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Congratulations on the Ruby Wedding (40th wedding anniversary). How to congratulate a man on his fortieth birthday Wishes from colleagues or employees

20 in the second round -
You look great, friend!
I wish you
A lot of money in my wallet.

And also warmth and comfort.
Not for an hour, not for a minute,
And let them be enough for life
For you and for your family.

3 SMS - 182 characters

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You are beautiful as always
Happiness, joy, luck,
And health for years.

40 years - what a little time,
Graceful and slender,
I wish them to come true
All your dreams always.

3 SMS - 187 characters

At 40 I wish you
Even more victories in life,
Be happy, healthy, beautiful,
Decorating the white light.

Don't face sadness and sadness
Don't know what trouble is
Enjoy this life to the fullest
And always remain like this!

4 SMS - 239 characters

Young and beautiful,
And don’t be sad about your age,
Forty years is just the beginning
Only good things lie ahead.

We congratulate you today
And we wish you not to mope,
Remain as beautiful as ever
Give us smiles and joy!

4 SMS - 225 characters

Forty years are not celebrated
That's what they say everywhere
But drink tea with cake
And put on your best outfit

It is absolutely necessary
After all, today is the anniversary,
Be beautiful, awesome
And look at life boldly!

3 SMS - 191 characters

40 years is such a date
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets!
Life is just beginning, believe me,
Don't close the door to your heart!

Live and rejoice, love, rejoice,
Don't be sad and don't be sad,
Beauty to you, goodness,
Tomorrow will be better than yesterday!

4 SMS - 216 characters

Happy 40th birthday wonderful woman. May there be no place in life for sadness and sorrow, may fate give only good and bright emotions, may loved ones and dear people always be nearby, may you achieve success and undeniable victory in everything.

4 SMS - 250 characters

Dear, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you to proudly walk through life, conquer others with your charisma, always be smiling, happy, modern, unique.

3 SMS - 177 characters

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Celebrating forty years
This is youth, strength,
Your beauty blossoms.

I wish you happiness
Understanding, love,
So that your career strives upward,
Passion burned in the blood.

3 SMS - 187 characters

Today is your holiday,
And congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you to be amazing!
Bring warmth and light, loving,

Always in a great mood.
After all, forty is just the beginning
Happy life to you!
Be open to joy,
Easily walk your way, laughing!

4 SMS - 250 characters

To congratulate a man on his 40th birthday, you need to understand what he wants. He is a man, which means he wants happiness. He is the owner of the family, so he wants the best for all his loved ones. He is a boy who has grown up. Which means he wants a drum and a saber. Only this is a secret that even one is afraid to reveal to oneself.

How to congratulate a man on his fortieth birthday

Forty years is the time to take stock and set goals for the future. At this age, a man has already achieved great success, chosen his path in life, and even walked a little along it. Today he deserves to have his victories announced and celebrated. And he wants to be recognized for his achievements.

No less important for him are wishes for further success; his ebullient energy demands the continuation of the celebration. That's why Happy 40th birthday greetings to a man should sound not only as recognition of his merits, but also as a wish further development, new successes.


Congratulations from loved ones.

Our dear man! Today you turn 40, and we really want to congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary. Now you are completely grown up, your success along the path you have traveled is beyond doubt. A wonderful family and home, wonderful children and a successful career.

You are just beginning to understand how wonderful it is to live in this world; after solving everyday problems, you have the opportunity to stop for a minute and look around, evaluate your successes and achievements. They are wonderful, not everyone can achieve such success.

We wish you to remain as strong and be a support for those around you. To love and be loved, to enjoy life and take every day as a holiday, so that your eyes glow and the fire burns in your heart. And so that ideas that have not yet come true will be realized in the near future. And so that everything you want always comes true.

Wishes from colleagues or employees

It's time to congratulate wonderful person. It's hard to give Happy birthday greetings to a 40 year old man, because everything he wants, he can already accomplish on his own. And today we can only wish that the hero of the day has a dream. A good, bright and big dream. It may not even be feasible, but it is very important that it exists.

And let there always be people next to our birthday boy who will help make his wildest dreams come true. After all, the road with friends becomes shorter, and every step along this path brings joy.


Forty years is like half a life
You went through without hiding from your work
Covered my friends' backs in adversity
And I was ready to lend my shoulder

And today we wish you
Be healthy and strong as always
So that troubles pass by
So that all problems are nonsense.

Only forty years old, cool anniversary
The man became very big and proud
You are becoming nicer every day
Severe warrior of the valiant squad

Family and friends are around you
And a woman with burning eyes
That I chose you as my husband
Without running away to mom when she’s at her whims

We wish you happiness and love
We congratulate the man on his 40th birthday
We also wish that life ships
They sailed to your doorstep with wealth.

The boy has grown quite big
Even though he is only 40 years old.
He's a good man
He eats a kilo of sweets for breakfast.

Will accept gifts from friends,
From loved ones and relatives.
And the anniversary will be bright,
Have a fun weekend!

At 40 years old - cake for lunch!
Oysters for breakfast.
For dinner – shhh…..secret.

Short congratulations

Today we congratulate the man on his 40th birthday. Let this day be remembered as warm and Holy holiday, we wish all your manly dreams come true.

Happiness and health, joy and smiles. Turning 40 comes only once in a lifetime, congratulations on entering adulthood!

For women to love and children to please. So that you stay the best man, dad and friend all over the Earth. Happy 40th birthday!!!

May you be given as many smiles today as in the previous 40 years. And there are even more gifts. And even more kisses and hugs!

There is never too much happiness. Only if you are under 40 years old. I would like to wish you to be the happiest person on Earth today.

Wealth and fame, health and quiet family joy. Although at 40 you look 20, your wisdom is 100! May this day bring many new discoveries, be happy. And let those who are close to you today be happy too.

September 17, 2016.

Forty years, the time when memories from childhood and youth are already darkening, losing color. After all, then everything seemed so cool and funny. So what's the deal. Let's help the hero of the day feel young again at forty years old. You just need to choose the most cool congratulations and present it beautifully and humorously to the hero of the day. And then the atmosphere in the soul of each of those present will rise and everyone will remember this evening for a long time. And congratulations are even more so!

Let the superstitious think
In his absurd inertia:
They don't congratulate you on your 40th birthday,
Like, 40 years is not an anniversary.
But if you weigh everything wisely,
Then our truth is visible to everyone:
If the number is divisible by 10,
So, that means it's round!
And indulge in false sadness
There is no reason
And we won’t miss the opportunity
Celebrate your 40th birthday.
After all, we are quite realistic,
We don't give a damn about superstitions.
We will meet for you personally
We will lavish delight.
Wonderful age, wonderful date,
There is no place for sadness and melancholy...
Well, the guys shuddered together,
With a 40 degree in hand!

Forty is the most wonderful age!
Today I would like to wish you
May your dreams come true,
In life - never lose heart!
There are still many goals ahead,
The prospect beckons and calls!
Today is still the beginning,
It's time to move forward boldly!

Youth has an inexorable speed -
No brakes will hold!
There is still spring in the soul, spring in the eyes,
And there are 40 uninvited people on the road!
And no, to be at least a little late,
To wait out the muddy fate somewhere,
To wait for hopes to come true.
It would be better if the trains ran like that!
All forty under the spring drops
They showed up in single file - a little guilty -
Unfortunately, we haven’t lost count and lost track.
All 40 are not strangers, all relatives
And they will walk with you to the end.
And everyone is like children - your pain and joy.
And you don’t imagine them differently.
But to be honest,
So does youth really have boundaries?
Just take your dream tighter by the reins -
And youth will repeat itself first!
After all, forty is only twice twenty,
This means there is almost life ahead!
Be more confident in the saddle
And you can’t keep up with old age!

The hand is strong, the gaze is sharp,
Speech - ring, become - slim...
You are forty today!
Hooray! - the country shouts.
And we all sing too
A cheerful anthem for you:
This is not the time to sum up life -
Give your light to others!
Yes until the centenary big anniversary
Live lovingly, being friends, working hard and not getting sick!!!

May there be many wishes,
But don't forget about mine:
May you not be lonely
You are 40! Let your heart sing!
Let them fill all the glasses,
And together they will be raised up,
Let there be music, fanfare,
And may success await you in everything!


(40th, 45th anniversary)

40 years

For a friend's anniversary 40 years

Your anniversary came at times beautiful.
Nature has awakened from sleep,
And again the sun is shining in the clear sky,
And spring reigns on earth again.

Yes, forty years . Is it a lot or a little?
It seems to me that this is just blossoming.
Everything is ahead. And this is just the beginning
Your big and small victories.

So may everything always be given to you,
May all your dreams come true!
And let the young soul remain
For many years, until you turn gray!

Live a hundred years! And be healthy and cheerful!
May you have it in this life
As much joy and songs as possible,
As much ardent fire as possible!

And let trouble pass by.
Be an optimist! Believe in your star!
Fight! Go for it! And we are still with you
Let's drink more than one glass for happiness.

(Evgenia Sherman)

For a friend's 40th birthday

40 years
not a great date
But it hurt me half my life, slightly!
Youth quickly rushed off somewhere,
And the river of our life flows.

I wish that this flow
It was carried into the deep riverbed.
And Fortune, or just luck,
It helped on sharp turns.

So that life does not storm with winds,
And it seethed and bubbled,
So that your beloved hand is with you
And a reliable friend's shoulder.

For victory! Here's to your luck!
To sail happily ever after,
Just to hold it, not otherwise,
And so that you can love for up to a hundred years!

(O. Borisova)

Indian Age
To a friend on her anniversary

They say: "Forty years woman's age."
No, for women this is just a running start
For future victories and achievements,
For discoveries and achievements.

Fourty years just a stage of the relay race,
What kind of life are you destined to run through?
Your husband and children are participating in it,
All relatives are running together.

And to you, our birthday girl,
I wish to become fresher, younger,
Be cheerful, beautiful, graceful,
You might even lose a little weight.

Show a sports spirit, ingenuity,
Never be sad, never be sad
So that your relay stick
You could have carried it for a long time.
(O. Svetova)

My God, it's already forty!

My God, it's already forty!
This means something.
This is the period after which
Somewhere old age looms.
And for an adult son
Looking with apprehension,
I can easily imagine
Nearby is a grandson in a stroller.

Yes, of course, forty
This is, say, not twenty.
It's hard to argue with time

We must admit this.
But I won't cry
It’s timid to look young
And read from Balzac
About the "madam" of the overripe.

Just think, forty
To hell with them, over the years!
This is a holiday that
Need to meet with friends!
This is a reason to crowd
Let's get together again!
And when you are with me,
I'm eighteen again!!!

(Lelya Zhorikovna)

Friend at 40

Fourty years that's forty smiles
There are also forty friends and girlfriends.
And let forty mistakes be made,
But the gunpowder is still dry.

40 springs have already died down,
I drank 40 times, celebrated,
And even though a lot of things have flown away,
40 degrees is still left!

Fourty years this is the rise time:
From the bed, from the sofa, from the mezzanine,
The body already wants to be at home,
But the soul is still yearning for freedom.

Fourty years this is a dream until dawn,
Even though sometimes there is no sign of him.
Fourty years
the song has not yet been sung,
But she's already halfway through.

Fourty years it's late summer
The autumn of life has not yet arrived.
And I'll tell you a secret:
Fourty years
It’s still not enough!

(E. Axelrod )

When a man is forty years old...

When a man is forty years old ,
It's time for him to answer:
has your soul become decrepit?

before his forties ,
and every drop of milk,
and every crumb of bread.

When a man is forty years old ,
then he has no mercy
before yourself and before God.
All the tears that I caused
all the snot is lying ink
they come out sideways to him.

When a man is forty years old ,
then it's time to impose a ban
for a thirst for pleasure:
because if the flesh is not overcome,
purrs, licking flesh

She managed to eat the soul.

And the flesh, in general, is crap,
when you are completely tired,
like a false Christ, with his lips.
One novel, another novel,
and the result is only fog
and naked women like in a bathhouse.

Up to forty the goal is clearer.
Until forty, all life is like hops,
and at forty years old hangover.
My head felt heavy.
The words don't match.
Like in a hole

Until forty, until forty
grab luck by the horns
we're going to the fair,
and at forty walk from the fair
with an empty bag
we wander quietly.
we cry.

When a man is forty years old ,
he must give himself advice:
away from the fair.
You won't be fooled there
you won't sell.
You'll deceive
I'm already a trader myself.
This is the law of selling.

It’s even more disgusting to laugh, trembling,
a horse in the hands of a merchant,
skvalygi, zhivoglot.
Two equivalent shames:
when you trade and when
someone is selling you.

When a man is forty years old ,
life paints him gray,
but if not kaurim

be a dapple horse
and don’t sell on market day
not an apple from the skin.

When a man is forty years old ,
then the light didn’t converge like a wedge
at the fair hubbub.
Everything is ahead
you wait.
Just don't end up in a comedy
but don't get lost in the drama!


(Evgeny Yevtushenko)

45 years

At forty-five...

At forty-five, at forty-five
Baba is a berry again,
And the man is the juice.
Let's summarize a bit:

I have a diploma, a job, children,
Family ties, strong networks,
There is a father, friends, relatives.
There is no reason to be sad for a day.

Be healthy, have good luck,
Work from the heart at the dacha,
Drink a glass for good luck.
Happy anniversary birthday!
(T. Lavrova )

For the 45th anniversary

Not so much forty-five ,
Just three times fifteen...
You can dream about grandchildren
But just don’t get carried away.

It's time to take your mind off your worries
And return to youth again,
Spread your wings and go!
Take off like a young firebird.

Wonderful age forty-five .
There is no place for wrinkles on the face,
After all, “a woman is a berry again”
To spite aging men.

(N. Boltacheva )

Forty-fifth birthday

I wish you, my dear,

On your birthday forty-fifth

The roads are smooth and straight,

Income growth and salary growth.

Have a nice weekend too,

The table is always set at the first call,

Cool action films, but only with a happy ending,

On TV football, football, football!

Traditions of a forgotten revival:

Do you remember how you did magic in the kitchen?

And let the inspiration never leave you,

And may your potential always grow!

(I. Orlova)

We wish you in your forty-five...

We will not tire of congratulating you,
Let the phrases not sound trivial:
We wish you
forty five
A lot to you at once!

Like October itself this term,
When nature is still awake,
Having known the delight of spring
And the beauty of a summer sunrise.

Already strict, but surprising
He doesn’t forget with his warmth.
Wonderful age forty five !
Someone is just starting to live in it.

Have you managed to accumulate
During this period it is no longer enough,
What can I wish for you: to live, to love,
And so that there is enough warmth for the soul!

(Zorina Sun)

Recipe for pre-anniversary blues

What to do if you already
45 ?
Of course, don’t be sad and don’t sigh,
Bake a cake and invite guests quickly.
Have fun and dance all evening.

What kind of cake? Write it down quickly
After all, nothing in the world is more delicious:
Pour 25 spoons of laughter,
Sift the light of the sun, stir it,

Put a piece of charm,
Don't forget your friends' support either.
Knead all this carefully,
Gently pour a kind smile.

Bake, coat can be served.
Where's the blues? Long time no see!

(E. Panova-Sinchenko )

Wish at forty-five

At forty-five It's only begining!
Do you remember these eternal words?
And the best men meet
And my head is spinning again!

Happiness will not come by itself,
Happiness requires opening your soul
And argue again with fate,
And love yourself as before!

Love the blossoms of spring,
The rustle of leaves, the sun, light and shadow,
And believe in fabulous dreams,
Singing songs every day...

You know how to be the best in everything,
Start all over again today,
Believe that happiness will knock on your home,
Just don't push him away!

(E. Yakhnitskaya )

Berry again

We are like the Phoenix bird!
After all, they say that at forty-five ,
Maybe not the same, but still edible,
Baby berries again.

Men, don't look askance
It's too early for us to see the hag.
We are like apricots in compote,
We rose from the limp dried apricots.

Is it really forty-five?

Is it really forty-five ?
Let me hug you soon!
How much has been done on the way?
So much happiness in the middle
Your anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Money, laughter and love!
Be with luck not on "you"
And on “you”! Big success -
Always be the most beautiful of all!
Let your dreams come true!
Don't be afraid of heights
To grow straight towards the sun,
Live five times forty-five,
Control your destiny
And walk your own path,
So that the cheerful laughter of relatives
It continued - it didn’t stop!

Forty five

Everything happened in forty-five
And grief and adversity.
So let it begin with joy
Your future happy year,

May it never fall on your shoulders
The burden of everyday troubles will not fall.
We wish you happiness and health
And many, many long years!

Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses has become blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a wonderful gift for your wife will be a ruby ​​ring from loving husband. The color red should predominate in the design of the room where the anniversary will take place. Naturally, the main gifts for a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, keychains are magnificent, especially if the rubies imitate flowers and bunches of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate boxes, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that a ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

The ruby ​​wedding has come to you.
You have been walking towards her for forty long years.
And your whole life has passed next to you,
The fortieth anniversary has arrived.
It’s not for nothing that they call it ruby:
Transparent, red, like blood in youth,
Ruby will drive away sadness and melancholy,
Gives peace and love to good people.
The stone will not prevent danger -
There is no such strength to fight fate,
But he will always warn you about trouble,
He is dear to us with this ability.
How wise it is to get married after forty years
Name it according to the ruby ​​stone of fidelity!
There is no stronger connection than your blood!
We are happy to congratulate
Happy 40th anniversary of your union.
You have maintained the strength of the marriage bond.
So may God grant you to continue to live together,
Keep care and love in your hearts.

Ruby wedding is on the doorstep,
The couple celebrates a glorious day,
And accept congratulations from loved ones,
Today they are not at all lazy,
Although a lot of time has passed,
How did their family get married?
They answer all questions directly,
Hearts are still full of love,
Always be together, our dear ones,
You have lived through so many difficult years,
Be the bride and groom forever,
Keeping the vow of love and fidelity!

Ruby wedding is happiness
After all, you lived together for forty years,
We wish you to keep the fire of passion alive,
We wish you good luck and victories!
Let all good things happen in life,
After all, you are only forty between the two of you,
Let any dream come true,
We dedicate this verse with love!

The ruby ​​wedding happened
We will celebrate it together
Perhaps we dreamed about this date,
And time quickly turned back,
You are just as young and cheerful at heart,
You can’t hide your interest from your loved ones,
The bride and groom are good-looking,
Gone are the misunderstandings, jealousy, arrogance,
Always be energetic, dear ones,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy,
Let everything in your life be practical,
And only tears of happiness drip!

There's a golden time left until the wedding,
Just a little bit for both of you,
These years are so few
Our dear ones, good luck,
You've been living together for forty years,
The two of you are always side by side,
You solve adversity with a song,
After all, there is one destiny for two,
Be desirable, don’t be sad,
Life is more fun together,
Don't pay attention
You are the envious people!

For forty years you lived together,
And you deserve the ruby
The great-grandchildren are already growing up,
Grandfather and Grandma are waiting for a visit!
Kiss each other
Let neither the storm nor the evil blizzard,
They will never separate
Years of health to you!
And more earthly love,
It will still bloom for up to a hundred years,
Do not give in to evil winds,
Enjoy the good life!

Two ruby ​​rings -
A symbol of endless happiness.
For the merging of hearts,
For the shine of the rings!
You have lived to see your gray hairs,
But as cheerful as before,
Blazes like a ruby
Feelings and hopes.
Stay always
Exactly like that.
I drink my glass to the bottom for you.
Be young!
We have been keeping love for 40 years,
She shines like a star for us.
I am loved, you are loved,
So everyone is young.
We will always be young
Have fun and drink wine.

For forty years the family is big,
Celebrates with the whole crowd,
And there is very little left
Golden to you before your wedding,
Congratulations deserved
Your marriage is very good
They gave birth to glorious children,
Everyone looks like their father
Be happy, dear ones,
Make us happy every day
To love each other,
Every day is not lazy at all!

Beautiful ruby ​​wedding
Congratulations on this date!
Love each other as before
Let luck and success spin a cool waltz!
Health and success to your family
The same warm understanding!
And happiness will forever come to your home,
It’s so cozy and comfortable in it.
Raise your children to be just as honest,
Strong, brave and correct,
And your grandchildren will be great,
You will be proud of them!

Congratulations, spouses,
Let your ruby ​​shine
Let your love for each other
The snow won't cover the gray hairs!
Attraction of the heart
You have merged into one forever.
There are no stronger bonds like this -
We collectively glorify your union!

Fourty years! Like rubies in the sky,
Your little one's weddings are on fire!
Grandfather and grandmother loved very much
You've been with each other for so many years in a row!
But love extends further, -
So your eyes scream with feeling.
There is less sadness and falsehood in life,
More granddaughters and grandchildren are growing!
You share everything with them, not part
Strength, health, skill, work...
The great path to great happiness
Let him guide you everywhere and always!

Alas, not everyone can understand
How to live warmly and sweetly in marriage.
Love to give and give
Without reserve for each other!
This is no secret for you!
We respect your wisdom!
Today the marriage is 40 years old!
Congratulations on your anniversary!

This day is strewn with rubies -
Today is the ruby ​​wedding,
And a beautiful congratulation from the children
Take it quickly, mom, dad.
Soul with soul intertwined like grapes
Intertwined with spring trees
And I’m so incredibly happy about the holiday,
I wish you great fun!

Rubies are red over the Kremlin,
There are countless stars in the sky.
You have been united for forty years!
Congratulations, mother-in-law, father-in-law!
There were days of separation, sadness,
But joy drove them away;
We greeted the new day with a smile,
You gave birth to a happy daughter...
Son-in-law can't resist toasting
I'm not used to being lame in words:
Live in happiness until you are a hundred years old,
My dear father and mother!

No, not forty forty -
Forty tender years
As fate would have it, you passed next to each other,
As one - hand in hand.
May God give you the same faith
And love in boundless measure,
And a great earthly reward -
Anniversary in the distance.
So that it thunders like this one,
Gifted and illuminated,
Became a joy and a covenant,
And I didn’t diminish love.

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