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How to gain strength and energy for a woman. Femininity: the power of feminine energy. Ways to increase feminine energy. General wardrobe cleaning

In previous articles, I have already talked about what female energy is (read “Yin and Yang - what are the differences between female and male energies”), as well as what signs can be used to understand that there is not enough female energy (read “Causes and signs lack of feminine energy"). Now it’s time to tell you how to restore feminine energy.

Restoring feminine energy through everyday activities, activities, hobbies:

Restoring feminine energy through energy practices, yoga, meditation.

Firstly, why exactly yoga leads to the restoration of feminine energy, and all because the practice of yoga calms, pacifies, immerses us in our depths, gives energy, and also develops flexibility and the ability to focus on oneself, one’s inner state, one’s inner world, of its essence. In ancient times, tantric scholars described yoginis as outspoken and determined women possessing the grace of spirit. In addition, there is a whole specialized “female” direction in yoga - Kundalini yoga and special asanas that powerfully develop feminine energy.

The following practices also activate and replenish feminine energy:

  • Practices for developing intimate muscles, intimate gymnastics, geisha gymnastics.
  • Psychological study of one’s complexes, work with destructive subconscious programs associated with blocking feminine qualities, manifestations, and feminine behavior.
  • Meditations to activate the state of universal, unconditional love, which fills the heart with pure divine love.
  • Communication with female Goddesses (conversion, prayer to them), with the Virgin Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis, etc.
  • In general, sincere prayers (prayers are a feminine instrument in terms of energy).
  • Chanting mantras.
  • Practices of forgiveness and cleansing from grievances.
  • The use and wearing of feminine stones, in particular moonstone, opal, topaz, amethyst, rose quartz, pearls.
  • Practice silence, since silence carries Yin energy. Moreover, scientists have long known that men simply do not hear, do not perceive a high tone of voice, and a woman’s high-pitched squeal simply turns off their perception, so if you want men to hear you, you simply need to learn to control your voice.

Restoring feminine energy with the help of Sephirotic magic and Elemental magic (working with the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot).

On our planet there are two purely female elements - Earth and Water. The Earth is morality, stability, it is flesh, the womb of the World, it is fertility, the ability to give life, to give birth. She is characterized by such qualities as confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the ancient Egyptian “Myth of Osiris and Isis,” the element Earth corresponds to the goddess Maat. It is no coincidence that in different languages ​​words beginning with the syllable “ma” mean mother, woman. The Earth brings order, truth and justice to the World; it contains enormous potential forces, because it is she who feeds the World with its powerful natural energy.

Women with the Earth element expressed from birth usually have rounded, soft shapes, wide hips, gorgeous breasts. As a rule, this woman harbors powerful sexual energy, most often hidden, deep. Such women create peace and tranquility not only externally, but also internally, and are surprisingly attractive to active, energetic men.

The power of the Earth element is present in each of us to one degree or another. But if we only have the energy of the Earth, we can turn into boring, ponderous owners and moralizers. Who will persistently look after their family, reproaching them for every little thing, and demand attention and gratitude for their titanic work. This is why we need a second female element Water. Water is the soul of the World, it is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. Water is plastic, it is love, its movement, creation, creation, it is love that transforms and changes everything around.

A woman with the element of Water expressed from birth is compassionate and kind, she feels another person by the subtlest changes in his mood, state, timbre of voice, breathing, but best of all she feels with her heart. In the ancient Egyptian version, such a woman is named Isis. This is a very emotional, sensitive and sensual woman.

But if only Water is present in us, then we have so much sensuality and sensitivity that sometimes it is harmful, we are like an open wound that bleeds if someone nearby is suffering, someone is in pain, if there is some kind of injustice. Very often, a Water woman gives herself completely, so it is important that the two female elements Earth and Water harmoniously intertwine in a woman. Accordingly, meditation on the elements of Earth and Water strengthens the feminine energy in us of the type of Water or Earth.

As for the Major Arcana, the Arcana that enhance feminine energy include the following. Firstly, this is the 21st lasso - World. Already from the siddhi, the superpower of the lasso (the ability to receive what is needed from the Higher Power) it becomes clear that this is a Yin lasso. And the female figure in the center of the card indicates the passive Yin nature of this card. 21 lasso is a state of light soaring, carelessness and grace, this is a state of receiving, attracting what is necessary into life.

Further, the 17th lasso - the Star corresponds to the developed Anahata chakra, the heart chakra, the primordial female chakra, this lasso gives the ability to see the Subtle World, enhances emotions, sensitivity and intuition. And on the card of the 17th lasso we also see the Virgin, who scoops up water and pours it onto the shore.

8th Arcana - Strength, this lasso encrypts the ability to develop infinitely large, internal, passive Strength and the ability to direct it with consciousness to external objects. And again here we see on the lasso card the Virgo pacifying the lion (Virgo in the symbolism of the Tarot is intuition itself). The wreath on the head of this Virgo shows that her consciousness is connected with nature, through which she has access to the Cosmos.

3 lasso - Empress, synonyms to describe this lasso - Matter, Great Yin, Nature. On this lasso, the woman sits on the Earth and is energetically connected with the planet; she controls the Yin channel itself, which draws any energy impulses onto itself. This card contains enormous energy that can be obtained passively. This energy is carried out mainly by women, it defines and determines the female gender. This energy is associated with the Yin polarity of the Earth, this energy is associated with the sexual energy of women.

2 lasso - The High Priestess, the energy of this lasso is used to read information. And on the card there is again an image of a woman - which means this is a passive principle, Yin. On the woman’s head are the horns of the goddess Isis, which meant wisdom to the ancient Egyptians. This lasso contains the Information Base of the planet Earth and is an entrance to the information field of the planet, which gives access to any knowledge. If we manage to get involved in the flow of this energy, then information about anything begins to come to us and it comes as if from nowhere. The power of this arcana is most powerful at night, which is why many great discoveries are made in a dream.

Meditations on these arcana, in any way, activate feminine energy in us, of different colors and tones.

The female body is a perfect and absolutely unique creation of nature. But the fact is that in pursuit of external attributes of beauty, even regularly visiting beauty salons, SPA and fitness centers, we often miss the most important thing - the state of our “invisible muscles of love”, on which the health of our entire “female” system depends. body.

Feminine energy should circulate, and then any man will always be happy to be next to such a woman. And the very field of this energy will attract to a woman all the best that is in the world. After all, it is sexual energy is a strong, powerful and creative force for making all our dreams and desires come true.

Where does our feminine power flow?

Most women, between the ages of 20 and 50, raise children, care for their parents, and then help the children raise their grandchildren. Giving others all their power and, more often than not, they simply have no time to think about themselves.

Plus, the lack of physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle typical of many of us contribute to the weakening of the abdominal and back muscles. And this in turn strengthens the pelvic muscles. A sedentary pelvis leads to the fact that our sexual energy begins to fade. We do not notice this right away, attributing it to current problems, worries, household chores... And so little by little, day after day, we indulge our premature aging, without even realizing it.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of blood stagnation in the pelvic area and genitals. Weakness of the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks contributes to poor blood circulation, and, as a result, can lead (sooner or later) to the appearance of a whole bunch of various problems.

Among other things, for a harmonious and happy life we need endorphins, the so-called “happy hormones” that our brain produces. By not receiving enough endorphins day by day, we provoke overwork, poor sleep, and depression, which have a very negative impact not only on our sexuality, but also on our overall well-being, appearance, complexion.

The power of feminine energy: how can we restore and return it?

Ancient Chinese healers and magicians observed nature very carefully and realized that in nature beauty is the result of many invisible processes, and is inextricably linked with the health of the entire body - the state of the internal organs, free circulation of blood and lymph in the body, the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and of course with the impeccable work of our female organs.

Indeed, without the proper functioning of the system of endocrine glands, which determine what we call sexual desire, metabolic processes that determine the level of energy saturation in the body are impossible. Even the most beautiful and well-groomed body will not be sexually attractive if it is not filled with vital energy, through which our personality is manifested.

Conversely, a healthy and energetic woman can be very sexually attractive, even if she has irregular facial features and less than ideal body proportions. By thinking, you can easily find people who fit these examples among your friends.

Women's exercises

For thousands of years, these unique female exercises have been one of the most effective methods maintaining youth and improving sexuality for many years. Thanks to their practice, you push back your biological age by many years. In Chinese history, there is written evidence of the famous concubines of Chinese emperors, who amazed others with their beauty and impeccable appearance, having not only adult children, but also grandchildren.

Through exercise and energy accumulation, you will fill yourself with amazing, feminine, sexual energy. You will radiate femininity and magnetism, your vibes will be felt by everyone! You will begin to feel increased attention from men. Your intimate life will sparkle with new colors, your self-esteem and self-confidence will increase!

For the most part, the main exercises are Kegel exercises. The essence and meaning is to train the muscles of the perineum. You can simply squeeze and unclench your muscles, first 10 times at a fast pace, then 10 times at a slow pace. There is also this technique:

You can learn more about energy accumulation and exercise from Lisa Piterkina’s trainings and seminars. Thanks to her Taoist practices, you can significantly increase your energy potential and strengthen female magnetism, read in more detail. We also have a wonderful training “Awakening Aphrodite”, it is number 3 in the list of courses, you can check it out. And in the article you can learn and put into practice the “Aphrodite’s Belt” technique.

Hello, dear friends!

What is feminine energy? This is age-old wisdom, flexibility of mind, inner strength expressed in outer calm. Invisible power can be represented in the image of water that flows, twists and demands respect.

The ancient scriptures say: the main purpose of a woman is to accumulate energy flow and make the world a better place... By the hands of a man. Feats, great victories and conquests happened thanks to the energy of the fair sex! After all, the process of releasing accumulated power occurs constantly and without days off.

But if you don’t recharge the charge in time, a woman risks losing a piece of magic and acquiring health problems! A bias towards male energy is fraught with certain consequences. Poor health, chronic fatigue, systematic depression - this is not the whole list of problems! How to fill yourself with feminine energy and make up for the lack of a “natural” resource? What practices and recommendations will allow you to feel femininity, strength and inspiration?

Observation and analysis

  • Take a closer look at what tone you use in your dialogue with your husband (does aggression, rudeness, irritation or affection, care, tenderness predominate)?;
  • answer the question: you blame the male sex for your troubles in life (grievances against your father, brother, ex-lover etc)?;
  • Do you feel satisfaction from doing household chores or do you perceive them as a heavy burden?;
  • where do you go with great pleasure: home or to work?;
  • you are disrespectful to everything male(even in a humorous form of statements)?;
  • Do you often confess your love to your husband or chosen one or do you hide your feelings?;
  • Do you prefer to wear jeans or dresses, skirts?

After analyzing the answers, you can come to the conclusion whether there is a shortage of feminine energy? If the verdict is in, it’s time to decide what methods to increase the accumulated reserves of the energy arsenal?

Work on yourself

Relaxing massage

Massage is a way to disperse stagnant energy in the body. Touching relieves tensions and blocks, bringing the necessary relaxation of both physical and emotional aspects. A plus will be the use of a sauna, swimming pool and bathhouse.

Healthy hair

A woman's hair is life force! Based on their condition, can one say with confidence whether the owner is happy or in a state of fatigue and accumulated irritation? In order to increase feminine energy, make it a rule to take care of the condition of your hair every day:

  1. trim split ends in a timely manner (not when the moon is waning!);
  2. make “live” hair masks using fruits and vegetables;
  3. apply medicinal oils- castor, olive, jojoba, etc.;
  4. Wash your hair on time (at least once every 2 days);
  5. Comb your hair daily with a wooden comb (evening and morning).

This is not only a necessary load on the muscles, but also a pleasant work with a psycho-emotional background that stimulates femininity and the factor of self-acceptance. I recommend dancing while you cook, clean or do laundry and you will feel the desired changes!

Walking together

How to fill yourself with vital energy while spending time with your husband? It's simple! The Vedas say that with the help of joint walks, a couple strengthens their relationship. Walking on fresh air, a person is freed from worries and distracted from pressing problems, and if you take your children with you, then there will be no limit to joy!

General wardrobe cleaning

Throw away unnecessary things from your closet and fill your wardrobe with feminine, beautiful outfits. Focus on natural materials, avoiding vulgarity and clothing that is inappropriate for one’s age. Do not forget about skirts and dresses, because a woman draws energy from the Earth and it is for this reason that the bottom of her clothes should be open more often.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

The number of habits a woman has shapes her life. Train yourself to have happy and harmonious days. Charging, activity and proper nutrition play a key role in the issue.

If you still poison yourself with tobacco, alcohol, swear like a cobbler and overeat at night - Bad mood and the reality corresponding to the actions is guaranteed to you.

Drink more water, treat yourself to juices, vegetables and fruits. Eat small portions, but as often as possible! Cook for yourself and your loved ones with love, charging your food for usefulness and health!
That's the whole secret!


  • Music (classical, spiritual, meditative, favorite and sounds of nature);
  • meditation as a means of high-quality, and most importantly effective, relaxation;
  • singing (karaoke, in the shower, while cooking, for children before bed, for husband);
  • visiting stores and high-impact shopping (you don’t even have to make purchases, but just be in the atmosphere of bright shop windows, trying on dresses);
  • growing and caring for flowers (cottage + house);
  • a walk through bookstores (choose a notebook, an interesting pen for writing in your success diary);
  • expression of masculine energy on paper. You can learn more about this from the video:

  • reading (fiction);
  • photo session (with your husband, children, loved ones or alone. You can also simply photograph beautiful objects or interior details on your phone);
  • drawing, modeling, painting (plates, walls, clothes);
  • travel (take a train ticket and ride to a neighboring city for an impression or purchase);
  • sewing (pillows, aprons, outfits for children or their dolls:).

That's it!

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Strong female energy fascinates and delights. It is clearly felt. This is exactly the kind of energy that the best of women, queens, possessed and possess: I have no doubt about it. Such energy immediately makes you special, you feel like that, those around you have no doubt about it.

You feel confident, attract attention, make those around you proud, men strive to conquer and impress you. All these beautiful transformations desired by every woman are influenced, revealed and multiplied by powerful feminine energy.

Do you want to discover the queen within you, confident, luxurious and irresistible? A queen who has a strong feminine energy that attracts men? I'm sure so!

I'll tell you a little secret: to be filled with this vitality very simple. It's difficult to maintain it within yourself. Everyone has periods of lows and highs. Sometimes everything comes easy to us, and sometimes in order to do something more or less important, we need to really try and overcome ourselves.

But no matter how things go, never forget that one of your best and most natural roles is that of a captivating, amazing and irresistible woman. It is in this state that we feel full, happy and satisfied with life.

The more often you feel like this, the more amazing life around you will become. You will look different, it will be easy for you to manage your feelings and mood, your thoughts will be sharp and clear, like gems. Discover this magic in yourself, let others bathe in your warm and warming light! After all, this is one of the main female gifts: the gift of transforming the space around you, filling it. So let's take action! 😉

Strong feminine energy manifested in speech

Our thoughts influence all decisions and actions that occur from the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep. What occupies our thoughts will inevitably be embodied in words. Therefore, you need to start with them, thoughts. There is one important thing you need to do with your thinking.

Take this seriously, because this small change will help not only make your speech and appearance more pleasant and beautiful, but also significantly enhance your energy, making it truly tangible and incredibly cozy and warming.

Concentrate only on the good.

You need to accept the fact that in life there is a place for both good and bad. But what you want to see and what you want to cultivate in yourself and those around you with your attention depends only on you. We constantly receive positive and negative information, positive and negative images, and it is worth noting that there is quite a lot of negativity.

If you concentrate on the good, then you immediately become interesting and fulfilled. People will flock to you like moths flock to a street lamp on a warm summer night. You will begin to notice that you really have a lot of luck, you will begin to clearly see the virtues and endearing characteristics both in yourself and in those around you.

Your thoughts will be expressed in words, and they will be kind, sunny and warm. People will be pleased to talk to you, and after communication they will feel spiritual satisfaction. What do you carry within you? If this is a bundle of complaints, dissatisfaction with yourself and this world and resentment, then it is not surprising if you feel tired, irritated and weak.

All these negative feelings take away your strength. You are like a computer with so many programs open that it is almost impossible for it to function properly. Do you want to carry this burden? Let her go. And start noticing all the good things in you, those around you and the life around you. Changes will not keep you waiting 😉

Now let's move on to the speech. What should it be like? Here you need to adhere to three simple rules:

I put the verbal part before the non-verbal part for a reason, because it contains important clues for your body language and self-perception. Can you guess which one? 🙂 This is our first rule related to speech, and it goes like this: talk about what is happening around.

As in communication, we often focus on ourselves, but in this case the energy will not be felt. Why? Yes, because we don’t give it a way out, freedom, expansion! We keep it inside, put our inner sun on a chain and do not allow it to shine and warm everything around us!

The chain is our attention. Move it to the outside world and feel how the energy flows through you, fills everything around, and does not stagnate in your body! Shift your attention outside of yourself, look around, admire :) Feel as if you are not just in some limited room made of concrete or brick, but, for example, in a large garden.

Feel the extent of the space around you, take a deep breath. Your energy should not be limited to your body or room, it should go beyond them! Just feel it and remember the feeling you get.

The next step is to open up your body. Don’t shrink, but, on the contrary, open up, expand! Raise your chin a little higher, move your shoulders back, and lean your chest forward. Feel the support in your spine, because it really serves as a support, feel its strength. Open your arms. Don't forget about the beauty and grace of your hands.

Take wider steps, step from the hip. Move slower, but compensate for the speed with the length of your stride. Stay in good shape and at the same time relaxed. Fix your attention on the world around you, be interested in it. Slow down and breathe deeply.

Your thoughts will instantly come into order, your head will become clear. No fuss, confusion or unclear thoughts. Every word should be meaningful, every movement graceful. Strive to expand, do not become isolated in your experiences and bodily sensations.

The article with men also mentions this body language. You can read more about this by following the link. I think you will find it interesting :)

Do you know what seasoning is needed for our excellent dish called strong feminine energy? This movement. Move, even when you are just standing or sitting. As soon as you stop stirring the dish, it may burn. Therefore, do not forget about the smooth movements of your brushes, which will help make any process easier and more enjoyable, and the conversation more complete and interesting.

In a sitting position, you can safely change position, as well as in a standing position. Dance, slowly and smoothly. Let your body language shine through, keep your attention and don’t let your energy stagnate :)

You already know that in a feminine woman, Yin energies and qualities associated with being in the “feminine pole” predominate. But it is important to understand that if you are used to living differently, then moving to this feminine pole will take time. Because the worldview must change... Which may require several years of constant work on oneself.

It's like learning a foreign language. This does not mean that only in a few years you will speak a language that is still unknown to you. You will speak sooner – after just six months of regular classes. But it will take you several years for a foreign language to become a part of you, for you to start thinking in it, reading poetry... The same is true with the development of femininity.
What can you do now to develop your femininity?

1. YOU CAN WEAR SKIRTS AND DRESSES. And it’s good if they are long and have a wide hem. Long means below the knee, or even better, to the floor. Since a long and wide skirt creates the correct energy cone with its contour, making us stable. She forms energy according to the female type: little above, much below. In addition, the hem has a sacred meaning - it is a protective circle around you. They will not come closer to you than the boundaries of this circle. In addition, when our perineum is hidden, it adds a certain intimacy to us, creates a mystery, a riddle. The Vedic tradition says that THIS place for a woman must be closed, because “the goddess Lakshmi lives here,” who is responsible for luck, prosperity and well-being. And a person who has the power of his gaze can “steal” our luck with his gaze. So simply wearing a skirt or dress is already a useful practice.

2. YOU CAN GROW LONG HAIR. Feminine strength is accumulated in the hair: the longer the hair, the stronger you are as a woman. Have you ever heard of the short-haired witch? But a witch is a knowledgeable woman who knows how to use her power. AND long hair play an important role in this process.

There used to be times when some women grew their hair to their toes. Such a woman was worth her weight in gold (literally and figuratively). Since she was a kind of living talisman, who was treated very well and pleased in every possible way. It was believed that she should be happy, because if such a woman is happy and wishes the house in which she lives to prosper, then the house prospered and the family prospered. In those days it was a great insult for a woman to have her hair cut. It was like an abuse, depriving a woman of her power. And now we do it voluntarily...

When a woman has long hair (that is, below the heart chakra, the center of the chest), then lunar energy predominates, she gains emotional stability, and when a woman has a haircut, bangs, Venusian energy predominates. If you are trying to grow your hair, but at some point it for some reason begins to bother you, this means that you do not yet have enough strength to withstand feminine power, the power of lunar energy.

BUT!!! If you want to get married if you want to be emotionally stable, you just need grow hair. And the hair should be collected - in a braid, bun, shell, etc. Because only when your hair is collected does energy accumulate inside you. But if your hair is down all the time, then through it, as if through tubes, your strength constantly flows into space and is wasted. By the way, the expression “loose woman” comes from her loose hair. It is important to clarify that 2 braids and a ponytail are also practically loose hair. With this hairstyle you will not feel any changes.

Collected hair mobilizes us as much as possible. Moreover, depending on where you put your hair in a bun, you will get different results. If at the bottom of the head, then you will accumulate good, high-quality lunar energy, and a taste for submission will appear. And this is very important for us, for women - then we easily and joyfully accept the leading role of a man in our lives. If the bundle is collected at the top of the head, it helps us accumulate vital energy, vigor and activity appear. If you feel lethargic and lack of strength, then this hairstyle is for you. Experiment...

But even while your hair is short, it is better to pin it up, tidy it up, take care of it, and nourish it so that it grows faster.

3. YOU CAN ONLY SAY PLEASANT WORDS. This is one of the simple but effective women's commandments. Even if you need to criticize someone, it is better to find soft, kind, carefully chosen words and say them with love and care. We need this commandment in order to teach all of us women flexibility, gentleness, and care for others. She really softens our hearts. Try talking like this for a week and observe what happens to you and the space around you.

4. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING SLOWLY. Change your rhythm of life: remove half of the tasks from your schedule - they will be redone on their own or it will turn out that you don’t need to do them at all. Speak slowly, walk slowly, eat slowly... and you will automatically shift to the feminine pole.

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