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Folder - moving "labor education of children in the family and in kindergarten" material on the topic. Self-education plan “Labor education. Development of the simplest work skills in children Folder movement in work the will is cultivated

Lyubov Alexandrovna Astapova

Role labor in nurturing the will of the child.

Involving an older child preschool age to the best of our abilities systematic work necessary for its comprehensive development. Work strengthens the physical strength and health of the child. Work Requires intelligence, observation, attention from the preschooler, and trains memory. Work develops thinking - the child has to compare and contrast objects and phenomena with which he deals. Particularly important labor for moral education baby. IN independence is fostered at work, initiative and responsibility develop.

Conditions required for education of will in the process of labor.

To labor had an educational effect on the child, necessary:

In your daily routine, set aside a special time for it;

Create conditions for self-service, prepare equipment: brushes for clothes and shoes, a small broom for sweeping snow from felt boots and fur coats, small towels, install hangers at the height of the child;

Buy for labor in nature, children's watering cans, rakes, shovels, for manual labor-hammer, scissors.

Provide hygienic conditions premises: ventilation, lighting.

- systematically involve children in household activities labor: cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing small items (handkerchiefs, napkins, etc.);

Give children assignments, the fulfillment of which is included in the daily routine of the family;

Involve children of senior preschool age in caring for younger brothers and sisters;

Present uniform requirements for child labor:

Support the child’s joyful mood with your attitude and positive assessment during labor, evoke a feeling of self-confidence, a desire to earn an even higher rating;

Explain to children the meaning of work and its significance for family members in an accessible manner;

Help the child only if he really needs help;

Ensure that the child completes every task;

-work together with children;

Ensure correct rotation children's work and rest;

Childish labor as a serious matter, do not turn it into a game;

Never use work as a means of punishment.

Types used in the family labor.

In the family, preschool children participate in various types labor.

Self-service: dressing, undressing, making bed, making toys, taking care of your clothes and shoes.

Household work: helping adults in cleaning the apartment, wiping dust, sweeping the floor, washing tea dishes, setting the table; participation in cooking, washing and ironing small items; making small purchases in the store.

Manual work: craft toys from paper, wood, natural material, repair of toys, books (with the help of an adult); sewing clothes for dolls, embroidery.

Labor in nature: care of indoors plants: watering, loosening, wiping dust and spraying leaves; care for indoors animals: cooking and feeding (with the help of adults); growing seedlings for planting in the garden, flower garden; preparing beds for planting, planting seedlings, storing seeds; participation in weeding, watering, digging the earth, collecting fruits and vegetables, painting trees.

Statements from teachers

about the meaning labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

Joy labor is a powerful educational force. During childhood, every child should deeply experience this noble feeling.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The more spiritual strength the child invested in work for the sake of mother's joy, the more humanity in his heart.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

If you know how to determine the joy of a child and its strength, you should know that the highest joy is overcome difficulties, a goal achieved, a secret revealed, the joy of triumph and the happiness of independence….

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The meaning of labor

Labor - the most important means of education, starting from preschool age; In the process, the child’s personality is formed and collective relationships are formed.

The work of preschool children is the most important means of education. The entire process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treat work with love, see joy in it - necessary condition for the manifestation of the individual’s creativity and talents.

Labor has always been the basis for human life and culture.

Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person spiritually rich.

Types of labor

Various types of work are not the same in their pedagogical capabilities, their meaning changes at one or another age stage. If, for example, self-service has greater educational significance in junior groups- it teaches children to be independent, equips them with skills to overcome difficulties, then at the stage of senior preschool age this work does not require effort, it becomes habitual for children.

Self-service– This is a constant work on the cleanliness of the body, on the order of the suit, the readiness to do everything necessary for this and to do it without demands from the outside, from the internal need, to observe hygienic rules. It is clear that such an attitude of children towards self-care work can be achieved through painstaking, systematic work in kindergarten and family.

Self-care is the main type of work of a small child. Teaching children to dress themselves, wash themselves, eat, and put toys away after themselves develops their independence, less dependence on an adult, self-confidence, desire and ability to overcome obstacles.

Children's work in nature

Labor in nature is associated with expanding children's horizons, obtaining accessible knowledge, for example, about soil, planting material, labor processes, and tools. Working in nature contributes to the development of observation and curiosity in children, instills in them an interest in agricultural work and respect for the people who do it. Working in nature helps to cultivate love for it.

Manual labor - develops children's constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work, readiness for it, to cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, more graceful, more accurate).

In the process of work, children become familiar with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with certain tools, and learn to treat materials, objects of labor, and tools with care.

Through experience, children learn elementary concepts about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, a variety of things can be made from it. Thus, while learning to make useful items from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, and glued.

The joy of work is a powerful educational force. During childhood, a child must deeply experience this noble feeling.

The richness of human relationships is spread through work. It is impossible to cultivate a love of work if the child does not feel the beauty of this relationship.

“A person needs free labor in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity”

Working with family

Labor is of particular importance in the process of moral education of a child. Work develops such personality qualities as responsibility, hard work, discipline, independence and initiative.

Performing certain feasible work duties helps to develop a child’s sense of responsibility, goodwill, and responsiveness. For the formation of all these qualities, the family has the most favorable conditions. Here all affairs and concerns are common. Working together with parents or other family members encourages the child to help each other, to do something for everyone. Thus, he lays the foundations of the moral qualities necessary for life in society.

How to introduce a child to work?

In a family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: cooking, cleaning the apartment, washing clothes, sewing. Observing how adults perform these everyday tasks gradually helps the child understand their importance and the parents’ attitude to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the store for groceries. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature. So that the example of family members becomes a guide to action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions and try to help their parents. Thus, the child is gradually involved in joint work with adults.

It is also necessary for parents to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with their work in production, what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; Dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

Through the work of adults, the child will be taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this. When walking with your child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only in the trash can, and also pay attention to how clean the streets are washed. Your child will be interested to know that a janitor keeps the streets clean. A clean street is the result of his work. The janitor gets up before everyone else and, when the children go to school for kindergarten, he has already finished his work. Buying bread. The bread factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the bread was loaded by loaders, and the sellers put it on shelves in the sales area. Works will help expand a child’s understanding of the work of adults fiction, illustrations, paintings.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in household work. Children's interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness to others is obvious. Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are based only on orders: >, >, >, then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, say, while doing carpentry, not only asks to bring some kind of tool, but also teaches the child how to use it. When entrusting children with this or that task, adults must take into account their age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler completes them with interest.

In order for children to master the correct techniques for performing a particular type of work, so that they are willing to work, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

Labor of children to the family; organized by adults, brings the child closer together, promotes the influence of the adult, but his interests and needs. It is especially valuable if parents are able to promote in the process of work the development in children of a desire for activities that are useful for the family: to do something for their younger brother, a gift for their mother, a friend, etc.


Thus, work activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. The main developmental function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. . In addition, abilities, skills and abilities are developed in the process of work. IN labor activity new types of thinking are being formed. As a result of collective work, the child gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation, which improves the child’s adaptation in society.

Labor education of children in the family and in kindergarten

In a family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: cooking, cleaning the house, washing clothes, sewing. Observing how adults perform these everyday tasks gradually helps the child understand their importance and the parents’ attitude to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the store for groceries. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature.

So that the example of family members becomes a guide to action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions and try to help their parents. Thus, the child is gradually involved in joint work with adults.

Parents also need to remember the importance of familiarizing their child withtheir work in production, what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; Dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

In the process, the child develops respect for the work of all people.

The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this.

When walking with your child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only in the trash can, in addition,pay attention to how clean the streets are washed. The baby will be interestedfind out that a janitor keeps the streets clean. A clean street is the result of his work.

The janitor gets up before everyone else and, when the children go to school for kindergarten, he has already finished his work. Buying bread. The bread factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the bread was loaded by loaders, and the sellers put it on the shelves in the store. Works of fiction, illustrations, and paintings will help expand a child’s understanding of the work of adults.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in household work. But he does not always willingly perform certain duties. To interest children; it is necessary to explain in a way that a child of this age can understand the significance ofupcoming work, its result. “If you don’t change the water in a vase of flowers, the flowers will wither.” Children’s interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness for others is obvious: “It’s good that Katya put away the dishes, now everyone can relax after lunch.”

Even if the bookmark, fork stand or pincushion made by a child is imperfect, parents should appreciate his work and desiredo something for others and be sure to use this thing in everyday life.

Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are based only on the orders: “Give!”, “Hold!”, “Hold!”, then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, say, while doing carpentry, not only asks to bring some kind of tool, but also teaches the child how to use it.

When entrusting children with this or that task, adults must take into account their age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler completes them with interest. Older preschoolers must systematically participate in household work (taking out the trash can, washing tea utensils, tending to the bread, etc.), i.e., have assignments that require completion over a long period of time and without reminders.

As you have seen, work activity is one of the important factors in personal development. By getting involved in the labor process, a child radically changes his entire understanding of himself and the world around him.

Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work activity, which in turn changes authoritychild in kindergarten. The main developmental function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, abilities, skills and abilities are developed in the process of work. New types of thinking are formed in work activity. As a result of collective work, the child gains skills in work, communication, cooperation, which improves the child’s adaptation in society.

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