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Classic and unusual ways to tie a bandana for women and men. Head bandana - a stylish accessory for everyday life How can you tie a bandana on a girl's head

It all started a couple of weeks ago when British Inventory magazine editor Ryan Wilms showed the world a long-forgotten pirate method of how to tie a bandana. Interesting, fresh, you can show off in front of friends. The main thing is not to cross the line.

By the way, we think that you should definitely look at the frame from the movie "Jurassic Park" to understand that you can look courageous with a bandana tied around your neck.

By the way, you can review the gorgeous original version this weekend.

How to tie a bandana using the Wilms method

  • We put a square bandana or neckerchief wrong side up, turn it with a rhombus. We bend the upper corner to the center, lower it a little lower (Fig. 1)
  • We bend the lower corner also to the center, put it on top of the already bent upper corner. (Fig. 2)
  • Now you should immediately turn on accuracy so as not to redo it a hundred times. We bend the strips of the same width from below and from above towards the center of the scarf. The figure shows one fold on each side, in reality there will be at least two. As a result, both wrapped edges should connect exactly along the central horizontal line of the scarf. (Fig. 3-4)
  • We bend the upper half of the folded scarf and put it upstairs. It turns out one line. (Fig. 5)
  • Starting from the middle, we twist the bandana into a not very tight tourniquet, leaving the ends free, while they should not be very long. The ends will not be too long if you first take a square scarf of the right size - with a side of about 45 cm. (Fig. 6)
  • We tie a bandana folded into a tourniquet around the neck with a simple knot so that the ends look in different directions. (Fig. 7)

Nearly perfect design

As a result, we get a stylish casual element that is several times cheaper than a butterfly for a tuxedo. You will look stylish, fashionable, youthful. Approximately as in the picture below. Now you know exactly how to tie a bandana today.

Very stylish result.

In our society, a stereotype has taken root that representatives of male sexual minorities wear a bandana this way - we dare to assure you that this is not so. As we have already shown from above, this style of wearing is more characteristic of archaeologists, historians and brave cowboys. But not the one you're thinking about right now. Here, to keep warm in winter - you are unlikely to find. Better buy a stylish buff.

It will also not be superfluous to know that a bandana is tied on a hand in a very similar way. You can walk like a Hispanic gangster or a black basketball player.

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It would be appropriate to consider Johnny Depp the king of the bandana. Do you agree? What is the look from under the bandana of his Jack Sparrow in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"! This ancient accessory from the 15th century is still worn by many. It would be interesting to know why it is needed in principle and on the head.

Nowadays, it more often serves as an element of a certain lifestyle or Originally, pirates wore a bandana as a head scarf in order to protect their eyes from sweat and long hair, because in ancient times it was far from easy to manage a ship, requiring great physical effort. In different images, you can see pirates with this element around their necks, but this was in cases of their relaxed state on deck or in the city.

Bandana originality

Unique appearance with a bandana on the head is that a large triangle of fabric is tied in a knot with a long tail behind the ear. It's a classic, that's how the pirates wore it. What we see in our time is already modern tendencies when the bandana is more like a small handkerchief folded in a triangle and tied on the forehead with a knot at the back. It is interesting to note that Ukrainian women - gossips - from the time of Gogol and Pushkin, who knew a lot about beauty and attractiveness rather than style, also knew the answer to the question of how to tie correctly. Let us recall the words of A. S. Pushkin after reading Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka": "Here is real gaiety, sincere, unconstrained, without affectation, without stiffness." What is not a characteristic for a bandana? The choice of fabric is also important. The bandana should keep well on the head and absorb moisture, which means that cotton, linen and natural silk are primarily suitable for its manufacture.

Stole or bandana

Another thing is the stole (scarf), which is designed to warm the shoulders. How to tie a stole on your head is not so fundamentally important, this will be prompted by the imagination of its owner, the amount of hair on his head and the way they are styled. And if the bandana is worn by both men and women, then the stole is more of an accessory for women. Today, any boy from a group of interests can answer the question of how to tie a bandana on your head - skateboarders, roller skaters, cyclists, bikers with their leather bandanas, hip-hop dancers, tracers during parkour. A bandana will protect the crazy heads of these guys from dust, wind, heat and sweat. You can also tie it around the neck, wrapping the ends of the triangle twice around the neck with a knot in front, just like the cowboys did in America. A bandana in the form of a small scarf is suitable for another: a guy can tie it tightly in a knot at the back, and a girl can tie it in a knot in front on the top of the head, on the side, behind, tie it on the wrist, on the forearm, instead of a belt, in the buttonhole of jeans or even on a handbag, like a scarf. Bandanas big size in hot weather, girls can transform into a pareo (like a dress, by wrapping the body).

Indirect assignment

How to tie a bandana on your head is also known to those who literally turned the concept of a bandana upside down as a headdress. These are people who are trying to hide their face. They put the long side of the triangle in its middle part on the nose, the ends are tied at the back of the head, the rectangular part of the bandana hangs down on the chest, thus covering the face, except for the eyes. These people include demonstrators of various kinds, raiders, etc. But it is still better to use a face bandana on occasions when you are vacuuming a room or sweeping a dusty yard, for example. During the holidays, any girl or guy with glasses and a bandana on his forehead looks very cool! Practice in front of a mirror how to tie a bandana on your head, and you will certainly succeed.

There are a number of accessories that are recognized all over the world, and this is exactly what a bandana is. As once with jeans, she gained her popularity thanks to ordinary people from the people. It was used by hard workers in order to cover their heads from the sun and dust. Then everyone knew how to tie a bandanna on the head, because this was its only purpose, but now it can be seen on the neck, face, wrist, and even instead of a tie. Fashionistas often add it to their looks to give themselves some personality. In this regard, now many do not even know about the true purpose of the bandana, and when they are looking for something to cover their heads, they use the “with an elastic band” option. We decided that this was a blatant injustice and decided to remind our readers how men and women should tie it correctly.

It is worth noting that a bandana is not just a square scarf, now it is, first of all, a stylish attribute that should be tastefully combined in your image. There is a huge choice, from classic "skulls" and "cucumbers", to bright and modern prints. So choosing the right color or print should not cause any problems.

Since we have a women's magazine, let's look at how to tie a bandanna on a girl's head so that it looks beautiful. There are many options, but, unfortunately, not all of them are worthy of attention. So, let's move on to those scarf tying ideas that will undoubtedly complement your look.

№1 Bandage

Of the many beautiful options Before tying a bandana on your head, any girl should pay attention to the bandage. It will not only show your originality, but also help to remove hair from your face.

So here's what you need to do:

  1. Fold the scarf into a strip.
  2. Run it under the hair along the neck so that there are two loose tails in front.
  3. Next, twist the tails on the forehead and wrap the head towards the back of the head.
  4. Tie a knot and hide it under your hair.

No. 2 Classic in the form of a scarf

Among girls, there is a big misconception that this is an exclusively male option and should be avoided. Men, however, often use this particular method, but solely because it is simple. This does not mean that a girl cannot tie a scarf.

So, here's how to properly tie a classic bandana on a girl's head:

  1. Fold the scarf into a triangle.
  2. Take it by the two ends and put it over your head.
  3. Tighten them at the back of the head and tuck the free end under the knot.

Bandana in the form of a scarf will go well with denim shorts, a variety of sundresses, jeans and a leather jacket.

#3 Rosie the Riveter

When it comes to how to wear a bandana on your head, Rosie the Riveter comes to mind for every girl. Perhaps not everyone knows her name, but the poster with the famous slogan "We Can Do It!" familiar to everyone. Also, this style of bandage can be safely called the "Retro" option.

In fact, this is a headscarf on the contrary, only in the right way - this option looks much cooler.

  1. Fold the scarf into a triangle.
  2. Position the flat side of the scarf at the back of your head.
  3. Lay the ends towards the forehead.
  4. Tie them in front so that the free end is under the knot.

#4 Simplified turban

This method came to us from hot African countries, where a turban is a great way to protect yourself from the sun. Due to the fact that it is quite bulky, our fashionistas came up with a simpler option. It perfectly shows how you can tie a bandana so that you get a practical decoration on your head.
The procedure is as follows:

  1. Try to find a larger scarf and fold it into a triangle.
  2. We take the two far ends and throw it over the head so that the free tail is on the forehead.
  3. We tighten the back of the head and twist the ends in the forehead area. In this case, the free tail must be properly tucked.
  4. Now the ends need to be wrapped tightly around the head and back to the forehead again.
  5. In the same place where the free tail was tucked in, tie the last knot.

You may not be able to do this and it will be easier to show a friend how to put a bandana on your head so that she can help you. Few people get this option the first time.

No. 5 The image of a pirate

Of course, the famous Captain Jack Sparrow wears a headband in a very stylish way, but we will show a more pirate version. This method perfectly shows how to wear a bandana on the head so that the girl can emphasize her makeup. Also a great addition to the image will be round earrings.

Step by step technique:

  1. Fold the handkerchief into a triangle, as in most cases.
  2. Take the two far ends and place the bandana over your face, triangle side down.
  3. Tightly wrap your head and tie the ends 2 knots at the back.
  4. Now take one of the two free end ponytails on the face and fold it over the back of your head, over your knot.
  5. Holding on to the front and back ponytails, pull the scarf back until your eyebrows show.
  6. Now grab the tip of the triangle on the face and start twisting it. The bandana will begin to tighten, see that it does not press hard on your head.
  7. Tightening it over the eyebrows, you will have a twisted ponytail in your hand. Attach it horizontally to the edge of the scarf and twist them together to secure the ponytail.
  8. Adjust the handkerchief so that it is directly above the eyebrows.
  9. The remaining tail at the back, tuck it behind the knot so that it hangs down, and the bandana fits the head as much as possible.

These were the main options for girls. It is also worth mentioning two popular and simple ways:

  • "Ponytail", where you need to collect hair in high tail and tie a scarf around it, folded in the form of a ribbon;
  • “With a bow in front”, where a scarf folded in the form of a ribbon must be tied on the forehead or on the hair in front.

How to tie a headband for a stylish man

Men often tie a bandana in the form of a scarf or in a pirate way, we have already considered them. Also, many hip-hop fans are interested in how to tie a bandana so that it looks like the legendary Tupac. But this is just a simple version with a knot in front, nothing more, nothing less.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not fit a bandana. Therefore, she is very popular. There is only one rule - the bandana should be in harmony with the clothes. This is quite logical, because if you wear it with a business suit or come to an interview in a large company, then you have obvious taste problems.
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History of occurrence

The first mention of the bandanna was during the time of the Spanish peasants and American cowboys. A piece of cut tissue then appeared in its form. This fabric was tied around the head when there was a need to protect oneself from the scorching sun, they also covered her face so that sand and dust did not enter the respiratory system, and it was also used for camouflage.


Nowadays, there is a huge selection of this type of accessory.

Among the presented models, the main ones can be distinguished:

  1. classical
  2. bandanna-pipe
  3. knitted.

  • A classic or light scarf is a model strictly square shape, which is tied not only on the head, but also on the neck and wrist.
  • Bandana - the tube is made of elastic materials, it looks like a seamless tube, great for those who love extreme sports.
  • Knitted bandana - an innovation in the world of fashion and style, can be worn instead of a hat and scarf in cold weather.

What to wear

Bandana goes with any part of your wardrobe. On a man, it will look organic with worn jeans or a cotton shirt. A girl can use it in addition with a maxi skirt and long sundress. A well-chosen cowboy hat and a bandana tied on the forehead will make your look unforgettable and interesting. You can not combine a bandana with business suits, it will not look aesthetically pleasing.

How to choose

The color of the accessory should match the top of the clothing. Multi-colored and patterned bandanas are best used at home. If your clothes are of the same tone, then the accessory matched to it should be bright, but not multi-colored.

For your convenience, when choosing a bandana, you should pay attention to its shape. The triangular shape is convenient because it is easier to tie. There may be some difficulty in tying a square-shaped bandana if you are not experienced in this matter.

How to tie on the head

There are many ways to tie a bandana. You can beautifully place this accessory on your head, for this you need to fold the bandana diagonally and fasten it with strong knots on the back of the head, bend the free part under the knot. This option is the easiest and fastest.

Ways for women

Every female, regardless of age, wants to look attractive. Girls from childhood try on their mother's outfits, take their example in beauty and fashion. A bandana is a wonderful accessory that complements the variety of women's wardrobe. She is tied on her head in the form of a bow, her hair is supported in her hair, curled into a thin strip, and her head is completely covered for convenience.


It's funny to see boys experimenting with their dads when they're little and tying bandanas like cartoon pirates. They place the bandana closer to the eyebrows, press it tightly and fix it with a knot at the back of the head. Children's fantasy is boundless, in it each child becomes a little like a hero he likes, possessing masculine, albeit not entirely good, qualities.

In the style of the 60s

In order to plunge into the past a little, it is enough to pick up the appropriate trophies, or outfit. Interestingly, and in the spirit of those years, you can tie a bandana on your head. A triangle is folded from square matter, then it is folded into a strip and fixed on the back of the head, so that the hair is not affected. The free ends are left or tucked under the bandana.

Retro style

Modern fashion

Fashion does not stand still, there is a great variety of accessories. Among them there is an amazing thing - buffs. This is a universal type of bandana. They are worn instead of headdresses.

fashionable turban

The bandana can be worn and tied like a turban. The turban came to us from African countries, where they were saved from the sun with the help of it. Nowadays, it is tied for beauty. In this case, you need to choose a bandana large sizes.

What is a "buff bandana"

In the modern world, the presence of a bandana in the wardrobe speaks of a sense of style. And such a variety as "buff-bandana" is a sign that you are advanced fashionistas. This scarf is quite large, it is versatile in use. It can be worn when riding a bike and a motorcycle, in the mountains on a snowboard, an excellent option for protecting your head while running.


For convenience and elegance, the bandana can be tied under the hair. This is done quite simply. The scarf is folded into a triangle, after which it is twisted into a strip, the hair is tied up so that the hair remains on top of the bandana. Knots are tied on the forehead.

To create hair

In order to please yourself with magnificent curls, it is not at all necessary to use curlers or a curling iron. An excellent replacement will be a regular bandana. The scarf is twisted into a random strip, tied in knots at the back of the head, then, as is done for a Greek-style hairstyle, the hair is removed strand by strand under the strip. You need to start from the front. Leave overnight, beautiful curls await you in the morning.

How to match with a headdress

So that the image does not seem boring, you can use a bandana as a decoration. Tie it over your hat to freshen up your look and spice up your style.

Rosie the Riveter

A scarf folded diagonally is placed on the back of the head, we direct the free ends towards the forehead, there we tie it into a knot. The knots are placed over the triangular end.

Bandana is a popular accessory among girls and guys. In any corner of the world you can meet a fashionista or fashionista with this attribute. The most interesting thing is that it belongs to a number of universal accessories. Moreover, there are many options for wearing: a bandana on the head, arm, neck or even hips - the flight of fancy is appropriate and unlimited here!

In the summer, she will decorate and style the capricious curls of any girl and protect from sunstroke. It will also make the image bright and memorable! More recently, this headpiece has been seen in fashion shows by designers such as Tommy Hilfiger, Phillip Lim, Diane von Furstenberg and Prabal Gurung. Perhaps you will take something for yourself and add a bandana to your stylish look.

Who are bandanas for?

Initially, these handkerchiefs were used by workers to avoid sunstroke. American cowboys then tied bandanas around their necks or lower face to protect themselves from wind and dust. Today, the bandana fell in love with everyone. It is actively used by young people to create zest in their image. In addition, it can suit older people. For example, women can tie it around their neck, so they will look more romantic and mysterious.

Among men, it is preferred by bikers, punks or rockers. They choose knitted or leather bandanas. These scarves are stylish and fashion accessories that suit everyone! The main thing is to tie a bandana so that it does not slip and does not cause discomfort. They look especially beautiful on ladies with a triangular and oval face, although options with other types are also acceptable.

How to tie a bandana on your head: various options

In the fashion industry, bandanas have become famous and loved by many. Of course, designers want to surprise the audience every time, so they come up with more and more new tying options. Everyone will find their ideal way for themselves, as there are plenty to choose from. In addition, a bandana can be tied not only on the head, but also on the neck, wrist, jeans, bag, etc. Thanks to such a wide range of wearing options, it is an essential attribute of stylish youth. If you decide to complement your image with this bright accessory, then pay attention to the following ways to tie a bandana:

  • Classic variant;
  • Pirate;
  • in the form of a pipe;
  • Bandage;
  • On the hips, neck and wrist.

This is the simplest of all. For the traditional way of tying a bandana, fold a square scarf in half. Place the bandana on the top of your head, and bring all the sharp ends back. After tie a knot at the back of the head, the loose ends can be hidden under it. The bandana can be lowered to the middle of the forehead. This option is suitable for those who have a very wide forehead line. For girls with a round or square type of face, this method of wearing a bandana is contraindicated. Looks great with beach curls or two pigtails. The classic way is perfect for going to the beach, as your head will be 100% protected from the hot sun, while still being stylish.

In the 50s, girls liked to tie scarves on their heads, making their image more romantic and playful. Lovers of unusual styles should try this option for themselves. Take a classic square bandanna, fold it diagonally. Attach to the back of the head, closer to the neck, a scarf with the folded edge down. After the two side ends, tie on double knot on top. When tying the second one, insert the third (upper) edge of the bandana into the hole of the loose knot, and hide it under the scarf.

The result should look like a hat. For reliability, pin with invisible hairpins on the sides. Voila, you are like a girl from a pin-up poster: just as playful and attractive! Take note: this option is best worn with tied hair, making volume at the crown. The image is amazingly complemented by red lipstick.

This method does not require special skills in tying a scarf. It is quite simple, but it looks interesting. You will need a classic scarf, preferably a large one. Fold one of the corners towards the center of the bandana. Place it with a curved edge towards the center of the forehead or closer to the eyebrows. Then straighten the free edge and tie a simple knot over its side ends. Let the long ends hang down at the back of your head. In some cases, baseball caps are worn over a bandana, making their image more interesting and vibrant. You can also add a vest in combination with shorts or a denim sundress.

Inspired by oriental beauties, our women of fashion decided to try their fashionable attribute - a turban. In order to tie it, do everything as follows:

  • Take a piece of fabric with rectangular edges or a large bandana, fold it diagonally;
  • Attach a bandana folded in a triangle to the back of the head so that one of the corners looks up (after that, throw it on the forehead);
  • Tie the side ends in a simple or double knot at the forehead;
  • Throw the free end of the bandana over the knot, hide the rest under it.

In the event that the side tails are too long, you can twist them at the forehead and tie a small knot at the back (on the back of the head). Hide it under the base of the triangle so that the result is less rough. Add jewelry and the bandana will become more aesthetic. For example, pin a brooch in front on a knot. This popular option will add mystery to your look and protect your head from the hot sun.

in the form of a pipe

A bandana in the form of a pipe, also called Buff, is a universal element of the wardrobe. Such a modern headdress can turn into almost anything. If desired, make a scarf, a headband, a light hat, a face mask and even a hair band out of such a bandana. This multifunctional bandana is made of lightweight fabric with no seams. Especially often it can be seen on active athletes, since the bandana protects the face from dust or sweat. Moreover, Buff fits snugly around the head or neck without causing discomfort. Bandana-pipe is more suitable for sports, hiking or hiking - here it is an indispensable thing!

In the form of a bandage

Of the many versatile options for wearing a bandana, this one fell in love with the girls the most. Bandana in the form of a bandage will not let your hair fall on your face, which is very practical and beautiful. Those who want to try on this option should form a triangle. It is advisable to take a medium-sized bandana. Then wrap one top of the triangle towards the center and fold the scarf in half. You should end up with a long rectangular strip. This method is good because folding a bandana does not spend a lot of time and effort. Next is to make a bandage. We came up with some interesting ways to tie a bandana:

  • classic bandage

Wrap the folded fabric around the head and tie at the back of the head closer to the neck, hide the ends under the main part of the scarf. The result obtained is used by many young ladies as a rim.

  • "Rustic"

Attach the bandana with the wide part to the back of the head, and tie at the hairline. Leave the top ends sticking out. Add a flirtatious look to your look by tying a scarf on the side.

  • "Difficult"

In fact, there is nothing difficult in this option. You will need a wide or thin strip of folded bandana. Tie it at the crown or at the forehead (here everything is limited by your imagination!) with a double knot. Next, hide the protruding tails under the bandana. Tip: Don't overtighten the second knot!

Bandana in the form of a headband is combined with many styles of clothing. Especially good with hippie, heroin chic or retro. The most popular are brightly colored headbands, but remember to choose them according to the palette of your image.

Other options for tying a bandana

Of course, there are those who want to go beyond the generally accepted. It was they who came up with extraordinary, but at the same time excellent ways of wearing bandanas. Recently, it has become popular to wear a bandana around the neck in combination with classic suit. It is best if the suit is dark or neutral, and the scarf is a bright contrasting color. Variations with modern colorful costumes are also acceptable. The shirt is most often casually released. This style was called "artist".

Girls, especially in the summer, tie a bright bandana on the handle of a bag or backpack. In this case, it is better to leave long tails freely hanging down. Some ladies managed to put large beads on the ends of the scarf. This method is very extravagant and authentic.

You can use the bandana as a wristband or even a fancy bracelet. Take a small bandana, fold it into a strip and wrap it around your wrist or forearm. For madams who want to spruce up the aesthetic, simply put on some large beads or pin on a brooch.

If you find a long bandana scarf made of light fabric, feel free to use it instead of a belt. Chiffon or cotton goes well with jeans. This is a great way to add zest and mystery to an image. You can also just tie it across a regular belt.

How to wear?

Bandana is a fashionable and stylish accessory that will make any look elegant and flirty. Of course, for many who wear it as a headdress, there is such a problem: the bandana does not hold well or constantly falls off. To avoid this, pin the scarf with invisibility to the hair. Such a trick will secure it in place for a long time. Do not tie a bandana too tightly (especially in the form of a bandage), as under pressure it will rise up over the rounded shape of the head.

Many are interested in how to choose it by color or print. There are no clear rules here. It all depends on your preferences. If you want to focus on the scarf, then give preference to a bright color. Choose clothes in light or neutral colors. In the event that your bandana is patterned, then choose monotonous clothes.

So that wearing a bandana does not cause discomfort, you should choose the right hairstyle. For the classic method, voluminous ones are not suitable. Best of all, a spikelet, two pigtails. Dissolute. While for the option with an open crown, any will do. A careless bunch looks especially beautiful.

Follow these simple advice and wearing a bandana will be easy and comfortable. Be bright and positive!

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