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Shaving trimmer. What is and how to use a beard and mustache trimmer American brand Remington is one of the most fashionable

In order for your face to have a neat and well-groomed appearance, today it is absolutely not necessary to visit expensive hairdressing salons or have a personal stylist. It’s enough just to have a handy tool for timely trimming of stubble, beard and mustache. The market is able to offer different types of devices designed for specific needs. Some devices are universal, others are created more narrowly focused. The choice is quite large, and it is quite easy to get lost in the variety. To prevent this from happening, let’s figure out what the difference is between a trimmer and an electric razor.

An electric razor is as important for men as a cosmetic bag is for the fairer sex. Initially, this device was designed and created as a tool for shaving the head and performing simple hairstyles (boxing, half-boxing, etc.). Over time, technology has improved, and now an electric razor can perform many more functions than a basic “zero” haircut.

Now this type of device serves to simultaneously perform several functions. For example, daily stubble shaving. The special feature of an electric razor is its versatility. Many people ask what is the difference between a regular razor and a full-fledged electric razor. There are a number of advantages.

Of course, like all other devices, an electric razor is not without its drawbacks. The device is not suitable for stubble. Not every model has a trimmer and attachments for it. An electric razor is completely unsuitable for a beard.

Device requires periodic recharging, can turn off at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, the peculiarity is that it is impossible to use the device while charging.

To avoid this drawback, it is better to develop the habit of constantly recharging the device without completely discharging it - this will minimize the unpleasant sensations from using it.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance. Cleaning, sharpening and balancing knives in inexpensive models, lubricating parts in cases where the blades are self-sharpening. If the user wonders why to maintain an electric razor and stops doing so, then the machine may fail, and quite quickly.

To operate the device power supply required. Be it batteries, built-in rechargeable batteries or a power cord, an electric razor will always depend on these additional requirements, whereas a manual razor is available anytime, anywhere. The price of the device and additional blades is usually higher than the price tag for a regular disposable machine.

All about trimmers

What is the difference between a trimmer and an electric razor? First, you should decide on the classification of the device and its purpose. Trimmers are primarily used for beards and mustaches, caring for them, trimming, etc. It should be remembered that the trimmer does not imply a smooth shave, and does not have the appropriate capabilities for this. All that can be done with a trimmer is to shorten facial hair to a certain length, but not shave it off to smooth, clean skin.

For such purposes, you just need a razor.

As a rule, it is quite difficult to choose between two types of devices (electric razor and trimmer). It is best to have both devices on hand. A razor may be needed for everyday use. A trimmer will come in handy if the user decides to grow stubble or grow a beard.

Here is a list of the most obvious benefits of using a trimmer. Despite the impressive list of advantages that the device has, it was still not possible to completely avoid its shortcomings. The first thing that attracts attention is lack of opportunity to shave “clean”.

However, if this feature were fully implemented in the trimmer, it would immediately turn into an electric razor.

Secondly, the design of knife blades should be mentioned, which may differ slightly from razor blades. Although the principle of operation, in many cases, will be similar. The blades in the trimmer can quickly become unusable due to loss of balance. It is not always possible to correct this deficiency with your own hands. The third thing that needs to be entered in the “disadvantages” column is. Imagine you want to trim your beard, which has become much larger, say 17 mm. You won’t be able to do this with the help of attachments; you will have to level the trimmer blade to the maximum step (10 mm), and only then trim the beard at this level. This is a significant functional limitation.

Another significant drawback is noise from work trimmer motor. For the most part, these devices operate much louder than electric shavers, which, of course, does not show them in the most favorable light.

However, in more expensive models this problem can be partially solved by good noise and vibration insulation, as well as a vibration damping system.

What are the best trimmers and electric shaver for?

Which device is best to use - a trimmer or a razor - depends on the user's request. For example, both devices are suitable for facial skin care. If you need to shave every day until you have smooth, stubble-free skin, then the answer is obvious – an electric razor.

You should pay special attention to the type of motor installed in the device - the performance and power of the device will largely depend on it.

For other areas of the body, especially for intimate haircut and a trimmer is more suitable for the bikini area. Firstly, it is more compact. Secondly, it leaves less irritation thanks to attachments that completely eliminate contact of the blades with the surface of the skin. Only the selected level of hair is cut, thereby trimming it. If there is a need to shave in a delicate area, then experts recommend using a manual machine (for example, blades from the Vest company) instead of an electric razor, because Using this device it will be quite difficult to work out complex areas. A manual razor will have an obvious advantage when shaving dangerous areas due to its dimensions.

For women there is ingrown hair problem, which when shaving can further injure already sensitive areas of the body. Of course, in such cases it is better to use a trimmer or, very carefully, a razor.

As a rule, women's equipment for caring for intimate areas is limited to an epilator and a trimmer. Statistics show that the proportion of trimmer use is much higher. It’s quite easy to explain – it’s easier, more convenient and comfortable to use. And most importantly, it causes much less pain than an epilator. This distinction is not accidental, because with the help of a trimmer you can also create intimate haircuts using various types of attachments (styler).

In any case, most experts recommend using an electric razor only for working with facial hair; for all other areas of the body it would be better to use a trimmer.

Electric razor with built-in trimmer

A razor with trimmer is a kind of compromise between these two devices. It is designed primarily for those who value practicality and versatility in a device. Of course, having two types of blades in one device, such a device has much more capabilities than each one separately.

The scope of application of such a device is very wide, from a hairdressing salon to home haircuts and shaving. The peculiarity of this type of device is its expanded functionality. In addition, by combining these two devices into one, the resulting unit is deprived of the disadvantages inherent in them separately.

Here is a list of benefits from using such a device.

  1. Versatility and true multifunctionality. Whereas previously two separate devices were required for shaving and trimming a beard, now only one is sufficient. Of course, this is much more convenient.
  2. Less time spent. Yes, that’s right, the user spends less time because he does not need to prepare and clean two different devices, now everything he needs is already in his hands.
  3. Availability and prevalence. The price of such devices is usually quite affordable, although the quality may not always meet the stated requirements. It is important to make sure when purchasing that the blade is made of stainless steel, and that the machine itself is rotary.
  4. Easy to maintain. Such universal devices, as a rule, are designed with a long service life built into them. In other words, service is not only provided for in them, but also desirable. It is easy to carry out, because it includes cleaning and lubricating the knives, as well as balancing them (in rare cases).

There are also several disadvantages.

  1. If among the advantages light was noted device maintenance, then an obvious disadvantage will be its regularity. Yes, a universal electric razor will have to be serviced somewhat more often than a regular one. This can be explained quite easily: more details, more potential breakdowns.
  2. The second obvious drawback is inherent in all electrical appliances. We are talking about power supply. Everything is simple here: if you forgot to recharge your device or simply replace the batteries, then there is a high probability that it may fail you at the most inopportune moment. Imagine the situation: you are in a hurry, late for an important meeting and you urgently need to trim your beard, which has become sloppy. Half the job was done, but the machine turned off and stopped showing signs of life. Time is running out, and the beard still looks unkempt. It’s good if you have an extra set of batteries in stock, or the model allows you to use it immediately as soon as it is plugged into the outlet. Unfortunately, most manufacturers do not provide for using the razor until it is fully charged.
  3. They break more often. Unfortunately, this is also a fact. The more complex the device, the more likely it is to fail. Two blades, plus a set of universal attachments, can break much faster than one.
  4. Dimensions. Such a universal device will have larger dimensions than, say, a trimmer and an electric razor separately. Larger dimensions mean less room for maneuver, therefore, the user will no longer be able to afford some of the things he does using less bulky items.
  5. Blade quality. Another important aspect to pay attention to. If the blade is made of a low-quality alloy, the razor will soon lose balance and begin to bite large hairs, which can lead to skin irritation.


Both devices have a number of undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one of them is quite problematic, since they have different areas of application. It is best to have both devices so that when the need arises, each of them is at hand. Oddly enough, the use of “2 in 1” devices is less justified due to a number of disadvantages that were mentioned above. Ultimately, the main criterion for using an electric razor and trimmer will be the user's need, which these devices can cover.

Slight stubble, smooth skin or mustache and beard? For many representatives of the stronger sex, this issue remains an unresolved dilemma. If in the last century men preferred to use the services of barbers and barbers, then in modern conditions a universal technique comes first, namely a special beard razor. It is with its help that you can carefully and quickly put yourself in order, slightly correct, or even completely change your image. And such things from the Soviet era as the straight razor are practically a thing of the past.

A man should regularly monitor his appearance

When getting ready for work or going on a romantic date, it is very important to put yourself in proper appearance, since this is required by elementary and generally accepted etiquette. A beard sticking out in different directions, two-week stubble or an unkempt mop of hair on your head is unlikely to please others.

To ensure that your appearance is always flawless, you will need a beard razor, unless, of course, hair grows profusely on your chin.

Beard fashion

Today, men prefer to have facial hair. Moreover, its shape and length vary. In other words, beard fashion is strictly individual. At the same time, it should be noted that among the fairer sex, beards such as “bob”, “square” and the so-called “skipper” (English) are popular. However, facial hair is something that is not a sin to experiment with.

It is noteworthy that some hairdressing salons currently use a tool such as a straight razor. It should be noted that we are talking about models with replaceable blades.

Shaving with such a hygiene item has its advantages, and the most important thing is that the risk of infection is minimal - the blades are replaced after each procedure. One way or another, many men say that the best choice is a safety razor, because then the likelihood of getting hurt is reduced to zero.

Criterias of choice

Of course, today the buyer's eyes run wide from the abundance and variety of razors designed for cutting beards. There are battery-powered and mains-powered models. Each, of course, has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Also, “male” hygiene instruments differ in functionality: the presence of floating heads, speed modes, and the level of inclination of the teeth. Of course, a modern man needs a safety razor equipped with several additional attachments.

Today, a huge number of representatives of the stronger sex buy a special trimmer for beard care, which visually resembles an ordinary comb. Again, manufacturers offer a wide selection of the above products: there are models with rare and common knives, fine teeth for mustaches, several, and so on. In general, not only men's razors, but also beard trimmers have gained popularity - everyone chooses what they like.

Convenience and comfort

Modern models of such tools provide maximum comfort and ease of use. Today it is difficult to imagine that a beard razor will not have a special compartment for collecting hairs, which is cleaned automatically.

When choosing this or that product, you should focus on the body. It should have a stylish design and be ergonomic to use to ensure an exceptionally comfortable shave. Take the time to pick up the device to evaluate how light it is.

Ask your dealer to turn it on to see how noisy it is. Please also note that the beard razor should not slip in your hand. Also remember that the backlight option will help make your shave better. All of the above nuances are very important.

The stiffness of the bristles matters

There is one more criterion that should be taken into account when choosing men's razors. We are talking about the stiffness and thickness of the hair. If they are soft, fluffy and pliable, then it is optimal to purchase a model that is one level lower than the universal one. If you have tough, unruly and dense hair on your chin, it is better to get a universal trimmer. They can not only shave your hair efficiently and trim the length of your mustache, but also remove hair on your temples and create sideburns. It is a mistake to think that the best razor is a product of well-known brands. However, it should not be in favor of a little-known brand. In the first case, you overpay for the name, and in the second, you may have difficulties with the warranty and service.

Popular models

One way or another, the majority of men have compiled a rating of the most popular models. Let's consider a few of them.

Today, a beard machine called Braun Cruzer 5 Beard & Head is very popular. However, it is intended not only for removing hair on the chin, but also for modeling hair on the head. The device works both from a battery (enough for 2 hours) and from the mains. A special indicator signals the owner about the battery charge level. The head can be easily cleaned under running water. The kit includes a replaceable nozzle, thanks to which you can adjust the length of hair on the chin (from 1 to 10 mm). The tool described above costs 2000 rubles.

A huge number of representatives of the fairer sex prefer the Wahl Stainless Steel Lithium Ion+ model. This is a very powerful device that is able to function for at least 4 hours. The set consists of 22 accessories designed for convenient beard trimming in various styles. The price of this model is approximately 2900 rubles.

It should be noted that the machine is equipped with two dozen attachments that allow you to adjust the length (from 1 to 10 mm). The kit also includes a special brush for cleaning the blades. The cost of this model is on average 2000 rubles.

The list of ratings includes the universal device Moser 1574-0051, which operates both on battery and mains power. It has 7 length adjusters (from 1 to 20 mm). Double-sided knives are made of stainless material. In offline mode, the model can operate for approximately 1.5 hours. In addition, there are options for indicating battery charge and wet cleaning. The model costs 3000 rubles.

Well, just recently, an innovative beard care device BEARDTRIMMER Series 9000 from the famous manufacturer Philips was developed. This waterproof model has a unique laser guidance system, thanks to which you can accurately record in which specific places unwanted vegetation should be removed, thereby achieving clear symmetry of the mustache and beard line. Sharp knives are positioned safely and sharpen themselves during operation. The kit also includes a compact case in which it is convenient to store the device. The price of the model varies from 5 to 6 thousand rubles.

Trimmers are considered to be a smaller version of hair clippers, adapted to small areas of facial and body hair. They differ from the first ones in the reduced distance between the teeth (blades), which reduces the risk of skin trauma, especially in delicate areas. In addition, the trimmer is not designed to cut hair longer than 10-12 mm.

Conventionally, all trimmers can be divided into two types:

  • men's;
  • women's

True, in reality they most often differ only in the color and design of the case, since all electric shavers have the same task - removing unwanted vegetation.

In this regard, girls often use the trimmers of their boyfriend. However, for hygiene reasons, especially if the electric razor is used by a lady for an intimate haircut or hair removal in the bikini area, we advise you to get your own trimmer. Good women's devices are aimed at delicate sensitive skin and maximum protection from damage, but their effect is less delightful than men's electric shavers.

Women's bikini trimmers are specially designed for delicate skin.

  • In addition, according to the method of use, the following types of trimmers are distinguished:
  • household - intended for use at home;

professional - used in barber shops, hairdressing salons and beauty salons.

  • The shaving system at the heart of the devices classifies them into two types:
  • rotary - are considered the most practical, they are more durable and are often used in barber shops. On the head of such a trimmer there are small cylinders equipped with knives, rotating, they remove hairs of different lengths, and the shave is very clean;

mesh (oscillatory) - are considered less dangerous, since the blades are hidden under a special mesh. By sucking up the hairs, the knives cut them off, but not at the root, so a small part of the hair (depending on the thickness of the mesh) still remains above the skin.

  • The way the electric razor works is also important:
  • battery operated;
  • battery;
  • from the mains (with power cord);

combined (can work both from the mains and from the battery).

A cordless trimmer has a big advantage over a battery-powered or mains-powered one: it is compact and can be taken with you on the road.

  • Based on water resistance, several types of trimmers can be distinguished:
  • completely waterproof. Can be used for wet shaving and washed under running water;
  • partially waterproof. Only the head of the body is moisture-resistant, so this trimmer can be used for wet shaving, but cleaning can be done with a dry brush or by placing the blades of the device under running water;
The waterproof trimmer can be used when shaving wet, and this property is also very useful when cleaning the device from hair after shaving.

Depending on the presence of a vacuum system for sucking shaved hairs, electric shavers are divided into:

  • trimmers with a vacuum element;
  • trimmers without a vacuum system for suctioning removed hair.

A trimmer with a vacuum system for suctioning removed hairs will save you from cleaning your clothes after the procedure and will significantly facilitate the process of caring for the device.

Based on the number of additional attachments, the following types of trimmers are distinguished:

  • without attachments:
  • with a standard set of attachments (1–3 pieces);
  • with a large number of attachments (4 or more).

The more attachments that come with a trimmer, the more functional it is.

Types of trimmers by cost:

  • cheap options (up to $15);
  • mid-priced trimmers ($15–60);
  • expensive ($60–150).

Thus, there are many types of electric shavers. However, there is a generally accepted classification of trimmers, dividing them into several types.

Types of trimmers depending on the method of application

Depending on the method of application, it is customary to distinguish several types of trimmers:

  • for stubble and beard - refers to men's trimmers. It is characterized by a blade width from 20 to 32 mm. Designed to create an even hairline on the face and a certain length of stubble (beard). Moreover, for such a trimmer, the length of the hairs can vary on average from 0.5 to 15 mm;
  • for leg depilation - has a larger blade width (up to 35 mm) to capture the maximum area of ​​skin. It is safer than a regular razor, but the advantage of the latter is that hair after using it grows back over a longer period of time than after using a trimmer;
  • for the bikini area and armpits - they are characterized by a smaller blade width, which allows you to carefully process the surface of the skin, taking into account numerous curves or create an interesting intimate hairstyle. The width of the knife varies up to 25 mm, although there are also longer knives for quick depilation. The advantage of a trimmer over an epilator is obvious here: there will never be excruciating pain;
  • cosmetic - can be used to model temples and eyebrows. Usually, for such purposes, people use trimmers they already have for stubble or leg depilation, but a nuance should be taken into account: a wide blade (more than 15 mm) will not work here. Cosmetic trimmers also include devices for removing single unwanted hairs in the nose, ears and chin. It can be recognized immediately: a thin body, an elongated head and a barely noticeable blade;
  • for hair on the head - designed for shaving individual areas, edging hair and shaving patterns. Ideally, such electric shavers should be equipped with a wide knife and a short blade. If you plan to shave your head completely, it is better to use a hair clipper: it will be faster;
  • multifunctional - can be used for various purposes: shaving stubble and beard, shaping facial hair, edging hair, trimming temples and sideburns, modeling eyebrows and removing hair from the armpits. Often, the head of such a trimmer has two blades on both sides: wide and narrow, and each of them must be used in accordance with the task assigned to the device. A classic inexpensive device either does not have attachments, or its kit contains 1 additional attachment. In more expensive trimmers you can find up to 5 different attachments - the more there are, the wider the versatility of the device;
  • A trimmer in an electric razor is an ideal option for men who like to experiment with their appearance. The razor will provide a smooth shave, and the trimmer included in its kit or as an attachment will help shape overgrown stubble or beard.

Photo gallery: areas of application of electrical appliances

Facial trimmer is designed for beard trimming
An underarm trimmer should have a narrow blade.
Areas for use of a cosmetic trimmer - eyebrows, nose and ears
The head hair trimmer is designed for shaving individual sections “fashionably”, edging hair and shaving patterns (only if the hair is very short)
The leg hair trimmer has a wider blade, which allows you to treat a larger area of ​​skin at one time.
An electric razor with a trimmer will save space on the bathroom shelf

Video: what is a trimmer and how does it differ from a hair machine

How to choose the right device

A trimmer for cutting and removing hair should be selected depending on the purpose for which you want to use it. So, most often it is chosen according to the following parameters:

  • the presence of self-sharpening blades;
  • length and width of nozzles;
  • autonomy;
  • method of operation (battery, network);
  • ergonomics;
  • waterproof.

The presence of self-sharpening blades is an important condition for those who plan to use the trimmer every or almost every day. The fact is that if the electric razor is not equipped with a self-sharpening system during the cutting process, the blades will become dull very quickly.

A new set of trimmer blades is quite expensive and will need to be purchased frequently. It will be easier and cheaper to purchase a new trimmer.

The length and width of the attachments determine the minimum and maximum length of the hair to be cut. Thus, an ideal trimmer with the longest nozzle can leave hairs (stubble) from 0.5 to 18 mm long.

A good trimmer with the longest attachment (or retractable blade) can provide you with brutal stubble up to 18 mm long.

However, it is better to choose the option that is suitable for you: it makes no sense to purchase a trimmer with an elongated blade if, for example, you trim only short stubble, and vice versa.

The width of the attachment will affect the quality of beard sculpting. Thus, a nozzle that is too wide will speed up the hair removal process, but will noticeably worsen the application of a complex pattern (zigzag, wave). For women, a wide attachment (2.5–3 cm) is suitable for depilating legs, and when shaving the bikini area, it is better to use a narrow attachment (up to 2.5 cm).

The trimmer's autonomy means continuous operation after a full charge. It can range from 30 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes. This should be taken into account when choosing a device, knowing the main task for which the device will be used (a trimmer with a small autonomy is suitable for removing unwanted hairs in small areas).

The way the trimmer works is also important if you are going to use this device frequently. So, a battery-powered razor will not work at all: lithium cells discharge too quickly, and you will have to buy them very often. It is best to use a powered trimmer, but if you often travel or go on business trips, then the ideal electric razor for you will be a battery-powered one or a combined one (with an electric cord).

True, everything is not so simple here: focus on how much time you will spend in the car. If your trimmer cannot be charged from the cigarette lighter, and you have no other access to charging the battery, then a battery-powered trimmer will be the most suitable option, you just need to stock up on a large number of batteries.

A battery-powered trimmer is not the best choice, but if you have nowhere to charge the device on the road, then this version of the electric razor will come in handy

On the other hand, you need to consider the charging time of a rechargeable electric razor. More expensive trimmers need 3-4 hours to restore their functionality. Cheap options may require 10 hours of continuous charging before you can start using the trimmer again. Their danger is that if an inexpensive rechargeable electric razor runs out of power while cutting hair, it can only be continued after it has been fully charged.

Waiting several hours for the trimmer to become operational again is often not possible. Therefore, an electric razor with a combined charging system is best suited. By connecting it to the network, you can continue cutting your hair.

A trimmer with a charge level indicator will always show how much time is left until it is completely discharged

A semi-waterproof trimmer is used for wet shaving; the head of its body is protected from water, but it cannot be completely washed under running water. These options are ideal for women who are accustomed to bringing beauty to the bathroom. If dry cutting is not a problem for you, then you can purchase a trimmer without the waterproof feature. Its only drawback is that you will have to clean the device of removed hair often and for a long time.

The floating head trimmer is suitable for both women and men. It will follow the contours of the body, and hairs will be removed more efficiently.

The material from which the blades are made plays an important role. Cheap trimmers will be equipped with steel blades of appropriate quality. They will quickly become dull and become unusable. The blades of more expensive trimmers are made of high-quality, high-strength steel, often coated with titanium or diamond, and sometimes made of ceramic. True, this option is more often used in beauty salons.

It is worth paying attention to the sound and vibration coming from the trimmer. It should not “jump” too much in the hand and be too noisy - this already indicates a low quality product. The ergonomics of the device is determined by its compactness and lightness. A good trimmer is equipped with a rubberized handle, which makes the device less slippery and more comfortable to hold.

A shaving trimmer with a rubberized handle fits better in your hand and is less likely to slip.

Review of trimmer manufacturers

Cheap trimmers of Chinese origin can often please only with their price. When used, they often do not cut hair, but tear it out; such devices serve extremely poorly and do not last long. In order not to skimp on your appearance, we recommend paying attention to popular brands that have long proven themselves in the market and continue to delight users to this day:

  • Philips;
  • Remington;
  • Moser;
  • Brown;
  • Panasonic.

Philips is one of the largest manufacturers of household appliances in Europe

The Dutch company Philips is now known to everyone who has at least once had to deal with the choice of household appliances for the home. It appeared on the world market more than a hundred years ago, and during this time it has come a long way from the manufacture of electric lamps to the production of magnetic resonance therapy devices. The range of products manufactured under the Philips umbrella is truly vast. The company's rule is to keep up with the times and use innovation. This also applies to trimmers. Only electric shavers of this brand today have a laser guidance system that allows you to achieve a perfectly straight hairline.

Some Philips models have a voltage switch, allowing them to be used in different countries (suitable for travelers).

Today, the most favorite model among users is the Beardtrimmer Series 9000, and the universal one is the Philips NT1150. Women appreciated the Bikini Perfect HP6362 3-in-1 trimmer for hair removal in the bikini area with a high level of autonomy.

The Philips trimmer Beardtrimmer Series 9000 is in great demand among men; its distinctive feature is the presence of a laser pointer that allows you to shave hairs in a perfectly straight line

American brand Remington is one of the most fashionable

The Remington brand, which produces devices for face and body care, is owned by the American company Spectrum Brands. He is very popular in Europe due to the fact that he follows the latest fashion trends and adapts to them.

The production of Remington brand trimmers is established in China, but in this case the country does not at all characterize the quality of the products.

Among the best Remington men's electric shavers, users note the MB 4030 and PG 6050 models. The WPG 4035 Ultimate women's bikini trimmer has gained the greatest popularity among the fair sex.

The trimmer model PG 6050 from Remington has long and deservedly won the love of the strong half of humanity

Moser - history of hairdressing equipment

The German company Moser appeared in 1946. Production was initially located in the Black Forest and is located there to this day. The brand is known for making hairdressing equipment. The company makes extensive use of the latest technologies, making its products very popular among audiences who can appreciate the combination of price and quality.

Moser trimmer 1531–0050 is a classic option for those who are used to combining price and quality

Braun - time-tested quality

Braun has been on the market for almost a hundred years. The first trimmer of this brand appeared in the 30s of the last century. Today, their production has expanded, and among the many different electric shavers manufactured in the European Union and China, you can choose the one that’s right for you.

The most popular model today is the Braun Cruzer 5 Beard, designed for trimming beards and mustaches. Among the women's trimmers of this brand, the FG1110 model stands out.

Video: BRAUN CruZer 5 Beard trimmer

Panasonic - keeping up with the times

The Japanese company Panasonic rightfully deserves to be in the top 5 best trimmer brands. The company has existed for almost a century, and all this time its developers and managers have been making sure that its products keep up with the times.

Men unanimously recognize the ER-GB40 as the best trimmer model for trimming mustaches and beards, and for shaving bikini areas, women prefer the BRT 383 BikiniGenie model.

Video: trimmer PANASONIC ER-GB40

Table: Comparative characteristics of men's mustache and beard trimmers

Philips Beardtrimmer Series 9000Moser 1531–0050Braun Cruzer 5 BeardPanasonic ER-GB40
Power typeFrom mains and batteryMains and battery powered, USB chargingFrom mains and batteryFrom mains and batteryFrom battery
Charging timeFrom 60 minutes (there is an indicator)480 minutes (there is an indicator)480 minutes (no indicator)480 minutes (there is an indicator)480 minutes (no indicator)
Autonomy60 minutes with an hour of charging40 minutes50 minutes40 minutes50 minutes
Waterproof100% 100% No100% Semi-waterproof
Number of nozzles2 5 1 2 1
Self-sharpening bladesEatEatNoNoNo
Minimum/maximum hair length0.4mm/7mm0.5mm/24mm0.5mm/24mm1mm/11mm0.1mm/10mm
Knife width32 and 15 mm (double-sided trimmer)30 mm32 mm32 mm27 mm
Material from which the blades are madeStainless steelTitanium with added chromeStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
Guarantee period2 years1 year1 year2 years1 year

How to use a trimmer correctly

Using a trimmer is no more difficult than shaving hair with a machine or an ordinary razor. The only difference is that before the procedure it is necessary to “soften the bristles”:

  1. Wash your beard or stubble with shampoo and comb first.
  2. Wrap a towel soaked in hot water around your chin. This will make your hair softer and more pliable.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, comb your beard with a fine-toothed comb.

After this, you can start using the trimmer.

Beard and mustache styling

To shape your facial hair, follow these steps:

  1. Mentally determine the line where the stubble should begin, and feel free to remove everything that is beyond it on the cheeks and neck at the root. In this case, be sure to hold the trimmer at an angle to the surface of the skin. Perform smooth shaving movements against hair growth.
  2. After this, proceed to the sideburn and lower jaw area.
  3. Then, if necessary, trim the temples.
  4. Lastly, start shaving your mustache.

Before using the trimmer for the first time, it is best to make an appointment with a barber. The specialist will help you choose the right shape of stubble or beard for you, and show you how to shave your hair correctly. By following his example, you can do it yourself at home next time.

Video: styling a beard with a trimmer

Hair removal from bikini area and legs

If you are using a trimmer to remove unwanted hair from your bikini area, the shaving procedure is as follows:

  1. Before you begin depilation, you need to thoroughly rinse the treated area, then apply a moisturizing or softening cream to it (any cream that you are used to using before shaving is also suitable).
  2. Using shaving movements against hair growth, carefully and carefully, without missing any areas of the skin, remove hair to the desired depth of the bikini area.
  3. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a special aftershave lotion or cream.

Proper use of a trimmer for the bikini area will ensure ideal cleanliness of these areas of the skin.

The procedure for leg depilation is not much different from the two described above: before shaving with a trimmer, the skin needs to be softened, then begin depilation against hair growth, and then apply a skin-soothing cream.

Removing unwanted hair in teenagers

Special attention should be paid to the use of trimmers by teenagers. The fact is that the first facial hair is never thick right away. Dark hairs most often grow sparsely, predominantly above the lip. Trimmers with a narrow blade are ideal for removing them - for eyebrows or for ears and nose. You should not shave areas of your face where hair is too short or has not yet appeared at all: it simply will not make sense.

For teenagers with the first small amount of facial hair, a regular cosmetic trimmer with a narrow blade is suitable.

Trimmer care

In the vast majority of cases, trimmers are unpretentious and do not require any special care. However, you should remember that you need to clean the head of the device from cut hair after each shaving procedure. If your trimmer is waterproof, half the problem is solved: just put the device under running water, and all the hairs will be removed under pressure. Of course, before this you need to make sure that the trimmer is unplugged from the network. After this procedure, you need to wait for the device to dry completely.

Cleaning a waterproof trimmer is as easy as shelling pears - just run it under running water and then wait for it to dry.

If the device is not waterproof, then your task is to clean it of as many hairs as possible. Use a brush specially designed for this purpose, included with the trimmer. A device with a removable head is easier to clean: the hairs wound around the motor cylinder are removed with simple sweeping movements of the brush. If the head is not removable, then you will need to make some effort to take care of the trimmer. Some people use thin, sharp objects to clean the device: a needle, a pin (but not a toothpick: it can break and part of it will remain inside the trimmer).

To prevent the mechanisms from becoming corroded and to ensure a smooth shave, after each use of the trimmer it is necessary to lubricate its blades with special synthetic oil.

After every second shave, you should lubricate the blades with synthetic oil (mineral based). Most often it comes complete with a trimmer. If there is none, or it has already run out, you can use special oil to lubricate the coolers in the computer system unit. Other oils will not work as they will not protect the blades from corrosion. The latter, by the way, can be considered the only disadvantage of waterproof trimmers.

A well-groomed beard, a neat haircut and the absence of unwanted body hair together give you self-confidence and help you make a positive impression on others.

In order to get all this, you don’t have to go to a barbershop. It is enough to purchase a functional trimmer.

What it is?

A trimmer is an oversized, eclectic hair cutting device with many different attachments. You can use it to trim hair on your face, body, bikini area, and even your nose.

The principle of operation is in many ways similar to a conventional hair clipper.– the motor drives special knives that cut off unwanted hairs.

For the safety of the skin and to prevent direct contact, razors are covered with a fine metal mesh or comb.

How is it different from a typewriter?

The main difference between a trimmer and a clipper is its compact size. Due to the fact that it is half the size, it is very convenient for them to care for a shaped beard and hard-to-reach parts of the body.

Attention! Using a trimmer, you can remove hair not only on the face, but also on the body. This is much safer for the skin than a razor.

At the same time, the trimmer is much inferior to the machine due to the fact that it cannot cope with too stiff bristles and long hairs. Due to its large size, the clipper does this better.

The difference between a trimmer and an electric razor is explained in the video:

How to choose?

When choosing a trimmer, you must understand who will use it and for what needs it will be intended.


  1. For a man. A good men's trimmer is a faithful assistant for caring for your beard and mustache. In addition, attachments for caring for hard-to-reach places - the ears and nasal sinuses - will be useful.
  2. For a girl. There are two types of trimmers for women - for eyebrows and for the bikini area. Both should be as compact and safe as possible.

In addition, carefully study the characteristics of the device.

As for the technical parameters, it is worth considering:

  1. Power type– choose rechargeable models, since mains ones will have to be constantly charged.
  2. Resistance to electrical surges– as a rule, the cheaper the model, the lower this figure.
  3. Ease of use– sometimes a device may only look miniature and maneuverable, but in practice it turns out that it is completely uncomfortable to operate. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to let you hold the trimmer, press buttons, move it across your palm, etc. A high-quality device will not vibrate much in your hand and pinch the skin .
  4. Moisture resistance– Most people use a trimmer in the bathroom. If you plan to do the same, choose models with a waterproof case.
  5. Equipment and functionality– at a minimum, there should be replaceable blades and a charge level indicator.
  6. Manufacturer country. Professionals choose German and Japanese cars.

Step-by-step instructions for use

  1. Wash the hair in the treatment area. If the trimmer is moisture resistant, you can start shaving; if not, dry it.
  2. Remove length. If the hair has grown too much, remove the length using scissors or a clipper. Remember that the trimmer is not able to cope with dense and lush vegetation longer than 5 cm.
  3. Start shaving– here everything is not the same as in the case of classic shaving. The trimmer should be guided against the direction of hair growth, not along it.
  4. Follow the pressure– the flat part of the nozzle should fit tightly to the skin, but not injure it.
  5. Trim– at the last stage, trim stray hairs or shave them off by removing the trimmer attachment.

Reference! If the trimmer starts to pull hair and cut poorly, it’s time to clean it. If cleaning does not help, take it to a repair shop.

How to trim a beard with a trimmer at home is shown in the video:

Features of care

Men's beard

The nozzle should be selected depending on the length of the beard and the desired result. For trimming, the no. 3 attachment is usually used. You need to shave your beard in the opposite direction from the hair growth, pressing the upper part of the nozzle firmly against the skin.


Just like with a beard, choose the appropriate nozzle size:

  • Leave the upper part of the mustache in its original form if you do not want to get antennas bristling in all directions.
  • If necessary, trim them with scissors and wax them.

Intimate area

The trimmer is good for cutting off excess vegetation in the groin up to 5 mm. This will make the process of personal hygiene or a close shave easier in the future. In this case, a trimmer is much more practical and convenient than scissors.

Ear canals and nostrils

Using a trimmer to trim unwanted nose and ear hair is quite simple.

Put on the round nozzle, insert it 1-2 cm deep into the nostril or ear and twist it a little.

In a few seconds you will get rid of all the bristles.

Rating of the best electrical devices

Remington MB4030

Convenient trimmer for home mustache and beard care. It comes with 2 replaceable attachments, thanks to which the length of the hair being cut can be adjusted in 18 steps. Can work both from the mains and from the battery (for 40 minutes).


  • good blades cope with hair of any hardness;
  • one charge is enough to completely shave your entire face;
  • fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.


  • quickly becomes clogged with cut bristles;
  • non-moisture resistant;
  • difficult to clean with a brush.

The price is quite reasonable for such characteristics and varies in the area 3500 rub.

Moser 3214-0050

This trimmer is shaped like a writing pen and weighs only 60 grams! The powerful rotary motor is powered by an AAA battery.


  • moisture resistant;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • does not injure delicate mucous tissues.


  • breaks easily when dropped;
  • With regular use, you have to change batteries frequently.

The price of such a useful device is more than affordable - about 1 thousand rubles.

Braun PT 5010 Precision

A device characterized by increased practicality - using the spot hair removal function and two comb attachments of 5 and 8 mm, you can tidy up not only your beard and mustache, but also your sideburns and eyebrows. Battery operated.

An indispensable and compact assistant before important meetings on business trips.


  • possibility of wet cleaning;
  • compact size and ergonomics;
  • multifunctionality.


  • does not show the remaining charge level;
  • Suitable for soft and fine hair only .

Is this unit worth it? around 1000 rubles.

Watch the video review of the Braun PT 5010 Precision trimmer:

Braun FG 1100

This model is amazingly different small in size and weighing only 100 grams! The kit already includes two attachments for spot hair removal in the bikini line, 2 comb attachments of 5 and 8 mm.

Battery powered - one charge is enough for 2 hours of continuous operation.


  • moisture resistant;
  • easy to use and care for;
  • Suitable for correcting eyebrow shape.


  • works noisily and vibrates;
  • dulls quite quickly;
  • replacement nozzles are almost impossible to find on sale.

Average price per trimmer – 900 rubles.

Philips BT-9290/15

Double-sided trimmer, one side of which is 32 mm, the other is 15 mm. Equipped with a display showing the current charge level and a waterproof case.

Reference! The main distinguishing feature is precise laser guidance. Works both from the mains and from the battery.


  • fits comfortably in the hand;
  • easy to care for;
  • efficiently cuts even the coarsest and shortest hairs.


  • High price – approx. 10,000 rubles.

With such characteristics, the high price is completely justified.

How to care?

In order for the device to last as long as possible without losing its quality characteristics, it must be looked after.

From the instruction manual we can learn that the rules for caring for any trimmer are approximately the following:

  1. Rinse the nozzles– this must be done after each session. Place all used attachments in the sink and wash with warm running water and soap. Make sure that all hairs are washed off and cleaned. .
  2. Clean the blade using a brush, turning on the device at minimum power.
  3. Wipe the case from any remaining hair and dust with a damp swab and a dry cloth.
  4. Store the device assembled– after completely drying it from any remaining moisture.

The modern generation of men finds it much easier to take care of themselves. To do this, it is no longer necessary to devote time to a painstaking haircut with scissors and a dangerous machine - it is enough to have one device on hand that can tidy up both the face and the body - a trimmer.

For beard care or shaving, machines and electric shavers were previously used. It is not always possible to achieve a good result when using them - removing hairs in hard-to-reach places. The shaving trimmer, which replaced its predecessors, will do this task perfectly.

Shaving trimmer

What is a shaving trimmer - it is a smaller version of a hair clipper, equipped with a razor blade. It has several attachments to get rid of unwanted hair and is used for hard-to-reach parts of the body, suitable for particularly sensitive skin.

The trimmer works by using small knives that cut hairs and shaving blades safely hidden behind a metal mesh. The system is designed in such a way that there is no direct contact with the skin; special attachments can adjust the work to any length of hair.

Shaving trimmer

Using a trimmer you can:

  • shave smoothly or create a light stubble effect;
  • give a clear outline to the beard and mustache;
  • trim long hairs;
  • trim the temples;
  • shave off the mustache.

Trimmer and clipper

The trimmer is designed in such a way that it replaces an electric razor and an epilator and can remove hair from any part of the body, on the contrary, which cannot be said about a hair clipper.

Differences between a trimmer and a hair clipper:

  • Size – as a rule, the machine is almost twice as heavy and larger than a trimmer;
  • Care – trimmer attachments are easy to clean; just rinse them under running water. The machine is more difficult to maintain: the parts need to be periodically lubricated with a special lubricant, otherwise it will begin to pull out hair during operation;

The best way to shave

  • Equipped - the machine has more attachments and is better able to cope with different lengths of hair;
  • Application - the trimmer copes better with facial hair and worse with long and coarse hair. Therefore, hairdressers first use a machine, use a trimmer to trim and model the hairstyle;
  • Versatility - the trimmer copes with hair removal in hard-to-reach places: in the nose, ears, intimate area and armpits and is used to create complex curly patterns.

Trimmer selection criteria

In order for a trimmer to do its job efficiently, you need to choose it based on its characteristics and some features.

First of all, you should pay attention to the main characteristics.

Equipment and convenience

The trimmer operates on two types of electric motors:

  • Rotary. It is quite powerful, lasts a long time and practically does not break. Designed for professional use.
  • Vibration. Has weaker power and needs rest every half hour. Great for home use.

How to choose the right trimmer

The following important characteristics of the trimmer for comfortable use:

  • Weight – it should be light and comfortable in the hand. The body is made of plastic with rubber elements to prevent slipping;
  • Backlight – its presence makes it easier to use when you need to illuminate hard-to-reach places;
  • Convenience – location of buttons on the body, presence of a charging indicator;
  • Attachments are designed for all types of shaving. The more there are, the wider the area of ​​use of the trimmer.

Operating time without recharging

Depending on where the trimmer will be used: at home or outside, you should take care of the battery capacity.

According to the type of power supply, trimmers are divided into:

  • Operates on regular batteries. This trimmer is convenient when traveling when recharging is not possible. Its power relative to other types of trimmers is significantly inferior;
  • With recharging from the network. It operates only from a power outlet and is tied to a specific location of use. However, it is multifunctional and works great;
  • Equipped with battery. This device is very versatile. It runs on a battery from half an hour to an hour, recharging time is from 3 to 8-9 hours. Can also work from the network.

Battery trimmer

additional characteristics

To make using the trimmer more comfortable, you should pay attention to its additional equipment:

  • For wet cutting and shaving. Such a trimmer must be protected from moisture, it is comfortable to remove hair and is easy to wash;
  • Availability of built-in fuse. You don’t have to worry about the electric motor breaking down if there is a power surge;
  • Equipped with several operating modes. This makes working with such a trimmer much easier and more comfortable;
  • Vacuum collection option. It will keep the area clean and make the procedure comfortable.

Women's shaving trimmer

There is a line of trimmers produced specifically for women. It has an attractive design and special attachments for the bikini area and eyebrows. To the question: is a trimmer a razor or an epilator, you can answer - both, only better. Because the device works delicately, as women have delicate and sensitive skin. The trimmer does not shave the hairs, it carefully trims them, thereby avoiding skin irritation. Some models are equipped with special stencils for creating original intimate haircuts.

Women's trimmer

Men's trimmer for cutting and shaving

In men's models, the design is restrained and strict. The main purpose is to trim and contour the beard and mustache, as well as remove hair from the ears and nose. It is worth choosing a device with adjustment for hair length.

How to use the tool

The trimmer is very easy to use, you can get used to it in one use.

To use it, you should first prepare:

  • check for functionality;
  • apply oil to the parts according to the instructions and drip onto the blades;
  • turn on for half a minute;
  • remove excess oil with a dry cloth;
  • The blades must be dry so that hairs do not stick to them.

How to shave a beard with a trimmer

How to shave with a trimmer:

  • You must first decide on the area of ​​application and the final shape of the beard, mustache or sideburns;
  • during the shaving process, the shaving styler must be kept at the same angle relative to the skin;
  • Shave with smooth movements;
  • Shaving direction is from above the ear to the chin.

Note! The neck is usually shaved with a razor, but a trimmer can be used.

Features of use in different areas

For different areas, it is worth using different techniques and approaches to shaving with a trimmer:

  • Beard and mustache. You need to choose a nozzle so that you can adjust the length and distance of the hairs. Typically the length ranges from 0.5 to 1 cm. The device itself must have a mode control function.
  • Nose and ears. The nozzle should rotate and have a narrow head. You don’t need to penetrate deeply with the trimmer, just bring it up and go a little deeper. Before the procedure, you should clean the nasal and ear passages and perform hair removal only in good lighting.
  • Intimate parts.

Nose trimmer

To use the device for this zone, you need to consider some points:

  1. the trimmer must be waterproof so that, if necessary, it can be used directly in the bathroom;
  2. the body of the device must contain an anti-slip surface;
  3. It is better to carry out the process itself on dry skin and move the device in the direction against hair growth;
  4. to create a pattern you will need a special nozzle with a narrow head, it is also perfect for removing remaining hairs;
  5. After completing the process, the skin should be moisturized with a soothing cream.

Trimmer care and lubrication

After using the trimmer, you need to carry out a cleaning process, for this:

  • you need to remove all attachments and wash them with soap and warm running water;
  • clean the trimmer itself with a special brush, be sure to remove the head so that there are no hairs left;
  • Clean the grooves between the blades with a cotton swab;
  • to finally get rid of hairs, you should put on the head and turn on the device for a while;
  • After cleaning, the trimmer should be lubricated with oil; it is advisable to do this after using it.

Rating of the best manufacturers

A good, high-quality trimmer should be made by a reputable manufacturer and tested by the user.

Trimmer Philips BT 7210

Below is a selection of which trimmer is the best in all respects:

  • Philips BT 7210 trimmer is intended for men mainly for beard care. It has self-sharpening blades, a vacuum system, and a charge indicator.
  • Wahl 5546–216 Trimmer – Mainly designed for ears and nose. It runs on a battery and has two replaceable attachments.
  • Trimmer Braun MGK3020 6 in 1 is a universal device, used for all types of haircuts. Can be washed under water, has a backlight and automatically adjusts to voltage.

By choosing a high-quality and reliable trimmer, you can forget about going to the salon for many years. It is easy to use, maintain and saves a lot of time.

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