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What do adults and children dream about? Dreams come true - what kind of dreams are there, and how to make them come true? How children's dreams arise

Dreamer, storyteller, eccentric - we hear these words so often... and how little meaning many give to their own and others’ dreams, fantasies, ideas... alas... But dreams do come true. And it depends on parents and teachers how the child will build his life in the future, whether he will find his place in life. Children's dreams are limitless, because they have not yet had time to chain them in the chains of rules, laws of the Universe, and the conventions of society. In children's fantasies, everything is possible: better children's dreams are associated with flight or travel, with the ability to cast magic or pass through walls, with transformations and movements in space. And who said that someday these dreams will not become reality? :)

Children's dreams are the basis of their future, adult life.

In childhood, a source of fantasies arises, which in the future will become engines in adulthood.

Finding an area where you can apply your efforts, skills, and talents is a work of imagination. Later, when fantasy creates a certain image that irresistibly attracts and beckons, a person begins to hew, as if hewing it, creating an amazing, unique, dreamy dream. This means that by allowing our imagination to freely dream, fantasize and realize our dreams, we thereby allow ourselves and our children to develop, grow, live a full life, build our own “dream home”, in which there will be everything possible for happiness, joy, prosperity and success.

Please note that we do not consciously say “create a dream,” replacing this phrase with the phrase “remember dreams, accept, realize.”
“Creating, making dreams” would mean implanting something alien in your imagination by some artificial means. It would be self-deception.

The Human Brain (Mind) can come up with something only based on the database that is embedded in it. To come up with anything, you need some kind of initial “push” - an idea that over time will be filled with content, acquire details and become not just a beautiful dream, but an important goal.

The birth of a dream is a creative process, independent of the dreamer himself. Your dreams are yourself.

“Fantasy is a drop of rain falling on the shiny surface of water, and a dream is the waves arising from this fall. We can observe the waves, but we cannot say exactly where the raindrop came from. From somewhere in the sky, from the clouds:

And in order for us to be ready to notice the moment when a drop connects with the surface of the ocean and waves are born from this connection, we first need to prepare ourselves. We need to learn to be receptive, open to everything new and unusual, and most importantly, we need to learn inactive receptivity. We will become an observer, sitting thoughtfully on the shore of a pond, before whose eyes the rain draws patterns on the surface of the pond, and these patterns give rise to bizarre images in the imagination that are reborn and flow into each other, at some point suddenly giving birth to an exceptional, bright, large-scale idea , which until some time was not in our imagination. And when it was born, we can already play with it, we can throw it from palm to palm and peer through it into the sun, watching the rainbow of dreams being born."

(G. Pavlenko, psychologist, writer and simply a wonderful person).

All babies, all children love to dream. Many people imagine themselves strong, beautiful, brave. In their imaginations, children see themselves as amazing astronauts, enchanted princesses, wizards, storytellers who can cast magic, brave travelers and talented inventors. Children imagine extraordinary, beautiful, fantastic worlds. Remember, what did you dream about?.. Which of your fantasies came true in your life? We all come from childhood...

The basis for fantasies can be fairy tales heard, films seen, books read. In children's dreams, toys come to life, plants and animals speak human language, people can fly and swim for a long time under water like fish.

Remember the cartoon about the Baby Mammoth who lost his Mom... mentally or out loud, try to sing this wonderful, touching song...

Across the blue sea to the green land
I'm sailing on my white ship,
On your white ship,
On your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,
I'm sailing through the waves and the wind
To the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible,
"I'm here, I've arrived!" - I'll shout to her!
I'll scream to my mother,
I'll scream to my mother.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me,
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
May children be lost!

What do you feel? What is going on in your soul and heart? Something warm, sweet, tender, almost to the point of tears... It was you who remembered the image of your childhood, your childhood memories came to life in you.

Children can dream in a way that adults cannot dream.

“In childhood, we are much closer to God than the most holy priest, because birth is the process of God entering into human flesh. Every time a child is born, this piece of God is infused into a person in order to live life and realize the talents that were brought that Divine Essence that we are.

But since we do not come to the pristine world, which was not shackled by the shackles of stereotypes and regulations, to a world where life principles passed on from generation to generation rule the roost, they begin to educate us, that is, they teach us all the rules accepted in this place and at this time. And the more rules you learn, the more your boundless imagination, which once created this World, is constrained. Any rule is a limitation that deprives you of a piece of strength and fetters your imagination with tight, cold shackles." (Pavlenko)

We are not suggesting that you fall into childhood. We are simply telling you that today you are more like... an angry, tired, creaking and dust-snorting collection of laws of life that make you convenient for society. And these laws are so familiar to you that you accept them for yourself and fiercely prove their correctness when someone begins to doubt their expediency. For example, why do you go to work every day? To make money. Why do you earn money? To eat, drink and live."

What do you live for?

What is the meaning of your life?

Many people say that they live for their children. Why are children born? To live and raise other children... And for what?.. Eternal questions...

A vicious circle...meaningless reasoning...

Let’s finish with philosophy for now and just read what children dream about... And we’ll return to the topic of dreams in the next article, okay?..

So, children's fantasies and dreams:

* Tear off a huge sore from your elbow and see what it is like from the inside.

* Draw a horse with pencils, and so that mom will immediately know who it is.

* Turn that big fly into an elephant and let him play with me.

* Let my dad and mom allow me to leave the music school and go to gymnastics.

* Be the only one in the kindergarten group who knows that this verse was composed by “Samui Maishak”.

* After the ice cream is eaten, keep the sweet saliva in your mouth for a long time.

Here's something else that children dream about:

* When you play football in kindergarten, and the opponent’s goal is located near the wall. You dribble around your opponent, score him a goal, the ball bounces off the wall, and you immediately score him another! And one more!

* On an airplane, sit by the window and don’t want to go to the toilet.

* Defeat Dad after eating all the soup and becoming very strong.

* Learn to whistle. And whistle all day. And even at night you can wake up and whistle a little.

* When candy is handed out, be the first to run up. And then the last one.

* When you were told to finish your cake. And until you finish eating, you won’t sit down for your homework!

* When, digging through documents, you come across your father’s certificate, where there are only two B’s - in algebra and geography.

* Already blue from the cold, but still swim.

* Thinking about flying with one girl into space for the rest of your life.

* When all the baskets and cans are full, and there is nowhere to put the damned strawberries.

* When dad takes a piece of bread in the forest, he drips water from his flask and sprinkles sugar on top.

* When dad swears while driving, then apologizes to you, and you just nod in understanding.

* So that dad would allow him to take his fishing rod. I wouldn’t fish, I would just hold it in my hands and smile.

* May all the candies in the world become alive and come to visit me on my birthday

* How can one learn to always dream?

* I dream of giving my grandfather a ride in a supermarket trolley

* Grow up soon so you can eat what you can’t eat now

* Sleep without a bed, on the grass and so that there are many, many stars in the sky

* See how the squirrel cracks nuts

*So that my grandmother returns from the grave and can again pat me on the head before going to bed. And I would sing her her favorite song.

These are the dreams of your children... the best dreams for each of them... And let these dreams come true not only in the child’s imagination... And your task is to understand what the essence of the dream is, what the main idea is and help the child at least partially get closer to his fantasies, develop your imagination and direct it in an interesting, exciting direction...

Dream for yourself, dream with your children... allow yourself and them to dream... Let all your dreams come true!!!

Do you know how children dream? True children's dreams are not limited by the laws of physics, parents' salaries, kilometers of distance, the opinion of society, a critical attitude towards one's abilities and other rationalities. It is the parents who clip the wings of the dream, carefully explaining why it is impossible to achieve. Parents say: “This is unrealistic,” “It doesn’t happen,” “We can’t,” “It won’t work.” And if such manipulation of dreams is repeated often, children grow into adults who have forgotten how to dream. Their desires do not go beyond the boundaries that they have designated for themselves. “It’s not real” is a universal phrase for any dream haircut... Don’t tell your child “It’s not real” or “We can’t afford it.” At least say: “We can’t afford it yet, but we’ll figure something out.” Or better yet, think: “How can we get it? Under what conditions? What can be done for this? Dream is the engine of progress. If everyone believed that flying was unrealistic, then there would be no airplanes now... Dream with your child, listen carefully and support his dreams. Draw a dream. Make your dream collage. Start dreaming like you did in childhood – limitlessly. Open a “portal” to a world of possibilities by simply remembering your childhood dreams. Maybe it’s time to realize some childhood dream;) You will give a gift to your inner child, and he will give you a powerful resource. I'm not talking about having your head in the clouds and living in illusions. I'm talking about a dream - as a call to action. About healthy ambitions and confidence in your capabilities. About the ability to translate dreams into intentions, about developing a strategy, about setting goals. This is what we need to teach from childhood - to ask ourselves questions: “How can I get this? What can I do for this? What will I do for this tomorrow?” How to distinguish between empty illusions and dreams? The dream must be transformed into an action plan. Without concrete daily steps towards your dream, it’s just your head in the clouds. You should definitely take responsibility for your dream. So as not to wait for circumstances to work out for the best. People who take responsibility for the result tend to ask questions: “What did I do today to achieve my goal? What resources do I need? What abilities do I need to develop? Where are the boundaries of dreams? In our abilities and resources. Abilities can be developed. Resources can be attracted. If you manage to transfer your dream into an action plan, then everything is real. If a child says that he wants a talking dog, I will not say “impossible.” I will answer that there is no such breed YET. “But maybe you’ll come up with something later?” And then it depends on the degree of interest and age of the child. You can read about dog breeds, you can talk about the developments of scientists. Who knows, the child will forget about this idea, or in thirty years he will invent sensors for dogs and a device that will broadcast instead of the growl “move away, otherwise I will bite” :) As a child, I dreamed of a doll that really eats. Modern girls have “baby bonds” that both eat and poop :) And I also dreamed that on the phone you could not only hear, but also see. And call not only from home, but from anywhere in the world. It also seemed unreal then. Now there is the Internet, Skype, tablets. Dreams Come True. Because someone not only dreamed, but also did it. If a child suddenly announces that he wants to become president, do not say “unrealistic.” No parent can know in advance the limit of his child’s development, and he simply has no right to decide for him “you can do this, but you can’t do that.” Whether a child can or not is only the child’s decision. And the parent can support: “Let’s read the biography of the presidents, try to understand what character traits helped them achieve this.” I ask you not to kill the child’s dreams, relying on your subjective opinion and your own experience. But it is important to convey to the child that to make a dream come true, it is not enough to just dream, you must also act. Anna Bykova ♡Published in the community "The Purpose of Being a Woman" →

What do adults and children dream about?

Tabunshchikova Natalya Vladimirovna, educational psychologist, MKDOU "Solnyshko", MKDOU "Belochka" No. 62
Description: The article was written based on a survey of adults and children, as well as personal experience, and will be of interest to everyone interested: the adult circle of people (parents, educators, teachers, etc.), as well as children (from 7-18 years old). This article will make you want to think about your dream and teach you how to make your dream come true. It will also draw attention to the fact that adults can make their children’s dreams come true.

“Dreams won’t come true on their own”
Paulo Coelho

Dream- one of the most striking events of our inner life. Images and dreams create in our imagination a whole world of what we want. They can be very realistic or bizarre and fantastic, they can take us far into the past and future or instantly change what is happening here and now. These images are always attractive, they bring pleasure and joy, but sometimes also sadness and melancholy, if the reality in which we live is very different from what we dream about.
Sometimes adults equate a dream with a goal in life, and when this goal is achieved, then double happiness comes, since the dream has also come true! The main thing is that your dreams are realistic, then the chance of its fulfillment will increase. As a child, I dreamed of many things, and the older I became, the more consciously I approached it and equated the dream with a goal. And here is my answer - yes, some of my childhood dreams have already been fulfilled, and continue to be fulfilled!
The main thing is to live this dream, equate it with your goal and make as much effort as possible to achieve it, then your dream will definitely come true!
While still at school, in the 9th grade, I dreamed of becoming a psychologist and working in a kindergarten with kids. And so I graduated from higher education, and for the second year I have been working in a kindergarten as a teacher-psychologist, which I am very happy about!
Believe in yourself, in your abilities, strive and strive for your dream, do not expect that the dream is a magician and will fulfill all your desires.

What do adults dream about?
What do adults dream about in the 21st century, and do they dream, or have they lost this gift? Having surveyed people aged 20 to 60, we can conclude that adults dream! And they are divided into small and big dreams. Small ones include: rest from work; buy something new; a walk in the forest; wages that would be enough for small desires; a trip to visit children and grandchildren; about my own big dog.
And big dreams include: health; grandchildren; approaching retirement age; so that everything is fine in the family; so that children do not get sick and are happy; to have grandchildren; so that there is no war in the world; travel the world, your apartment and car; strong family.
Most adults dream of good health. They also dream that there will be no war in the world! And many people dream of a big vacation. And the most important thing is that everything is fine in the family. This is what is very valuable for adults in our difficult times, where there are wars, wages are being cut and prices are rising for everything.
I hasten to draw your attention to the fact that many dreams can be realized, both small and big! The main thing is the desire and desire to turn dreams into reality, and faith in the best, good and bright!

What do children dream about?
Someone will say that they dream of a new toy, sweets, tablets and phones, and they will be partly right, but these are isolated dreams of preschool children.
After conducting a survey among kindergarten children, almost 80% of children dream of being loved; loved more; play at home with DADDY; walk with MOM; kiss MOM; so that PAPA loves you; wash dishes with MOM, walk in the forest with PARENTS!

It would seem that the 21st century is the century of technology and perfection, our children have everything we could only dream of, what else do they lack? Answer: they lack parental warmth and the love of their family and closest people. I urge parents to think about spending more time with their children.
Hug and kiss your baby more often, tell him that you love him! Many parents can say that we are very busy and there is simply no time and energy, and I understand them perfectly, but you need to look for a way out of the situation, for example, when going home from kindergarten, talk with the child, ask him about what he did today, what classes were there today, what he liked, etc.
At home, be sure to read fairy tales to your children before going to bed, as well as a kiss before bed and good night wishes - this will show your child about your care and love for him. On weekends, try to spend more time with your family. Children need this.
And remember: “Whoever doesn’t want is looking for a reason, whoever wants is looking for opportunities!”
I wish everyone happiness and dreams come true!

Yes, about everything in the world: about wizards, about new videos, about a new dress, about toys, and about peace in the whole world. Children's dreams can tell a lot about their state of mind and in general, about their fears, feelings of insecurity, etc.

Teacher and psychologist Eda LeShan believes that until the age of 7-8, children generally cannot draw the line between fantasy and reality. Fantasies are also different from dreams: something magical and fairy-tale most likely refers to fantasies, but becoming an artist or a pilot is a completely achievable dream that encourages children to take action: they draw and make toy airplanes.

But after 7-8 years of age, children learn to live in the real world, they begin to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Until this age, children's dreams are based on the cartoons they watch. They dream of flying like fairies, becoming a wizard or a real princess. But it also happens that children at an early age want something more real: for example, to get a set of dolls or a toy plane, a bicycle or roller skates. Such children, as a rule, have little developed imagination; they rely more on logic, but perhaps their fantasies in books and cartoons are enough for them.

More often, children's “earthly” dreams can tell about the child’s state of mind: if a child dreams of having many friends, it means he is lonely, and you need to pay attention to what exactly is preventing him from making friends with his peers. If a child dreams of becoming someone from a fairy tale who is stronger than everyone else, such as a giant or Superman, he may be experiencing feelings of self-doubt.

Parents can help the child: you can play with him a game where there are wizards, giants or other “strong men” - then the child, having met the hero in the game, will feel more confident and understand that a lot can be changed in life - you just have to want it. We may not be able to teach our children to understand the language of animals or to fly like fairies, but we are quite capable of taking them to “visit” a fairy or buy him a toy plane or roller skates.

But dreams, like children, grow up and change over time. So, if a little girl dreams of becoming a dancer, she will not necessarily become one. But dreams are necessary for the development of children - they learn to understand where real dreams are, “realizable” ones, and where they are just fantasies. In addition, dreams develop imagination. Thanks to children's dreams, we, adults, can better understand our child, and even if their dreams are unrealistic or do not coincide with ours, this is the path to mutual understanding between us and children.

Prepared by E. Nefedova, especially for Reproduction of this material is prohibited.

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