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Crafts made from rubber bands for weaving with your own hands: diagrams with photos and videos. How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot Crafts from rubber bands without a machine

Weaving a “Spikelet” bracelet is a good way to spend time profitably.

A bracelet made of colored rubber bands, made in the “Spikelet” style, is a bright, original accessory, the creation of which can be an interesting activity for any creative person. Made in colorful, summer colors, it will perfectly highlight your individuality, regardless of the chosen clothing style. And so, in order to weave a “Spikelet” with your own hands, you will need:

a simple weaving machine - “Slingshot”;
silicone rubber bands of 2 colors that match each other (the quantity will depend on the length of the bracelet);
S-clip for fastening.

By following step-by-step instructions, you can learn how to create original jewelry yourself.

Step 1. You need to turn the machine you are using with the open side towards you (in this case, the rubber bands will be easy to grip).

In this master class, small elastic bands of two colors are used: the sides of the bracelet will be orange, and the middle in the form of a spikelet will be light green. First, you should put on the first rubber band (orange), twisting it in the shape of a figure eight.

You need to put another orange rubber band on top of both columns (no need to twist it).

Step 3. Pulling back the green elastic band with the back of the hook, pulls out the bottom one (orange) and drops it onto the center of the “Slingshot”.

A green rubber band is screwed two turns onto the left column (on top of the other rubber bands). A single orange one is placed on top.

Step 4. By pulling the green elastic band from the left column, the lower orange one is pulled out and removed to the center.

Starting from the next step, the technology of weaving the “Spikelet” bracelet changes slightly.

Step 5. Now, through the green rubber band folded in half, all the rubber bands located at the bottom are pulled out. They still drop to the center. You should start with the right column (it was on it that the green elastic band was put on before).

Step 6. Already from the left column, all the elastic bands are pulled out again through the green elastic band and thrown into the center.

Step 7. Without disturbing the sequence of alternating elastic bands, the bracelet is woven to the desired length (depending on the circumference of the wrist).

The longer the product becomes, the stronger its pattern will be drawn.

Step 7. When the desired length is achieved, you can proceed to the final stage - closing the bracelet.

Finally, remove the green rubber bands from both posts in the center.

The two remaining orange rubber bands are transferred from the left column to the right one. A clasp in the shape of the English letter S is threaded through them.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

After you have already woven this beautiful bracelet, try making another pattern, namely the “Friendship” bracelet. Link .

Rainbow Loom Bands, or weaving from rubber bands, is a newfangled trend in children's creativity. It is so exciting that many adults liked it. On sale you can find a lot of similar sets from which you can make bright and unusual DIY crafts from rubber bands. Let's look at the most original and easy master classes of this entertaining creativity.

The simplest bracelet

First of all, we will consider a basic master class step by step without a machine in order to understand the principle of operation and master the basics of this type of needlework.

Necessary materials:

  • Multi-colored elastic bands;
  • Hook.

Work process:

  1. We put three elastic bands on the index and middle fingers of the left hand. The first one is twisted into a figure eight, the other two are simply put on.
  2. Now, using a hook, we first remove the part from one finger and then from the other, so that it hangs on the top two.
  3. Continue weaving and you will get a wonderful craft.

Step-by-step video tutorial on a simple rubber band bracelet

Simple bracelet "French braid"

This slingshot weaving has already become a classic. It's simple enough for a beginner. And the combination of colors gives full scope to fantasy and imagination.

Necessary materials:

  • Rubber bands. The most interesting variations are those consisting of two succinctly combined colors;
  • Slingshot;
  • Hook;
  • S-shaped clamp.

Work process:

  1. We take our miniature machine with the recesses towards us, put an elastic band on one ear, twist it and put the second part on the second ear. So we got a figure eight weave.
  2. We put on two more, in different colors. The weaving will be more beautiful if the colors in it alternate alternately.
  3. We hook one part of the first twisted one and remove it to the center. We do the same with the second part. We put another one on top of it.
  4. In the same way, remove one blue part from the right side, and put on another pink part from the left.
  5. Now we remove the bottom blue rubber band on the left and on the right of the same color in the center, and add another one.
  6. Move the third one to the center on the right and the second one on the left.
  7. Continue weaving in this manner until you have a wrist-length bracelet.
  8. Fasten the clasp. Your craft is ready.

Video instructions on how to make a bracelet from rubber bands for beginners

Rainbow staircase bracelet

Let's look at another master class on weaving a bracelet on a machine - it can become beautiful. But now we need not a slingshot, but a large collapsible machine. You will also need black rubber bands for the core and multi-colored ones for the sides. A more interesting option is if you take rainbow shades.

Work process:

  1. We position the machine correctly. We turn the concave part to the left side, and move the middle row forward one column.
  2. We take the red one and put it on the first columns of the central and side rows. We do the same with the second one.
  3. Now take the orange elastic band and put it on. We do the same on the opposite row. In this way we dress them until the end of the machine. It is important to follow the color sequence of the rainbow.
  4. We complete the weaving in the same way as we started.
  5. Now we form a central transverse color row, for this we put on elastic bands. It is important to maintain color consistency.
  6. We move on to the beginning of the weaving, and put black ones on the central posts, until the very end. We twist the last one twice.
  7. We carefully move it aside with a hook, pull out the second one from under it and pull it onto the front post. We do this until the end of weaving.
  8. We put colored elastic bands on top of the resulting black loops again.
  9. Let's return to the beginning of work. We pry off the red part that is on the central post and move it to the side one. We do the same with the second red one.
  10. We pry up the colored ones and throw them over the front posts. You should get the same droplets as black ones.
  11. We take the black one and string it in this way on all the elastic bands of the first central column so that both of its ends are on the hook.
  12. We fasten the clasp and remove it from the machine.
  13. Leave the last weaving loops at the other end on the hook. This is how we got the main pattern. Now you need to add another braid to it so that you can wear it as a bracelet.
  14. We put on 7 black ones and move our weaving to the machine.
  15. We weave the chain similarly to the basic pattern. We change clothes from the previous column to the front one. When the work is finished, we attach the clasp, and that’s it, the craft is ready.

Bracelet with beads

To make such a simple bracelet you will need:

  • Plain elastic bands;
  • Beads;
  • Clasp.

Work process:

  1. We thread the rubber band through the bead.
  2. We put it on our fingers, twisting it in a figure eight.
  3. We put on an elastic band with a bead and move both parts of the bottom to the middle.
  4. We put on an elastic band with a bead and move it to the middle. In this way we complete the craft and put on the clasp. The bracelet is ready.

Bracelet on a fork

To make such an accessory you will need:

  • Colored rubber bands;
  • Fork.

Work process:

  1. We twist the folded elastic band in a figure of eight onto the middle teeth.
  2. We put the second one on as well, but only on the two outer teeth.
  3. The third one is also only on the second outermost cloves.
  4. Use the hook to move the bottom one to the top.
  5. We put the folded one on the central teeth.
  6. We throw the outer rubber bands to the top.
  7. We continue weaving similarly with other colors to the desired length, attach the fasteners. The craft is ready.

Butterfly earrings using a hook

To make such beautiful earrings you will need the following materials:

  • 2 colors of elastic bands;
  • Hook;
  • Accessories.

Work process:

  1. We put an elastic band of the base color on the hook, making four turns.
  2. We hook two elastic bands onto the tip of the hook and carefully put the first one on them.
  3. We got two loops, which we put on the hook.
  4. We carry out the previous operations and get exactly the same component.
  5. We put two elastic bands on the head of the hook and throw both fragments over them.
  6. We put both loops on the hook. The result was just wings.
  7. We perform the second wings in the same way.
  8. We put one on the head of the hook, onto which we move the wings. We put the loops on the hook and pull one through the other.
  9. Take another color and wrap the middle on both sides.
  10. The butterfly is ready. All that remains is to put the craft on the fittings.

Another option for weaving butterflies

gold fish

To make a goldfish with your own hands using a hook you will need:

  • Yellow elastic bands and 2 black ones;
  • 2 forks, glued with tape;
  • Hook.

Work process:

  1. We put the first elastic band on the two outer teeth in three turns. We dress the second one the same way.
  2. We also put on the next one in three turns, but with two forks.
  3. We pry up the bottom three rows and drag them to the middle of the weaving. This is how we get the first bow.
  4. We put two more on the same cloves and move them to the center of the weave.
  5. Repeat everything on the second side of the fork.
  6. We put it on all the teeth of the front fork.
  7. We repeat the previous steps.
  8. For the body of the fish you will need to weave four more rows.
  9. We take the black ones and put them on in four turns on the middle tines of each fork.
  10. We repeat the weaving, but first we throw the yellow ones in the middle, and then the black ones.
  11. We weave one more row.
  12. Now we take one elastic band, but perform the same actions, in the end there will be two last loops left. We transfer all the loops to the central teeth of the rear fork and finish the job. The original craft is ready.

A new hobby has become popular among teenagers and needlewomen - weaving from multi-colored silicone rubber bands. They make a variety of colorful bracelets, rings, toys, and keychains. The girls weave them into clothes for dolls. There are a lot of devices for creation - both professional and improvised. With their help, you can weave a figure on a slingshot from rubber bands. You can choose whatever you like - an animal, a toy or any other figure.

In order for the weaving of rubber bands on a slingshot to proceed smoothly and with pleasure, it is necessary to prepare all the materials and tools in advance. The main thing is that everything is at hand:

There are many patterns for weaving products on a machine. It looks like a plastic plate with a different number of posts.

Weaving figures

The process of weaving from rubber bands is loved by many, especially children, primarily because of the brightness and attractiveness of the resulting products. These can be bracelets, rings, keychains, as well as toys and clothes for a doll. Here are several options for crafts made from rubber bands on a slingshot, which Quite easy to do with your own hands, even for children without outside help.

Cheerful smiley

To create a smiley, you need to prepare yellow and black rubber bands. In progress you need to follow simple step-by-step instructions:

A smiley figurine made from rubber bands on a slingshot is ready.

Electric guitar on a slingshot

Children really enjoy playing with silicone figures. Many people like to use them not only as a toy, but also as a decorative element. For example, in the form of key chains. A rubber band guitar is a great option for all occasions. Using the instructions, you can weave a guitar from rubber bands on a slingshot. You need to prepare rubber bands of three colors: pink, black and silver. The pink shade can be replaced with any other.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Rainbow Loom creativity kits have captivated children and teenagers all over the world. And this fact is not surprising, because such a simple and affordable material allows you to make a lot of keychains, toys, jewelry, and other crafts with your own hands. You can create accessories using different tools. How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot? For many needlewomen, purchasing a machine is unaffordable and simpler tools come to the rescue. The slingshot allows you to weave many interesting bracelets using different techniques and patterns, which are described in detail in master classes and video lessons in this article.

Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

Creating original bright bracelets from rubber bands is a pleasant and useful activity that gives the child the opportunity to develop fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, patience, attention, and teaches the basics of working with colors and their combinations. If you don’t have a special loom, you can weave unique jewelry using a slingshot. This tool is a plastic handle by which the needlewoman holds this device during work, with two or four branches for throwing rubber bands.

The following master classes and video lessons will help you understand the technique of making bracelets using a slingshot, in which the basics of various weaves are clearly and clearly explained. There are a lot of patterns for creating jewelry, the main ones you will master according to the instructions: dragon scales, French braid, quadrofish, fishtail, sidewalk, angel hearts. The resulting bracelets look very beautiful, bright, original, and voluminous. Subsequently, you can complicate your own crafts by adding various decorative elements and beads.

How to make a French braid bracelet

This braiding technique is so named due to its resemblance to a famous women's hairstyle. The French braid bracelet is very soft, elastic, voluminous and interesting. To work, you need to choose two colors, preferably contrasting ones, so that the product looks original and impressive, prepare a slingshot, a hook, an S-shaped plastic clip to connect the decoration. Step-by-step instructions:

  • We put on the first elastic band, twisting it in a figure eight. The next color is catchable, but there is no need to twist it anymore. All subsequent irises, alternating between both selected shades, are drawn evenly. We put on another color as shown in the photo.
  • Using a crochet hook through the top, remove the bottom elastic band from the first and second posts.

  • We grab the next color. We begin to weave using a technique that forms the pattern we need: remove the central one from one peg, and the lower one from the second.
  • We put on another one, throw the central and lower ones towards the middle. We continue weaving in the described sequence until we get the desired length.

  • We connect both ends of the product with a clasp.

How to learn to weave “Dragon Scales”

This technique allows you to create a beautiful bracelet. Having grasped the essence of this weaving, you can make jewelry of any width. To work, you may need a hook, a slingshot, irises of two selected colors, and a clasp. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We hook the first elastic band, twisting it in a figure eight. Next is the second one without twisting, as in the photo.
  • Remove the bottom one from one peg through the top to the center.

  • We throw on the next color, remove the bottom one from the other peg through the top.
  • We grab the iris, throw off the two bottom layers from one column. We throw it on again, throw off the two bottom rows from another column. We continue to weave according to the described method until we get the desired size.

  • We connect both ends with an S-shaped plastic fastener.

How to weave the “Quadrofish” or “Tube” style

The following weaving technique, described in this master class, allows you to make an original, bright, multi-colored bracelet. To create it, prepare elastic bands of different shades, a slingshot and a hook. Step by step instructions:

  • We string the first iris onto three columns of the slingshot, twisting each time with a figure of eight.
  • Next, we hook onto three pegs, grabbing the empty one.

  • We hook two other colors to all four teeth.
  • Using a hook or fingers, remove the bottom layer through the top.

  • We string the next color onto all four pegs of the slingshot. Remove the bottom row. We continue to weave according to the described technology until we get the desired length.
  • We connect both ends of the product with a lock.

Weaving "Sidewalk"

The next master class is devoted to mastering a weaving technique that will help you get a bright, original and very voluminous bracelet. For the “Sidewalk” pattern you will need two colors of rubber bands, a machine, and a hook. Step by step instructions:

  • Each time we will take two irises to make the product stronger. We throw the first pair over both pegs, twisting them in a figure eight. We put on the next pair of a different color without twisting.
  • Turn the slingshot over with the open sides facing you. On the right side we grab the bottom layer and throw it towards the center.

  • Let's put on a couple more. On the left we grab the two lower paired layers and throw them towards the center.
  • According to the described scheme, we continue weaving to the desired length.

  • Both ends of the product must be secured with a plastic clip.

We make a fishtail bracelet

The master class below describes a variant of weaving a bracelet using the “Fishtail” technique. The result is an original, bright, voluminous product. To work, you need to choose two colors that will harmoniously echo each other or play in contrast, prepare a hook, a slingshot. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We string the first elastic band, twisting it in the shape of a figure eight or an infinity sign. We put on two more colors, alternating them with each other, without twisting, as shown in the photo.
  • We hook the bottom layer, throw it to the center from one and the second peg. We chain another color next. Throw the bottom layer into the middle.

  • We throw on an elastic band of a different color, and throw the layer at the bottom over the top to the middle. Using the described method, we continue to weave until the desired size is obtained.
  • We connect both ends of the product using an S-shaped plastic fastener.

Bright bracelet made of rubber bands “Angel Heart”

In the tutorial below you will learn how to weave a charming bracelet in the Angel Heart style. It received this name because it consists of two elements: a chain inside and hearts that surround it on the outside on one side and the other. On the wrist, such a product looks very beautiful, bright and festive. To work you will need a slingshot, a hook, two colors of elastic bands for the inner and outer layers. Step-by-step instructions:

  • We put on the first elastic band, twisting it in a figure eight. We hook the second one to both posts of the slingshot without twisting it.
  • From one peg we remove the bottom one to the center, from the other - we transfer the top one to the second post, as shown in the photo.

Kits for creating crafts from rubber bands appeared relatively recently, but they have already gained enormous popularity not only among children, but also among adults. From small rubber bands you can create everything that your imagination is capable of: these can be bracelets and various figures.

Obviously, to weave rubber bands onto a slingshot, craftswomen will need additional tools: a slingshot or a machine. The first tool is usually included in the set, but the machine must be purchased separately . That's why the slingshot- the most popular and universal assistant for all needlewomen, which is an ordinary plastic stick with two (sometimes four) teeth.

Weaving animals from rubber bands on a slingshot

To create various animals from rubber bands we will need:

  • rubber bands for weaving;
  • slingshot;
  • hook, which is also included in each set of elastic bands.

The easiest example of an animal made from rubber bands- a snake, the creation algorithm of which will not raise any questions even for novice masters:

After creating the snake, you can move on to more complex crafts on the slingshot, for example, various accessories and flowers.

Rose weaving

To create a rosette from rubber bands, you will need everything that was indicated earlier, but the slingshot must have four teeth. It’s also worth preparing two forks. Next you need to follow the algorithm:

Weaving rings

The materials for work remain the same: a slingshot, a hook and the rubber bands themselves for weaving. We follow the following algorithm:

This article provides only a few examples of what can be woven from rubber bands on a slingshot, but our imagination has no limits: improve your skills by coming up with new techniques for creating various toys and accessories.

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