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Grapefruit diet for weight loss by 3. Grapefruit diet: effectiveness and incredible benefits for the human body. The main essence and rules of dieting

In pursuit of slim figure Many girls experience the effectiveness of a variety of diets, but not all of them turn out to be “tasty” and healthy.

We invite you to consider the features of the grapefruit method of losing weight and study an approximate diet for several days.

The main essence and rules of dieting

The effectiveness of a diet using grapefruit is based on the action of the enzymes present in its composition, which have a positive effect on the liver and promote faster burning of existing fat deposits.

Grapefruit contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C, which, in combination with other “allowed” foods during the diet, fill the body with the maximum amount of nutrients.

Did you know? Americans started talking about the fact that citrus fruits can effectively fight fat deposits in the human body back in the 80s of the last century, and since then, diets based on these fruits have been used in a variety of countries.

Of course, any version of this type of diet will be based on the low calorie content of the products used and the mandatory presence of grapefruits themselves at every meal.

The grapefruit diet cannot be called an uncontrolled process, because no matter what menu you choose, when consuming this fruit it is important to adhere to several simple rules:

  1. The chosen diet should not contain salt and spices, except perhaps a small amount of red pepper.
  2. When using the meat component, it is important to give preference exclusively to lean varieties of fish and meat.
  3. Low-fat kefir can be consumed at any time, and oranges and apples are ideal for small snacks (only no more than 1 piece per day).
  4. If you wish, you can eat a spoonful of honey once a day, washing it down with green tea.
  5. Coffee lovers can continue drinking coffee during a diet, but it should be brewed and natural, without milk, cream, or especially sugar.
  6. When peeling a grapefruit, only the outer peel is removed, leaving the film in place (it is this that makes the fruit taste bitter and promotes weight loss).
  7. You can eat eggs in the morning and evening, but for lunch you should prepare yourself some vegetables and a piece of meat or cheese.
  8. At long-term diet(more than 3 weeks) in the last week it is worth increasing the amount of protein products, on average by about 1/3 of the total amount used before.
  9. If possible, all meals should be taken at almost the same time, with strict adherence to the menu requirements.
  10. The daily amount of calories should not be more than 1000.

Advantages and disadvantages

The grapefruit diet is considered one of the most effective in terms of quickly losing excess weight, but this does not mean that it is without certain disadvantages.

Therefore, before creating a specific menu and moving on to purchasing products, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with full list both the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice.


Beneficial features The grapefruit diet is based on the benefits of grapefruit itself as the main element of the entire diet.

The action of its constituent components is expressed in the fact that it:

  • quickly burns fat deposits, especially if used together with foods of protein origin (in particular, kefir, milk or cottage cheese);
  • eliminates hunger well even with low calorie content (only 32 kcal per 100 g of product);
  • transforms fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy useful for the body;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • eliminates sleep problems;
  • promotes rapid removal of waste and toxins;
  • controls the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves emotional condition and improves your mood.

Video: about the grapefruit diet Perhaps someone will be surprised by such a multifaceted effect of one fruit, but if you familiarize yourself with the composition of grapefruit in more detail, then there is nothing surprising in this.

In addition to the mentioned vitamin C, it contains vitamin B and tocopherol, which, when acted simultaneously, can have a positive effect on different systems of the body.

Contraindications and side effects

Unfortunately, there are no universal products that would suit everyone, so when choosing a grapefruit diet for weight loss, it is better to take into account all the characteristics of your body.

Important!If you don’t like the bitter taste of the fruit, don’t worry, after a week you will get used to it, since it tends to become boring.

This option is not suitable for those who:
  • suffers from allergic reactions (even if not to citrus fruits);
  • treats stomach ulcers or gastritis;
  • fights high acidity;
  • has increased tooth sensitivity;
  • uses various medications (grapefruit juice increases their absorption, and the effects of the drugs will be more noticeable).

As for possible side effects, they usually include stomach discomfort, heartburn, rapidly progressing tooth decay and unpleasant belching.

How much can you lose?

To achieve good weight loss on the grapefruit diet, you should stick to the selected menu for at least 12–14 days, especially if your goal is to lose more than 3–5 kg (this is exactly how much you can lose if you follow the diet requirements during the first week).

There have been cases when, in two weeks of eating this way, people lost up to 10 kg, and to prevent the excess weight from returning, they gradually switched to their usual food, adding one product to their diet every day.

Of course, it is better not to consume fatty and flour products, or do it in limited quantities and be sure to supplement your lunch or dinner with your favorite grapefruit (at least several times a week).

What can you supplement your diet with?

Professional nutritionists know exactly which products should be combined with each other, but if you are new to this matter, then the list of permitted and prohibited components of the grapefruit diet still needs to be learned. Let's look at each group of such ingredients in more detail.

Authorized products

Grapefruits are an excellent component of fruit salads, where their taste can be complemented with absolutely any berries and other fruits. Almost all of them are low-calorie, so they will not harm your figure on the way to losing weight.

As for other possible components of dishes prepared at this time, these include:

  • lean meats;
  • low-fat dairy products (,);
  • vegetables and herbs (, and);
  • green tea and freshly squeezed juices.

Among flour products, it is worth giving preference to bread rolls, replacing regular bread with them.


The list of foods prohibited during a diet will not surprise anyone, because it includes an almost traditional set of high-calorie foods:

  • salt and sugar;
  • fatty vegetable, meat and fish dishes;
  • flour products and confectionery products;
  • white vegetables (such as onions, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes, celery root and parsley root).

From drinks you will have to limit or completely eliminate any types of alcoholic and carbonated products.

The right way out of the diet

The grapefruit diet is considered one of the most serious and “tough”, therefore, returning to your usual diet, you will have to follow several rules:

  1. You should not pounce on food immediately after finishing the diet, especially when it comes to consuming cakes, pastries and fatty foods (you risk not only regaining all the lost kilograms, but you may also develop problems with the pancreas and other organs of the digestive system that have already become “accustomed” to work at a new pace).
  2. Starting from the first day without a diet, you need to force yourself to eat small and often.
  3. New (or already forgotten old) products can be introduced gradually, starting with several hundred grams.
  4. Light vegetable soups and broths with meat are added to the diet from the second week, and cereal porridges and legumes a week later.
  5. It is better not to drink prohibited drinks (alcohol and soda) at all, or at least wait until the body readjusts itself again and starts working as before.

By ignoring the rules for “exiting” the diet, you may well reduce all your efforts to nothing, therefore, before moving on to organizing further nutrition, it is worth taking into account the given nuances.

Important! To ensure that the body experiences less stress when transitioning from a diet to a normal diet, it is advisable to continue consuming grapefruit and eggs at least in the first few weeks after the diet.


The specific daily menu depends on which diet option you choose. The most famous are the mono-diet (also known as a “fasting day”, which will help you lose a few kilograms immediately before an important event), three-day, seven-day and two-week diets.

Of course, each variety has its own characteristics and requires the use of a specific set of products.

Fasting day

It is advisable to use this option only in the most extreme cases, since sitting on grapefruits alone will not work for a long time: the body will begin to show its dissatisfaction.

This cleansing method involves eating just a couple of bitter fruits during the day (you need to eat in small pieces), and in the morning the scales will show minus 1–1.5 kg.
The drinks used are either pure water or the same grapefruit juice; you can’t drink or eat anything else. For objective reasons, using this method of losing weight for more than one day is prohibited.

For 3 days

Another relatively simple option for unloading the body, which is suitable for cleaning it no more than once every six months. However, this is quite enough to get rid of 2-3 kg and maintain your weight at a new level for a long time.

During a three-day diet using grapefruit, the body will lose unnecessary fluid, and along with it, a certain part of the accumulation of fat, cholesterol and toxins will leave it.

An approximate menu for a three-day weight loss option might look like this:

Day p/p Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st Half a grapefruit (or juice) + vegetable mixture with lemon juice + weak tea. Sometimes 50 g of boiled chicken is added to the salad. Half a grapefruit + 150 g of steamed meat + salad (necessarily seasoned with citrus juice) + tea.
2nd Half a grapefruit (or its juice) + 2 hard-boiled eggs + tea. Half a grapefruit + 50 g of curd mass (low fat content only). Tea is suitable as a drink. Half a grapefruit + 200 g of fish (preferably boiled) + salad of vegetables and lemon + small bread cracker.
3rd Half a grapefruit + 100 g of steamed oatmeal + 2-3 walnut kernels + 150 g of low-fat yogurt. It is better to drink breakfast with green tea. Half a grapefruit + liquid vegetable dish + bread (one piece). Half a grapefruit + 200 g of boiled poultry breast (chicken or turkey) + two oven-cooked tomatoes + tea.

Exiting the diet follows the previously stated rules.

For 7 days

The general rules of a seven-day diet resemble the requirements for a three-day diet, except that the products used in the menu are a little more varied (strict restrictions during the week are more difficult to endure than with a one- or three-day fast).

Did you know? You can get the most benefit from the red-fleshed fruit at room temperature, but if you don't plan to eat it in the next few days, placing the citrus in the refrigerator can extend its shelf life by up to three weeks.

The main thing is to provide the body with adequate nutrition, but with a limited calorie content, for example, through the following menu:
Day p/p Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st In general, it can be the same as with the three-day option: half a fruit + 50–60 g of lean meat + green tea or coffee. Half a grapefruit + 250 g of vegetable and herb salad (lemon dressing will have an additional effect) + honey tea. 250 g of boiled chicken + a glass of bitter fruit juice + 200 g of salad mixture. You can wash down your food with lemon tea.
2nd Half a fruit + 2 boiled hard-boiled eggs + weak tea drink. 1/2 grapefruit pulp + 50 g of hard cheese (fat content not exceeding 30%) or 100 g of the same low-calorie curd mass. 200 g of canned fish (you can also use the boiled version) + vegetable mixture seasoned with lemon and olive marinade 1:1 (this dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities).
3rd A glass of bitter fruit drink + 100 g of oatmeal with walnuts + 50 g of low-fat dairy product (it tastes best to season the oatmeal with yogurt). Half a fruit + 100 g of low-fat curd mass + yogurt (you can use it to top the cottage cheese) + tea drink. 200 g of boiled meat + two tomatoes baked in the oven + green tea (without sugar). Before going to bed, you need to eat half a grapefruit.
4th A glass of tomato juice + 1 boiled hard-boiled chicken egg + tea (preferably with lemon). Half a grapefruit + carrot-vegetable mixture with the addition of olive-lemon marinade (150 g) + a slice of black bread. 400 g of stewed vegetable mixture (cabbage, beets, celery, zucchini, carrots are suitable) + weak tea.
5th 200 g of fruit mixture (you need to add tangerine and apple to the grapefruit) + tea. Medium oven-baked potatoes + 200 g vegetable salad mixture. You can wash it all down with weak black tea. 200–250 g of grilled meat (can also be cooked in the oven) + a glass of bitter fruit juice.
6th A glass of bitter fruit juice + 100 g of muesli (with raisins) + 50 g of dairy product (to improve the taste of muesli, it is better to take yogurt). Half a grapefruit + 100 g of low-fat curd with yogurt + tea drink (no sugar). 200 g of boiled poultry + two oven-cooked tomatoes + tea + half a grapefruit (immediately before you go to bed).
7th Half a grapefruit + two eggs + tea drink with lemon. 200 g of boiled fish + stewed vegetable mixture (150 g), prepared with the addition of olive-lemon marinade + a glass of bitter fruit drink.

In order not to think for a long time about how to saturate your body in the last two days of the diet, you can simply repeat the menu of some previous days, choosing the option that your stomach liked best. In between meals, you can eat an apple or an orange, but not more than one.

For 14 days

If the previous diet options based on grapefruit seemed too complicated to you, then you are definitely not ready to switch to a two-week diet using this fruit.

Did you know? One of the strangest diets in history is considered to be the “Sleeping Beauty” diet, the essence of which is to spend more time in bed. During sleep, a person does not consume food, but the body still loses calories, which means there is a good opportunity to lose weight.

However, for those who have already passed the first stages, a grapefruit diet lasting 14 days will help you lose even more extra pounds. The main thing here is to adhere to the following gastronomic schedule:

Day p/p Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st 100 g boiled chicken meat + 50 g whole grain bread + 1 whole bitter fruit + green tea. 200 g of steamed vegetables + 100 g of yogurt + 0.5 cups of freshly prepared fruit juice (before bed).
2nd Two hard-boiled chicken eggs + half the pulp of one fruit + black coffee (unsweetened only). 200 g boiled chicken breast + 1 fruit + 150 g vegetable mixture with olive oil Two “hard-boiled” chicken eggs + 1 rye toast + a glass of freshly prepared fruit drink (the juice is squeezed from the pulp before direct consumption).
3rd 250–300 g lean grilled meat + salad mixture + half a grapefruit.
4th Half a fruit + 2 hard-boiled eggs + green tea with lemon. 400 g of stewed vegetables (cabbage, beets, celery, zucchini, carrots are suitable) + a glass of bitter drink.
5th 200 g of fruit salad (you need to add an orange and an apple to the grapefruit) + tea. 250 g grilled fish + vegetable salad (100 g) + half a grapefruit. Whole fruit + 150 g of “green” seasonal salad.
6th A glass of bitter fruit drink + 100 g oatmeal with raisins + 50 g low-fat dairy product (for example, yogurt). 200 g of cheese + 1 toast (choose rye bread for cooking) + one fresh tomato. 400 g of boiled lean meat + juice from grapefruit pulp.
7th Half a grapefruit + two chicken eggs + green lemon tea. 200 g cooked chicken breast + 1 fruit + 150 g vegetable salad, greased olive oil. 200 g steamed vegetable mixture + green tea.
8th Half a grapefruit (or its juice) + 50 g of lean meat + weak tea (or coffee drink). As an alternative to the meat component, two eggs and one cracker are allowed. 4–5 quail eggs + 200 g of lettuce. 200 g boiled meat + 1 rye toast + 100 g low-calorie yoghurt.
9th A glass of bitter fruit juice + 100 g of oatmeal (with nuts) + 50 g of dairy product (to improve the taste of oatmeal, it is better to take yogurt). Half a fruit + 50 g of hard cheese + weak tea (not sweetened). 200 g of boiled poultry + two tomatoes cooked in the oven + tea + half a grapefruit (immediately before you go to bed).
10th Two hard-boiled chicken eggs + half the pulp of one fruit + black coffee (unsweetened only). 150 g of lean meat (preferably baked in the oven) + 200 g of lettuce. 4–5 quail eggs + 1 grapefruit.
11th A glass of bitter fruit drink + 100 g muesli (with raisins) + 50 g yogurt or kefir. Two eggs + 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese (can be replaced with feta cheese) + 150 g of “steamed” vegetable mixture. Grapefruit pulp (as much as you like).
12th Half a grapefruit or juice from it + 50 g of ham (low-fat) + tea or coffee. You can replace the ham with two eggs and a slice of black bread. 200 g of feta cheese (can be replaced with low-fat curd mixture) + 1 toast (choose rye bread for cooking) + one fresh tomato. 200 g of boiled poultry breast + two tomatoes cooked in the oven + tea + half a grapefruit (immediately before you go to bed).
13th Half a grapefruit + two eggs + tea drink with lemon juice. 200 g feta cheese + 1 rye bread toast + 1 fresh medium tomato. 250–300 g of any lean grilled meat + green salad + half a grapefruit.
14th A glass of bitter fruit juice + 100 g muesli with raisins + 50 g low-fat milk (can be replaced with yogurt). 200 g of liquid vegetable dish + a slice of black bread + a hundred gram piece of boiled poultry breast. 200 g of boiled fish + stewed vegetable mixture (150 g), prepared with the addition of olive-lemon marinade + a glass of bitter fruit drink

The fourteen-day grapefruit diet is considered one of the most popular ways to lose weight before an important event, and if you strictly follow the menu, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

However, such a system cannot be called simple for the body, so the use of the diet is allowed only in the absence of diseases.

Other Diet Variations

Most often, grapefruit is combined with eggs, dairy products and boiled lean meat, so several subtypes of one grapefruit diet can be distinguished separately.
All of them are designed for short-term use (3-5 days), and if you need more time to lose weight, then you can combine them with each other (for example, as presented in the table above).


If possible, chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs (1 chicken = 4-5 quail eggs), but otherwise the diet menu remains unchanged, and you just need to decide how many days you are going to lose weight.

A short course (3-5 days) involves the use of a limited amount of products for the entire time: after waking up, drink a glass clean water, after an hour, eat 1 egg, and after another hour, eat 1 grapefruit. These actions are repeated at least seven times per day, resulting in a loss of 3–3.5 kg in a few days.

With a long-term version of the egg-grapefruit diet (designed for 28 days), it is possible to use more products, and sample menu will look like this:

  1. Breakfast- half a grapefruit + a soft-boiled (or raw) egg + 50 g of feta cheese (low-fat curd mass) + weak tea.
  2. Dinner- 200 g of boiled vegetable salad + 200 g of lean meat + tea or rosehip infusion.
  3. Dinner- one chicken or 4–5 quail eggs.

During the break between main meals, the same grapefruits or dried fruits are allowed, with the exception of bananas.


This type of diet is in many ways reminiscent of the short course of the previous option, but, unlike the first, it cannot last longer than a few days.

Breakfast consists only of water and the white of one chicken egg, and an hour after eating the latter you can eat one grapefruit. After the next 90 minutes, it is recommended to eat another egg white, after 20 minutes washing it down with a glass of clean warm water.

During the day, you can go through from five to eight such courses of eating, while drinking at least eight glasses of water or green tea.

Important! The protein-grapefruit diet is deservedly considered the most difficult for those losing weight, so a person should make sure in advance that he is in good health and that there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Curd and grapefruit

This option is an effective solution to the problem of fat accumulation in the hips and abdomen. Both cottage cheese and grapefruit are equally often used in a variety of dietary variations.
Allowing you to achieve high results in a limited time (the breakdown of fat cells occurs by optimizing the activity of the liver and pancreas).

The daily menu in this case (a total of 3 dietary days) may look like this:

  1. Breakfast- tea (preferably green and without sugar) + two baked rye slices of bread + a spoonful of low-fat curd mass.
  2. Dinner- 150 g of steamed fish or a similar amount of low-fat curd mass + pulp of 1 grapefruit + 1 slice of black bread (preferably rye).
  3. Dinner- 150 g of lean meat + 1 fruit + 100 g of cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt.

The effectiveness of such a diet will be noticeable within a few days, and after three days the scales should show -3 or -5 kg.


Another good option short diet(it is better not to use it for more than 4 days). Following a kefir-grapefruit diet will enrich the body with calcium, and the low calorie content of the products used will help eliminate excess fat reserves.

The daily menu for this diet is as follows:

  1. Breakfast- half a liter bottle of kefir + 1–2 grapefruit.
  2. Dinner- half a liter bottle of kefir + 1 fruit.
  3. Dinner- half a liter bottle of kefir + 1–2 fruits.

In total, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of kefir per day and eat about half a kilogram of fruit, washing it all down with an unlimited amount of water. Despite the fact that this dietary option is quite complicated, you have every chance of losing 2–3 kg per day.

As you can see, there is no shortage of grapefruit diet recipes. Some of them are more gentle, others require more endurance from a person, but in any case, it is simply impossible not to notice the effectiveness of this method of losing weight.

Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it makes sense to use one of the given menu options, preferably starting with short fasting days (diet for 3–4 days).

Diet features and contraindications

Why are grapefruit and eggs used for weight loss? Grapefruit has a unique composition of vitamins and micro- and macroelements that “help” the body speed up metabolism, improve intestinal function and burn excess fat. Eggs are an easily digestible protein. In addition, they contain safe cholesterol (due to their unique composition) and give a feeling of quick satiety. This is a low-calorie product, so chicken (quail) eggs are great for a diet menu.

Contraindications to the diet:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies to citrus fruits and eggs;
  • The diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Grapefruit-egg diet for 3 days

Minus 2 kilograms in 3 days - this result can be achieved if you eat only grapefruits and eggs during the diet. This diet option does not include snacks.

Menu for 3 days:

  • 8:00 – half a grapefruit with a hard-boiled egg, a portion of rye bread, a cup of coffee or tea (without sugar);
  • 13:00 – half a grapefruit, 2 hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, unsweetened black tea with lemon;
  • 18:00 – 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 or 2 grapefruits (can be done at 18:00 and before bed), black tea without sugar.

Grapefruit-egg diet for 7 days

For those who want to achieve effective weight loss and lose 4 kg or more, a diet based on grapefruits and boiled eggs, which is designed for 7 days, is suitable. During the week you should follow a monocomponent diet:

  • for the first day: 4 grapefruits, which you need to eat per day (in 4 doses). Drink water and unsweetened tea (black or green);
  • for the second day: eat 400 g of cottage cheese per day, which should be divided into 3-4 parts. Drink water and any unsweetened tea;
  • for the third day: eat 6 hard-boiled eggs. Drink still water, unsweetened tea, coffee;
  • for the fourth day: distribute 600 g of boiled beets;
  • for the fifth day: eat 400 g of boiled fish (hake, flounder) in 4 doses;
  • for the sixth day: 4 large grapefruits;
  • for the seventh day: eat 400 g of boiled meat (skinless chicken, beef).

This is one of the hardest diet options. But the result is worth it - from 5 kilograms in 7 days. We should not forget that the body will experience real stress, and weight gain after a diet week can be immediate. Therefore, there is an analogue of the seven-day diet. The menu offers:

  • for breakfast, eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, one grapefruit and drink a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • for lunch you can take 2 eggs, 200 g of any vegetable salad. Once a week, lunch should be replaced with 250 g of fruit salad, which includes grapefruit;
  • dinner: 150 g baked beef, 150 g salad or 150 g fresh vegetables, 150 g boiled or steamed fish (hake, flounder), 1 toast and grapefruit.

Grapefruit-egg diet for a month

For stunning results and effective weight loss, a grapefruit-egg diet is suitable, which should be followed for a month.

The diet menu can be varied at your discretion, as well as the duration. It can be observed for either a month or 2 weeks. Weight loss: up to 5 kg in 2 weeks and up to 10 kg in a month. Menu options:

For breakfast:

  • 1-2 eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled, half a grapefruit, coffee or tea of ​​your choice (no sugar). Eggs can be replaced with 80 g of low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese or 50 g of cheese. This breakfast should be followed for 2 or 4 weeks.
  • 150 g of chicken or beef (bake or boil) and 150 g of any vegetable salad. As an option - vegetable casserole with meat (250 g);
  • 150 g of boiled, baked or steamed fish (hake, flounder, cod, pike perch), 150 g of vegetable salad (fresh or boiled vegetables). For variety, you can bake fish with vegetables (250 g);
  • vegetable stew - 250 g.

You can drink 200 ml of your choice after each meal: juice, fruit drink, unsweetened tea, rose hip decoction.

  • repeat breakfast. You can bake an omelette from 2 eggs or make a cottage cheese and grapefruit casserole (150 g). A casserole made from 2 eggs with the addition of 100 g of vegetables (broccoli, celery, tomatoes) is suitable. One piece of toast is allowed, maybe with a piece of cheese (but not combined with cottage cheese casserole). Wash it down with a glass of unsweetened compote or tea without sugar.


  • any fruit except bananas.

In a simplified version, this diet is followed for a week, then 14 days of moderate nutrition and repeating the course again. The recommended frequency of such a diet is once a year.

Remember that exiting the three-day and seven-day diets should be gradual. In the first week, every two days the following are introduced: soups, vegetable salads, fruits, kefir. In the second week: meat, fish, legumes. To avoid gaining excess weight, follow your diet: eat 4 times a day and in small portions.

Is a diet of grapefruits and boiled eggs good? Find the answer to this question in the video below.

The grapefruit diet is an easy way to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time. The diet is well balanced and rich in vitamins and microelements. On the diet, you are allowed to eat not only fruit, but also some other foods, so losing weight is quite easy.

How is grapefruit useful for losing weight and how many kg can you lose?

Grapefruit provides the body with a huge amount of useful substances: it is rich in vitamins B, C, P and E, potassium, sodium, magnesium, dietary fiber and organic acids. The product itself is low in calories: 100 g of pulp contains only 35 kilocalories. It is also known that the fruit contains substances that have fat-burning properties.

Grapefruit is an excellent dietary product. It has a lot of vitamins and few calories

The grapefruit diet not only promotes weight loss. With this diet, the immune system is strengthened, digestion is improved, liver function is restored, blood pressure is normalized, and the complexion is refreshed. The antioxidants contained in citrus lower cholesterol levels, and the product also reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Thanks to this, the diet is suitable even for diabetics.

The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss have been revealed in numerous studies. Thus, a group of American scientists conducted a three-month experiment in which one hundred people took part. Daily consumption of citrus allowed half of the participants to lose one and a half kilograms in a month. The other half drank a glass of freshly squeezed juice before each meal - the results were the same. It should be noted that the participants did not adhere to a special diet, but only led their usual lifestyle.

If you regularly consume grapefruit, subject to the exclusion of certain harmful products, in 1–2 weeks you can lose up to 6–7 kilograms.

Thanks to grapefruit, you can not only lose weight, but also strengthen your immune system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of the grapefruit diet:

  • Balanced and low calorie diet;
  • Removing excess fluid;
  • Variety of menu;
  • Rich in vitamins and microelements.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that grapefruit is not compatible with a number of medications. The product slows down the entry of enzymes into the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the absorption of drugs. This is why you should consult your doctor if you are currently taking any medications.

Recipes and menus for losing weight with grapefruit

There are several diet options: short (three- and four-day), weekly and long - two weeks.

During the diet, you must exclude the following foods:

What you can consume:

  • grapefruit, including freshly squeezed juice;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • lean fish (tuna);
  • eggs;
  • skim cheese;
  • kefir;
  • hard cheese;
  • other fruits (green apples, oranges);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, peppers);
  • green tea;
  • unsweetened coffee with milk.

Before cooking turkey or chicken, the skin must be removed and discarded - you do not need excess fat

By combining the products listed above, you can create a menu for weight loss.

For 3 and 4 days

A short version of the diet allows the consumption of only grapefruit and egg whites. You can only drink plain water. Boil the eggs for at least 15 minutes. Instead of breakfast - a glass of water or freshly squeezed juice, after an hour you can eat one protein, after another hour - one grapefruit. For the whole day - 7 fruits and 7 proteins. In three days it takes up to 4 kilograms.

The four-day diet allows the consumption of potatoes.

Sample menu for 4 days:

  • Breakfast: a glass of juice, a boiled egg, green tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: apple, baked potato, unsweetened coffee;
  • Dinner: a glass of tomato juice, an egg, a grapefruit.

5 and 7 days

Sample menu for 5 days:

  • Breakfast: 60 g low-fat ham, half a grapefruit;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil (150 g), half a grapefruit;
  • Dinner: 120 g boiled chicken, cucumber.
  • Breakfast: two eggs, half a grapefruit;
  • Lunch: 40 g hard cheese, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, half a grapefruit;
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad (150 g), a slice of rye bread.

If desired, the yolk can be omitted, but it is better to do this not so often

  • Breakfast: two spoons of muesli with milk and a spoon of raisins, half a grapefruit;
  • Lunch: a cup of chicken broth, crackers, half a grapefruit;
  • Dinner: 150 g chicken, tomato, half a grapefruit.
  • Breakfast: egg, tomato juice;
  • Lunch: 150 g of carrot and cabbage salad (or broccoli), rye bread, half a grapefruit;
  • Dinner: 350 g of stewed cabbage, half a grapefruit or a glass of juice.
  • Breakfast: fruit salad (apple, grapefruit, orange) - 180 g;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes (1 pc.), cabbage salad (160 g);
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken, tomato, half a grapefruit.

Sample menu for 7 days:

  • Breakfast: a glass of juice or grapefruit, two slices of low-fat ham, unsweetened coffee;
  • Lunch: grapefruit, vegetable salad (200 g), green tea;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken, vegetable salad (150 g), green tea.

Green tea is contraindicated for hypotension and stomach ulcers. It can be replaced with herbal, but not black

  • Breakfast: juice, two eggs, coffee;
  • Lunch: grapefruit, 60 g hard cheese;
  • Dinner: 180 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad (150 g), rye bread.
  • Breakfast: juice, two spoons of muesli with nuts, raisins and milk;
  • Lunch: grapefruit, chicken broth with crackers;
  • Dinner: 180 g boiled chicken, tomato, half a grapefruit.

  • Breakfast: 160 g of fruit salad (orange, grapefruit, apple), tea;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes (1 pc.), vegetable salad (150 g);
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken, tomato juice, grapefruit.

6th and 7th days:

Any menu from the above.

For 2 or 4 weeks

Sample menu for 2 or 4 weeks:

1st week:

  • Days 1, 4 and 6: grapefruits;
  • 2nd and 7th days: 220 g chicken, grapefruit, vegetable salad (200 g);
  • Day 3: 180 g feta cheese, rye bread, tomato;
  • Day 5: two cucumbers, steamed vegetables (180 g).

It is better if the rye crackers are prepared with your own hands, without adding any oil

  • 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th day: any lean meat (boiled or steamed) - 150 g;
  • Day 2: two boiled eggs, grapefruit, toast;
  • Day 5: 200 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad (200 g), grapefruit;
  • Day 7: vegetable stew (180 g).

2nd week:

Breakfast: two boiled eggs, half a grapefruit.

  • Day 1: two boiled eggs, lettuce;
  • 2nd and 3rd days: 180 g of fish, lettuce;
  • Day 4: two eggs, 120 g of cheese, vegetable stew (180 g);
  • Day 5: 200 g of fish or seafood;
  • Day 6: 210 g lean meat, grapefruit, lettuce;
  • Day 7: 200 g of chicken, two tomatoes, grapefruit.

3rd week:

Every day you can eat unlimited quantities of one of the following products:

  • grapefruits (optional apples or kiwi);
  • boiled fish (additionally lettuce);
  • steamed vegetables;
  • boiled chicken;
  • steamed vegetables with lettuce.

4th week:

For each day, a certain set of products is selected, which must be divided into several meals.

  • Day 1: 400 g of chicken or fish, two cucumbers, two tomatoes, two grapefruits;
  • Day 2: two rye breads, four grapefruits, tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Day 3: two rye breads, 100 g of cottage cheese, four grapefruits, 200 g of steamed vegetables, two tomatoes;
  • Day 4: 400 g of chicken, two grapefruits, two tomatoes, two cucumbers;
  • Day 5: two eggs, grapefruit, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • Day 6: rye bread, cucumber, 120 g feta cheese, 200 g chicken;
  • Day 7: rye bread, two grapefruits, two tomatoes, 160 g of fish, 180 g of vegetables.

Varieties of the grapefruit diet

There are many variations of this diet, which differ not only in duration, but also in the combination of products. The most popular combinations are with eggs, chicken and cottage cheese.

On the egg-grapefruit diet you can lose 3-4 kilograms in a short period of time

Grapefruit diet with egg or protein

Diet menu for 7 days:

Breakfast for all days: two eggs, grapefruit, coffee without sugar (or tea).

  • Lunch: two eggs, grapefruit;
  • Dinner: two eggs, vegetable salad (180 g), toast, grapefruit.
  • Lunch: two eggs, fresh tomatoes, coffee;
  • Dinner: steamed beef (140 g), vegetable salad (150 g), tea.
  • Lunch: two eggs, spinach, tea;
  • Dinner: steamed veal (140 g), vegetable salad (150 g), juice.
  • Lunch: two eggs, spinach, coffee;
  • Dinner: two eggs, low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), toast.

In addition, spinach perfectly strengthens the immune system.

  • Lunch: two eggs, spinach, tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad (200 g), boiled fish (100 g), toast, grapefruit.
  • Lunch: fruit salad (180 g);
  • Dinner: boiled lean meat (140 g), vegetable salad (150 g), tea.
  • Lunch: grilled turkey (140 g), vegetable salad (150 g), grapefruit, coffee;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken (120 g), tomatoes, grapefruit.

Losing weight with eggs and chicken

You can stay on this diet for 5–7 days.

Breakfast options:

  • two eggs, grapefruit, green tea;
  • egg, water with lemon juice;
  • two eggs, grapefruit juice;
  • omelette, coffee;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit;
  • two eggs, boiled carrots, grapefruit.

It is better to steam an omelette

Lunch options:

  • boiled chicken (160 g), lettuce;
  • egg, grapefruit, boiled chicken (160 g);
  • 200 g boiled beef, grapefruit;
  • 200 g veal, orange;
  • two eggs, two grapefruits.

Dinner options:

  • 200 g boiled fish, egg;
  • half a boiled breast, kefir, orange;
  • two eggs, grapefruit, milk.

Grapefruit and cottage cheese

The diet is designed for 3–4 days. Its menu is monotonous: per day you are allowed to eat up to 400 g of low-percentage cottage cheese and several grapefruits. These foods should be divided into several meals. Cottage cheese and fruits can be eaten separately or mixed. Drinks allowed include water, green tea and unsweetened coffee.

What other conditions must be met?

  • An important condition is not to eat after seven in the evening (or three hours before bedtime).
  • You need to drink one and a half liters of plain water a day.
  • Three meals a day are recommended; in between, you can eat a grapefruit or drink a glass of juice.
  • Meat and fish can only be boiled, steamed or grilled, or baked.
  • Salads can be dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
  • For best results we recommend physical exercise: gymnastics, walking, cycling, etc. This is especially true for a diet with an abundance of proteins (meat and eggs).

The success of any diet depends on how carefully all instructions are followed and the proposed menu is followed.

How to get out of a diet. Side effects and contraindications

The correct way out of the diet allows you to smoothly transition to a normal diet without disrupting the functioning of internal organs and without returning the lost kilograms. In the first two to three days, you need to avoid spicy and fatty foods. It is recommended to drink grapefruit juice every day.

Before going on such a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

If you ignore contraindications, basic recommendations and violate the menu, side effects may develop. Allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders cannot be ruled out.

Not one of the most popular citrus fruits. It is rarely eaten just like that. More often, juices or cocktails are prepared from it, and sometimes added to exotic salads. But there is another way to use this fruit - a grapefruit diet for weight loss for 3 or 7 days. It perfectly helps to cope with excess weight, and at the same time fills the body with antioxidants to maintain youth and vigor. However, the diet is obviously “specific”, so we recommend taking it with a certain amount of skepticism and studying it thoroughly before using it.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

Grapefruit was created through a natural (not selective) crossing of an orange and a pomelo, and therefore has characteristics of both fruits. From the first he received a high concentration of vitamin C and pleasant sourness, from the second - fleshy pulp and original taste. But for the use of fruit in the grapefruit diet, completely different properties are important.

Reduces bad cholesterol

Cholesterol plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and provoke the development of many diseases. The grapefruit diet is not only a way to lose a couple of kilos, but also an effective prevention of atherosclerosis.

Fights cellulite

“Similia similibus curantur” or “Cure like with like.” The problem of orange peel on the thighs can be successfully solved by the grapefruit diet, as well as by using this fruit externally. Applications are made from its pulp that help successfully fight cellulite.

Gently loosens

This is important when losing weight, since normal bowel function involves regular cleansing of the body from waste and toxins. The gastrointestinal tract will work like a clock, and weight loss will go faster. An additional plus is excellent health.

Improves mood

Bright color, pleasant aroma and sweet and sour taste - all this cannot but please. The grapefruit diet is much tastier than any cucumber or carrot diet. Therefore, girls willingly choose this exotic fruit.

And when you eat grapefruit, a hormone is released that is responsible for positive emotions.

Suppresses hunger

This is due to the sodium content of grapefruit, which creates a feeling of fullness. On the grapefruit diet, you will stop constantly experiencing an acute feeling of hunger, which means your portions will become smaller.

100 g of grapefruit pulp contains:

  • 9 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.5 g fiber;
  • 1 g protein;
  • 0.5 g pectin;
  • 0.15 g fat.

What can and cannot be eaten on the grapefruit diet?

To lose weight actively and smoothly, nutrition must be correct. Grapefruit shows its positive properties only if your diet is dietary.

Authorized Products

  • low-fat dairy products (1% kefir and yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • porridge;
  • boiled chicken, veal;
  • steamed white fish;
  • crackers or bread;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • red, white and green tea;
  • compotes and fruit drinks with minimal added sugar or with sweeteners.

Excluded from the diet

If you are using the grapefruit diet for weight loss, your diet should not include:

  • pork;
  • lamb;
  • red fish;
  • herrings in any form;
  • cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • nuts;
  • chips;
  • cheeses (especially hard varieties);
  • flour

In combination with fatty and heavy foods, grapefruit loses its anti-lipid properties and becomes useless for weight loss. You will make up for the deficiency of vitamin C, but that’s all. There will be no weight loss.

Basic Rules

Only ripe grapefruits contain the required concentration of vitamins and compounds that promote weight loss. Therefore, you need to choose the fruits correctly. The peel should be pinkish and thick. The weight of one ripe grapefruit reaches 450-500 g. Do not buy fruits that are too shiny: most likely, they have been rubbed with a wax-based solution, and some of the chemicals have managed to get through the peel into the pulp. During the diet you will have to eat a lot of grapefruits, so there should not be any chemicals in them.

There are a few more rules for those practicing the grapefruit diet:

  1. Minimize salt intake.
  2. Drink 1.5 or more liters of water per day (teas, compotes, juices do not count).
  3. Eat small meals (at least 4 times a day).
  4. The last meal is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Maintain physical activity (walking instead of the elevator, morning exercises, evening walk).

Menu options

Depending on the tasks that you set for yourself, choose options for the grapefruit diet: for a week or for 3 days. In 7 days you can lose 4-6 kg, and in 3 days - by 1-2. If you are new to the diet topic, it is better to choose three day diet to test yourself and your body. If everything goes well, either repeat the course or switch to a seven-day course.

Menu for 3 days

The grapefruit diet for weight loss for 3 days is monotonous, so it does not last long. Few people can stand the same dishes for 3 days in a row.

  1. Breakfast. Half a grapefruit. 2 hard-boiled eggs. A piece of stale rye bread. Green tea. You can divide breakfast into 2 parts with an interval of 1.5 hours.
  2. Dinner. Half a grapefruit. Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and boiled chicken breast. Season with lemon juice and 1 tbsp. olive oil.
  3. Afternoon snack. A glass of 1% kefir or yogurt.
  4. Dinner. Half a grapefruit. Steamed white fish (halibut, tilapia, cod) with lemon juice and herbs.

This menu is repeated for 3 days. There are options to diversify it: change the fish daily, add carrots to the salad, bell pepper or . The diet is meager, but quite satisfying. Grapefruit will effectively burn fat, and by the end of the third day you will notice a weight loss of 1-2 kg.

A three-day express diet with grapefruit juice (you don’t have to eat the pulp, but squeeze the juice out of it) is often used by Hollywood stars when they need to lose a couple of kilograms before going out. For example, Madonna always sits on grapefruits before concerts or press conferences.

Menu for 7 days

The 7-day grapefruit diet involves a richer diet, but it will take longer. Although the results promise to be more effective.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayHalf a grapefruit, oatmeal with water, green tea.Half a grapefruit, grilled veal, salad with cucumbers and herbs. Compote from .A glass of 1% kefir.Vegetable salad, tea with honey.
TuesdayHalf a grapefruit, 1 hard-boiled egg, green tea.Half a grapefruit, 2 slices of rye bread with Adyghe cheese.Low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of candied fruits.Boiled white fish, vegetable salad with sunflower oil.
WednesdayHalf a grapefruit, millet porridge with water, green tea.Half a grapefruit, chicken breast, vegetable broth.A glass of 1% yogurt without additives.Steamed omelette with tomatoes. Dried fruits compote.
ThursdayHalf a grapefruit, semolina porridge with low-fat milk (1.5%), green tea.Half a grapefruit, salad with quail eggs and vegetables.A glass of acidophilus.Brown rice without salt with a piece of white fish and lemon juice dressing.
FridayHalf a grapefruit. A couple of tomatoes.Half a grapefruit, bean soup.A couple of slices of fresh pineapple.Vegetable stew cooked in the oven.
SaturdayRepeat favorite days

You can download and print the menu at.

This is a sample menu for a week if you plan to lose up to 6 kg on the grapefruit diet. You cannot maintain this diet any longer. If you want to lose more weight, then for the next 7 days stick to the same menu, but halve the amount of grapefruit - eat not half, but a quarter of the fruit. And the portion sizes can, on the contrary, be slightly increased. This way you will stretch the diet over a month and lose up to 10 kg during this time. From about 12 days the body masters and gets used to this diet.

Other variations of the grapefruit diet

The three-day grapefruit diet also includes an egg diet. This means that instead of meat and fish, you only eat hard-boiled eggs. But if you eat a whole egg for breakfast, then you only have the protein for dinner. Vegetables and dairy products remain in the diet.

There is also a cottage cheese-grapefruit diet. It is also designed for 3 days and assumes that for lunch you will eat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. And breakfast and dinner will have to be made as meager as possible in terms of calories.

The kefir-grapefruit diet is similar, only instead of cottage cheese you use kefir. Drink it both between meals and instead of dinner.

Contraindications to the grapefruit diet

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains acids. For this reason the main absolute contraindication to the diet - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage. This disease requires a strict rejection of everything sour, so freshly squeezed grapefruit juice does not fit into the diet at all.

People with other diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis) are allowed to lose weight on the grapefruit diet if they adhere to an important rule: be sure to drink a glass of water before eating grapefruit. This will reduce the concentration of acids in the juice and reduce the irritant effect on the mucous membranes.

In addition to gastrointestinal diseases, there are other contraindications to the grapefruit diet:

  • hormonal therapy (including oral contraceptives);
  • liver pathologies;
  • anorexia;
  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • young age (up to 18-20);
  • diabetes;
  • anorexia;
  • acute stage of any inflammatory diseases.

People with such diseases and conditions should definitely consult a doctor and only after his approval go on the grapefruit diet.

Are you planning to lose weight and don't know which diet to choose? Indeed, it is very easy to get lost in newfangled correction methods. Some eat colorful pills by the handful, while others buy mysterious Tibetan berries for exorbitant amounts of money. And neither one nor the other knows that the most powerful weapon against fat is sold in the nearest supermarket. These are grapefruits and eggs. Surprised? But food products that are well known to everyone have given slimness to many beauties, famous and not so famous. Would you like to know how the fat-burning duo works?

Principles of the method

Already from the name alone it is clear that the lead singers of the egg-grapefruit diet are 2 products:

  • Grapefruit is a famous hybrid of orange and pomelo, the juicy pulp of which has a refreshing bitter taste. Antioxidants contained in fruits reduce blood cholesterol levels, and the notorious vitamin C improves performance and strengthens the immune system.
  • Eggs contain valuable polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids; vitamins A, B6, B12, E, D, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, etc. In addition, eggs are slowly digested by the body, thereby providing a feeling of fullness.

Acting in conjunction, the substances contained in grapefruits (it is recommended to choose fruits with red flesh) and eggs (you can alternate between chicken and quail) accelerate energy metabolism, which leads to rapid weight loss. Another pleasant surprise: coenzyme R, which is part of the egg yolk, restores muscle elasticity, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which means you will come out of the diet fit and beautiful.

The list of contraindications for the egg-grapefruit diet includes:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies to citrus fruits and eggs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (acute and chronic);
  • taking medications;
  • increased photosensitivity of the skin.

In any case, before starting a diet, you should consult a specialist.

Diet for 3 days

This extreme course will come to the rescue if you need to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible. But in order to survive this test with dignity, you will have to stock up on endurance. For the next 3 days, your diet will consist only of egg whites, grapefruits and plenty of fluids. The power supply is as follows:

  • On an empty stomach, drink a glass of mineral water without sugar.
  • After an hour, eat 1 protein.
  • After another hour - grapefruit, etc.

You should eat 7 citrus fruits and 7 proteins per day (14 approaches). Probably, such a menu will seem a little “crazy”, but at the end of the course you will not regret: up to 3-4 kg of hated fat per course.

Menu for 7 days

A more gentle weekly course of egg-grapefruit cleansing is relatively easily tolerated due to the introduction of vegetables, chicken, lean beef (veal) and low-calorie dairy products into the diet.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • green tea.
  • 150 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 medium-sized orange.
  • 200 g grilled chicken breast;
  • 200 ml low-fat kefir.


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 200 ml citrus juice (any).
  • 150 g of lean meat, baked in foil without oil;
  • 2 oranges;
  • a glass of mineral water.
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • a glass of milk with minimal fat content.


  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 250 ml of clean water, acidified with lemon juice (1 teaspoon per glass).
  • 200 g boiled lean beef;
  • 1 grapefruit.
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • a glass of mineral water.


  • steam omelette of 3 eggs with fresh herbs;
  • green tea.
  • 2 chicken drumsticks, boiled or grilled;
  • lettuce (no restrictions);
  • a cup of black coffee or green tea.
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 2 grapefruits;
  • 200 ml of clean water.


  • salad of boiled eggs (2 pcs.) and boiled carrots (1 pc.) with sour cream (1 tbsp. spoon);
  • black coffee.
  • 200 g stewed vegetables;
  • 200 ml citrus juice.
  • 150 g of sea fish, baked without oil;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 grapefruit.


  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 grapefruits.


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • half a grapefruit.
  • 200 g stewed beef;
  • 1 orange.
  • unlimited mineral water.

As you can see, the seven-day diet is quite boring, but you need to follow the rules unquestioningly, otherwise you will have to start the diet from the very beginning. But the result is worth it: in a week you will become 5–8 kg lighter.

For 28 days

Unlike the above-mentioned options for the egg-grapefruit cleanse, a four-week diet course is much easier to tolerate. For 28 days, it is recommended to adhere to the following diet:

  • Breakfast: half a grapefruit, a chicken egg (soft-boiled or raw), 1 teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: vegetables (fresh, stewed, boiled), lean meat or fish, baked without oil or boiled (serving - 200 g).
  • Dinner: 1 egg (cooked to taste, but not fried).
  • Snacks between meals: citrus fruits, green apples, dried fruits.

Experiments are welcome! However, only approved products can be used in culinary creativity:

  • Meat: chicken (skinless), lean beef (veal).
  • Vegetables: corn, bell peppers, onions, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, fresh herbs.
  • Lean fish.
  • Natural sugar substitutes: stevia, agave syrup, honey.
  • Fruits (except bananas and grapes).
  • Nuts (except peanuts).
  • Olive oil.
  • Low-fat dairy products: yogurt, kefir, sour cream.
  • Drinks: herbal and green tea, black coffee, rosehip infusion, still mineral water.


  • Celery, cucumbers, legumes, potatoes.
  • Smoked meats and sausages.
  • Baking and sweets.
  • Cereal porridge.
  • Pickles and canned food.
  • Black tea.

During the diet, it is recommended to replace intense physical activity with leisurely walking, swimming and simple chores around the house.

Quitting the diet

Since the egg-grapefruit diet is considered one of the most stringent methods of losing weight, it should not be ended immediately, but gradually. From the second week you are allowed to eat light vegetable soups and meat broths, from the third week - cereal porridges and legumes. The body will experience less stress if eggs and grapefruits are still present on the menu. And, of course, after finishing the diet, you should not get carried away with sweets, baked goods, smoked and fatty foods.


Like any other weight loss program, the egg-grapefruit diet has both fans and opponents. The first note that the method helps not only to lose excess weight, but also to get a vitamin boost of energy. The latter consider the diet to be hungry and unbalanced. However, even the most inveterate skeptic will not blame this program for its low effectiveness, because it allows you to lose 1 kg per day. By the way, doctors also do not particularly welcome the consumption of citrus fruits and eggs in such quantities, so they recommend going on an egg-grapefruit diet no more than once every 3-4 months.

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