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Diet during pregnancy for weight loss. Features of a diet for weight loss during pregnancy and a sample menu

A balanced diet contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. A woman must adapt her diet to the needs of her growing body. What kind of diet is needed for pregnant women depends on the period, constitutional characteristics and health status of the expectant mother.

A woman’s diet should include a variety of foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. The need for these essential substances depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The developing fetus needs proteins, and the pregnant woman’s body has insignificant reserves. They are the basis of cells, tissues, and metabolism is associated with them.


High-molecular compounds consist of amino acids, but only 20 are contained in nutrients. Proteins perform the following functions:

  • construction;
  • regulatory;
  • catalytic;
  • contractile;
  • transport;
  • protective.

During the period of bearing a child, a protein diet for pregnant women is optimal. It ensures normal development of the fetus and placenta. Thanks to protein nutrition:

  • a woman is preparing for breastfeeding and childbirth;
  • transport of nutrients occurs;
  • immune protection of the pregnant woman from viruses and bacteria is provided;
  • blood supply improves;
  • swelling does not occur and blood thickening does not occur;
  • bleeding and blood clots are prevented.

Food contains a huge variety of proteins, but their importance is unequal. It is preferable for pregnant women to eat animal products. The amino acid composition of egg whites is considered ideal. The expectant mother's diet should include meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. They are the main sources of protein.

Protein diet

Such nutrition during pregnancy does not harm the unborn child and maintains the woman’s normal weight. A protein diet for pregnant women differs from weight loss systems. It contains carbohydrates (porridge, vegetables). The diet of a pregnant woman includes the following products:

  • meat (beef, lamb, turkey, rabbit, chicken);
  • seafood;
  • porridge;
  • vegetable salads;
  • fermented milk products (especially cottage cheese).

A pregnant woman should receive per day:

  • 100-120 gamma proteins;
  • 300-400 gamma carbohydrates;
  • 80-100 grams of fat.

A protein diet for pregnant women requires 5 meals a day. Portions are divided as follows. At the first dose, the pregnant woman receives 30% of the calories of the daily diet. In the third - 40%, and in the second, fourth and fifth - 10% each. Nutrition according to this scheme is the best option.

The following products should be excluded from the menu:

  • fast food;
  • pastries and white bread;
  • sweets;
  • herring;
  • mayonnaise;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • mushrooms.


Sample diet during pregnancy.

  1. The first breakfast consists of eggs and cheese.
  2. For second breakfast, fruits, juices or dairy products are served.
  3. Lunch consists of soups and hot dishes. The menu must include meat or fish, vegetables.
  4. In the afternoon you can do without protein. We recommend juice, tea or a glass of kefir.
  5. For dinner, meat or fish with vegetables is preferable.

Which cooking method is better? Steamer and grill. Frying is strictly prohibited, and boiling and stewing are not recommended. What fruits and vegetables are best to eat? Nutritionists say that preference should be given to products that are grown in our geographic area.

Diet for a week

A diet during pregnancy by day of the week may look like this:

  • Monday.
    • For the first breakfast - muesli with milk or porridge with water and fruit.
    • The second breakfast consists of an apple and kefir. You can eat cottage cheese with apples, bananas, dried apricots, and prunes.
    • For lunch they offer a vegetable salad. Season it with vegetable oil. The first is soup or borscht. For the second course, we recommend vegetable stew, stewed or baked meat.
    • Afternoon snack: bun, yogurt.
    • For dinner, it is recommended to serve a steamed meat cutlet, mashed potatoes, an apple and green tea.
  • Tuesday
    • The first breakfast consists of milk porridge and yogurt.
    • On the second, they offer a boiled egg and tea.
    • Lunch – porridge with meat, cheese, banana, white bread, juice.
    • The afternoon snack consists of cottage cheese casserole, yogurt and cocoa.
    • Dinner – steamed fish, vinaigrette, rose hip decoction.
  • Wednesday
    • For the first breakfast, meat, apple or banana, and tea are recommended.
    • Second breakfast – cottage cheese and kefir.
    • Lunch consists of vegetable salad, soup, beans or lentils.
    • Afternoon snack – bun, kefir.
    • Dinner - meat, rice, rye bread, dried fruit compote.
  • Thursday
    • Breakfast consists of cheese, bread and butter, grapes.
    • Second breakfast – cottage cheese, green tea.
    • For lunch they offer vegetable salad, borscht, meat, and dried fruit compote.
    • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese and apple.
    • Dinner consists of fish, vegetable salad and fruit juice.
  • Friday
    • For the first breakfast, the following products are offered: boiled egg, fresh cucumber, white bread and kefir.
    • The second breakfast consists of cottage cheese and tea.
    • Lunch – vegetable salad, soup, fish, fruit drink.
    • Afternoon snack – cake, yogurt, tea.
    • For dinner, boiled meat, cheese, vegetables, and tea are recommended.
  • Saturday
    • The first breakfast consists of cottage cheese and green tea.
    • Second breakfast – diet cookies and milk.
    • For lunch they offer vegetable salad with meat and soup.
    • Afternoon snack – bun, honey, yogurt.
    • Dinner consists of fish, banana and fruit juice.
  • Sunday
    • Breakfast – muesli, apple and banana.
    • Second breakfast – yogurt, diet cookies.
    • For lunch they offer vegetable salad, fish with stewed vegetables, and soup.
    • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese, nuts, kefir.
    • Dinner – meat, vegetable salad, apple, honey, tea.

If a woman gains more than normal during this period, it is necessary to reduce caloric intake. There is a special diet during pregnancy with excess weight.

In the first trimester

In the first trimester, fetal organs are formed in the woman's body. During this period, good nutrition is important. The protein requirement in the first trimester is 1.5 g per 1 kg per day. Nutrition during this period of pregnancy is no different, but it must be balanced. In the first months, you can eat pickles and sauerkraut.

In the 1st trimester, do not increase the caloric content of food. The daily diet of a short woman weighing 50 kg during this period is 2100-2300 kcal. A pregnant woman often gains excess weight in this trimester, so you should not overeat.

Nutrition in the second trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus is actively growing. In the second trimester, caloric intake is increased to 2600 kcal. Avoid sweets (sweets, jam, condensed milk).

In the second trimester, you should not consume fats such as cream and sour cream. Limit salt intake to avoid swelling. It retains water in tissues and fat layers, and the woman gains weight. You should not add enough salt to your food if you have swelling. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods that contain allergens (exotic fruits, citrus fruits, strawberries).

In the second trimester, fresh vegetables and fruits are included in the daily menu. A woman should be responsible for the food she eats. You need to carefully ensure that your daily diet includes foods containing vitamins A, B, and E.

Increase the consumption of vegetable fats. In the second trimester, a pregnant woman’s menu includes 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil daily.

Diet in the third trimester

Dietary nutrition is especially important in the third trimester. During this period, do not eat fried, salty, sweet foods. Fried and smoked foods are not food for a pregnant woman. Meat and fish are included in the diet in the first half of the day, and in the second half preference is given to dairy and plant foods.

In the third trimester, products containing vitamins, calcium, and iron are recommended. How the formation of the fetus and the course of labor will be completed depends on this. In the third trimester, pay attention to the calorie content of foods so as not to gain weight. There are special diets for weight loss.

Losing weight during pregnancy

During this period, some women indulge their weaknesses by consuming sweets that affect their weight. In order to lose weight during pregnancy, it is enough to eat right. The following products should not be included:

  • chips, crackers, any fast food;
  • roast;
  • sweet;
  • baking;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol.

Food should be eaten in small portions 5 times a day. In order to lose weight, cook it by steaming or grilling. Plant foods must be included in the diet. It is necessary to eat sea fish. Those who want to lose weight should not forget about fruits. It is useful to include wholemeal bread in your daily diet. To lose weight, eat foods such as yogurt and kefir. It is enough to eat a few pieces of cheese a day.

Monitor your salt intake

Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle (walks, group exercises) are what a woman needs during pregnancy. All this will keep her physically fit, and she will not need to go on special diets to lose weight. If you are overweight, you can have fasting days (cottage cheese, apple, kefir) several times a week, but only with the permission of your doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman should monitor her salt intake. In everyday life, people add salt to their food. The sodium intake rate is 1–15 grams per day. For edema, a salt-free diet during pregnancy is recommended. If there is fluid retention in the tissues, avoid foods with added salt. The following products should be excluded:

  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • salted fish;
  • sauerkraut;
  • semi-finished products;
  • kvass;
  • salt mineral water.

For edema, it is recommended to prepare food yourself. It is healthy to eat apple and pumpkin salad. For edema, the diet should include foods that thin the blood - birch sap, onions. A pregnant woman's diet must include meat, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. For edema, it is recommended to include foods with diuretic properties.

Fluid consumption in the 3rd trimester is justified. A pregnant woman's tissues almost always swell, but this should be controlled. Nutrition for edema should be correct. A salt-free diet helps in this case. If you have edema, you should not completely give up salt, but only limit its use.

The doctor will help the pregnant woman adjust her diet. She can create a menu for edema on her own. In this case, the menu should include:

  • egg whites;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish (seafood);
  • meat;
  • milk or kefir.

For swelling, eat 5 times a day.

A special diet may be prescribed for pyelonephritis in pregnant women. The following foods are prohibited on this diet:

  • onion garlic;
  • mustard;
  • cocoa, tea;
  • confectionery;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach, sorrel, radish;
  • legumes

Diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman

Gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy is a signal that you should definitely monitor your diet. Here are some dietary guidelines for gestational diabetes:

  1. Eat food in small portions.
  2. Eat at the same time.
  3. For gestational diabetes mellitus, the diet includes porridge;
  4. Vegetables and fruits are eaten.
  5. If you have gestational diabetes, your diet must include whole grain products.
  6. A patient with gestational diabetes mellitus needs to consume 1.5 liters of fluid daily.

With this disease, a pregnant woman must monitor her blood glucose levels. The amount of calories consumed for gestational diabetes is 25–30 per kilogram of weight. A diet for this disease is prescribed by a doctor. For gestational diabetes mellitus, the following foods are prohibited:

  • easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty foods;
  • fast food.

The diet for diabetes includes the following foods:

  • vegetarian borscht, or in weak broth;
  • vegetable soups;
  • meat (beef, lamb, chicken);
  • fish (pike perch, pike, pollock);
  • kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream;
  • rosehip, mineral water;
  • fruits (sweet and sour).

The diet is agreed upon with an endocrinologist. Your daily diet should contain the same amount of carbohydrates. Meals for diabetes must be divided (up to 8 times). The diet includes plant fiber. For diabetes, up to 30 grams of sweetener per day is allowed. Limit salt intake (up to 4 grams). The doctor individually draws up a menu for a pregnant woman with diabetes.

According to medical standards, a woman’s weight should increase by 8-15 kg during pregnancy. A large increase can lead to health problems for both the expectant mother and the baby. This is especially dangerous for those women who are already overweight.

To avoid such developments, it is necessary to carefully monitor your diet from the first days after conception and follow a safe, non-strict diet during pregnancy to lose weight.

Is it harmful for pregnant women?

Pregnancy and strict low-calorie diets are incompatible things. Lack of nutrients is very harmful for the expectant mother and child. All popular diets that limit the consumption of carbohydrates are prohibited. Excess protein increases the load on the kidneys, which are already increased due to pregnancy.

But this does not mean that you need to eat for two. Most doctors believe that for the normal development of pregnancy, it is enough to increase the usual calorie content of a woman’s diet by 10-15%. Violating this rule will lead to excess weight gain.

It will help women who already have extra pounds to get rid of them proper nutrition and feasible physical activity. To avoid overeating, you need to eat often, but little by little. Small portions will allow you to feel full in time and stop.

Principles of nutrition

Complete balanced diet- This is one of the most important conditions for a successful pregnancy outcome. It is especially important that it contains a sufficient amount of protein, without which normal fetal development is impossible.

It is recommended to consume per day 100-120 g protein. Most of it should be of animal origin, since vegetable protein is difficult for the body to digest and does not contain the amino acids necessary for the child.

You can't completely eliminate fats, because without them many vitamins cannot be absorbed. Particularly useful are those that have not been subjected to heat treatment.

Complex carbohydrates should be preferred. Unlike simple ones, they are gradually absorbed by the body, providing it with energy for a long time, maintaining a constant blood sugar level. The norm for carbohydrate consumption in the first two trimesters of pregnancy is about 400 g per day. In the third trimester, it is reduced to 300 g by reducing the consumption of sugar and flour products.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid eating trans fats and chemical food additives - many of them negatively affect the development of the baby.

The basis of a pregnant woman's diet is natural products rich in vitamins and microelements. If they are deficient, complications may develop that negatively affect the health of the mother and child. - the cause of anemia, and will lead to tooth decay and hair loss.

Diet for overweight pregnant women necessarily include the following products:

If you are not overweight, sometimes you can indulge in some sweets. One candy or a spoonful of honey will not cause harm, but will lift your mood for a long time.

What you can't eat

From the first days of pregnancy Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Even a small dose of ethanol can cause pathologies in fetal development.

During pregnancy, the digestive organs experience pressure from the enlarged uterus. This often manifests itself as nausea and heartburn. Helps reduce the intensity of these symptoms reducing the consumption of heavy and fatty foods. To do this, during pregnancy the following are excluded from the diet for healthy weight loss:

Excluding these foods from the diet will improve the well-being of a pregnant woman and will prevent her from gaining extra pounds.

Drink drinks with high caffeine content with caution. Strong tea irritates the stomach mucous membranes and often causes heartburn. Caffeine promotes fluid retention in the body and reduces the absorption of calcium.

Read about the benefits of grapefruit for pregnant women and how to consume it without risk to health.

Sample diet for a week

Despite all the restrictions, pregnant women need to eat tasty and varied throughout the day - at least five to six times. It is better to add oil to prepared dishes rather than use it for frying, as the beneficial substances contained in it disintegrate under the influence of high temperatures.

When composing your daily diet, you need to focus on your food preferences, since eating foods you don’t like will not bring any positive emotions.

As a sample diet during pregnancy for weight loss, you can take the following version of the weekly menu.





  • breakfast - muesli with fruit yogurt;
  • lunch – lazy dumplings with sour cream;
  • lunch - peasant soup, boiled tongue, carrot and apple salad;
  • afternoon snack – Greek salad;
  • dinner – stewed fish in sour cream sauce, boiled broccoli;
  • 2nd dinner – baked milk.



  • breakfast – rice milk porridge, butter;
  • lunch - souffle of cottage cheese and carrots;
  • lunch - fresh cabbage soup, boiled turkey, sour cream;
  • afternoon snack – vegetable omelette;
  • dinner – mackerel baked with vegetables;
  • 2nd dinner – fruit yogurt.


The diet menu for pregnant women when gaining excess weight can be changed in accordance with your preferences, the main thing is to follow the principles of nutrition for weight loss.

During pregnancy, carefully monitor your weight changes by weighing yourself at least once a week. A significant increase often indicates edema. Excess fluid may be in the internal organs and not be detected during a simple examination.

If this problem is suspected, the use of table salt is limited to 5-6 g per day.

If you are overweight, many gynecologists prescribe fasting days to their patients. They are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. The most commonly used products for unloading are:

  • kefir or cottage cheese;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • baked and fresh apples.

This video talks about diet during pregnancy:

For those arranging fasting days, it is mandatory to adhere to the drinking regime. During the day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water. A sufficient amount of fluid will relieve swelling and remove accumulated harmful substances from the body.

Doctors It is not recommended to reduce caloric intake by replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners, since many of them are dangerous for the unborn child. Both mother and baby need glucose in small quantities.

Before deciding on any dietary restrictions or menu changes for weight loss, a pregnant woman should consult your doctor. Only a specialist can determine whether the expectant mother is overweight and what method of dealing with it should be chosen.

In contact with

In fact, there is no diet as such for pregnant women - losing weight during pregnancy is completely inappropriate. However, a balanced diet, necessary for every pregnant woman, requires natural adjustments. And precisely because you need to eat right, nutritionists offer expectant mothers a balanced diet for the full development of the baby.

Today we will tell you how to balance and regulate your diet in order to take care of yourself and the health of your baby. How to avoid extra pounds after pregnancy, and what sweets you should prefer during pregnancy!

☀ Make every piece count! It is important to remember that the most important thing is the quality, not the quantity, of the food you eat. Pregnancy is an excellent opportunity to introduce a balanced diet into your life forever.

☀ The main thing is usefulness! Replace the bun with whole grain bread and the chips with baked jacket potatoes. And many such examples can be given. Sometimes you have to sacrifice taste in favor of the naturalness of the product.

☀ A starving woman makes her child starve! Conventional diets for losing weight during pregnancy are unacceptable. Your child needs regular and proper nutrition.

☀ Variety! Your daily menu should be designed in such a way that it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and other microelements. This is the best way to get all the nutrients you need.

☀ Carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, but they are necessary! Solving this problem is quite easy. Include more complex carbohydrates and less simple carbohydrates in your diet. The latter are the most insidious enemies of a good figure. In our case, the best sources of complex carbohydrates are fiber and starch. Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits.

☀ Saharu-boy! These are empty calories that you don’t need at all during this period. Do you want something sweet? The same berries and fruits are at your disposal - fresh and dried.

☀ The simpler the better! An old Japanese proverb says: “Good food remembers where it came from.” In other words, the shorter and simpler the path of a product from “raw materials” to the finished dish, the higher its nutritional value. How to use it? For example, always choose fresh or frozen peas instead of canned green peas.

☀ It's more fun together! Dieting alone is a tedious task. Therefore, so that the diet does not become a burden for you, the rest of the family should support you. Firstly, it will be much easier psychologically. And secondly, it will save you from having to prepare two lunches every day. Besides, healthy eating will only benefit them J.

☀ Bad habits can “kill” the best diet! Forget about alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants!

Diet menu for pregnant women

The diet menu should include the following products:

Vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber, which is found in significant quantities in cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, sweet corn, green beans, and avocados. Fiber plays an important role in digestion and cleansing the intestines, so during pregnancy you should definitely include it in your diet, especially in the third trimester.

Fresh colorful vegetables, fruits and berries. They will not only become a source of important microelements and vitamins, but will also lift your spirits with their juicy coloring.

Fatty fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna, contain essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are responsible for the immunity of the unborn baby, his psychomotor state and emotional stability, and also prevent allergic reactions in the child, protracted labor, bleeding and postpartum depression in the mother.

Omega-3 and 6 elements, along with fish, contain fish oil and vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cedar). Oils must be unrefined (with scent).

Products containing vitamin E(nuts, green parts of vegetables and a number of wild plants, unrefined vegetable oils), since it is this that helps fatty acids be absorbed, so vegetable oils in your menu will be very useful. Such oils cannot be subjected to heat treatment, because vitamin E is destroyed when heated.

Seafood(if there is no intolerance) are a valuable source of such important trace elements as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron. Include them in your diet, and you will receive more than half of the nutrients naturally

A pregnant mother can create a diet menu on her own, since the range of permitted products is very wide.

What pregnant women should avoid

A number of foods that need to be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet:

  • fresh bread, confectionery (pastry, cakes), sweets;
  • ice cream, milkshakes;
  • fatty meats, fish and poultry;
  • spicy, fried, smoked food;
  • fast food;
  • preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers (sweet carbonated drinks, semi-finished products);
  • mushroom dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea and coffee (replace with green tea or herbal infusions);
  • fermented milk products with high fat content (cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, cheeses).

Dietary rules for a pregnant woman

The diet of a pregnant woman should be different from the diet of a woman in her normal state. The expectant mother eats more often, but in small portions, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the organs and they become smaller.

There should be 4-5 meals a day, and from the end of the second trimester - 5-7.

For breakfast and lunch it is better to eat meat, fish, cereals, and in the afternoon milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and plant products.

Eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

When preparing a diet for pregnant women by day, you must also remember that during pregnancy you cannot eat spicy, salty, fatty, fried, smoked, canned, pickled and sour foods. Such products are harmful to the gallbladder and liver.

When planning a diet during pregnancy day by day, you need to take into account an important principle: simplicity and usefulness. It is important to cook and eat in a good mood in a calm environment, and eat at the same time. I note that it is better to cook it one time at a time so that the dish does not need to be reheated.

Pregnant food by month

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 1 month

So, in the first month, expectant mothers most often do not know about their situation. And pregnancy is diagnosed no earlier than the third week. During this period, it is important to register with a doctor and receive individual recommendations. And start taking folic acid. It is saturated with greens and salads, as well as grain crops. If the first months of your pregnancy fall in autumn, winter or spring, then take folic acid capsules. It is also recommended to focus on foods containing calcium. These are hard cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, sesame.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo is already actively developing all the main systems and organs. At this stage, in addition to fermented milk products, your diet must contain green vegetables and fruits: apples, broccoli, spinach, green beans, herbs, bell peppers, and so on. Turkey, lean pork, veal, oatmeal, bananas, raisins and eggs are considered to be rich in all the necessary vitamins for this period.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 3 months

In the third month, and for some even earlier, problems with stool may arise and toxicosis may begin. Drink plenty of fluids during this period. Eat soups. Drink low-fat kefir. Eat nuts instead of meat products. Brew prunes and dried apricots. The diet this month is vegetable and fruit.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 4 months

Due to the increased need for fiber, you should eat more cereals and grains. Bran, whole grain bread, almonds, and wheat are considered the richest in fiber. Also during these weeks the baby begins to gain weight. Therefore, you should consume more proteins: hard cheeses, beef and lean pork, fish, nuts, legumes, cottage cheese.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 5 months

The fifth month... and half the way has already been passed. Your baby continues to grow and at this stage you should consume 2000 - 2500 kcal per day. You should divide your food intake into 5-6 times a day. Eat small portions. After all, the tummy is growing, and the internal organs are compressing under the pressure of the uterus. To avoid heartburn and discomfort, you should reduce the amount of food you eat.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 6 months

During this period, your baby's vision is developing. Therefore, the diet should focus on vitamin A and beta carotene. Vitamin A is better absorbed in the presence of fat and protein in food, so don’t forget to combine. Natural sources of vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, parsley, apricots, red and yellow peppers, pumpkin, persimmons, and viburnum. Eat them fresh.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 7 months

Your baby continues to grow. The diet should be varied. The foods you consume should be rich in fats, proteins, and calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Do not forget that meals should be fractional. Focus on iron-containing foods - beef, beef liver and heart, fatty fish, nuts, sunflower seeds.

࿋ Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 8 months

At the eighth month, your baby is already quite big. His skeleton develops and teeth are formed. It is recommended to consume plenty of calcium this month. Focus on low- or medium-fat sour dairy products. At the 8th month of pregnancy, it is not the quantity, but the quality of food that is important, namely its saturation with vitamins, acids, and minerals. Pay attention to this.

࿋ Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the last 9 months

The ninth month is the final stage of your pregnancy. Almost all mothers in recent weeks want one thing - to give birth faster. This is the hardest month. Therefore, be attentive to your body, try to rest more and do not overeat. Instead of sweets, eat a banana or add 1 teaspoon of natural honey to your tea.

Remain patient and remember - very soon your baby will be dozing carefree, but not in your belly, but in his crib. Therefore, enjoy this unforgettable miracle of nature - your pregnancy!

  1. With constant regular exercise, you should not completely give up physical activity. Simplify your exercises and continue with your normal lifestyle. As the period increases, replace strength exercises with relaxing ones.
  2. If there is no sport in your daily life, then regular morning exercises and some simple exercises to maintain tone, strengthen muscles and relax them will be sufficient.
  3. Jumping should be replaced with calmer elements.
  4. Pool classes, yoga or dancing for pregnant women are welcome.
  5. Taking a hot bath should be postponed until after the baby is born. But a warm bath, shower, and even a sauna are allowed. Regarding the bath, the question is quite complex; this requires a doctor’s permission and moderate temperatures.
  6. Be sure to include walking in the street, park or forest in your schedule.

Why are extra pounds dangerous for a pregnant woman?

A pregnant woman who is overweight initially and/or has excessive weight gain increases the risk of:

  • development of late toxicosis (primarily increased blood pressure, possible edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, which disrupts the functioning of many organs and systems of the expectant mother), premature aging of the placenta;
  • the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus;
  • birth of a large fetus;
  • the occurrence of weakness in labor, post-term pregnancies are more common.

Medicine has proven that excess body weight increases the risk of developing many serious diseases. Excess weight is especially dangerous when it comes to an expectant mother. If weight gain during pregnancy is excessive, you cannot do without a diet.

Why are extra pounds dangerous for a pregnant woman?

A pregnant woman who is overweight initially and/or has excessive weight gain increases the risk of:

  • development of late toxicosis (primarily increased blood pressure, possible edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, which disrupts the functioning of many organs and systems of the expectant mother), premature aging of the placenta;
  • the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus;
  • birth of a large fetus;
  • the occurrence of weakness in labor, post-term pregnancies are more common.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Menu for pregnant women

Bread and flour products: 100-150 g per day. This amount includes: wheat bread of grade I and II flour, day-old baked or slightly dried, dietary salt-free bread, wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, bread with bran, rye bread, savory cookies and biscuits.

Soups: up to 200 g per dose daily. Vegetable soups with a small amount of potatoes, cereals and pasta are recommended. Soups are seasoned with cream, low-fat sour cream, and chopped herbs can be added.

Meat and meat products: no more than 150 g per day. Steam cutlets, quenelles, rolls, meatballs, zrazy, and steam puddings are prepared from lean varieties of beef and veal, rabbit and poultry meat (chicken, turkey - without skin). Beef stroganoff made from boiled meat is allowed. After boiling, the meat can be baked or made into jellied dishes.

Fish: low-fat types - no more than 150 g per day. Cod, ice fish, pike perch, navaga, etc., can be boiled or prepared in the form of a steam soufflé or cutlets, quenelles, meatballs, fish puree, rolls, etc.

Milk and dairy products: whole milk – up to 200 g per day, if there are no problems with allergens and milk tolerance. Milk can be added to tea, porridge, and milk soups. Allowed are non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese (100-200 g per day), low-fat kefir or yogurt, low-fat and unsweetened yoghurts (also 100-200 g per day).

Eggs: 1-2 pieces per week - soft-boiled, “in a bag”, in the form of steam omelettes.

Fats: unsalted butter, including ghee. Vegetable oils are allowed only as an addition to dishes, no more than 15 g per day.

Cereals and pasta: cereals - in the form of adding to soups. Loose porridges made from buckwheat and pearl barley can be introduced into the diet only by reducing the amount of bread. The same goes for vermicelli and other pasta: they can be added in small quantities to soups (if you do not put cereals in them) or occasionally used as a side dish (again, if you refuse bread and cereals that day).

Vegetables: all varieties of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce. Vegetables that can be eaten raw are best eaten that way. Kohlrabi, carrots and ground pear, grated, are recommended. Green peas, any beans, radishes, beets, boiled carrots are acceptable in limited quantities, green onions, dill, parsley - as seasonings for dishes. Vegetables can also be prepared in the form of purees, steam soufflés, puddings, cutlets, etc.

Snacks: salads from raw and pickled (after washing) vegetables, vinaigrettes, with the addition of boiled meat and fish. Jellied fish and meat. Lean and unsalted ham.

Sauces: Milk-fruit sauces, bechamel without breading flour with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream are allowed.

Spices: finely chopped parsley or dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves (all in small quantities).

Fruits and berries: sweet and sour varieties in raw or boiled form, unsweetened compotes from them.

Sweets: in case of excessively rapid weight gain, sweets will have to be limited.

Beverages: weak tea with milk; unsweetened juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, diluted with boiled water; rosehip decoction.

Proper nutrition for a pregnant woman

Here are some simple tips to help you avoid problems with extra grams added daily:

  • The basic principle of nutrition is moderation. Your portions shouldn't grow with your tummy. The fact that there are now two of you does not mean that you have to eat “for two.” You need to leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger, and not with a feeling of complete, excessive satiety.
  • The main condition for the correct construction of a food regime is that food should be of high quality and varied on a daily and weekly scale, while each individual meal should consist of one or two dishes. If in front of you is a table laden with a variety of dishes, you must resist the temptation to try each one.
  • It is necessary to include in your daily diet as many vegetables, fruits and berries in their natural form as possible. A pregnant woman should consume fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, and garden herbs every day in order to provide her body and the developing fetus with sufficient quantities of mineral salts and vitamins.
  • It is better to eat traditional food, that is, characteristic of the region of your permanent residence and your race. Thus, for residents of the middle zone, cabbage and apples are more familiar than oranges and pineapples.
  • It is not recommended to eat immediately after waking up and less than 2-3 hours before going to bed. The normal interval between meals is 4-5 hours. Try to maintain a normal diet. If food is taken on time, then your body will already be “ready” to process it, and therefore will digest and assimilate it better.
  • You should eat food at least 4-5 times a day in small portions.
  • Don't skip breakfast or lunch.
  • It is recommended to exclude all “snacks”, especially high-calorie foods.
  • A glass of still water half an hour before meals reduces appetite, but do not forget to watch out for swelling!
  • Don't eat up your bad mood.
  • Don't eat socially.
  • Don't be afraid to leave an uneaten piece on your plate.
  • Do not finish eating according to the principle “or else it will spoil.”
  • Buy products according to a pre-made list.
  • Don't buy food when you're hungry.
  • Read the labels. Don’t trust fancy words: “dietary”, “low-calorie”, but carefully read the data on the product label. Remember that “low-fat” or “low-fat” but sweet yogurt with added sugar can ruin your weight control efforts!
  • Cook food without fat.

What pregnant women should not:

The diet for pregnant women categorically excludes: any alcoholic drinks, refined sugar.

Will sport help you lose weight?

“Working off” extra calories through physical activity is not so easy. For example, after jogging 7 km, a person spends approximately the same amount of energy as he gets from eating just one hundred gram chocolate bar (35% fat, 55% carbohydrates).

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