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The script for the game program, autumn is just around the corner. Game program “Golden Autumn. “Riddles competition” - everyone participates

Competitive game program "Hello golden autumn"


    provide knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins;

    teach to observe changes in nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


Leading: Dear friends! We are glad to see you at our holiday “Hello golden autumn.” This holiday is dedicated to the most wonderful time of the year - autumn. Pupils read poems.

Yellow coins fall from a branch...
There's a whole treasure underfoot!
This is golden autumn
Gives leaves without counting,
Golden gives leaves
To you and to us
And to everyone.

Host: Let’s convince each other today that “nature has no bad weather”! So that you have good mood Guests came to our holiday with a cheerful song "Antoshka".

Host: In autumn, as you know, trees shed their plumage. Imagine that you are walking through the forest, and yellow, red, orange leaves are circling around.

Host: You walk, and they rustle under your feet, and at the same time your soul is so calm and quiet, and the leaves keep falling and falling.

I don’t like eating cheesecakes, I love ditties:


The stupid cloud didn't know
It's already autumn here.
Fire forest outfit
It rains for an hour straight.

Autumn is so generous
He will reward everyone for their efforts.
We are at the Harvest Festival
They bore its fruits.

Oh, you artist, Autumn,
Teach me how to draw like this.
I'm in your work then
I will help you!

The stupid cloud didn't know
It's already autumn here.
Fire forest outfit
It rains for an hour straight.

Autumn is so generous
He will reward everyone for their efforts.
We are at the Harvest Festival
They bore its fruits.

Oh, the trees have turned yellow,
They sway in the wind.
Oh, it's always vacation
They end up so quickly

Game "Who can collect the most flowers"

(Collect flowers in their basket)

Host: Autumn is a very mysterious time of year, it changes like a fairy tale, sometimes warm and affectionate, sometimes cold and harsh. And no one can solve the mystery of this time.

We offer a quiz

With jokes, with questions

Under the name simple

"Solve the mysteries of autumn!"

Autumn riddles:

Don't trust the warm sun -

There's a snowstorm ahead.

In a golden whirlwind

The leaves have flown.

It was I who came with the rains,

Leaf fall and winds. (Autumn)

The boy is almost seven years old.

I have a backpack behind me.

And in the hands of a large bouquet,

There is a blush on the cheeks.

What holiday date is this?

The branches in the park rustle,

They shed their outfit.

He is near the oak and birch trees

Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

It flows like an oblique wall

And knocks on our windows.

It's cold, pouring,

And the gazebos in the garden get wet.

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

To then go down into the puddle. (Autumn rain)

Squirrel in autumn without haste

Hides acorns, nuts,

The mouse collects grains,

The mink is stuffed tightly.

This is a warehouse, not a hole -

A mountain of grains has grown!

What are the animals doing?

Guess what, guys! (Stocks for the winter)

The field is wet in the fall,

But the beets are ripe.

And in the September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches. .

What are we collecting for winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

In November the trees are bare,

Kindergartens and schools are getting wet.

Next to the raindrop

White fluff curls,

Flies past the windows

And then it melts on the grass. (First snow, snow and rain)

It's still warm in October

And on the puddle there is glass.

After all, on a cold starry night

Our puddle is frozen,

It immediately became more interesting:

Step on the glass and it will crack! (First ice)

Hundreds of birds, gathered in flocks,

During the autumn day they fly away.

And they fly there

Where it is always, always warm.

Birds, where are you in a hurry?

Tell our children! (South)

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is covered in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above you

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large. (Puddles)

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

And Varvara dries it.

And then we are together with Varya

We make it at home... (herbarium)

Ripens in September

And to the taste of the kids.

Very hard shells

The lumps are delicious.

Don't break your teeth on them -

That would be sad. (Nuts)

I arrived with the breeze

And covered the huts.

The air is like milk,

Substitute the mugs! (Fog)

The days are short, the nights are long,

We call each other

In October we fly like a wedge,

We're making pitiful noises. (Cranes)

Host: Autumn is not only a beautiful, poetic time of year, it is also the most abundant time of the year, when fruits ripen and the harvest is harvested.

Host: It’s not for nothing that people say “they count chickens in the fall”

Game "What's in the basket?"

(Children with eyes closed take and guess various fruits and vegetables)

Competition "Fruit Tournament" (assemble puzzles from fruit pictures)

Competition "Maple Leaf" (you need to glue the cut out leaves onto a pre-drawn tree)

Competition “Find out the vegetable” (the child shows the vegetable, and the children guess)

Host: The beauty of autumn is that no one else can change their outfit like that. She constantly pleases the eye with the variety of her colors. We challenged her and decided to show you our fall-themed fantasies.

Competition “Best Autumn Craft” (from any natural materials make a craft; who will make the craft faster and more beautiful) .

Leading: Which hedgehog has more mushrooms?

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. We wish you to see beauty in everything, so that you always have a good mood!

See you again!

List of used literature:

    Autumn Tale – //Holidays in kindergarten and school. – Volgograd, “Teacher-Ast”, 2000.

    Mamedova L.V. “The legends of deep antiquity...” - // Read, learn, play.-1999. -№3 – p. 9-12.

    Ritual poetry. – M.: Sovremennik, 1989. – p.313-322.

Equipment: pieces of tulle, scissors, threads, whatman paper, plasticine, spoons, hot jacket potatoes, scarves, strips of paper, capes, pins, vegetables as prizes.

Presenter 1. Autumn is such a variety of colors!

Presenter 2. Autumn is such a riot of nature!

Presenter 1. Autumn will forever be glorified in songs and poems!

Presenter 2. Autumn will always be the most desirable and unpredictable time of the year!

Presenter 1. You will see this today!

Presenter 2. Taste the “autumn vinaigrette” with us!

The presenters invite those who want to take part in the program to the site and divide them into two teams of 5 people.

Presenter 1. Autumn is the brightest time of the year. This is the blue of the sky, and the yellow of the tree crowns, and the red clusters of rowan berries!

Presenter 2. Whose team finds the most helpers in the hall, and does it as quickly as possible, will get a chance to collect everything needed for the vinaigrette. On the road, friends!

The music sounds, the participants of both teams look for in the hall those whose outfits contain the colors named by the presenters - Yellow, blue, red, and bring them to the stage. The presenters count the number of “multi-colored” in each team, determine the winning group, leave it on stage, and present everyone else with small autumn prizes and escort them into the hall.

Presenter 1. Summer is behind, and winter is ahead. Let's see who has it in their outfits White color. They are ready for winter, and that means for all the troubles of a cold and inhospitable season.

The presenters invite 5 new players to the site.

Presenter 2. The new team will be called “Winter”, and the team that wins the “color” competition will be called “Autumn”.

Presenter 1. Now we will determine which team will remain in the game, and thereby tell our fortunes whether winter will come quickly, or autumn will last longer!

Presenter 2. Winter and autumn have so many holidays in store for us!

Presenter 1. And where there are holidays, there will definitely be games!

Teams are invited to take part in the Chain game. The presenter offers the teams words, for example, one - “autumn”, and the other - “winter”. The first player of the team selects an epithet for this word, for example, “cold”, the second player - Comes up with a noun for the sounded word, for example, “eyes”. (The noun and the epithet may not coincide in gender and number.) The third player names the epithet for the word “eyes” - “kind”, etc. along the chain. The winning team is determined by the amount of time spent creating the chain. The losing team, having received small prizes, returns to the hall. Members of the remaining team compete with each other and receive vegetables for vinaigrette as prizes.

Presenter 2. One of the most revered autumn holidays among the people is the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As Yesenin wrote: Flame pours into the abyss of vision, In the heart is the joy of childhood dreams, I believed from birth in the Protection of the Mother of God.

Presenter 1. And people also said: “If you spend the Intercession having fun, you will find a friend.” With the Intercession, the time of weddings began in Rus'.

Presenter 2. We invite girls on stage to take part in the next competition.

Presenter 1. Whoever “makes a veil” the fastest will have a wedding “looming” this year. And the competition task is simple and clear - which of you, using these pieces of tulle, threads and scissors, will make a veil faster, will win the competition.

The winner of the competition receives the vegetable needed for the vinaigrette.

Presenter 2. From Pokrov, zealous owners begin to insulate the house for the winter, everyone tries to “bring in the heat.” “Pokrov, heat our hut without firewood,” people said. They rolled down the rubble, caulked the grooves with moss and tow, and coated the frames. And for you, the task is this: on a sheet of Whatman paper, “draw” a hut window with plasticine. Use your fingers! Time has passed!

Those 5 people who are on stage participate in the competition. Music plays, the task is completed, the winner receives a vegetable.

Presenter 1. In autumn, the time begins, popularly called “Meat Eater”.

Presenter 2. Whether you should eat meat or not - scientists are still arguing about this. But recently we simply cannot do without potatoes. Which of our players will peel the potatoes faster? We offer you freshly boiled jacket potatoes and a spoon. In ancient times, peasants did not know forks. Your task is to peel the potatoes as quickly as possible and eat them. And all this - to cheerful music.

Music plays, the contestants peel hot potatoes and eat them. The game can end the moment someone does it first. The winner gets a vegetable.

Presenter 1. People said: “When the Pokrov comes, it will cover the girl’s head,” and young girls said: “Pokrov, cover the earth with snow, and cover me with a bridegroom.”

Presenter 2. Let us paraphrase the statement and suggest you do the following: while the music is playing, our contestants, running back and forth, will try to tie scarves on as many girls present in the hall as possible.

Presenter 1. They will cover their heads, tie a knot under the chin, and return for the next scarf. And then we will count for each participant how many spectators in the hall we managed to “cover.”

Young men on stage participate in the competition. Music plays and the winner gets a vegetable.

Presenter 2. And people also said: “Mend your fur coat before the Intercession, otherwise there will be no warmth!” We offer our competitors to make shaggy capes. The capes are already ready, they are on our assistants, and you try to quickly attach to them as much of the “fur” you have made with the help of tailor’s pins and needles. To do this, you take prepared strips of paper, cut one side to form a fringe, and then attach it to the capes. The time to “repair a fur coat” is only one minute. Paper, scissors - on a separate table in the center of the stage. I think the task is clear?

Music sounds, the task is completed, the results of the game are summed up, the winner is determined, and a vegetable is awarded.

Presenter 1. Now it's time to sum up the autumn meeting. Let's count how many prize points each participant has scored. Dear players, show who has which of the awarded vegetables.

Presenter 2. You have most of what you need for an autumn vinaigrette, and congratulations on that. And as a prize to the main winner, all participants in the program will give what they received, so that the leader of the game has everything he needs for the autumn treat

Music sounds, the winner is given vegetables, the rest of the players are given rowan twigs, aromatic tea, and medicinal herbs etc.!

Presenter 1. Thanks everyone for participating! To everyone - health, warmth, comfort, all the best in this autumn season!

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Municipal educational institution "Bobravskaya secondary school"

5-7 grades

Prepared and carried out

senior counselor

Ostapenko L.N.

Autumn scenario game program

5-7 grades

Presenter 1.

The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,

And the leaves on the birch trees turned yellow,

And you can’t hear the birds singing at all

And silently autumn comes to us.

Presenter 2.

It's autumn outside now. Differently we call it: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it is the beginning of school, it is preparation for a cold and long winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but you want to live.”

Presenter 1.

We are opening our festive competition and game program. Our program is dedicated to AUTUMN. Today three teams will compete: team _____________, team __________________ and team _____________. Since this is a competition, it will be judged. I represent the panel of judges. FULL NAME. jury

Presenter 2.

And before we begin, let's take an oath from the participants in the game:

Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

Share the joy of victory with your opponents.

All. We swear!

Presenter 1.

And now we are starting the competition program.

Competition 1. “Greetings”.

In this competition the jury will evaluate the team's performance.

Presenter 2:

Before we start, let's do a warm-up. The teams have been introduced, and now we will conduct a training session - we will check the intelligence, discipline and teamwork of the teams. Guess which autumn months are mentioned in the riddles; for the correct answer the team receives a point.

1 team.

Autumn is rushing through the streets,
He paints everything, he’s not lazy,
It rustles under the wheels
Yellow blizzard. (September)

2 teams

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret,
Who is your second servant? (October)

3 team

Everything calmed down, shrank,
Drooped, flew around,
Only the Christmas tree is beautiful
She got better for winter. (November)

Presenter 1.

Well done, you completed the task. So let's begin!

Contest. "Poetic".

Autumn evokes a wide variety of moods. Many poems have been written about this wonderful time of year. Your task is to read expressively poetic passages and name their authors

The forest is like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson.
A cheerful motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing. I. Bunin

The mournful wind drives
Flocks of clouds to the edge of heaven.
The broken spruce groans,
Whispers dully dark forest. N. Nekrasov

The sky was already breathing in autumn
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter.
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she was naked... A. Pushkin

The swallows have disappeared
And yesterday the dawn
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, they flashed
Over there over that mountain. A. Fet

Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.
They only show off in the distance - there, at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees. A. Tolstoy

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Water causes fog and dampness. S. Yesenin

Presenter 2.

Now let’s check the poetic gift of your team members. Choose rhymes for the words:

1 team

Cone -
Maple –
Tuchka –

2 teams

Potato -
Fog -

3 team

Painting -
Puddle -
Breeze -

Presenter 1.

Competition “Continue the proverb”

Presenter 2.

Competition "Tell me"

Autumn is rich in weather surprises, but it often gives clues by which these surprises can be predicted in advance. The Russian people have long noticed and used these signs. What autumn signs are you familiar with?

Game “I’ll start, you continue.”

The clouds are coming low - ... (expect cold).

If the first snow falls on wet ground - ... (it will melt).

Thunder in September - ... (for warm autumn).

A lot of rowan - ... (for rainy autumn).

Clouds are rare - (it will be clear and cold).

If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - (the winter will be snowy and harsh).

If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.

Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

Presenter 1.

Competition "Yunnaty"

I invite you to answer questions from life plants:

    The leaves of which plants (trees) turn red in autumn?

    (Rowan, aspen, maple.)

    What kind of tree is it said about - “No one scares, but everything trembles”? (About aspen.)

Presenter 2.

What color clothes are best for a hunter to wear in the fall? (Yellow or brown - to match the color of plants that have changed color.) Now answer questions from life


    When and how do spiders fly? (On autumn days, the wind blows away cobwebs with young spiders.)

    Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall?

    (At the hare.)

    What kind of birds in the spring mutter: “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat,” and in the fall - “I’ll sell a robe, buy a fur coat.” (Mowers, black grouse are males.) These sounds are an imitation of his spring and autumn song - muttering.

    Where do butterflies go in the fall? (They die, climb into the cracks.)

Presenter 2.

What birds store food for the winter? (Owls, owls - mice, jays - acorns, nuts.)

How do ants prepare for winter? (They close the entrances to the anthill and huddle together.)

And now the game program. We will have many gaming competitions.

1. "Locomotive". A participant comes out of each team and begins to walk around the hall, collecting “cars”. Whose engine ends up with the most carriages is the winner.

3. “Captains Competition” - “Cockfight”

The presenter calls 3 captains - these are “roosters”.

They must face each other, one hand behind their back, take their leg in the other hand and, jumping on one leg, knock each other sideways so that the opponent stands on both legs.

Presenter 2.

We continue our competition program. And now the competition “Theatre of Autumn Miniatures”.

You should act out autumn miniatures on a given theme in pantomime.

Stories are glued to autumn leaves. The captains approach the presenter, pull out one of the plots, and after a few minutes each team acts out the plot.

1. The bear arranges its den and goes into hibernation.

2.Chickens are counted in the fall.

3.A hamster collecting supplies for the winter.

4. A hedgehog pricking mushrooms and blocks with needles.

5. Farewell dance of cranes.

Presenter 1.

Competition "Dance with Potatoes"

To the music, the couples, resting their foreheads on the potatoes, try to perform some dance movements so that the potatoes do not fall, otherwise they will go out of the circle. Who can dance the longest?

Presenter 2.

And now the relay races!

The essence of the first relay is to bring chestnuts to your team one by one in a spoon (the spoon is clamped in your mouth) and, without dropping them, put them in a plate, does everyone understand? Whoever moves all the chestnuts faster will receive 5 points. And now to the start, attention, march (cheerful music sounds).

Relay 2 “Guests on the Doorstep” In order to treat Autumn, you need to go to the store, and it’s raining outside. You put on your galoshes, open your umbrella, take your basket and go to the grocery store. Everyone will bring one vegetable for the salad. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

3rd relay race “Catch the wind” (Running in sacks).

Presenter 1.Competition “Homework” “Fashion – autumn 2011”

Show the model of the autumn season and talk about the model (after writing it down on a piece of paper) One participant shows the fashion, the other player talks.

Presenter 1.

While the contestants are preparing, I offer the fans tasks - a surprise.

I have leaves of different trees in my hands. The participant comes up to me and chooses a piece of paper and completes the task proposed by the presenter.

1. Tell the aspen leaf a poem without hesitation.

2. Whoever has a maple leaf is an artist, he can perform in the circus - hold a pen on his nose.

3. The oak leaf asks participants to remember a song about autumn.

4. Whoever has a rowan leaf, say without hesitation: “Half a cellar of turnips, half a head of peas.”

5. Whoever has a birch leaf is a mimic artist: he doesn’t say anything, he depicts everything with a gesture.

Presenter 1.

Now let's look at the autumn models.

Presenter 2. This concludes our program. We give the floor to the jury.

Presenter 2.

Autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She brings generosity to the soul and warmth to the heart. Autumn has fully come into its own. Winter is ahead. But don’t be discouraged, because winter has its own charms, its own holidays. Our next meeting is at the New Year's ball - masquerade. Until next time.

Municipal educational institution Sosnovo-Borsk secondary school

Game program

"Golden autumn"

1-4 grade


Morozova O.A.

Goals: Create conditions for the development of schoolchildren’s communication abilities; contribute to the formation of a positive emotional sphere in the social circle.


1. Consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn; about signs and associations within the framework of the autumn theme.

2. Develop and train memory (songs, riddles, poems), motor activity of schoolchildren, emotional sphere(give children the joy of communication and a sense of celebration).

Develop the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior.

3. Cultivate goodwill in relationships with peers, develop children’s ability to “listen and hear” and act (play) according to the rules.

Progress of the event

Leading: Good evening, invited and welcome guests!
People old and young, married and single!
You are welcome to autumn gatherings!
We invite everyone and warmly welcome you.

1 child Autumn, dear minx, has settled here and there,
How a real witch decorated her temple.
2child The clusters of viburnum viburnum delight with their beauty.
You slowed down the look, so slow down your step, wait!
3child Let me admire you!
Let me listen to you!
Don't rush to leave, separate,
Don't let yourself be overshadowed.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
We haven't seen each other for a whole year.
After summer, it’s my turn.
Are you excited to meet me?
Do you like the forest outfit?
Autumn gardens and parks?
Yes, my gifts are good!
I came to your party
Sing, have fun,
I want with all of you
Make strong friends.

Leading: Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, Autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you flour.

Leading: So there will be pies.

Autumn: And apples are like honey.

Leading: For jam, for compote.

Autumn: I brought a full deck of honey.

You and apples, you and bread,
You brought honey too.
And good weather
Did you bring us autumn?

Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

Autumn: I see on the horizon
A cloud flies across the sky
I'll quickly open my umbrella,
It will protect from rain.
I’ll hide everyone, everyone under an umbrella,
How could it be otherwise?

I only have two umbrellas

So that you don't get wet, friends

One by one you get up

Pass the umbrella quickly.

Competition "Umbrellas"

At this moment, some noise is heard at the door of the hall. There are shouts: “You can’t come here!” and “Let me through!”

Autumn: What's the matter? Who dares to interrupt our fun?

(The Garden Scarecrow runs into the hall, runs up to Autumn, bows low to her).

Scarecrow: Mother Dove, Our Golden Autumn Queen! They didn’t order execution, they ordered him to say his word!

Autumn (surprised): Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form on children's party?


I don't dress according to fashion

All my life I stand as if on watch,

Whether in the garden, in the field or vegetable garden,

I instill fear in the flocks.

Scarecrow: Empress! I am not some slacker and lazy person, I am a working Garden Scarecrow. All summer I stand in the garden, guarding the master’s harvest, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, in any weather - both in the sun and in the rain. I work without giving up! I protect vegetable gardens and orchards. What a crop I grew! You can’t put everything together alone, guys, we need your help.

Leading: We need to rescue the Scarecrow, help him.

Competition "Harvest"

Scarecrow:Well done, here are the helpers! I was in such a hurry to get to you, I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even have timeadmire the beauty of autumn. And it’s so beautiful around! Colorful leaves are flying everywhere!

Leading: This is autumn leaf fall, the guys know poems about it.

1 student:
Falling leaves wander in the grove
Through the bushes and maples,
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.

2nd student:
Let's make a fan out of leaves,
Bright and beautiful.
The wind will run through the leaves,
Light and playful

3rd student:
And obediently following the wind
The leaves are flying away.
So there's no more summer
Autumn is coming.
(A. Pleshcheev)

Song “Leaves are falling, falling” (1st grade)

Leading: Look, autumn has brought us several of these beautiful leaves as a gift.

Competition "Autumn Wreath"

Autumn:I have one more gift for you, and you will find out what it is when you guess the riddle.

While the children are each wearing a beret,When they grew up, they put on their hats.

(Mushrooms)Leading: Our guys often go to the forest to pick mushrooms, and they know the name of all the mushrooms.

Riddles about mushrooms

I'm called a boletus
I’m used to standing in a dense forest.
I'm on a thick, strong leg,
Try to find me. (White)

I'm standing in a beautiful hat
On a graceful white paw,
But everyone bypasses me
I'm killing a sea of ​​flies out of boredom.


Very friendly sisters
They wear red berets.
Autumn is brought to the forest in summer


The bottom of the hat is white, and there is a torn pouch on the bottom of the leg.
Deadly poisonous mushroom.

(Death cap)

Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
From a distance noticeable,
Collect, don't hesitate,
This is...(Russula)

Leading: We not only know how to solve riddles, but we also know ditties about mushrooms

Mushroom ditties (4th grade)

1. We begin the chorus
First, initial
We want to cheer
The audience is sad.

2. Here is a boletus mushroom growing,
He is both beautiful and great.
Wearing a thick hat on one side
The leg is as strong as a stump.

3. Chocolate hat
White silk uniform.
Having looked, the honey agaric gasped:
A real commander.

4. How old are you, morel?
You look old.
The fungus surprised me:
My age is only two days.

5. Hid under the Christmas trees
Saffron milk caps with needles.
Not small, not big
And they lie like nickels.

6. And in the moss, like on a pillow,
Someone's little white ear.
This milk mushroom is asking us to take it,
And behind him there are about five more.

7. Under the aspen trees on a hummock
Mushroom in a raspberry scarf,
Call me boletus,
And you will have to take it.

8. Multi-colored toadstools
They climb into the clearings themselves.
We don't need any
Let's bypass them.

9. Bug-eyed fly agaric
He sat sideways on the slope.
He looks, smiles,
Wants to please everyone.

10. We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that we can be applauded.

Scarecrow:It’s good to go to the forest to pick mushrooms when the sun is shining in the sky. But in autumn there are not so many sunny days, more and more rain and wind. You know this kind of autumn weather.

Playing with spectators

Scarecrow: Let's split into two teams. Those on the left will represent rain, and those on the right will represent wind. (Addresses those sitting on the left.) Hey, you daring assistants! Have you forgotten how the rain hits the roofs? Come on!

Children (loudly): Drip-drip-drip-drip!

Scarecrow (addressing those children sitting on the right): Do you remember how the wind howls outside the window in November?

Children (in chorus): Ooooh!

Scarecrow: Well done! Well, now all together!

Children "drip" and "howl".

Leading: Listen, Scarecrow, to a song about this autumn weather.

Song “Bad Weather” (3rd grade)

Scarecrow: Oh, I’m feeling cold, maybe it’s time for me to go home to the hayloft?

Autumn: Wait, my faithful servant! After all, it’s too early for us to leave!

Allow us to continue our holiday.

Scarecrow: I don’t mind, but you need to ask the guests too.

(Addresses the children.) Dear guests, maybe you are tired?

Children (in chorus): No!

Autumn: So, let's continue to have fun?

Children (in chorus): Yes!

Autumn (addressing Scarecrow): Well, come on, Scarecrow, get down to business! Show us your competitions!

Scarecrow: Are you ready for the competition?

Children: (in chorus): Ready!

Scarecrow: First, let's see who is the fastest. We will transport vegetables with you.

Competition "Transport the Vegetables" »

Scarecrow: Well, now let's see who has the most dexterous and fastest fingers!

Competition “Sort out the beans”

Three small tables and chairs are placed, and on each table there is a large plate of mixed beans. A girl is selected from each team. The task of the participants in this competition is to sort through the beans as quickly as possible, separating the white from the brown and placing them on two saucers. The scarecrow starts.

Scarecrow: While these beautiful girls, clever girls, smart housewives are doing their job, we will hold another competition!

Scarecrow: Are you sitting around doing nothing? Now I’ll force you to work: I’ll arrange a “Field of Miracles” for you!

Then he knocks the broom on the floor three times and solemnly announces:

Playing with the audience!

Scarecrow: Guys, I know such riddles: fruit and vegetable riddles, mushroom riddles, rainy riddles - the most autumn ones!


The game of “riddles and guesses” begins. Children give answers all together or each separately, after raising their hand.


It grows very thickly

Unnoticed it blooms,

And when summer passes,

We eat his candy

Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell,

Take care of your teeth, kids!

Children: Nut!


They grow in summer

And in the fall they fall.

Children: Leaves!


Grew from a seed

Golden sun.

Children: Sunflower!


And in this garden bed -

Bitter riddles

33 clothes, all without fastening,

Who undresses them?

He sheds tears.

Children: Bow!


Red maiden

Born in a dungeon

Threw out my braid

Cleverly through the window.

Children: Carrots!


Like in our garden

Mysteries have grown

Juicy and round,

These are so big!

In summer they turn green,

They turn red in autumn.

Children: Tomatoes!


Red beads hanging

And they are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.

Children: Kalina!


Who hits the roofs all night

Yes he knocks

And he mumbles and he sings,

Lulls you to sleep!

Children: Rain!


I tried all summer,

Dressed, dressed,

And when autumn came,

I gave away all my outfits,

A hundred clothes

We put it in a barrel.

Children: Cabbage!


The boys didn't know mushrooms

This is hilarious!

Brought home from the forest...

Children: Fly agaric!


And under the old pine tree,

Where does the old stump live?

Surrounded by his family

The first one was found...

Children: Boletus!


Autumn has come to the forest,

The red torch was lit.

Here are blackbirds and starlings scurrying about

And, noisily, they peck at her.

Children: Rowan!

Scarecrow: You know how to solve riddles, but do you know songs about autumn?

Song “Autumn has come to visit us” (2nd grade)

Queen Autumn: We celebrated nicely today! Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and wet snow, with cold winds and frosts. But I am very glad that you all love me - for my generosity, for my beauty, for the rare but glorious warm days! Thank you for coming to our wonderful holiday today. Low bow to everyone! (Bows.)

Event Analysis

October 30, 2015 for students primary school The competition program “Golden Autumn” was held.

Children actively took part in competitions:


Harvest the harvest

Autumn wreath

Transport the vegetables

Sort the beans

They reacted emotionally to the appearance of fairy-tale characters and enjoyed playing with them, reading poems, and singing songs.

Competition program “Autumn leaf fall” for grades 7-8

Goals: development of students’ aesthetic taste, nurturing a love of art; creating a favorable psychological climate in the team; congratulations to the birthday people.

I. Preparation for the holiday.

1. Homework for teams:

1) “Autumn composition”.

2) Works for a drawing competition.

3) Original congratulations birthday people.

4) “Autumn” newspaper (in the form of maple, oak, aspen, birch... leaves).

5) Autumn leaves maple, oak, birch, aspen... (made from paper, each person makes a stencil from one album sheet).

2. Autumn landscapes for decorating the board and for the second competition (choose reproductions or students draw for the holiday themselves).

3. Tokens in the form of vegetables and fruits (made of colored cardboard).

II. Holding a holiday.

1. Speech by the presenter, the jury.

The presenter reads an excerpt from the poem by heart.

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing,

The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

A. S. Pushkin. 1833

Presenter. With these wonderful lines from the poem “Autumn” by A. S. Pushkin, we open our competition program “Autumn Leaf Fall”. The name itself speaks about its content. We will talk about autumn, this amazing time of year, a little sad, but so generous with its colors and gifts. We invite everyone to take part in the program.

It is advisable to demonstrate the drawings made by the teams, the “Autumn Composition”, “autumn” newspapers, leaves.

Then the jury is given the floor. The jury reports the results for each homework assignment.

Presenter (continues). How many wonderful, unforgettable poetic lines are dedicated to this beauty - autumn! Whoever has not admired her beauty, has not sung her praises!

2. Competitions.

Competition I

Presenter. Let's remember these lines. I invite you to take part in a literary quiz. Your task is to name the author of these lines. For the correct answer, the team receives a token.

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!..


Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

A. S. Pushkin. 1833

Available in the initial autumn...


A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell.

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

Still a long way from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

F. I. Tyutchev

The swallows have disappeared...


And yesterday the dawn

All the rooks were flying

Yes, like a network, they flashed

Over there over that mountain.

I've been sleeping since evening,

It's dark outside.

The dry leaf falls

At night the wind gets angry

Yes there is a knock on the window...

A. A. Fet. 1854

Competition II

Presenter. I think that when reading these poems, pictures of autumn landscapes appeared before your eyes. In the next competition, your task is to compose a story based on this autumn landscape (10 minutes to complete). For participation in this competition, each team receives from 1 to 3 tokens, depending on their place...

Music sounds...

The presenter's assistants distribute landscapes to the participants.

Competition III

Presenter. And now that you have remembered all the colors of autumn, it will be easy for you to take part in the next competition. We need to choose epithets for the word “autumn”.

Let me remind you that an epithet is a vivid definition that creates a vivid idea of ​​the subject.

Write down the epithets in four columns.

First - epithets that convey the beauty of autumn (elegantity, coloring): elegant, fiery, bright, crimson, purple, colorful, golden...

Secondly, what kind of weather does autumn have: cold, rainy, damp, dry, foggy, dirty, stormy, warm, windy...

In the third - from the point of view of its time, duration: long, early, late, late, protracted...

Fourth - from the point of view of psychological perception (what feelings does this time of year evoke in you): joyless, sad, sorrowful, thoughtful, wonderful, sad, glorious, gloomy, beautiful...

To complete the task - 5 minutes.

Note. Epithets are not read; if the epithet is not written in the appropriate column, then it is not taken into account.

Music is playing.

The jury sums up the results, the teams receive tokens...

Competition IV

Quiz for those who read a lot and know a lot

1. When does autumn begin in Australia? (In March.)

2. Why are the leaves at the tops of trees the last to fall? (They are the youngest.)

3. What vegetables of the pumpkin family can be found in our garden? (Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini; gourd, etc.)

4. Which animal gives birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall? (Hare.)

5. The roots of which plant are called second bread? (Potato.)

7. Who flies away in the fall and returns in the spring? (Birds.)

8. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog.)

9. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

The jury takes into account the number of correct answers. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...

Competition V

Presenter. And now new competition“Make a proverb” (on the proverb cards: the beginning is on one, and the continuation is on the other).

Music is playing.

1. Spring is red with flowers - / and autumn - with fruits.

2. What you sow is what you reap.

3. The rye is ripe - / get down to business.

4. Whoever cherishes the earth, / the earth takes pity on him.

5. Autumn will order - / spring will say its own.

6. I missed the day - / lost the harvest.

9. They remove the bread - / they look at the sky.

10. In autumn bad weather - / there are seven weather conditions outside.

The jury takes into account correctness and speed. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...

Competition VI “Prize - surprise”

Presenter. Whose team determines the weight of this bunch of grapes will receive this prize.

Competition VII

Presenter. You have a good eye, and now let’s check your perception of the color scheme. You need to make an applique from the prepared pieces of colored paper; not all elements can be used. Time - 10 min.

Music is playing.

The presenter asks questions based on ready-made applications or a specially prepared poster. Presenter. Show:

1) scarlet color;

2) apricot color;

3) fawn color;

4) purple color;

5) cream color;

6) olive color;

7) turquoise color;

8) purple color;

9) azure color...

The jury evaluates not only the speed of execution, but also the accuracy of the application and the correctness of the answers. For participation in the competition, teams receive tokens...

Competition VIII “Riddles Competition”.

Each team solves the riddles in order; the jury takes into account the number of correct answers. If the correct answer is not given, then the riddle is offered to the next team. For participation in the competition, teams receive tokens...

Stronger than the sun

Weaker than the wind

There are no legs, but he walks,

No eyes, but crying. (Cloud.)

Large, fractional and frequent,

The whole earth was watered. (Rain.)

Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung. (Fog.)

The centipede boasts:

“Am I not beautiful?!”

But just a bone,

Yes, a red blouse. (Cherry.)

Birds demolished

Little blue testicles.

Hung on a tree:

The shell is soft.

Sweet protein

And the yolk is bone. (Plum.)

Two sisters are green in summer,

By autumn one turns red,

The other one turns black. (Red and black currants.)

The heroes stood in a row,

They serve faithfully.

Their heads are inside

Beard - outside! (Corn.)

Grew in the garden

green branches,

And on them -

Red kids. (Tomatoes.)

Red mouse

With a white tail

I was sitting in a hole

Under the leaf. (Radish.)

There was a child -

Didn't know diapers

Became an old man -

There are a hundred diapers on him. (Head of cabbage.)

He stands there thoughtfully

In a yellow crown,

Freckles darken

On round face. (Sunflower.)

Sits on a stick

In a red shirt

The belly is full,

Full of stones. (Cankerberry.)

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And in the cold it’s sweet.

What kind of berry? (Rowan.)

What is not sown

Will he be born? (Grass.)

They took off their caftans,

He didn’t take off his caftan. (Pine, spruce in a deciduous forest.)

It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Dies in the fall

Comes to life in spring. (Forest.)

The old man is standing

Above the water,

Shakes his beard. (Reeds.)

One hundred and one brothers

All in one row -

Standing tied together. (Sheaf.)

There is an oak tree on the mountain,

No one will approach him:

Neither king nor queen

Neither the red maiden

And who will come?

He will take it with him. (Burdock.)

I didn’t count the versts

I didn’t travel on the roads,

And I’ve been overseas. (Bird.)

Not a cancer, not a fish,

Not a beast, not a bird,

Who will kill him?

He will shed his blood. (Mosquito.)

In the fall he will climb into the crack,

And in the spring he will wake up. (Fly.)

First wedge

Then damn.

Water flows -

It doesn't matter to him. (Umbrella.)

You can lift it

And through the hut

You can't transfer it. (Feather.)

Competition IX

Presenter. And now it’s time to congratulate our “autumn” birthday people...

Music is playing.

The teams congratulate the birthday people and present them with gifts. The jury takes into account the originality of congratulations.

III. Summarizing. Tea party.

The jury sums up the final results. The winning team is awarded prizes. Everyone else gets an apple. Tea party.

Presenter. So, today we rested, had fun, showed our abilities, and AUTUMN helped us with all this!

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