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Wise birthday wishes for a friend. Wishes, wise sayings. Wise congratulations to a friend on her birthday

A birthday is the day when we turn another page in our lives and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different greetings for your friends, family, loved ones and loved ones. Joking, having fun, coming up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes will be inappropriate, and for a person much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise birthday greeting.

So, if the birthday is for the head of your family, or for your boss, or for a family friend, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and choose Nice words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings from great writers, critics, musicians, and artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it’s best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find a lot beautiful ideas Wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find a whole treasure trove of interesting sayings and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must correspond to the text. Speak evenly, look the birthday person in the eyes. Don’t even think about telling jokes - the public may not accept them. Finish congratulations sincere wishes, but under no circumstances touch upon the personal life of the birthday boy - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It could be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy the birthday person a ticket to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also gain spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

To live life wisely,
There is a lot to know.
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you only the best in life!
Your age – 33 – is the age of Christ,
It's time to rethink your life!

Your life experience is rich
Has not weakened or faded away,
And today we are with this date
We heartily congratulate you!

At 18, life is like a garden.
And it reminds me of spring,
But don't forget the main thing:
The one who works gets happiness!

I wish you inspiration
And I want to wish you health,
Well, the main thing in life is luck!
So, friend, don’t be discouraged!

If, son, you have decided something -
Then you always just go forward!
We wish you to be happy
And also - may you be lucky!

Life is wise, son, don’t forget,
Let all good things happen!
Never, please, do not be discouraged,
And don’t know about melancholy and sadness!

Coming of age is a wonderful time
All tasks will be manageable then
And you can move any mountain -
Know that this path will be so beautiful!

May luck follow you,
May only happiness await you along the way,
Let your love warm you,
Happiness and fun will happen again and again!

Let the years rush by - no problem;
Time heals the wound.
And let them go forever
Adversity and fog.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
On this day we wish that
Whatever you want yourself.

Let them hurry, let the years fly by -
We can't stop them!
But may you always be young!
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

We won't judge by age
According to the number of years that have passed!
If you are still full of vigor -
This means there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow!
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

As you grow up, you begin to understand
That life can be very difficult sometimes,
You have to believe and suffer -
It’s simply impossible to do otherwise!

I really want to tell you:
Egor, dream, and what you ask will come true,
After all, there is a lot to learn in life,
When you bring her your gifts!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the simple rules,
And carry it through your life
Always dignity and strength!

Egor, I want to tell you,
That anything can happen in life,
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And life is easy and prosperous!

It happens that during some communication you need to say a wish. Sometimes this puts you in a difficult position. We offer wishes (wise sayings) for various occasions in poetry and prose. Can be used for the game "Christian Post".


Write various wishes on cards or beautifully designed cards. When communicating, arrange them so that what is written is not visible. Invite everyone to choose a card with a wish.

// option

Start the same way as the first one. But after everyone chooses a wish, let him think about who he would like to give this wish (statement), sign it to the recipient and you collect all the cards. After this you will be in the role of a postman, i.e. read out the names or distribute these cards.

1. A true Christian loves not because it is beneficial to him, but because he finds happiness in love itself.

2. The wicked pursue virtue more than the good love it.

4. And the copper foreheads sparkle.

5. Evil makes enemies friends, but only this friendship is short-lived.

6. God always speaks to those who have time to listen.

7. God gives us time, but only one minute at a time.

8. And a toothless person can and should keep his mouth shut when no one needs his words.

9. The fruit of a person's life is his good name.

10. Self-adoration is a sad example of how a person wastes his love on the unworthy.

11. And there are spots in the sun, but there is no dry cleaning there.

12. Even direct current has two poles: positive and negative.

13. Without repentance - there is no forgiveness, Without forgiveness - there is no salvation.

14. Anger does not see where the brothers are, where the enemies are. If you are angry, run away from yourself.

15. As is your deed, such is your reward.

16. Although the sun is covered with clouds, But this is unlikely to last forever.

17. What could be worse than having blind eyes? A blind heart is a hundred times worse.

18. Nothing is nice to an envious person:

He will die - his grave is too small.

19. You wish a deaf person a happy journey, and he will decide that you are scolding him.

20. The only reason the scoundrel sat on your neck is because you did him a lot of good deeds.

21. A snake is not a friend to a snake, Evil people do not love each other.

22. If you do a service to bad people, they will think that you are a sycophant.

23. It is better to forgive a lot than to condemn a lot.

24. At least exalt the deaf, at least respect him, but you won’t give him your mind.

25. Praising yourself is a waste of time. If you are good, they will understand.

26. The son is unlikely to satisfy his hunger with the Thought that his father has eaten and is full.

27. A fool hoped for a pie and did not save the cracker.

28. Sometimes even a mouse is brave, When there is a hole nearby.

29. For everything, brother, except good deeds, you need to know the measure and limit.

30. An opponent pointing out mistakes to you

Much more helpful than a friend who covers for them.

31. It is not the one who is stupid who does not make mistakes, but the one who does not learn from mistakes.

32. Those who have nothing to do gossip about those who are too busy.

33. An educated person is modest, A wide river is calm.

34. Wisdom is the daughter of experience.

35. Better an empty wallet than an empty head.

36. What three people know, everyone knows.

37. To believe in goodness, you must start doing it.

38. Children, value your parents’ blessings more than your inheritance.

39. Truth is like the rising sun, from which you cannot cover it with your palm.

40. Do you want people to talk well about you? Don't say anything good about yourself.

41. No matter where danger threatens us, publicity greatly reduces it.

42. Live in such a way that it remains in your memory, so that in the sorrowful hour of your departure, our world would not be freed from you, but you would be freed from it.

43. Appreciate the days of life, even the bitter ones. Having left, they will not return.

44. Look - youth has passed Faster than a passed pass.

45. The young one will come - call: there is work, And the gray-haired one will come - call to eat porridge.

46. ​​Speak not about what you read, but about what you understood.

47. Don’t give hope to an unfinished building.

48. The new broom sweeps well, but the old one sees where the trash is.

49. When they slander your friend, they slander you.

50. Not knowing is not a shame, it’s a shame not to ask.

51. Respect others in order to be respected.

52. It takes two people to quarrel. Never be one of them.

53. Love is service of the highest order.

54. Be afraid of those who don’t like to look people in the eye.

55. Saw - believe, heard - check.

56. The most useful study is studying yourself. This science is enough for a lifetime.

57. Sincerity is the mother of truth and the calling card of an honest person.

58. The best pleasure and the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people.

59. Sharpness can also be dull.

60. What is naive at 18 years old is stupidity at 30.

61. A resolution is like a dead body: they take it out - they make a noise, they take it out and forget it.

62. Even direct current has its pros and cons, but what about a person?

63. Man is the crown of creation. Thorn.

64. Previously, eternal thoughts were written with goose feathers, but now goose thoughts are written with “eternal” feathers.

65. Flaws are always abundant where love is scarce.

66. To keep silent about the truth means to bury gold in the ground.

67. Truth is like good medicine: drinking it is unpleasant, but when you drink it, it cures the disease.

68. The severity of teachers is more useful than the affection of parents.

69. Many people dream of immortality, but don’t know what to do on a rainy Sunday day.

70. A starving person knows what food is. The sufferer knows what trouble is.

71. Roses of joy with thorns of troubles have existed for a long time.

72. Slander and malice of two-faced people are not afraid of the good glory of great men.

73. The good thing you are ready to do is more pleasing to God than a thousand words.

74. The thorn has poison on the outside, the enemy has poison on the inside, and this is worse.

75. There is no delay for a good deed.

76. And repentance is of little use, If repentance is late.

77. You can’t build a bridge from words - you need logs.

78. Many stars are the decoration of the sky, And a lot of knowledge is the decoration of the mind.

79. The water of the source did not turn into mud if the dog drank from it.

80. If you were unfaithful to someone, who can be sure of you?

81. Anyone who falls into water is no longer afraid of rain.

82. An idle life is premature old age.

83. Don’t expect anything good from a tribe where there are stupid leaders.

84. Humility of the soul is an indestructible weapon.

85. Why does this happen: you speak straight, but it comes out sideways.

86. Even the sea does not like garbage and throws it ashore.

87. The human word, like a charge, does not come back.

88. Don’t waste your words,

Know more than you speak.

89. It is better to do and be silent, Than not to do and shout.

90. The road is overcome only by those who walk slowly, but slowly.

91. Do not waste time, for time is the material from which life is woven.

92. Sincerity in attitude, truth in promise - this is true friendship.

93. Let a trace of spiritual purity appear in everything you do.

94. Everything comes on time for those who know how to wait.

95. It is better to listen to a friend’s reproaches than to lose him.

96. The road to a friend’s house is never long.

97. Remember that your unrestrained word can later come back to you in misfortune again.

98. Youth is not an age, but a state of mind.

99. It can sometimes be difficult to speak wisely. But it is even more difficult to remain silent wisely.

100. Life is a candle: first - a whole one, then - half, and then - a stub and... the end.

101. I don’t want to go through any road again like the road of life.

102. Truth is strong because it is not justified.

103. Like bread without rain, so we cannot grow without sorrows.

104. True humility cannot lead to despair.

105. Talking about love is good, But living out of love is even better.

106. A Christian should never, under any circumstances, stop bearing fruit.

107. How often does the Lord send us losses in order to Himself enter our orphaned heart.

108. In order for you to learn humility, prepare to face difficulties.

109. Do good, without considering to whom. The good that you have done will not be lost, although you have forgotten about it.

110. The Bible is the window through which we look into eternity.

111. Think about what you say, even when you joke.

112. Humility is the absence of anxiety.

113. An angry person ages quickly. Don't forget this.

114. A friend’s shoulder is a good support, but if you abuse it, you will lose your friend.

115. It is not easy to be the right hand of an armless boss.

116. In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself.

117. The greatest and most wonderful things happen in the simplicity of our everyday life.

118. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

120. Silence is reasonable. And judging by this criterion, there are very few reasonable people.

121. Everyone sees a hero, few see a person.

122. Every Christian daily occupies a pulpit somewhere and preaches some kind of sermon.

123. Smile at your neighbor and he will smile at you.

124. Replacing a question mark with an exclamation mark does not mean solving the problem.

125. Whoever marries the “spirit of the times” will soon become a widower.

126. It is easier to raise a boy than to re-educate a man.

127. A small stone is more dangerous than a large one - it is easier to throw.

128. Everything that begins with malice ends in shame.

129. Prayer in the morning is the key to the problems of the day, and in the evening it is an iron bolt for security at night.

130. Know how to thank your elders for teaching you. A grateful soul will never be at a loss.

131. You will become a real person only when you know what “difficult” is.

132. Not everything that is picked up somewhere is a find.

133. Prayer is a sigh and a glance raised to God.

134. The Bible should serve us not only as a means of information, but also as a means of transformation.

135. If youth did not leave, would it be so beautiful?

136. He who looks down on others usually does not know how highly he himself stands.

137. Thoughts swarm, but words sting.

138. As are the thoughts in a person’s soul, so is he.

139. Everything that you can give to your neighbor will be returned to you by the Lord’s grace.

140. Not the friend who smears honey, But the friend who tells the truth.

141. Seeing through a person means not seeing the person himself.

142. A big heart, like the ocean, never freezes.

143. Let him tell about the service not the one who provided it, but the one who received it.

144. You cannot collect spilled water.

145. Family scenes require neither rehearsals nor directors.

147. It is possible to love those who hate you, but it is impossible to love those whom you hate.

148. God does not want only to hurt our pride. He wants to kill her. Only after this will God’s grace begin to act in a person’s life.

150. For our interlocutor to comprehend our thought, we need a heart rather than a tongue.

151. A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

2. Envelope

Prepare envelopes in advance according to the number of people participating in the game, and each subsequent one should be slightly larger than the previous one, so that the smaller one can be enclosed in the larger one.

On each envelope write who it is addressed to and decorate it colorfully. In each of them, put a piece of paper with a task consisting of two points. The first indicates what the person must do, the second - to whom to pass the envelope next.

For example: Write on the largest envelope TO WHOM; Give to the birthday boy

Hand the envelope to the birthday person and offer to take out a piece of paper with the task from the first envelope.

1. How old are you today? Are you glad to see so many guests?

Invite everyone to sing the youth anthem.

2. Tell your friend.

There is no need to say out loud who the next envelope is intended for, but just look carefully at everyone and hand over to its destination an envelope smaller than the first one, on which it is written

Possible variant games:

1. TO WHOM: Give to the birthday boy

1. How old are you today? What changes have occurred in you over the past year? Are you happy with today?

2. Give the next envelope to your friend.

2. TO: Friend

1. How long have you been friends? What character trait do you like in a friend?

2. Give the next envelope to the person who is most attentive.

3. TO WHOM: To the most attentive

1. Why did you listen so carefully? Birthday wish.

2. Pass it to the neighbor on the left.

4. TO WHOM: Neighbor on the left

1. Why did you sit next to me? Is this a coincidence? Birthday wish.

2. Tell someone who didn’t listen to you, but talked.

5. TO WHOM: The most talkative

1. Read the following saying aloud and explain it: “The art of speaking sometimes greatly harms the ability to listen.”

Birthday wish.

2. Give it to the funniest one.

6. TO WHOM: The most fun

1. What is the reason for your joy? Tell a funny story. Birthday wish.

2. Pass it on to the most musical one.

7. TO WHOM: To the most musical

1. Offer a psalm for congregational singing. Birthday wish.

2. Pass it on to the most curious person.

8. TO: The most curious

1. Do you like treats? Birthday wish.

2. At the end of the conversation, you will help the hostess clear the table.

Birthday is a very personal holiday, a solemn and bright day, on which you once saw the light for the first time, and the light - you were very surprised that there could be such good people in the world! Today we wish you a cheerful, free life and the fulfillment of all your dreams!

For some reason, on our birthday, we so love to sum up life’s results and make plans... Well, well! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to always achieve your goals as a winner crowned with happiness!

It is known that the holiday begins in the soul, and then is transferred to the real world... And it seems to me that today you have a cocktail of fireworks and fireworks in your soul! Happy Birthday, dear man! Accept the wish to live in an adventure style, where the route is the whole world, and the reward is simple human happiness!

Happy Birthday. Sit quietly, listen to the silence and think, think about life. Take stock of this year, which has clearly been interesting and varied. Remember your dreams, goals, plans. Set yourself a goal for this year and work hard to achieve it. Then thank the Lord for another year of living, and accept my wishes. I wish to forget about bad luck, grief, sadness, just erase these words from your life. Persistently achieve what you set your mind to. Give your love without demanding anything in return and you will receive twice as much love and affection. Rejoice for the success of your family and friends from the bottom of your heart. Thank the Lord for every new day. Believe in success. And life will become a fairy tale!

May your birthday be filled with sunshine and warm heartfelt wishes. Let your life be like a rainbow - every day becomes a new, bright, happy streak. Happy holiday to you!

They say from time immemorial that they like to compare humans with animals... He has the eye of an eagle. This one has the heart of a lion... Well, and you... if you think carefully, you are a fantastic and diverse animal, with which I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you the same varied happiness!

What magic happened to you? You are simply shining today! Feminine wisdom has increased in your eyes, deeply enchanting, like forest lakes, and your smile is like rays of sunshine for our society... Accept Happy Birthday, most beautiful! Be happy and loved!

They say how you spend your birthday will be the same for the rest of the year. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one after another. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only good people meet on your way and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don’t know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood and a smile on your face. And believe that success will definitely come into your life, and take your friend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole carriage. And many pleasant surprises!

Sometimes it seems to me that you were brought not by a stork, but by an eagle, you are such a freedom-loving and brave, proud and courageous person! So may happiness wink at you on your birthday and give you everything and more for a long, prosperous life in which the sun always shines!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. They are the ones who speak about true feelings and thoughts, they stronger than words and are the criterion of truth. What do actions say? That we, the guests, put aside urgent matters, cleaned up the parade, polished our shoes, put on formal dresses, took the bus, then the metro and came here to congratulate the “newborn”. And this means that he is dear to us. Let's toast him, for his good health!

Happy birthday! Your age is simply wonderful, it’s time to paint a family portrait! Masculinity is blossoming, wisdom is in the eyes... it seems that if you turn off the light, they will light up like a tiger’s! Do you believe in omens? All those gathered for your holiday have a premonition... that something wonderful, extraordinary awaits you! And also... anticipation... that the birthday cake is very tasty...

One old parable says that one day a snake crawled to God and asked him to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the snake and turned it into a woman, saying: “Go and feel sorry for the people.” The next day, a gentle dove flew to God and also asked: “Turn me into a beautiful woman.” And God also listened to her and turned her into a woman, saying: “Go and bring good to people.” Since then, two beautiful women have lived in the world: one with a black soul, the second with a white one. I don’t have the slightest doubt that our dear birthday girl is that same affectionate and kind dove. So let's wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!

Wise birthday wishes lift the birthday person’s spirits and tactfully point out opportunities and directions for further growth and development. Our diplomatic birthday greetings will help you congratulate a man or woman on his name day, Angel's Day and any other holiday.

Congratulations and birthday wishes

Congratulations in verse

Some people are born to achieve success all their lives,

You reached him jokingly.

It means fate loves you.

We love you too:

Please accept my sincere congratulations,

These beautiful flowers!

Prosper, Fragrance,

Create heaven on Earth with God's help!

Be like a rainbow on a rainy day

Be like a fly in a barrel of honey!

Make even the shadow of a tree happy with you,

Show how magnificent Nature has created you!

Happy holiday, dear!

CONGRATULATIONS to Marita on the successful birth of her son!
Happy 1st birthday to Marina, Eleniel’s daughter!
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You have become a little older and wiser.

Only a year has passed since the last name day,

But you have matured by 10 years.

We know that you have become stronger, more beautiful -

You have many advantages.

But remember the main thing - FAMILY:

You have WE

You can rely on us.

Happy birthday!

I'm in a daze

I'm trembling on your birthday

From joyful excitement -

I want to say,

Cool Congratulations
3 Happy birthday greetings in prose and poetry

I don’t have so many words,

To express to you 1 simple thing,

But an important thought:

"I appreciate you very much

And I love you very much!”

Yes, best gift on your birthday it’s Love.

But I didn’t forget about the cake - here it is!

So you, the birthday boy, have all the reasons and sweets to be happy!

Holiday wishes in prose, SMS

Everything in life moves in a spiral - one fine day you were born. Today is your birthday - and the energy that the Lord God gave you on this day is with you again. So invest it in something worthwhile - something that will be the beginning of something great and exciting in your life.

Name day is a great holiday for you. After all, according to statistical research Those people who have a lot of everything live the longest. Live long, happily and in abundance of both moral and material benefits!

Although I am not a diplomat, I remember for sure that today is the date of your birth, but I forgot how old you are, my love. But what difference does it make - how much? It’s important that you look 20, but next to you I feel like 15!

Your birthday is just day 1 of a long 365-day journey around the sun. Dear birthday boy! Enjoy every moment of this amazing voyage!

You look so young, darling, that I simply forgot about your birthday!

May your name day be full of pleasant discoveries and fruitful communication!

I want to express my gratitude to the stork who gave you a lift to your parents: they raised a wonderful guy, unique in every way!

I wish you get what you want. You are mine best friend, so I wish you the best on your holiday.

If fate beautiful shape, but the content is incomprehensible, something needs to be done about it. For example, start life over. Don't be afraid to start and try something new!

I go to card stores just to read those cool inscriptions and wishes on the birthday cards. And I want to dedicate one of them to you: “Just as Thomas Addison gave the world electric light, so you illuminate my life in an incredible way.”

Dear newborn! If your beloved girl gave you an unfortunate gift (for example, a hairdryer) on Angel's Day, then this is not a reason to throw a tantrum. Just think how much effort and money, and most importantly, love, she put into him! Appreciate her good intentions! Well, at the same time, don’t forget to ask for a receipt to return the gift to the store...

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