When to cut your nails by day of the week
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Which hand is used to trim the nails of an unmarried woman?



Signs related to nails.

Signs have existed for so long that few people remember where they came from, who invented them, and why this or that particular event was interpreted in such a way. But one way or another, many people listen to signs. Oddly enough, broken nails also mean certain events in the future. And which ones you will find out further.

Why did the nail break on the thumb, index, middle, ring finger, little finger, on the right and left hand: signs and superstitions

It has long been believed that nails and hair are endowed with magical properties. Ancient sorcerers believed that in the hair and nails of each of us there are special points that are an energetic connection with the cosmos. And if hair loss is a more or less common thing and necessary for renewing your hair, then a broken nail is a wake-up call for everyone that changes will occur in one area of ​​life or another. And it is very important to know about these beacons in order to be prepared if the changes are not entirely good. For a long time beautiful nails were a sign of noble origin, because the peasants could not afford

chic manicure

. Therefore, a broken nail was a real tragedy, because previously there was no way to repair a cracked nail. : By the way, an interesting fact is that despite the general belief that changes in the right side of the body are a good sign, and in the left, on the contrary, harbingers of trouble, with nails the opposite is true.


A white spot on the affected nail symbolizes the end of things, which is not part of your plans. That is, things will not end at all as expected. But let's now move on to specific fingers on which the nails break:

  • Thumb,
  • which symbolizes the achievement of plans and desires:
  • There is also an opinion that the loss of part of the nail from the thumb of any hand means that the person who brought negativity and evil into your life will leave your life forever.

Forefinger symbolizes the opinion of others about you, reveals your leadership talents:

  • For a manager, a broken nail on your right hand means that you may soon become less significant to your colleagues. Or a person will appear in the team who will begin to undermine your authority.
  • If the same situation occurs with a person who is a subordinate, then difficulties are foreshadowed here. But don't be discouraged. You will definitely overcome them.
  • The situation with the same nail, but on the left hand, means almost the same, but with a small clarification - the situation will ultimately turn out to be useful for you. Employees will still understand that you are their boss and will listen to your instructions.

Middle finger– accuser of conscience, moral values ​​and intuition:

  • A broken nail on your right hand means that you have a long journey ahead of you, and a long one and not a very easy one.
  • Loss on the left hand, on the contrary, portends a pleasant journey. And also a very profitable, but risky project.
  • Esotericists unanimously insist that it is such a nuisance to talk about your emotional exhaustion.

Ring finger which is worn wedding ring, speaks about matters of the soul and heart:

  • A broken ring nail on the right hand means a quarrel with a loved one or with parents, if there is no other half yet.
  • The left nail brought you positive news about something pleasant from your loved one. Get ready and wait.
  • But esotericists say that such a nail means your lack of self-confidence in relationships with the opposite sex.

Little pinky shows how you can communicate in a team and make new acquaintances.

  • A loss on the right hand means that you will have misunderstandings in the family and you will lose some of your money.
  • But a broken left nail foreshadows the manifestation of a strong feeling or the arrival of very welcome people to visit.

But there are signs that say that if you break a nail, especially the middle finger of the left hand (but all broken nails have a meaning) for Epiphany, then this is very bad. Some say that then you need to turn around against your axis three times in front of the mirror. Others advise not to sin on such a holiday, but simply to go to church and bless the water. It’s better to just cut off the nail and forget about this incident.

There is also a sign that says that a girl who has nails constantly break, will soon meet his betrothed. But this is a controversial issue, since we are talking about a banal lack of calcium, a nail injury, or a poorly done manicure. Therefore, you can believe in omens, but you shouldn’t build your whole life on them.

I broke my nail before the wedding: a sign

If a nail breaks before the wedding, then this can mean only one reason - rush. In a hurry this is quite possible. But there is a negative consequence to this - you will have to waste time going to the salon, because at the wedding the bride’s nails must be perfect.

Don’t take everything to heart and don’t pay attention to such a minor nuisance. After all, you have a wonderful event ahead. And let a broken nail be the last trouble in your married life.

White and black spots, stripes on the nails of the right and left hand: sign, meaning

Of course, from a medical point of view, spots on nails mean problems in the body and a lack of certain substances. But there are people who still believe that this symptom should be equated with some magical characteristics.

Also in Ancient Rus' it was believed that:

  • The stain on the finger foreshadowed a wardrobe update. Moreover, the number of spots meant the number of new things.
  • For those who were ill, the appearance of the spot was a joy, since it was believed that after this the disease would recede.
  • But if three spots appeared on one hand, then this was considered simply incredible joy and impending good luck.
  • The appearance of spots on different hands signified a series of failures that should be waited out.
  • If the white dot acquired a yellow tint, it means that the person could face financial failure in the near future.

But let's not talk about the general, but try to understand the marks on each finger:

  • Mark on thumb promises new purchases, most often foreshadows a wardrobe update.
  • Spot on index finger warns that soon there may come a period in your life when you will be irritable and sad. But don’t be sad, you will meet a person on your way who will dispel your sorrows.
  • And here spot on middle finger means significant financial improvement, happy Days. But the appearance of yellowness on the fingers means hostile events and even legal proceedings.
  • Spot on ring finger means loss of family understanding, scandals and discord in the family. And by the way, if the stain appears when the relationship is already at the finish line, it means that a better and richer candidate will soon appear.
  • Spot on little finger denotes good luck in matters of love, work and creativity. You need to release your feelings, open them. But spots on both hands mean theft, but it is not known whether it is from you, or whether you will steal someone else’s thing, which you will then have to return.

The location of the spot also matters:

  • Spot near the hole portends changes in the near future.
  • The spot in the middle advises you to pay attention to what is happening around you and be alert.
  • But when the mark moves to the edge of the nail, it means everything bad will soon leave your life. You can breathe easy.

The larger the spot, the greater the changes a person will experience. By the way, black spots mean that a great misfortune may happen soon. It is better to cut off such a mark quickly.

Why you shouldn’t bite your nails: a sign

If a person bites his nails, then he gnaws at his fate. But be that as it may, a person with bitten nails just looks sloppy and gives the impression of being neurotic. Therefore, perhaps with such a terrible sign the ancient people were simply trying to frighten and wean their descendants from a harmful activity.

Why you can’t paint your nails with black varnish: signs

Black color is the personification of great astrological misfortune and Saturn. That is you paint not only your nails, but also your body black. Thus, you attract sadness and difficulties to yourself.

Cut your nails on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: signs

Stories about cutting nails on a certain day of the week are shrouded in special secrets and magic. Let's lift this veil and figure out when it is better to cut your nails, and when it is strictly prohibited:

  • Monday. On this day, along with the cut nails, will go away negative energy. On this day you also carry out disease prevention genitourinary system. You are removing the memory of past sorrows.
  • Tuesday. Cutting your nails on this day will relieve headaches.
  • Wednesday. After cutting your nails on this day, you will receive great news. In addition, the nervous system will be in complete order.

  • Thursday. In order to raise self-esteem and find yourself in this world, you need to cut your nails on Thursday.
  • Friday. On this day, it is not advisable to carry out such procedures, since according to a certain opinion, along with this you will lead your body to a strong slowdown in all processes.
  • Saturday. The most favorable day for cutting nails.
  • Sunday. A day off on which it is not advisable to carry out nail trimming procedures. On this day, the Guardian Angel is in a special connection with you, and together with a piece of nails, you can alienate the patron from yourself.

Cutting nails not at home, at work: a sign

Cutting nails outside the home (at work, in the hospital, visiting) not advisable. And this is not only because it is unethical, for example, to do manicures at work. But also because nails, like hair, thrown into the trash can used by sorcerers to cause damage and other negativity. Therefore, it is advisable to flush your nails down the toilet so as not to leave particles of your nails in the trash can.

IMPORTANT: By the way, astrologers are against drawings on manicures. Since they can carry a secret meaning and change a person’s destiny. According to the same astrologers, nails should be cut on Mondays in order to start the week clean.

Do not cut your nails outside or at home in the evening. Because you will attract material and production problems to yourself. By the way, the ban on cutting nails in the evening is connected with a very simple aspect - previously, when there was no electricity, in the evening you could injure yourself and get an infection. Medicine was not developed then and after such a procedure one could die.

Is it possible to cut a sleeping child’s nails: a sign

There is no clear answer as to why exactly you should not cut a child’s nails while he sleeps. Many mothers are scared by vague information on this issue. Basically, this sign comes from the fact that you can scare a child in his sleep or he will pull his handle and you will injure him with sharp scissors. According to stories, some mothers then visited fortune tellers to remove fear from the child.

But still, most mothers cut their child’s nails in their sleep, because this is the opportunity to do it. The child does not wiggle his arms, and you most likely will not inject him during this procedure. Therefore, it is not necessary to listen to all the signs, especially the rather ambiguous ones.

Why you can’t cut your nails in the hospital: signs

According to popular belief, you should not leave parts of yourself, be it hair or nails, in private places. Since in this case a quick return to these walls is possible. Therefore, if you cut your nails in the hospital, do not throw them away, but take them with you. Throw it away at home. Again, remember that it is not in the trash can, but rather in the water.

The fingernail and toenail itches, comes off, peels off: signs

In this case, there is no need to look for an explanation in signs, since such a symptom is a sign of nail fungus. Therefore, the best option would be to consult a doctor to prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Signs are undoubtedly important, but you should not completely let them into your life. Because many events have a very real explanation and for this you do not need to turn to witches. Don’t think too much about current events, be it a broken nail or a stain on your nail, and enjoy life no matter what.

Video: Cutting nails by day of the week

The neatness of a manicure can be used to judge not only a person’s social status, but also the state of their health. For our ancestors, cutting nails was perceived as a real ritual. For example, it was previously believed that it was impossible to do a manicure in the evening, as this could lead to trouble. Modern and ancient practices are still observed, and this is how basic recommendations are formed on when to cut your nails.

Folk signs

Today there are several popular beliefs according to which the nail plate is given special significance.

It is believed that skin, hair and nails are the carrier of human energy. So, in occult rituals these attributes can be used. However, magic in general is denied from a scientific point of view, so it is not worth delving into this.

  1. Some folk signs and their interpretation:
  2. Why not in the evening? This sign appeared a long time ago and is explained by the fact that in the evening there were no such good sources of lighting, so it was very easy to get hurt with scissors.
  3. Why can't you cut your nails at night? Some peoples previously held various religious rituals at night, in which all people were supposed to participate. Accordingly, there was simply not enough time for a manicure. In addition, it was believed that if you cut your nails after midnight, you could incur the wrath of God.

Why can't you leave your cut nails anywhere? Firstly, it is unhygienic and ugly. Secondly, everything is also explained by magic; a piece of the plate, as a carrier of human energy, can be used by people involved in the occult. IN modern world

Few people believe in these signs, but they adhere to them, more often because it is so common, because our grandmothers told us throughout our childhood that we should not cut our nails in the evening or at night.

It is rare to find an article in medical sources about when it is better to cut your nails. But there is a lot of information on this topic in numerological and astrological sources. There is even a whole method of cutting nails according to Rempel, according to which the reference point should be kept on the eastern lunar calendar.

There is a whole classification based on the days of the week when you can get a manicure and pedicure, so as not to harm your own health and well-being.

Let's consider which day of the week according to the horoscope is favorable and which is not:

  1. Monday - Moon horoscope. The day is suitable if a person has health problems, psychological stress and other emotional problems. After removing the old plate, a person gets rid of ailments and negativity.
  2. Tuesday - Mars horoscope. Favorable days for people who want to improve their financial situation. Cutting your nails on Tuesday means money and success at work.
  3. Wednesday - Mercury horoscope. People who want to improve their achievements in work and study need to get their nails done on Wednesday. On such days, people should be accompanied by success and good luck.
  4. Thursday - Jupiter horoscope. It is also advisable for people who have health problems (metabolism, heart failure, etc.) to cut their nails on Thursday. It is also recommended to trim the plates on this day for people who want to bring money and good luck into their home.
  5. Friday - Venus horoscope. Signs say that Friday is not the best day for a manicure. On this day, all processes in the body slow down, and as a result, health may worsen.
  6. Saturday - Saturn horoscope. Favorable days for manicure include Saturday. It is recommended to have a manicure for people who want to improve their physical and psychological health, as well as improve their personal life.
  7. Sunday - Sun horoscope. Astrologers recommend refraining from cutting your hair on this day, otherwise you may bring trouble in the near future. Sunday is popularly called the day of Satan. If nail cutting occurs on this day, then the person will be accompanied by bad luck all week.

  • if nails are cut during the waxing moon, they will grow much faster;
  • if you carry out a manicure during the waning moon, the plates will be thicker and stronger;
  • You can’t do a manicure for 3 days before and after the full moon.

How to cut nails for pregnant women?

Regarding pregnancy, there are various unfounded superstitions and signs that have long been refuted. For example, signs that pregnant women cannot cut their nails and hair are of no use; overgrown plates will break and only cause inconvenience.

Pregnancy is not a disease, so getting a manicure regularly can and should be done, not all signs need to be followed. The only contraindication for pregnant women is nail extensions; women have a very changeable period during this period. hormonal background, so the overlay material may not last even a week. Neither the varnish nor the gel has a negative effect on the fetus. The volumes of toxins they contain are very small to cause harm to the child.

So, you can apply nail polish, but not too often; once a week will be enough.

Before giving birth, doctors recommend that pregnant women cut their fingernails and toenails. If you have a big belly, cutting your toenails is extremely inconvenient, so it is better to ask your spouse or loved ones about it. In general, if the conditions are favorable for nail cutting to take place according to all the rules, then there is nothing to fear. When is the best time to cut a plate, this question is individual, but it is better to do it when it is convenient for a person, since walking around with sloppy nails is unsightly.

Today it is not so important what day of the week you can get a manicure, the main thing is to carry out this procedure regularly. After all, all the dirt and germs settle under the plate, and not everything can be washed off with soap. Trimming your nails is very important, first of all, for your health. Well, if a person adheres to popular beliefs, then this will not lead to anything bad.

What is dangerous and why should you not cut your nails at work?

Let's start from the perspective of culture. A not entirely aesthetic moment, like cutting your nails, will cause a lot of dissatisfaction and disgust from your colleagues. After this, no one will consider you a well-mannered person. Activities related to personal hygiene are carried out at home, but not at work.

The workplace, especially near the computer, pens, calculator and other objects that we touch more than once, is not always full of germs and fungi with clean hands. If you cut your nails in such an environment, you can easily become a patient of a dermatologist.

The scissors that will be used to trim overgrown nails will also not be sterile. Before use, hands must be thoroughly washed, and scissors, even for personal use, must be disinfected. The entry of dust and dirty air from a window can result in blood poisoning.

Wounds caused by careless cutting of nails can become inflamed and cause suppuration of the finger. You will lose your income and spend time in a hospital bed as a patient. So don’t trust signs after this.

Where and why can't you cut your nails? as well as At work

For reasons related to poor sanitation, it is not recommended to cut your nails in cheap government hair salons. You should not pay attention to advertisements about inexpensive manicure services at home. It is not known who had their nails cut or corrected before your arrival.

The consequences of failure to comply with basic sanitary rules, the lack of disinfectants, will cause jaundice, the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases such as household syphilis, and even AIDS. This prospect does not make anyone happy.

Healers, magicians, and astrologers do not advise cutting your nails outside the home. In this action they see something intimate, personal. You can't flaunt your weaknesses. In addition, they warn that cut and discarded nails can be used in various rituals and will harm their owner, taking away good luck and health.

They are also against nail salons, which not only cut nails, but also cover them with various designs. Astrologers are confident that such images carry a secret meaning and can change a person’s fate for the worse.

When and why can't you cut your nails? so that there are no problems At work

Astrologers see biologically important centers in a person’s nails, so they recommend cutting nails on Mondays. On this day, a person’s priorities change, and new beginnings are possible. Cutting your nails means getting rid of old failures and problems.

It is strictly forbidden to cut your nails in the evening. There will be problems with money and at work. This advice from astrologers, of course, cannot be taken literally. It is connected with the fact that earlier, by candlelight, people often inflicted wounds on themselves while cutting their nails in the evening. Medicine was poorly developed. Such a procedure could result in blood poisoning.

Healers pass on the magical power of cutting nails to Tuesday. On this day, changes to work, big profits and promotions are possible.

The lunar calendar marks Tuesday and Wednesday as the days for cutting nails. Financial well-being, receiving a large sum of money, and a promotion await you. It is also good to cut them on the waning moon.

On Saturday there is a high probability of getting rid of debts and lack of money. This means everything will be fine at work.

No matter how omens, magicians, astrologers and psychics scare us, personal hygiene and culture of behavior in society are interconnected things. Even children know that you should not pick your nose with your finger, cough without covering your mouth, sneeze and not apologize for it, much less bite or cut your nails in front of the people around you.

Many people believe that any part of the human body carries certain information. This also applies to nails, which contain our energy. According to ancient signs and superstitions, it is believed that it is necessary to cut nails only during certain periods. There are several basic ways to determine a favorable time for a manicure. Superstitious people follow the lunar calendar very carefully to know exactly the right day to cut their nails.

Beliefs and signs associated with nails

With nails different nations There are a lot of signs and superstitions associated with it. Thousands of years ago people devoted them Special attention, decorated with improvised means, painted. Natural dyes such as henna and antimony were commonly used. In India and China long nails were an indicator of the high status of their owner, since their owner did not resort to physical labor or housework.

Because of this, there was even a superstition that long nails bring wealth.

Fingernails grow faster than toenails. On average, complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about 4–6 months, depending on its length. The average growth rate is 0.7 mm per week.

  • Many people believe that small white spots that appear on the nails of the left hand are “gifts,” although they are not always positive. Depending on which finger they formed on, you can expect the following events:
  • thumb - receive an unexpected gift;
  • index finger - you will find a good friend;
  • middle finger - a new enemy will appear;
  • ring finger - a fan will appear;

little finger - you will go on a trip.

White spots on the nails are considered “gifts”, with the exception of their occurrence on the middle finger, which indicates the emergence of a new enemy If it appears on the nail dark spot

, then this may indicate some kind of misfortune or failure in business. It is believed that you need to cut them off and burn them as soon as possible.

Some superstitious people try not to cut their nails until they have completed some important task or until a certain important day has arrived. It is believed that this will protect against failures and possible failure of plans.

When should you cut your fingernails and toenails?

A very important point is the selection of a specific favorable day for a manicure. You can simply select it by day of the week if you don’t have a lunar calendar at hand. Of course, it will be better if you know the suitable days in each month, depending on the lunar day.

Haircut calendar by day of the week

The easiest way is to choose the appropriate day not according to the calendar, but according to the day of the week, each of which has its own meaning and energy. Depending on the chosen day, cutting your nails can bring both positive and negative aspects:

  1. Monday, as the first day of the week, allows you to “start life anew.” You can get rid of bad memories, past grievances, melancholy, worries and troubles. Manicure on this day helps prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. Some will be able to get rid of their complexes.
  2. Tuesday will help you strengthen your intuition and allow you to react adequately in an emergency situation. Also, by cutting your nails on this day, you can attract good luck and increase your concentration on achieving your goals. You will become more focused, serious and purposeful. A manicure on Tuesday helps relieve headaches and prevent diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs.
  3. Wednesday is suitable for those people who want to hear good news. The thought process is also enhanced, it will become easier to learn and perceive new information. People are starting to accept right decisions, eliminate confusion in their affairs. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and eliminates stress.
  4. Thursday is best chosen for those people who have been waiting for a long time for a promotion or hiring. You will become more confident in your abilities and will finally be able to achieve your goal. If you regularly cut your nails on Thursdays, you can significantly increase your life expectancy and improve liver function.
  5. Friday has a very beneficial effect on feminine beauty. If you regularly cut your nails on this day, you can significantly prolong your youth and stop worrying about the appearance of new wrinkles. However, despite this positive effect, there is a risk of worsening the processes occurring in the body. Swelling, obesity and excessive fat accumulation may appear. There is also an opinion that a manicure on Friday is a sign of trouble and imminent bad news. Therefore, it is better to avoid cutting your nails on this day.
  6. Saturday is one of the most favorable days; it has a general strengthening effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Many astrologers recommend this day to their clients, as you can get rid of some karmic debts and cleanse your energy. There is a saying: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” Manicure on this day also has a very positive effect on relationships. The chances of finding your soulmate or strengthening feelings with an existing partner increase.
  7. Resurrection is not the most best day to cut your nails, you just need to rest. You can weaken your health and harm your finances. According to signs, on this day you gain strength, recover and contact your guardian angel. Therefore, cutting off a part of yourself is considered very harmful, and you can lose your protectors for a long time.

Video about what days of the week are best to cut your nails

When to cut your nails for money

To attract more money into your life, you should choose Tuesday. Moreover, it’s better not just to cut your nails, but to get a full manicure. If you carry out the procedures on Friday, you can significantly increase your chances of making a profitable deal. Saturday is more suitable for those who love gambling. However, there is also a sign that the only money day for cutting nails is Thursday.

To attract money, according to various signs, you should cut your nails on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday

Video on how to attract money by cutting your nails

Lunar calendar in 2018: favorable days for cutting nails

The phases of the moon greatly influence a person’s well-being. This is why even hairdressers and manicurists use the lunar calendar. Using knowledge about favorable days throughout the year, you can plan all procedures in advance. It is best to choose a new moon or a waxing moon to cut your nails.

In January, the following dates are best suited for manicure: from 10 to 17 and 23. The period from January 1 to 9 is considered the most unfavorable. These days it is advised not to carry out any procedures. If you want to remove hangnails, file your nails or do any other manipulation, it is better to prefer favorable or neutral days.

In February have a nice day for manicure much less: 10–11, 17–19. It is better to keep within these five available days. The following dates are considered the most negative: 4, 14 and 26. On these days it is worth taking a break from any procedures, this applies not only to cutting nails.

March is even less rich favorable days, there is only one - on the 15th. Try to book it with your master in advance. But the first month of spring is full of negative periods: from 2 to 8 and from 23 to 30 March. And also in March it is worth choosing varnishes of a neutral color, without flashy tones and large quantities decorations

April is also not very encouraging, only on the 16th, 21st and 23rd you should get a manicure, you can use bright colors, do extensions and various decor. But there are a lot of negative days - from April 8 to April 15 and April 30. If you cut your nails at this time, you can harm your financial situation and worsen your relationships. On neutral days, you can do a hand massage and relaxing salt baths.

In April, you can choose bright colors, different designs, even get nail extensions

In May, the number of favorable days increases significantly; almost half of the month is suitable for cutting nails (from the 16th to the 29th). From 1 to 7 is a negative period, it is better to postpone all procedures. During neutral times, you can also file your nails, do baths and massage.

June is also rich in favorable days- from 13 to 17 and from 20 to 26. At this time, you can do any manicure, nail extensions, bright designs are allowed. On negative days (28–30), avoid any procedures. On neutral days, it is better to do strengthening procedures and use medicinal varnish.

On neutral days of each month, you can do a light manicure, strengthening nail baths and hand massage.

In July, you should get a manicure from the 13th to the 16th and from the 18th to the 27th. It is best to use neutral shades and avoid extreme designs and rhinestones. From 29 to 31 is a negative period.

In August you can get a manicure on the 11th, 12th and from the 18th to the 25th. By choosing these dates, you will improve your energy, which will help you achieve your goals. If you cut your nails from August 4 to August 10, you can reduce your strength and overall tone.

September provides a very short period favorable for manicure - from the 17th to the 24th. You can make a design of any complexity, choose bright colors, extend nails. In the period from 3 to 8 and from 25 to 27, it is better to avoid cutting your nails, as you will be dissatisfied with the procedure.

October is rich in positive days, and more than half the month is suitable for manicures and pedicures (from the 9th to the 23rd). Busy days are from 24 to 31. On other days you can also do all kinds of procedures both at home and in the salon.

November is suitable for manicures and nail cuttings from the 7th to the 22nd. From 1 to 3 and from 21 to 25 are considered unfavorable days. The rest of the time it is better to do strengthening and rejuvenating procedures.

In December, favorable days fall on the numbers from 7 to 21. Just before the New Year (from 22 to 26), it is better not to do any procedures, as they can disappoint and even bring negative consequences.

In 2018, you should stick to the lunar calendar to choose the right dates for manicures and pedicures

Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel: which is better

Rempel is a famous astrologer who took into account many factors to compile a calendar of days favorable for haircuts and other procedures. According to his data, you should not cut your nails during the new moon itself or during the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the element of earth is dominant, and the human body is especially susceptible to various influences and is significantly weakened. The most favorable period is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon.

What exactly to choose - lunar calendar or calculation auspicious date according to Rempel - an open question. However, it is worth listening to the eminent astrologer and following his recommendations, as he approaches this issue in more detail.

When can you cut your nails according to the Oracle?

Some people adhere not to lunar calendars and days of the week, but to the advice of the Oracle, which is considered a magical divine advisor. The most beneficial days for cutting nails are those numbers that are divisible by 7 (7, 14, 21, 28). They carry a special meaning, manicure will bring good luck, improvement financial condition and normalization of the body's energy balance.

Also positive, but less powerful are the dates: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31 of any month. By carrying out any nail procedures, you can improve your well-being, normalize family relationships, and attract good luck. It is possible to do manicures, extensions, and choose any bright design.

The following numbers of each month are considered neutral in their energy: 2, 4, 11, 18, 25, 30. On these days, you can safely go for a manicure or cut your nails yourself, but you won’t get much of an effect. It is best to choose neutral shades of varnish or transparent medicinal.

The most negative numbers are considered to be: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29. Try to avoid not only cutting your nails, but also any other procedures. According to the Oracle, these days a person’s energy is significantly weakened, and doing a manicure can greatly harm your body, get sick, end up in the hospital or lose money. Considering the not-so-pleasant consequences, it is better to be careful and postpone all planned trips to the salon and even procedures at home until another day.

The number 7 is considered magical, and it is favorable to cut your nails on those days of the month that are completely divisible by it.

Is it possible to cut nails in the evening and at night?

Nails should only be cut in the morning or during the daytime. If you do this in the evening or at night, you can significantly harm your wallet. It is believed that you are blocking the cash flow, which will lead to loss of money. Muslims also say that a manicure before bed leads to shortening your life by one day for each nail. If you cut all ten fingers, you will take away ten whole days. According to another opinion, in dark time day, negative energy begins to accumulate in the house, and a person becomes unprotected and can attract trouble to himself.

Some people believe that it becomes more active at night devilry. By cutting your nails at this time of day, you weaken your defenses. Evil spirits can harm you, make you feel worse, and feed off your energy.

Is it possible to cut nails in the hospital?

Many people, when they get to the hospital, become even more suspicious and try to protect themselves as much as possible from any complications. If the patient has undergone surgery, it is believed that it is not necessary to cut the nails until all the stitches have been tightened. Otherwise, the wounds will take a long time to heal. The same applies to those persons who are in the ward after fractures and various injuries.

If a pregnant woman is in the hospital before giving birth, then she is also not recommended to cut her nails or get a manicure, especially when it is prescribed C-section. According to signs, this can lead to the child being entangled in the umbilical cord and various complications during surgery. Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and you need to remember that long nails can interfere during childbirth and in the first minutes of a child’s life you can scratch him.

If you are in a neurological department, cutting your nails can cause a deterioration in your health and increase the risk of injury. Also emotional condition may become unstable, and the patient will be irritable and suspicious.

Cutting your nails while in the hospital is a bad omen; the procedure can slow down the healing process

When not to cut your nails

According to superstitions and signs, a newborn baby should not have his nails cut until he is ten days old. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning the child is still very weak and you can deprive him of energy and cause illness. Also, the fingers are still so small that you can accidentally injure the baby and introduce an infection into the wound.

Many students and pupils believe that they should not cut their nails before important exams at least a week in advance. It is better to wait out this time and accumulate energy to successfully close the session.

There is another belief according to which you should not cut your nails on your birthday, as this can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. It is only possible to do a light manicure and file your nails a little with a file.

Where to put your nails after cutting

Since cut nails are part of a person and carry his energy, you need to be very careful about where you put them after a manicure. We must not allow them to fall into the hands of ill-wishers. Also avoid throwing them in the trash. It's best to flush it down the toilet. Typically, witches, magicians and sorcerers used human nails and hair in their rituals. They could cast a spell, cast a love spell, and have various other negative influences.

You can also burn cut marigolds at the stake. At the same time, some believe that it is necessary to pronounce some words aimed at protection, increasing energy, and improving health. You can even come up with them yourself, depending on your desires.

If a person is sick, then his cut nails should be burned and the ashes buried at a crossroads. It is believed that this will help him accumulate strength for recovery and quickly get rid of ailments.

According to Islamic traditions, cut nails and hair must be buried in the ground, they cannot be thrown away anywhere, they must be hidden from prying eyes.

Video about what to do with nails (according to Muslim traditions)

There are a lot of superstitions and signs that are associated with cutting nails. Some people trust the lunar calendar, others trust the Oracle. It all depends on personal preferences and faith. You shouldn’t follow all the advice fanatically, but if possible, you can stick to one of the selected calendars. You need to be especially careful at night and during illness, since during these periods it is better to avoid manicures and nail cutting.

It is necessary to cut your nails only on certain days of the week and on certain days of the lunar calendar. These rules should not be neglected, since they have existed for many years.

All people periodically trim their fingernails and toenails. However, some people do it on certain days, and some people don’t care what time to do their manicure. They trim their nails as needed.

This is not entirely correct. In fact, you only need to cut your nails on certain days. This has been the case since ancient times. Previously, people believed that nails and hair needed to be cut on certain days of the week and strictly according to the lunar calendar. Nowadays, these beliefs are still observed, but not everyone believes in them.

To begin with, you should remember that nails need to be cut only when the moon is waning. This cannot be done when the moon is waxing. If you neglect this rule, you can lose a significant amount of money, go bankrupt and even lose your family, quarrel with close friends.

When the moon is waning, it is important to choose a specific day of the week and cut your nails during this period. It is known that cutting your nails on Monday is good for your health. If a person is constantly sick and cannot boast of excellent health, he needs to get a manicure on Monday.

Cutting your nails on Tuesday means sudden wealth. On this day, people who want to improve their financial situation should get a manicure. It is especially recommended to follow this rule for businessmen and people who have their own business. If a person lives in poverty, he has a real chance to improve his financial situation by cutting his nails on Tuesday.

Cutting your nails on Wednesday is good news. On this day, it is recommended to get a manicure for those who are waiting for news from a loved one or are simply looking forward to something.

Cutting your nails on Thursday is a sign of new clothes. Previously, people believed that cutting nails on Thursday meant acquiring new shoes. Modern interpreters believe that this can be not only shoes, but also clothing and even interior items. Some people admit that they constantly cut their nails on Thursday, waiting to buy some expensive items. They believe that following this rule will help them buy a car or even an apartment.

Cutting your nails on Friday means sorrow. Experts do not recommend getting a manicure on this day, as it is considered more than unfavorable.

Cutting your nails on Saturday means meeting someone who really loves or will be able to love in the future. This day is very favorable for manicure if a person is in search of his soulmate. Often young girls prefer to cut their nails on Saturday.

Cutting your nails on Sunday means meeting the unclean. It is believed that in this case, evil spirits will be with the person throughout the next week. Experts do not recommend cutting your nails on this day.

It is important to understand that trimmed nails should not be stored or left in places where they could be found by other people. Nails can become powerful weapons in the hands of sorcerers and shamans. Previously, people burned their cut nails in a stove. Modern city dwellers prefer to flush them down the drain. This security measure allows you to rid yourself of the influence of evil forces and witchcraft. You should also not leave your hair in public places. There is a popular belief that if a bird finds hair and makes a nest out of it, the person will have a very bad headache. Moreover, in some cases, dizziness can be very severe and cause a lot of discomfort.

People who cut their nails on the right days will always be healthy and rich. This is exactly what popular belief says. Perhaps you should not neglect this rule, since it has existed for a very long time.

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