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Presentation on the topic "My future profession is a makeup artist." Basic course "stylist-makeup artist" Project on the topic of my future profession makeup artist

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A make-up artist is a specialist in the field of make-up, creating an image with the help of make-up art tools. From French - fr. Visage - "face", esthetician, facial beauty care specialist; processing and makeup; make-up artist-stylist - work with a person in order to find and give a certain image; make-up artist-cosmetologist - a specialist who determines and selects the appropriate type of cosmetics, eliminates visible (non-surgical) defects, manufactures individual cosmetics.

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The history of make-up Make-up has been accompanying humanity almost since its inception and has been around for millennia. At the beginning of the development of civilization, make-up, for the most part, was intended for somewhat different purposes familiar to us, namely for ritual and religious rites, during predatory raids to intimidate the enemy or before hunting. It was also noteworthy that, unlike our time, both women and men equally resorted to makeup from primitive times to the end of the first millennium.

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The first mention of the desire to decorate the face and body is shown by the Mayan tribes in 2000 BC, who used a red ointment with the addition of the sticky resin of styrax for their make-up. Residents of ancient egypt. Everyone remembers the image of the wife of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty Akhenaten - Nefertiti (1351 - 1334 BC) with pronounced ink eyes and clay powder - lips. But the most striking personality in the development of ancient cosmetology is the last queen of Egypt - Cleopatra (69 - 30 BC), who compiled a collection of recipes for skin care and "make-up", which today is of great value, because . allows you to imagine in detail the way of life of the ancient Egyptian nobility.

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Akhenaten - Nefertiti Sculptural portrait of Queen Nefertiti by Thutmes. 18th dynasty. First quarter of the 14th century BC. Painted limestone. State Museums, Berlin.

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From the beginning of the 1st to the 9th centuries AD. the production of cosmetics was developed in Italy, where make-up products and lipsticks, essences and incense were made. At the beginning of the 10th century, France took over the leadership in the production of cosmetics. French kings strongly encourage manufacturers of soaps, powders, lipsticks and perfumes. From the 16th century to the present, France has been a leader in the production of perfumes and cosmetics throughout Medieval Europe. And no matter what period of history we consider, one thing is clear that external attractiveness and youth always remain in the first place. The modern industry of cosmetics with its innovative component provides the beautiful half of humanity with a huge selection of high-quality and safe for health cosmetics, perfumes, care products, prevention and treatment. Be beautiful and healthy!

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History of the profession. In retrospect of the development of the makeup artist profession, it can be noted that in the process of its formation it has undergone tangible changes associated with the emergence of new trends in the fashion, cosmetics and perfumery industries. The profession gained popularity and its final form relatively recently - for two centuries, until that time only representatives of the nobility could use the services of professional makeup artists.

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The social significance of the profession in society. The work of a makeup artist is in demand in a variety of activities: all famous people, from movie stars to politicians, use the services of professional makeup stylists every day to create the most attractive image.

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Most often, business presentations are ordered by companies to solve various problems. But in our practice there are also presentations for those who themselves provide a range of services, like a whole company. This was Polina Breger - a fashionable Moscow stylist.

Goals and objectives

Polina came to our agency with a ready-made presentation for clients, which, unfortunately, did not meet her requirements. It was a simple, low-key illustration of thoughts, ideas, and style guidelines. To win the trust of clients, to show her abilities, Polina needed a stylish business presentation, a template that she could modify in accordance with the characteristics and needs of each of her clients.

How it was

To begin with, the stylist presented us with several options for the most successful, from her point of view, presentations. Based on them, we have prepared 5 concept proposals. Only 3 options earned Polina's approval, which we took as a basis for the final product.

The structure of the final presentation of the stylist contained only 7 slides:

  • first (titular);
  • description of some particular thing;
  • description of the elements that form the basis of the correct silhouettes;
  • real illustrations of how the same thing can create different images in combination with other elements of clothing;
  • formulas for compiling an image;
  • images for inspiration;
  • a list of recommended boutiques, online stores where you can buy the necessary stylish wardrobe.

Choosing a color palette

The final presentation for the stylist's clients is done in dark green and emerald shades. With the help of the addition in the form of rectangular lines, accents are placed on each slide, and the placement of the name and surname of the stylist on the right vertically carries an informative load, while expanding the space of each fragment of the presentation without overloading it.

The dark tones of the garments presented in the presentation to the client stand out against the general white background. The minimalistic design emphasizes the impeccable taste of the stylist, because there is nothing superfluous. It is as if he sets the client up to the fact that everything here will be only on business: clearly and simply.

Master slide technology

A PowerPoint business presentation allows you to use Master Slide technology, thanks to which the place under the photo on the slide is fixed, when you change the template, you just need to upload a new image there each time. Pre-installed editing tools allow you to crop a photo according to the parameters set earlier. This greatly simplifies the task for our client when working with the Point Power presentation template.

If your business involves constant work with presentations, do not save money on what will provide you with an influx of customers in the future. Having once ordered a template for one of the varieties of a business presentation, you will save time and money, because customers from the first seconds will be able to see and evaluate the scale of the effort, time and money spent on preparation. And do not think that your customers will not distinguish between a presentation created using a free template and one that was created by a whole team of professionals.

Respect your customers as we respect ours!

You can see the full presentation in our.

Visagiste- a specialist who creates a certain image of a person's face with the help of makeup. A makeup artist is often referred to as a "face artist", from the French word « visage"-" face, image, appearance " or "make-up artist" , which means"beauty artist" The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

A true professional perceives a person as a whole - from head to toe, taking into account not only the shape of the face, but also the structure of the figure, the general appearance and even the inner world. The best makeup is the one in which appearance man is in harmony with his inner world. Modern make-up products and the art of a makeup artist allow you to radically change the look. The profession of makeup artist exists to help people look stylish and sophisticated at the most important moments of their lives, giving the impression of a successful and healthy person.

There are many types of makeup designed for different occasions:

  • day;
  • evening;
  • business;
  • wedding;
  • podium;
  • anti-aging (lifting);
  • male;
  • hastily.

Features of the profession

The make-up artist, following the fashion and world trends of cosmetic brands, at the same time must take into account the wishes of the client and his physical features: the structure of the face, the shape of the eyes, eyebrows and lips, skin color, his style and lifestyle. The make-up artist during the consultation can offer the client his vision of the image, but not impose it.

The duties of a make-up artist include not only stylistic makeup, but also the selection of suitable cosmetic products to eliminate visible skin defects.

Main responsibilities of a make-up artist:

  1. determination of the skin type of the client's face and the selection of suitable cosmetic products that can be used to remove skin defects;
  2. choice of make-up type;
  3. preparation of the client for procedures;
  4. correction of the contour of the face;
  5. masking imperfections;
  6. emphasizing the elements of the face: eyebrows, eyelashes, lips;
  7. applying makeup;
  8. individual selection of cosmetics and decorative cosmetics with tips for their use at home.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high salaries for popular makeup artists;
  • interesting creative work;
  • the opportunity to work for yourself;
  • free work schedule;
  • profession obliges a make-up artist to have a stylish and well-groomed appearance everyday.


  • whims and dissatisfaction of customers;
  • the risk of deceiving the client's expectations, who may not like the new image;
  • discrepancy between the opinion of the makeup artist and the opinion of the client;
  • work on the feet, like barbers.

Place of work

Beauty salons, modeling agencies, beauty parlors, film studios, theaters, television, specialized stores of famous cosmetic brands Rive Gauche, L’Oreal, etc.

Important qualities

For a make-up artist as an artist, the following are important:

  • creative imagination;
  • artistic refined taste;
  • color discrimination;
  • spatial and figurative thinking;
  • sense of style, harmony and symmetry;
  • creativity.

For a make-up artist as a service worker, you need:

  • sociability;
  • tact;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • the ability to win over clients;
  • the ability to find original solutions;
  • stress resistance;
  • accuracy;
  • physical endurance.

Make-up artist training (make-up artist)


To obtain the profession of a make-up artist, it is enough to complete special courses for make-up artists and stylists or a make-up school (studio). There are special colleges of the Beauty Industry, Colleges of Business, Management and Technology of Beauty, which teach in the specialty "Stylistics and the art of makeup."

You will learn how to perform day and evening make-up, smokey eyes, Hollywood make-up, wedding looks and age make-up, make-up for shows and photo shoots. Training is 80% practical. The school provides cosmetics for classes. Groups of 7-9 people. , the missed lesson can be visited with another group. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


Salary as of 01/08/2020

Russia 20000—100000 ₽

Moscow 35000—120000 ₽

Makeup artist is a highly paid profession. Remuneration depends on the place of work, the level of qualification of the specialist and experience. Various certificates and diplomas for participation in professional competitions of make-up artists contribute to the increase in wages.

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A make-up artist is an artist, but he does not draw on paper, but on the face or on the body.

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A makeup artist is a makeup artist. Makeup artists, as a rule, are part of the staff of hairdressers, beauty salons, etc. In addition, they can also work individually.

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Attributes: They were found in ice age caves - lip pencils, sticks for coloring eyes and eyebrows.

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Since ancient times, the desire to decorate with a howl appearance has been inherent in people. The masters of this craft have passed on their secrets from generation to generation. At first it was paints obtained from plants, then the makeup was improved. The basis of individuality was make-up, decorative cosmetics.

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The art of "painting the face" was mastered in Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt. With the development of society, cosmetics have changed. began to appear foundation creams, blush, mascara, eye shadow, lip gloss, etc. All this is used by the make-up artist to adjust the proportions of the face, highlight its most expressive features, whether it be a beautiful nose, a cut in the eyes, skin revitalization.

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The tasks of the make-up artist: 1. to reveal the originality, 2. originality, 3. the uniqueness of each face; 4. show its beauty - not average, but peculiar to this particular person. At the same time, the specialist does not forget that decorative cosmetics must necessarily be in harmony with clothes and always remember the weather and the time of the day for which makeup is applied. 5. The main thing is that the client likes the result, because the make-up artist's earnings completely depend on the client.

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Types of makeup: everyday, festive, daytime, evening business wedding makeup for the beach, etc.

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Greek make-up - beauty secrets since antiquity Greek make-up is a method of coloring used by Greek women since ancient times. Its main goal is to achieve perfection, which is inherent only in real goddesses, beautiful nymphs. Makeup is aimed at emphasizing the natural data of its owner. But in order to achieve the desired results, you must have certain knowledge and skills.

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Makeup for school - natural beauty is always in fashion A hot topic of conversation for most modern girls adolescence is makeup to school. What shadows to choose, whether to wear makeup, what means to choose - these and many other questions are of interest to young fashionistas. The main rule for a make-up to school is a minimum of cosmetics. Light coloring is welcome because: Classes are held during the day. Therefore, school make-up is similar to daytime make-up.

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Always in fashion - retro makeup Retro makeup is a great way to highlight both the eyes and lips of a woman. With its help, the face acquires a mysterious sensuality, seductiveness. For the first time, he appeared on the movie screens of American television, after which he made a splash among the fair sex all over the globe.

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Fantasy make-up - the world of miracles is near us Fantasy make-up is an unusual, bright, defiant way of coloring the face, which includes the use of various accessories. The main purpose of makeup is to create a non-standard, fabulous, fantasy image that excites the imagination. This makeup is not used in everyday life because of its extra ordinary. Despite this, fantasy makeup is popular, it is not just a technique for applying makeup, but a whole art.

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The makeup artist profession is very interesting, but also very rare. Few makeup artists can be found in everyday life. It is suitable for people with good imagination and thinking.

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