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Tree template without leaves for wedding. DIY wedding wish tree. Tree made from real branches

The tradition of giving a wishing tree came to us from a country called the Netherlands. This attribute, already a favorite at wedding ceremonies, symbolizes comfort and warmth in the home, the longevity of love and happiness. A wedding wish tree is easy to make yourself. The main thing is to be interested in the idea, and this article will tell you how to do this.

Wedding accessory options

Like a wish book, the tree keeps the most beautiful words from their family and closest people for the newlyweds for many years. The accessory can be made beautiful and durable with your own hands. The choice of directions in creativity for its production is large. The following options are available:

  1. Made from branches.
  2. Fingerprints.
  3. With colorful figures.
  4. From wire and others.

Making from branches

To make wood you will need the following materials:

  1. Dry branches of a real tree. You can choose any branches, but the accessory made from hazel looks very beautiful. It is advisable that the branches are not higher than 100 cm and lower than 50 cm.
  2. Depending on the size of the selected branches, select a plastic flower pot.
  3. Aerosol paints.
  4. Construction gypsum.
  5. Construction screed.
  6. Sintepon.
  7. Decorations: artificial flowers, beads, ribbons, sparkles and others to choose from.

The branches are painted in any colors you like. Decorations with white flowers are welcome as decoration.

It should be remembered that the pot and the tree itself are painted the same color. The trunk is represented by several branches fastened together, thinner branches are attached to the trunk. The trunk should fit tightly into the pot. Its height should be twice as high as the pot.

Gypsum is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water and poured into a pot, the trunk is inserted into it and the work is left until the gypsum dries completely. Then the imagination begins to work. The crown of a tree, consisting of branches, can be decorated with flowers or beads. Cover the plaster with padding polyester, decorated with beads attached with glue. All is ready! All that remains is to prepare cards for wishes. Examples that can be seen in the photo:


The advantage of this idea is that the tree turns into a picture and that the procedure itself at the wedding will amuse all the guests present. For production you will need:

  1. Tree template. It is best to use A3 templates.
  2. Glass frame of the required size.
  3. Multi-colored paints for similar works.

Each guest leaves his colored finger on the branches of the tree, next to which he writes his name and leaves warm words for the newlyweds.

You can download templates on the Internet.

With colorful figures

Let's look at how to make a picture with colored curly details. To do this you will need the following tools:

  1. Thick cardboard.
  2. Glass frame.
  3. Double-sided multi-colored paper.

A tree trunk with branches is made from paper and glued to cardboard. Figures are cut out from double-sided multi-colored paper. You can cut out leaves, flowers, butterflies or hearts. The cut out figures are smoothed along the central axis. And they form a tree by gluing only one half of a leaf or a heart; on the other half, guests will write a wish. At the end of the ceremony, the panel is placed in a frame.

From wire

A wire wish tree looks no worse than all the options listed above. The following materials are used:

  1. Beautiful vase.
  2. Thin golden line.
  3. Wire.
  4. Corrugated cardboard.
  5. Double-sided tape.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Decorative decorations (flowers, birds, beads, rice and others of your choice).

The vase is filled with rice. If the vase’s decor matches the wedding theme, then you can leave everything unchanged. Otherwise, the vase can be wrapped in corrugated cardboard and secured with double-sided tape.

A bundle of gold fishing line is inserted into the vase, into which pieces of wire are placed. The wire is decorated with decorative flowers or birds. Attach decorations with tape or glue.

You can cut out cardboard hearts as leaves. The number of which will be equal to the number of guests at the wedding. A hole is made in each heart for a ribbon, with which the hearts will be hung on the crown of a wire tree.

Nice words on the wedding tree

Writing warm wishes to the young family is the responsible mission of every guest. Years later, young people will read them and remember each one with gratitude. Words can be anything, the main thing is that they are filled with kindness and love. Here are some options.

It's no secret that if some new feature appears at one event, it immediately spreads to all other events. This is what happened with the wishing tree. Initially, the wish tree was invented for a wedding. And everyone liked this block so much that they began to use it for anniversaries and birthdays. Now we will tell you how to conduct this block correctly and cheerfully and show you templates for the wish tree.

In general, you can make a wish tree yourself, that is. With my own hands. To do this, you just need to be able to draw a little. Take a sheet of whatman paper, paints, for example, gouache, and draw a tree. Just without leaves and as many branches as possible on it. And that’s it, your wish tree template is ready. Now you need to insert a sheet of whatman paper into the photo frame. Since the sheet of whatman paper is large, you need to buy a frame of the appropriate size. When whatman paper is framed, there is no need to cover it with glass.
At the holiday, take out the frame with the tree and attach it to the easel. Place a table nearby, put finger paints of different colors, a gel pen and wet wipes on the table. Each guest in turn approaches the frame, dips his finger in any paint and puts his fingerprint on a tree branch, like a leaf. Then he wipes the paint off his finger, takes a pen and writes a small wish next to his fingerprint. For example, one or two words.
And so does every guest. As a result, you will get a wonderful multi-colored wish tree.
Next, look at the templates that can be used as your wish tree:

If you have a major celebration coming up, then questions about the location of the celebration and the list of guests have probably already been resolved. But how to complement and diversify the holiday? How to stand out from the crowd and create a fabulous atmosphere? A three-dimensional tree for wishes, made by yourself, will come to the rescue in solving these issues.
Trees for wishes come in different types: on posters, with fingerprints and others, but in our article we are talking about the classic version, stylized as a real tree. Special tags of different formats and colors are hung on it, with wishes from the guests. The number of cards must match or even exceed the number of invitees.
Advanced event agencies and decor studios have long been using such art objects to decorate events, but they charge huge sums for handmade items. After studying this master class, you can make an amazing tree yourself for up to $5.

List of required materials:
tree branches; clamps; white and silver/gold spray paint; flower pot 3 liters; 1.5-2 kg of crushed stones or stones (liter jar); alabaster 2 kg; water; silicone hot glue in a gun; PVA; corrugated paper; scissors; hole puncher; lighter and candle; tape 5 cm - 3 meters; tape 0.5 cm - at the rate of 20 cm per 1 tag; pieces of fabric for decorating the base; half-cardboard colored A4 - at the rate of 1 sheet for 6 tags; white/colored paper - at the rate of 1 sheet for 6 tags; ballpoint pens; small box - for delivery; half beads, any glass beads for decoration;

Wood processing

You should start by selecting a high-quality basis for future design know-how, namely, carefully consider all the plants growing around your house. Acacia is ideal. The branch you choose should resemble a real tree: thick at the base and branching into many tiny branches towards the end.

Advice! Break off the branch as close to the base as possible. You can stock up on a few copies just in case.
Next, we place the branches in the hottest place in the house or on the street so that the greenery wilts and the inside dries out (2-5 days). After which they must be cleared of leaves and buds, minimally damaging the bark and the smallest shoots.

We open with the first layer of white spray paint. Everything should be applied in 4 to 7 layers, depending on the degree to which the desired effect is achieved, with breaks until each layer is completely dry. Some branches in the finale can be shaded with silver or gold.

After finishing painting, you can start “planting” the tree in a pot. To do this, pour 1 kg of alabaster into a pot, pour in water in portions and stir until smooth, the consistency of thick sour cream. Having mixed thoroughly, pour out the crushed stone and press it into the alabaster, stirring gently.

We clamp the painted branches in three places at the base, with an interval of 10-15 centimeters, with clamps and lower them into the pot. At this stage the layer of alabaster and stones should be approximately halfway up the pot. We install the tree as needed and let the mixture harden - 6-8 hours. During this period, it is best to support the tree on both sides so that it does not lean, or hang it upward using threads, hooking it onto a cornice or chandelier.

Advice! If the clamps are too noticeable, they can be painted over with leftover paint from the spray can.
When the bottom layer of alabaster has completely hardened, dilute another 1 kg of the same mixture in a separate bowl and carefully pour it on both sides of the tree. We are waiting for complete hardening and proceed to decorating the base and branches.

The easiest way is to cover the unevenness of the alabaster with artificial moss/plants or fabric. Our version uses a rectangular piece of chiffon fabric. We bait it with thread into folds and wrap it around the trunk.

Advice! Secure the baited folds at the base with a clamp or thread so that they do not come out.
We glue the remaining edge of the fabric with hot glue along the inner contour of the pot, tucking the cut area inward, and laying out the folds evenly and beautifully.
We decorate the pot itself with a ribbon and a bow using a glue gun.

In addition, roses made of corrugated paper or ribbons can revive the branches until wishes appear on them. The creation of similar roses has been described dozens of times on the Internet, use any master class. It is convenient to attach roses using hot glue.

Advice! You should not make them too many or large; remember, they are just an addition to the main purpose of the tree.

Tags for wishes

The card on which guests will write can be of any shape and size. To save paper, we suggest investing in dimensions of 10*10 cm. This will allow you to create 6 tags on one A4 sheet. The easiest way to do this is on a computer in programs such as Microsoft Word or Photoshop, depending on which one you are more comfortable with. Let's describe the capabilities for Microsoft Word.
Open a new document and go to the "Insert" tab.

Select the “Shapes” item and the appropriate model in the menu that appears. Draw the shape you like.

If you do not accurately specify the dimensions manually, you can correct them by right-clicking on the object in the “Auto Shape Format” menu.

In the “Size” tab, set the parameters 9 cm by 9 cm, and the figure will change automatically.

After that, add the text and all the inscriptions that you want to see on the front side. As a rule, the first letters of the first and last name, the date of the celebration, and other key points are located here. After that, copy the object several times.

Place 6 identical cells on a sheet and print on colored half-cardboard. Set the number of A4 copies in accordance with the desired number of cards. Then we cut along the line.

It’s difficult to adjust the layout of the back so that when you turn the sheet over, it prints evenly, but we don’t need that. The reverse side, on which guests will take notes, can generally be left as is. Or download their template online and print 6 units on plain paper and cut it out again. Set the number of A4 copies in accordance with the desired number of cards. Next, we glue both parts together using PVA and place them under a press, having previously lined them with newspapers so that moisture is absorbed.

We wait for it to dry completely, take it out from under pressure and make holes in the upper part of each tag with a hole punch. If you don’t have a curly one, then a regular one for binders will do, only instead of two holes you put the tag under one.

We arm ourselves with 0.5 tape. We divide it into the required number of segments, based on calculations of 15 cm per 1 tag. After this, we singe the edges of the tape on both sides.

Advice! If the amount of work is large, it will be convenient to use a candle instead of a lighter.

We pull the piece through the hole in the tag and fasten it with a glue gun. The card is ready!

Handles and stand

To complete the picture, you can also decorate the pens with which guests will write.

Just wrap them with leftover tape or fabric, securing them with silicone glue in stages.

You can place a large number of tags in a beautiful box. Make it from ribbons and corrugated paper.

Advice! Think in advance about transporting such a large object, and if time and opportunity permit, then install it initially in the celebration room. In our case, transportation was carried out in the trunk of a station wagon.
It is best to place the tree on a table, in a visible place. Be sure to inform guests of its availability and offer to fill out the tag. And soon your home will be decorated with a beautiful hand-made art object.

We wish you a happy holiday and best wishes.

A book of wishes has long become a mandatory attribute at a wedding. These are living memories of the past holiday. Now there are many types of such albums, and it is not always necessary to use the book form. This article will be about what can replace a wish book.

Classic version

Let's start with the usual option for everyone - a book. This is the format preferred by most young couples planning to get married. Albums (books) for wishes are sold in a large assortment. Along with ready-made designs, you can also order an exclusive one, taking into account your wishes. Such beauty will always find its place on the shelf and will delight you for many years.

Wooden tiles

Another option that is gaining popularity is framed wooden tiles. Guests write wishes and throw them into a specially prepared frame. Pay attention to the heart-shaped tiles. In this unusual way, all those invited will leave a piece of themselves for many years to come. Plus, you can hang such a “book” of wishes on the wall, thereby making it a decorative item.

Globe and map

Wishes on a globe are ideal for a travel-themed wedding. To do this, you will need permanent markers and the simplest globe, map of the country or the world. Invite guests to leave wishes directly to them. Add interesting details that really mean a lot to your couple - mark them on the map, for example, the point where you met or the route you took together.

Blanket of Wishes

A blanket is an awesome and quite fun way to replace a wish book. A patchwork quilt works well. Don't forget about markers, they must be durable, textile and indelible. Of course, you won’t be able to cover yourself with such a blanket every day, because over time all the paint can come off. Let it be a special blanket. For a special occasion. Don't forget to take it to the dry cleaner occasionally.


Everything is extremely simple. You will need an empty glass container - jar/bottle/vase. In general, whatever suits the interior best. Prepare leaves and strings in advance to tie them. All invitees will write their wishes and throw them into the vessel. After some time, maybe even on your wedding anniversary, you will open it, read everything that your loved ones wished and once again plunge into that day.

Wine bottle

Wine bottles can also be an excellent replacement for a traditional wish book. Guests write directly on the wine bottle. You can keep it for a very long time, for example until the 10th anniversary. If there were several bottles, open one for each anniversary. This will become a pleasant family tradition.


A more expensive version of a wish book is large letters made of foam/wood/plastic. Many couples order them as decorations or attributes for a photo shoot. After the shooting, these letters remain with you. Use them! Anyone can leave a few words or an autograph on them. This will make a great keepsake decor item for your home.


Miniature envelopes can be used as small notes, folded into a special container, or pasted into an album. In any case, it will look very interesting.


First, you need to buy a puzzle. But not simple, but suitable for you. This could be your photo, or just any image with a love theme. Then there are two options for how to use them. First: the puzzle remains assembled. Everyone writes wishes on both sides, if one is not enough. The second option: leave the details in a separate container, guests write wishes on the puzzle fragments, and at the end of the evening you can assemble the whole plot together with everyone. It can become a family tradition to collect the picture again and again on an anniversary or during family gatherings.


One of the most popular ways to leave a wish at a wedding is with Polaroid. These instant photos captured the hearts of millions of people. It's so easy to capture the moment. Invite guests to take a photo and, for example, paste it into an album with wishes. You will keep this photo book with warm words all your life and, every time you open it, remember that happy day.

You can also use the photographs yourself - hang them on a special stand or decorated frame. After the event, the photos can be placed in an album or stored in a box.

Photo frame

Choose a frame based on the number of guests invited. After all, you need enough space for everyone to leave a wish. The photo can be taken right on the wedding day. All you have to do is place it in a pre-prepared frame. After the celebration, you can hang it at home, among other photographs.

Photo album of wishes

Unlike other photo wishes, the album requires preparation. Place your family, favorite photos in it and invite guests to write wishes.


First of all, you need to prepare a beautiful box for storing letters. It can be styled like a letterbox, although this is not required. Try to ensure that it fits well into the overall decor of the room and matches the theme of the wedding celebration. You can order exclusive envelopes with your couple's logo or just initials.

A very unusual item for collecting letters is a cage. They can be stylized, decorated with flowers and ribbons... The choice is huge!


This seemingly forgotten item is quite popular among many brides and grooms. Often young people order a typewriter as decoration or for a photo shoot. However, not everyone uses it for its intended purpose. This is a very original idea for a book of wishes. You can use any paper, which makes it possible to prepare sheets stylized to match the theme of your wedding (with logo, photographs). And also you should not limit your guests in the number of words. After all, a large sheet of paper will fit much more warm words. Subsequently, all the wishes can be sewn into one large album.

Vinyl records

Ideal for weddings of musicians or music lovers. Using a permanent marker, guests write their wishes to the newlyweds on their favorite records. In the future, they can turn out to be a good decorative item for your home.

Paper hearts

Paper hearts are one of the popular ways to replace a wish book. But these are not always hearts, because quite often they use the shape of a butterfly or just an oval. Such elements always look very delicate, despite their large number. Carefully choose the color of the background, frame and the figures themselves. They must fit harmoniously.

Wine corks

Cork is an environmentally friendly natural material. And also an interesting item in order to leave a wish on it. After the holiday, you can store the corks in a glass vase, or you can make some kind of shape out of them. For example, put a heart or your initials. It all depends on the number of invited guests.


Once your guests have left their wishes on the wooden Jenga blocks, you can play it right at the wedding! Or turn this activity into an interesting family tradition. Play on weekends, for example.

Wishing tree

Another original way is to leave a wish on a tree. It can be either living or artificial. Strings with leaves are attached to the tree, on which guests write their wishes.

Wish board

Leaving a wish on a beautiful board will be interesting not only for children. In addition to the words, you can draw something. However, you need to remember the fragility of this method. Any slight movement, for example with a sleeve, can blur the wishes. After the holiday, such a board can be placed under glass or carefully wrapped in film and stored at home.

Wishing stones

The stones are ideal for a wedding on the coast. Sea pebbles are original and symbolic for any good wishes. A permanent marker will help you preserve the warm words of your loved ones for a long time.

Favourite things

It has been very popular lately to use favorite things so that invited guests can leave their wishes on them. It could be anything. For example, a favorite ball or lamp, a book or pillow, a guitar or a chair. Anything you want)

Wishes feed

The ribbon is perfect for a celebration taking place in nature. Simply stretch the rope and attach leaves for wishes to it. A more complex variation is specially prepared frames and stands.

Group photo

On the day of the celebration, a group photo is taken with the participation of all guests. In the evening, the photo is printed and inserted into a frame, and on the back, all guests write wishes to the newlyweds.

Art wish

For this you will need paints and canvases. It's simple. Drawings from guests can be whatever they themselves wish. Or perhaps you want to create something unusual. You can prepare a special print. For example, with your caricature photos.

Bundle of wishes

Convolutions are a fairly popular and unusual option. The main thing is to prepare a frame with a mesh. where the packages with wishes will be placed. They can be inserted in a chaotic order, or you can form them into figures or words.

Vase of wishes

Invite your guests to write their wishes on a vase or plates, which will certainly decorate your home. Don't forget that markers must be waterproof.

Wooden wishes

Guests can leave their wishes directly on the wooden object! It `s very unusual. This type of wish book is ideal for a rustic wedding.

iPad wishes

A modern alternative to the usual wish book. Guests can leave wishes, both in writing and in video format.

Books with questions

An interesting idea is to make a wish book with questions. Or, as an option, you can make several books with your own question inside.

For example:

What's the most romantic place we should visit?

When will the first child arrive and what will we name him?

What should we name our dog?

How do we celebrate anniversaries?

How do we celebrate the 10 year anniversary?

What advice can you give us?

What should a husband not say to his wife?

What story do you remember most about our couple?

An original wishing tree made from improvised means. A wonderful homemade gift for any occasion. A unique master class.

The tradition of decorating a “wishing tree” came to us from the Netherlands. In the country of blooming tulips, the “tree of wishes” is an indispensable attribute of the wedding ceremony. Trees, their branches and foliage symbolize the strength and durability of relationships and the infinity of happiness at wedding celebrations.

Over time, the “wishing tree” has become a wonderful and original alternative to a wedding wish book. Event organizers liked the idea of ​​the accessory so much that the modern “wishing tree” accumulates and preserves the kind words of loved ones not only at weddings, but also at celebrations on the occasion of anniversaries, birthdays, etc.

Wedding wish tree: options

The choice of options for a wedding “wishing tree” is huge. The main advantage of many of them: a beautiful wedding accessory is quite easy to make yourself.

Tree of wishes made from branches

Necessary materials:

  • dry branches 50-100 cm long. Hazel (hazel) branches look very good
  • plastic flower pot of suitable size
  • spray paint for painting branches and pots
  • alabaster (building gypsum)
  • construction ties
  • pieces of padding polyester
  • artificial flowers for decoration
  • decorative elements: pebbles, beads, moss, hay (sesal)

How to make a wishing tree from branches:

  • Selected branches need to be painted using spray paint. The color can be any. Classic wedding decor - white accessories

When coloring branches, do not forget to paint the pot in the same color

  • Form a tree trunk from several fairly thick branches. Construction ties will help secure the branches together. The tails of the ties are cut off during operation

The diameter of the formed trunk must correspond to the diameter of the selected pot, and the height must exceed the height of the pot by at least 2-3 times

  • In a pot, dilute a mixture of alabaster (construction plaster) and water in a 1:1 ratio. Stir well. After 4 minutes, as soon as the mixture begins to set, lower the tree trunk into the mixture. Leave until the alabaster has completely set
  • Form the crown of the tree from the remaining branches. The branches are attached to the trunk using construction ties
  • When the crown is formed, you can start decorating. Artificial flowers that need to be glued to the branches of the crown are perfect for decoration. Beads are used to decorate thin branches

  • The plaster is covered with pieces of padding polyester. You can sprinkle beads or decorative stones on top. The composition will also be decorated with decorative moss or decorative hay (sesal)
  • All that remains is to set the composition in place, prepare the cards and wait for the guests

You can make vintage leaves as wish cards

And for a children's tree of wishes made from branches, these funny cards are suitable

Wishing tree with fingerprints

The undoubted advantage of such a wish tree: after the ceremony, it can be decorated as a picture that will remind you of a happy day. Decorating a tree can be a wonderful experience for guests of all ages. Each invitee should leave their own colorful imprint by participating in the creation of the bright crown of your tree. On the imprint sheet (or next to it) you should write the name of the guest and a wish for the newlyweds.

To create a tree you will need:

  • printed tree template
  • frame of the appropriate size
  • sets of special stamp inks in pads for creating prints (sold in stationery and art supplies departments)

An A3 sheet can hold up to 60 adult fingerprints. If there are more guests, you should increase the size of the template

DIY wedding wish tree: templates

Wishing tree with colored leaves

A wonderful panel that will fill the newlyweds’ home with warmth and wisdom, because loved ones will not wish anything bad to the young family.

Making such an accessory is very simple. You will need:

  • frame
  • thick colored cardboard to fit the frame for the background
  • colored paper
  • thick double-sided colored paper

How to do:

  • Cut out a tree trunk with branches from colored paper. Glue it in the center of the background cardboard
  • Cut out leaves (hearts, butterflies) from thick double-sided colored paper.
  • Fold each leaf in half along the longitudinal axis
  • Glue the leaves to form a round tree crown. Glue is applied to one half of the leaf!
  • Frame
  • Guests write wishes on each piece of paper

Another interesting option for decorating a wish tree in the form of a panel

Tree of wishes with poems

An interesting addition to the wish tree will be thematic congratulations in verse.

How to draw a wishing tree

If none of the proposed options is interesting to you, you can draw a wish tree yourself, and guests will add leaves with wishes to it.

Birthday wish tree

Birthdays, especially children's ones, require a slightly different design for the wish tree. There are bright colors and fun themed cards. And the patterns themselves, sometimes, don’t look like trees at all.

A three-dimensional wish tree for a children's party can be made from paper. Decorating such a tree with leaves will undoubtedly appeal not only to kids, but also to older children.

Necessary materials:

  • printed color templates or black and white templates in duplicate
  • colored double-sided paper (if the templates are black and white)
  • a thick sheet of cardboard or plywood for the base of the composition
  • PVA glue
  • Double-sided tape
  • scissors and stationery knife

Templates for wood are designed for A3 format:


  • Cut out all the details of the future “wishing tree”
  • Collect wood
  • Flowers are formed by twisting and glued together
  • Place small strips of double-sided tape on the leaves. Guests take a leaf, write a wish, remove the protective strip from the tape and attach the leaf to the crown of the tree
  • Assemble the entire composition, securing it on a thick sheet of cardboard or plywood

Ready-made wish tree forms for a child

In addition, children will be happy to put their fingerprints on a funny picture for the birthday boy. Only they will form not the crown of a tree, but balloons and dandelion fluffs. After all, the main task of children is to grow, rising higher and higher.

Anniversary wish tree

Each of the above options can be a wonderful gift for an anniversary or wedding anniversary, including for older people.

Golden wish tree

This amazing tree is the easiest way to make a loved one happy. 365 notes wrapped in gold foil should be attached to the branches of the tree. Golden leaves will form the crown of the tree.

Unfolding another leaf every morning, a person close to you will find a small recipe for happiness. Your love, care and support will be felt in each such note.

Here are some recipes for happiness for the “golden tree of wishes”:

  • Keep faith in yourself even when no one believes in you
  • Remember: Winners do what losers don't want to do.
  • What you cannot achieve today, you will achieve tomorrow
  • You say, this life is one moment.
    Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
    As you spend it, so it will pass,
    Don't forget: she is your creation.
    (Omar Khayyam)
  • How I want to say good words...
    Let the snow fall, and with it renewal.
    What a beautiful and kind life!
    Appreciate all these sweet moments!
    After all, our life is made up of moments like these.
    And if we believe in such a miracle...
    The soul sings and the heart rushes upward...
    And we are not afraid of the evil blizzard!
    Envy and lies do not exist.
    But only peace, warmth and inspiration.
    We are on earth for happiness and love!
    So let this moment of glow last!
    (Omar Khayyam)
  • If you don’t pay attention to difficulties, they will get offended and leave

How to make a wishing tree from topiary

Video: Angelina Komyagina master class “Topiary” - tree of happiness

Video: Morning broadcast/Wishing tree

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