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In what order should you do your manicure? Doing a manicure at home - step-by-step instructions. What pharmaceutical products may be useful?

A step-by-step manicure is a sequence of performing a set of hygienic and cosmetic procedures for caring for nails and hands.

Well-groomed from time immemorial, beautiful hands were a sign of aristocracy and belonging to the upper class. The history of manicure goes back thousands of years. Even during excavations Ancient Egypt found manicure sets. At the court of the rulers there were special people who kept the secrets of manicure. The pharaohs painted their nails with henna. Both women and men resorted to the procedure. IN Ancient Rome A mixture of animal fat and blood was used as a polishing paste.

Representatives of Chinese dynasties also grew long nails. Men - to demonstrate their masculinity and as an amulet, and women - to show that they do not engage in physical labor. In Europe in the Middle Ages, nobles also did not neglect manicure, which consisted of cutting, cleaning and polishing nails. For polishing, a stick covered with suede was used.

Types of manicure and their features

At the beginning of the 20th century, a real manicure boom began. The industry begins to massively produce manicure sets and the first nail polish. Nowadays, the importance of hand care can hardly be overestimated. A neat manicure is one of the main components of a business, formal and everyday look.

There are 3 main types of manicure:

  • classic (edged);
  • European (unedged);
  • hardware.

For rough cuticles and short nails, it is better to use a trimmed one. If the skin is thin and the blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, then it is better to choose a European manicure. The hardware is universal, it can be used in any case. It is suitable for both delicate and rough skin. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Classic (edged) manicure

First you need to prepare everything you need for the procedure:

  • tools (file, scissors, nippers, pusher, polishing file);
  • nail polish remover;
  • base coat;
  • drying;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • cuticle remover;
  • cuticle oil;
  • hand cream;
  • container with warm soapy water;
  • towel.

Treat hands and tools with antiseptic. Carefully remove old varnish. A nail polish remover without acetone is considered the most gentle on nails, but removing polish with it takes longer and is more difficult.

Use scissors to trim your nails if necessary to remove length. Use a nail file to give it the desired shape. You need to file parallel to the nail in exactly one direction to avoid delamination and brittleness of the nails.

Using a polishing file, sand the surface of the nail plate. You shouldn’t be too zealous, because, firstly, you can damage the nail, and secondly, the applied varnish will not stick as well.

Apply cuticle remover to one hand and immerse in a container of warm water for at least 3 minutes. Do not add oil to water. It is better to use a neutral cleanser as a cleaning component.

Pull your hand out. Dry with a towel. Using a pusher or wooden stick, carefully push back the cuticle. You need to remember that the cuticle protects the base of the nail from damage, so this must be done as carefully as possible. If you press hard on the nail plate during the process, the nail will begin to grow curved. Then clean under the nails with the pointed end of the pusher.

Trim cuticles and excess skin near the nail using pliers. In case of cuts, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Repeat all steps with the second hand.

Apply nourishing cream to your hands and massage your fingers and palms in general. Let the cream absorb, apply cuticle oil and wait another 2 minutes. If you skip this step, the cuticle will soon become rough again, and the manicure will look untidy.

If you will be applying varnish, degrease your nails with a cotton swab. Apply a base coat to ensure durability of the polish and to prevent yellowing of the nail plate. Apply 2 layers of varnish, if desired, decorate with designs and fix by drying. It will give the manicure a beautiful shine and speed up the drying of the coating.

European (unedged) version

The steps are the same as for a classic manicure. Only the stage of cutting the cuticle after the bath is skipped; it is simply moved away with a spatula or stick.

It is worth mentioning hot and spa manicures as varieties of European manicure. Hot is performed in the same way as European. Only instead of a soap solution, warm (35-40°) oil, balm or nourishing milk is used. Hands are immersed for 10-15 minutes. The remains of the nutrient are rubbed into the skin and hands are lightly wiped with a paper napkin.

Spa care involves using a scrub after a warm soap bath, with which your hands are gently but thoroughly massaged. Then a nourishing mask is applied.

For a more effective effect of the mask, it is advisable to insulate your hands. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water without soap. A nourishing cream is applied and a massage is performed.

IN winter time years or if the skin on your hands is very dry, you can add paraffin therapy to your spa care. Liquid warm paraffin is applied to the prepared skin. This mask helps improve blood circulation, nutrition and rapid nail growth.

Hardware manicure

Very popular at the moment. Performed without steaming procedure:

  1. First, hands are thoroughly washed or treated with an antiseptic.
  2. After complete drying, the free edge of the nail is processed with a file and given the desired shape.
  3. Then, using various attachments, the cuticle and rough skin are removed, and the nail is polished.
  4. Apply hand cream and cuticle oil.
  5. A massage of the hands and fingers is performed.
  6. The remaining cream is removed with a paper towel.
  7. If there is a desire to make a decorative coating, then the nails are degreased and varnish is applied.

The hardware manicure procedure, performed by an experienced master, is absolutely safe, painless and takes less time than a classic manicure.

You can successfully use it at home. To do this, you need to purchase a device, preferably less powerful than in the salon, take lessons from a specialist and start practicing. Considering that such care takes much less time, your nails will always be in perfect condition.

Which care to prefer, everyone decides for themselves, listening to the opinions of specialists. The main thing is that it is consistent and regular. Then the hands and the image as a whole will always attract admiring glances.

Women who once discovered gel polish rarely return to regular manicure. Beautiful appearance and the durability of the coating make it indispensable for busy ladies. If you follow the technique, your nails will be gone for three or even four weeks.

Beautiful manicure

Today, equipment and products for manicure are available to everyone. All that's left to do is learn the sequence of applying gel polish to your nails and you can start applying.

What you need for a manicure

At home, you need the same products that are used in salons.

For manicure you will need:

  • dehydrator;
  • base, color and top coat.

Applying base coat

Today you can buy gel polish in different price categories. When choosing a base and top, do not skimp, since the durability of the manicure depends on them.

Choosing a lamp

There are two types of lamps on the market – LED and UF. The sequence of applying gel polish does not depend on them, but the drying time of the nail plate does. For manicures at home, UF lamps are most often purchased, since they are much cheaper. Among the disadvantages are a long drying time and the need to change light bulbs. However, this does not affect the quality of the coating in any way.

UV lamp

An LED lamp will cost several times more. It does not require replacement elements. In addition, the hardening time is much shorter - about 10 seconds. In addition to the high cost, the disadvantages of LED lamps include the fact that they are not suitable for some types of varnishes.

For home use It is better to opt for a UF lamp. The main condition is high power of the device.

Preparation for application

Any manicure should begin with treating the nail plate and removing the cuticle. To do this, dip your fingers in warm water, then carefully cut off the cuticle or push it back with a spatula.

Then we give the nails the desired shape and process them using a sanding file. It is better to choose an abrasive buff to remove the gloss. This will ensure a better connection to the base.

The sequence of gel polish coating includes treating the nails with a degirator. It is applied with lint-free wipes. This way we remove excess fat and moisture. As a last resort, you can use them, but they are very drying and can even affect the final color.

It is not necessary to use a primer at home. If you want to comply with the rules as much as possible, then apply it after treating with a degreaser.

Application process step by step

Remembering the sequence of a gel polish manicure is quite simple. It uses a base, colored varnish and finish.

  1. First you need to apply a base coat to your nails. Use a quality base and you won't have to worry about how long your gel polish will last. The base also provides additional protection against color pigment. It must be applied in a thin layer so that voids do not form. It is better to leave just a little product on the brush and carefully distribute it, starting from the tip of the nail. We seal the end. If gel polish gets on the skin, remove it with a wooden stick. Then dry it in a lamp for 2 - 3 minutes (10 seconds if it is an LED lamp).
  2. The color layer must be applied in the same way. Make sure that the product does not spread around the edges, otherwise unevenness will form. Dry the gel polish in a lamp. Typically, for a high-quality coating it is necessary to apply 2 – 3 layers. Each of them is dried separately. Do not remove the sticky layer of colored varnish.
  3. The manicure sequence includes the application of a finishing agent. The top, like the base, seals the edge of the nail. The finish can be applied in a slightly thicker layer, but it also takes a little longer to dry. Remove the sticky layer using a degreaser. Once completed, use cuticle oil.

Popular techniques for nail design

If you are doing a manicure at home, you should not immediately use a complex design. Learn to work with basic colors, after which you can begin to study additional techniques.

Today, two main methods are at the peak of popularity:

  • gradient;
  • broken glass effect.

Use the instructions that explain step by step how to make an unusual nail design.


In order to create on your nails, you will need a sponge, brush or sponge. Before starting application, repeat the same steps as for a standard manicure. We remove the cuticles, polish the nails, use a degreaser and apply a base coat.

  • Visually divide the nail into upper and lower parts. Carefully spread one color of varnish on the bottom, the other on top. Press the sponge quickly a few times to blend the shades. You can also use a brush. Dry the layer in a lamp.
  • In another method, varnish of two colors is distributed on a sponge or sponge, and then pressed against the surface of the nail. Excess product is removed.

Types of coating using gradient technique

If you don't succeed right away, don't despair. To get started, you can practice on paper.


This design uses holographic particles that have a fairly dense structure and create the effect of broken glass. The beginning of a manicure is exactly the same as in other techniques. Once you have applied the base and color polish, seal decorative elements on a sticky layer. Distribute them one at a time, preferably using tweezers or a rhinestone pencil.

Important! Try not to use too many large particles on the side of the nail. The finishing layer may not completely cover them.

Top coat is the final step. After this, remove the sticky layer and you can enjoy the finished manicure.

Technique shrapnel (broken glass)

What determines the service life of the coating?

If it does, it means you have sanded the plate too much. Chips can occur due to a poor-quality base. If the ends are poorly sealed, already on the second day you may experience the varnish coming off the nail.

Follow the consistency of the technique, and the coating will last you 3 to 4 weeks. The advantage of gel polish is that, if desired, you can change the design if you carefully remove the top layer and apply a different color.

Classic edged manicure differs from other types in that it is necessarily “wet”, that is, it is performed by steaming the brushes in a warm bath with water and useful additives.
It is also necessary to trim the cuticle and rough skin around the perimeter of the nail.

Its alternatives are unedged manicure (with cuticle removal using cosmetics) and hardware. However, these types of treatments in our country are not as popular as classic manicures.

The popularity of edged manicure

Residents of Western Europe generally prefer. In Russia, it has not become widespread. Our women do not want to give up the benefits of classic manicure, and these are:

  • Speed ​​of execution. An unedged manicure, especially at first, until the cuticle becomes thinner under the influence of special cosmetics, takes a lot of time. A classic manicure by an experienced specialist is always performed quite quickly.
  • Minimum tools and traditional means. To perform a trim manicure, the master requires professional and high-quality, but quite ordinary manicure tools and cosmetics.
  • Always a great effect. This is the main advantage. Even with very neglected hands, a specialist can immediately achieve an impressive result. It's no secret that many women neglect regular care, and for them a classic manicure is the only way to get their nails in order.


There is only one drawback: lack of skill or an unpleasant accident, which can cause a minor injury. An unsuccessfully cut cuticle is a gateway to infection; it is painful and unsightly, and can completely ruin the appearance of your nails and your mood.

Is it possible to insure yourself against such accidents? Act in two directions at once: gain experience in performing classic manicures and use the services of a good master.

For those wishing to learn the intricacies of performing a trim manicure, here is a video:

Tools for performing classic manicure

When performing an unedged manicure, a minimum of tools is used, and the emphasis is on high-quality cosmetics that suppress the growth of the cuticle and soften it. Required:

  • Nailfile. Use a glass file: it is the most gentle on the nail plate.
  • Antibacterial gel or liquid.
  • Steaming container.
  • Polishing buff with 220 - 240 grit abrasiveness.
  • Scissors, nail scissors with rounded and straight ends, nail hatchet.
  • Softener for softening.
  • Pushers for removing cuticles: metal, wooden.
  • Nourishing cuticle oil (gel, cream).
  • Hand cream.

Step-by-step instructions for implementation

  1. Hand treatment with disinfectant. The master carefully wipes his hands and the client’s hands with an antiseptic: antibacterial gel, lotion effective against fungus, viruses, bacteria: Sterillium, Cutasept, Dezamin or others. This product must be kept on hand in case of a cut or microtrauma.
  2. Removing the old coating. This is an optional item. If you have a long-lasting coating on your hands, say shellac, and you don’t plan to remove it, then you shouldn’t do it. A trimmed manicure can also be done while preserving the coating, but in this case, the nails, of course, should not be filed.
  3. Sawing. Before performing it, decide on the desired length and shape. Next, you need to shape each nail using scissors, and then file it first from the end and then from the sides. With constant and frequent maintenance, scissors are not required at all: just filing to the desired length and shape is enough.
  4. Grinding. It must be done with a buff with a delicate, finely abrasive surface. The buff should be held across the growth of the nail and with light movements in one direction to achieve shine and smoothness on each nail. This procedure also removes small irregularities and grooves on the nail plate. After polishing, brush off any small particles with a brush.
  5. Apply cuticle softener. Eat a large number of cuticle preparation products. Cuticle Away from CND is considered a classic. The products are applied with a brush or squeezed out (if the product is gel-like). When performing trim manicures, apply softener for a short period of time.
  6. Pushing back the cuticle with a pusher. Use a wooden or metal stick to lift the cuticle and push it towards the skin. Do not press too hard on the nail and cuticle, so as not to injure the nail matrix. Carry out this operation carefully.
  7. Softening bath. Place your hand in a bath of warm water. You can add a little lemon juice, sea salt, and also means to strengthen the plates to the water.
  8. Cuticle trimming. Before this operation, once again slightly lift the cuticle with a pusher, and then cut it in a circle, holding the nail scissors at an angle of 90 degrees to the nail. Then cut off what protrudes around the perimeter with a cuticle, starting with the side ridges. Under no circumstances should you tear off the skin, but only lightly cut off what you can. To avoid injury at this important stage, manicure tool must be perfectly sharpened. Here is a video on the topic for professionals and advanced amateurs:

  9. Disinfection and moisturizing. You should treat your hands immediately after trimming your manicure, first with a caring cream, and then only your nails and cuticles with a disinfectant. It is best if it is an alcohol-containing product. It will not only prevent infections, but also degrease the nail plates before applying the varnish.
  10. Applying varnish, decorating nails. After a properly trimmed manicure, it’s time to give free rein to your imagination and perfectly decorate your nails.
  11. Applying cuticle oil. Use a caring oil such as CND Solar Oil or Orly's Cuticle Oil Gel to soothe irritated skin. The best oils for cuticles contain vitamin complexes and valuable natural ingredients. They promote the growth of healthy nails and slow down the growth of the cuticle itself.

When to contact a specialist

  • makes it difficult and tires you,
  • a manicure is done for an important occasion and must be perfect,
  • nails are too neglected,

Don't tempt fate. Entrust your hands to a highly qualified master who will take care of your nails with the help of the best cosmetics, a steady hand, a trained eye and professional tools. And then your nails will always be well-groomed.

Lesson No. 3 - “How to properly do manicures for clients (edged, euro, combined)”

A professional manicure requires the attention of your eyes. We start by determining the type of cuticle, so you will understand what type of manicure your client needs.

Types of cuticles and corresponding manicure:

Normal cuticle type- very easy to remove, the skin is not over-dried, a combined manicure is ideal for this type (in the future the client can be transferred to a European manicure).

- it resembles film. has a translucent appearance, very soft, you need to be careful with it, since this type is often accompanied by close capillaries. If a client comes to you with exactly this type of cuticle, you should do the first manicure with a trimmed one, and then only a combined one, you don’t need to injure it, so it will stop growing so much over time (perhaps the first manicure with this level of neglect will be accompanied by bleeding, not You need to be scared, the longer the cuticle is neglected, the closer the capillaries grow to it).

- this type of cuticle hardly grows, but it needs to be maintained in order; with this type, the area of ​​the lateral ridges often grows the most. European manicure is ideal in this case, but if suddenly there is still a little cuticle on one of the fingers, you wash it off.

The next stage of your work is to proceed to the technology of performing a hygienic procedure - manicure, follow the instructions, each type of manicure is described step by step.

Nail structure:

Types of professional manicure, how a novice master can learn how to do it:

Trim manicure manicure technology:

During a trim manicure, the cuticle and growing skin on the rollers are removed with tools and cut off. This type of manicure is considered harmful and unhygienic due to the fact that it is performed with one tool, but as you understand, this depends only on the conscience of the master and his disinfecting methods.

Disinfection is the basis of your work - a guarantee of health for the client and you!

To make a trim manicure you will use the following tools and materials:


  1. Nail and cuticle nippers;
  2. Cuticle scissors;
  3. Pusher or orange stick;
  4. Nail buff;
  5. Dust sweeper.


  1. Disinfectors;
  2. Remover;
  3. Disposable wipes;
  4. Gloves;
  5. Mask;
  6. Bath;
  7. Filler;
  8. Cuticle oil;
  9. Hand cream.

Learning how to do a trim manicure:

  1. In the first lesson, you learned that all services begin with disinfection of hands (yours and the client’s), as well as tools in front of the client. Put on gloves after disinfection and don’t forget about the mask, but you may find it inconvenient, but believe me, this is important, protect yourself from allergies.
  2. Finish the free edge with a nail file and give it the shape the client wants. You need to use a file strictly before you soak your nails or after, but your nails should already be completely dry and hard. If you need to remove the length or trim the sides of your nails, first use nail clippers. It is important to remember that you can use nail clippers to trim your nails when they are steamed and become softer. It is not advisable to bite your nails dry, as this will lead to peeling. Remove the film of the nail that will remain on the end after filing with a buff, just grind the nail from top to bottom. Remove dust from the nails with a sweeping brush.
  3. Take a pusher or a stick, lightly push back the cuticle and apply remover (when doing a trim manicure, using remover is not essential, but it saves a lot of time and will remove most of the soft materials, so we recommend that you don’t skimp in this case, use it).
  4. Dip the client's hands, or rather fingers, into the warm bath. This type of cuticle soaks for 5-7 minutes (with softening gel).
  5. Remove your finger from the bath and wipe it, but not dry, it should remain moist. Push back the cuticle all the way, but don't overdo it. There is no need to press down on the pusher, as this can damage the nail and disrupt its growth. Try to guide the pusher almost parallel to the nail. Check if you removed the film well with a buff.
  6. Take the scissors and carefully, using only one smooth cut, continuously remove the cuticle. You should not throw the cuticle sheet, cut it step by step like a tailor, without interruption, otherwise you will get burrs.
  7. Using pliers, remove the skin from the side rolls. Do not let the cuticle stick to the blades; to remove it during operation, simply lower them into the bath for a couple of seconds.
  8. Apply oil to the cuticles and cream to the skin of the hands. After this, you can proceed to the coating. If the systems are gel, then the oil and cream are applied after coating. Why do you need to smear your cuticles with oil?— oil helps the cuticle tighten faster and take on a beautiful, well-groomed appearance; some types have a disinfectant or affect nail growth.
  9. Organize your work area and tools.

The period between trimming manicures is individual, it all depends on the client’s body, the average is from one to two weeks.

Combined manicure technology:

The name of this type of manicure speaks for itself - it is a combination of 2 typologies (European + edged). In order to learn how to make it you need to have the following tool and material:


  1. Disinfectors (for tools and hands);
  2. Cuticle remover;
  3. Cuticle oil;
  4. Hand cream;
  5. Bath filler ( sea ​​salt, cream, etc.).


  1. Pumice pencil for cuticles;
  2. Wire cutters;
  3. Cuticle scissors;
  4. File for natural nails;
  5. Buff for natural nails;
  6. Dust sweeper;
  7. Disposable wipes;
  8. Mask for the face;
  9. Gloves;
  10. Bath.

Learning how to do a combined manicure:

  1. Your first step ALWAYS and with every service should be disinfection! Treat the client's hands and then yourself, put on gloves and a mask. Treat the instrument with a spray in front of the client (and after it in the same way, but using the device).
  2. Take a natural nail file and shape the nails (the free edge of the nail) into the shape the client requests. Sweep away any remaining dust. Don't forget to sweep away the dust with a brush.
  3. Take a tool to push back the cuticle (a pusher or an orange stick, whichever is more convenient for you). Start with the client’s right hand, it doesn’t matter why. Lightly, carefully push back the cuticles and apply the remover. Leave it on for a few seconds.
  4. Immerse the client's hands in the bath of filler for 4 minutes. Remember, with a remover the cuticle gets wet faster, so you should not, under any circumstances, keep the visitor’s fingers in the water.
  5. Remove the client's first finger from the bath and lightly blot it with a napkin. Take an orange stick and push back the cuticle completely, using it to remove the film that was under the cuticle from the nail. After filing, a film may remain on the nails; remove it with an orange stick (just swipe along the free edge from one side to the other).
  6. Take your cuticle scissors and remove the cuticle from start to finish, you should do this in one cut.
  7. Take a pumice cuticle pencil and dip it in the bath. The pumice pencil should only touch the skin, not the nail. Be careful near the nail sinuses, a pumice pencil can seriously damage the nail plate. Remember - the pumice pencil should always be wet! Carefully treat the cuticle with it, from its center, first in one direction, then in the other. For a combined manicure, a pumice pencil serves as a polisher for the cuticle, removing its remnants and straightening the cut after scissors.
  8. Take the nippers and remove excess skin from the side sinuses and rollers (if necessary). Sand the cuts with a pumice pencil.
  9. Polish your nails, take a buffer and work it from top to bottom. Sweep away any remaining dust. It’s important to remember that you can use a buff on the nail plate only according to its growth from top to bottom!
  10. Apply cuticle oil to your cuticles and rub it in lightly. Apply the cream to the skin of your hands and distribute it with massage movements. If you plan to apply a coating, then you can apply the cream under regular polish before coating, but you must first degrease your nails before applying it. If gel polish, then strictly after. Why apply hand cream?- hand cream is a compliment on your part, it will give your hands a well-groomed look, make your skin velvety, and present your work with the highest point of professionalism.
  11. Clean up your work area and disinfect your tools.

The period between combined manicures does not differ from trimming, however, if you are giving a client a manicure with the aim of converting it to European, then in no case should you wait for the cuticle to completely grow back; the client should arrive at the beginning of the euro exchange rate after 4-5 days. Warn the client that the first 4 times of a European manicure will need to be done with a short break, but each time the cuticle will slow down its growth and he will not have to come to you so often.

Euro manicure technology:

European manicure is performed without the use of a cutting tool, only with an orange stick and a pumice pencil. There is a secret: with a European manicure, the basis of your high-quality result is the remover.


  1. Pumice pencil;
  2. Pusher or orange sticks;
  3. Bath;
  4. File for natural nails;


  1. Gloves and mask;
  2. Sea salt;
  3. Remover;
  4. Cuticle cream and oil;
  5. Disposable napkin.

Learning how to do a European manicure:

European manicure is useful because it is absolutely harmless from a hygiene point of view, and the most valuable thing is that it slows down the growth of the cuticle. The first time, while the cuticle adapts to this type of removal, it will be necessary for the client to come every 4-5 days; if the cuticle grows longer, then it will need to be removed and the euro exchange rate will need to be changed again.

If any procedure is unclear, write it in a review. Perhaps you have encountered some difficulty, describe it and a professional technician will answer you.

Manicure at home is not a difficult ordeal, but quite an easy and pleasant procedure if you know some subtleties and tricks.

Any nail care involves several stages:

  • shaping;
  • removal of cuticles and hangnails;
  • strengthening the nail;
  • varnish coating

Each of them has its own rules, let's look at them in order of execution.

Rule #1

The best shape is oval or square nails. This manicure will look advantageous and neat on any hands. Stilettos on long or thin fingers will look awkward, and those with short or chubby fingers should avoid square shape, will stop at oval.

You can give the shape using nippers or scissors, and then bring it to the desired contour with an abrasive stick.

Rule #2

When starting to file, visually imagine the intended edges. Move the nail file in one direction only: start from the edge (corner) and move towards the center. There is no need to perform multidirectional actions - this spoils the nail plate. Try to keep the tool perpendicular to the nail.

At home, it is most convenient to work with fine-grained files with rounded ends on a cardboard or plastic base. They will carefully and accurately create the shape you need. Coarse and coarse files are used only when working with artificial nails.

Rule #3

Shine and a smooth surface can be achieved using a polisher - a nail file with a “velvet” coating. They typically have 4 different coatings on them, each one following the other when sanded. The sequence is indicated by numbers on its edges. You should not treat your nails with ordinary files, since the effect from them is short-lived or absent altogether.

Proceed with manicure only with dry hands: damp or wet nails are easily injured and deformed. Because of this, both the form and the top layer may suffer.

Rule #4

Removing the cuticle requires preparation: it should be softened and moved to the edge. Any special product (liquids, oils) for the cuticle and a spatula that gently moves it can help. Before this, you can carry out a light peeling: massage the area at the root with a soft brush with soap or glycerin. A warm bath also perfectly softens and prepares the cuticle.

As for the spatula, it is better if it is a tool with a rubber tip. Wooden and metal ones are quite rough and can damage delicate skin. Sometimes simply moving the cuticle is sufficient and does not require further trimming. If this is not your case, then use nail clippers and carefully cut off what is unnecessary.

Do not use a manicure fork; if used incorrectly at home, it will only cause harm.

Rule #5

Removing burrs is a delicate and responsible procedure, but it can be easily done at home. First, make a bath of hot water with 5 drops olive oil and a pinch of baking soda. 10-12 minutes after steaming, dry your hands and begin removing with tweezers. Pre-treat them with alcohol to avoid infection.

When trimming, do not pull the burr, but carefully bite it off with tweezers. Rough skin along the nail can be removed with a nail file.

Rule #6

You can strengthen your nails in various ways: apply oil, take a paraffin bath, use medicated varnish. Strengthening products should contain calcium and fruit acids. Strengthening varnish can also act as a base for regular varnish.

Plays an important role in the beauty of nails proper nutrition, which contains vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Thus, vitamins A and B are the foundation for nail growth. Iodine is necessary for strength and strength, and silicon and calcium create a healthy and elastic nail plate. In addition, you should add foods rich in sulfur and iron to your diet.

Rule #7

Short but very important. Manicures at home should be done in good lighting. This is often forgotten, but it is the lack of light that can ruin all your efforts when you see the result of your work in sunny weather outside.

Rule #8

Always use a base coat before applying color. It performs the function of creating a smooth surface and protects from harmful influences. Thanks to the base coat, the main color goes on evenly and has a more saturated color. Be sure to dry your nails completely before the next step.

Rule #9

Before painting, shake the tube of varnish and wipe the brush on the edge to avoid excess flow. You should start painting from the middle of the nail, smoothly painting and moving towards the edges. Today there are a large number of options for the type of manicure: from simple French to complex designs and patterns. Color and painting are a matter of taste, choose at your discretion.

Rule #10

All that remains is to correct and correct those “blots” that have gone beyond the edges of the nail. This can be done using a cotton swab previously soaked in nail polish remover, or a special pencil with a solvent on the rod. For quick drying, you can use a stream of cold water or a hairdryer.

The final touch to the manicure is applying moisturizer to your hands. It will make them softer and more delicate, thereby completing a pleasant beauty creation procedure.

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