly hair, this hairstyle will look simply flawless. And to add femininity and romance to the image, it is possible to weave various hair accessories into your hair from satin ribbons to beads and feathers.

Photo French twist

To better understand what kind of look you can get with a charming French twist hairstyle, we suggest you look at a few photos below.

Hairstyle "French twist". Photo 1

Hairstyle "French twist". Photo 2

Hairstyle "French twist". Photo 3

Step 1.

Wash and comb your hair. Step 2.

Make a horizontal parting from ear to ear across the crown. Using a vertical parting running from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck, divide the head into two parts: right and left. On each temple, draw side partings from the temporal cavity to the horizontal parting. Using another horizontal parting, passing through the middle of each ear and the occipital protuberances, separate the upper area of ​​the back of the head from the lower. Secure thick and unruly hair with clips so that it does not interfere with the work process. Step 3.

You need to start cutting from the lower occipital region. Comb the first strand with a part parallel to the hairline on your neck. Comb it in the direction of growth and trim it. This strand will be the control. Trim the fluff below the edging line with the tips of scissors or shave it off. Step 4.

Separate the next strand parallel to the control strand. Pull both strands perpendicular to the head and trim the raw hair to the desired length. Next, comb your hair with parallel horizontal partings and trim it to the level of the previous strands with a pull of 90 degrees. Move the haircut from the neck to the border with the upper occipital area. Step 5.

Comb a control strand parallel to the parting passing through the occipital protuberances. Pull it 45 degrees and trim it to the required length. Cut the entire mass of hair located between the horizontal partings in the same way. Orient the cutting level to the reference strand. Step 6

In the frontal-parietal region, select the first strand at the border with the left temporolateral zone. This strand should be parallel to the side parting. The optimal width for it is 2 cm. Pull the strand at a right angle to the head and cut to a length of 5-7 cm, while smoothly pulling the hair towards the face. The resulting strand will be the control. Step 7

Determine where the side parting will be located in the finished hairstyle. On the side of it where most of the hair remains, cut using the “strand by strand” method. Comb your hair with parallel vertical partings, pull it 90 degrees relative to your head and cut it at the same level as the previous strands. Remember: when shortening, you need to smoothly pull your hair towards your face. Step 8

Separate a section of hair near the forehead, parallel to the hairline. Grab a section of the control strand, comb the hair over your face and trim it to an arbitrary length. Step 9

Separate the next one parallel to the first strand. Together with the control, comb it onto your face and cut it at a 20-degree angle. Next, cut the frontal-parietal zone as follows: select the strands with parallel horizontal partings, comb them back to the previous ones and trim them at a given level. Please note: when processing hair located on the smaller side of the side parting, increase the tension as you move towards the back of the head from 20 to 90 degrees. Step 10

Use thinning scissors to thin out the ends of the hair all over your head. Thick hair thin out to a depth down to the middle of each strand. Thin hair will be given additional volume by root thinning.

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