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How to safely clean fur at home. Simple remedies and tips on how to easily clean fur at home. How to clean white fur at home? How to clean fur with ammonia

Tips for caring for fur. How to properly clean its different types at home. How to preserve the shine and silkiness of fur, protect it from moths and deformation. Features of cleaning, washing and storage.

Spring brings with it not only bright warm sun and birdsong, but also new worries. For example, it is necessary to properly prepare and store fur items that will definitely no longer be useful to you in the coming warm days. And, of course, it is very important to thoroughly clean them first and remove stains. Many people decide to simply give their favorite fur coat to the hands of professionals - dry cleaning. But this service is not cheap, and you don’t always want to trust your personal belongings to strangers. Still, only their owner will handle fur products with the most care and attention. In fact, it is enough to simply clean the fur and remove stains from it at home using special products or folk recipes. More about them below.

First you need to find out whether the fur needs cleaning. The most ordinary hairdryer will help with this. It is enough to direct a stream of cool air onto the villi to determine their degree of contamination. So, if the pile flies away easily, shines and looks attractive, then the fur is not dirty and does not need additional cleaning procedures. If a stream of air does not blow out the villi, the fur does not shine and does not fly away, this means that a large amount of dirt has settled on it over the winter and cleaning is simply necessary.

Cleaning natural white fur

To begin with, it is worth noting that products made from light fur are the most capricious and short-lived. They get dirty and turn yellow the fastest. But it is quite difficult to clean them properly. When purchasing products made from white fur, you should immediately take into account its delicacy and susceptibility to various types of dirt, and therefore wear them very carefully. It is accuracy in this case that will protect the owner of the fur coat from most problems.

You can clean white fur at home using hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in every pharmacy. 3% is best. Peroxide must be diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1/1, and then pour the resulting product into a spray bottle. As soon as the fur is ready for cleaning, it must be thoroughly sprayed with the resulting mixture, wait until it dries, comb and shake.

White fur requires special care

You can also use shampoo for dogs or cats for this purpose, which is sold in any pet store. This product will help rid white fur not only of dirt, but also of yellowness. To do this, you need to dilute the shampoo in warm water, moisten a rag made of natural fabric in the resulting solution and treat the entire fur in the direction of its growth. After processing, you will need to gently wipe the product with a paper towel, then dry, comb and beat with your fingers.

You can also use semolina, wheat flour and potato starch to clean the white coat. Moreover, these products, as a rule, are always on hand for every housewife. For the product to be most effective, flour, cereal or starch must be preheated in a dry frying pan to approximately 70 degrees. The main thing is that the food does not burn, otherwise the fur may become very stained.

Cleaning natural fur of other colors

Fur of any other color with long pile can be cleaned of dirt with regular table salt. This is a very convenient way to clean at home. To do this, you need to sprinkle the fur with fine salt, and then walk over it with a brush. If the contamination is very serious, then it is better to use a solution of salt and ammonia. It is prepared very simply - salt and ammonia in proportions of 1/3 are mixed in warm water. Next, a brush is dipped into the resulting liquid to clean the dirty fur.

Colored fur can be cleaned with table salt

Rye bran, preheated in a frying pan, will also help clean dark fur pile. They need to be scattered over the entire fur product in an even layer, lightly rubbing, and then left for a couple of hours. After the time has passed, you need to shake the fur coat and clean the fur with a brush.

You can also use preheated sand for this purpose. The fur coat will need to be laid out on a flat horizontal surface, sprinkled with sand on top and lightly rubbed into the pile with your hands. Then the dirt must be shaken off and, if necessary, the procedure must be repeated until the sand is perfectly clean.

Cleaning faux fur

Faux fur needs cleaning no less than natural fur. Therefore, when putting it away in the closet until next winter, you should also take care of the cleanliness of such fur.

You can easily clean it using ordinary soap. Add a piece of soap or liquid product to warm water and lightly whisk the solution until foam forms. After this, you need to moisten a foam sponge in the resulting product and treat the contaminated areas of the pile with it. Once the fur is clean, the soap can be easily washed off with a clean, damp cloth. After this, the product must be thoroughly dried and combed with a blunt-toothed comb.

But under no circumstances should acetone and acetic acid be used to clean faux fur from dirt.

How to remove stains from fur?

The biggest problem when cleaning real fur products is stains. Getting rid of them is not so easy, but they can significantly spoil the appearance of a fur coat.

Stains from fur of any shade can be removed at home, for example, by mixing ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal proportions. Wipe the fur thoroughly with this mixture, then blot it with a clean towel and shake it out in the fresh air.

A stain on a fur item is not a problem

And gasoline and starch will help get rid of stains on light fur. To clean with this unusual product, you need to mix potato or corn starch with purified gasoline. The result should be a paste-like substance of uniform consistency, which is applied to the contaminated areas. Then this area must be gently rubbed with a sponge or brush, after which the odorous mixture is cleaned from the fur. To prevent the fur coat from retaining the unpleasant smell of gasoline, immediately after cleaning it should be hung in fresh air.

To remove stains from faux fur, you can mix potato starch with dishwashing liquid. The finished product is to apply to the stains, wait until dry, and then clean them off with a brush.

You can also remove stains by wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline. Or use any means to remove stains from carpets and furniture upholstery. In this case, cleaning must be carried out according to the instructions that come with the selected product.

Can real fur be washed?

Products made from natural fur are strictly prohibited from washing. Otherwise, they may fade and lose their attractiveness, and the pile will become brittle and tangled.

And, in addition, shrinkage of the fur product may occur. However, their size can change very significantly.

But faux fur can be washed in a machine, choosing a delicate cycle. But this is only possible if the basis for the pile is a synthetic base, and not cotton.

After washing is completed, the product must be laid out to dry on a flat surface. Shortly before the pile dries completely, it should be carefully combed to prevent the appearance of lumps. But still, if possible, it is better to refuse to wash even faux fur in favor of cleaning.

How to make fur shiny?

Fur looks very beautiful when it is not only clean, but also shiny. To restore the shine of fur products, you can treat the pile with lemon juice, a weak solution of acetic acid or glycerin. It is better to apply any of these products to the product from a spray bottle, and then thoroughly wipe the fur with a paper napkin.

Fish oil is a great way to make your fur coat shiny. To obtain a special product, you need to mix 100 grams of fish oil, 10 grams of laundry soap, 10 drops of ammonia, 1 liter of boiling water. While the water is hot, all of the listed ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then cool the finished solution to room temperature, apply to a sponge and treat the fur.

Shiny fur looks more beautiful

If the product has lost its shine only because it has become dusty, then a damp sheet will help save it from dust. To do this, the fur coat needs to be wrapped in cloth and then lightly knocked out.

If the fur is dark, then it can be wiped with walnuts crushed to a powder. To prevent the powder from scattering throughout the product, it must be wrapped in gauze, folded several times. The result will be a kind of tampon with which you need to wipe the fur coat.

A special spray paint for suede helps to improve the appearance of fur products. It is especially convenient for tinting the ends of long piles. When spraying paint, keep the can at a distance of about 70 centimeters. After a certain area has been painted, it must be combed immediately. This will remove excess paint and separate the stuck together fibers. In order for the color to adhere well, the can must be moved slowly and evenly.

Some daredevils tint their fur coats with regular hair dye of a suitable color. But this method is very risky. You can never know for sure how the paint will behave on a particular product.

Rules for storing fur items

So, when your fur coat is in order after a long winter and cleaned of all kinds of dirt, it’s time to carefully pack it for the summer. How long this product will serve its owner and its appearance next winter depends on how correctly this is done.

It is best to dry your fur coat in the fresh air before packing it. The main thing is that it hangs in the shade and not in the sun. As soon as the fur product has dried thoroughly, it will need to be carefully knocked out.

As for the place to store fur coats, it is best to choose a shelf in the closet, where there is no direct sunlight, and where there are no radiators, pipes or any heating devices nearby. The room should have moderate humidity and low temperature. Fur needs to “breathe” and at the same time it cannot lie close to other items of clothing.

There is one secret how to protect white fur from yellowing during storage. To do this, you need to choose a blue case for the product. It has long been believed that it is blue fabric that allows light fur to retain its brightness for a long time. You can, for example, sew a cover for your fur coat from blue material.

It is also important to ensure that the fur does not absorb any unpleasant odors. Therefore, it is not advisable to smoke, use essential oils or other products with a strong odor near the place where fur coats are stored.

Also, before storing fur products in the closet until next winter, you need to protect them from exposure to moths. You should not use naphthalene for this purpose. It is better to seek help from more effective, safe and pleasant-smelling products. For example, use tobacco (leaves), citrus peels or geranium leaves. And, of course, in modern stores you can buy a variety of moth repellents.

By the way, you can use sweet orange essential oil for the same purpose. By adding tampons soaked in this product instead of storing a fur coat, you will not only protect your fur products from moths, but also imbue them with a pleasant aroma.

Proper cleaning and storage of fur coats and other fur products will keep them in excellent condition until next winter. Thanks to such careful care, fur coats, hats, vests and other outfits will serve their owner faithfully for many years, will decorate him and keep him warm in the most severe frosts.

Fur products, like any other wardrobe items, need to be put in order periodically. Of course, not everyone knows it at home. Most often we turn to specialists for help. Fur items can be cleaned in special establishments, such as dry cleaning. But at present, dry cleaning services are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, and it is also unknown how your things will be treated in such establishments. In order to be sure that everything is in order with winter things, there is nothing better than cleaning the fur at home.

But to do this, naturally, you need to learn a few practical tips for putting your outerwear in order. For example, cleaning is conventionally divided into three types: cleaning fur hats, collars and outerwear (fur coats and fur coats). And each type of product requires special care. But there are also universal tips that are suitable for any of them:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of vinegar, water and alcohol in a ratio of 1:1:1, and then carefully apply it to the fur with a brush in the direction of hair growth. After this, the mixture must be blotted with a clean cloth.
  • You should warm up the wheat flour and then apply it to the fabric. After this, clean them thoroughly with a brush. Then you need to shake and smooth the fur product.
  • To get rid of greasy stains on fur and fluff, it is best to use gasoline. It should be applied in a thin layer along the growth of the villi of long fur and against the growth of the villi of short fur.
  • How to clean fur at home without using gasoline? You can make a mixture of ammonia and salt in a ratio of 1:3 (you can measure it with a teaspoon). Then add the mixture to ½ liter of water. It is necessary to treat the fur with the resulting solution. After this, wipe with a wet cloth.
  • There is nothing easier than cleaning fur at home using regular hair shampoo: dilute one tablespoon with a liter of water. You need to clean the fur item with the resulting solution, but very carefully so as not to wet the inside, otherwise you can ruin the fur item.
  • If the fur is stained with any stains, you can use medical alcohol and ammonia to clean it in equal proportions. After applying the solution to the fur, you need to wipe it with a wet cloth and dry it thoroughly.
  • A mixture of ammonia, salt and clean water in a ratio of 1:3:50 helps to get rid of various types of stains. After treating the fur with a similar solution, the product is wiped with a clean damp cloth, thoroughly dried and combed.
  • If the fur is not stained, but simply dusty, you need to cover it with a wet cloth and beat it out. You can use the same method if you don’t know how to wash
  • To give the fur a glossy shine, you need to wipe it with a cloth previously soaked in vinegar extract. The same effect can be achieved if you periodically moisten the fur product with glycerin.
  • It is quite easy to return matted fur to its original condition and appearance. You just need to wipe the fur with alcohol, smooth it out, and then comb it according to the growth of the villi.

When cleaning fur, be sure to remember the safety rules when working with toxic and strong-smelling substances, such as gasoline and vinegar solution. All work should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area, away from heating devices and flammable materials. It is also prohibited to smoke while cleaning fur products and to be near a person who smokes, because fur is a flammable material that ignites in a fraction of a second from the slightest spark.

By following these rules and tips, you will not only be satisfied with the results of the work performed, but also save money.

There are many ways to clean fur yourself to save on dry cleaning. To care for products, improvised means are used, which are affordable and many people have at home. It is important to apply them according to the rules.

How to clean natural fur?

The care procedure can be based on mechanical and chemical principles. The first group of methods is based on removing various lumps of dirt and hair knots by combing. This also includes the use of abrasives, for example, starch, semolina, talc, and so on. When describing how to clean fur, it is worth paying attention to chemical cleaning technologies based on the use of substances that can dissolve various types of contaminants. The selected tools perform several tasks:

  • dissolving grease stains and other types of dirt;
  • restoration of shine and silkiness of the pile;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin base and so on.

How to clean a fur coat at home?

There are many folk ways to remove dirt and give freshness to a fur product. To understand how to clean fur at home, it is important to consider what the fur coat is made of:

  1. Arctic fox. Combine 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 500 ml of water. Mix well and soak the natural material in the solution. Treat problem areas, moving in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Mink. To return the fur to an attractive appearance, add 10 g of soap and 12 drops of ammonia to a liter of boiling water, as well as a small amount of fish or pork fat. The solution must cool to 35°C, and then it can be applied using a brush.
  3. Rabbit. If you want to know how to clean the fur of this animal, then first you need to comb out the lint. Then make a solution of 5% peroxide or 6% vinegar and treat the stains with it. Perform movements in the direction of hair growth. Finally, go over with a damp sponge.
  4. Astrakhan. If yellowness appears on the gray fur, then it should be wiped with a solution prepared from 200 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of peroxide and 5 drops of ammonia.
  5. Otter and beaver. The fur coat should be laid out on a sheet on a table or floor and sprinkled with hot sand. Rub everything with your hand and shake it off. The procedure must be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

How to clean fur on shoes?

Shoes with fur look very beautiful, which not only warms, but also serves as decoration. There are several effective ways to clean fur at home:

  1. For dark fur, you can use fine sawdust. This is a great method for shoes that have stains on the seams or cuffs. Sawdust should be poured onto the dirt and pressed firmly, leaving for a couple of hours. Afterwards, comb out with a brush.
  2. If you want to know how to clean white fur on boots, then pay attention to this method, which involves the use of soda. It is recommended to rub it with your hands into problem areas until the powder turns dark, which will indicate that it has absorbed contamination. Shake the shoes several times to remove any remaining baking soda. You can comb it.

How to clean fur on a sheepskin coat?

To make natural sheepskin coats, goat, sheep and astrakhan fur are used. They are easy to clean in a variety of ways. You can use absorbents, for example, starch, semolina, sand, which will be discussed below. There are other ways to clean natural fur at home:

  1. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice or table vinegar and water. Using a sponge or soft natural cloth, treat the fur. Please note that the pile needs to be wiped, not wet.
  2. Understanding how you can clean fur, you can offer a popular method to restore the shine to the product. Take walnuts, chop them and wrap them in cheesecloth. Just wipe the fur with it. Due to the fact that nuts contain oil, the pile will become refreshed and attractive.

How to clean fur on a down jacket?

A fur collar is often used for decoration, but there may also be fur on the arms and other parts of the jacket. If you are wondering how to clean natural fur, then use the following methods:

  1. For the wet method, you need to prepare warm water and a suede brush. Wet it in the liquid and clean the product, moving along the growth of the pile. After this, comb and dry away from heating devices.
  2. There is another way to easily clean fur using a dry product, such as talc. Take a handful of powder and apply it to problem areas, gently rubbing it in with your fingers so that it absorbs dirt. Shake off any remaining residue and repeat the procedure. It is important that eventually the color of the talc stops changing. At the end, shake the product thoroughly and if grains remain, use a vacuum cleaner.

How to clean yellowed fur?

White fur may take on a tint over time as pigmentation occurs due to exposure to heat and sun. It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely cope with the problem, but you can improve the appearance. There are a couple of ways to clean yellow fur from white fur:

  1. Mix water, alcohol and vinegar in different quantities. Apply the prepared solution using a brush or foam sponge. After this, wipe everything with a dry cloth.
  2. You can sprinkle the fur with starch and sprinkle a solution of shampoo or delicate powder on top. The result will be a paste, which is better to rub with your hands all over the fur. Leave everything to dry, and then remove the powder mass with a brush and shake the fur well. All that remains is to dry and comb the product.

How to clean fur from odor?

Over time, the fur product develops an unpleasant odor, which in no case should be removed using perfume, as this will only worsen the problem. There are several ways to clean the fur of Arctic foxes and other animals:

  1. Dissolve the soap in water, soak the brush in it and thoroughly treat the lining, but do not touch the fur. It is better to run it over the pile with a damp cloth.
  2. Prepare a 9% solution of vinegar essence, spray it, and then wipe the fur. After this, hang the product in fresh air for ventilation.
  3. Squeeze the orange juice and dilute it well with water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it onto the fur.
  4. You can clean a dark fur coat and remove the unpleasant aroma from it like this: sprinkle crushed coffee on several areas of the product. Roll it up, put it in a bag and leave it for a day. After this, shake everything well.

How to properly clean fur?

Experienced housewives actively share various secrets that will help maintain fur products in perfect condition. Add to your repertoire the following tips on how to clean real fur at home:

  1. To avoid damaging the product with the chosen product, you should first test it on an invisible area to monitor the reaction.
  2. If the fur is matted and does not shine, then you can soak natural fabric in vinegar and walk it over the surface of the product without touching the base. It is not recommended to repeat this procedure often, since the vinegar can cause the fur to become tough.
  3. To prevent the base, that is, the skin, from becoming rough, you should periodically lubricate it with glycerin water. Why mix glycerin and water in equal parts.
  4. For the dry method, you cannot use pine sawdust, as it contains resin that will ruin the fur.
  5. If the fur is matted, then it is very simple to correct the situation; you need to wipe it with alcohol, smooth it thoroughly, and then comb it according to the hair growth.
  6. After cleaning, you should not dry the product near heating devices, using a hair dryer or iron, otherwise this may cause deformation. The fur should dry on its own, for example, on the balcony.

Is it possible to clean fur with dry shampoo?

According to reviews, dry shampoo for dogs, which can be purchased at a pet store, perfectly cleanses lint. The product should be sprayed onto the fur, wait a few seconds for everything to dry, and then comb. When figuring out whether it is possible to clean fur with dry shampoo, it is worth noting that experienced housewives recommend using cheap products. You can also use liquid shampoos to clean wool and silk. They need to be dissolved in water to form foam. It is applied to the pile, left for a while, and then removed with a brush or damp cloth.

How to clean fur with starch?

Starch, which must be applied to the front surface in large quantities, copes well with dirt. After that, using a cotton pad, gently rub the powder, collecting all the dirt. All that remains is to shake the fur well and you can repeat the procedure several times until the starch changes color. At the end, all that remains is to comb the pile with a brush. When figuring out how to clean fur that has become very dirty, we recommend this method: it is recommended to heat the starch in a water bath to 70-80°C. After that, repeat the process described above.

How to clean fur with semolina?

This product is identical to the previous option and can be used to remove dirt and add shine to the product. If you are interested in how to clean fur at home, then use semolina, which you need to sprinkle on the product and gently rub it. If the pile is very dirty, then you can add a little gasoline to the semolina to preserve the flowability of the grain. The finished mixture should be rubbed against the pile, but it should be removed with a dry cloth, moving in a different direction. After this, shake the product thoroughly and knock it out.

How to clean fur with peroxide?

For white products, 3% peroxide is ideal. It needs to be diluted with water in equal proportions, and then pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle. The instructions regarding how to clean natural fur with peroxide indicate that the product should be sprayed and waited for it to dry completely. After this, you need to comb everything and shake thoroughly. If the fur is only a decoration, then apply it carefully so that the peroxide does not get on other parts of the product, as it can ruin them.

How to clean faux fur?

Modern manufacturers have learned to create artificial fur of the highest quality, which is difficult to distinguish from natural products. There are several recommendations on how to properly clean fur if it is artificial:

  1. Mix 0.5 liters of water and alcohol and add 10 g of glycerin. Soak a cloth in the solution and walk over the dirt. After this, remove excess moisture with a dry sponge.
  2. You can also clean faux fur in a machine by turning on the delicate mode. It is important not to use the spin cycle. Dry the product by hanging it on a hanger and placing it on the balcony or near an open window, but not near a hot radiator or other heating devices.
  3. Make a soap solution by mixing 1 tbsp. spoon of washing powder and 1 liter of water. Apply it using a cotton pad or washcloth. Remove the foam with a cloth soaked in warm water.


From time to time, fur items need to be cleaned. Specialized dry cleaners will do the job, but you'll have to part with a fair amount of money. Not all people know how to clean fur at home, so it’s worth looking into this issue in more detail.

How to clean a fur collar at home

Jackets or coats have fur elements, which are much easier to clean than a whole fur coat. To begin with, it is recommended to unfasten them - fortunately, this option is provided in almost all models. It’s easy to clean a fur collar at home on your own. First, you need to determine the origin of the stain, and, based on this, choose a cleaning method, since each stain requires a special approach.

The rhythm of life of a modern person often forces him to eat on the run. As a result, stains from sauces or ice cream may appear on the collar. Contamination should be immediately treated with a damp cloth. If the stain was not noticed in time and had time to dry, then you can apply glycerin to it, and after some time remove the dirt with a damp sponge.

For serious cases, you will have to use the following recipe:

  • 1 part table vinegar;
  • 1 part water;
  • 1 part pet shampoo.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the fur so as not to wet the undercoat. After some time, remove the residue with a damp cloth or cloth.

Fur coat

From time to time housewives wonder: is it possible to wash fur? Natural fur products cannot be cleaned in this way, since the inner skin, the tanned leather from which the villi grow, may be damaged. Some people try to wash fur clothes in the washing machine. This can be done only with some types of faux fur, setting the delicate mode or program for washing wool. It is recommended to use liquid, enzyme-free synthetic detergents.

Using sawdust produced during the processing of birch wood, you can clean your fur coat at home. They are dried, mixed with purified gasoline and rubbed between the hairs. The next day, shake or vacuum the product. Shampoo for bathing cats is also good for these purposes. It is mixed with water and whipped into foam, after which it is applied to the fur coat, kept for several minutes and removed.

A fur coat does not always need complete cleaning. Sometimes it’s enough just to give it its original shine. The following tool is suitable for this:

  • 10 g of laundry soap;
  • 12 drops of ammonia;
  • 100 g of animal fat.

All components are dissolved in a liter of water. The solution heats up, after which it must be cooled and applied to the surface with a sponge. After some time, carefully remove the residue with a damp cloth.

Fur hat

All methods used for cleaning collars are also suitable for processing hats. You can clean a fur hat at home using steam. Whether a steam cleaner or an iron is used does not matter. The jet is directed at the hairs, after which the garment must be dried. An excellent refresher is a solution of lemon juice and water (in equal proportions). The sponge is soaked in the prepared mixture, then wrung out thoroughly and the fur garment is wiped. When the treated hat is dry, you need to comb it.

Fur on boots

The fur trim on shoes constantly gets dirty, so to maintain the proper appearance, you need to take care of it as carefully as possible. It is recommended to clean the fur on shoes and boots with steam. If you constantly carry out such procedures, then the edge will always look decent. It happens that steam does not cope with contamination - in this case, you need to try another, more effective method.

Fur on a sheepskin coat

A natural sheepskin coat provides great warmth in the cold winter, and also looks stylish and fashionable. How to clean fur on a sheepskin coat? First, you should try combing the hairs with a pin brush designed specifically for this purpose. If the contamination remains, you can heat sand or bran from rye or wheat in a frying pan, apply it with massage movements to the pile, and then remove everything with a stiff brush.

Cleaning fur at home

Since fur products are an expensive pleasure, cleaning them must be approached consciously and competently. If you had to start cleaning fur at home, you should consult with specialists. It would be a good idea to study the product label, which provides recommendations for maintaining the clothing. Manufacturers recommend using mechanical and chemical methods for cleaning fur products. The first method involves brushing or cleaning with abrasive agents, and the second involves the use of special industrial solutions.

How to clean fur at home? For example, a beaver or otter fur coat can be cleaned well with sand. You can renew an old fur item by using potato peelings passed through a meat grinder with the addition of ammonia. Please note that light fur coats cannot be cleaned with bleach or products containing dye. A mixture of gasoline and denatured alcohol can easily clean greasy cuffs, hems and collars of fur coats. After cleaning, you need to dry the products thoroughly. It is better to do this in a shaded place, away from sunlight and heating devices.

Artificial fur

Nowadays, faux fur is not only used to make beautiful things, but it is also used in the interior, in the manufacture of pillows and sofas. There are several options for cleaning faux fur at home:

  • Use an industrial cleaner for wool carpets. It is applied according to the instructions and removed with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
  • try making a folk remedy. To do this, you need to mix starch, washing powder and dishwashing gel. Apply the resulting solution to the dirty area and leave until it is completely dry. Remove any residue with a brush.


Cleaning natural fur is a responsible task, so you should pay attention to the length of the pile. For long ones, fried oatmeal or salt are good, and short-haired products are cleaned with calcined sand. Sometimes all it takes to clean is to remove dust and dirt from a fur item. To do this, the product is laid out with wool on a damp cotton cloth and beaten well.


How to remove yellowness from fur so that it shines in a new way? Hydrogen peroxide (3%) diluted with water will help restore the white color. The resulting solution is placed in a container and sprayed over the surface of the yellowed product. After the fur coat has dried, the fibers need to be combed. A solution prepared from water and a small amount of blue is good at removing yellowness. Moisten a sponge with it and gently wipe the hairs.

How to clean fur at home if it is white or has a light shade? For these purposes, use semolina or starch. Before cleaning white fur, grain is poured onto the lint, then the item is rubbed with your hands as if it were being washed. After this procedure, the product is thoroughly knocked out or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner until the grains are completely removed.

Arctic fox

Experts recommend using a number of methods to clean arctic fox fur at home. Purified gasoline can effectively cope with any dirt, yellowness and give a dazzling shine to the fox fur. You need to take a foam sponge, moisten it with the prepared liquid and wipe it with special care so as not to damage the pile. To remove residual odor, the wool is sprinkled with starch and then knocked out or vacuumed.


Mink coats are often dry cleaned. For this purpose, semolina, starch, and talc are used. It is important to know that moths are very fond of fur items made from this animal, so when choosing a cleaning product, you should thoroughly clean the product and comb the lint. Mink fur can also be cleaned using the wet method at home. You need to take alcohol, apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the hairs with a soft bristle brush. Remove any remaining product with a damp sponge.

How to clean silver fox fur at home

You can try to tidy up an expensive item using potato starch or corn flour. Sometimes ammonia or peroxide is used for easy cleaning to simply add shine to the product. To clean silver fox fur at home, use purified gasoline or the following method: wrap the teeth of the comb with cotton wool soaked in soapy water, and carefully comb the product, and then remove any remaining product.


Since rabbit fur coats do not last very long, they must be looked after especially carefully. There are several ways to clean rabbit fur at home:

  • wrap the clothes in damp cotton fabric and beat them thoroughly using a beater;
  • apply vinegar to the swab and wipe the rabbit fur - this will refresh it and add shine;
  • Spray hydrogen peroxide onto the hairs and leave in the sun for twelve hours.


There are several ways to care for the tsigei - knocking it out or vacuuming it. How to clean sheepskin at home? A mixture of water, flour and washing powder is a very effective remedy. Flour is sprinkled onto the fur, then sprinkled with a solution of water, soda and washing powder. A paste should form on the surface, which must be rubbed into the chicken pile. When the applied mixture dries, it is shaken off the product, after which the sheepskin is dried and combed. It is best to clean a mouton fur coat using a soap solution.


It is quite possible to bring products made from this type of fur into proper shape using improvised means. It is convenient to clean astrakhan fur at home with laundry soap, gasoline or alcohol. Vinegar, which is used to wipe the surface of a fur coat, has proven itself to be quite good. After the procedure, the products are hung outside to remove the smell. You can also moisten a sponge with soapy water and wipe the astrakhan item with it.


This type of fur is the most whimsical and needs to be carefully and carefully looked after. It is very soft and delicate, so to clean raccoon fur, you should resort to the dry cleaning method. Semolina or starch are suitable for this. One of the effective ways to get rid of dirt and tangles is to comb a fur item with a wide-tooth comb, which must first be wrapped in damp cotton wool. You can break the fur with your hands, but this task is difficult and painstaking.


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The service life of hats and fur coats is different. Rabbit fur loses its appearance the fastest - up to 4 years, an arctic fox fur coat can be worn for 6-7 years, a mink hat - 10-12, and otter and beaver fur will last the longest, which can be worn for up to 20 years. During this entire period, the fur product may become dirty and lose its original shine. You can get rid of dirt and restore its former beauty in the simplest ways, at home, on your own, without resorting to dry cleaning.

When to clean fur

Cleaning of fur products is resorted to in the following cases if:

  • there is dirt and dust on the surface;
  • the uniform color structure is lost;
  • there are particles of debris between the hairs;
  • tangled lumps are formed and the ends of the hairs are cut.

Cleaning fur yourself is only possible if it is not too dirty. Otherwise, of course, it is better to find a specialized dry cleaner and entrust your fur to it.

What not to do at home

It is prohibited to carry out the following experiments with fur items on your own:

  • wash and remove stains with washing powder or detergents;
  • dry the fur over heating devices or near a fire (it should be dried naturally in a thoroughly ventilated area);
  • clean the fur with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Smooth it with an iron - the fur will even out on its own.

It is better to clean and dry fur products in spring and summer, when it is warm and natural drying is possible. It is also not recommended to dry the fur in direct sunlight, as it will lose its natural color.

  • Before starting the cleaning procedure, the fur product is not knocked out too much, and then cleaned with a special brush;
  • If the fur is wrinkled, it is better to moisten it with a sponge. Then the fur is combed, allowed to dry and, after complete drying, knocked out;
  • Potato peels make an excellent cleanser. It should be washed thoroughly and mixed with a few drops of ammonia. The mixture is distributed onto the contaminated area, rubbed lightly with a brush, washed off and wiped;
  • To restore the softness of the fur surface that has become rough over time, take glycerin, petroleum jelly and egg yolk. Mix everything and add 250 ml of warm water. The resulting composition is wiped over the leather base of the fur, dried, crumpled and slightly pulled in different directions;
  • You can restore the beautiful shine by using a cloth soaked in vinegar essence, glycerin, lemon juice or citric acid. The fur product should be treated with one of the above substances, and then thoroughly wiped with a napkin;
  • You can clean faux fur using a soap solution: dilute 2 tablespoons of detergent for synthetic fabrics in 1 liter of water. Beat the foam and apply it to the brush, rub the fur along the pile. The remaining solution is removed with a slightly damp cotton cloth;
  • Faux fur should be treated with antistatic aerosols. They will help protect the fur from dirt and remove electrostatic charges that attract dust.

Cleaning fur at home

Even if a fur product is in a closet in a case, it is still not immune from contamination, at least by the same dust. Fur stores sell special brushes that can be used to clean fur. You can simply comb the lint with it. More thorough cleaning of fur is carried out in different ways, depending on what animal the fur product is made from.

  • Add shine to mink

The first thing you need for mink fur is to restore its shine. It is lost as a result of leaching of the fat composition. To do this, dissolve 100 g of fish or pork fat and 10 g of soap in 1 liter of boiling water. After stirring, add 10 drops of ammonia and cool the mixture to room temperature (30-35 degrees). The mixture is then applied to the fur using a brush.

  • How to clean an Arctic fox

Take 1 small spoon of ammonia and the same 3 tablespoons of table salt for half a liter of water, mix. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and begin to carefully remove the stain. The last stage is drying the fur product.

  • Cleaning a rabbit

Mix acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide (both 5%). Moisten a cotton swab and treat the surface in the direction of villi growth. At the end of cleaning, remove any remaining solution without touching the leather base of the item.

  • How to clean goat fur

Goat fur is cleaned with cool soapy water, then wiped with a damp cloth. After the procedure, the product is dried.

  • Lightening doodle

Hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) will help lighten yellowed astrakhan fur. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of it in a glass of water and add a few drops of ammonia.

  • Cleaning beaver and otter fur

To clean the fur product, place it on a clean horizontal surface and sprinkle hot sand on top. Then wipe gently with your palm. Dirty sand is shaken off and clean sand is added again. This is done several times.

How to clean dark fur

For fur products of dark shades, ordinary bran and walnuts are perfect. The bran is heated in the oven to 60-70 degrees. Then they gently rub them into the fur, collecting all the dirt. The thing is shaken off. The nuts are crushed and the resulting powder is tied into a gauze cloth and folded in half. Use this swab to wipe the fur in the direction of the villi. Walnut oil nourishes the hair well, giving it a lively and effective shine. At the end of cleaning, the product is combed with a special bristle brush.

Cleaning light fur

In order to clean light natural fur, you can use the following methods:

  1. Starch is the best of all cleaning agents for white fur coats, collars or hats made of natural fur. Having poured it liberally directly onto the fur, the product is gently crushed until the powder has collected all the dust. Then the item is shaken and combed. The procedure is repeated a couple more times.
  2. Wheat or rye bran, semolina or potato flour are also suitable for cleaning white fur. Sprinkle generously with one of the indicated adsorbents and gently rub in your palms along with the fur. Then the product is shaken and cleaned with a soft brush.
  3. To prevent white fur from turning yellow, it is wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take a large spoon of peroxide and stir it in a liter of water. Gently blot the fibers, then dry. Fur that has turned yellow over time is recommended to be wiped with a more concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. To remove a greasy stain on a white fur item, dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia and 3 small spoons of table salt in half a liter of water.

You should be careful in maintaining the proportions between substances for cleaning fur. Although they help remove dirt and stains, too much alcohol, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide can ruin a fur product.

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