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Fertile ability. Female fertility is the reproduction of offspring. Traditional methods for successfully conceiving a child


Have you been wanting a child for a long time, but pregnancy still doesn’t happen? Perhaps you do not know what fertility is, and therefore you do not use all the effective methods to conceive the long-awaited baby. Understand how the female body works and how to calculate favorable days when ovulation occurs and there is every chance of getting pregnant.

Fertility in women - what is it?

This term comes from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile. Fertility is the ability of an organism at puberty to produce offspring. You need to know that this indicator is determined not only in females, but also in males, because for conception it is necessary that both partners do not have any disruptions in reproduction. In practice, women are more likely to encounter this term and are forced to resort to various examinations and methods in order to increase their fertility and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

Fertility in men is determined by a laboratory test, during which sperm is assessed using special indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index. To determine whether this coefficient is normal in a woman, you need to do several studies, the first of which is an ultrasound of the ovaries on the 5-6th day after menstruation. During diagnosis, the doctor sees the presence of growing follicles and gives a forecast of the likelihood of fertilization. Hormonal studies, during which the ratio of the hormones FSH and LH are determined, help show a more accurate picture of a woman’s fertility.

Fertile age

Nature has determined that people can reproduce only during a certain period of their life. If a man can perform this function from puberty until old age, then for women it is not so simple with fertilization - they can conceive and give birth only before menopause. Based on these norms of body functioning, the fertile age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years. Girls planning to give birth should be guided by this time frame; they should not put off this issue for too long, because at a younger age the prognosis for pregnancy and childbirth is more favorable.

Fertility days

Often girls do not know exactly when their fertile period occurs during the menstrual cycle, and do not take into account the significance of this indicator when planning a pregnancy. It is a mistake to do this, because in this case the moment when the chances of conceiving a child are maximum will be missed. It will be correct to determine fertile days and apply this information in a timely manner.

You need to know that almost every month a female reproductive cell matures in the ovary under the influence of estrogen. Approximately on the 14th day after the start of the menstrual period, ovulation occurs, the egg enters the fallopian tube, beginning to move towards the uterus. She is capable of fertilization within 24 hours. Taking into account these time frames and the lifespan of sperm, the fertility window is determined - it opens 5-6 days before ovulation and closes 1-2 days after it.

How to calculate fertile days

The menstrual cycle varies in length for different girls. This fact explains why individual determination of fertile days is so important: if you correctly calculate the date of ovulation, then as a result the chances of fertilization will increase significantly. Find out which methods of calculating this period are the most effective and are often recommended by gynecologists.

How to calculate the most favorable time for fertilization using this method? The girl will need to keep a calendar of fertile days - mark in it the days of the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle, which approximately coincides with ovulation. You need to know that this method has a drawback - it will only be useful if you have a stable menstrual cycle. If, due to the influence of certain factors, this indicator is different for a woman every month, then the calendar method is ineffective in this case.

Discharge on fertile days

A woman who is attentive to her health notices that certain changes occur in her body at regular intervals. Using her powers of observation, she can sense what fertile days are like. They are characterized by a change in the nature and amount of vaginal secretion. Discharge on fertile days differs from usual in that it is more abundant, and in appearance it is stretchy mucus, very similar to egg white.

Why are these changes happening? In this way, the female body optimally adapts to ensure that sperm enter an environment favorable to them, and conception occurs. The fertile phase can also make itself felt by other signs: pulling pain in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity of the breasts. Similar symptoms may occur in some gynecological diseases, so if there is an unusual change in the nature of vaginal discharge, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Basal temperature on fertile days

This method of observation is one of the most accurate for determining the most favorable moment for conception; only ovulation tests are considered more informative. If you measure the temperature in the rectum for several months and draw up a detailed schedule, based on the data obtained, you can effectively calculate the onset of ovulation.

How does basal temperature change on fertile days? On the day of ovulation, it decreases slightly, and immediately after the release of the germ cell from the follicle, it rises sharply, remaining approximately at this level until the next menstruation. Using the graph data, you can determine fertile days when fertilization of a mature egg is very likely.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Fertility is a term used to refer to various aspects of the ability of an adult, sexually mature organism to reproduce. Fertility is a biological characteristic that reflects the ability of either an individual or a group to reproduce. This means that in relation to a person, fertility denotes and describes his ability to reproduce during the period of puberty (from 15 to 49 years).

Fertility - what is it?

According to a strictly scientific definition, fertility is the ability of a sexually mature organism to reproduce offspring. The term "fertility" is derived from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile or fertile. That is, fertility is a concept that is essentially opposite to the meaning of sterility or infertility. This concept is a key characteristic of humans as a biological species, which has the inherent ability to reproduce its own kind.

In general, the concept of fertility is more often used in English-language scientific and medical literature, from which it actually came into the vocabulary of Russian-speaking doctors in the countries of the former USSR. The spread of this concept is associated with the active adoption of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI, etc.), which were developed in the West, and accordingly, the terminology of these medical procedures is in English. Modern doctors from the CIS countries simply borrowed the term fertility from English-language articles, forming the Russian “fertility” from it and putting the same meaning.

Since reproduction requires two people of different sexes who have reached the age of puberty, the concept of fertility can be applied to both a man and a woman. This means that there is female and male fertility, which reflects the ability of a particular woman to conceive and bear a child, and a particular man to impregnate his sexual partner. If we consider the union of two people of different sexes who have reached the age of puberty, then we can talk about the couple’s fertility as a kind of collective quality that reflects their ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

The concept of fertility is applicable only to people of reproductive age, when, according to their physiological characteristics and properties, they are capable of reproducing offspring. In women, reproductive age begins with the first menstruation and ends with the onset of menopause. That is, a woman’s reproductive age is the period during which she has regular menstruation.

And in men, reproductive age begins from 14 to 15 years, when full-fledged sperm begins to be produced, containing live and active sperm capable of fertilizing an egg. In principle, a man can remain of reproductive age until death if various factors that have a negative impact on the quality of sperm do not lead to a violation of its composition and ability to fertilize. But since representatives of both sexes are necessary for the reproduction of offspring, the reproductive age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years, when both a man and a woman can conceive a child.

In addition to male and female, there is also a demographic concept of fertility, which refers to the ability of women who make up the population group under study to reproduce and maintain the population. Typically, demographic fertility is expressed by the birth rate, which reflects the number of children per woman of reproductive age (from 15 to 49 years). It is this birth rate that people encounter when reading scientific or statistical publications concerning population reproduction. Usually in articles with similar content there is always the expression that “the birth rate is 1.4 or 2.0 ppm.” It is this coefficient that means that for one woman of reproductive age there are 1.4 or 2 children born. The same coefficient reflects demographic fertility.

Demographic fertility reflects the ability of a population of people, for example, everyone living in an area, region or country, to reproduce and maintain population size. If the fertility rate is less than 2.0, then this means low demographic fertility, in which the population of the studied group is decreasing. If the fertility rate is 2.0, then this means that the population is maintained at the existing level - neither increasing nor decreasing. In such a situation, demographic fertility is zero. When the fertility rate is more than two, they speak of population growth and positive demographic fertility.

Female fertility - definition and physiological essence of the concept

A woman's fertility is her body's ability to reproduce. This means that the concept of “female fertility” includes three necessary factors - the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Fertility can be normal, high or low. Fertility is considered low when a woman is capable of only any two of the three factors of reproduction. For example, if a woman has the ability to become pregnant (conceive), but is unable to carry and give birth to a child, then her fertility is low. Fertility is considered normal when a woman is able to conceive, carry to term, and give birth. Increased fertility is the ability to become pregnant, carry a pregnancy and give birth without any complications several times in a row without a break between births.

Currently, thanks to medical advances, bearing and giving birth to a child is available to almost all women who have managed to become pregnant. Therefore, such factors of female fertility as pregnancy and birth have somewhat lost their significance. After all, you can always give birth by cesarean section, and for a successful pregnancy, take medications and be in conservancy. Thus, the leading factor in female fertility has become the ability to conceive, that is, the ability to become pregnant.

Ovulation and Fertility

Normal ovulation is very important for a woman's overall fertility. The ability to conceive is determined by the presence in a woman’s body of an egg that is mature and ready for fertilization. Such an egg is normally released from the ovary once in each menstrual cycle. And the actual process of releasing a mature egg is called ovulation. That is, ovulation and fertility are inextricably linked with each other, moreover, the first determines the second. If ovulation does not occur, then a woman cannot become pregnant in a given menstrual cycle, that is, she is not fertile. If ovulation has occurred, then the normal probability of becoming pregnant during one menstrual cycle is 20%. In this case, the woman is completely fertile. Moreover, maximum fertility is observed on the days of ovulation, therefore, for the speedy onset of pregnancy, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse on these days, when the “fresh” egg has just left the ovary, is ready for fertilization, and the sperm will not have to wait long for it, having entered the woman’s genital tract.

If ovulation is disrupted in any way, a woman's fertility will decrease. Since after 35 years the number of menstrual cycles without ovulation increases to 5–7 per year, the fertility of women in this age group decreases. Women aged 20–35 years go through 1–2 menstrual cycles per year without ovulation, so their fertility is significantly higher, which explains the recommendation of doctors to become pregnant and give birth before the age of 35.

Both ovulation and the ability to bear and give birth to a child are regulated by hormonal and nervous mechanisms, the disruption of which leads to a decrease in a woman’s fertility at any age, even very young. Since stress negatively affects hormonal balance, this explains its ability to reduce a woman's fertility, sometimes making her infertile. However, once the stress is removed, fertility is restored and the woman regains the ability to become pregnant and bear and give birth to children.

Fertility test (fertility prognosis)

A fertility test, also often called a fertility prognosis, is used to determine a woman's overall fertility. The essence of this test is very simple - it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the ovaries on the 5th - 6th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, almost immediately after the end of the next menstruation.

During an ultrasound, the doctor measures the diameter of the ovaries and counts the number of active, growing follicles, and also determines the ratio of connective and hormonal tissue. Normally, the diameter of the ovaries should be from 20 to 120 mm, the number of growing follicles should be at least 5, and the ratio of active and connective tissue should be at least 1:1. Then, based on the measurements obtained, the ultrasound diagnostic doctor describes in the conclusion the ovulation reserve, which is indicated by points - “-2”, “0” or “+2”. This ovulation reserve fully reflects the fertility forecast.

If the ovulation reserve is “-2”, then it is almost at its end, which means a woman’s very low, almost zero, fertility. Ovulation reserve "0" means the average fertility of a woman who is quite capable of becoming pregnant, bearing and giving birth to a child. Ovulation reserve “+2” means a woman’s excellent fertility, in which with almost 100% probability she will be able to become pregnant literally within 1 – 2 menstrual cycles, and then carry and give birth to a child without problems or complications.

In addition to determining the ovulatory reserve, a fertility test includes measuring the concentration of blood hormones that affect the ability to conceive, bear and give birth, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). For a fertility test, the ratio of the concentrations of these hormones is important. If the concentration of FSH exceeds LH, this indicates ovarian depletion and, accordingly, low fertility. This forecast will last for 3 to 5 years, after which fertility can be increased by various methods.

A fertility test or prognosis is an indicative examination that allows a gynecologist or endocrinologist to assess the overall, cumulative ability of a woman’s body to reproduce. If overall fertility according to the test results is low, then this is not a death sentence and does not mean that the woman is, in principle, unable to give birth to a child. Simply, to increase fertility, you will have to undergo quite long courses of treatment, which will improve her ability to reproduce offspring. After such treatment, as a rule, more than 95% of women become pregnant, and the remaining 5% will have to use assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI, etc.).

Currently, there is also a home fertility test for women, which in its design and principle of operation is completely similar to a pregnancy test. Using this fertility test, a woman can find out exactly when she ovulates, that is, determine the period of the menstrual cycle that is most favorable for conception.

To conduct the study, the test must be immersed in morning urine and wait for the stripes to appear, the color intensity of which determines whether the woman will ovulate within the next 1 to 2 days. If the second stripe is colored more intensely than the control one, then ovulation will occur, which means that the woman has reached the moment of maximum fertility. If the second strip of the test is colored less intensely compared to the control, this means that ovulation will not occur and the woman is not fertile in this menstrual cycle.

Male fertility - definition and physiological essence of the concept

A man's fertility is his ability to impregnate a woman by having sexual intercourse and releasing sperm into the vagina. A man's fertility directly depends on the quality of his sperm and sperm. You can evaluate the quality of sperm and, thereby, determine the overall fertility of a given man using a standard spermogram. Depending on the results of the spermogram, a man’s fertility can be assessed as normal, low or increased.

However, all men and their sexual partners should remember that a spermogram reflects only the theoretical, general fertility of a man. Therefore, even low fertility does not mean that a man is unable to impregnate a woman. This means rather a weakening of the efficiency of a man’s fertilizing ability. And high fertility also does not guarantee successful fertilization on the first try, since even very healthy and motile sperm are not always able to find an egg.

Sperm fertility (fertility index)

Currently, to assess fertility, men use the Kruger and Farris indices, which are calculated based on spermogram indicators. And therefore, the term “sperm fertility” is now very often used, which in its essence is absolutely identical to the concept of “male fertility”. Determining sperm fertility based on the Kruger and Farris indices is necessary to predict egg fertilization during one sexual intercourse.

Sperm fertility is reflected by two indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index, determined from the results of a spermogram. These indicators are often called the fertility index, which should not be confused with the fertility rate. The fact is that the fertility index reflects the ability to conceive offspring of one particular man, and the fertility rate is a population indicator, meaning the number of children born per woman of reproductive age within the region being studied.

Farris index

The Farris index is very often used in laboratories in the CIS countries and represents the total number and percentage of motile, sedentary and immobile live sperm in 1 ml and in the entire volume of semen. According to the classic indicators developed by Farris, the normal index value is 200. But in Russia and other CIS countries, the norm for the Farris index is 20.0. Accordingly, when the Farris index decreases to less than 20, reduced sperm fertility is recorded. If the Farris index is 20–25, then the man’s fertility is normal. With an index value of more than 25, fertility is considered increased and this means that a man is able to impregnate almost any woman during one sexual act.

Kruger index

The Kruger index has become increasingly used in recent years and is often called Kruger fertility. This indicator is also called the “strict Kruger criterion” or “morphological index”. To calculate this index, the sizes of the head, neck and tail of the sperm are assessed, and the final result is expressed as a percentage. If the Kruger index is less than 30%, then the man has low fertility. If the index value is more than 30%, then the man has good fertility and the prognosis for conception is very favorable.

To assess sperm fertility, the percentage of ideal forms of sperm (PIF) is also calculated, the normal value of which is 4%. Accordingly, with a PIF of less than 4%, a man has low fertility, and more than 4% - high.

Increased fertility

Some men and women experience the phenomenon of increased fertility, which means that they are able to conceive a child even while using highly effective methods of contraception.

It is well known that oral contraceptives (pills) provide protection against unwanted pregnancy by 99%, condoms by 95%, and intrauterine devices by 97–99%. A woman with increased fertility, despite the correct use of contraceptives, is among the very 1%, 3% or 5% who become pregnant. It is almost impossible for such a woman to find contraceptives, so doctors recommend having children and performing surgical sterilization. It should be remembered that increased fertility is a very rare phenomenon due to the physiological characteristics of a woman’s body.

Increased fertility in men also occurs. The basis for increased male fertility is the special properties of sperm. So, normally, sperm contains from 1 to 3% of sperm, which live in the woman’s genital tract for about two weeks. The remaining 97 - 99% of sperm live only 2 - 3 days. Naturally, a sperm that lives for two weeks, having entered the woman’s genital tract at the end of the menstrual cycle just before the start of the next period, can fully wait until ovulation occurs and fertilize the egg, resulting in pregnancy. At the same time, an ordinary sperm will die in two days and will not be able to fertilize the egg, that is, pregnancy will not occur. In men with increased fertility, the number of long-living sperm is more than 50%, and not 1 - 3%, as usual, therefore, as a result of one sexual intercourse, he can fertilize any healthy woman. This phenomenon is called increased male fertility.

Increased sterility, both in men and women, is a natural phenomenon and is very rare in practice.

Fertility rate - definition and calculation formula

The fertility rate is a macroeconomic indicator that is also often called the birth rate. This indicator is used to assess the level of fertility and population reproduction in a region and reflects the average number of live births per woman of reproductive age living within the study area. This coefficient is used to assess the dynamics of the population in the region under study, that is, it allows you to find out whether the number of people is decreasing, increasing or not changing.

The formula for calculating the fertility rate is as follows: K = N/n*1000, Where
K - fertility rate;
N is the total number of children born for any period, for example, a year, 10 years, etc.;
n is the total number of women aged 15–49 years living in a given region at the time of calculating the fertility rate.

The fertility rate is expressed in ppm.

In order for the population to remain unchanged, that is, not increase or decrease, the fertility rate should be 2.0 - 2.33 ppm. If the coefficient is more than 2.4 ppm, then the population of the population being studied is growing. If the indicator value is below 2.0 ppm, then the population of the region is declining.

Fertility Factors

Currently, thanks to the efforts of scientists and medical practitioners, factors affecting male and female fertility have been identified. Since the process of reproduction of offspring is determined by the general condition of the body, the factors that can negatively affect fertility are very diverse and belong to different categories. All factors that influence and can reduce male and female fertility are reflected in the table.
Male Fertility Factors Female Fertility Factors
Age (as we age, the production of testosterone, which is responsible for sperm quality, decreases)Age (as you age, the number of ovulation cycles decreases)
Excess weight (causes hormonal imbalance)Excess or underweight (leads to hormonal imbalance)
Stress (under stress, the synthesis of GnRH, which directly regulates spermatogenesis, stops)Stress (causes hormonal imbalance)
Genital injuriesEarly menopause
Diseases of the genital organs of various nature, including inflammatory ones (for example, varicocele, prostatitis, etc.)Diseases that provoke hormonal imbalance (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperfunction and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus)
Severe chronic diseases (for example, diabetes, arterial hypertension, etc.)Tubal patency disorders
Long-term inflammatory process in the body (high body temperature disrupts spermatogenesis)Adhesive process in the pelvis
Overheating of the testicles with frequent visits to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, etc.Synechiae (connective tissue adhesions) inside the uterine cavity
Compression of the testicles by tight and uncomfortable underwearNumerous intrauterine interventions (abortions, etc.)
Insufficient drinking (lack of fluid in the body makes sperm inactive)Gynecological non-inflammatory diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia, etc.)
Poor environmental conditions in the region of residenceInflammatory diseases of the genital organs
Occupational hazardsBad habits
Bad habitsImmunological disorders, as a result of which sperm are destroyed by the woman’s body
Poor quality nutrition with deficiency of vitamins and microelements
Failure to comply with the work and rest schedule
Use of certain medications
Features of modern life (constantly carrying a mobile phone on the belt in close proximity to the testicles, eating fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.)

These factors should always be kept in mind when assessing the fertility of a man or woman. If a particular person has any of the listed factors, then his fertility is reduced, and to increase it it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate its negative influence, that is, to remove the identified factor from one’s life.

Fertility disorders

Impaired fertility develops under the influence of one or more of the listed factors and represents a decrease in the ability to reproduce offspring. Impaired fertility in men consists of poor quality sperm, which are not able to find and fertilize an egg in the woman’s genital tract. Impaired fertility of a woman consists of the inability to become pregnant, difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth. Depending on the type of negative factor that led to impaired fertility, it can be permanent (irreversible) or temporary. If a permanent fertility disorder has developed, a man or woman will never be able to conceive a child naturally. If there is a temporary impairment of fertility, then it can be completely restored by eliminating the influence of the negative factor. A temporary, reversible impairment of fertility is called decreased fertility.

Decreased fertility

Declining fertility is now quite widespread, both among women and men. With reduced fertility, married couples cannot conceive a child within a year with regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination, identify the cause of decreased fertility and eliminate it. Once the cause is removed, fertility will improve and the chances of conceiving a child will increase significantly. In fact, today the terms "subfertility" and "impaired fertility" are often used interchangeably to refer to some general difficulties in conceiving a child, without addressing the detailed description of the problem that led to infertility.

Fertility age (reproductive age)

Fertile age is the age range during which a man or woman is able to reproduce. A synonym for the term “fertile age” is the more commonly used “reproductive age”. These terms are synonymous and mean the same thing.

The age of fertility differs between men and women, and among the fairer sex it is significantly shorter. A woman's ability to reproduce begins with the first menstruation and continues until menopause, that is, on average from 15 to 55 years. However, with age, fertility progressively decreases, and a woman at 45 years old has a significantly lower chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth than a 20-year-old girl. And under the age of 20, a girl, despite the physiological ability to bear children, is not yet ready to become a mother. Therefore, in practice, the reproductive age of women is not 15–55 years, but 20–49 years.

The entire period of a woman’s fertile age is divided into four conventional stages:
1. Early reproductive stage – lasts from the first menstruation to 20 years. During this period, the girl rarely ovulates, the formation of a regular menstrual cycle occurs and the production of hormones is balanced. But if a girl begins sexual activity at this age, the likelihood of pregnancy is very high;
2. Middle reproductive stage – lasts from 20 to 40 years. At this age, a woman has stable hormonal levels, a regular menstrual cycle and good health, therefore the middle reproductive stage is considered the most favorable for having children;
3. Late reproductive stage – lasts from 40 to 45 years. In this age range, ovulation and the menstrual cycle are regular, despite periodic “shake-ups” of hormonal levels that occur under the influence of changes in the body during the premenopausal period. In this age range, pregnancy can occur on its own, but carrying it to term may require regular use of medications;
4. Stage of fading fertility - lasts from 46 to 58 years, when a woman enters menopause. During this period, ovulation is rare, the menstrual cycle is irregular, and hormonal levels are reduced. Spontaneous pregnancy in this age range is theoretically possible, and the use of hormonal medications is mandatory for pregnancy.

Thus, the most favorable moment for having children is the middle reproductive phase, which occurs between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Theoretically, reproduction of offspring is possible in other phases, but it is associated with certain difficulties and the need for medical support. In the CIS countries, as a rule, they do not deal with the problems of supporting early and late pregnancy, and therefore the fertile age is significantly cut off, leaving only the middle and late reproductive phases - from 20 to 45 years.

The fertile age of men begins with the period of active sperm production, which occurs in adolescence between 12 and 15 years. A man can then be fertile throughout his life if the quality of his sperm is satisfactory. Moreover, in case of reversible disturbances in sperm quality, this can always be corrected and normal fertility can be restored. Thus, a man's fertile age is defined from 15 years until death. Infertility (low fertility) of a man can be caused by various diseases that do not allow him to have full sexual intercourse, or that interfere with the production of normal sperm. However, if these diseases are cured or their negative effects on spermatogenesis are reduced, then the man will return to good fertility. Due to such physiological characteristics, the concept of fertile age is mostly applied to women.

Fertility days (fertility period)

A woman’s menstrual cycle, depending on the likelihood of pregnancy, is divided into three large phases:
  • Relative infertility phase , lasting from the end of menstruation until ovulation (the first half of the menstrual cycle). During sexual intercourse during this phase, pregnancy may occur, but the chances of conception are not maximum;
  • Fertility phase , occurring approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle and coinciding with ovulation. The probability of becoming pregnant during sexual intercourse in this phase is highest during one menstrual cycle. Since sperm can live in a woman’s genital tract for up to 3–4 days, the fertile phase begins 4 days before ovulation and ends 4 days after it. That is, the fertile phase lasts a total of 8 days;
  • Infertility phase, lasting about 14 days and occurring 5 days after ovulation. In this phase, the probability of getting pregnant is almost zero, since the egg of this menstrual cycle has already died without being fertilized.
It is the fertile phase, when the most favorable moment for conception occurs, that is often called fertile days. You can calculate the fertile phase in various ways - by measuring basal temperature, monitoring the state of cervical mucus and observing other signs of ovulation (engorgement of the nipples, the appearance of swelling, etc.). Typically, a woman monitors her body over several menstrual cycles, calculates what day she ovulates and calculates her fertile days.

Fertility restoration

To restore fertility for both men and women, it is necessary to treat all existing diseases of the genital organs and eliminate factors that negatively affect the ability to conceive. To do this, first an examination is carried out to identify the factors that led to a decrease in fertility. And only after this the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment aimed at stopping or completely eliminating the factor that reduces fertility. This treatment is an increase in fertility. Typically, these measures are quite sufficient to increase fertility and, as a result, pregnancy in the near future.

Improving fertility in men and women

Increasing the fertility of men and women can be achieved by following these rules:
  • Have regular sex life with one partner, at least twice a week;
  • Do not use low-calorie diets for the purpose of losing weight;
  • Create a rational and balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, seafood, dairy products, wholemeal bread and excluding smoked, fatty, fried, pickled and canned foods;
  • Quit alcohol and smoking;
  • Take vitamins and microelements in the form of food supplements (to increase fertility, selenium, zinc, magnesium, arginine, vitamins E, C, B6, B12, folic acid are needed);
  • Exercise;
  • Men should wear loose underwear and clothing, avoid staying in places with hot air (bathhouse, sauna, etc.) so as not to squeeze or overheat the testicles;
  • Regularly engage in psychological training to effectively control and relieve stress;
  • Women should not take painkillers during ovulation, as they can disrupt this process;
  • Reduce or eliminate caffeine-containing drinks;
  • Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
The above rules will help increase fertility for men and women. However, if there are any diseases of the genital area or severe chronic pathologies, then they should be treated with effective medications at the same time as following the described rules so that fertility actually increases.
gonadotropins (Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex, Metrodin, Fertinex, Pregnil, etc.) or Parlodel can only be used after a thorough examination and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Thus, fertility is an integral property of the human body, inherent in both men and women. Accordingly, fertility responds to any changes in the human body by decreasing or increasing depending on the nature of the influencing factors. That is, fertility is a kind of integral indicator of a person’s overall health and depends entirely on it.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Any woman who wants to get pregnant, or, conversely, seeks to avoid it, should know the capabilities of her body. Many representatives of the fair sex have an idea of ​​the calendar method of planning pregnancy, but much fewer women are familiar with the term fertile days.

What is fertility, fertile period, fertile days

Fertility is the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

Fertile days (period) are several days in the menstrual cycle that occur before ovulation and directly on this day. The maximum chances of conception occur 5 days before ovulation, as well as on the day of its occurrence. This period of time is fertility.

Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicle into the fallopian tube and its further movement towards the uterus. According to doctors, the greatest chance of pregnancy is the day before ovulation. In this case, sperm can live in the vagina for several hours, and in the uterus for approximately 5 days. After ovulation occurs, the egg has a day to fertilize.

The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28 days, and ovulation occurs in the middle.

This calculation is an average; as a rule, a woman has individual deviations in her cycle.

Fertility age

Nature has designed it in such a way that a person is ready for offspring only during a certain period of life. In men, reproductive function continues until old age, but in women this period is not so long. A representative of the fair sex can become pregnant and carry a baby only until menopause.

Fertility in women lasts on average from 15 to 49 years of age. Therefore, you should not postpone pregnancy for a long time, since the prognosis for conception is more favorable at a young age.

How to calculate fertile days for a woman

The menstrual cycle varies in length for different women. Individual calculation of the fertile period allows you to more accurately determine the day of ovulation, which significantly increases the chances of conception. Fertility in women can be calculated in several ways.

The calendar method involves maintaining a calendar of the fertile period. In this case, it is necessary to note the date of the first and last days of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle. It is at this time that ovulation usually occurs. A significant drawback of this calculation method is that it is only suitable for those who have a stable menstrual cycle. If the duration of the cycle is variable, then it is almost impossible to calculate the fertile period using this method.

The calendar method of determining fertile days is no more than 60% effective.

A representative of the fair sex, who listens carefully to her body, notices that some changes occur in it with a certain frequency. Thanks to such observation, you can recognize fertile days. During this period, the nature and volume of vaginal mucus changes. During the fertile period, it becomes more abundant and looks similar to egg white.

This is due to the fact that a woman’s body adapts to the most favorable time for conception. At the same time, fertility can also manifest itself with other symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

If such symptoms are not typical for a woman in each cycle, then this may indicate the presence of an infection.

The fertile period can also be calculated by measuring basal temperature. The method involves regularly measuring basal temperature in the rectum or vagina. This should be done in the morning immediately after sleep, without turning over. Also, to ensure the reliability of the results obtained, it is better to use the same thermometer all the time.

It is important when using this method to measure basal temperature at the same time. Its meaning can be influenced by sex, drinking alcohol, any illness or nervous shock. Daily measurement data must be entered into a table. The fertile period begins with a slight increase in basal temperature, which remains at this level for several days. At this time, ovulation occurs.

You can determine fertile days using a special test that is sold in pharmacies. They should be started approximately 5 days before the expected moment of ovulation. This test works similarly to a pregnancy test, and detects luteinizing hormone.

Before using the ovulation test, you should read the instructions that come with it. Testing is carried out daily at the same time once or twice a day. You need to collect urine in a clean container and place the test strip in it for a certain time. Just before ovulation, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases sharply, which is what the test monitors.

A positive test result indicates that fertility is now high, that is, the female body is ready for fertilization.

What can cause fertility problems?

Doctors include factors affecting fertility: a woman’s age over 30 years, excess weight, abnormal development of the egg, genital tract infections, inflammatory processes and other reasons. It is advisable that if a woman is infertile, she should be examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

Normal fertility is greatly influenced by the lifestyle a woman leads. She needs to eat well, get enough sleep, follow all the rules of personal hygiene, and not engage in casual intimate relationships. You need to be healthy not only for the sake of conception, but also in order to bear a healthy baby. To plan a pregnancy, you need to understand what fertile days are and learn how to calculate them.

Fertile days and ovulation may be absent. This is influenced by the following factors: hormonal imbalance or deterioration of the thyroid gland. Natural disorders include the lactation period - breastfeeding the baby. Since the list of root causes is not small, you need to see a doctor to find out.

How to increase fertility in women?

It would seem, what is needed for conception? If you have a sexual partner, then pregnancy will not take long to occur. But, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as we would like. The hormonal background of the female body constantly undergoes various changes. This is what causes frequent mood swings. Even slight increased nervous arousal can affect a woman's ability to become pregnant.

Here are some tips that we hope will be useful to you if you want to improve your fertility:

  1. Watch your kilograms. Both excess and lack of fat negatively affect ovulation. With an increased number of fat cells, the body turns on the process of producing hormones that interfere with the normal functioning of the ovaries. A lack of fat, on the contrary, inhibits the production of necessary hormones that are directly related to this process. As a result of such changes, the periodicity of the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and with it the regularity of ovulation. Physical activity will help control excess weight. But you should be careful not to overdo it here either. Very often, professional athletes experience irregularities in their monthly cycle. This happens due to overstrain of the body, which causes hormonal imbalances.
  2. Eat right. For a woman’s health, a balanced and proper diet plays an important role. The female body needs foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamin C. Their deficiency delays the onset of menstruation, therefore, ovulation occurs less frequently. By the way, athletes often suffer from zinc deficiency. Sufficient amounts of animal protein are found in meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Vegetarians can be advised to eat legumes with rice, as well as include soy products in their diet.
  3. Give up cigarettes. It has long been proven how smoking ages a woman’s body. The chemicals contained in cigarettes harm some functions of the reproductive system. If we consider the ovaries of a 30-year-old woman who smokes, their functional capacity is comparable to the capabilities of the ovaries of a 40-year-old woman. This indicates early decline of the body. But if a woman stops smoking, she will have every chance of restoring some functions of the reproductive system.
  4. Keep track of your cycle length. The norm is considered to be an interval of 25-35 days. If the gap between menstruation is longer, for example, 42 days, then ovulation will occur according to the cycle. To calculate your fertile days and plan conception, you need to calculate the day of ovulation. It is considered the most fertile day of the cycle. The days preceding the start of the process are also favorable for conception. The fertile period is 4-5 days before the egg is released from the ovary. After the process is completed, the probability of conception is reduced to zero. Usually, to roughly calculate the day of ovulation, the length of the cycle is divided in half. Suppose if the cycle is 28 calendar days, then the probable day of ovulation will occur on the 14th day from the start of bleeding. But since an accurate calculation is needed, it is worth using a special test that shows the days of approaching ovulation. This test is sold in all pharmacies. Another way is to measure your basal temperature daily.
  5. Stay calm. Danish scientists conducted research and came to the conclusion that during psychological stress, the hormonal background becomes similar to that which the body experiences during increased physical activity. You need to teach yourself to get out of this state using methods of meditation, relaxation or yoga. Swimming helps many people relieve stress. It’s a good idea to remember your hobbies, which can replace going to a psychotherapist.
  6. Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks change the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood. It is he who is responsible for a woman’s fertility and the ability to maintain pregnancy in the early stages. Insufficient estrogen levels prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. However, according to scientists, one glass of wine with dinner will not harm a woman’s health and reproductive ability. It is also worth paying attention to drinks that contain caffeine. American obstetricians and gynecologists believe that more than 2 cups of black coffee per day contributes to miscarriage. Therefore, in order to bear and give birth to a healthy child, you should give up alcohol and coffee.
  7. Take initiative in your intimate life. It has long been proven that irregularities in the menstrual cycle most often occur in women who do not have regular sex life.
  8. Avoid douching. There is a special microflora in the vagina that performs a protective function. During douching, this layer is washed off and there is a risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.

The components of this concept are:

  • synthesis of high-quality sperm;
  • transporting sperm as close to the cervix as possible.

High-quality sperm is an important indicator of male fertility, which depends on many factors. To determine the cause of decreased sperm quality, it is necessary to undergo a fertility test, based on the results of which a fertility index is calculated.

Because of the clear link between lead and low sperm function, researchers involved in the study are now calling on safety authorities to review the limits set for environmental exposure to lead. The lead found in the samples is believed to be linked to drinking and smoking or lack of exercise - health experts say lead can accumulate in the body if no exercise is done. Researchers have found that a diet high in animal fats can also contribute to the accumulation of lead in the body.

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Part of fertility is the transport of sperm as close to the cervix as possible.

Fertility index and rate

The fertility index is calculated based on semen analysis data, using two methods: Farris and Kruger (the most used method). The index indicates the ability of sperm to fertilize a female reproductive cell.

The Kruger Fertility Index displays the number of viable and pathological sperm. During the study, according to the Kruger criteria, the parameters of the tail, neck and head of the sperm are studied. The results obtained are expressed as percentages:

  • a Kruger index below 30% indicates low fertility;
  • an index of more than 30% indicates a man’s high ability to conceive.

The Farris Fertility Index indicates the number of immobile, sedentary and active sperm per 1 ml and the total volume of ejaculate. The norm is considered to be an index value of 200 units.

Fertility rate is a macroeconomic value used to calculate fertility. It is calculated as the number of children born per number of women of childbearing age. When the fertility rate is above two units (there are two or more children per woman of childbearing age) it means population growth. Every year the figure tends to decrease.

The fertility rate is used when you want to calculate the birth rate in a region, country, or world. It is calculated quite simply:

  1. you need to decide on the period for which you want to calculate the coefficient;
  2. count the number of children born during the selected period;
  3. the number of children divided by the number of women of reproductive age;
  4. multiply the result of division by 1000.

The fertility rate is obtained in ppm.

There is a decline in fertility around the world, in most cases in Western Europe. Although there are cases where fertility is at a very high level, for example in Niger.

Causes of low sperm fertility in men

The number of men suffering from infertility increases every year. Experts attribute this decline in fertile men to many factors. The main reasons for low fertility are:

  1. Alcohol consumption
    . The negative effects of alcohol on any organism have long been proven. The reproduction function is no exception. Once in the body, alcohol becomes poison for the testicles. And since it is the testicles that are responsible for the full maturation and formation of sperm, then, accordingly, all sperm production is disrupted and becomes defective;
  2. Smoking
    . Vitamin C is necessary for healthy and active sperm. One cigarette takes several milligrams of this vitamin from a man. This is how abnormal sperm may appear;
  3. Narcotic substances
    . Long-term drug use not only affects, but is also the main cause of male infertility;
  4. Anabolic steroids
    . Steroids, which are often used by athletes, affect sperm activity and sperm quality in general;
  5. Unbalanced diet
    . Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, numerous diets affect the productivity and health of sperm;
  6. Prolonged overheating
    . Overheating of the testicles affects the sperm count;
  1. Environment
    . Constant emissions from enterprises affect the composition of the air we breathe. Therefore, the male population from large industrial cities is more susceptible to low fertility;
  2. Antibiotics and other medications
    . Taking cytostatics and drugs intended for the treatment of intestinal diseases, cancer and autoimmune pathologies affects male reproductive function;
  3. Telephone
    . Radiation from cellular devices can cause many diseases. Carrying a phone in your front pants pocket is strictly prohibited. This arrangement reduces the quality of sperm produced;
  4. Diseases
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Kidney pathologies;
  • Sexual infections;
  • Varicocele;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Metabolic abnormalities.

A man’s ability to conceive a child is determined by the state of all organs and systems, in other words, the entire organism as a whole, therefore there are a huge number of factors that adversely affect the fertilizing ability of the stronger sex.

The etiology of low/reduced fertility is based on the following factors, diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Age. The older men are, the lower the concentration of testosterone in the body, and accordingly, the characteristics of seminal fluid worsen;
  • Extra pounds or obesity. A large amount of adipose tissue leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • Chronic stress, neurosis, nervous tension. Against the background of disruption of the central nervous system, the production of gonadoliberin, a substance that is responsible for the quality of semen, is blocked;
  • Injuries to the perineum, genital organs, unsuccessful surgical intervention in the bladder, prostate gland;
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system, for example, hyperplasia of the glandular organ, chronic prostatitis, varicose veins of the testicle, etc.;
  • Severe systemic pathologies - atherosclerosis of blood vessels, diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, hypertension;
  • The prolonged course of inflammatory processes in the body - an increase in body temperature disrupts full-fledged spermatogenesis;
  • Low fluid intake – water deficiency leads to impaired sperm motility;
  • Work in hazardous industries, poor environmental conditions, consumption of alcohol, smoking, taking drugs. Poor nutrition with a predominance of simple carbohydrates, fat, sugars;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics and other medications. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.

When a man's fertilizing ability is assessed, the listed factors are always taken into account. If they are observed, then fertility will be reduced, so to improve it, first of all, provoking factors must be eliminated.

In situations where the spermogram results indicate low sperm motility or insufficient quantity, then the man needs timely treatment. To prescribe effective treatment, a doctor must determine the underlying cause of decreased fertility.

Typically, sperm quality is influenced by genetic factors. However, there are other reasons for decreased fertility in men.

Name of the disease Short description
Varicocele Enlargement of the veins inside the spermatic cord and scrotum is accompanied by an increase in temperature in the testicles. This process negatively affects the synthesis of ejaculate. Often the disease occurs without visible signs. There may be pain in the scrotum, which intensifies when changing body position or after exercise. Ultrasound is used for diagnosis. Treatment involves surgery or in vitro fertilization.
Impaired ejaculation Sperm cannot enter the ejaculate, most often due to damage, blockage of the vas deferens or epididymis. Sometimes men suffer from retrograde ejaculation. In such situations, sperm enters the bladder. Impaired ejaculation usually occurs due to diabetes, injury, congenital anomalies, neurological disorders, and vasectomy. As a rule, problems with ejaculation are asymptomatic. The pathology may be accompanied by cloudy urine or a decrease in ejaculate volume during orgasm. For therapy, in vitro fertilization and surgery are used.
Decreased motility and sperm count As a rule, these changes are provoked by pathologies and trauma to the genitourinary organs, hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, heat exposure, the influence of toxins and medications. Pathologies are usually asymptomatic. To enable conception, donor sperm is often used.
Hormone deficiency To treat hormonal deficiency, the doctor usually prescribes drug therapy. To improve the quality of ejaculate, Clomid tablets can be prescribed.
Antisperm bodies The male body can produce antibodies that reduce sperm motility and even destroy sperm. The main causes of this process are considered to be infections, injuries, testicular torsion, and vasectomy. The main method of treatment is in vitro fertilization. The doctor may also prescribe steroids, such as Prednisone, to suppress antibodies. However, these drugs have a large number of side effects with prolonged use.

It is not possible to determine the cause of infertility in all situations.

It is believed that the properties of sperm are affected by:

  • toxins;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • genital tract infections;
  • inguinal hernias;
  • age. As we age, there is a decrease in testosterone synthesis. The last one responsible for the quality of seminal fluid;
  • long-term use of anabolic steroids, testosterone and certain medications for the treatment of hypertension, arthritis, oncology, depression, and digestive disorders;
  • chemotherapy;
  • chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, thyroid disease;
  • regular stress. They provoke the cessation of the synthesis of gonadoliberin, which regulates spermatogenesis.

A man who has any of the above pathologies is advised to consult a doctor.

Period and types

This term refers to one of the basic biological characteristics of a person. The ability to reproduce offspring is assessed in people who have reached sexual maturity.

The age of childbearing in men comes when their body produces sperm containing full-fledged sperm, i.e. from 13-16 years. The stronger sex is theoretically capable of performing the reproductive function until the end of life, but statistics in Russia say that this ability is lost earlier in men.

The generally accepted reproductive age of both partners is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years, when conception is possible for both sexes.

As mentioned above, based on whose ability to have children is considered, it is divided into a couple, male or female.

Demographic ability to reproduce is distinguished. This term is used to express the likelihood of a particular female group to maintain a population by reproducing offspring.

The quantitative expression of demographic fertility occurs through the coefficient (CF). It shows how many children there are per woman of reproductive age.

The formula for determining the coefficient is expressed in the ratio of the total number of children of a certain age to the total number of female population 15-49 years old. If the indicated coefficient is below 2, then the level of demographic fertility for the territory in question is low (low levels are typical for most regions of Russia). Indicator above 2 – the level is growing, as is the population of the area under study.

Female Fertility

A woman's fertility is her body's ability to reproduce. This means that the concept of “female fertility” includes three necessary factors - the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Fertility can be normal, high or low. Fertility is considered low when a woman is capable of only any two of the three factors of reproduction.

For example, if a woman has the ability to become pregnant (conceive), but is unable to carry and give birth to a child, then her fertility is low. Fertility is considered normal when a woman is able to conceive, carry to term, and give birth. Increased fertility is the ability to become pregnant, carry a pregnancy and give birth without any complications several times in a row without a break in between.

Currently, thanks to medical advances, bearing and giving birth to a child is available to almost all women who have managed to become pregnant. Therefore, such factors of female fertility as pregnancy and birth have somewhat lost their significance. After all, you can always give birth by cesarean section, and for a successful pregnancy, take medications and be in conservancy. Thus, the leading factor in female fertility has become the ability to conceive, that is, the ability to become pregnant.

Ovulation and Fertility

For a woman's overall fertility, normal

The ability to conceive is determined by the presence in a woman’s body of an egg that is mature and ready for fertilization. Such an egg is normally released from

once every menstrual cycle. And the actual process of releasing a mature egg is called ovulation. That is, ovulation and fertility are inextricably linked with each other, moreover, the first determines the second. If ovulation does not occur, then a woman cannot become pregnant in a given menstrual cycle, that is, she is not fertile.

It is recommended to have sexual intercourse precisely on these days, when a “fresh” egg has just left the ovary, is ready for fertilization, and sperm will not have to wait long for it, once it gets into the woman’s genital tract.

If ovulation is disrupted in any way, a woman's fertility will decrease. Since after 35 years the number of menstrual cycles without ovulation increases to 5–7 per year, the fertility of women in this age group decreases. Women aged 20–35 years go through 1–2 menstrual cycles per year without ovulation, so their fertility is significantly higher, which explains the recommendation of doctors to become pregnant and give birth before the age of 35.

Both ovulation and the ability to bear and give birth to a child are regulated by hormonal and nervous mechanisms, the disruption of which leads to a decrease in a woman’s fertility at any age, even very young. Since stress negatively affects hormonal balance, this explains its ability to reduce a woman's fertility, sometimes making her infertile. However, once the stress is removed, fertility is restored and the woman regains the ability to become pregnant and bear and give birth to children.

Fertility test (fertility prognosis)

A fertility test, also often called a fertility prognosis, is used to determine a woman's overall fertility. The essence of this test is very simple - you need to do an ultrasound examination (

) ovaries on the 5th – 6th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, almost immediately after the end of the next menstruation.

During an ultrasound, the doctor measures the diameter of the ovaries and counts the number of active, growing follicles, and also determines the ratio of connective and hormonal tissue. Normally, the diameter of the ovaries should be from 20 to 120 mm, the number of growing follicles should be at least 5, and the ratio of active and connective tissue should be at least 1:1.

If the ovulation reserve is “-2”, then it is almost at its end, which means a woman’s very low, almost zero, fertility. Ovulation reserve “0” means the average fertility of a woman who is quite capable of becoming pregnant, carrying and giving birth to a child. Ovulation reserve “2″ means a woman’s excellent fertility, in which with almost 100% probability she will be able to become pregnant literally within 1 – 2 menstrual cycles, and then carry and give birth to a child without problems or complications.

In addition to determining the ovulatory reserve, a fertility test includes measuring the concentration of blood hormones that affect the ability to conceive, bear and give birth, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). For a fertility test, the ratio of the concentrations of these hormones is important.

A fertility test or prognosis is an indicative examination that allows a gynecologist or endocrinologist to assess the overall, cumulative ability of a woman’s body to reproduce. If overall fertility according to the test results is low, then this is not a death sentence and does not mean that the woman is, in principle, unable to give birth to a child.

Simply, to increase fertility, you will have to undergo quite long courses of treatment, which will improve her ability to reproduce offspring. After such treatment, as a rule, more than 95% of women become pregnant, and the remaining 5% will have to use assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI, etc.).

Currently, there is also a home fertility test for women, which in its design and principle of operation is completely similar to a pregnancy test. Using this fertility test, a woman can find out exactly when she ovulates, that is, determine the period of the menstrual cycle that is most favorable for conception.

To conduct the study, the test must be immersed in morning urine and wait for the stripes to appear, the color intensity of which determines whether the woman will ovulate within the next 1 to 2 days. If the second stripe is colored more intensely than the control one, then ovulation will occur, which means that the woman has reached the moment of maximum fertility.

A man's fertility is his ability to impregnate a woman by having sexual intercourse and releasing sperm into the vagina. A man's fertility directly depends on the quality of his sperm and sperm. You can evaluate the quality of sperm and, thereby, determine the overall fertility of a given man using a standard

Depending on the results of the spermogram, a man’s fertility can be assessed as normal, low or increased.

However, all men and their sexual partners should remember that a spermogram reflects only the theoretical, general fertility of a man. Therefore, even low fertility does not mean that a man is unable to impregnate a woman. This means rather a weakening of the efficiency of a man’s fertilizing ability.

Sperm fertility (fertility index)

Currently, to assess fertility, men use the Kruger and Farris indices, which are calculated based on spermogram indicators. And therefore, the term “sperm fertility” is now very often used, which in its essence is absolutely identical to the concept of “male fertility”.

Sperm fertility is reflected by two indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index, determined from the results of a spermogram. These indicators are often called the fertility index, which should not be confused with the fertility rate. The fact is that the fertility index reflects the ability to conceive offspring of one particular man, and the fertility rate is a population indicator, meaning the number of children born per woman of reproductive age within the region being studied.

Farris index

The Farris index is very often used in laboratories in the CIS countries and represents the total number and percentage of motile, sedentary and immobile live sperm in 1 ml and in the entire volume of semen. According to classic indicators developed by Farris, the normal index value is 200.

But in Russia and other CIS countries, the norm for the Farris index is considered to be 20.0. Accordingly, when the Farris index decreases to less than 20, reduced sperm fertility is recorded. If the Farris index is 20–25, then the man’s fertility is normal. With an index value of more than 25, fertility is considered increased and this means that a man is able to impregnate almost any woman during one sexual act.

Kruger index

The Kruger index has become increasingly used in recent years and is often called Kruger fertility. This indicator is also called the “strict Kruger criterion” or “morphological index”. To calculate this index, the sizes of the head, neck and tail of the sperm are assessed, and the final result is expressed as a percentage.


You can correct physiological factors, but nothing more. In general, measures are developed by a doctor during a face-to-face consultation. What activities can help in increasing sexual viability?

  • It is necessary to exercise regularly and practice light physical activity.
  • Be exposed to stress as little as possible. Eat regularly and get adequate rest.
  • Do not expose the testicles to overheating. As already said, this is extremely dangerous.
  • Do not lead a sedentary lifestyle. Do exercises every hour.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Eat right. As many plant foods as possible, as little animal food as possible. At the same time, you cannot give up protein.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol (in general).
  • Practice regular sexual activity. Sexual life is the key to maintaining fertility.
  • Normalize body weight and monitor your own weight.

Fertility - what is it in men? We are talking about the ability to adequately fertilize and conceive a child. Sometimes it decreases, but this is a completely solvable problem. It is important to not deal with it alone. The help of a specialist and the support of a partner are required.

The birth of a child is a real happiness for a woman. Unfortunately, the desired pregnancy does not always occur easily and simply.

Sometimes, in order for a new life to arise inside a woman, desire alone is not enough. Conception requires a favorable coincidence of several factors, most importantly, the normal functioning of the reproductive system of the future parents.

What is female fertility and what influence can you have on it to become a happy mother?

What is this in simple words and when does it happen?

Reference. Female fertility is the ability of a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

When a woman is born, her ovaries contain approximately 400 eggs in immature follicles. During puberty, hormones cause these eggs to mature and exit into the fallopian tube to meet sperm. Each menstrual cycle, one egg matures, in rare cases two or more. That's why the process of ovulation, that is, the release of an egg from the follicle, is associated with female fertility.

In addition, for the egg to meet the sperm, good patency of the fallopian tubes is necessary. Also, a woman’s fertility depends on the condition of the endometrium of the uterus, to which the embryo is attached. The normal development of the embryo is ensured by the normal condition of the uterus and cervix in order to avoid frozen pregnancy and miscarriage, as well as premature birth.

To better understand female fertility, the active period of childbearing is conventionally divided into several stages:

Determination of fertility

If a couple who wants to become parents cannot conceive a child for a year or more, in this case, a specialist recommends a fertility prognosis to determine the chances of pregnancy.

In order to determine whether a woman is fertile, there are several ways:


Important. The fertility rate is the average number of children per woman of childbearing age.

It is a more accurate measure of a population's fertility than the fertility rate. But most often, women are not interested in this coefficient when they are faced with the problem of childbearing.

What affects the ability to have a baby?

Many factors influence female fertility, since successful conception also depends on the general health of the expectant mother. The main factors that cause low fertility are considered:

  • woman’s age: the older a woman is, the less chance of full ovulation;
  • physique: it is more difficult for a woman who is too thin or overweight to get pregnant;
  • stressful conditions;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • long-term inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • poor nutrition, lack of vitamins or minerals;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • taking certain medications;
  • permanent surgical interventions in the reproductive system, for example, abortions;
  • wearing underwear made of low-quality materials;
  • problems with immunity;
  • dehydration.

To determine female fertility, the doctor pays attention to these factors. If a woman has problems conceiving, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of negative factors. To have a successful pregnancy, it is sometimes necessary to change your lifestyle.

How can I improve?

In case of problems with conception associated with diseases or abnormal structure of the reproductive system, medical intervention in the form of medication or surgery will be required.

In other cases not directly related to the health of the body, to increase female fertility it is worth changing your lifestyle and eliminating unfavorable factors.

To increase female fertility, experts recommend:

  • Increase the regularity of intimate relationships - 2-3 times a week. Having sex will be especially productive on the days of ovulation, which can be calculated using the calendar and detected using ultrasound results.
  • Avoid strict diets and heavy physical activity when playing sports. A woman who wants to become a mother should eat a nutritious and balanced diet, exercise moderately, avoiding excessive effort.
  • Take the required amount of vitamins and minerals, medications prescribed by your doctor, biological supplements, for example, Pregnoton, Tribestan, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc, magnesium.
  • Avoid taking painkillers during ovulation as they affect the body, reducing the chances of conceiving.
  • Do not drink alcohol, nicotine, consume minimal caffeine.
  • Try to remain calm in all situations, avoid stress, emotional turmoil and overexertion.
  • When working in hazardous industries, it is better to plan to conceive a child during vacation time.

Important! All medications that can affect the female reproductive system are prescribed strictly by a gynecologist and taken only under his supervision.

What is a woman's fertile age?

Fertile age, or reproductive age, is the period of a woman’s life during which she is able to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. In demography, fertile age is considered to be from 15 to 49 years, and in countries with low birth rates - from 15 to 44 years.

How to renew?

Female fertility begins at puberty and lasts from 20 to 25 years. It should be remembered that fertility directly depends on the state of a woman’s reproductive system and the health of her body in general.

You can extend your fertility period by following the standard rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  • stick to the daily routine;
  • avoid situations that cause stress;
  • do not overwork;
  • eat well;
  • completely give up bad habits;
  • moderately load the body with physical activity;
  • undergo a medical examination in order to identify health problems in a timely manner and to receive proper treatment.

Female fertility is the ability of a woman to conceive. To become a happy mother of a healthy baby, all you need to do is follow simple rules and carefully monitor your health. Taking care of your body can help a woman maintain her fertility for many years. But even if fertility declines, modern medical methods can improve reproductive function.

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