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How to cut a man's hair? Basic rules and methods. Fashionable haircut without leaving home Men's haircut with scissors at home

Many men do not like to waste their time visiting the hairdresser. And any girl wants to see a worthy gentleman next to her. Many women are faced with the task of how to cut a man’s hair. Therefore, it is worth mastering the minimum basics of men's haircut techniques.

The basics of doing a men's haircut are not so complicated and are quite accessible even to a person who is far from hairdressing. In addition, there are many video lessons that teach you step by step how to cut a haircut.

Doing a men's haircut yourself will save you money and time. And your loved ones will have a personal, albeit inexperienced, hairdresser.

Haircut rules at home

Homemade men's haircuts do not require any special skill. Before you start, you need to prepare everything you need. The most important item is the clipper, without which it is impossible to create a short men's haircut. Also of great importance are scissors, which must be well sharpened. You will need several different combs. Comb with a “tail” - for convenient separation of strands, combs with frequent and rare teeth. Don't forget a shoulder cape, hair clips and a spray bottle.

It is best to cut a haircut from the back of the head and move from left to right, from top to bottom. You should not use too wide strands on your comb. After finishing the haircut at the back of the head, carefully work out the lower contour.

After this, you should switch to whiskey. The haircut is carried out from the temples to the crown. The bangs can be left a little long, this will allow you to comb them to the desired side. When finishing the haircut, it is recommended to go over the entire surface of the head again with a finishing haircut. To do this, you should gather the hair onto the comb with one hand, and, without interruption, move it up towards the crown, and with the other hand you need to trim the uneven ends. The men's haircut technique also includes shaving the neck.

How to choose a men's haircut

Men's haircuts are just as important as women's, but they receive little attention. Women can change their image with the help of makeup and hair styling, but a man can only have a beautiful, spectacular haircut, which should be selected taking into account several criteria. First, pay attention to the shape of your face. It can be square, oval or round.

A square face shape requires choosing a haircut that will soften rough contours and visually elongate the face. Short men's haircuts that can turn a square into an oval are suitable for this.

For an oval, elongated or triangular face, medium men's haircuts are an excellent option, which will create disheveled hair and add creativity and style to the image.

In order to modify a round face, you should perform a layered haircut. It is carried out using a ladder at the temples, steps at the back of the head and bangs on one side. Men with a round face should not wear a mustache or beard. This puts a lot of emphasis on the round shape.

An oval face has an ideal shape, so choosing a haircut provides an inexhaustible field for imagination. You can experiment without restrictions.

At the peak of popularity is an ultra-fashionable men's haircut with shaved temples. It is suitable for men with round, oval or square faces. Men with a triangular face shape should avoid it, as the lack of hair at the temples will highlight the already noticeable cheekbones.

How to cut a man's hair with scissors

Before you start cutting your hair, you should familiarize yourself with the rules that tell you how to cut a man's hair with scissors. Before cutting, wet your hair with a spray bottle. The strands must be divided into temporal, parietal and occipital zones. Select the area to start cutting and secure the rest of your hair with hair clips. Separate a strand and comb it thoroughly. Pinch your hair with your middle and index fingers. Trim the hair exactly 1.5cm above your fingers.

Without letting go of the cut strand, separate the next one and comb them together. Cut the new strand along the first line. The cut strands can also be pinned with a clip so that they do not interfere with the cutting process, but it is necessary to leave a thin strand that will allow you to control the length of the hair. The width of each grip should be approximately 1cm. The haircut will achieve a complete look thanks to the careful design of the contours. This can be done using shading or edging.

Modern men's haircut. Men's haircut modern

The most common are oval, round and trapezoidal edgings. The bangs can be straight, oblique or asymmetrical. Shading is also done using scissors and a comb. Move the comb, cutting off any hair that protrudes from it. Then repeat the process in the opposite direction.

How to cut a man's hair with a clipper

A huge number of men's haircuts are performed using a hair clipper. Therefore, you just need to know how to cut a man’s hair with a machine. This process is very simple, as the machine is easy to use. The length of the hair will depend on the attachment used. It is also used when cutting hair bald, since this cannot be done with scissors. In fact, everyone is capable of doing standard men's haircuts using a clipper.

The machine is also used to make various patterns. But this process requires a certain skill and experience.

How to cut hair with a machine - Independent work

It's easiest to have short haircuts, there's less chance of making a mistake, and it's also very convenient to drive the clipper over your head. For long haircuts, use long attachments.

Haircut technology consists of the following process. Place the attachment tightly enough to your head and move the machine from the back of your head to half of your head. The remains can be corrected with scissors. Treat the side and front of the head in the same way. But if the hairstyle needs to be more artistic, you will have to use scissors. At home, you can easily master the art of hairdressing for simple and standard men's haircuts.

How to cut hair at home - step by step instructions

Today, any girl who wants to change her hairstyle can turn to a hairdresser, but this is not always possible - for some, the price of the services is too high, while others simply do not have enough time. There is a third type of people - experimenters who want to carry out the procedure with their own hands.

In any case, whatever the reasons, learning to cut your own hair is always interesting and practical - both time and money will be saved, and if you learn to do everything correctly, the results will always lift your spirits.

Before cutting your hair at home, read the following recommendations, they will help you avoid unpleasant surprises:

  1. Buy sharp, high-quality scissors specifically for cutting hair; ordinary scissors that we use in everyday life can be dull, which will ruin the hairstyle. Also prepare combs and brushes of different shapes and sizes; in the future they will help you not only in creating haircuts, but also in modeling hairstyles.

If possible, buy a machine that is especially useful for men's haircuts. Hairpins, clips, hairpins, a high-power hair dryer, a water sprayer - all this will be needed by a novice hairdresser.

  1. In the process of studying, it is first better to perform haircuts on close people, preferably male. Firstly, all mistakes can be easily corrected using a machine, and secondly, men are not as concerned about their appearance compared to women.
  2. The beginning of a haircut should always be by moistening the curls with a sprayer, or by washing them. Comb your hair thoroughly from ends to crown.
  3. Don't start with complex haircuts right away.. It’s better to immediately find out how to cut the ends of your hair at home, because cutting the length is the simplest procedure.
  4. Difficult haircuts require dividing the hair into parts - two temporal, upper and lower occipital.
  5. Don't cut too much hair at once. The margin is necessary so that errors can be corrected by adjusting the required length.
  1. The cutting technique is as follows: secure a well-combed and moistened strand between the middle and index fingers. Adjust the length to be cut and follow the same sequence with all the strands.
  2. If you have started cutting curly hair, then you need to trim the length with a margin, since after drying the hair will instantly jump.

Trimming the ends

If you don’t know how to cut the ends of your hair at home, below is a step-by-step procedure:

  1. Using a spray bottle, thoroughly wet your hair - this will make it perfectly smooth and straight, which allows you to follow what needs to be cut. Comb your curls thoroughly. Please note in advance that wet strands are always a little longer than dry ones, so make a reserve.
  2. Use a ruler or tape measure to determine how much length you want to remove.
  3. Part your hair evenly down the middle. Take one strand in front - you will be guided by it in the subsequent course of work, and fix it between the middle and index fingers, cut the length determined in advance. Be sure to check whether the cut is even.
    Then proceed to cut subsequent strands until you have cut completely in a circle. Always focus on the first strand.
  4. After this, comb your hair thoroughly and inspect for any unevenness. If there are errors, be sure to correct them.

If you are cutting curly hair, be sure to separate it with a straight parting, and cut below the desired length.
When cutting thick or coarse hair, separate small strands so that everything is done perfectly evenly.

Making a cascade

How to cut hair correctly at home in order to make a cascade - this is a question asked by many girls who like to experiment. We would like to note right away that creating such a hairstyle will require a lot of time and effort, but if you do everything correctly, then you will succeed.

The instructions are:

  1. Comb your curls, decide on the size of the cap - it determines where the haircut will begin.
  2. Separate a small strand and take it in your left hand. Take the scissors in your right hand and point their tips towards the bottom. That is, hair cutting will be done from top to bottom.
  3. Using light pressure on the handle, slowly move along the length of the strand. Do everything smoothly, as if you were gliding through a curl of hair. It turns out that by cutting your hair in a diagonal direction, you will only remove part of the strand. Watch your movements so as not to accidentally cut off the entire curl.
  4. After the tips of the scissors reach the end of the strand, proceed to the next one, doing the same.

There is another interesting way to cut your hair in a cascade at home.

The point is this: comb all your hair in front of you and gather it into a ponytail, so that it is almost on your forehead. Determine how long you want to cut and measure it using a ruler. By the way, use it to measure your tail several times so that there are no mistakes.

Fix the end of the bun in your left hand, and take scissors in your right hand and very carefully remove the excess length. Profile the cut so that everything looks as natural as possible. Unwind your hair.

Voila! The cascade is ready! Comb your hair and inspect your hairstyle; if something doesn’t suit you, then trim it or additionally profile the curls.

When resorting to this non-standard haircut method, do not cut the tail in an even horizontal line; use the tip of scissors to give the strands a variety of lengths and shapes.

Cutting straight bangs

Having learned how to remove the length, you will probably want to learn how to cut your bangs.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Separate a part of the hair with a parallel parting, which will be the future bangs. Adjust its thickness and width, which should be equal to the width of the frontal part.
  2. Secure the remaining curls with an elastic band or clips so that they do not interfere with you.
  3. Now wet the bangs and visually determine its length; start cutting approximately at a line slightly below the eyebrows.
  4. Hold the scissors at a 45⁰ angle, this allows the blade to glide smoothly. Cut from the left side, gradually moving to the right.
  5. Comb your new bangs with a detangling comb. Look around, if there are any kinks, then correct them by holding the scissors at a 90⁰ angle.
  6. If you wish, you can profile your bangs.

The video in this article will demonstrate clearly how to carry out various haircut options yourself. We wish you success and successful experiments!

Some people think that men's hairstyles are much simpler than women's and have fewer variations. But professional hairdressers will say that this is absolutely not true. To learn how to cut hair men, there are a number of points to consider.

You will need

  1. - hair clipper;
  2. -comb;
  3. - ordinary scissors;
  4. -thinning scissors.


  • The easiest way to learn how to cut hair is with a hair clipper. If you need to make a simple short, uniform haircut or “zero cut,” then there are no subtleties here. The only thing is that there is a common point for any machine haircut. Hair should be clean and dry. To make further work easier for yourself, dry your hair in the direction in which the entire hairstyle will be done later. Comb your hair and see if there are any scars or bumps on your head. Then proceed carefully in these places. Place the desired attachment on the machine and start removing hair from the back of the head. Tilt the machine slightly and move it as if pushing it. Then the haircut will be uniform. If you are just learning, it is better to start with a larger nozzle, gradually moving to smaller ones.
  • When you are already confident in using the machine, you can start trying to do model haircuts. Now you will need the ability to use scissors. In addition, many men's haircuts require thinning. To better understand the types of hairstyles, look at hairdressing magazines. And on the Internet you can find video tutorials that will help you navigate the variety of men's haircuts.
  • In addition to basic hair cutting skills, you need to be able to trim sideburns, beards and mustaches. They should fit harmoniously into the hairstyle. So if your client has facial hair, ask if they are going to let it go. Depending on the answer, choose a haircut model.
  • Of course, if you want to learn how to do creative men's hairstyles, then it is better for you to study at a hairdressing school or take various courses. There they will show you the basic techniques and techniques, tell you in detail about the tools and the main stages of performing a particular haircut for men.

Men's boxing haircut

Men's boxing haircut is a classic hairstyle for true gentlemen. It owes its name to the sport of the same name, as well as the popularity it once gained among athletes. Neat styling on short hair makes the owner’s image more masculine, imparts brutality, and emphasizes the gallant style of a successful, self-confident man. Read about all the features of a stylish men's boxing hairstyle further in our article.

Differences between boxing and semi-boxing haircuts

When doing a half-box haircut, the master cuts short only the lower part of the head, along the nape line, and hair 2-3 cm long or more remains on the upper part. This distinctive feature makes it possible to experiment with hairstyles, model and style hair based on the oval of the face. The peculiarity of the technology for creating such a hairstyle lies in two edging lines. The first passes at the border of hair growth, and the second is located at the upper edge of the hair at the back of the head and temples. If you raise it a little higher, you get an elegant men's boxing haircut.

A box haircut is short-cropped hair, as well as neatly shaved temples and the back of the head. The difference between the two haircuts described above lies in the length of the hair located in the parietal and temporal regions. Classic boxing is suitable for a business male look. The half-box is not so strict and looks great on straight hair and curls.

Boxing scissor haircut technology - diagram

Short and neatly styled hair on a man is not only attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but also very comfortable. The hairstyle does not require frequent shampooing or serious care. The haircut technique is very simple, which allows you to maintain its shape yourself. To create a boxing hairstyle you will need the following tools:

  • Thinning and hairdressing scissors.
  • Comb.
  • Razor.
  • Machine.

Boxing is a universal option that suits almost all representatives of the stronger sex, regardless of face shape and hair color. The hairstyle goes perfectly with any style and always looks neat. This is an ideal haircut model for those who are tired of daily washing and styling. Below are detailed step-by-step instructions for creating this stylish hairstyle:

  1. Using straight scissors, mark the transition line between long and short hair. If you have sunken temples, draw the edging line a little lower. For convex temples, it is recommended to place the border a little higher. If a man has a convex head, it is better to draw the transition line under it.
  2. Cut the hair located before the transition short using a clipper.
  3. Having finished cutting your entire head, proceed to the upper parietal zone, cutting strand by strand step by step, as shown in the second photo.
  4. Next, you need to profile the hair to smooth out the sharp transition of the edge border. To do this, use thinning scissors or a razor with a special attachment. Men with dark, thick hair will benefit from a wide stripe of shading. For the owner of blond curls, it is better to make this strip a little thinner.
  5. Using a razor, work along the line bordering the face. A jagged cut will look impressive.
  6. Remove defects in the form of stray hairs using the tips of scissors.


To give an image of masculinity and elegance, it is not necessary to seek help from specialists. Another undeniable advantage of this haircut is its ease of execution. Having the skills to use a hair clipper, you can easily do your hair yourself at home. To do this, prepare the following tools:

  • Straight scissors.
  • A typewriter.
  • Nozzles for the machine from 1 to 4 cm.

The haircut requires a minimum length of hair due to which it does not get tangled and always looks neat. Revealing your face, a stylish and elegant hairstyle highlights your features and makes your look attractive and sexy. Below is a detailed description that reveals the secrets of creating a universal men's hairstyle on your own:

  1. Having installed a long-length attachment, cut all the hair from the temple line, moving from the beginning of its growth to the border of the temporal area.
  2. Set the attachment to the minimum length and cut the lower part of the head.
  3. Cut the hair located in the middle of the parietal zone, as well as in the occipital areas, on your fingers: separating each strand in turn and holding it between your fingers.
  4. Lightly profile the transition border.
  5. Shave the edges of your temples neatly.
  6. Use scissors to adjust the length of the bangs. If you decide to leave it long, don't forget to thin out the strands.

What does a haircut look like - front and back views

Many women strive to spend their family budget economically, so they try in every possible way to master various useful skills. You can seriously save on a variety of points. For example, men are getting their hair cut, because they go to the hairdresser quite often. How to cut a man's hair with a clipper?

This problem can be solved quite easily: you just need to master the technique of cutting your husband’s hair at home. No matter how scary it may seem, such activities are actually very exciting. So, how to cut a man's hair at home? You need to study in detail all possible haircuts, thereby saving on a trip to the hairdresser.

Equipment for working at home

Training in hairdressing needs to begin with the acquisition of the necessary equipment. You need to purchase a high-quality machine with a powerful battery and several attachments at once. When creating men's hairstyles, experienced hairdressers often use one trick: they lubricate the surface of the working machine with a specialized lubricant. With this manipulation, the work is quick and easy.

Simple clipper haircut

If you want to learn how to do a variety of different hairstyles for men, then first you should still start with the simplest one ( semi-box or box). This practice will help novice hairdressers gain the necessary experience in this matter and learn the basic principles when creating men's hairstyles. In a few phrases you can define this type of hairstyle as follows: the temples and back of the head are shorter, and the crown is longer.

To create a more visible effect, you will need 2 to 3 attachments of varying lengths. With their help you will create the hairstyle itself.

If your spouse or boyfriend agrees to conduct such an experiment, then you do not need to worry or rush. When learning, it is important not to rush too much - this is definitely not the best assistant. It is better to do all actions slowly, but more efficiently. If a man's hair is very long, and he needs a shorter haircut with a clipper, then it is best to start working with scissors first. With their help, you can easily and simply remove the excess length without spoiling anything.

How to cut a man's hair: instructions

Step-by-step instructions for cutting hair with a clipper at home. First you need to comb your hair well. Then separate a small strand and, holding it between the index and middle finger of your left hand, pull it perpendicular to the head. This is how you can see the maximum length of the hair and can only cut off half of it. Once there is no extra length left, you can start working with the machine. All hairdressers start cutting their hair against the direction of hair growth. This way the teeth lift the hairs better.

It's better to start from the back of the head, using a smaller nozzle for this (for example, a unit). The back of the head in such hairstyles is often short, so this length is perfect. Moving in small steps from bottom to top, carefully change the cutting level. With one you can continue cutting until it stops completely. There are several options for edging, each of which looks attractive with one or another shape of the human skull.

It is best to first consult with a man which shape he likes best, and then begin to carefully shape it using a special machine. No need to hurry. The transition from short to longer crown area of ​​hair should not be made too abrupt.

Change the nozzle to a two-piece and make a smoother transition. On the top of the head, you can freely cut your hair in threes or fours, depending on the preferences of your significant other (make sure that the man definitely has his own tastes and views on his hairstyle).

Shaping the neck and temples

You also need to cut the temple area very carefully. They are located in close proximity to the face, and all your imperfections will be very noticeable. If you are unsure of your abilities, then cut the length one millimeter at a time.

It is better to work with your hair longer and more carefully than to ruin its entire appearance with one wrong move. The temples can be made either oblique or straight (the latter option is the most common). If a man is used to wearing a beard, then the border between it and his temples should not be made too defined. A smooth transition in this case will look more appropriate.

Learning how to create this hairstyle is quite easy. The main thing is not to rush, but to follow the step-by-step instructions and do everything correctly. Another question concerns bangs. Some men prefer to do . It will need to be cut using scissors, lifting one strand by strand and carefully aligning the length. It is best not to have bangs if a man's hair is curly. On curly-haired guys, a hairstyle without bangs looks much more attractive.

Finally, you need to carefully shape the hairline. If a man’s hair growth line is quite low in the neck area, then the neck can be slightly shaved. But never do such manipulations when cutting a child’s hair. Shaving the surface of a boy's neck can cause premature and completely unnecessary growth of coarse hair.

Before you start cutting your hair with a clipper, you need to wet it well and comb it thoroughly. Strands of hair must be divided in advance into three full zones. In this case, the haircut with the device goes in the direction from the depression on the forehead to the back of the head. This separates the temples and the dark zone.

Three zones are formed:

  • dark;
  • three in the occipital region;
  • two in the temporal zone.

You need to pay attention to the high-quality edging of the neck. It comes in rounded and trapezoidal shapes.

To produce men's haircuts at home, you do not need any special skills or knowledge in this area. Creating your own hairstyle will not only save your finances, but will also help you create beautiful and neat hairstyles for your spouse.

A hairstyle diagram helps to do the job more efficiently and correctly.. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the shape of the head itself and the general facial features of the partner. The easiest option is a haircut to zero. This hairstyle works well with a standard head shape.

Sports-type hairstyles are longer and more difficult to cut, but they can be easily created with a standard head shape and a certain skill.

Using a special device, short haircuts such as a hedgehog are created. They have a more round shape and are well suited for coarse hair types.

A semi-box is made using a machine. It suits well for almost all men, except those who have a very long face shape. With a classic haircut, the back of the head is cut with a device with a smaller nozzle.

Long strands can start below the crown or closer to it. The hairstyle can be done with or without bangs. This option is definitely not suitable for curly hair. If the back of your head is uneven, shaving your head to zero will not be the best solution.

Haircut with transition

To make a model haircut smoother, you need to make the right transitions. When handling the device in this way, all actions must be careful and correct. The comb should be in your left hand at this time.

Strands must be cut in strips. First, the forehead area is cut, and then the back of the head. For the back of the head, you can use a smaller attachment.

The haircut is performed in the direction from bottom to top. First, the device is pressed against the hair, and the device is torn away from the crown of the head. In this case, the difference between the strands is completely equalized. Afterwards, the temples are trimmed using the same nozzle. From the parietal zone you need to make a smoother transition. The edging is done at the neck, as well as behind the ears without an attachment. Then the total length of the strands over the entire surface of the head is checked. All shortcomings during haircut will be corrected using milled scissors.

Changing temples

An important step when cutting is the edging of the temporal zone. The temples can be oblique, rectangular, to the lobe or to the middle of the ear.

You need to start styling from the temple area. In this case, the hair is separated with a diagonal parting. After this, the hair is combed onto the face, and then the resulting temple corner is trimmed. Next, the hair is combed downwards, then another edging of the temporal region occurs.

Movements of the device should be light and not very sharp.

Correct bangs cut

Men's clipper haircuts with bangs are distinguished by their increased complexity. The largest attachment should be selected for cutting. In this case, the bangs are first shortened using a comb, which lifts the strands to the desired height. The cut with the device is made on top of the comb itself. It should turn out smooth the first time.

Features of the machine

Electric haircutting devices are popular and in great demand among consumers. This popularity is easy to explain. By purchasing such a hair clipper once, you can save a lot of money and your time. But for the benefit to be real, the hair clipper must be of high quality.

The main parameter when choosing such a device will be the engine. The type of engine will depend on the technical features.

  1. Hair machines that operate using an electromagnetic coil, are called vibrational. They differ from others in their low power (about 15 W) and strong noise and vibration during operation. Vibrating devices should not be used for long periods of time. So, they can get very hot and work normally for about 20 minutes. The main advantages of vibration models are their low weight and fairly economical cost. Convenient for use at home.
  2. Machines that operate using a rotor, in comparison with vibration devices, are described by higher parameters. Their total power reaches 50 W, they can work without rest for a whole hour, which is very convenient for use in high-level hairdressing salons. Rotary devices have a special cooling system that prevents them from overheating even during very long operation. They make noise and vibrate much less than vibration ones, but weigh more. The model’s high power rating helps you quickly and efficiently cut coarser and thicker hair.
  3. To create a variety of shapes when cutting and edging hair, there are machines that operate using a battery. They most often have the lowest power rating (about 12 W). You can charge the battery only after it is completely discharged. Otherwise, the operating time without charging will begin to decrease significantly. The main advantage of battery-based machines is the minimum level of vibration and noise during operation.

The blades installed in the device are also considered performance indicators. Most often they are created from stainless steel (the most common type), ceramics or titanium alloy. Titanium blades differ from others in their durability and do not cause allergies, but their movements are not very smooth, so sometimes unpleasant sensations may occur during cutting.

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Learning how to create stylish and neat men's haircuts is easier than it seems! Read the article and learn the secrets of creating hairstyles from professional barbers.

From the article you will learn:

Do you want to learn how to make perfect haircuts from practicing hairdressers? Sign up for The best hairdressing courses in St. Petersburg !

If you decide to do haircuts at home, get the following supplies:

How to cut a man's hair at home with a clipper?

The simplest haircut that even a beginner can handle is a haircut with one attachment. This brutal hairstyle is suitable for those with an oval face shape.

  • Wash and dry your hair, then comb it.
  • Install the nozzle of the desired value on the machine - the longer the desired hairstyle, the larger the nozzle number.
  • Start cutting from the back of the head, moving against the hair growth. Move towards the parietal area, removing the length in continuous stripes. Your goal is to achieve the same length throughout your entire head, with no stray hairs.

You can learn more about the haircut process by watching this video:

A simple and laconic classic haircut with a clipper can be easily done at home. We have prepared instructions for you on how to cut a man’s hair with a clipper using 2-3 attachments:

  • Comb your hair well and lightly dampen it.
  • Decide what the length of the hairstyle will be in the parietal and occipital zones and select the necessary attachments.
  • Run the clipper all over your head against the direction of hair growth, starting from the back of your head and moving higher.
  • Change the attachment according to the length to which you want to shorten the hair in the occipital and temporal areas. Treat these areas with gentle, smooth movements.
  • Now you need to smooth out the boundaries of the transitions between areas with different hair lengths. To do this, use a nozzle with an intermediate length. If you cut the crown with attachment 9 and the back of the head with attachment 3, set the length setting to 6.
  • To give your hairstyle a finished look, create a border - a border along the end of hair growth. Remove the attachment from the machine and use the blades to trim the hairline on your neck and temples.

How to cut a man's hair with scissors

If you haven’t had time to get a hair clipper, it doesn’t matter! You can also cut a man's hair with scissors. The main condition is that they must be hairdressing grade; ordinary scissors for cutting paper will not work.

  1. Lightly dampen and comb your hair.
  2. Separate a control strand of hair from the top of your head, hold it between your middle and index fingers and cut off the excess length with a straight cut.
  3. Continue cutting further, each time grabbing a new strand and part of the cut one, and adjusting the length to the standard. Go through the parietal and temporal zones in this way. Check the result of your work by separating any strand and pulling the next one to it - there should be no protruding hairs.
  4. The back of the head and temples are trimmed from bottom to top. Insert the teeth of the comb into the hair, against its growth. Smoothly and slowly move the comb along the head and use scissors to cut off any hair that sticks out above the teeth. Work with scissors as quickly as possible.
  5. Great if you have in your arsenal thinning scissors- use them to treat the transition areas between the temples, the back of the head and the parietal area.
  6. Congratulations, your haircut is almost complete! All that remains is to take care of the edging: using the tips of the scissors, carefully trim the hairline on the neck and temples and behind the ears.

How to trim a man's eyebrows?

The whole impression of a fashionable haircut can be ruined by sloppy eyebrows with protruding hairs. This needs to be fixed soon! What you will need to trim your eyebrows:

  • Scissors or trimmer - a miniature version of a hair clipper;
  • Fine-tooth comb or a clean brush from an old mascara.

The procedure itself is not complicated, the main thing is not to get carried away and leave the man completely without eyebrows.

  1. Comb your eyebrow hairs upward with a comb or brush.
  2. Using scissors or a trimmer, carefully trim any hairs that stray beyond the eyebrow line.
  3. Comb your hair down and repeat step 2.

How to cut a man's bangs?

If you don't dare to cut your entire head, you can start your hairdressing training by cutting your bangs. The most popular and simplest option is straight bangs.

  • Wet and comb your hair.
  • Separate a small section of hair on the left side, the parting should go parallel to the eyebrow. Pull it down slightly and cut it to the desired length.
  • Separate a layer of hair above the same strand and align it, but cut off a millimeter more.
  • Repeat the same steps for the right side.
  • Divide the central part into two layers and cut off the excess length, aligning it along the side strands.
  • If your hair is thick, you can complete the bangs by thinning.

How to cut a man's hair with a transition?

Transition is a haircut technique that creates a fuzzy and smooth difference in length between short and long hair.

You can achieve this effect by using a machine with different attachments. Often nozzles 1, 2 and 3 are used for this.

Here are some tips to get the perfect transition:

  • Move the machine up and down while holding it vertically. Do not turn the tool horizontally.
  • Hold the clipper at an angle so that only the bottom of the blade touches your head.
  • If you decide to leave long hair on the crown part, pin it up while working so that it does not interfere.
  • Movements must be slow, careful and precise.

Determine where the transition line will be. You can place it just above your ears or a short distance above them.

  • Install the largest attachment on the clipper and start cutting. Move the clipper against hair growth. Start at the temples and move towards the back of the head.
  • When the entire area has been treated, change the nozzle to a smaller one. Repeat the entire process, shaving the hair down to the transition line.

If you want to make the hair at the bottom even shorter, change to the No. 1 attachment and use it to shave the bottom of your head.

  • Take the comb and place it against the transition line, at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the head. Move the comb upward while using the clipper to trim the hair that remains above the teeth. Carry out the procedure at the same height along the entire length of the transition line.

For those who do not fully understand haircut technology, we have prepared the following video:

Men's haircut courses

What to do if you can’t do at least a decent haircut on your own or no one agrees to play the role of a model in your hairdressing experiments? The correct answer is to change your friends to more flexible ones and sign up for hairdressing courses.

During the courses you will be taught the correct techniques for performing various men's haircuts and will be provided with models on which you can practice under the guidance of an experienced hairdresser.
The average cost of hairdressing courses is 9,000-15,000 rubles.

What to pay attention to so that the chosen courses do not become a disappointment:

You will still have to buy the simplest tools like combs and scissors - they will be useful for further training.

What you will learn in hairdressing courses:

  • Proper use and care of tools.
  • Master several types of men's haircuts.
  • Learn how to style your hair.
  • Is this article still useful to you? Repost so you don't lose it! Share with us your comments and stories of your hairdressing experiments in the comments!

Every master should remember that men's haircut is characterized primarily by practicality. If women often resort to styling, men style their hair very rarely. Therefore, we must provide for the beauty of the hairstyle directly in the haircut.

The concept of beauty in a men's haircut includes two factors - how natural and neat the hair is, as well as the effectiveness of correcting possible shortcomings.

Let's look at the simplest techniques that hairdressers use to achieve the desired effect.

A short men's haircut is always influenced by the individual's individual characteristics and the fashion trends of the season - the length of hair in different areas of the head, the sequence of treatment of zones and the division of hair into parts can vary.

As for individual characteristics. For example, you should start cutting from the parietal area if there is not much hair in this area of ​​the head. In the case when “Working with the Face” requires more attention, it is wiser to start with the temporal-lateral areas, and reduce the rest of the hair to the previously cut hair.

In other words, the haircut technique is chosen as external circumstances dictate.

Classic men's haircut - some key points.

Let's start with a strand on the forehead - it is cut off at the level of the eyebrows (depending on the specific model, the length can be either lower or higher than the eyebrows. Next, another strand is selected at the level of the crown. The choice of the length of this strand will be determined by the desired density of fullness in the parietal and temporal zones.

The purpose of cutting the parietal area is to smoothly connect these two strands. In this case, we can move from the face to the crown or, conversely, in the direction of the forehead, along or across the profile - it doesn’t matter. Partings can also be very diverse - horizontal or vertical.

The edging of the entire haircut is done using graduation. As a result, during processing of the front part of the hair, the first frontal strand is accurately and smoothly brought together with the rest of the hair on the crown. And the required volume appears as if by itself.

The sides of the hairstyle are cut vertically, which creates a smooth surface of the haircut.

Depending on the chosen shape, the back of the head is also cut with vertical partings, often at different angles.

For example, consider a haircut with simple scissors.

This haircut style is schematic and generalized, so it can be performed on almost any male representative.

A simple classic men's haircut easily adapts to any hair type and different ages - it looks equally decent on the heads of men and on the heads of boys. The haircut technology is simple.

Performing a classic men's haircut.

1. Comb all strands from the crown down. Then do the edging in a circle: the oblique or straight temple (choose the length as desired) should smoothly go into the straight line of the lower back of the head. The ear may be completely or partially open.

2. At the same time, trim straight bangs to the eyebrows or above, which gradually goes into the temple line.

3. After edging, draw a section from ear to ear and two temporal partings until they intersect with the first.

4. cut the crown of the head strand by strand. Separate the first strand above your forehead, comb it onto your face and determine the length of the bangs. Its length will determine the control strand KP 1, focusing on which we will cut the parietal zone.

5. Divide all remaining hair on the crown with horizontal parallel partings. The distance between the lines is 1-1.5 cm. Pull the control strand vertically upward at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the head. Comb the first strand along with the control strand and cut it at its level. Connect the second strand with the first and cut it with a guideline towards it.

6. Cut the entire parietal area in rows like this. Do not forget about the angle of the guy - it should be perpendicular to the head. In our case, the CP will be mobile - it seems to move along the parietal zone. We cut and each time we focus on the previous strand.

It is more convenient to cut the parietal area along paths whose width is equal to the length of your fingers, then it will be convenient for you to grip the hair.

7. Cut the temporal area with vertical partings, focusing on the hair of the crown and the length of the edging. We do this - select the first strand near the face, pull it at an angle of 90 degrees, grabbing a little bang hair from above, and make a smooth reduction to the edging. Then we work in the same way as in the parietal zone - using the “Strand by Strand” technique.

8. For the occipital zone, a strand by strand operation is also used, with the outermost trimmed strands of the parietal and temporal zones, as well as the edging line, serving as a guide. Moreover, all the hair is cut to approximately the same length, only closer to the edging the length smoothly fades away. All transitions in the haircut should be smooth.

> Men's haircut with scissors

In the current conditions, it is not always possible to find time for quality self-care. First of all, this applies to men who are not as inclined to go to the hairdresser as the fair sex. This takes time, and many people do not want to acquire an overly sleek appearance. However, it is no secret that everyone dreams of having a neat, classic and simple look for short or long hair types. This is a completely justified desire, which pushes you to use a clipper to cut your hair to zero or a little longer. But for the sake of convenience, you don’t have to agree to such radical measures and say goodbye to your hair. You will be completely satisfied with a classic model men's haircut with a clipper and scissors, done by a hairdresser or at home.

Men's haircut with scissors at home

Many people try not to touch their own hair because they are afraid of ruining everything. But you can create stunning men's haircuts with scissors if you carefully study the video tutorials for beginners or read the tips here. You only need to have a basic set of tools on hand in the form of scissors and a comb. The main thing is not to be nervous and follow the steps. So how to make a men's haircut with scissors?

First you need to figure out what kind of hair you have to work with: wet or dry. In this choice, the emphasis is on the level of density. If it’s high, then you can start right away, but at the very end, moisten it a little to check the result. If they seem rare, then it is better to wet them. It is worth noting that dry haircuts are much easier, but this causes the blade to become dull. Humidity also allows for smoother transitions, as any video tutorial shows. Make sure that the technique is followed and the strands are combed in the direction of growth.

Start cutting from the crown and move to the back of the head. Move the comb smoothly and cut off everything that falls under the scissors above the teeth. The back of the head is processed from the bottom up, maintaining an acute cutting angle. Be sure to check the length and adjust, otherwise you will accidentally form a ladder. If the length suits you and all the lines are straight (no stray hairs), then move on to the temples. Again we cut from the bottom up, and start from the line of the face. For most guys, the growth of strands closer to the crown extends from the face and slightly downwards. Remember to comb slowly and use the blades at maximum speed.

At the junction between the temples and the back of the head, carefully process each area to create a smooth transition. For shading, use a razor or thinning scissors. The scissor haircut pattern for men sometimes seems complicated if there is an edging option. Don't worry about this. If a straight temple is made, then all the strands behind the ears are removed. The line on the back of the head is made soft with slightly rounded corners. Anything below this line is removed with blades or a razor is used. The main thing here is to exercise maximum caution so as not to injure the skin. Milling is used at the junctions between sections of the head to create transitions.

You can create a great hairstyle at home if you take a master class or gain experience. It’s good if a professional shows you the technique, since the standard option is described here. With greater skill, you can learn to make patterns, sharp transitions, unusual bangs and a longer version of the strands at the top with a comb back.

If you want to learn how to create different men's hairstyles, we advise you to start with the simplest ones (boxing, half-boxing). This practice will give novice hairdressers valuable experience and teach them to understand the basic principles in creating men's hairstyles. In a few phrases, this type of hairstyle can be defined approximately like this: the temples and the back of the head are shorter, the crown is longer.

To create this effect, you will need 2-3 nozzles of different lengths. With their help you will create a “drawing” of your hairstyle.

If your spouse has agreed to this experiment, don’t worry and don’t rush. During the learning process, haste is not the best assistant. It’s better to do everything slower, but better. If a man’s hair is very long, and a fairly short men’s haircut with a clipper is needed, we advise you to start working with scissors. With their help, you can carefully remove the excess length without spoiling anything.

Step by step haircut

First, comb your hair. Then separate a small strand and, holding it between the index and middle finger of your left hand, pull it perpendicular to your head. This way you will see the maximum length of the hair and will be able to cut only part of it. After the excess length has been removed, you can start working with the machine. All hairdressers cut against hair growth. This is how the teeth lift the hairs well.

Start at the back of the head using a smaller nozzle (such as a one). The back of the head in such hairstyles is traditionally quite short, so this length is just right. Moving in small “steps” from bottom to top, carefully remove the lowest level. With a unit you can cut right up to the beginning of the edging. Look carefully at the photo. There are several edging options, each of which looks good with one or another skull shape.

Consult with the man which shape he likes best, and begin to slowly create it using a machine. Do not hurry! The transition from a short area to a longer one, the crown, should not be made abrupt.

How to trim the top

Change the nozzle to a “two” and create a smooth transition. The hair on the top of the head can be cut in “three” or “four” depending on the client’s preferences (rest assured, the man definitely has them).

We shape the temples and neck

You need to be especially careful when cutting your temples. They are in close proximity to the face, and all the flaws will be evident. If you are unsure of your abilities, then cut the length literally by millimeter.

It’s better to work a little longer than to ruin your entire hairstyle with one careless movement. The temples are made oblique or straight (the latter option is more common). If a man wears a beard, then the border between it and his temples should not be made too obvious. A smooth transition looks better.

Learning how to do this hairstyle is quite simple. The main thing is not to rush and take into account the described rules of a male model haircut step by step. Another point concerns bangs. Some men wear a half-box with small bangs. It will need to be cut with scissors, lifting strand by strand and carefully equalizing the length. But we do not recommend doing bangs if your hair is curly! A hairstyle without bangs looks better on curly-haired guys.

Finally, carefully shape the hairline with scissors. If a man's hairline is very low on his neck, he can shave his neck a little. But never use this technique if you are cutting your son's hair, not your husband's. Shaving a teenage boy's neck can cause premature - and completely unnecessary - growth of coarse hair in this area. That's all the basic rules that will help you learn how to cut men's hairstyles using a clipper.

Scheme of a men's haircut with a clipper. Men's clipper haircut

Many people sooner or later face the need to change their appearance, most often this concerns their hairstyles. The standard topic is of concern to guys who prefer to wear men's clipper haircuts. Not far behind them is the female half of humanity, which also tries on similar short hairstyles. All this can be done at home, without much effort or finances.

Naturally, a men's haircut with a machine at home is not only convenient and practical, but also economical. A hair clipper is indispensable in this matter, and as a result, it can be a good investment. It is quite easy to use and has great capabilities.

A model men's haircut with a clipper must be individual, since the shape of the face and skull of each young man is different, therefore, in addition to fashion trends, it is necessary to take into account all the slightest nuances of appearance.

Types of these hairstyles

Men's haircut with a clipper has several popular options, namely:

  • below zero;
  • sports - performed with several attachments and has short protruding hairs;
  • boxing;

Hairstyle steps

The technique of men's haircuts with a machine is quite simple and consists of some basic points that must be adhered to in execution. Before you start, you need to comb your hair very well, the more thoroughly the better, don’t forget about it.

  1. It is necessary to get a haircut on clean and dry hair, since not all clippers allow you to cut wet hair.
  2. You need to start cutting your hair from the back of the head, gradually moving to the temporal zones and ending at the parietal region. You can choose the size of the nozzle according to your own wishes. Remember, the more you move the machine around the circumference of your head, the better the result will be.
  3. After completing this step, put on the smaller attachment and cut the hair on the temporal and occipital areas.
  4. To create a men's clipper haircut with a transition from short to long hair, press it closer to the parietal area of ​​the head. Then comb your hair in different directions and go around the entire circumference again.

If you have sideburns, then they can also be given an amazing shape that matches your hairstyle. Many guys don't like to wear their hair too short or it just doesn't suit them. In this case, you can make a stylish men's haircut with a clipper and scissors, where the hair length will be acceptable and quite easy to care for. Today there are quite a lot of such types that are being improved every time.

Men's clipper haircuts with shaved patterns have become very widespread, although of course they are rarely seen on the street. Fans of an active lifestyle, discos, clubs and noisy companies often experiment with their appearance, creating extraordinary and bright designs on their heads.

Based on the fact that any man has different facial features, head shape, physique, then each man’s hairstyle will be individual accordingly. A true professional should have a men's haircut plan that takes into account all the features of appearance.

This hairstyle will never go out of popularity. Since men's fashion is stable, their consistency does not change much over time. In addition, many men are afraid to change anything in their appearance, and for years they have preferred one model, often a hairstyle like a clipper.

As we can see, cutting a men's haircut with a clipper is quite simple and quick. And, despite the fact that the models are not too different from each other, young people do not seem monotonous, since each hairstyle is considered with all shapes and facial features, as well as the person’s demeanor.

Men's haircut with long bangs. Men's haircut with long bangs

1-2. Start the haircut by making a classic edging on the hair of the occipital area.

3. At the highest point of the head, select a strand, pull it perpendicular to the head and cut it to the desired length. This will be a stable control strand.

4. Proceed to cutting the hair of the frontal-parietal zone. Cut the hair in this area, separating the strands with horizontal partings and pulling them towards the control strand located at the highest point of the head. This technique gives a gradual increase in hair growth towards the marginal hairline of the face.
5. Proceed to cutting the hair at the back of the head. All hair in the occipital area should be cut, separating the strands from each other with vertical partings, focusing on the length of the control strand located at the highest point of the head.

6-7. Similarly, cut the hair of the temporomandibular zones.

8. Dry your hair.

9. Finish the hairstyle using thinning scissors, removing excess volume.

10. Perform hair edging on the temporolateral areas.

11. Finish the hairstyle with a razor.

12. Apply styling preparations and style.

Men don't really like going to the hairdresser. They don’t have enough time, and they don’t have the desire. To make your husband forget about this annoying necessity, learn how to cut his hair with a clipper. Then he will be happy, and you can choose his own hairstyle. You'll like it!

Preparing the tools

Before you learn how to cut a man’s hair with a clipper, prepare your tool. The working surface must be lubricated with a special lubricant. Otherwise, the machine will not cut the hair, but pull it out.

Nozzles, scissors, clippers

The choice of attachment depends on the desired hair length. But before you pick up the clipper, keep in mind that if your man has long hair, then first you will have to cut it with scissors.

At this stage of cutting, you don’t have to try too hard, because the final result will be achieved with the help of a clipper. The only requirement is that the scissors must be sharp.

For beginner home craftsmen, it is better to purchase a machine with a powerful battery. This will allow you not to think about the time of cutting, but to focus on quality. And the machine will not stop at the most crucial moment.

Let's understand the basics: cutting against hair growth and changing attachments

You need to start cutting your hair from the back of your head. Point the machine from bottom to top and you will get a kind of trimmed paths. After the back of the head, you need to move to the crown. It is correct to cut this area in the direction of hair growth.

The attachments can be changed during the cutting process. For example, if you need to leave more length on the top of the head than on the back of the head, then it is better to take another part. The temples are usually cut with a smaller attachment, which is also used to trim the hair on the neck.

The temporal zone is treated especially carefully. It should be even and smooth, especially in the area near the ears. You can treat your temples and neck with a clipper without an attachment, but this is dangerous for novice hairdressers and their clients. A machine without an attachment is very sharp and can injure a man.

How to cut bangs

The most difficult hairstyle to do is with bangs. If you need long bangs, then you need to trim them with scissors. You can cut your bangs with a clipper, but to do this you need to choose the largest attachment. If the bangs remain long, then using a machine you can trim them evenly without using scissors.

First of all, you need to protect your eyebrows by placing a piece of bandage on them and covering them with a band-aid. The bangs should be lifted in sections using a comb, leaving hair above it that needs to be cut. The cut should be made with a machine over a comb; it will turn out smooth the first time.

Half-boxing - haircut for strong people

One of the most popular hairstyles that can be done using a clipper is the half-box. It suits all men, except those with too thin and elongated faces.

In the classic version, the occipital area is cut with a machine with the smallest nozzle. Longer hair can start either quite low or much higher, closer to the crown. The half-box haircut comes with or without bangs. This hairstyle is not suitable for curly haired guys.

When you shouldn't shave a man

If the back of the head is uneven and has noticeable protrusions, then it is better to take a larger attachment, then the hair on the back of the head will be longer and will cover the imperfections. There should be no moles, scars or birthmarks on the back of the head.

In a classic half-box, the back of the head is practically shaved, and long hair starts from the top line of the ears. The parietal area is also shaved in the box. But at home, you can move away from the strict classics.

It is advisable to think through the details of your hairstyle in advance. This will save time during the haircut process and nerves after it.

It’s very easy to cut a man’s hair yourself. You just need to know its features and priorities. Haircut at home will save your time and money.

Men's boxing haircut diagram. Haircut technology

The advantage of this haircut is that it is very simple to perform. The scheme of the classic boxer hairstyle is available to everyone today, so it becomes possible to do it at home using scissors or a trimmer.

So, here's what you need to create your hairstyle:

  • comb;
  • clean mirror;
  • trimmer with attachments from 1 to 4 cm;
  • thinning and regular scissors;

Execution scheme:

  1. First you need to determine the transition point of hair from short to long. Before this measurement, all hair is cut using a trimmer. Use the attachment that suits you. If you want to leave more hair on the sides, use an attachment up to 4 cm, otherwise you can do without it.
  2. The crown is cut using straight scissors using a strand-by-strand technique. Measure a certain length of hair with your fingers and cut it sequentially.
  3. Next, the temples are edged using a machine.
  4. The next step is to shade the edging using thinning scissors.
  5. Finally, the bangs are milled or cut off completely.

Our compatriots learned about this extremely popular and stylish version of men's hairstyle in the seventies of the last century during hockey competitions in the USSR. Most of the athletes from the Canadian team wore just such a charming haircut. Since then, the popularity of the Canadian haircut has remained unchanged!

It is characterized by a combination of a significant volume of hair in the crown and forehead with a fairly short cut in the temples, crown and back of the head. This haircut, as a rule, was edged at the edges, which is why it was often called a Canadian haircut. When performing this hairstyle, it is necessary to maintain smooth transitions, as a result of which it looks both simple and elegant, with a slight hint of aristocracy.

This men's haircut is appropriate for any situation. It goes very harmoniously with both the sporty and business style of its owner, and is also suitable for men of any age. Today, there are many different options for Canadian men's haircuts - among them both classic ones for more mature and respectable gentlemen, and unusual modern ones for young stylish guys.

Taking into account the shape of your face, you can choose the most suitable version of this haircut, thanks to which the image will become very stylish, elegant and attractive. However, you should keep in mind that this hairstyle looks impressive only on perfectly clean and well-groomed hair.

Among the celebrities who prefer this hairstyle in various versions are Jensen Ackles, Brad Pitt, Enrique Iglesias, David Beckham and some others.

As mentioned earlier, many men do not fully understand what a model men’s haircut is and what it is. In fact, this is a universal option for connoisseurs of rigor and classics, but combined with modernity and fashion trends. If shocking and flashy haircuts are worn mainly by young people of subcultural movements, then older men prefer the classics.

For reference! The basic scheme of a male model haircut is the textured shape of the hairstyle, the presence of bangs and strands of different lengths.

But model haircuts are ideal for any type of appearance, clothing style, age category and outlook on life. Unlike boring standard hairstyles, model options demonstrate extravagance, elegance and originality, but at the same time look adequate in combination with other details of the image. Hiding flaws in appearance, haircuts give a man a respectable appearance.

Video Technology of men's haircut with clipper, Moscow school

How to cut men's haircuts. Men's haircut lessons

In order to have a beautiful, stylish hairstyle and look good, it is not at all necessary to go to beauty salons; often we simply throw money away if we end up with unprofessional hairdressers. It is quite possible to learn how to cut your own hair; for this you only need to know the basics of hairdressing.

It is believed that learning to cut men's haircuts is much easier than women's, since men's options have remained unchanged for many years, however, a number of nuances need to be taken into account. Any hairstyle is practically a masterpiece that can completely transform you; for this you need to take into account physiological characteristics, for example, the oval of the face, the shape of the skull, the size of the ears, etc. The most important thing in learning men's haircuts is the precise execution of the sequence of actions.

Stages of hairstyles

The easiest way is to cut your hair with a clipper, and if you need to create a short hairstyle, there will be no problems at all. What you need to remember when cutting with a clipper is that your hair must be dry and clean. Hairdressers advise drying your hair in the direction in which the hairstyle will be done.

  1. By combing, determine whether there are any bumps or scars on the head, then cut more carefully in these places.
  2. Start cutting by selecting the required attachment, then, slightly tilting the clipper, begin to remove the hair at the back of the head, moving the clipper in a pushing motion. If you are just starting your men's haircut lessons, it is recommended to start with a large attachment, moving on to smaller ones.

After you acquire the basic skill, feel free to move on to model hairstyles. To do this, you need to learn the skill of using scissors, since many men need thinning and you will also have to master this technique. If you are interested in hairdressing as a profession, look through fashion magazines, which will certainly help you in choosing a hairstyle that is suitable for you or your client.

In addition to cutting your hair, pay attention to the beard, mustache and sideburns, which should fit harmoniously into the image.

Of course, if you want to become a professional hairdresser, then you simply need to take special courses where you will learn everything about the technique, techniques and tricks of the job. In addition to this, there are many video-lessons, training programs for men's haircuts for beginner hairdressers. By watching them you can learn a lot, and perhaps become a real professional.

Many men do not like to waste their time visiting the hairdresser. And any girl wants to see a worthy gentleman next to her. Many women are faced with the task of how to cut a man’s hair. Therefore, it is worth mastering the minimum basics of men's haircut techniques.

The basics of doing a men's haircut are not so complicated and are quite accessible even to a person who is far from hairdressing. In addition, there are many video lessons that teach you step by step how to cut a haircut.

Doing a men's haircut yourself will save you money and time. And your loved ones will have a personal, albeit inexperienced, hairdresser.

Homemade men's haircuts do not require any special skill. Before you start, you need to prepare everything you need. The most important item is the machine, without which it is impossible to accomplish. Also of great importance are scissors, which must be well sharpened. You will need several different combs. Comb with a “tail” - for convenient separation of strands, combs with frequent and rare teeth. Don't forget a shoulder cape, hair clips and a spray bottle.

It is best to cut a haircut from the back of the head and move from left to right, from top to bottom. You should not use too wide strands on your comb. After finishing the haircut at the back of the head, carefully work out the lower contour.

After this, you should switch to whiskey. The haircut is carried out from the temples to the crown. The bangs can be left a little long, this will allow you to comb them to the desired side. When finishing the haircut, it is recommended to go over the entire surface of the head again with a finishing haircut. To do this, you should gather the hair onto the comb with one hand, and, without interruption, move it up towards the crown, and with the other hand you need to trim the uneven ends. The men's haircut technique also includes shaving the neck.

How to choose a men's haircut

Men's haircuts are just as important as women's, but they receive little attention. Women can change their image with the help of makeup and hair styling, but a man can only have a beautiful, spectacular haircut, which should be selected taking into account several criteria. First, pay attention to the shape of your face. It can be square, oval or round.

A square face shape requires choosing a haircut that will soften rough contours and visually elongate the face. Short men's haircuts that can turn a square into an oval are suitable for this.

For an oval, elongated or triangular face, medium men's haircuts are an excellent option, which will create disheveled hair and add creativity and style to the image.

In order to modify a round face, you should perform a layered haircut. It is carried out using a ladder at the temples, steps at the back of the head and bangs on one side. Men with a round face should not wear a mustache or beard. This puts a lot of emphasis on the round shape.

An oval face has an ideal shape, so choosing a haircut provides an inexhaustible field for imagination. You can experiment without restrictions.

At the peak of popularity with shaved temples. It is suitable for men with round, oval or square faces. Men with a triangular face shape should avoid it, as the lack of hair at the temples will highlight the already noticeable cheekbones.

How to cut a man's hair with scissors

Before you start cutting your hair, you should familiarize yourself with the rules that tell you how to cut a man's hair with scissors. Before cutting, wet your hair with a spray bottle. The strands must be divided into temporal, parietal and occipital zones. Select the area to start cutting and secure the rest of your hair with hair clips. Separate a strand and comb it thoroughly. Pinch your hair with your middle and index fingers. Trim the hair exactly 1.5cm above your fingers.

Without letting go of the cut strand, separate the next one and comb them together. Cut the new strand along the first line. The cut strands can also be pinned with a clip so that they do not interfere with the cutting process, but it is necessary to leave a thin strand that will allow you to control the length of the hair. The width of each grip should be approximately 1cm. The haircut will achieve a complete look thanks to the careful design of the contours. This can be done using shading or edging.

The most common are oval, round and trapezoidal edgings. The bangs can be straight, oblique or asymmetrical. Shading is also done using scissors and a comb. Move the comb, cutting off any hair that protrudes from it. Then repeat the process in the opposite direction.

How to cut a man's hair with a clipper

A huge number of men's haircuts are performed using a hair clipper. Therefore, you just need to know how to cut a man’s hair with a machine. This process is very simple, as the machine is easy to use. The length of the hair will depend on the attachment used. It is also used when cutting hair bald, since this cannot be done with scissors. In fact, everyone is capable of doing standard men's haircuts using a clipper.

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