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How to sew a dress for a doll with your own hands. How to sew a fluffy dress for a doll with your own hands How to sew a very fashionable dress for a doll

Dolls are perhaps the most popular toys among girls. Neither soft bears and bunnies, nor construction sets, nor various doctor or chef sets can compare with them. And how little kids love beautiful outfits, with sparkles, stones and beads! And why not please your child with a new chic outfit for his favorite toy, especially since sewing beautiful dresses for dolls is not at all difficult, you just need to find the time and suitable scraps for this. And any old costume jewelry, small artificial flowers and ribbons will be suitable as decorations, which will give the dress a sophisticated, finished look.

So, in this article we will talk about how to sew a dress for a doll, starting with the development of a template and ending with decorative trim.

How to make a template

At first glance, it may seem that the pattern of a dress for a doll is made through complex calculations, but this is not at all the case. There is an easier way. For example, to make a pattern for the top of a dress, you should measure the circumference of the doll's chest, as well as the circumference of the waist and hips. You should also measure the height of the bodice from the hips to the waist and to the chest. Afterwards, these measurements need to be transferred to a sheet of paper. To do this, draw a vertical line on it and, based on the measurements taken, mark three points: chest, waist and hips. Next, ¼ of the values ​​of the corresponding circles is set aside from these points. Finally, the top of the bodice is raised from the chest line to the desired height, and the side line is drawn up. As a result, the drawing should show half of the bodice front template. For a more precise fit, darts are made under the bust, thereby reducing the shape of the side seam line. If the dress is intended for a Barbie doll or another model with large breasts, then initially you should increase the waist measurement by about one and a half centimeters, which will then be closed in darts.

First fitting

How to sew a dress for a doll without trying on? Of course, according to a proven pattern! However, to make it perfect, you should modify the template drawn on paper. And after all the corrections, it will be possible to sew various dresses for this doll, even without even having the model itself at hand. So, the template is applied to the cardboard, traced and cut out. Next, the finished pattern is transferred to the fabric, and when cutting, seam allowances are added.

Having cut out the details of the bodice from the fabric, they are sewn and tried on the doll. Here you will immediately see where improvements are needed. Typically these include additional darts at the waistline and above the bust. You will definitely need to mark them on a cardboard template in order to make it easier for you to work with other outfits in the future. Next, to sew a dress for a doll, a master class with a step-by-step description will be very helpful.

How to design the bodice of a dress

To make the product neat, it is best to make the bodice of the dress with a lining, and therefore you should sew another part of the top of the dress from a simpler and thinner fabric. It should be connected to the front part along the top line, closing the seam inward. To do this, both blanks are folded with their right sides facing each other and a seam is laid along the upper cut above the chest. The seams are also sewn in the place of the future fastener. As a result, open cuts should remain only on the line of connection between the bodice and the skirt. The finished upper part of the dress can be decorated with rhinestones, fabric flowers, beads, ribbons or guipure lace.

How to make a skirt for a dress

When working with a skirt, first of all you need to decide on the model of the dress. There can be a lot of options for designing skirts for a dress: year, fluffy pleated, with frills, long and fluffy, short tight, bell, straight with a long train or with a symmetrical hem. Depending on the chosen model, based on the pattern of the same bodice, you can create completely different outfits.

How to sew a dress for a doll with a full skirt? This is perhaps the simplest option for the bottom of the dress. All you need is a waist measurement. To design it, you need to cut a strip of fabric equal to the length of the skirt, and the width will depend on the desired pomp of the future dress. So, a strip of fabric is sewn together, leaving space for a fastener, the bottom of the skirt is also hemmed, and all decorative elements such as frills, ribbons and lace are sewn to it. After this, the top of the skirt is folded to the width of the waist measurement, and the thread is secured.

Assembly of parts

When the bodice and skirt are ready, it's time to combine them into a dress. To do this carefully, you should first stitch the needle forward, and then trim the excess fabric, leaving a 0.3 cm edge, then finish the cut with an overcast stitch. Afterwards, a narrow satin ribbon is carefully sewn over it, tucking it in at the edges where the clasp will be. Finally, a strip of Velcro is sewn on to cover the seam in the middle of the back.

How to sew a wedding dress for a doll

Probably all girls dream of a wedding dress for their doll. And to make your dream come true, you just need to select white satin fabric for the dress and mesh for the veil, as well as decorative elements, and then make an outfit according to the description suggested above. The top of the skirt is decorated with tulle and pearl beads.

The description offered above is only a basis, using which it is easy to create various images. After all, knowing the principle of how to sew a dress for a doll, you can make amazing outfits, complementing them with various details. For example, a veil for a bride doll can be easily made from a rectangular piece of mesh attached to a small hairpin, decorated at the junction with flowers or beads. The doll's owner will definitely love this look! What about a crown, gloves and a fur cape over your shoulders? There are no limits to imagination, which means the doll’s wardrobe should be replenished regularly!

How to sew a dress and hat for a Barbie doll- Master Class Zagainova Alina Stanislavovna.

Parents do not always have the opportunity to buy their child an expensive doll with a set of clothes. But any mother can easily sew it herself, which her daughter loves so much! And you don’t need to know the basics of cutting and sewing. This dress has a very simple cut. Such clothes can be sewn without a pattern. There will be no hassle with the hat either, if you follow all the instructions.

For this you will need:

  • pieces of fabric,
  • scissors,
  • threads,
  • centimeter,
  • chalk or pencil
  • and, of course, a sewing machine. Although this dress can be sewn by hand.

First you need to take measurements from the doll. We measure the width of the chest.

For dolls of this type, the proportions of the front and back vary greatly, but this is not a hindrance to our style. Chest width – 8 cm.

Measure the distance for the neckline.

Find out the distance from the shoulder to the high point of the chest so that you can make darts on the dress later.

How to sew a dress for Barbie

Take a fabric measuring approximately 16 x 16 cm. Fold it into four layers. If you are sewing a ball gown, take a longer piece.

Place 1 cm horizontally from the center and 0.5 cm downwards. Draw a neckline. Measure 7 cm horizontally from the center - these will be the sleeves. Downwards, set aside a distance equal to the width of the sleeve, approximately 4 cm. Below from the fold, set aside 5 cm horizontally. This is the width of the chest plus 1 cm for the seam. Draw as shown in the photo.

Cut along the lines.

Unfold the fabric and fold it only vertically. Deepen the neckline a little at the front.

Unfold the cut. Cut the back in the middle.

Using a zigzag stitch, sew along the edges of the sleeves, the neckline and the middle of the back. On one side of the cut along the back, fold the fabric 1 cm to the front side and sew one piece of Velcro. Do not sew the remaining edge of the fabric in the center yet. On the other half of the back, sew the second part of the Velcro, but on the wrong side. Now the dress is fastened at the back with an overlap.

Fold the shelf with the back and sew the sides with a half-centimeter seam, and make it a little wider at the bottom. Finish the seams with a zigzag.

Give the doll the first fitting. Put the blouse on her inside out. Mark the dart locations with a pen or chalk. Sew up the darts.

Give the doll another try-on. Since the doll’s back is much shorter than the front, you trim the back a little, leaving a 5 mm margin for the seam at the bottom of the bodice.

Press all seams.

Make a skirt blank. Take a piece of fabric 9x35 cm. Use a zigzag stitch to stitch the edges of the future skirt.

Loosen the upper thread tension on the machine. Along the edge of the upper part, lay two lines at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

Tie the threads on one side with knots so that they do not come undone. And on the other side, pull the lower thread, making a large gathering. The top of the skirt and the bottom of the bodice should be the same length.

Pull out the bottom thread from the second line as well. Secure them together. Do not cut them until you have sewn the skirt and bodice.

Fold both parts of the dress and machine stitch with a 5 mm seam.

Make sure that the folds on the skirt lie evenly and are not caught by the stitching. Try the dress on the doll. If everything turned out fine, finish the seam with a zigzag.

Now complete the clasp on the dress. Fold the edge of the fabric in the same way as at the top. Sew the second Velcro at the waist. Do not fold the fabric on the other side of the fastener. Place stitches from the neckline to the bottom of the dress.

The dress is ready.

How to sew a hat

Measure the circumference of the doll's head. For standard Barbie it is 10 cm. So, take a strip of fabric 4x12 cm. Fold it lengthwise. Sew along the very edge so that it does not unfold.

Make a hoop out of it, fastening the joints with a needle.

Take a piece of fabric and fold it in half, right side up. Place a strip on it.

Trace along the contour, immediately making seam allowances of 0.3 cm.

Machine stitch along the edge of the circle so that the parts do not move.

Now cut it out.

To cut out the brim of the hat, take a square piece of fabric approximately 13x13 cm. Fold it in four layers. Attach a circle, also folded, to its center.

Mark its edge. Draw the outline of the future hat, making the brim about 3.5 cm wide. Remove the circle and cut out the middle, but make it half a centimeter smaller.

To sew the bottom to the side, place it on top of a double strip of fabric, leaving a small tail for the side seam.

Sew by machine. Try it on. If everything is in order, then process the seam with a zigzag. Stitch the sides of the strip.

Iron it. All that remains is to dress up Barbie in some new clothes.

Now you know how to sew a dress for Barbie. Thanks to Alina Stanislavovna for the master class.

We also have a sewing master class:

And just today Angelina Tikhonova sent photos of her dresses for Barbie:

By the way, a dress for Barbie can not only be sewn, but also knitted, look how beautiful it is:

And we knitted a summer sundress for Barbie (crocheted bodice, knitted skirt).

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A master class on how to sew a tutu skirt will be useful not only for a doll, but also for a girl’s costume in the morning...

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(or any other doll). Today's master class is more difficult - but the result is worth the effort! One pattern - and many dresses for dolls: luxurious and simple, with different patterns, straps and belts. Your daughter will be fascinated!

For this you will need:

  • 1 piece of fabric measuring 15x6.5cm for the bodice, 1 piece of fabric measuring 12.5x30cm
  • ribbon: 2 pieces 6.5 cm long for straps if you decide to sew them to the dress
  • Velcro for fastening 10 cm long and 0.5 cm wide

Materials for work: thread, iron, scissors, sewing machine.

To begin, process the edges of the fabric of all parts with a zigzag or overlock. Using an iron, fold 0.5 cm and iron 2 short sides and one long side on each piece.

Sew these sides using a machine, leaving about 0.3 cm from the edge.

Take the bodice piece of fabric and wrap it around the doll (thanks for posing for us, Cinderella).

Pin the fabric at the back so that it hugs your figure, then pin the fabric at the front to create darts.

Sew the fabric along the darts using a back and forth stitch, but do not stitch all the way to the edge of the fabric (make sure you are using the correct thread).

Try on the bodice and make sure the darts are in place.

Sew a seam (long straight stitch) along the top of the skirt and pull the thread to gather the fabric.

Attach the bottom of the dress to the bodice with more pins.

Turn over to the other side. Now sew these parts together, leaving about 1 cm from the edge. Finish the seam by finishing the edge with a zigzag or overlock.

Turn the product right side out, iron it and stitch, departing 0.3 cm from the central seam.

Then sew on a piece of Velcro.

Our Cinderella looks very fashionable, the retro style suits her.

If you like straps, sew the ribbons on as shown in the picture, but I only posted them to show you.

My dress is strapless, although it looks a little scandalous! Perhaps I will sew on a short one-piece sleeve, so the doll will look more modest. There are many options, which is great!

This version of the dress with straps and a belt is possible.

You can also make the skirt longer for an evening dress, shorter for a summer dress, add straps, a belt, sew a button instead of velcro on the back, sew on a small applique - the possibilities are endless! It’s also great that you can use up your supply of cute scraps.

Little fashionistas really like dolls, especially dressing them up. Agree, buying new dresses for Barbie these days is expensive, but sewing clothes from pieces of leftover fabric is very profitable. Therefore, mothers often think about the question of how to sew a dress for a doll, because we really want our princess to be able to change her “girlfriend’s” outfits every day. If you are eager to make a dress for a doll with your own hands, then in our article you will find everything you need. We will offer step-by-step lessons on sewing doll dresses of varying complexity. Which option to choose is up to you.

How to sew clothes for dolls?

Before you make a dress for a doll, you need to have primary information that will help you draw up a step-by-step plan of your actions. Maybe someone thinks that sewing doll clothes is easier than sewing human ones. We assure you that this is not entirely true. Yes, of course, the principle is similar, but sewing such miniature clothes has a number of specific features, which we will now talk about.

What a craftsman needs to know about sewing clothes for a doll:

  • Since the process of making this type of clothing is quite painstaking, you need to be patient.
  • For a positive result, you need to use special care and perseverance in the work process.
  • After this, you need to choose a fabric, suitable accessories, and think about how you will sew the clothes - by hand or by machine.
  • Choose a pattern depending on the individual characteristics of the doll and the level of your knowledge in needlework.

Acceptable fabrics in this case will be natural materials - cotton, silk, wool, calico, linen. The thinner the fabric, the easier it will be for the craftsman to work with it in such a miniature design. Of course, you can choose other fabrics, but the main thing is that they do not fray.

How to sew a dress for a doll with your own hands from a sock?

Yes, you heard right! From an ordinary knitted sock you can very quickly sew clothes for your princess’s favorite friend. It is better if the top of the sock is trimmed with a lush ribbon, which will add a special charm to the garment.

To do this you need to prepare:

  • Knitted sock.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads to match the sock.

Let's start creating beauty:

  1. Using scissors, we cut off the upper elastic part of the sock, taking into account the size of the toy. If the piece of sock is too big for a Barbie doll, then you need to cut it in half, try it on and sew the side seam.
  2. Cut holes on the sides for the arms
  3. The bottom of the product can be left untreated or tucked and hemmed, or you can use an overlocker. It all depends on who likes it.

Just 10 minutes and your new doll dress is ready!

Important! Don't be afraid to experiment with socks: cut clothes on one shoulder, make cutouts in the back and slits on the leg. The style directly depends on your imagination, and everything else is just formalities.

How to sew a dress for a doll with Velcro?

For work we will need:

  • One piece of fabric measuring 15 by 6.5 cm.
  • One piece of fabric measuring 12.5 x 30 cm.
  • Satin ribbon 13 cm long for straps (each strip is 6.5 cm).
  • Velcro 10 cm long.

So, let's start sewing a cocktail dress:

  1. We sew all the edges of two pieces of fabric with a machine or by hand.
  2. Fold about 1 cm of fabric inward, iron on both short sides of the fabric, not forgetting to grab the long piece as well.
  3. Next, we sew a line along the folded edges using a sewing machine.
  4. Now we take a piece for the bodice (15 by 6.5 cm) and attach it to the toy in order to form darts. Using pins, we chop the fabric according to the doll’s figure, and then stitch it from the wrong side using a typewriter.
  5. Now let's work on the skirt. To do this, we lay one line along the top edge of the skirt so that the fabric stretches.
  6. Place the skirt and bodice together and sew them together, taking into account a 1 cm seam allowance.
  7. In order for our product to fit well, it is necessary to turn it inside out, iron the seam between the bodice and the skirt, and then sew a line along it from the front side of the garment, departing 0.2 cm from the seam.
  8. At the very end, we sew on Velcro to secure the dress.

DIY doll dress - a very easy way

Now we will tell you how to make a fairly simple dress for a doll that absolutely everyone, without exception, will like.

We will prepare the following materials in advance:

  • Cotton fabric.
  • Decorative tape.
  • Pattern paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.
  • Threads.
  • Sewing machine.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a simple doll dress:

  1. We make a paper pattern in the form of a trapezoid. Fold it in half and cut out holes for the handles.
  2. After this, we transfer the pattern to the canvas, cut out the front and back parts of the product.
  3. We fold the fabric in the armhole area and sew it on the machine.
  4. Now you need to tuck the bodice and manually sew the ribbon in the center of the fabric.
  5. We wrap the tape with material so that it is inside the product, and then we lay a line under it. It is very important not to accidentally stitch the tape, as we will need to tighten it. We do the same actions with the back of the dress.
  6. At the very end, we connect the parts along the side seams, process the bottom, sew a ribbon in a circle and tie the dress with ribbons at the shoulders.

Even a little girl can make such a light dress for her doll. Therefore, sew such a dress with your young needlewoman - she will find it very interesting and, most importantly, educational.

Festive dress for a doll

The most interesting and beautiful doll clothes are obtained by combining different fabrics. For this dress we need plain fabric in three colors - the choice is yours.

Let's get started:

  1. We cut out the necessary parts: two pieces for the skirt (for the underskirt we take a wide strip), a piece for the belt and two pieces for sewing the bodice.
  2. Now we will sew a skirt. To do this, you need to put the strips on top of one another and make a mark. We gather our skirt in small folds to get a fluffy effect.
  3. Now we make one original detail on the skirt, similar to the outfit of a real princess. In the front, in the very center, we gather the outer skirt with a thread, and then tighten it. Now you need to process the upper part of the skirt. Fold the belt in half, hiding the edges, making the top line at the waist line.
  4. For the bodice of the dress, we take a cut out wave-shaped part and attach it to the top of the finished skirt.
  5. Sew a fastener along the back. This can be a 10 cm long zipper or a button with a loop on the back of the top of the product.
  6. If desired, such a dress can be decorated with various elements - bows, flowers or beads.

We sew a wedding dress for a doll

Sewing a miniature wedding dress is not difficult; all you need is a little skill and white fluffy material. In this case, it is better to choose guipure, organza or silk. The color of the fabric, of course, should only be white, since we will be sewing a wedding dress. In many cases, such a product is designed with an open top and an airy bottom.

Operating procedure:

  1. Now we need to take measurements. To sew the base of the dress, you need to measure the top part to the waist of the product. After that, we cut out this part of the dress. Now we measure the bottom, having decided on the length of the clothing.
  2. It's time for sewing. We sew the side seams of the upper part of the dress, retreating 1 cm from the edge. After sewing each part of the product, do not forget to try it on. That's it, the top is ready!
  3. Next, let's start forming a fluffy bottom. First you need to sew the lining for the skirt, and after that the rest of the bottom of the doll dress. You can add more small gathers to make the bottom very fluffy and elegant.
  4. After the lining is formed, sew it on top to the waistline of the skirt.
  5. We sew the upper part of the dress with the lower part.
  6. To make our wedding dress elegant, we need to put a little effort into thinking about its decoration. You can use beads, ribbon and various rhinestones as decoration. And lace frills and bows will perfectly complete this festive outfit.

How to sew a beautiful dress for a doll without a pattern?

This option is suitable for those who do not know how or do not like to make patterns. We will teach you how to sew a dress for a doll without a pattern and without a sewing machine. You can sew such an original dress in an hour or even less. We'll tell you how to do this now.

So, to create such a small masterpiece, we need the following:

  • A small piece of cotton fabric (you can take chiffon).
  • Satin ribbon at least 5 cm wide (the larger the doll, the wider the ribbon).
  • Narrow ribbon.
  • Threads for material, for narrow and wide ribbons.
  • Beads of three different colors.
  • Needle.
  • Button for fastening.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pins for chopping.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Let's start sewing the skirt. To do this, measure the circumference of the toy’s hips and cut two identical strips of fabric of the required length so that one strip is narrower than the other. Please note that this dress has a high waist, that is, the skirt begins under the bodice.
  2. We sew a narrow ribbon along the bottom of each strip using threads that match the color.
  3. Now we measure the circumference of the doll’s chest, and then cut off a wide ribbon of the required length, taking into account a small margin (1-2 cm). This detail will be the top part of the doll's clothes.
  4. We take rectangles (the bases for sewing a skirt) and connect them with pins along the upper edge of the fabric. At the same time, we sew both cuts to the bottom edge of the wide satin ribbon, forming small folds. When you sew on fabric or different ribbons, do not forget to consider the color of the thread for each piece.
  5. We take a wide ribbon, fold it in half and sew it to the top of the skirt (the new seam should cover the previous one). After this, we make a screed in the very center of the bodice.
  6. We sew a button on the back of the product. Since it consists of two parts, we sew one part from the front part, and the second from the wrong side.
  7. We turn the dress inside out and sew all the details of the skirt separately.
  8. It's time to work on the straps. We make them according to the principle of stringing multi-colored beads on a thread. We check the length of the straps by trying on the clothes on a model. The lower edge of the skirt can also be beaded.

That's it, the job is done! The dress is simple, but looks very elegant and original. And the open shoulders and back add a special coquetry to the look.

Today we are sending our Barbie to the ball, but what should we send her in? There are no beautiful dresses in her wardrobe. Let's create it ourselves!

DIY doll outfits are very easy to make! On the website we will show you how to sew a fluffy dress for Barbie, a detailed master class.

Materials and tools:

  • needle and thread for sewing;
  • embroidery (lace);
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • tulle;

Note: in this example, the result is a small belt, enough for one turn. If you want a bow at the back, it is better to make the belt longer.

It is better to choose a material that is not dense, translucent, for example tulle will do. In our example, it is soft pink.

The belt on the finished dress is 1.5 cm (height). To make it, a piece of fabric 6 cm was required. The height of the first skirt is 15.5 cm. The second is 16 cm. The length of the belt is 19 cm.


We take the fabric and measure the required length of the future skirt. If there is a large piece of fabric, then it is better to look for fabric with a smooth, beautiful edge. To measure the required length, you can attach a doll or take a ruler (centimeter) and measure the distance from the waist to the legs. We take into account the small edge on the hem.

The fabric is translucent, reminiscent of lace, so when hemming it is better to hem it. We bend the material and start stitching, gradually tighten the fabric, and we get a gather. Each time we try on the doll’s waist. When the waist ends, fix the thread.

We attach both edges of the skirt, make a hem, and stitch. Without sewing the fabric all the way through, because the Barbie doll has large hips and the fabric does not stretch. Turn the skirt inside out.

Now we are making another skirt so that the dress is fluffy and the legs do not show through the translucent fabric.

We put one skirt into another and sew them together. In this example, the petticoat is moved down slightly. This will be visible in the photographs of the final result.

Cut a small rectangle (you can make a long one). Fold the side parts inward. Fasten with a pin.

We stitch and we have a belt ready.

Let's start making the top part of the dress. Cut off a small piece of fabric.

Bend it as shown in the photo and secure it with a pin.

Then we make a fold on the left and right sides, fixing it with pins.

We apply it to the doll and see where to make the cutting line. It turns out to be a small rectangle.

Sew the belt to the skirt. Then we attach the top to the skirt and fix it.

We sew the parts to each other.

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