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13th friday appearance history

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  • Friday the 13th

    Perhaps, only Friday the thirteenth was lucky enough to become the only combination of number and day of the week, which is not only closely watched throughout the year, but is also given mystical significance. Many people prefer not to make any serious decisions on this day and attribute all their failures that occurred on Friday the thirteenth to the mysticism of this day. Let's try to do a little research and determine the reason for this attitude towards Friday the 13th.
    One of the most popular versions of the emergence of an extraordinary attitude to this connection is considered to be the arrest of most of the knights of the Templar Order, which was organized by the French king Philip IV the Fair on Friday, October 13, 1307. There is a legend that this date was not chosen by chance. The fact is that the crucifixion of Christ took place on the 13th (Nisan 13th), guess what day of the week? Yes, yes, exactly on Friday.
    Also, the 13th itself is a mystical number and is generally considered unlucky. It even got its own name – “the devil’s dozen”. Many strange coincidences are attributed to this number. For example, in the Hebrew Kabbalah there were 13 Spirits of Evil, 13 people participated in the Last Supper, including Judas Iscariot, and so on.
    Medieval legends say that witches and wizards held their Sabbaths on Friday the 13th. On this day, all kinds of evil spirits walked around, and witchcraft and divination were considered especially successful and effective. There was also a belief that the Sabbath could only take place with the participation of 12 witches and Satan.
    As for the Friday the 13th connection, we can cite several interesting facts. For example, in Förester's Doomsday Theory model, calculations predict that the human population will reach infinity or a mathematical singularity on Friday, November 13, 2026, and the fear of the number Friday the 13th even gets its own name and is called paraskavedekatriaphobia (from the Greek word "Paraskevi" (Παρασκευή), meaning "Friday" and "Decatreis" (δεκατρείς), meaning "Thirteen").
    Naturally, people began to look for examples in history related to this day and, of course, they found them. For example, several excerpts from Wikipedia.
    On October 13, 1066, William the Conqueror invited the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harold II, to abdicate the throne. Harold II did not accept this offer and died the next day at the Battle of Hastings, which led to the Norman conquest of England.

    On August 13, 1965 at 9 am, the famous saint Srila Prabhupada departs for New York on the ship Jaladuta to begin the extremely successful spread of the philosophy of Krishna consciousness throughout the world.

    On October 13, 1972, a plane crash occurred in the Andes. The survivors of the crash fought for life for 72 days.

    On October 13, 1995, on his sixtieth birthday, the Soviet and Russian pop composer Vadim Gamalia was killed.

    On September 13, 1996, rapper Tupac Shakur died in intensive care in Las Vegas, Nevada, without regaining consciousness. The car in which Tupac was riding was shot on September 7, the rapper received seven bullets.
    Here are some more facts about the infamous date:

    A ship called “Friday the 13th” was built for the British Navy. On her maiden voyage, the ship left berth on Friday the 13th and was never heard from again.

    The ill-fated flight to the moon of the Apollo 13 crew took off at 13:13, April 11, 1970. The sum of the digits of the flight date (4-11-70) is 13 (if you count like this 4 +1 +1 +7 +0 = 13). And the explosion that damaged the spacecraft occurred on April 13 (not Friday). The team, however, was not injured and returned safely to earth.

    Many hospitals do not have room number 13, and some high-rise buildings do not have a 13th floor.

    Butch Cassidy, a famous American bank robber, was born on Friday, April 13, 1866.

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt never traveled anywhere on the 13th of any month, and never entertained 13 guests. Napoleon also suffered from a pronounced phobia of the number 13.

    In Paris, if 13 people sit down to dinner, they can hire a professional 14th eater to avoid putting their lives in danger due to the terrible legend of the number 13.

    Mark Twain was once the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend tried to dissuade him from going. “And misfortune happened,” Twain later said that “dinner was served for only 12 people.”

    Woodrow Wilson considered the number 13 lucky for himself, but his own life experience proved the opposite. On December 13, 1918, he arrived in Normandy to negotiate with Congress and sign a peace treaty, but Congress rejected his proposals. The ship's crew suggested mooring the next day, fearing superstition. The terrible legend about Friday the 13th has come true.

    On the dollar bill there are 13 steps on the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle's head, the eagle holds 13 arrows in its talons, and 13 leaves on an olive branch.

    Inspired by the mysticism of this combination, director Alfred Hitchcock shot one of his most popular horror films of the same name, “Friday the 13th,” in which an insidious maniac carried out his ruthless deeds that day.
    The legend of “Friday the 13th” arose from the fusion of two ancient superstitions: 13 is an unlucky number, and Friday is a bad day.
    In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completion. This is reflected in the 12 months of the year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 numbers on all the clocks of the world, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 Olympian gods, etc. And the number 13 is considered a number that violates this completeness. There is also a belief, which comes either from the Last Supper or from a Norwegian legend, that if there are 13 people at the table, then one of them will soon die.
    Friday was considered an unlucky day. Since at least the 14th century, this day has been considered unlucky for travel and new beginnings. The term “Black Friday” arose after the stock market crash and other disasters that occurred in the 19th century. Also, Friday is considered an unlucky day thanks to the “Holy Scripture” (the Bible), since it states that Jesus Christ was crucified on this day.
    This theory of the origin of “Friday the 13th” was proposed by Ojay Ivey, citing the fact that Jesus died on Friday, and there were 13 people with him at the Last Supper.
    This theory became especially popular after the publication of the novel “The Da Vinci Code” in 2003. However, some researchers believe that the Friday the 13th superstition is a modern invention. Thus, such superstition is rarely mentioned in sources before the 20th century, in which it became very widespread. One researcher noted that most references to Friday the 13th appeared after 1907, arguing that the superstition's popularity arose after the publication that year of Thomas Lawson's novel Friday the Thirteenth, which featured an unscrupulous broker who exploited the superstition. to create panic on the Wall Street stock exchange on Friday the 13th.
    Another theory simultaneously covers paganism, Christianity, and the Battle of Hastings. For many, the number 13 was considered lucky (for example, there are 13 lunar cycles in a year), but the efforts of Christians who tried to humiliate everything pagan led to the fact that 13 began to be considered an unlucky number, and with it Friday. On October 13, 1066, King Harold II did not allow his troops to rest, and on October 14, Saturday, he marched them into battle (not taking into account the fact that his troops had made a long and difficult journey to the new battle site, after the Battle of York, just three weeks earlier).
    The English lost and King Harold was killed. After this, Friday the 13th began to be considered an unlucky day.
    Is Friday the 13th considered a bad day in all countries? Not at all. For example, the fall of Constantinople, when it was taken by the Turks, ending the existence of the Byzantine Empire, occurred on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, so the Greeks consider Tuesday a difficult day.

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      The 13th is considered special - some people don’t like this number and consider it unlucky, while others, on the contrary, perform rituals with money on the 13th, which turn out to be very effective. According to the sign, Friday the 13th of any month is considered dangerous and can bring various troubles and failures. A ritual to attract money can be performed monthly on the 13th. The meaning of this number in numerology is change, often through disaster. This number has great energy, and if it is used correctly, as well as rituals combined here lunar days, you can get very good results.
      The superstition about the unlucky day Friday the 13th arose relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century. This sign combines signs about the negative impact of Friday as a day of the week and the number 13 itself, therefore such a day falling on Friday the 13th of any month is considered doubly unpleasant.
      But you can use this day to your advantage if you carry out the right rituals and strengthen your confidence that they will truly be beneficial. According to numerology, the 13th is the point of transition to a new level or the destruction of the old to create the new. Also, in the Tarot, under the 13th Arcanum, there is a Death card - getting rid of the old in order to clear the way for the new. And it depends only on the person how to use this opportunity - he can attract new opportunities into his life through the number 13, including financial ones.
      Ritual for money
      You need to go to church on the 13th of any month, buy 13 candles in order to receive change in metal coins. When you come home, throw these coins on the floor with a backhand and leave them as they fell until the morning. Try not to let anyone see this money. In the morning, without washing or combing your hair, collect the money, tie it in a handkerchief and put it under the bed. You will notice how sharply your cash income will increase. After the ritual, light candles in the church near the icon of all thirteen apostles.
      Money pot
      Place a small ceramic vessel, preferably a flower pot, in a visible place. During the week, put 13 rubles in it (preferably in ruble coins). After that, buy a white church candle and a candlestick. Place the pot on the table, insert the candle into the candlestick and pour the coins into your left palm. Place a circle of coins at the base of the candlestick. For every coin, say: “Money, flow. Money, sparkle Money, grow, wish to make me rich.” Light a candle with matches, take the candlestick with the lit candle in your hand and visualize that you are rich. Think about what you will do in this case, how you will feel, how and what you will spend your money on. When the candle burns out, collect the coins and put them back in the pot. Add coins to it every day until it is full. Cover or tie the money pot with a red cloth. And place it in the wealth zone of your home.

      On Friday the 13th, a good way to perform a simple and effective money ritual is to comb your hair. At any time of the day, stand in front of the mirror and, looking into your eyes, comb your hair for at least three minutes. And at the same time imagine that money is raining on you from above. Men can comb their mustache and beard. On Friday the 13th, the results from this money ritual will be the greatest.

    There are a huge number of superstitions and signs in the world. Friday the 13th of any month is one of the most ominous dates. All the strange incidents that marked this day on this day are associated with her. The term “Friday the 13th” became famous after the release of a series of horror films of the same name.

    Ominous date - Friday the 13th

    Many people prefer not to make important appointments on this date, or put off serious matters. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.. This phobia is quite common, affecting more than sixty million people. Those who have a severe form of the disease prefer to spend this date at home, behind closed doors, not answering phone calls, completely limiting communication with the outside world, or even not getting out of bed to avoid trouble.

    Number 13 is a symbol of dark forces

    Friday the 13th falls once every two hundred and twelve days and is a mystical date in many countries with different cultures. A myth around the number “thirteen” itself arose in the Middle Ages. It is believed to be a symbol of the Devil. According to old beliefs, it is on this mystical date that the Sabbath takes place, to which twelve witches flock, and at the height of the celebration, Satan joins them. Therefore, the number was called the “devil’s dozen.”

    In the esoteric teaching called Kabbalah, there are thirteen evil spirits.

    In Christian culture, the number thirteen was also considered ominous. It was Judas who was the thirteenth apostle who betrayed his teacher Jesus. This fact is described in the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of John. Apocalypse or revelations of John the Theologian? this is the last, thirteenth book of the New Testament.

    Christ was crucified on Friday, this is a proven historical fact. It was on this day that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because they ate the forbidden fruit. And Abel raised his hand against his brother Cain.

    Historical facts that give Friday the thirteenth even more negative include the arrest of members of the Templar Order, which occurred in 1307. It was a fairly powerful organization, whose members were famous and wealthy people. Almost seven hundred years ago, the French king Philip, on Friday, October thirteenth, gave the order to capture and exterminate the knights of this order. Soon after their arrest, the Holy Inquisition declared them heretics and sentenced them to death by burning. This sentence was carried out and made Friday the 13th an even more ominous and mysterious day.

    At the end of the eighteenth century, the English authorities built a ship called “Friday”. This name was invented in order to prove to the residents of England that the terrible superstition is absurd. Work on the construction of the ship began on Friday the 13th. It was decided to launch it on the same date. After the ship went beyond the horizon, no one ever saw it again. Its entire crew was declared missing.

    Friday the 13th marked two more famous shipwrecks. On Friday, December 13th, 1907, the unique schooner Thomas W. Lawson was caught in a storm and sank. Its construction was initiated by the shipowner Crowley, who was the namesake of the then famous occultist. According to one version, this ship was named after the author of the then-famous novel “Friday the 13th”, in which the author described stock exchange scams that took place on this day, taking advantage of the fact that many people were afraid of the ominous date. But this fact has not been confirmed, since the schooner was launched in 1902, and the novel was published in 1907.

    On the night of Friday January 13, 2013, off the coast of Italy, the cruise ship Costa Concordia hit a reef and partially sank. About four thousand people went on a trip on it. The crash occurred shortly after departure, and passengers did not have time to receive a full briefing.

    But the sailors of Spain and Portugal still consider Friday the 13th a favorable day, since on this day Christopher Columbus set out on his journey, and it was marked by the discovery of America.

    In Indiana, one of the American states, a law was passed according to which on Friday the 13th, owners of black cats must put collars with bells on them before letting them out for a walk.

    On January 13, 1989, a computer virus called “Friday the 13th” infected many personal computers in England. Since few people had encountered viruses at that time, this caused terrible panic among users. As a result, the antivirus industry began to actively develop. But to this day, according to statistics, more virus attacks occur on Friday the 13th than on other days. So launching virus attacks has become a kind of tradition among hackers.

    In 1970, in February, the famous group Black Sabbath, whose work was associated with the occult, released their album entitled “Friday the 13th.” The album rose to thirteenth place on the charts and marked the beginning of a new musical direction, the name of which translates as “heavy metal.”

    According to statistics, more road accidents occur on this date in the UK than on other days. But in Holland these days their numbers are decreasing as people become more attentive. Surgeons try not to perform planned operations on this day, doctors? Quite superstitious people, they are sure that the risk of complications and failures increases.

    The famous Dutch composer Arnold Schemberg suffered from paraskevedekatriaphobia. His date of birth was the thirteenth of September. He had been afraid of this number all his life. His birthday in 1951 was Friday, July 13th. The composer did not get out of bed all day and did not say a word. Before midnight, his wife began to start a conversation with him. The composer died as soon as he said the first word; on this day he turned seventy-six years old.

    His Italian colleague Gioachino Antonio Rossini, who wrote more than forty operas, was also afraid of the number 13 and considered it unlucky. He died on Friday, October 13, 1968.

    For those who love to travel, it will be interesting that on Friday the thirteenth, flight tickets are twenty percent cheaper, due to the fact that on this day the number of passengers decreases significantly. On the thirteenth, on other days of the week, plane prices are reduced by ten percent.

    Psychologists observed a large group of people and drew attention to the fact that this particular date mysteriously affects the human psyche. People on this day are much more prone to taking unnecessary risks.

    For those who are afraid of this ominous date, it would be a good idea to visit church on this day and remember that in the culture of China and India the number “thirteen” is considered lucky. In Greece, Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day, and in Spain they do not like the number 17. Even superstitious people need to remember that if you do not believe in bad omens, they will not come true, and then the ominous date will turn out to be an ordinary happy day.

    There is probably no person who does not believe in omens, accidents and coincidences. He may not recognize them, but everyone has something of their own, tested for personal experience. For example, you shouldn’t get up on your left foot, return home for a forgotten item, sew up clothes for the trip... this list can be extended to hundreds, and sometimes we adhere to many things without even realizing it. But there is another superstition associated with one day.

    Friday the 13th.

    Why did it become fashionable to tremble with fear of “Friday the 13th”, call it “the day of Satan” and expect evil tricks from the dark forces? They say it all started with the Templars, who were executed on this very day. Let's try to figure out where the superstitions about the mystical properties of Friday the 13th came from, and should we be afraid of this day?!

    There are several versions about the origin of the mystical power of Friday the 13th. The most popular explanation is given by the Last Supper, in which 13 people took part - Jesus and 12 of his disciples. The thirteenth was the traitor Judas.

    Another explanation is that witch conclaves always consisted of thirteen participants. Court records do not always confirm this rule, but the people firmly believed in it. It is believed that on this day all ghouls, witches and other evil spirits gather for a demonic Sabbath from all over the world.

    Friday was also “guilty” of the fact that, according to legend, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from paradise on this very day.

    There is another version: 700 years ago, the most powerful and richest organization in Europe, the Order of the Templars, ceased to exist. Militant monks built roads, fought wars, and financed the construction of Gothic cathedrals. But in 1307 they disappeared from the historical arena as mysteriously as they appeared on it. One day, April 13, Friday, they were all captured, put behind bars, and then burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

    Some astrologers believe that the number 13 itself, according to numerology, is the beginning of everything new. In the Middle Ages, in contrast to the dozen - the number 12 - people involved in dark affairs decided to “invent” the devil’s dozen, which is designated by the number 13. Friday as a negative day in combination with the “devil” number was chosen because dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic.

    The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia, it is a special form of the disease. For reference, we note that the term “phobia” goes back to Phobos, the god of fear. And they talk about phobias when a person finds himself in the power of the “god of fear,” that is, fear controls him, and he does not control fear.

    Note that Friday the 13th is considered unlucky by many.

    The Americans turned out to be the most impressionable in terms of superstitions. A large number of multi-story buildings in the USA do not have a 13th floor. After the 12th comes the 14th. Many airports do not have a 13th gate. Some airlines remove this day from their flight schedules. In hospitals and hotels there is no 13th ward and 13th room. Together with other facts, every time on Friday the 13th the US economy suffers losses of $800–900 million. After all, making purchases on this day is considered a bad sign.

    And in Britain, surgeons are afraid of Friday the 13th. Some of them are canceling operations scheduled for that day. British doctors are confident that the risk of failure doubles on Friday the 13th. In cinemas there is no chair number 13. And in France there is a tradition: if 13 people gather for lunch, they put the 14th chair and put a mannequin on it, which is served like the rest.

    By the way, it was the thirteenth pillar of the Paris tunnel that the car carrying Princess Diana crashed into. In 1970, the Apollo 13 spacecraft aborted its flight to the Moon due to the explosion of an oxygen tank on board. It launched on April 13 at 13:13 from launch pad No. 39 (three times 13).

    There are several cases of strange coincidences of the number 13 in the fate of quite famous personalities. For example Richard Wagner. The number thirteen haunted me all my life. His name is written in Latin letters, consists of thirteen letters, and he was born in 1813. On October 13 (Friday), he heard Weber's opera "Freeshot", which had a great influence on him. Throughout his life, he wrote 13 operas, no more, no less. The opera Tannhäuser (which he completed on April 13, 1844) failed in Paris on March 13, 1861, but was rehabilitated there on May 13, 1895. The Riga theater, where Wagner began his service as bandmaster, opened on September 13, 1837, and his own theater in Bayreth opened on August 13. He died in the thirteenth year of German unity, and the day of his death was February 13th. Mysticism, and that’s all.

    It was on Friday the 13th that the once all-powerful “master of Chicago,” the famous American gangster Al Capone, was arrested and sentenced to prison. On Friday, September 13, 1996, in the famous city of gambling, Las Vegas, the popular musician and composer Tupac Shakur was killed, having previously managed to happily escape several serious assassination attempts. But on Friday the 13th, the killer’s bullets still caught up with him.

    Napoleon Bonaparte (1804-1815) on this day refrained from conducting military operations and, like a true Corsican, was not deprived of superstitious fear. As you can see, the French emperor was not alone, the German statesman Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) nicknamed the “Iron Chancellor”, the English Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and the oil magnate Jean Paul Getty (1892-1976) never signed this day of no contracts or agreements.

    The German poet, thinker and natural scientist Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) preferred to spend Friday the 13th in bed, just in case. It would seem that he was an enlightened man, the author of the famous “Faust,” but he was terribly superstitious.

    Austrian composer Arnold Schonberg (1874-1951), inventor of 12-tone music, spent Friday, July 13, 1951, locked in bed, shaking with fear. A quarter of an hour before midnight, his wife Gertrude looked in on him: “Soon everything will be over.” Schonberg raised his head slightly, whispered the word “harmony” and... died. Time of death: 13 minutes to midnight. He was 76 years old, 13 in total. And he was born on September 13, 1874.

    However, the number 13 is considered auspicious in Kabbalah and among the Mayans.
    A Jewish boy undergoes his Bar Mitzvah at the age of thirteen.

    In English, 13 is often called "the baker's dozen." The origin of this name is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, bakers, fearing the severe punishments in force at that time for deceiving customers (up to cutting off a hand), usually added an extra unit of goods to each dozen sold, so as not to accidentally shortchange themselves.

    And I wish you not to believe prejudices, remember that your ancestors on your grandmother’s side were Mayan Indians, and enjoy Friday, August 13th!

    January 15th, 2017

    That's how Friday the 13th has already passed a couple of days, and I somehow missed it completely. It is generally accepted that on this day one should be especially careful, as failures and troubles await a person. Particularly superstitious people do not even leave the house - psychiatrists diagnose them with “paraskavidekatriaphobia” (fear of Friday the 13th). This phobia is considered a special case of triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13).

    Before the release of the horror film, I had no idea that I needed to be “afraid” of this date, but after studying the history of the phenomenon, I learned that this “damn Friday” appeared long before the film.

    Let's see how this could happen...

    History of superstition about Friday the 13th

    Even the ancient Romans considered “13” the number of death, destruction, and misfortune. Some theologians believe that it was on Friday the 13th that Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam. There is also an opinion that on Friday the 13th Cain killed his brother Abel. Also, some believe that Friday the 13th is unlucky due to the fact that the crucifixion of Christ took place on Friday, and Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the thirteenth apostle. There are also opinions unrelated to Scripture.

    A popular explanation for the special treatment of Friday the 13th is the history of the Knights Templar. It was on Friday October 13, 1307 that the French king Philip IV the Fair ordered the arrest of members of the order, including all of its supreme leadership. As a result of the ensuing trial on charges of heresy and blasphemy of its members, the order was dissolved, and many Templars arrested in France were tortured and later executed, including by burning.

    The story presented is well known from Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code, although he was far from the first to present it due to the special relationship that some people have with Friday the 13th.

    According to the oldest beliefs, on Friday the 13th, 12 witches always flocked to the Sabbath, ghouls and other evil spirits gathered, and at the height of the fun, when the full moon rose, Satan himself appeared thirteenth.

    At the end of the 18th century, the superstition about Friday the 13th became so strong in the minds of the British that the authorities decided to prove the absurdity of this sign. For this purpose, a ship called "Friday" was built, construction of which began on Friday the 13th. It was also launched on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public, again on Friday the 13th, the ship went out to sea. Since then, no one has seen "Friday" again: the ship and its crew went missing.

    One of the most notorious shipwrecks of the 20th century is also associated with Friday the 13th - on December 13, 1907, one of the largest ships at that time - the seven-masted schooner Thomas Laurson - crashed on underwater reefs.

    Spanish and Portuguese sailors, on the contrary, consider Friday the 13th a favorable day for sailing. This is explained by the fact that Christopher Columbus began his voyage to the shores of America on Friday.

    Beliefs on Friday the 13th

    Sociological surveys show that every fifth European is afraid of the number “13”.

    Many surgeons are afraid of this date. Some doctors do not schedule operations on this day, and already scheduled operations are postponed to any other day. Doctors are convinced that the risk of failure of the operation performed on Friday the 13th doubles. For example, British surgeons are canceling 50% of operations scheduled for Friday the 13th.

    Also, many computer users consider Black Friday the most dangerous day in terms of virus attacks. At the dawn of the computer age, many creators of virus programs set the mechanism for triggering the malicious properties of the virus precisely on this day.

    To avoid the terrible consequences of Friday the 13th, according to popular belief, you just need to visit church on this day.

    Friday the 13th at the movies

    At the end of the 20th century, the term “Friday the 13th” was popularized by a series of films of the same name about a serial killer in a hockey mask, Jason Voorhees, who comes to life on the day of his death, Friday the 13th, and begins to take revenge on everyone. A total of 12 films in the series were made.

    The film studio Paramount Pictures plans to show the next horror film in the Friday the 13th series in the winter of 2017.

    There is a whole separate phobia in honor of this day - paraskavedekatriaphobia. This word consists of the words Friday and thirteen in Greek. Here are the accidents they collected on Friday the 13th:

    25. One of the oldest theories about the origins of the fear of Friday the 13th dates back to 1307, when French King Philip IV ordered the arrest and execution of thousands of crusaders.

    24. Just before Halloween 1989, the New York Stock Exchange crashed on Friday the 13th, dropping the Dow Jones Industrial Average by nearly 191 points in just one day. It was the second worst day in US history.

    23. On Friday the 13th 2010 in England at 1:13 p.m., a 13-year-old boy was struck by lightning. He miraculously survived, escaping with a minor burn.

    22. The Aztec Empire unexpectedly fell on Friday, August 13, 1521, when the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived with his men in the city of Tenochtitlan, remaining in Mexico City and putting an end to the once great civilization.

    21. With millions of people afraid to travel or work on any Friday the 13th, the international economy loses an estimated $900 million for every day that flights and travel are canceled.

    20. New York resident Daz Baxter decided to stay home in his bed all day on Friday, August 13, 1976, to avoid potential misfortunes and misfortunes. But failure itself came for him when his apartment building collapsed.

    19. 1989 was marked by the “Friday the 13th Virus”, when hundreds of IBM computers in the UK were infected and their data was constantly erased. Those were the times when backup had not yet been put into practice, and information was lost without a trace.

    18. During one of the recent Friday the 13th in 2012, a real disaster occurred. In January 2012, the cruise ship Costa Concordia sank in the Tyrrhenian Sea near the island of Giglio off the coast of Italy. 32 people died in this accident.

    17. Uncle Joshua Dudley died at the end of 1995. A lawyer for a deceased relative called Joshua to tell him that his uncle had bequeathed a fortune of $3 million to his nephew. Everything would be fine, but at the time the will was announced, Dudley was at an exhibition of Faberge eggs, and his emotional dance of happiness caused damage amounting to $4 million.

    16. Have you ever heard of such a psychological phenomenon as the Observer Effect? The point is that when people are in a large group and someone is in trouble, no one dares to help because they think that someone else will do it for them. Nearly 30 neighbors are said to have seen Catherine Susan Genovese stabbed to death in Queens, New York, on Friday the 13th, 1964. But no one called the police and stopped the murder.

    15. On Friday, January 13, 1939, severe bushfires broke out in Victoria, Australia, killing 36 people that day and destroying 75% of the state.

    14. In October 1972, on Friday the 13th, a plane crashed in the Andes Mountains. Of all those on board, 12 people died immediately, several more died due to an avalanche, and those who survived became cannibals. On the same day, another plane flying from St. Petersburg to Moscow crashed. All 160 passengers were killed.

    13. Prostitute Frances Cole was brutally murdered on Friday 13th February 1891 in London, with her throat cut from ear to ear. The girl's murder is believed to be the latest murder in the notorious Whitechapel area, where Jack the Ripper rampaged.

    12. Researcher Tawny Wetzel tried to determine if there was any connection between the ominous date and the ambulance calls. She eventually died tragically on Friday, January 13th, 1977 due to a hornet attack.

    11. Some pretty scary people were born on Friday the 13th, including horror lord Alfred Hitchcock and the former president of Cuba.

    10. Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization, was also born on Friday, July 13, 1821.

    9. Adolf Hitler's Blitz Offensive was to completely destroy London in a massive bombing campaign. On Friday 13 September 1940, Nazi fighter planes strafed Buckingham Palace, destroying the main chapel. Luckily the royal family was at a tea party elsewhere.

    8. In November 1970, on Friday the 13th, one of the worst natural disasters in human history occurred. In just 1 day, 500,000 people died in Bangladesh. They were killed by the powerful tropical Cyclone Bhola.

    7. The unluckiest Briton in 1998 was John Sheridan. His car was stolen 5 times in a day, his TVs exploded 6 times in six months, and he lost £4,000 by forgetting to remove a winning lottery ticket from his trousers before washing. On Friday the 13th in 1998, his car ran out of gas. A policeman, whose car also broke down right at the gas station, agreed to give him a ride. Sheridan walked back to his car with a can of gas, but as soon as he turned the corner, his wheel fell off. He switched to a bus to still get home that day, and, as you guessed, this transport also broke down.

    6. On Friday, October 13, 1972, New Yorker Dana Hamilton sold her beautiful hair for a wig store to buy gold chain for her husband's favorite pocket watch. She returned home that evening with a gift. Inadvertently, she discovered that her husband had sold his expensive watch to buy a pearl necklace for the secretary with whom he was having an affair.

    5. In 1992, a certain Justin Bartlett was arrested in Texas. The criminal was sentenced to death. On January 11 the prisoner awaiting execution was given a reprieve, but unfortunately he died two days later on Friday the 13th, having been poisoned during his last meal.

    4. Hurricane Charlie hit south Florida on August 13, 2004 and continued for 6 days. The state suffered $11 billion in damages.

    3. Arguably the most famous rapper of all time, Tupac Shakur died on Friday, September 13, 1996, from gunshot wounds suffered while leaving Mike Tyson's boxing match in Las Vegas a few days earlier.

    2. And although we cannot yet be sure what will happen in the future, on Friday, April 13, 2029, it is predicted that Asteroid 99942 Apophis will fly past the Earth. The trajectory of the cosmic body will pass closer than any of our satellites. A little reassurance for the particularly superstitious - since these forecasts were given, the possibility of a collision has been significantly reduced thanks to new, more accurate calculations.

    1. America's most famous daredevil was Sam Patch, who gained fame after he jumped into the Niagara River from a platform located almost at the very top of Niagara Falls in 1829. Later that year, he decided to jump from the 100-foot Rotchester Falls above the Genesee River. After Sam failed to collect the expected proceeds from the jump on November 6th, he repeated the stunt on Friday November 13th, during which he fell to his death.

    Today is Friday the 13th. This date is considered to be very mystical and filled with various signs. It is assumed that it is on this day that people should be most careful, since they may be haunted by various failures and misfortunes.

    By the way, there are such superstitious people who try not to leave the house on Friday, which falls on the 13th. Experts in the "" section of the magazine for business people“Stock Leader” considers it necessary to note, with reference to the Vesti publication, that psychiatrists even have a special diagnosis for such people - paraskavedekatriaphobia. This phobia is a derivative of triskaidekaphobia, that is, fear of the number 13.

    It should be recalled that even the ancient Romans saw a certain mysticism in the number 13 and considered it a harbinger of death, bad weather and other misfortunes. By the way, theologians believe that Eve ate the forbidden fruit on the 13th, and Cain killed Abel on Friday the 13th. Moreover, theologians also suggest that Christ was crucified on the 13th, and Judas, who betrayed him, was the 13th apostle.

    The history of the Knights Templar is one of the most popular explanations for the mystical attitude towards Friday the 13th. The fact is that the French king Philip IV the Fair, in 1307, gave the order to arrest members of the order, including all of its supreme leadership. As a result of the ensuing trial on charges of heresy and blasphemy of its members, the order was dissolved, and many Templars arrested were tortured and later executed, including by burning. This story became widely known thanks to the novel “The Da Vinci Code”, authored by Dan Brown, although he was far from the first to tell it due to the special relationship that some people have with Friday the 13th.

    There is also a belief that it was on Friday the 13th that the Sabbath of 12 witches took place, at which various evil spirits were also present, and at the height of the fun, when the full moon rises, Satan himself appeared thirteenth.

    By the way, in the minds of the British, the superstition regarding Friday the 13th became stronger only in the 18th century. Then the locals decided to prove that this situation was completely absurd. A ship was built especially for this purpose, which was named “Friday”. Its construction began on Friday the 13th. It was also launched on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public, again on Friday the 13th, the ship went out to sea. However, since then no one else has had a chance to meet this ship, since it soon went missing, along with all the crew members. Thus, the British failed to dispel the myth about the mysticism of this date.

    According to many sociological surveys, every fifth person living in Europe is afraid of the number 13. By the way, even such seasoned and cynical people as surgeons treat this number with a great deal of wariness. Some doctors do not schedule operations on this day, and already scheduled operations are postponed to any other day. Doctors are convinced that the risk of failure of an operation performed on Friday the 13th doubles. For example, British surgeons are canceling 50% of operations scheduled for Friday the 13th.

    And experts in the field of cybernetics are convinced that Friday the 13th is the most dangerous day, since it threatens massive cyber attacks. At the dawn of the computer age, many creators of virus programs set the mechanism for triggering the malicious properties of the virus precisely on this day.

    Moreover, according to human legends, it is generally not recommended to do any serious business on Friday the 13th. What can we say about concluding deals, signing contracts, starting new projects, and, of course, getting married. And according to popular beliefs, in order for this “black” day to go well, you should go to church.

    By the way, towards the end of the 20th century, the term “Friday the 13th” became even more popularized thanks to a series of films of the same name released on big screens, which tell the story of a serial killer who committed his bloody crimes on this very day. At the same time, the main character was wearing a hockey mask on his face, which gave his image even more mysticism and horror. In total, 12 films from this series have already been shot to date. And 13, the film studio is going to release on wide screens in 2017, promising that a chilling horror will run down the backs of everyone who decides to watch it.

    At the same time, there are many people in the world who view Friday the 13th quite favorably. Some of them try to have children on this day, while others wait quite a long time to get married on Friday, the 13th. And still others even try to somehow make fun of their comrades, who begin to shake with fear as soon as they hear this ominous combination of date and day of the week.

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