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Ideas for birthday greetings. The most original happy birthday greeting: several ideas Serpentine of ideas original beautiful congratulations

Thinking about how we can congratulate a friend, mother, neighbor or work colleague in an original way, every time we think about how unusual our congratulations will be, will the person like them, or is there a lack of creativity? Then this article is for you.

Original congratulations for a woman

You can congratulate the hero of the day not only in poetic form, but also in prose. Think about it, when was the last time you spoke sincerely and from the bottom of your heart, how dear this person is to you, how much he means to you? What did you want? From the heart, in simple words? It is difficult to remember, because, as a rule, a congratulation is read from a postcard, which many already know by heart.

In order not to repeat ourselves, we offer simple, but very sincere congratulations happy anniversary to a woman:

  • Today is your round date, but it is known that all round numbers are magic numbers that attract love, health and prosperity. So be always happy, rich and cheerful. Happy anniversary!
  • Over the years, the soul does not grow old, but gains experience and wisdom. And at your age, you, our dear hero of the day, are full of strength and energy. We value your experience, thank you for your advice and help. We wish you not only on your birthday, but always to feel 18, only Siberian health, and serene happiness!
  • Happy anniversary, our dear birthday girl! May every day in your life be as joyful and long-awaited as your anniversary. Let flowers and compliments be given not only on holidays, but also for no reason. Harmony, prosperity, good luck for the implementation of your plans, may there always be peace in your soul. Love, happiness and good health!

How to congratulate the hero of the day

What can you give a woman on her birthday? Of course, whatever you want, you just need to take into account the hero of the day’s sense of humor and choose the right words.

For example, you can congratulate a person on their anniversary in this way:

  • We prepare the necessary paraphernalia in advance: cut out stars from golden or silver-plated paper.
  • We will prepare a pen or marker for each invitee.
  • When there is an opportunity to congratulate the hero of the day right at the table, it is necessary to announce the guest who will be the first to congratulate. We give the guest a felt-tip pen or pen, as well as one star. Let him write his wish on the back.
  • Each guest should receive a star to write wishes to the hero of the day. It is advisable not to peek so that congratulations are not repeated.
  • And now we invite everyone to go to the middle of the room, the birthday girl should be placed in the middle, and the guests should be placed in a semicircle.
  • Let the guests take turns throwing their star to the hero of the day, and she must catch it. If it works, the wish will come true. Well, if not, it’s okay, because this is a shower of wishes, and if a star falls, then all wishes must certainly come true.
  • This original congratulations can be done to beautiful music.
  • And at the end, when the birthday girl has all the stars in her hands, you need to take them and string them on a previously prepared silk thread, and then put a star necklace on the hero of the day’s neck.

Unusual congratulations on a woman’s anniversary – portrait of the birthday girl

And another great idea for an original congratulations to a woman on her anniversary:

  • You need to prepare felt-tip pens (you can use markers), a large blank sheet of paper along with a beautiful frame.
  • Each guest should not just congratulate the birthday girl with words, but convey his wishes on a piece of paper.
  • Give each invitee a felt-tip pen and, in turn, offer to draw one of the elements of the birthday girl’s portrait.
  • Someone needs to take the lead and help each artist.
  • Let's start drawing the face: the first detail is the eyes. Hint: blue/brown/green, beautiful and crafty. Long eyelashes, just a sight for sore eyes.
  • Next, we pass the felt-tip pen to another guest with the words: snub-nosed, upturned...nose.
  • Then: rosy cheeks.
  • The next guest is beautiful scarlet lips.
  • Hair is like silk. Draw a beautiful hairstyle.
  • And again we pass the felt-tip pen to the next guest so that he can draw a slender body.
  • All that remains is to draw skillful hands and slender legs, shoes, a dress and a beautiful handbag.
  • Well, such a queen comes with a cool car, a bank card, beautiful house and a sea of ​​wishes from every guest.

What to give a woman for her anniversary?

There are never too many gifts, but sometimes there is not enough time to come up with something special or make a gift with your own hands.

Original and simple ideas will help you make your holiday unforgettable:

  • If you are planning to give the hero of the day a certain amount of money, then go to a store or bank and change it into small bills. The more small paper bills there are, the better. Buy souvenir dollars at the gift shop. Prepare a large bag, put your gift and souvenir currency in it. Stir. Tie the bag beautifully and you can give it as a gift;
  • Using the same principle, you can give a suitcase of money. To do this you will need the suitcase itself or a beautiful bag. A gift - a whole suitcase with money is already waiting to be presented to the birthday girl;
  • and one more idea on how you can give money in an unusual way. You will need an umbrella and small bills. You need to put money inside the umbrella, and the umbrella itself should be packaged beautifully. Present the gift and ask the birthday girl to open it. The umbrella opens, and real money rains down on the hero of the day’s head.

In principle, you can congratulate a colleague on any birthday, but if it’s an anniversary, you have to try.

At all my previous jobs, everything happened like this:

Almost at the last moment, the courier or secretary was sent for “some bouquet” and “some beautiful bottle.” Then we called each other to orderly burst into the office of the hero of the day, where the powerful smell of smoked sausage had already settled.

One more little hitch to choose the one most worthy of reading aloud wishes on a large postcard. There was a primitive rhyme, applause, your colleague with a bouquet, a bottle and an envelope was handing out plastic cups of champagne. All!

Naturally, the slightest deviation from this scenario will be remembered for the rest of my life! One time, colleagues used an old trick with a large number of boxes, gradually opening which the hero of the day found a small box with a gift. And another case was related to musical congratulations over speakerphone. Kirkorov sang: “I love you, Marina, more and more every day.”

I'll try to recommend something more effective...

How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way

Order a personalized gift (engraving, embossing, printing)

Any person will appreciate the attention of the team if you “breathe” a little warmth and personality into an ordinary thing.

The person’s name, his initials, a photograph or very personal text on a purse, diary, glass, flash drive, sweet gift, etc. makes the gift priceless. I assure you that this is not re-gifted or thrown onto the mezzanine.

Here are a few examples (there are more than 200 of them):

Arrange a professional photo shoot for the hero of the day

Women of any age love to be photographed, so this is an ideal option for the fair half of office celebrants. Since she came to work in the best outfit, received many compliments, flowers and gifts, glowing from the inside with happiness, don’t miss the moment!

We have a photographer who knows how to select an interesting image for any person for portrait photography. Then you can take pictures with colleagues and artists, the birthday girl will have something to show on social networks!

The pictures are slightly adjusted in Photoshop, it will be quite glamorous! 🙂 And here it is. Call!

Give a holiday program

Yes, that happens too. The whole team has fun and celebrates the birthday boy, combining congratulatory toasts with some memorable entertainment.

Unusual to give a gift

It will be very unexpected if a huge life-size doll suddenly comes into the office, rushes to hug the hero of the day, and gives him a gift. It could be a huge hare or a bear, a cartoon character or an alien monster. Go to a website where you can rent such a doll, dress up a volunteer, it will be great.

You can rent regular ones carnival costumes and dress up the couple. Hussar and young lady, Father Frost and Snow Maiden (even funnier in summer), Superman and Batman, Pirate and Pirate Woman, etc. Instruct them to congratulate their colleague “in character.” Don't forget to take pictures of all this as a keepsake.

Fountain in honor of the birthday boy! Chocolate…

Well, what can I say... It's very beautiful and festive. Call a pastry chef who will launch (or better yet, three small fountains with white, milk and dark chocolate), cut beautiful pieces of biscuit, marshmallows and fruit so that you and the hero of the day can celebrate the beginning of the “sweet life”.

Decorate the office

Oh, this is incredibly nice... Your colleague, who has matured by a year, trudges to his workplace, opens his office, and there...

Balloons under the ceiling or tied to chairs... Or bright paper pompoms (delivered folded, easy to fluff). Large inflatable toys and “Happy Birthday” garlands, balloon fountains (bundles of 10-15 pieces with weights on the floor), and an inflatable bouquet of thin “sausages” look great. If you are in Moscow, call “Ona Prazdnik” :-).

By the way, if we are talking about a man’s anniversary, you can do giant numbers. Of what? .

Make a presentation with congratulations from the team

If you have a meeting room with a projector, take the time to make a fun presentation for your favorite celebrant.

These could be collective video wishes from different departments, management, or office neighbors. Or make a slide show of pictures of your colleagues who, in different but very original ways, wrote the word “Congratulations” on the hood of a snow-covered car, with coins on the table, with pebbles on the sand, with leaves on the asphalt, simply printed on a printer and held in their hands.

This task can be given to employees in advance, then simply collect all the photographs into one presentation or wall newspaper. Easy and very pleasant...

Show sand show

Surely you have seen how an artist paints on a light table beautiful story. Sand pictures replace each other, and on the big screen you see an animated film. Congratulations last 15-20 minutes. By the way, the main role may be the birthday boy himself! A sand story FOR him and ABOUT him. Tell the artist in advance about the major milestones in their life or career.

The reviews are always excellent, call me and I will recommend the artist :-). All you need is an office with the ability to temporarily darken it. .

Invite artists

♦ You invite a colleague to a small hall for congratulations, suddenly gypsies burst in! Cheerfully, dancing to the guitar: “Maxim Serge-e-eich dAAAA-raaaaa-gooooy came to us, came to us... Ay ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne...” Well, and further in the text.

♦ I can also send you girls in feathers from the Brazilian carnival, a classic couple with ballroom dancing, tap dancers, whoever you want.

♦ It happens that there is absolutely no room for such fun in the office. In these cases I recommend magician with micromagic session. The illusionist will show your colleague whom you are wishing a happy birthday a trick with cards and coins right on your desktop.

Contact the secret gift service

I really regret that the UKHTYBOX service did not exist during the years of my work in the holding. Then my duties included almost weekly selection of gifts for colleagues, and it was difficult and painful. The service offers you to name a convenient order amount, and you don’t need to deal with choosing gifts, packaging and delivery.

The trick is that the contents of the box will be a surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for the gift givers. No one knows in advance what will be in the secret box... All that is known is that it will be beautiful and stylish.


Even if you went the traditional route (went into the office with a postcard), no one bothers you to get three or four firecrackers for the premises and set up a fireworks display. Now there is firecrackers from which money flies out(you can choose rubles, dollars or euros), rose petals or regular serpentine.

Let someone command: “Fire” so that it happens at the same time. It is better to warn the guards so that they do not press the panic button out of fear. The hero of the day will be showered with money from head to toe with best wishes.

Still look great "cold fountains". These are completely safe tabletop or floor structures that will delight the birthday boy with bright silver splashes for a few minutes. .

The most killer option is a huge transparent ball that holds from 50 to 100 small balls and confetti. Needs to be hung from the ceiling. Now we need a daredevil with a pushpin. Ba-a-abah!!! And the whole office becomes colorful. I know a specialist in making such a “killer” surprise balloon, I'll help.

Take a photo with the hero of the day using photo props

Why not use funny antennae and stick lips to create a fun photo series. By the way, even the most modest employees can pose with such accessories, and the hero of the day will have memories of a fun photo shoot. Give out funny props and you won't hear, "I'm bad at this." All handsome!

All this is sold in holiday-themed stores.

Paint the big picture

I'll tell you how it happens. A huge painting (100x150 cm or any other size) is brought to your office, on which a professional artist, at your request, sketches a plot that your colleague will definitely like. In principle, it could be him himself, surrounded by palm trees, expensive cars and beauties. And then... Everyone must paint any object or part of the picture picturesquely. Of course, it won’t be a masterpiece in the generally accepted sense, but it’s soooo nice... If there are craftsmen in the team, you can just buy a canvas and a frame and make a sketch.

Order a cake with a theme

Modern confectioners work wonders, so they will create a cake to your order that will make the hero of the occasion feel that it is HIS day, HIS cake. You can “create” hobbies, habits, favorite films, even the hero of the day. This art has no boundaries except the budget allocated for congratulations.

I will update the page as ideas come in from your comments.
If you are in Moscow, call. I will help you select performers for almost all of the listed ideas.

An anniversary is not just a celebration of another birthday, but, above all, a significant date, symbolic for the hero of the day. On this day, using ordinary congratulations will not be enough; you should show your imagination and come up with something? How to congratulate the dear birthday boy in an original and tasteful way. Let's give you some interesting ideas.

Original congratulations on your anniversary – “Star Wishes”

Prepare cut out stars from colored thick paper or cardboard in advance. Their number should be approximately the same as the number of invited guests. Give all the guests a star and let everyone write their wish to the hero of the day. Next, the host of the evening, accompanied by festive music, must cast a fabulous spell: “This is your starfall of desires, confessions about love and friendship, the star that you catch, in it you will learn about your destiny!” At this moment, the guests will throw stars in unison, and the hero of the day will try to catch them. And at the end, the birthday boy will read out a wish that came true for him.

Original congratulations on the anniversary – “Portrait of the Birthday Boy”

For this creative greeting, you will need a picture frame with a blank sheet of paper already inserted into it, and drawing supplies such as pencils, felt-tip pens, bright markers, etc. The frame should be passed to all guests in turn so that everyone draws one detail of the birthday person’s face. At the same time, the presenter can suggest which part of the face needs to be drawn with a detailed mischievous description, interesting comparisons, for example: “We draw a nose with a crooked comma, which looks like a funny question.” The hero of the day will be interested in receiving such an unusual portrait.

Original congratulations on your anniversary – “Sand Ball”

One of the most beautiful congratulations using sand or salt different colors. Arrange it according to color in stylish boxes or glass molds so that there is enough for all guests. Place a transparent glass vase in the center, into which each guest will pour a certain color of salt, choosing it to match their congratulations. For example, if they wish the hero of the day love, they pour red salt, green salt, health, etc. As a result, the birthday person will receive a bright multi-colored composition of numerous wishes, and such a congratulation will be remembered for many years.

Original congratulations on the anniversary – “Song of the hero of the day”

Take a song that contains the name of the hero of the day. For example, “Katya-Katerina”, “No need to frown Lada”, “Anastasia”. You can take the birthday person’s favorite song and remake the words in it with reference to his name, adding wishes. Dress up everyone who wants to congratulate you with a song in clothes according to the theme of the song. If it is a yard, then you can wear tracksuits with caps like street robbers; if it’s a formal occasion, elegant dresses of the same color with gloves and hats; if the song is energetic, then wigs in the style of the 90s and a classic style of clothing are suitable. The hero of the day will be pleasantly surprised by such an original number.

Experiment, don’t be afraid to implement interesting stories in your congratulatory ideas. An anniversary is exactly that holiday where the ingenuity and fabulousness of your congratulations will give the hero of the day unforgettable emotions and a wonderful mood.

Often reading congratulations on the holiday, we understand that it is compiled on a quick fix, hastily and consists entirely of banal hackneyed phrases and was sent simply out of politeness. This is easy to understand by the style or by seeing the phrases “happiness in your personal life”, “everything you want”, “health, love and good luck in everything”.

After such a congratulation, you are left with the feeling that you have read and heard it a thousand times.

To avoid such disappointment, you need to pay more attention to the composition of the text.

Show your imagination so that your congratulation stands out from the crowd and is remembered by the birthday person. The best option is to think carefully and compose original birthday greetings.

After all, it is the unusual shape that can distinguish your congratulations from dozens of others.
Unlike ordinary, inconspicuous and unmemorable messages. If the birthday person receives original birthday wishes, this will mean that the author of the message appreciates him and treats him with respect.
All the effort you put into writing your text will pay off in spades.
And the attention shown these days is highly valued, no less than a valuable gift. It’s good if the original birthday greetings are original not only in content, but also in form: you can give your beloved woman a postcard along with a basket of flowers, a colleague with a souvenir, and a child with a letter from a wizard.

Birthday is a fun holiday,
Birthdays are a reason for meetings.
On this day you wish for mountains,
And the guests’ speech is sweet, like honey.

Happy birthday to you,
May the angels glorify your path!

Let happiness please you with stability,
Let the rainbow creep under your feet,
May you always be beautiful
And the rest will be crushed!

Believe me, bad weather leads to warmth,
To success - all overcomings,
To love heartache
And fortunately - every birthday!

Dear, sweet, beloved,
Accept all these congratulations
And be sincere, happy
Always, always – without exception!

Today is a special day - Birthday,
Wonderful moments await you today,
A sea of ​​wonderful congratulations, kind, warm words,
Every friend, acquaintance, and relative is ready to congratulate you.
Today I wish you three things -
Firstly, the love and attention of women,
And secondly, good health and a lot of strength,
So that, thirdly, to conquer the whole world!

I wish you a whole heap of happiness,
A bouquet of joyful smiles,
Reliable and cheerful friends,
Happy life a whole century!

Birthday is like a beacon in life!
A year has passed, it seemed like nothing,
But to sum it up, be sad and have fun,
And don’t be sorry, but fall in love with existence again!

Set goals for yourself to grow, move forward,
Doubts away, wherever the soul calls!
Luck is already on its way with you,
Victory has also sworn to be with you!

An old legend says:
When a person is born -
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.

So let it shine for you
At least until a hundred years old
And happiness guards your home,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be wonderful in life,
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be young - hold on in any conditions,
After all, no matter what, this life is wonderful.

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to have a WOW!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
So that life is as bright as day,
So that only joy, without worries,
I crossed your threshold.

Love - until I drop,
Happiness - without barriers.
Life - without loss.
And the most devoted friends!

Dear (NAME)!
Happy Birthday!
I wish you happiness, health in all organs,
And money - in all pockets!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to get tired of male attention, suffer, not knowing where to spend so much money, be upset only because of bad weather, cry only from laughter, be sad only over touching films and delight us every day with your beautiful smile.

Dear, congratulations on your anniversary, on this round, significant date! May the boundaries of your circle of possibilities go far beyond the circle of your desires, may all your dreams come true, may you always be surrounded by love and happiness!

Dear, sweet, dear,
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
On this joyful and sunny day,
We'll drop by to see you.
Be smiling, beautiful,
And beloved and happy!
Don't regret the past
Your life will become brighter.
And much love to you,
May you remain young at heart!

So you have become a year older,
After all, today is your anniversary,
We wish you good health,
Loved ones only brought joy,
Every day you are brighter and wiser,
Energetic, like the charge of a hundred batteries,
Happiness and a bouquet of wishes,
Fulfillment of unfulfilled desires!

Today is your anniversary, today you are beautiful, slim and cheerful! We wish you to always remain such that you catch admiring glances, not only from men, but also from envious girlfriends. Be like nature itself - in spring, like tender foliage; in summer - ardent, passionate, enchanting; like autumn - generous, kind, caring, well, take perseverance, fortitude and peace from winter!

Putting things aside, worries - just smile,
Happy anniversary to you! You will gently plunge into happiness,
We want to be beautiful and always desired,
We wish you fulfillment of long-awaited goals!

Let health, happiness, joy settle in the house,
The feeling of euphoria will be familiar to you,
Let things go well, friends will be nearby,
We wish you to charm everyone around you with just a glance!

Today we celebrate a round anniversary,
And there is no better reason to celebrate.
After all, on this beautiful day you once
To the joy of all of us, she was born!

I wish you fulfillment of your wishes,
Success in your career, good luck in love.
And even the most daring plans
It will be possible to implement sooner rather than later!

All achievements up to this date -
Only an interim result.
I wish to become even richer
And five years healthier,
Add beauty and charm,
Lose a couple of kilos
So that guys give you flowers
And everyone was jealous of you!

Like a drop of morning dew, your motives are pure, like a ray of July sun, your red-hot heart, like the smile of a newborn child, your intentions are sincere. You are excellent, like nature itself, so you have no equal in the whole wide world. May, starting from this birthday, life become favorable to you, and may luck become more generous.

Dear (name)! We hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful date in your life. You are young and beautiful, may all the flowers of the world be at your feet today, and may the birds of heaven sing your femininity and uniqueness!

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