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Jacqueline Kennedy's famous facelift exercises. Jacqueline Kennedy anti-wrinkle complex from Evgenia Baglyk. Removing bags under the eyes

Face lift exercises help maintain muscle tone, rejuvenate and preserve beauty. With regular practice, the skin begins to actively breathe and work, and the muscles regain their elasticity. This is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery.

Famous facelift exercises are included in the arsenal of daily self-improvement of stars and other famous people. Thanks to such activities, metabolic processes are restored, lymph and blood circulate better in the facial muscles.

The body stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the lower layer of skin, which smooths out wrinkles, tightens the skin, and makes the complexion healthier. When choosing the right approach, if you devote enough time to it, such exercises will help correct the oval of the face, outline the jawline and restore elasticity to the cheeks.

Exercises can be done not only at home, but also during 10-minute breaks at work. The effectiveness of gymnastics is achieved through regular daily exercises and is much higher than various massagers.

Basic rules and conditions for performing exercises:

  • The face should be cleansed of dirt and makeup with a special tonic or water. You can apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream before gymnastics.
  • Gymnastics should be done sitting or standing near a mirror to see if you are doing everything correctly.
  • Each exercise must be performed thoughtfully, slowly, trying to strain the muscles as much as possible.
  • You should move on to the next exercise only after you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

Facelift exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

You can start these exercises at the age of 35. The entire complex will take no more than 15 minutes. Each exercise must be repeated 30 times.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and lips

This exercise tightens the oval of the face and removes wrinkles around the lips. Take turns pronouncing the vowel sounds I-A-O-U-E-Y with a short pause. At the same time, pull your upper lip down and press it against your upper teeth to smooth out the folds around your lips.

When pronouncing each sound, you need to ensure that the neck and facial muscles are actively working.

The following exercise simulates rinsing your mouth with water. Alternately inflate one cheek first, then transfer the air to the other. Perform the movements slowly, strain your muscles strongly, trying not to twist your mouth from side to side.

Such gymnastics for a facelift effectively eliminate facial folds, and due to the rush of blood, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks, regardless of the woman’s age.

Exercise to eliminate a double chin

Open your mouth slightly without moving your tongue. Move your chin back and forth lightly, without overdoing it, at about one motion per second. A ticking alarm clock will help you; for each tick you need to make a movement with your jaw.

Exercise to rejuvenate and strengthen lips

The movement is similar to that used to spread lipstick on the lips, only it needs to be done more intensely. To ensure your lips always remain juicy and beautiful, do the exercise more often: draw your lips into your mouth, then sharply open your mouth with a sound like a click.

The exercise is performed as follows: alternately strongly inflate your upper and lower lips, taking in more air. 15 movements are performed with each lip.

With the help of this pouting of the lips, wrinkles on and around them are smoothed out, spasms and tightness are relaxed. On relaxed facial muscles, the skin lies smoothly, and when the muscle is contracted, an unsightly skin fold and wrinkles result.

Exercise to rejuvenate the skin on the eyelids and around the eyes

The movements imitate bulging eyes. It is important not to raise your eyebrows; you need to open your eyes very wide, as if in fear. Then relax. You can hold your eyebrows with your fingers so that they do not rise up on their own.

As a result of the exercise, the upper eyelids are tightened and do not hang over the eyes, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is rejuvenated.

Complex exercise

This fun exercise uses a whole range of muscles and is very important in facelift gymnastics. With his help:

  • the muscles under the eyes are strengthened,
  • so-called bags are eliminated,
  • smoothes and removes perioral folds, which give the face a dull appearance.

Perform the exercise with muscle tension. To do this, open your mouth wide, pressing your upper lip hard against your teeth. Bend your head forward, lowering your chin to your chest. Make sure your forehead doesn't wrinkle. Blink your eyes quickly 30 times. Then relax all the facial muscles - rest. Repeat the entire complex again.

Upper face exercises

Gymnastics for a facelift start from the top. First, work on the area between your eyebrows. Exercises in this area are designed to smooth out wrinkles. Press your index fingers to the bridge of your nose at the beginning of eyebrow growth. Frown for 2-3 seconds and relax your face. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Lightly move your fingers from the middle of the eyebrow to the temples. Repeat 5 times.

The exercise is performed for 1 minute.

Place 3 fingers together and make tapping movements between your eyebrows, increasing the tempo each time. But don't knock too hard.

Exercises to tighten the forehead muscles

These exercises help smooth out wrinkles and reduce skin folds over the eyelid:

  • Take a lying position. Use your index fingers to press on your eyebrows and lift them up. Perform short upward thrusts until a burning sensation appears. Then press down with two fingers at the same time and wait 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • The next exercise also needs to be repeated 3 times. Lying down, close your eyes and press your index fingers to the base of your hair. Under closed eyelids, look down and make rotational movements in different directions.
  • Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows as much as possible. Repeat the movements 10-12 times.
  • Pull the skin of your forehead down with your fingers, while simultaneously raising your eyebrows and preventing them from lowering. Repeat 5 times.

Exercises to work out the middle zone of the face

The effect of performing these exercises is similar to a nourishing face mask:

  • Smile at the corners of your mouth and immediately lower them. Repeat about 30 times. For best results, imagine your cheeks moving each time.
  • Raise the corners of your lips as hard as you can and hold in this position for 5-6 seconds, then lower them. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Place two fists on top of each other, then rest your chin on them, raising your chin with your hands. Repeat 3 times.
  • Close your mouth, clench and unclench your teeth slowly, trying not to open your mouth. Repeat the manipulation 10 times.

Gymnastics for the nose

This exercise helps lift the nose by training the weakened muscle. This effective exercise can be performed in any starting position. Lift the tip of your nose up with your finger while simultaneously pulling your upper lip down. Wait 2 seconds, then repeat the exercise, and so on 5 times.

Gymnastics for tightening the oval of the face

  • Turn your head to the left, lift it slightly and open your mouth, tensing the muscles of your chin and neck. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Do the same on the right side, repeat 2 times for each side.
  • Place your fist under your chin and support your lower jaw on it. Press with both your fist and your jaw, opposing them to each other and gradually increasing the pressure. At the greatest tension, stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin.
  • Clench your teeth as hard as possible and stretch your lips into a smile. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, feeling the tension in your chin. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. All these home exercises replace facial massage.

This complex is taken from Victoria Melnikova’s book “Unique Facial Rejuvenation Techniques.”
A corrective set of exercises for the facial muscles was developed specifically for Jacqueline Kennedy by personal cosmetologist Ray Harlow when she was the president’s wife. Facial gymnastics includes exercises for the lips, cheeks, and eyes.

Americans have a proverb that goes something like this: “There are no ugly women, only lazy women.” By regularly doing this set of exercises, you will completely agree with her. After all, this will only take 5-7 minutes a day.
The exercises should be performed slowly, calmly, with your back straight and your chin above shoulder level. And remember, the beautiful Jacqueline never had any lifts!


1. Inhale deeply through your nose, widening your nostrils; puff out your cheeks and exhale forcefully through closed lips. Repeat 3-4 times.
2. Do the same, holding the corners of the mouth in place with your index fingers.
3. Inhale through your nose and exhale forcefully through the left corner of your mouth, puffing out your left cheek. Then repeat the same for the right cheek. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
4. Puff out your cheeks, roll the air from the left side to the right and back. These exercises make the muscles of the cheeks work and straighten the vertical folds around the mouth.
5. Open and then close your lips without unclenching your jaws. Repeat 5-6 times.
6. Pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “i”, “s” 5-6 times.
As you can see, this exercise will coincide with one of the exercises of the previous complex. It allows you to smooth out wrinkles on the upper lip.
7. Place your palms on your cheeks, place your index and ring fingers on the corners of your eyes. Using your middle fingers, lightly press down the upper eyelids of your open eyes. Squeeze your eyes tightly, counteracting this with your middle fingers. Repeat 4-5 times.
8. Close your eyelids tightly for 5 seconds, then open your eyes wide for the same 5 seconds, without wrinkling your forehead. Repeat 3-4 times.
9. Without turning your head, follow with your eyes the slowly swinging pendulum. Every 10 seconds, close your eyes and count to 3. Do this exercise 5-6 times.
10. Make slow circular movements with your eyes, as if watching a large wheel spinning 2 times in one direction and 2 times in the other direction. Repeat 2-4 times.
11. Keeping your head straight and motionless, raise your eyes all the way up (do not wrinkle your forehead), and then down. Hold your eyes in the upper and lower positions for 2 seconds, then close your eyes for 3 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
12. While quickly counting to 10, blink your eyelids for each count, and after 3 seconds of rest with your eyes closed, do the same. Repeat 3-6 times.
Eye exercises improve blood flow to the eye muscles and tissues around the eyes.
13. Turn your head to the right, then to the left until it stops and lower it to your chest, exhaling and relaxing the muscles.
This exercise provides a rush of blood to the face. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

The clear outline of the cheekbones and chiseled chin make the look sophisticated and graceful.

Unfortunately, after thirty, not everyone can boast of a beautiful oval face.

Nowadays, there are many ways in which this age-related feature can be corrected.

Cosmetology centers and beauty salons offer various types of massages using creams, cosmetic procedures, as well as plastic surgeries to improve appearance.

Basic rules for performing exercises

It is important to remember that in the pursuit of expensive procedures, one should not forget about an effective and efficient way to improve one’s appearance - gymnastics to tighten the oval of the face.

  • Open your mouth slightly, then press your upper lip as tightly as possible to your teeth, and your lower lip behind your teeth. The corners of the lips should not be lowered. Place your finger on your chin. Slowly begin to open and close your mouth as if you want to catch a breath of air with your lower jaw. Next, with each movement, lift your chin up, about a centimeter. When she leans back completely, stop and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise cycle approximately 5 times.
  • Purse your lips tightly and then stretch them into a smile. Grab the base of your neck with your hand and gently pull the skin down. Tilt your head back and look up. The muscles on the chin and neck should be tense. Stay in this position for 3 seconds, then return to your previous position. Repeat about 30 times.

Carol Maggio advises focusing as much as possible on doing the exercises, doing them efficiently, charging yourself with positive emotions.

At the end of each procedure, be sure to relax tense facial muscles - through closed lips, try to depict driving a car, as in childhood.

Designed for Jacqueline Kennedy

The gymnastics complex, selected by leading cosmetologist Ray Harlow, for the first lady of America, helped her look great without resorting to anti-aging surgeries.

He later became Jacqueline Kennedy's personal cosmetologist and family friend. We bring to your attention part of this gymnastics aimed at tightening the facial contour.

  • Take air into your mouth and begin to roll it from one cheek to the other, passing it over your upper lip. Let yourself rest for a few seconds, and then continue again.
  • Pull your chin forward as much as possible and expose your teeth, lowering your lower lip. Then, out loud, say the word “x” 10 times. During this exercise, the muscles of the facial contour, and especially the chin, should be tense.
  • Similar to the previous one, the exercise requires you to move your chin back and forth. The mouth should be slightly open and the tongue motionless.
  • Squeeze your jaws without much effort and, in this clenched position, open and close your lips. Do this movement 10 times in a row, and then rest for a few seconds. Repeat the cycle several times.
  • Say the letters one by one: A-O-U-E-Y. When pronouncing, pull your upper lip down and try as much as possible to press it to the upper jaw. Maintain a short pause between vowels.

Women's beauty begins to fade slowly but surely after 25 years. Of course, in the first 10-15 years this happens almost imperceptibly, but at the turn of the third and fourth decades, many ladies notice grooves on the forehead, a network of wrinkles around the eyes, and an increase in nasolabial folds.

The vast majority of procedures, even the most expensive ones, provide a temporary effect and dubious benefit. Cosmetics also cannot work miracles. However, there is a remedy that helps restore and prolong youth, tighten the oval and reduce wrinkles. It is absolutely safe and extremely easy to use. These are facial exercises.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the manipulations is lifting - tightening the muscle structure of the face. As in other parts of the body, the contour of the chin, cheeks, and forehead is held in place by a corset of special fibers. Some of them are involved in everyday work (talking, expressing emotions, chewing food), others are passive. Because of this, lymph stagnation, weakening, and wrinkles begin to appear.

Gymnastics for a facelift allows you to strengthen your muscles in the same way as we do with our abs or buttocks in the gym. As a result, you can acquire a toned oval and a blooming appearance even at the age of 40.

What happens when you do it regularly?

  • The tone and elasticity return to the facial muscles, they cease to be flabby, do not sag, and take on shape.
  • Metabolic processes are restored in the skin: collagen and elastane, which are responsible for elasticity, begin to be produced more actively, moisture is retained longer, and lymph stagnation is eliminated.
  • The epidermis gets rid of toxins, the pores begin to accumulate less dermal debris.

Effectiveness conditions

Facelift exercises work without exception on all women. They have no contraindications, are safe during pregnancy or other conditions, do not take much time and do not cost any money. However, there are several rules, the implementation of which determines the effectiveness of gymnastics.

Firstly, it is regularity. Like any work with muscles, facial exercises must be carried out relentlessly, consistently and carefully at regular intervals. Experts say that if you exercise daily, the effect will become noticeable within two weeks. Therefore, if you want to achieve results, free up a couple of tens of minutes during each day.

Secondly, properly prepare your face for training. To do this, you should clean it using your usual product (in addition to the usual evening or morning procedures) and apply cream. It is preferable to take children's or special nutritional food; it is good if it is quite fatty. The ideal option is high-quality unrefined vegetable oil. Olive, sesame, almond, apricot kernel or wheat germ oil are suitable. Rub it into the skin with light movements.

Any girl knows, even from school physical education lessons, that strength exercises, running, jumping or active games are preceded by a warm-up. Exercises for facial muscles are no exception. In this case, massage can play a warming role. It will prevent the appearance of stretch marks and increase the effectiveness of the complex. Do it with soft movements, ending each of them by forcefully moving your fingertips to your temples and then down to the neck area. This will help disperse lymph and activate processes in the skin.

Exercises to tighten the oval of the face should be performed in front of a mirror in good lighting. You must see your work, observe and correct it.

A sign that the complex is being performed correctly is a slight feeling of burning and tingling in the muscles.

Exercises by Jacqueline Kennedy

This complex is not only time-tested - it was performed by the first lady of the United States for many years, without plastic surgery or serious cosmetic procedures.

  • Pronouncing vowels. Open your mouth wide, pull your upper lip downward, try to press it against the plane of your upper teeth. Pronounce A, O, U, E, Y intensively. make the muscles of the lips, around the mouth, and neck work. Performed 10 to 15 times. The exercise affects nasolabial folds, removes wrinkles around the mouth, makes lips fuller and more prominent, and fights double chin and sagging neck.
  • We move our chin back and forth. We try to keep the tongue motionless, we achieve the effect not due to amplitude, but due to the uniformity of repetitions: approximately one action per second. Some people recommend keeping a ticking alarm clock or a timer next to you to ensure continuous progress. The time of this exercise for tightening the facial skin is 1 minute. The impact occurs primarily on those muscles that surround the lower jaw and support the chin, relieving it of unpleasant sagging and a layer of fat.
  • The lip exercise is very simple; many girls repeat it daily, spreading lipstick over the skin. Pull your lips inside your mouth and sharply push them out. Repeat 15 times. Regular repetition of this part of the complex will make even thin and expressionless lips plumper and beautifully shaped.
  • To ensure that your cheeks have a beautiful and delicate contour, inflate them one by one, as if rolling air from one part of your mouth to another. The tension must be strong enough. Try to keep your mouth still. Do this for a minute. A bonus for diligent ladies will be a healthy and delicate blush, regardless of their age.
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only the lips are inflated one by one, not the cheeks - first the upper, then the lower. It is important to take your time and strain your muscles hard enough. This is another important action that protects the area around the mouth from the appearance of wrinkles and also removes clamps. They are especially characteristic of people whose profession involves constant conversation - teachers, tour guides, singers, customer service managers.
  • Exercises for the oval of the face include working on the eyelids. So that they do not overhang, are elastic, and emphasize the beauty of the eyes, we perform the following action. Fixing the eyebrows with our fingers in a neutral position, we open our eyes wide, tense our eyelids and relax them, closing them but not squinting them. We perform 12-15 times. It's important to take your time. When done correctly, one of the earliest wrinkles – those that appear around the eyes – is smoothed out.
  • One of the most important, key complex exercises that neutralizes lip creases, removes bags under the eyes, and works on the oval of the face. Open your mouth wide, pressing your upper lip tightly to your teeth. We lower our heads down. We press our chin to the dimple at the bottom of our neck and quickly blink our eyes intensely 30 times. After this, relax for 10-15 seconds and repeat the exercise.

A set of exercises for tightening the face and neck would be incomplete without training the frontal muscles. Many girls, by the age of 30, get horizontal and vertical wrinkles by frowning or simply being too emotional in conversation. To smooth out wrinkles, place your palm on your forehead, stretching the skin from top to bottom. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Performing it 15 to 30 times daily can remove wrinkles and smooth the forehead.

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