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How can I find out if I'm pregnant? Discharge during pregnancy. Determining pregnancy without a doctor

Every woman who dreams of becoming a mother looks forward to this moment, constantly listens to herself, wanting to feel some signals from her body about pregnancy even before the delay. But, according to doctors, there simply cannot be any signs of pregnancy earlier than 2-3 weeks after fertilization. They advise women to be patient and wait for a positive pregnancy test after a delay. However, experienced ladies who have had the opportunity to bear and give birth to children claim that an interesting situation, if it does occur, can be found out almost immediately after conception. In this article we will tell you about how many days after you can find out about pregnancy, and we will tell you about all sorts of ways to determine it.

Can't figure out how to find out if you're pregnant without a test? There is a lot of research and discussion on this topic, and there is already some specific information that women use. You can try to determine a possible pregnancy no earlier than the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, approximately 3-5 days before the start of the next period. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Buy a very expensive pregnancy test at the pharmacy.

He supposedly can determine whether conception occurred almost the next day after sexual intercourse. But we don’t recommend that you do this, because apart from spending money, you won’t be able to do anything else. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is released after fertilization, is still too low in the blood for the test to detect pregnancy so early. After a few days of delay, that's when you need to take a pregnancy test.

  • Sign up for an ultrasound.

An ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, carried out using modern equipment, will determine the presence or absence of pregnancy at the earliest possible stage without risk to your health, and will also exclude ectopic pregnancy, which, if present, should be recognized as early as possible.

  • Donate blood for the hCG hormone.

Already 10 days after fertilization, its level in the blood is very high. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of how to find out early pregnancy as quickly and accurately as possible, use this method. But, if you are taking hormonal medications, inform the laboratory assistant who will take your test in advance, because this fact may affect the correctness of the results.

How to find out about pregnancy in early pregnancy before delay

The human body is very wise. He makes it clear instantly about all the changes that happen to him. Pregnancy, by the way, is no exception. And we are talking not only about the delay, but also about many other signs. Doctors believe that they cannot be called objective, because they are in many ways similar to ordinary premenstrual symptoms. However, we cannot completely exclude the possibility that they may be harbingers of pregnancy. Therefore, we will tell you how to recognize your first pregnancy before there is a delay due to health reasons.

  • You may experience nausea and vomiting.

According to medical indicators, toxicosis usually occurs in pregnant women at 5 weeks. However, the human body is individual. Perhaps you are the exception to the rule. Just don’t immediately diagnose yourself that you are pregnant. First, rule out the possibility of poisoning or ordinary stomach upset.

  • Pain and changes in the chest.

As a rule, right before menstruation, all women encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon - their breasts and nipples are very sore, engorged, and any touch to this part of the body causes irritation. But, if in addition to these sensations, you also notice the appearance of a venous network on the skin of the breast, darkening of the areolas, the appearance of small tubercles on them and the release of colostrum from the nipples, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

  • The lower abdomen is very tight.

A somewhat controversial sign, but quite possible. If you have discomfort in the lower abdomen, or you feel pain, although there is still a whole week before the start of your period, do not waste time and consult a doctor. After all, it could be an ectopic pregnancy or appendicitis. In any case, it is better to see a specialist.

  • You began to experience strong sexual desire or, conversely, lost it completely.

This is all a surge of hormones that occurs from the first days of pregnancy and can last until childbirth.

  • There was copious vaginal discharge.

They should be the same in nature as during the period of ovulation - colorless and odorless.

  • There was one slight vaginal bleeding without pain.

If this happens to you, then there is reason to believe that pregnancy has occurred, since this is a sign that the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the wall of your uterus, which is why implantation bleeding has occurred.

  • You feel constantly tired and feel sleepy.

This is again a consequence of hormonal changes in the body due to pregnancy.

  • Your appetite has increased.

Moreover, it has become quite original - you may want to eat something that you couldn’t even look at before, or you might want to eat a chocolate candy with a pickle.

  • You feel a frequent urge to urinate.

As you get pregnant, your bladder sphincter relaxes, causing you to run to the toilet more often.

  • You are having problems with bowel movements.

Due to active growth and the effect of hormones on the body, the intestines begin to work worse, so constipation and flatulence may occur.

  • You may suffer from migraines and back pain.
  • A sharp increase in blood pressure is possible.
  • Hormones also act on the nasal passages.

Therefore, you may face the problem of nasal congestion. And in general, a pregnant woman’s immunity is weak, and her body is susceptible to any infections and colds. If you feel any sudden discomfort in this regard, it is possible that you are pregnant.

  • Acne, pimples and other rashes may appear on your face.

How to determine pregnancy at home yourself

If you notice at least one of the above signs of pregnancy before your delay, you can try a home pregnancy test. They can be made using iodine, soda and potassium permanganate. So:

  • How to determine pregnancy using iodine?

Early in the morning, urinate on a thin strip of plain paper, and then drop iodine onto it. If the result is not brown, but blue-violet, then you are most likely pregnant.

  • How to determine pregnancy using soda?

The definition of pregnancy with soda is based on the opinion that the urine of a pregnant woman has low acidity. If you add a spoonful of soda to the collected morning urine, then if you are pregnant, a chemical reaction will not occur.

  • How to determine pregnancy using potassium permanganate?

For this test you will need: morning urine, a glass of warm water and a pinch of potassium permanganate. First, dilute potassium permanganate in warm water so that it turns crimson, and then gradually pour urine into the resulting liquid. If, as a result, its color does not change and white flakes appear, then there is a high probability that you will soon become a mother.

Of course, all of the above home tests for determining pregnancy are “grandmother’s methods”, which are already as old as the hills, but this does not mean that they cannot be trusted. If you still doubt their effectiveness, you can use a thermometer. We will tell you how to determine pregnancy using a thermometer - during one menstrual cycle, every day at the same time in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure your basal (rectal) body temperature and record it somewhere in a notebook. Closer to and during ovulation, the temperature will be high. If it does not subside by the end of the month, then there is a possibility that pregnancy has occurred.

What folk methods will help determine pregnancy?

There are many different beliefs, according to which an interesting situation can be identified without special tests, by trusting in folk methods. Let's tell you more about how to determine pregnancy using a bow, a wedding ring, and even home flowers. It sounds absurd to some extent, but our great-great-grandmothers firmly believed in the reliability of folk methods for determining pregnancy. So:

  • How to find out if you are pregnant using an onion?

Plant onions in two glasses and wish for pregnancy on one of them. If the one you bet on sprouted faster, then you can be congratulated.

  • How to determine pregnancy using a ring?

The woman should lie on her back, and someone should hang a wedding ring strung on her hair over her stomach. If the ring starts to spin in different directions, it means you are pregnant.

  • How to determine pregnancy using home flowers?

A woman needs to collect her morning urine and water her flowers with it. If they begin to grow and bloom brightly, then there is no doubt about pregnancy.

In addition, there are also prophetic dreams that can signal a woman about her interesting situation. For example, a fish or a laying duck seen in a dream indicates pregnancy. Of course, on this basis you should not run to your gynecologist and declare your suspicions. When the test shows pregnancy, then you can safely go to the doctor. However, do not forget that the test will give the correct result only if you carry it out according to the instructions, which clearly state: when you can take a pregnancy test and how to determine pregnancy using the test.


Despite the fact that there are a huge number of ways to determine pregnancy before a delay, do not try to use every one of them. Suddenly, you inspire yourself with the idea that a miracle has finally happened, but as a result it will simply be self-deception. Listen to yourself, take care of yourself, but still let a qualified specialist make a diagnosis of pregnancy.

Video “First symptoms of pregnancy before delay”

In this video, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Center for Immunology and Reproduction Elena Valerievna Gevorkova talks about all the first signs of pregnancy that a woman can recognize before her menstruation is delayed.

I felt both my pregnancies immediately. I felt the first one, which was planned, even before the delay, and after reading about the earliest signs of pregnancy, I was only convinced of this.
So, I’ll tell you about what I felt even before the delay, that is, 6-10 days after conception.

1) I immediately felt that my breasts were swollen and painful. In the first pregnancy, this happened 10-15 days before the delay, probably right after fertilization.

2) I felt very weak, exhausted and sleepy. I wanted to sleep always and everywhere. I even fell asleep on my desk at work a couple of times. This was possibly due to the fact that blood pressure decreases during pregnancy. It’s already low for me, but it’s gotten even lower. I constantly felt tired. This continued for up to 3 months.

3) I was irritable in the very early stages, I constantly wanted to cry, I felt as if I was sick. I cried, screamed at my husband, complained that I didn’t feel well.

4) Closer to the moment of the delay, my temperature rose to 37 degrees. I can’t stand the increase in temperature very well, because my temperature is low. I already feel 37 and it makes me feel bad.
In general, the temperature is actually rising. Those who monitor their basal temperature may first see a sharp decrease in it - “implantation retraction”, and then a sharp increase. But for such diagnostics it is necessary to conduct experiments over several months and have graphs for clarity. Usually women do this in order to accurately find out the days of ovulation.

5) On the day of the delay, I started to have spotting, but it didn’t look like menstruation. Firstly, they were scanty, and secondly, they were very bright red with transparent mucus. This is the so-called “implantation bleeding.” It occurs 6-10 days after conception. The embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. During this period, my stomach felt like it was before my period, probably even stronger. So, many may confuse this process with regular periods, especially if they are usually so scanty. This bleeding may recur during pregnancy on the days when your period was supposed to come. This was the case for me for the first 3-4 months.

6) After the delay occurred, I felt unwell. I had a sore throat, my nose was itching, my head was aching and I was dizzy. All signs of a cold. This can be explained by a sharp decrease in immunity. The body does this so that the uterus does not mistake the child for a foreign body and does not get rid of it. Also, there is a surge in hormones, which will certainly affect your well-being.

7) Naturally, the test showed two stripes. I bought 5 cheapest tests at once, 14 rubles each. They all showed pale stripes, but it was clear that there were two of them. There are rare cases when tests are wrong. This may be associated with certain diseases, for example. But if you are expecting a child, the tests have always shown one line, and now several tests have shown two, then, I believe, this is a reliable result. It seems to me that tests very rarely lie.
You can take a blood test for hCG, it will definitely show everything. An ultrasound can show pregnancy at 3 weeks, but to be honest, I don’t see the point in doing it that early. The gynecologist forbade me to go for an ultrasound until the 12th week. An examination will be able to detect your pregnancy only at 5-6 weeks, when the uterus is already slightly enlarged.
To be honest, I don’t understand why women want to accurately determine pregnancy at such an early stage, especially if the child is desired and they planned it. After all, you can wait and go for an examination. Sooner or later you will find out everything. But people are different and everyone has different nerves.

8) I didn’t have toxicosis before the delay. True, during my second pregnancy, in the early stages, when I still didn’t know about it, I ate sushi and it made me feel sick. I don’t know if it was simple poisoning or if the body got rid of unnecessary substances in this way. The next day I felt very bad, but then everything went away. These two days were hell for me. I can’t imagine how some women suffer from toxicosis for several months. It seems to me that I would die, because I don’t eat well, and during toxicosis it’s even problematic to drink.

9) In the first weeks of pregnancy, I felt strange sensations in the pelvic area. I can even feel ovulation. Therefore, knowing that I was pregnant, I especially listened to myself. There was a heaviness in the pelvic area; it was not the stomach that was pulling, but something like the perineum. Sometimes tingling and small contractions were felt in the uterus, as before the onset of menstruation, sometimes there were even lumbago, but only at a later date.

10) I believe that toxicosis manifested itself in chills. After all, toxicosis is not only nausea, it is any changes in the body caused by hormonal imbalance. I had terrible chills, but my temperature was already normal. Sometimes it rose to 37. This happened exactly until 12 weeks of pregnancy. I was terribly cold, I walked around the house in wool socks and a sweater, and I constantly wanted to crawl under the covers. On the contrary, someone gets a fever, I’ve also heard this more than once.

11) Frequent urge to go to the toilet occurs at a later stage, when the uterus enlarges and displaces the internal organs. But some may feel it immediately, which is caused by a rush of blood to the pelvic area.

12) I didn’t experience any special oddities in food. I was absolutely not drawn to salty foods, probably because I don’t like salty foods at all. The only thing I can note is that during both pregnancies I could not eat meat for up to 4 months. I couldn’t look at him, although they say that if you are pregnant with a boy, you will, on the contrary, crave meat. I believe that the gender of the child cannot depend on food and vice versa. I also read somewhere that in the very first months of pregnancy the body has no need for animal protein, other substances are used there, so you can give up meat without fear. I have many vegetarian friends who did not eat meat at all, either before pregnancy, during or after, and everything is fine with them, I would even say better than with many.

Did you know how to understand that you are pregnant early? The easiest way to find out if you are pregnant is to do the usual pregnancy test. But, alas, such a test should be done approximately on the 5th day of missed menstruation. How to find out about pregnancy even before the delay? There are indirect signs that can confirm your interesting position.

How to understand that you are pregnant early: the first signs of pregnancy

For determining early pregnancy There are several so-called indirect signs, which ours will tell you about, highlighting the most obvious ones.

How to understand that you are pregnant in the early stages: slight discharge, nausea, changes in taste preferences, aversion to smells, low blood pressure

First signs of pregnancy include as one of the most obvious - small discharge. Discharge may occur during the first two weeks of pregnancy, and the discharge is very scanty, often light yellow or pale pink in color. Such discharge often occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

You may not notice, however, in the early stages of pregnancy you may feel a little nauseous, irritated by strong odors, and you may want something special. But the indicated first signs of pregnancy may not appear in everyone and not always.

More one sign of early pregnancy is sudden dizziness, fainting, weakness, all this is a consequence of low blood pressure. The beginning of hormonal changes in the body can also provoke headaches and insomnia.

How to understand that you are pregnant in the early stages: fever, breast swelling, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Universal sign of pregnancy first two weeks An increase in basal temperature above 37 degrees is also considered. This temperature often gives a feeling of malaise and lethargy.

In the first weeks after conception, a young mother's breasts become very sensitive and often swell, and the pigmentation of the skin around the nipples may also change.

Often at the beginning of pregnancy, young mothers, even without knowing about pregnancy, notice discomfort in the lower abdomen, complain of heaviness and unusual tingling sensations. All this may be associated with the process of attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus and its gradual enlargement.

How to understand that you are pregnant in the early stages: frequent urge to urinate, intestinal disorders

Frequent urination may also indicate pregnancy. If in the second half of pregnancy such frequent urination is explained by the pressure of the fetus on the genitourinary organs, then at the beginning of pregnancy everything is explained by hormonal changes in the body. An increase in the level of female sex hormones, in turn, increases the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, which temporarily changes the functioning of the bladder.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is very common to experience bowel disorders, there is bloating, increased gas formation, and constipation. Female sex hormones, preventing the tone of the uterus, also inhibit peristalsis, making the intestines lazy.

Very often a woman feels her pregnancy subconsciously. Some expectant mothers even dream about their baby. is also an interesting topic that concerns expectant mothers no less than the question how to understand that you are pregnant early.

So, how do you know if you're pregnant early? If you have at least half of the above symptoms, you may be pregnant! We advise you to verify this by doing the usual in the first days of missed menstruation.

Health to you and successful birth!

You may be assigned to go ultrasonography or take urine tests, which will confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test

You can determine your basal temperature using a mercury or digital thermometer. They do this at the same time (in the morning) while lying in bed, while recording the temperature in the mouth or vagina.

This is done throughout the entire cycle, and it is best to measure directly during menstruation. Keeping a temperature chart for at least three months in a row will give you one hundred percent results.

Traditional methods

Using onions

Place onion heads in two glasses. The first bulb will indicate that you are pregnant, the second - that you are not.

If the feathers of the onion from the first glass grew 4 cm first, then you are pregnant; if it’s the other way around, then the result is negative.

Dreams about fish

Everyone knows the dream that you are fishing, indicates pregnancy. But this is not always a 100% result.

How to determine pregnancy in the first days? This question is very exciting for many girls, because their future life and fate often depends on whether conception occurred or not. Some people passionately desire a baby and look forward to a delay in menstruation, while others, on the contrary, tremble in “anticipation” of a possible abortion. Be that as it may, whether you want a child or not, for your own health, and for the health of your future offspring, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible if there are signs of pregnancy. Especially if you feel unwell or are planning to terminate your pregnancy artificially.

But still, how to determine pregnancy in the early stages? Is it necessary to see a doctor for this or can you carry out an error-free diagnosis yourself? Let's speculate.

How to determine pregnancy at home

The primary diagnosis, so to speak, is always carried out by a woman on her own; she should not run to the doctor every time at the slightest delay. A pregnancy test purchased at a pharmacy becomes a diagnostic tool. By the way, these diagnostic tools are sold at different prices, there are 20 rubles and 200 rubles. How do they differ? And they differ, albeit very slightly, in their sensitivity in reaction to the hCG hormone contained in the urine of the expectant mother. If desired, contrary to numerous medical opinions, pregnancy can be determined in the early stages even before the delay, more precisely, 2-3 days before its onset. But this requires a more expensive sample. And after the delay, in fact, all tests are “equal”, since during this time human chorionic gonadotropin reaches a concentration in the woman’s urine that any test can detect.

Here is the answer to the question “how to determine pregnancy in the first days of absence of menstruation” - buy and do a test. The reliability of this method is close to 100%. Errors can only happen due to violation of instructions, but this happens very rarely, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake here. Sometimes women observe a second line on the test (which is evidence of pregnancy) that is fuzzy and barely noticeable. This can be caused by two reasons - either a poor-quality test or insufficient levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman’s urine. The second case should not be overlooked, since low human chorionic gonadotropin can occur with an ectopic or frozen pregnancy - pathologies that require immediate medical intervention. But you shouldn’t immediately go to the doctor for clarification - it’s easier to buy a couple more tests from different companies, and if the result is positive or weakly positive, go to the gynecologist.

How to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception, even before the onset of delayed menstruation? Purely theoretically, as we wrote above, you can do a good pregnancy test. If this option does not suit you, then try measuring your basal temperature - the most reliable way is in the rectum. If the temperature is above 37 degrees, and there are 2-3 days left before the delay, then it is quite possible that you are pregnant. But keep in mind that many factors influence the result. For example, sexual intercourse a couple of hours before measuring your temperature can cause it to rise. In general, before making such a diagnosis, carefully read all the rules for measuring basal temperature.

How to determine pregnancy using medicine

The most basic thing is to go to a gynecologist, who will definitely examine you in a chair. Based on the shape of the uterus, its size, the consistency of the cervix and its color, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. But just keep in mind that sometimes the uterus may be slightly enlarged before menstruation, and the doctor may decide that this is a short-term pregnancy, especially if you have previously asked about how to determine pregnancy in the first days and found that some signs You have symptoms of an interesting situation. But the longer the period, the more obvious the interesting situation becomes for the doctor.

If the doctor doubts whether you are pregnant or not, or has suspicions about whether the fetus is developing or developing in the uterus at all, then he may prescribe an ultrasound examination. Many expectant and established mothers are sure that it is very harmful to do an ultrasound in the early stages, as it supposedly has a negative impact on the child’s health. There is no reason to panic. If there are indications for ultrasound, you should not refuse. This will not affect the child in any way; rather, on the contrary, in some cases, timely results obtained can be life-saving.

The fertilized egg can be seen on ultrasound as early as 4 obstetric weeks. And at approximately the same time, the baby’s tiny heart begins to beat. It is by heart contractions that the doctor determines whether the embryo is developing or not.

Another wonderful and very accurate method intended for those who are looking for a way to determine pregnancy in the early stages is a human chorionic gonadotropin test. Yes, yes, exactly the hormone that the pregnancy test reacts to. But only in the blood can this hormone be detected a little earlier, already 8 days after conception, almost immediately after implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus. Errors can only occur if a woman is sick with some kind of cancer, then hCG can be elevated in non-pregnant women, and not only in women, but also in men. Elevated hCG is also found in people taking certain medications containing this substance.

Subjective signs of pregnancy

We looked at how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception, now it’s time for the subjective and fairly common symptoms that accompany the first trimester.


If a woman in the “prime of her reproductive powers” ​​begins to feel nauseous, then all her close female friends begin to ask: “Are you pregnant?” Indeed, we all associate nausea in this case not with poisoning or overeating, but with pregnancy. However, women begin to feel nausea not from the first days after conception, but at 4-5 obstetric weeks and later. And not all women have it.

Pain in the mammary glands and nipples

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. The whole body begins to work for the benefit of the baby and prepare for the upcoming birth. And the breasts are preparing for the upcoming lactation. The nipples become somewhat larger and become pigmented (they turn brown, but this usually happens in the second half of pregnancy). In some cases, even in the early stages, colostrum is released from them with gentle pressure. The mammary glands are painful. They will also increase in size during the first months.

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