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How to wash a shirt collar and cuffs - tips. How to properly wash a collar on a shirt: available methods

Updated: 10/18/2018

Washing machine- a brilliant invention that made caring for clothes as easy as possible. But machine washing does not always help get rid of the dirty streak remaining on the collar of a shirt. Therefore, the question of how to wash a shirt collar is relevant for many.

To avoid having to rewash your shirts, you need to prepare your clothes for washing. Here are some useful tips:

  • Try not to accumulate large amounts of laundry. Sweat, dirt, and grease are absorbed into the fabric, making it more difficult to remove dirt. Therefore, do not “store” dirty laundry for a long time, wash it more often;
  • Carefully read the recommendations on the product label; some items require special care. For example, bleaches cannot be used for all types of fabric;
  • Sort the laundry correctly; the drum with white laundry should not get caught in the red sock;
  • To ensure that the shirt retains its shape, fasten it with all the buttons and turn it inside out;
  • Pre-treat the collar and cuffs of the shirt with a soft brush, this will remove dust or particles of exfoliating epidermis.
  • Work with bleaching and cleansing compounds in rubber gloves, otherwise the skin on your hands will become dry and irritation may occur.

Household chemicals

Most modern housewives actively use household chemicals. How to wash a collar and cuffs using special products? Very simple! It is enough to purchase the appropriate composition and follow the instructions printed on the packaging.

  • Antipyatin. The product is available in the form of solid soap, powder and washing gel. It is suitable for all types of fabric, as it does not destroy the structure of the material and does not discolor.
  • Whiteness. This type of household chemical is chosen if you need to not only wash, but also bleach the collar of a white shirt. However, you must remember that improper use of the product destroys the shirt fabric. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions.
    To get rid of grayness and yellowness, prepare a solution at the rate of a tablespoon of Whiteness per five liters of water. Soak the laundry in this solution for an hour. For local whitening of collars, a piece of clean gauze folded in several layers is soaked in the solution. A strip of gauze is placed on a cloth laid out on a horizontal surface.
  • Vanish. This product is suitable for white and colored fabrics. There is no chlorine in the composition; active oxygen has the main effect on the fabric. Available in several forms - liquid, gel, powder, spray and capsules for laying in washing machine. Choose a washing method depending on the degree of grease on the collars.
    If they are practically clean, then prepare a solution at the rate of two measuring spoons per five liters of water and soak the shirt for one hour ( white thing can be kept in solution longer - up to six hours). Heavily contaminated collars are washed differently, the powder is diluted with water to form a thick paste, and it is applied to the contaminated areas. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and wash the item as usual.
  • Sarma. These are products of a domestic manufacturer. To wash shirt collars, you can purchase Sarma soap - whitening or anti-stain. It is also recommended to use a stain remover or bleach. Use according to instructions.

Available means

Some people do not use household chemicals due to allergies or other reasons. How can you wash a shirt collar without using special products? There are washing methods that allow you to tidy up a greasy collar without using household chemicals.


Ammonia solution is a good bleach; it perfectly dissolves organic contaminants - fat and sweat. How to wash the collar of a white shirt using ammonia? The recipe is simple:

  • mix 300 ml of ammonia and water solution;
  • add 75 grams of regular table salt and stir;
  • soak the problematic parts of the shirt (collar, cuffs) in the solution;
  • stand for one hour;
  • rinse the fabric;
  • wash the shirt as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to bleach a shirt collar using hydrogen peroxide? For washing, you should use a 3% peroxide solution (sold in pharmacies). You can take hydroperite tablets and prepare the solution yourself by dissolving six tablets in 100 ml of cold water.

Then you need to prepare a soap solution using any washing powder or laundry soap. Mix equal volumes of soap and peroxide solutions. Apply the solution to the contaminated areas. After half an hour, rinse the item with water and wash it in a machine or by hand.

Laundry soap

How to wash cuffs? There can be a variety of stains on this part of the shirt. The most universal laundry detergent is regular laundry soap. Necessary:

  • lightly wash the shirt in hot water;
  • Rub the cuffs thickly with laundry soap;
  • put the item in a plastic bag and pack it carefully (try to keep the packaging as airtight as possible;
  • After an hour and a half, remove the item and wash it by hand or in a machine.

Lemon or vinegar

There is not always time to soak things in bleach solutions for a long time. Let's look at how to quickly wash a shirt collar. In this case, it is best to use lemon juice or table vinegar.

You just need to soak a cotton swab or gauze in an acidic liquid and wipe the dirty strip on your collar with it. After ten minutes, you can machine wash the shirt. You can use 9% vinegar instead of lemon juice.

Whatever collar detergent you choose, do not scrub the fabric too hard. This will damage the fabric fibers. It is best to use a brush with soft artificial bristles for washing.

If you follow our tips, your shirt collars and cuffs will look perfect.

An integral part of dress code, white shirts can cause a lot of inconvenience. They get dirty surprisingly quickly and are quite difficult to wash. In hot weather, traces of dirt and sweat form on the shirt collar, which strongly eat into the fabric, leaving visible dirt. These recommendations will help you remove the yellow stripe from your shirt collar without ruining its shape.

Returning the original color to the collar of a white shirt should be approached separately. Often, if you don’t pay enough attention to it, you can find that after washing there are traces of grease or other contaminants.

  • Try not to wear shirts for more than one day. Despite their visual cleanliness, during wear they absorb traces of dirt and sweat; dirty shirts are much more difficult to wash and have an unpleasant odor.
  • Before washing, sort items by shade and texture of fabric. If you do not know how the fabric behaves when washed and whether it fades, wash such items separately. Clothes that are similar in color, if they do not fade, can be washed together. So, by turning off the spin function, at a low temperature you can wash the blue shirt from dirt along with the white one.
  • Don't shy away from surface cleaning; rub the shirt with a brush to remove dead skin and external dirt.
  • When washing, follow the recommendations on the label.
  • Delicate fabrics are best cleaned without using a washing machine.
  • Before washing, it is necessary to wash the white collar from visible traces of dirt and soak the clothes briefly.
  • When soaking clothes, try to completely immerse them in water, otherwise there is a risk of streaks.
  • Pay attention to what exactly you plan to wash your clothes with. You can bleach the collar of a white shirt at home using a variety of means. Today, modern manufacturers offer a large selection of different household laundry products; make sure that they are suitable for the required color and fabric.

How to wash a white shirt collar

  1. The most common option for removing stains on a shirt is to use stain removers. Professional cleaning products are made taking into account the characteristics of the fabric and perfectly remove traces of any dirt from clothes.
  2. Laundry soap is also excellent for hand washing and soaking.
  3. White or bleach will help you wash the collar and cuffs of a white shirt. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for all types of fabric.
  4. Dirt on the collar can be easily washed off from white items using folk remedies. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, or even dishwashing detergent will help you cope with this task.

Household chemicals

First, make sure that using your cleaning product will not damage the fabric. To do this, read the washing instructions written on the tag.

Clothes made from delicate fabrics and synthetics should not be cleaned with chlorine-containing or bleaching agents. Oxygen-based whitening is suitable for these purposes. Apply a small amount of this bleach to the yellowed areas of the collar and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then wash the shirt.

Sweat and excess sebum form the main stains on the collar. Regular shampoo can remove them. Dilute a little shampoo in warm water and apply the solution to the stains. After 20 minutes, the shirt can be washed in any convenient way.

For particularly difficult stains, use special products such as Antipyatin soap. Apply it to dirty areas and leave for half an hour, then rinse the item thoroughly.

To clean fresh stains, you can use dishwashing detergents. Using a sponge and warm water, whip up foam, apply it to the stain and apply lightly, then rinse under running water.

Available means

When for some reason you cannot use special household chemicals, you can make do with improvised means:

  • Regular lemon juice will help you clean your collar easily. Wipe the dirt with a slice of lemon and after 10-20 minutes, rinse it in running, warm water. This will help get rid of visible dirt.
  • Such products as talc, starch, baby powder mixed with table salt will help clean stains. The proportions should be one to one, and the amount should be sufficient to cover the stain completely. A few hours before washing, treat the collar of your shirt with it; immediately before washing, you need to clean the desired areas from the mixture with a brush.
  • Using a soft cloth or piece of cotton wool, apply table vinegar to the collar, and after 10-20 minutes, rinse it under running water. With its help, you can easily remove greasy stains from a shirt. You can also add a little vinegar to the washing machine drum during washing, it will soften the water.
  • A solution of water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions is excellent in combating stains on the collar. Using a soft cloth, apply it to the dirt and after 5 minutes rinse with water.

Features of removing various contaminants

When removing stains for greater efficiency, you should also take into account the type of specific stain and remove it in the best possible way:

  1. Wash the collar on a white shirt from greasy stains Products containing acids will help.
  2. Bleach will cope with most stains, provided that their use does not damage the fabric.
  3. Traces of food can be removed with simple washing powder or laundry soap.

If there is particularly heavy soiling, it is necessary to soak the shirt, having previously washed away the stains on it.

Removing old stains

When it was not possible to clean the shirt in time and the dirt has become embedded in the structure of the fabric, then remove yellow spots on the collar it is much more difficult.

We offer several of the simplest and most effective ways to deal with old stains:

  1. Grate a quarter of a piece of laundry soap and dissolve them in warm water. Treat the stain with soap or toothpaste, then soak the shirt for several hours in the prepared solution. Wash and rinse the item until dirt and soap traces are completely removed.
  2. This method is only suitable for white shirts made of non-delicate fabric. To do this, prepare a solution containing table salt along with ammonia; ammonia perfectly removes dirt from white things, but it can have a strong effect on the structure of the fabric.
  3. The required proportion of salt and alcohol is 1 to 4. Wash particularly strong stains with the solution, then rinse the item thoroughly. It is necessary to dry clothes after such washing in the fresh air.

How to wash sweat from a collar

A collar yellow from sweat can be washed off quite simply using household chemicals or folk remedies. But, if you only need to remove sweat stains (they can also be on the armpits or other places).

Mix baking soda and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, dilute the mixture with half a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent. Moisten the dirty area and apply the resulting paste onto it. After 10-15 minutes, wash in a way convenient for you.

How to remove makeup stains on a collar

Helps remove traces of makeup from cuffs and collars baking soda and lemon juice. Cosmetics, especially high-quality ones, are strongly absorbed into the fabric. First, wash off such stains with laundry soap, then mix baking soda and lemon juice until it becomes a thick porridge.

Rub the resulting mixture into the stain until traces of cosmetics “float”; when the stain begins to spread, shake off the old mixture and apply a new one. Repeat the process until the item is completely clean. After which you need to do normal washing.

Turpentine will help dissolve even the most stubborn makeup. Apply a little turpentine to a rag and work the stain on the back of the garment until it begins to spread. Use a dry napkin to blot the stain from the front side, transferring some of the cosmetics onto it, and change the napkin as it gets dirty.

Before washing white items, get rid of stains, otherwise there is a risk that traces of cosmetics will “transfer” to other items.

How to maintain the look of a collar

  • Remember that shirts are worn for no more than one day.
  • Before washing your shirt in the machine, fasten all zippers and buttons.
  • Always make sure to properly wash and iron your shirt according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Ironing is safer on the reverse side.
  • When washing, add a little vinegar or water softener.

It is not always possible to perfectly wash the collar of a light shirt, especially if the item is beloved and often worn. There are many ways to give back fresh look collar, but be prepared to work a little. So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Choosing methods

The collar and cuffs of a white shirt are the most vulnerable places, so they will have to be restored to their whiteness by special washing and soaking.

  1. Modern bleaches and stain removers will help you wash greasy areas. For example, Vanish, beloved by many housewives, will cope with this task perfectly. Just follow the instructions and never try to experiment with household chemicals. Otherwise, you will be in your favorite thing at the dacha to harvest.
  2. Generously rub the dirty areas with laundry soap and leave for a couple of hours for the dirt to acidify. Many experienced housewives successfully use Antipyatin instead of laundry soap. Then you can safely machine wash using normal detergent. To be on the safe side, go through areas where dirt accumulates with a clothes brush before washing. Just be careful not to rub too hard so as not to damage the material. If you are not very confident in the power of laundry soap, try washing off dark streaks with dishwashing gel, because its intended purpose is to dissolve all kinds of fats. And dirt on the collar is nothing more than sebum mixed with sweat and dust.
  3. Moisten the fabric, sprinkle the collar with talcum powder, and try washing it in the morning. True, this method is effective only for minor stains.

Before washing, treat with a special solution:

  • Mix a tablespoon of salt with 4 tablespoons of water, add the same amount of ammonia. The mixture for removing greasy spots from shirt collars is ready.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can restore snow-whiteness to the collar. Before processing, add 4 tbsp to 50 ml of peroxide. spoons of concentrated solution of laundry soap (grate, dissolve in hot water). Half an hour after application, you can wash the shirt as usual.
  • Just moisten the material with vinegar, leave for 15 minutes, then begin to wash the entire product.
  • Before choosing a treatment product, be sure to pay attention to what material the item is made of and how and with what it can be washed. This information can be easily found on a special label sewn on the collar of the shirt.
  • First, brush the dry but still dirty collar with a clothes brush to get rid of dead skin particles. Due to the friction of the material against the skin, a kind of peeling occurs; the released scales of the epidermis are comfortably placed between the fibers of the fabric, collecting sweat, dust and forming unsightly dark stripes. It is these that every housewife strives to wash by any means.
  • Try light shirts change every day so that the collar does not get greasy. But if you wash too often, unsightly pilling may appear on the fabric.
  • To prevent the cuffs from losing their usual appearance, first turn the entire sleeve inside out and fasten the buttons. Pull the cuff onto a solid container that matches its size: a bottle of shampoo or shower gel. And only after all this try to wash the worn out places.

A few minutes of proper washing or soaking - and your shirt collar will definitely shine white!

Shirts, men's and women's, are preferred in modern ensembles, largely due to social requirements for appearance. For example, the dress code in the offices of various organizations, in restaurants with waiters, in financial and military structures is simply unthinkable without shirts. Not everyone agrees to this, because it is much more convenient to use T-shirts with jeans than to spend difficult everyday life in narrow collars. But when order and presentability are needed, alas, you cannot do without shirts.

Naturally, office workers have to wear them for half a day, every day. The question is raised: how to wash the collar and cuffs of a shirt to return them to their original freshness? In the wardrobe of the average bank employee there are three or four identical shirts for every day, which can be alternated as they get dirty.

But the fact remains that washing is inevitable, and with each washing procedure, thin clothes wear out more, lose their color, strength, and sometimes even size. And all because of problem areas - the collar and cuffs, which become greasy very quickly.

Before choosing a method and detergent for washing, you need to better find out about the quality of the fabrics used to make shirts. The fact is that some of them cannot withstand excessively high water temperatures, stretching and rolling, while others require a delicate shampoo or gel. For us, as thrifty consumers, it is important to preserve the original condition of the item for as long as possible.

Modern shirt models from many factories, due to high requirements for practicality, are often sewn from fabrics containing synthetic fibers. They give natural colors strength, durability, and enhance the expressiveness of colors. But for safety reasons, quality items should have no more than 40% of this content.

If this norm is exceeded, the fabric loses its elasticity, heat-insulating properties, does not allow the body to breathe, and is subject to pilling during washing and even during use. Therefore completely synthetic clothing very uncomfortable to wear, and it looks very “poor” and unaesthetic. But with synthetics, you won’t have a question about how to wash a shirt collar if it’s heavily soiled, since it cleans quickly and easily even after being in this condition for a long time.

Now about natural fabrics. As a rule, they are difficult to wash, the stains on them are strongly ingrained, but you can also wash cotton clothes with high temperature water. Cotton and linen fabrics are very durable, allow the skin to breathe in the heat and keep you warm in the cold.

Regular laundry detergent and stain remover sold in stores may be fine for them.

But how to wash a greasy collar so that not a hint of dirt remains?

If the shirt is dirty only on the collar or cuffs, then local cleaning using household products known to everyone will help.

Laundry soap

It contains alkalis and caustic soda, which have a detrimental effect on various types of bacteria and microbes. If we take into account that dirt on the cuffs and collar is the result of the excretory system of the human body, then we can say that laundry soap will cope with them quite well.

It is enough to wet the soiled areas, rub them with soap and leave for a couple of hours. You can put it in the washing machine in this form, after fiddling with it. If you decide to hand wash, then after the time has passed, you can wash the item in the usual way and rinse.

Kitchen grease remover

The kitchen product removes well fatty foods, as well as lactic acids. Sweat contains them large quantities, which means “Fairy” or “Sif” will help you quickly get rid of dirt on your collar.

They are quite suitable for delicate fabrics that require gentle washing. This is better than washing a delicate item with machine powder.

Vinegar solution

If you don't know how to wash collars men's shirts, then a 9% vinegar solution used for pickling vegetables will help you. It fights various contaminants very effectively. Vinegar not only removes stubborn greasy stains, but also restores paints to their former expressiveness and strengthens natural fibers, eliminates unpleasant odors.

Wet the dirty areas on the shirt and dip them in the solution using a sponge. After a couple of minutes, you can completely wash the shirt and rinse it.

Salt solution with ammonia

Salt corrodes any organic dirt, ammonia neutralizes acids and urea contained in sweat, accordingly prevents them from penetrating even deeper into the fibers of the fabric and causes them to disintegrate into less active substances. Mix a solution of half a glass of water, ammonia and two tablespoons of salt, and wet the collar of your shirt with it. After a few minutes, rinse the item with clean water.

The collar is the most noticeable part of a shirt, so the stains and yellowness on it immediately catch the eye. If an item is loved and worn often, it quickly gets dirty and over time acquires a yellowish tint. How to wash a shirt collar so that it retains its shape and still looks perfect? There are many ways. Of course, you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it.

Rules for removing stains

A white shirt in a man’s wardrobe is a necessary attribute, but very impractical, as it looks “stale” at the end of the day. First of all, this is reflected in the cuffs and collar, which after prolonged wear or improper washing can change color from white to yellow or grayish. To return things to a beautiful and presentable appearance, use simple tips.

Using stain removers or bleaches. Soak the shirt in warm water. Apply Vanish gel to the contaminated area and rub lightly. Give the cleaner time to work (about 30 minutes) and wash the shirt in warm water.

Laundry soap. Rub the stained areas with soap and leave for several hours, then wash as usual. Be careful not to rub too hard to avoid damaging the fabric. If marks are still visible on the shirt, go over them with a soft brush and wash again.

Vinegar. This natural solvent can easily remove stains on the collar of a white shirt. Dampen a cotton swab with it and leave for 20 minutes. Then carefully wipe the collar on the product. Rinse off any remaining product with cool water.

Brine. To prepare it, mix salt, water and ammonia in a ratio of 1:4:4. Rub the finished mixture onto the collar, wait 30 minutes, and then wash in cold water. This method will help remove old and stubborn stains.

Hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the cleaning composition, grate laundry soap and dissolve it in hot water. Mix 50 ml of peroxide and 4 tbsp. l. soap solution. Apply to stains and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash the shirt as usual.

Lemon juice. Works well to remove stains and whiten shirt collars. Cut a small slice of lemon, thoroughly wipe the stains and leave for 30 minutes, wash the product in cold water.

Removing old stains

If stains on the collar have appeared for a long time, you can use this remedy: mix the yolk of an egg with a small amount of denatured alcohol. Apply to the stain and wait until the composition dries completely. Clean the resulting crust with a knife, remove the remaining residue with a cotton swab soaked in glycerin.

If you have already tried all the methods, but the result is still not satisfactory, use chlorine bleach, for example White. Apply the product to the collar, cover with cold water and leave for 1 hour. Then rub the stain a little and wash the shirt.

Before washing, clean the collar with a brush, this will help get rid of skin and hair particles and make the further process of removing stains easier.

To avoid damaging the fabric, it is recommended to apply bleaching and cleaning agents from the inside of the product. If the collar only needs to be washed, do it from the inside out, this way you will not deform it and will save it from pilling.

Before washing a shirt, determine what material it is made of, this will help you choose the right cleaning products. When using bleaching sprays, liquids, etc., be careful and strictly follow the instructions so that the chemical composition does not damage the fabric.

When washing items in washing machine, choose a temperature of 40 ° C; at lower temperatures, greasy and dirty stains will be difficult to wash off.

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