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Unusual ball sports. Olympics. Rare and forgotten sports. Unusual sports in Russia

More and more new sports are emerging in the world, both amateur and professional. However, in parallel with them, other sports competitions are born, which undeservedly remain in the shadows, despite the huge number of loyal fans.

Here are just a few sports you may never have known existed:
Street luge

This sport combines a single sled and a sidewalk. Participants lie down on a device similar to an oversized skateboard that can accommodate a human body. The rest of the work is done by gravity.


Looking at this photo, you might think that this popular sport in Southeast Asia is a combination of karate and volleyball. And you are not far from the truth.

Players throw a ball made from dried palm leaves, and the game itself has many similarities with similar team games in the West. Sepak Takraw is popular in Asian countries, and in the late 80s and 90s it was even held in North America.

As in American football, Sepak Takraw players only pass the ball with their heads or feet. The game takes place on an area the size of a badminton court. Two teams of three players on either side of the net try to keep the ball in play for as long as possible. The scoring rules are the same as in volleyball.

Underwater hockey

This is a rather traumatic version of ice hockey with strong shocks and collisions characteristic of it. Add to this the risk of drowning, and ice hockey seems like child's play.

The rules of this underwater game are the same as its solid counterpart; the only difference is that players use banana-sized wooden or plastic sticks to push a metal puck along the bottom of the pool.

When the game gets particularly exciting, the spectators see only the water ripples created by the intense struggle at the bottom of the pool.

Dancing with a dog

Dog dancing, also known as canine freestyle, is more of an art than a sport. They combine elements of training, obedience and dance. Dancing with your dog may seem like just a fun pastime to some, but it is actually a sport that is competed by pet owners in the US, UK, Japan and other countries. So, if you are looking for the perfect dance partner, we advise you to take a look at the encyclopedia of dog breeds.


Just like in the Harry Potter books, Quidditch combines magic, athleticism and a bit of bloodlust. Do you think that, as a sport, Quidditch simply cannot exist in reality? However, a huge number of Harry Potter fans simply won't let the laws of physics get in their way. These people have no magical abilities, but are not without ambition and passion, and they created their own version of Quidditch, although not as magical and dramatic.

The International Quidditch Association, founded at Middlebury College in Vermont, has grown in just a few years into a network of hundreds of teams that can be found on every continent. The game uses the same rules and scoring system as in the books, with one big difference - no one flies on a broom.

Hillbilly Games

This sport has nothing to do with board games - instead summer games The hillbillies in East Dublin, Georgia offer sports like toilet seat throwing, seed spitting, and the artistic belly-drop into a mud pit.

And although the participants in these ridiculous competitions do not receive as much fame, money and contracts with Nike, there is no doubt that the athletes must have a remarkable amount of humor in order for all the laurels to go to them.

Wives Drag Championship

Running with wives (Finnish: Eukonkanto) is a simple sport of Finnish origin, which looks like this: husbands overcome all sorts of obstacles with their wife hanging in an inverted position, hugging her husband’s neck and back.

Fame is not the winner's only prize. The lucky winners of the World Wife Drag Championship in Sonkajärvi will receive a keg of beer weighing as much as the winner's wife.

Tree cutting competition

Some may think that cutting down trees is a rather routine and dreary job.
However, competitions in riding on a log or cutting the tops of trees with a hot saw turn ordinary lumberjacks into real athletes. Competitions also include team relays, speed tree climbing and endurance games (such as balance beam).


It is a national game native to Central Asia and is played on horseback, making it similar to polo. But there is one serious difference between buzkashi and polo - instead of wooden sticks and a ball, participants use the carcass of a cow or goat.

A team consists of ten players, five of whom are in the game at any given time. Players earn points by dragging a carcass across the opponent's goal line. Considering the fact that the game involves dead animals, it is not surprising that the game itself is quite wild, and there are casualties among the spectators.

Today there are a large number of sports. Every sport has millions of fans around the globe. Some sports are loved even more than actors or singers. However, there are also sports that only a small number of people know about. Many games can seem stupid and the rules are very complicated. Despite this, such games have many fans.

And, by the way, to practice these sports you don’t need special equipment, but the most common equipment used in ordinary sports, such as football, basketball, baseball, and that’s why you yourself can organize classes in these types in your city, and equipment - I can personally recommend the store - - you will find for yourself what you want: cardio equipment, sports corners. everything for boxing and martial arts.


Have you ever slipped on a railing? There is a whole sport that is dedicated to this activity. For this purpose, special shoes are used, which have indentations so that you can glide well over the surface. Today there are even entire competitions in this sport, for which roller skates or snowboards are used.


Here's another game you haven't heard of. This sport game very popular in Ireland. How to describe this game? It is a mixture of baseball, hockey and football. Interesting, isn't it? When playing, special clubs are used, which are needed to throw the ball into the opponent’s goal. The team that manages to score wins greatest number heads The game was born more than 2 thousand years ago. When there were holidays in Ireland, this game could be enjoyed by 100-200 people at once, and sometimes more. One game could even last more than one day.


This game uses horses. Players ride on them. Looks like a familiar game? However, don't rush to conclusions. The game is played using the carcass of a goat without a head. The players' task is to hold onto the animal carcass for as long as possible. This game appeared thanks to the Mongol raids. Nowadays buzkashi is a game, but in the past this was how warriors were trained to develop their skills. Gradually it grew into this game. By the way, people like to play the game in Tajikistan and Afghanistan. However, the animal carcass is not always used. Very often they take a regular dummy.


Chess? Boxing? All this together? How is this possible? It would seem that this looks like a real joke, but a sport really appeared that includes chess and boxing. This sport appeared quite recently, in 2003. The game has 11 rounds. Athletes show their skills in the ring, and therefore immediately in chess, one by one.


This sport involves descending a snowy slope on a vehicle that vaguely resembles an ordinary bicycle. However, this type of transport does not have wheels, but it does have skis. Think skibob is a recent thing? However, oddly enough, this sport is over 100 years old. Many people who love extreme sports have already tried skibob. It has special rules. Each athlete uses special tools for descent.


Each of you knows such a sport as volleyball. Imagine that you are playing volleyball on the beach, but there are inflatable trampolines under your feet. This is bossaball. The most interesting thing is that you can not only play this game, adhering to the standard rules, but also perform various interesting tricks that are nice to look at.

Jai alai.

If you want to visit Spain, you can enjoy this sport. In principle, now other countries are gradually showing interest in jalai-alai. It's safe to say that this is the fastest sport on the entire planet. The game even made it onto the pages of the book of records. The ball in the game flies at enormous speeds, reaching 300 kilometers per hour. To launch the ball, a glove resembling a regular basket is used. What is the essence of this amazing game? It is necessary for the opponent to be able to catch the ball as it flies into the wall behind him. The rules allow you to catch the ball after it bounces off the wall, but it must not touch the ground.


Now let's move to Switzerland. Imagine a long but narrow field. Players stand on it, and each of them has an object in their hands. You can describe it as a wooden shovel, which is usually used to remove snow. This item has an unusual name - shindel. They are the ones who need to hit the puck, which is launched with a whip with a wooden knob. This puck can easily reach the 300 meter mark. Previously, the washers were wooden, but in Lately They are made of dense rubber.


This sport was officially included in the Olympics back in 1998. The essence of the game is to rub the ice with a brush in front of a moving stone, which weighs about 20 kilograms. This must be done in order to change the trajectory of the stone. This sport has only recently appeared at the Olympics, but in Scotland it has been played since the 16th century.


The last game we will talk about was born 4 thousand years ago. Today, the game of kabaddi is officially included in the Asian Games program. The game requires two teams. Each team must have 7 people. There are two parts of the field that are separated by a line. These parts are team territory. A team member is sent into enemy territory. His task is to cross his side of the field to end up in enemy territory. Once he is on the opponent's side, he must constantly shout "Kabaddi!" You need to scream in one breath. While the player is screaming, he must touch as many opponents as he can. When the air in the lungs runs out, the attacker must retreat to his territory before his opponents grab him. If the player manages to reach his area, then the opponents he touched are eliminated from the game. If you managed to grab the attacker, then the right of movement now passes to the opponents. Do you know how “Kabaddi” is translated? "Not breathe!"

When talking about sports, it is customary to mention “Sport No. 1”, “The most popular sport”, “The Queen of Sports”, which is not surprising, given the increasing commercial component. This is where big money, scandals and major news revolve.

But initially, sport is a means to maintain a healthy state of mind and body. Today there are many sports in the world, although not as popular as, say, football, but no less exciting and exciting.

Some competitions may be unusual, but this gives them an extra flavor. Let's talk about the most unusual sports that have already received some recognition.

Underwater hockey

Despite the fact that ice hockey and field hockey are always on everyone’s lips, there is also an exotic variety of this sport. Moreover, it is already quite old, having been invented back in 1950 in the UK by local divers who decided to keep in shape in this way. And the popularity of this type is rapidly growing - after all, you don’t have to spend as much money on equipment as in traditional hockey. Moreover, the underwater variety can be played by people of different genders and physical fitness - the underwater world significantly smoothes out the differences between people. There are 6 people on each side in teams. They drive the puck along the bottom of a pool 2 meters deep and 25x15 meters in size. The player puts on fins, a mask and a snorkel, gloves are on his hands, and a plastic stick 30.5 cm long acts as an analogue of a stick. Even a bathing suit is not required here, although it is advisable to have one. The goal in underwater hockey is as much as 3 meters wide, and the puck weighs as much as 1.36 kg. The game is divided into 2 halves of 15 minutes each.

Swamp football

The most popular sport has many “younger” brothers. One of the most exotic is swamp football, which many have already heard about. After all, there is even a World Championship in this sport. This variety was not invented by a football player, but by skier Esa Romppainen. Perhaps he thus wanted to laugh at the glamorous modern football players, and the joke was to some extent a success. And swamp football quickly found fans. World championships have been held since 1989, and regular international competitions since 2000. Usually battles are held in Finnish Hyrynsalmi. It must be said that swamp football is also played in Russia. Since 2000, the National Championship has been regularly held in the swamps near the village of Novaya, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region. The rules of the game are very similar to regular football, but there are some nuances. The game will certainly take place in mud or swamps, and players are prohibited from changing boots during the game. The size of the field here is 60 by 25 meters. Teams consist of 6 people, and the game takes place in 2 halves of 13 minutes each. This relatively short time is enough for the players to find themselves covered in mud from head to toe. To make substitutions, the game does not stop, and free kicks are awarded by hand. Swamp football brings great joy to both the fans and the players themselves. It often seems that the winner is not the one who scores the most goals, but the one who gets the most dirty.

Lawn mower racing

Few of those who use a lawn mower to create a beautiful lawn imagine the capabilities of this device as a means of transportation. The idea of ​​holding unusual competitions matured back in the mid-70s. At that time, a racing car was too expensive (however, little has changed in this regard now), so fans of high-speed competitions decided to use what was nearby - a lawn mower. The competition aims only to obtain positive emotions and have a good time; no prizes are provided. All profits from events are spent on charity. To participate in competitions, no special skills are required; athletes must be inspected and their equipment must be checked for technical compliance with the rules. There are even 4 groups of participants, depending on the equipment of the lawn mowers. Before the race, the blades are removed for safety reasons. Although from the outside such races seem fun and easy, in fact this activity is quite difficult and grueling, there are even 12-hour races. Lawnmower racing is very popular in the United States, but we can soon expect the sport to spread throughout the world among speed enthusiasts.


In this sport, its creators were able to combine two seemingly incompatible varieties. Chessboxing combines the fusion of the mind and physical strength of an athlete. As a result, a person must be quite versatile, balanced and physically gifted. The first official battles took place quite recently, in 2003. However, in the short time of its life, chessboxing has already gained quite a large number of fans; an increasing number of athletes want to join smart boxing. There are only 11 rounds in chessbox, with six given to chess itself and five to boxing. In the last round they play just chess. Each game lasts 4 minutes, so each opponent is given 12 minutes to think about moves in the fast chess half of the match. If the time is exceeded, the batch is immediately stopped. In boxing, each round lasts 2 minutes. There is a 1 minute pause between rounds so that athletes can put on or take off gloves. Victory in chessboxing is awarded either by checkmating the opponent, or by the opponent exceeding the time to think about the move, or by giving up to the opponent. In the boxing part, what matters is a knockout or a stoppage of the fight by the judge due to a clear advantage of one of the parties. There is even a World Chessboxing Organization, which put forward the slogan: “Battles take place in the ring, but wars are fought on the board!”

Royal football

This type of football, by the way, is already 800 years old, although few people have heard of it. It is curious that royal football, in addition to regular football, includes many other sports: aquatics, rugby and others. And the name “football” itself stuck to this competition later. It used to be simple city fun. The term “royal” was attached to the sport in 1928, when the start of the next competition was personally given by the Prince of Wales. The competition is held annually during Olivet Week in Ashbourne, England. Just like in regular football, the main goal here is to score a goal. Only for this you will have to work a lot. The gates are two large mills at different ends of the city, and the playing field itself is the city itself. The match takes place from 14 to 22 hours, the players are divided into “southerners” and “northerners”. The ball can be delivered to the target in any way, it is only prohibited to fight and use forceful techniques. The ball must not be transported on a vehicle or hidden. Parks, cemeteries, and historical sites are excluded from the field of action so as not to cause harm to them. As a result, the action is very reminiscent of a large wrestling match, but people really like it.

Cheese race

Even the name of this sport makes you smile. After all, it’s usually the mouse that chases the cheese, what does that have to do with the man? In fact, in the pursuit of entertainment they come up with something else. In addition, in ancient times people were in greater need of bright adventures, so this sport arose quite a long time ago. Today, even the British are arguing with the French about who exactly invented the cheese race. The meaning of the competition is quite simple. First, all participants stand on the top of the hill, then the cheese is thrown and everyone who has the strength runs after it. The winner is the one who catches the circle of dairy product at the foot of the mountain. The participant can wear absolutely anything. The winner receives not only a monetary reward as the main prize, but also the sports equipment itself - a cheese wheel weighing 3.5 kg. Although from the outside this kind of fun seems fun, in fact this sport is quite traumatic - a rare race goes without fractures and injuries. At one time, racing for cheese in England was even banned. After some time, the competition was allowed again, but the herbs remained an integral attribute games. But can this stop fans of popular sports? Its popularity continues to grow today.


This game is similar in appearance to regular tennis, but it was created by mixing the fundamentals of handball and squash. The basic rules come from squash, but what does handball have to do with it? In 1949, Joe Sobeck suggested playing a game of squash on the handball field, and using short paddles instead of rackets. It is this man who is called today the creator of racquetball. He did a lot for the development of this sport and its popularization. In 1979, the International Racquetball Federation was founded, and 2 years later the first World Championship was held. This attracted attention that officially recognized the sport as developing. In 1995, racquetball was even included in the Pan American Games. Today, more than 17 million people from 70 countries around the world practice this sport. In Russia, this sport remains unusual, which was the reason for its inclusion in this list. The game is divided into two sets, which last up to 15 points. In case of a tie in games, a third set of up to 11 points is assigned. An interesting feature is that only the server can win a point, but if the receiver wins, he simply takes the serve without winning any points. A similar system existed recently in volleyball. The game is played by either 1 or 2 players. The main task is to hit the ball until it touches the floor for the second time, and the ball can also touch the walls. The position of the racket when touching the ball is very important. Ideally, it should be perpendicular to the floor upon impact. The list of required equipment includes a racket, ball, goggles and shoes. Shoes are usually chosen white so as not to leave marks on the floor. Racquetball is gaining popularity because it does not require special skills. In addition, here even an awkward shot can bring success, unlike tennis. Racquetball helps build endurance, significantly improving physical fitness.

Sports sauna

Many men will exclaim that a sauna simply cannot be a sport, how can a simple relaxation be for them? In fact, everything is not so, because athletes in saunas do not rest at all, but fight in endurance by the sweat of their brow, and in the literal sense. Endurance and excellent physical fitness are very important here. In fact, a sauna can be insidiously dangerous; it is no coincidence that an ambulance crew is always on duty at competitions. In this sport, the recognized favorites are the Finns; only once did a Russian woman manage to win at the World Championships in 2009. And don’t be surprised by the presence of such high-profile competitions. To take part in them, by the way, athletes need to pay 50 euros. For fans, admission costs 15 euros. The competition is quite popular - in 2009, 150 athletes from 22 countries took part in it. This sport is quite difficult, the participants literally exhaust themselves. After all, the sunna maintains a constant temperature of 110 degrees, and steam is released every 30 seconds. To do this, pour a liter of water onto the hot stones. You cannot lie down in the sauna, nor lean against the walls. Ultimately, the participant must be able to exit the sauna on their own.


And there is no typo in this term. Few people have heard of this sport, because it is also only a few years old. The Ukrainian invention is distinguished by the fact that here they play with two balls simultaneously on the field. The first match took place on October 26, 2007 between the team of the bank and the construction institute. The organizers had to conduct a 10-minute briefing before the start of the fight to explain all the rules. However, neither the players nor even the judges really understood anything. There was a complete chaos going on on the field; even the score of the game was not immediately established. As a result, the bankers’ victory was somehow revealed with a score of 15:8, they were declared winners and immediately world champions. The Ukrainians decided not to complicate the fight for the title. The rules here are the same as in big football, the goal and field are the same size. As was said, there are two balls here - pink and blue. There are 11 players in each team, but an unlimited number of substitutions are allowed. Four referees monitor the progress of the game at once - two for each ball. The assistant flags are also colored in the color of the balls. The referees also have different whistles so that the players and spectators can understand exactly where the game has been stopped. But there is no offside rule here. The creators of footdoubleball are determined to develop their sport. In 2010, it is planned to hold the first championship of the city of Kyiv, in which 16 teams will take part. Although today both tactics and movement of players seem crazy, perhaps footdoubleball will take its rightful place among popular sports.

Mobile phone throwing

It seems that the motto of athletes of this type is: “Throw out everything old as far as possible.” And although laughter remains laughter, there is even a World Mobile Phone Throwing Championship. And there is a prize fund here, which is quite impressive. Interestingly, the winner is determined not only by the range of the throw, but by the artistry of its execution. Thus, in 2008, the winner was a dog that, with unprecedented grace, was able to throw a telephone several centimeters. The competition traditionally takes place in Helsinki. There is also a junior category, also with its own prize fund. The world record for throwing a mobile phone is now 95 meters! Tournament organizers attract celebrities to popularize this sport - Naomi Campbell and Russell Crowe are planned to participate in the 2011 competition.


Arm wrestling is known to everyone, but touring wrestling - wrestling using toes - is not so famous. Athletes enter the ring and interlock their big toes, although their posture for wrestling is quite awkward. World Cups in this unusual sport have been held since 1970. Here the fight is carried out in different weight categories, separately on the right and left legs. The 2010 world champion was Allen Nash, a 49-year-old man. Perhaps one of his tricks was the pungent smell of socks and feet, for which the athlete even received the nickname “nasty.” But he became famous throughout the world after winning the 20-minute final. This same sport is known as foot wrestling. This sport is most popular in Asia, although it officially originated in Scotland back in the Middle Ages. There, knights loved to organize kick-fighting tournaments during rest stops of military campaigns.

Tractor racing

Although these competitions are not as fast as Formula 1, they are quite spectacular. Such races are held annually in the Rostov region under the name "Bison Track Show". It is becoming a good tradition for agricultural producers from all over the country to come to participate in this extreme rally. In addition to the excitement of the feeling of speed, the winner receives a new tractor with original tuning as a prize. As a result, both the participants and the spectators are satisfied, and this is the main thing in any competition. Every year the route is modified and made more and more difficult. Typically, the speed of tractors does not exceed 30 km/h, although in some areas they accelerate to 75 km/h. Special attention is paid to safety precautions here. It is recommended to watch the competitions while standing on a hill to protect against accidents in the behavior of formidable machines. However, technical inspection for cars is also mandatory; in addition, old engines are replaced with turbochargers with cooling, and other parts “sharpened” for racing are used.

Mustache and beard competition

Many will be surprised, but since 2007 this former carnival has been officially recognized as a sporting event. It is not clear what is sporting about wearing beards and mustaches, but the fact remains. The World Championship takes place every 2 years. Owners of the world's most unusual mustaches and beards compete there. The last time the competition was held was in 2009 in the city of Anchorage, Alaska. The championship has many different categories, ranging from the thinnest mustache to the largest and most unusual beards. At the same time, judges pay attention not only to the originality of facial hair, but also certainly check the authenticity of the hair, the degree of its silkiness and softness.

Sled dog racing without snow

For most people, dog sledding is strongly associated with winter and snow. But there is a sport in which dogs do not drag their sleds through the snow. Such races are already quite promoted. Thus, the last European Championship was held in the German city of Rasted. 300 athletes from 19 countries took part in it. The Poles performed best, winning 8 medals, including 6 gold. The closest competitors were the teams of Norway, Germany and the Czech Republic. The races themselves are held on special sleds that have wheels instead of runners.

Long jump on horses

This sport even managed to take part in the Olympics! True, this was quite a long time ago - in 1900 in Paris. The meaning of the competition is quite simple - long jump. Only instead of one person, the horse jumps along with the rider. During the awards ceremony, then, all the glory went to the people, but the horses themselves did not rise to the pedestal and did not receive the well-deserved glory and awards. Today, long jumps on horses, as well as high jumps on horses, are very popular in France. Moreover, now the caring French are preparing sets of awards for horses. The winner's sumptuous dinner includes oats, corn, peas, barley, beans, bran, beets, carrots and potatoes!

People have always been interested in sports, but apparently due to the fact that popular competitions are already pretty boring and ordinary amateurs are unable to break records in them, some are starting to come up with new competitions.

in the world

Fans of outdoor activities constantly, but standard rules begin to get boring over time, and you have to look for alternative ways entertainment, strengthening the body and getting another dose of adrenaline.

Developing your own competitions is a rather difficult task, during which you need to decide on the rules, restrictions and, most importantly, come up with the type of competition itself. The easiest way is to take a popular competition and modernize it to get the desired effect, such as diving and orienteering, mud football and ice-climbing.

What is the best unusual sport? To this question, any athlete will answer that the best is the one that he himself practices. Therefore, when choosing competitions, you need to focus on, for example, a football fan would be at home in the same football, but in the mud.

Unusual sports in Russia

Russians, just like residents of other countries of the world, are beginning to look closely at non-standard competitions, but in our country it is not so much “strange” types of competitions that are developing, but rather extreme ones.

The Tver region of Russia is actively gaining popularity among fans of conquering ice peaks; underwater orienteering gathers followers not only in the Volga region but also in the northern parts of the country (Novosibirsk).

Unusual sports in Russia are interesting for athletes solely because of increased adrenaline levels, and not because of entertainment, because it is easier to use for fun common species competitions.

Boxer or chess player - who is stronger?

Chess is a game for the mind, during which one develops, but, apparently, thinking alone was not enough, and they decided to come up with chessbox, in which the competition takes place both at the level of the mind and with fists.

A chess boxing match consists of 5 boxing rounds and 6 chess rounds. Each of the boxing rounds lasts two minutes, while a game of chess takes 4 minutes for each round.

The winner is determined based on the number of points scored in boxing and victory in the chess game. But if a boxer wins in chess and loses in boxing (or vice versa), a draw is declared.

Strange competitions on beds

All people are used to sleeping on a bed, but one of the American military (it was they who started the first competitions in these unusual competitions) in 1965 decided to organize a race on beds.

After some time, ordinary residents became interested in the non-standard sport, which led to its popularization.

The rules of racing on beds are simple - you need to overtake your opponents and reach the finish line first, but there are 3 conditions: 6 people must push the “car”, there must be 1 participant in the bed, and the device must be able to float.

On the one hand, this sport seems simple, but its complexity lies in the fact that before the finish line the bed must be transported over a water obstacle, which creates many difficulties for the athletes.

Drunken racing

A group of cyclists decided to diversify the riding and began to hold competitions, supplementing the race with a large amount of alcohol, well, and then residents of the city, country and some parts of the world got involved.

The essence of a bicycle race is to come first, but in this case, each athlete, arriving at the checkpoint, is required to drink a certain amount of beer and move on. The complexity of the competition lies in the fact that the route can be laid through 6 points, and at each you need to drink a liter of beer, and it will be very difficult to get to the finish line, because it is difficult for athletes to walk.

Fighting underwater

Military sailors undergo special training, during which they are taught to eliminate a target at great depths without visible fluctuations in the water surface. The wrestlers understood the advantages of combat sports in water - strengthening muscle mass, controlling the condition of the lungs - and began to practice underwater wrestling as

Aquathlon competitions are held in a pool measuring 5 by 5 meters and a minimum depth of 2 meters, and to win you need to remove the bandage from your opponent's ankle.

Slippery extreme

Iceclimbing - the name of this unusual sport - does not yet have a large number of followers, but is actively practiced among professionals in conquering rock-based peaks.

In fact, there are no rules in this sport, here the athlete simply conquers a new peak, but the complexity of the climb allows you to get more adrenaline than ordinary mountains.

Underwater racing

It’s not an easy task, and walking a certain path indicated on the map while being at a depth of several meters is an even more difficult task.

Underwater orienteering is a sport for those who love diving and are willing to be at great depths for quite a long time, and not look at the flora, but concentrate on looking for the next checkpoint.

The essence of the competition is that a group of divers must dive at point “A”, go through all the control points, constantly being under water, and be the first to reach the finish line.

The whole difficulty lies in the navigation itself at depth, where the only assistant is a compass, without which it is impossible to reach the finish line.

Extreme flight

Since its inception, parachuting has been constantly gaining followers, but some extreme sports enthusiasts, after conquering heights, stop getting a surge of adrenaline and are thinking about changing the rules of the jump and increasing the dose of adrenaline.

BASE jumping is the most unusual sport, but in essence it is a parachutist’s jump from a huge building, bridge and other structures, and the whole danger lies in the athlete’s close proximity to the structure from which he jumped, and the lack of time to open the parachute.

During the flight, the extreme sports enthusiast needs time to determine the correct position in the air, otherwise the parachute may open incorrectly and get tangled, after which the athlete will have a chance to open the reserve parachute, but in this case there is no chance for error, and if he jumps incorrectly, he will not be able to to land.

Although base jumping allows you to get a huge surge of adrenaline, only professionals can take part in it.

Humans have an inherent passion for competition. People have always strived to create artificial, controlled conditions within which they can identify the best - this is how competitions appeared. We present a selection of unusual championships and competitions in which everyone can take part.

(Total 42 photos)

2. Similar competitions have been held since 1990.

3. The Coopershill Cheese Race is held on the last Monday of May at 12:00 local time as part of the Spring Festival at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester in the Cotswolds, England.

4. Competitors climb to the top of the hill and wait for the signal. Then a head of cheese is allowed to roll down the slope, after which all participants rush in pursuit. Several ambulances and a rescue team are always on duty at the foot of the hill. The first person to cross the finish line and grab the cheese wins it as a prize. The race is very often associated with health risks - in previous years, participants received serious injuries to the back, neck, and head; They broke legs, arms, ribs.

6. The championship has been held since 1996.

7. Spell of worms. Held in England since 1980.

8. Every year, the competitors get together to “enchant” the worms - to lure the worms out of the ground by shouting, stomping and clapping. The record currently belongs to a girl who collected 567 worms in 30 minutes.

9. World Wife Carrying Championships in Finland.

10. Heads of families overcome a 253-meter obstacle course with their wives on their shoulders.

11. Festival " Crying baby sumo" in Japan. It has been carried out for 400 years.

12. Sumo wrestlers carry two babies. Whichever child cries first wins. If the children start crying at the same time, then the one who screams loudest wins.

13. Toe wrestling. Held in England at the Bentley Brook Inn since 1974.

15. Lawn mower racing. Popular in the UK and Australia.

17. Rock, paper, scissors.

18. Everyone knows this game, even children play it in the yard. And now world championships are held in this simple game.

19. The antics championship is held annually in England.

21. Cherry pit spitting championship.

22. Conducted for more than 40 years. The winner spat the bone at a distance of 28.5 meters.

23. International black pudding throwing competition.

24. According to legend, when York and Lancaster clashed on the battlefield in the 15th century, they ran out of ammunition and began throwing food. To this day, people throw black (Lancaster) pudding into Yorkshire pudding every year in honor of the battle.

25. Cockroach races in Australia.

26. Every year on January 26, for twenty years, competitions of these nimble insects have been held at the Story Bridge Hotel in Brisbane.

27. Bed racing championship.

28. Held all over the world, the purpose of this championship is often to raise funds for charity.

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