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How to give beautiful and unusual compliments to a girl? A short compliment to a girl about her beauty, or How not to fall on your face in the dirt

Girls love with their ears. Every man knows about this. But not everyone manages to easily attract the attention of the lady they like. Yes, attract her so that she also responds with sympathy. Short is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is appreciated. But how to do this correctly so as not to look intrusive, rude or ill-mannered?

What should you know before giving a short compliment to a girl about her beauty?

An individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal points, without which a verbal message can cause a completely opposite reaction:

  • sincerity (it would not be entirely honest to a woman’s figure if she came on a date wearing a down jacket that hides all the charms);
  • emotionality of the message (when a man shows his feelings when making a statement, this is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise for the girl’s impeccable taste (so with one statement you can kill all the birds with one stone - evaluate the ability to dress, make up, behave);
  • brevity (a short compliment to a girl about her beauty will be much better received than a long, tedious story in detail);
  • avoiding ambiguity;
  • Not everyone likes compliments in poetry (unless, of course, a man wants to show off his poetic talent);
  • without exaggeration (otherwise it may be perceived as mockery).

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

Short statements can relate to appearance in general, individual features, as well as the feelings of a man that his companion evokes in him. In your arsenal of general compliments you can write down:

  • “I’m amazed at how smart and beautiful you combine!”
  • “I admire you/your appearance.”
  • “I am proud that I got the dream of all men.”
  • “Only your/our daughter can be more beautiful than you.”
  • "You are perfection."
  • "You are amazing/amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are a delight to my eyes."
  • "You are incomparable because you are the only one."
  • “I used to think that beautiful girls like you were soulless. Thank you for breaking my stereotype.”
  • “How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the cloudiest day?”

Compliments on the details of a girl's appearance

A short story about her beauty can concern individual moments - eyes, smile, hair, figure and other things. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they evoke in a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Such beautiful eyes can only be had by a wonderful person."
  • "You have an angelic look."
  • “Your playful eyes always lift my spirits.”
  • “The beauty and smell of your hair simply bewitched me!”
  • "You have very bright facial expressions."
  • "I love the way you bite your lips. It's very exciting/sexy."
  • “There is nothing softer than your skin in the world.”
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • “Your shoulders are so fragile... I want to protect you.”

Compliments with humor

  • “Have you not seen my head? It seems that I lost it from your beauty.”
  • “Can you keep secrets? I’ll tell you one. When you’re around, all men envy me with black envy.”
  • "Fire your photographer! You are a hundred times better in real life!"
  • “You are so slender! Where does the soul fit?”
  • "When you gained weight, you became very slim."
  • “You don’t think that you are the most beautiful of all? After all, in fact, everyone is worse than you.”
  • “If I were born a girl, I would only be as beautiful as you.”
  • “Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase for getting to know you.”

It is difficult to answer which compliment a particular girl will like best. It all depends on her preferences and the level of relationship with her. After all, on the first date it is not entirely appropriate to hint about a lady’s sexuality (if you want to meet again, of course). Even worse are the phrases that everyone hears, like “I got a call from heaven...”. Continuation of such “does your mother need a son-in-law?” - one disappointment of a companion.

Everything should be from the heart, especially compliments to a girl in prose about beauty. Short or long, awkward or graceful - they, above all, must be individual and sincere.

The ability to say pleasant compliments to young ladies is a very effective “weapon” in the hands of a gallant gentleman. However, not every man uses this tool correctly. It is extremely difficult not to cross the fine line between easy, natural courtesy and rude flattery and fawning.

Good compliments must be simple, original and, of course, intended for a specific girl. In this case, not only words are important, but also additional “indicators”: voice, tone, smile. In addition, there are also pleasantries that are better not to be uttered at all.

How to compliment a girl about her beauty? To make a good impression on a pretty young lady and stand out from the crowd of numerous fans, you must follow the following rules and recommendations.

Rule No. 1. Sincerity

The basic principle of proper praise beautiful woman– honesty and sincerity of your words. Avoid rude flattery, outright deception, or wishful thinking. Say only what you really like about the girl’s appearance or character, otherwise she will feel false, and the result of politeness will be the opposite.

Rule No. 2. Specificity

To ensure that the young lady likes your compliments, try to notice small details. For example, instead of a standard phrase like “You look great,” say something like “You have great taste. This blouse matches your blue eyes!”

Rule No. 3. Originality

This principle complements the previous point. You can, of course, give out platitudes about beauty and attractiveness, but your words do not stand out in any way from hundreds of other compliments. Tell the beauty the following courtesy: “I associate your image today with spring and freshness.”

Rule No. 4. Focus on personality

Faceless phrases about beautiful hairstyle or a blouse may be pleasing to a girl, but the most gallant gentlemen prefer to praise not the item, but the woman’s taste and her ability to combine clothes. In practice, this principle looks like this: “You have great taste, you look simply charming in this blouse!” In other words, compliments should not be given to things, but to a specific woman.

Rule No. 5. Contact you

Compliments to a girl about her beauty need to be associated with yourself, this will add some points in your favor. Beautiful women are already confident in their own irresistibility, so one more phrase about this is taken for granted. Of course, you can simply tell her that you are attractive, but it is more correct to note the following fact: “I like you very much!” Such personalized phrases associate the compliment and pleasant girlish emotions with you.

Rule No. 6. Minimum quantity

You should not overdo it with the number of pleasantries, since a compliment is a targeted “weapon”. Try to work on its quality by reducing the number of praises to 2-3 per date, and when meeting, one stunning compliment will be enough.

It is also important to accept rejection gracefully. For example, unfamiliar girls may ignore your words or respond to them somewhat rudely. You should not impose yourself, refuse the compliment, just say that it came from the bottom of your heart and you said it without any intent.

Not all compliments are equally “useful” and pleasant for a beautiful woman. A man courting a lovely lady can be compared to a man walking through a minefield. Some words are quite innocent male gaze, can upset or offend the girl.

For example:

  1. Ambiguous phrases - “Your new dress suits you so well. You look very slim in it!” A young lady may find that on ordinary days she is quite plump.
  2. Emphasis on flaws in appearance - “I like chubby people like you.” A girl may perceive such words as a direct insult.
  3. Teaching: “You have slender and thin legs. Why are you wearing such long skirts? Such a phrase can only be said close girlfriend, not the man, and the woman herself must decide what she will wear.
  4. Vulgarity - “Cool breasts, they just fit my palms.” Such phrases are too intimate, so the result may be embarrassment for the girl or a slap in the face to the author of such a compliment.

Thus, in order to give the perfect compliment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of intimacy, the character traits and sense of humor of the young lady and one’s own capabilities. The main condition for adequate courtesy remains sincerity and naturalness.

Beautiful words in SMS

This can be done not only in person, but also via SMS. Messages can be very different - in prose or in poetic form. It all depends only on your imagination. Here are some examples of SMS:

  • “The smell of your hair drives me crazy”;
  • “Your eyes are so deep that it’s easy to drown in them”;
  • “The charm of your smile can only be compared to the sharpness of your sense of humor”;
  • “I admired you all evening, forgetting about all my problems. Thank you for this opportunity...”

Such SMS can and should be sent not only at the courtship stage, but also at the moment when the chosen one becomes the legal spouse. The most beautiful and unusual phrases in SMS will return freshness to your relationship and remind you of the candy-bouquet period.

Comic phrases

Another category of pleasant and ambiguous phrases is cool compliments. However, they are not suitable for all girls, since in order to perceive them correctly, your chosen one must have a sense of humor and an easy attitude to life.

You can use the following compliments as similar phrases:

  • “You may not have the easiest character, but your eyes and figure are just perfect!”;
  • "Just awful! Wherever you appear, work stops everywhere. Everyone is rushing to admire you. Are not you ashamed?";
  • “You're like the flu virus! When I’m around you, I’m constantly infected with optimism and cheerfulness!”

Such unusual compliments will smooth out the conflict and help you forget the offense. It is unlikely that your chosen one will become angry with you after hearing such a phrase addressed to her.;

  • Crude flattery can only push a woman away;
  • It's the quality, not the quantity, of compliments that matters. Work on the content and semantic content of phrases;
  • Do not give vulgar compliments to unfamiliar or modest girls (such phrases are only acceptable when communicating with close acquaintances);
  • Reinforce your courtesy with a smile, a confidential tone and an admiring look.
  • Beautiful women are simply created for admiration and admiration. Flattering words can be said in person or sent via SMS.

    In addition, girls will like compliments in prose or poetry, it all depends only on your imagination and the character of your chosen one. The main thing is to be sincere, and the young lady will definitely appreciate it!

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    Women love with their ears, and a well-spoken compliment can highly raise your rating in a girl’s eyes. With the help of a compliment, you can win the favor of the girl you like, the approval of your boss, or the sympathy of a colleague. How can you learn to give good compliments?

    How to compliment a girl correctly

    • Give the compliment confidently, don't worry. Take the girl’s real qualities as a basis; the compliment should in no case be flattering, it is immediately felt.
    • Don’t be afraid to seem stupid or uninteresting to a girl; everyone loves compliments. Try it, pay attention to the girl’s interesting qualities, praise her taste, way of dressing, professional quality, if it's a colleague.
    • The compliment should always be based on the girl’s personal qualities. You shouldn’t tell an outwardly inconspicuous girl about her unearthly beauty, or a plump lady about her slim figure. But if you see that a plump girl has lost weight, be sure to give her such a compliment, it’s very nice to hear. You don’t have to say “How did you lose weight”, you can say “You look very slim” or “What do you do to be so graceful”?

    How to give the perfect compliment to a girl

    • Determine the girl’s self-esteem; how she will perceive this or that compliment depends on this. A girl with low self-esteem may take a compliment as flattery or an insult.
    • Think about what kind of compliment you want to give: praise your appearance or internal qualities, maybe professional abilities.
    • Give a compliment sincerely, looking into the girl’s eyes, you can take her hand if you are on a date.
    • Have several templates in your arsenal that you can, when the opportunity arises, turn into a specific compliment, for example, about the eyes. You can praise their shape, color, expressiveness of look. “When I look into your eyes, I want to look into them forever,” “Your eyes shine like two stars,” or “It’s impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!”
    • When you come up with an interesting compliment, don’t forget to write it down, at least in the notes on your cell phone. This way you will always have several interesting and pleasant SMS for your beloved girl.

    What mistakes do men make when complimenting a girl?

    • They give a general compliment, not a specific one. Don’t just say “You look so good,” notice some interesting detail and highlight it. “You look so good in that dress, it suits you very well” or “You look so good with your new hairstyle.”
    • Pay attention to what immediately catches your eye. A beautiful, bright girl is told “How beautiful you are” or “What beautiful eyes you have.” Pay attention to hidden qualities, for example, tell the beauty in the office “You are a real professional in your field,” and the little gray mouse “You are simply gorgeous in that outfit.” But don’t go too far, the compliment must be real and sincere.
    • They give a compliment by adding the word - today. For example, “You look so good today.” A girl may think that on other days she is not so beautiful. It’s better to focus on something else, for example, “You’re so good, your hair looks like something out of an advertisement.”

    Examples of original compliments to a girl


    • Your charm and charm overshadows a wonderful spring morning.
    • Your figure is slimmer than a birch tree.
    • In this dress you are the embodiment of spring!

    Compliments about appearance

    • I love your emerald eyes! Only goddesses deserve such eyes.
    • The gentle look in your eyes says a lot.
    • Tight-fitting clothes suit you. There is something to show!

    Compliments about inner qualities

    • How interesting it is for me to be with you.
    • I have never met a more hospitable hostess than you.
    • Your soul is as beautiful as your appearance.

    Compliments-explanations with humor

    • Now I look at you and understand that it is not gravity that keeps me on earth, but you.
    • Your forms are form bliss.
    • Stop shooting your eyes, I'm wounded.

    A compliment is a powerful weapon, using which you can achieve your goals. No matter what you want to achieve, get to know beautiful girl, make peace with your wife, ask for a raise from your female boss, or receive a delicious cake for tea from a colleague. A compliment will almost always help you achieve this.

    Compliments are one of the most complex sciences in the art of seduction. They are purely individual and depend on the type, level of education, self-esteem and morality of the girl. Willy-nilly, men have to learn the art of speaking beautifully about the appearance of their chosen ones. This is exactly what this article will be about.

    How to compliment your appearance correctly

    Most best compliment- strictly individual. However, there are some general points:

    • Honesty. You shouldn’t tell an Asian woman about “big eyes that you can drown in,” a girl with bandy legs about “the exciting curve of her tender legs,” or a tanned beach lover about “aristocratic pallor of her skin.” They simply won’t understand you, twirling their finger at your temple, but worst case They will also laugh.
    • Emotions. Compliments are usually said under the pressure of feelings, in those moments when you are simply bewitched by your interlocutor (at least that’s what women think). So don't try too hard on the wording... but the acting skills definitely need to be improved.
    • Conciseness. Short compliments are preferable to long ones. Just consider that your girl has the attention span of a puppy - focused for no more than 15 seconds - and plan to stay within this period.
    • Individuality. Take into account the girl's education and morals. For example, if you are an ordinary yard boy, then it is worth remembering that your “Test Buffers!” or “Well, just a peach!” There’s no way they’ll take it out on a sweet girl from an intelligent family... well, not counting a possible slap in the face.

      In the same way, it will not be easy for an intelligent student in the company of a street girl who simply will not notice his attempts to court him.

    • Compliments in verse. Don’t try to put a compliment into poetry, especially if you don’t know how. First of all, it's old-fashioned. Secondly, it’s very much an acquired taste, because even if you’re worth something as a poet, not everyone likes poetry.

      The best option is to speak in your own words, in prose.

    A special case, but a VERY common mistake. Don't use the words "unforgettable" if you're talking about appearance. An evening or a night can be unforgettable, but in matters of appearance, all its features are unforgettable by definition!

    What kind of compliments can a girl be offended by?

    Those that are aimed below her level of education or morality. Even a banal compliment with mistakes can still be perceived as a manifestation sincere feeling, but a vulgar compliment with obscenities - never again.

    Here are some more examples of absolute bottom:

    • “Hey, pussy!...” - you don’t have to write any further. Any offensive (for most) treatment has just destroyed any chance of success, even if there was a compliment worthy of Shakespeare next.
    • “You have ears like an elephant. Well... I mean, they’re just as soft...” - congratulations, Sharik, you’re a fool. Learn to make comparisons before you give compliments. Any incomprehensible or unpleasant comparisons will significantly reduce your chances, so beware even of “You look just like Jennifer Lopez” - it’s not a fact that the girl likes the appearance and creativity of this actress.
    • “Your voice is so melodious and tender that angels descend from heaven to”
    • "You have such Blue eyes..." - especially if they are brown. Seriously, everyday color blindness is the scourge of the male part of the world’s population. If there is poor lighting in the room or you have not considered some features of your new girlfriend– no need to compliment them.

    Otherwise, feel absolutely free. Just think before every compliment you say - “Would I be pleased if they say that about me” and make allowances for her age, upbringing and experience.

    Examples of good compliments

    A good compliment is one that you yourself come up with and are ready to confirm. The pattern is felt, no matter how you hide it.

    A great option is to say something simple like “You have very beautiful eyes,” and if you say it correctly and with feeling, the effect will be much stronger than any of the sophisticated compliments.

    Here is a list of good compliments that will help in difficult times:

    Eyes are a very important part of appearance and, in general, the “mirror of the soul.” Therefore, be careful with this issue. Improvisation is important here. But don't compare your eye color to anything other than beautiful flowers– this is too fraught.

    • “You can drown in your eyes...” - Immortal classic. Pronounced... yes, whenever, if you have looked into her eyes for a long time and with tenderness. It can even be used in a slightly humorous way.
    • "You have the eyes of a child." - Well, only if the girl understands that you are talking about the purity of her gaze and the innocence of her soul. Again, not for everyone, but the chance of success is more than 50%.
    • “Your eyes just light up” - say when she tells you about her favorite thing. Of course, it's also worth listening, since she may be offended that you are only interested in her appearance... but the game is usually worth the candle.

    Compliments about a smile

    A smile – it comes in different forms. Mischievous, crazy (different things, by the way, and the first one is more decent), modest, gentle, bitchy... but always, remember, there should always be a smile beautiful and sweet.

    • “Sorry, but you smile so sweetly that I just can’t stop” - your saving straw after bad joke or the phrases “Can you even talk seriously about anything?!”... which is almost always the same thing.
    • “[woman’s name], why are you depressed? Smile, make this dark world a little brighter!” - if your beloved girl is sad and you can’t help her, try this option. It’s not a fact that it will help improve her mood, but at least you can achieve a ghostly smile.

    In general, be sincere and creative. For example, if you are telling some very funny story and you see that the girl is already laughing, freeze for a couple of seconds and look at her face “with a haze in your eyes.” To the question “What happened?” if he follows up, respond with “Sorry, but you’re so cute when you smile.”

    Compliments about your figure

    A very, very difficult moment. You don’t know how a girl sees herself and what she wants to be, so until you get to know her better, you should generally shut your mouth and not talk about this topic.

    • “Well, you’re just a gymnast! Tell me, what gym do you go to?” - especially if she is trying to amaze you with the wonders of flexibility.
    • “You know, if someone calls you fat, recommend him to a good ophthalmologist” - works well in those moments when a girl doubts herself.

    Compliments about hair

    Hair is a source of special pride for any girl. Even a little gray mouse can seem like a beauty if she has gorgeous thick and long hair, especially bright colors.

    So compliments about hair are a rather difficult topic, especially if the girl does not have a particularly beautiful mane.

    • “You have an interesting hairstyle. It seems to be strict, but at the same time very elegant. Suits you (with a smile)” – suitable for girls with short hair, as well as those who are passionate about work/study.
    • “I really like the smell of your hair” is a more intimate compliment... which will always be received correctly. The only completely universal one on this list.

    Compliments about the voice

    Voice is also very important. If you think that a girl has a beautiful voice, it means that you listen to her, and if you listen to her, it means you appreciate her.
    • “You have a very gentle voice” is what any romantic girl wants to hear... unless she sounds like a locomotive whistle.
    • “Have you ever thought about becoming a singer?” - If your girlfriend is constantly humming something or just humming to herself, she will probably like this kind of assessment of her talent.

    Compliments about lips

    Lips are also important. It’s very easy to fall into vulgarity here, and vulgarity doesn’t turn everyone on and not always, but if you manage to remain sensual and non-vulgar, you have a great chance to earn extra points in her head..

    Cool compliments

    You need to be able to say cool compliments. Moreover, skill and acting here take a back seat to a sense of humor, since you won’t be able to simply blurt out something funny - you need to prepare the ground a little and show that you are a cheerful and carefree young man.

    Here are some interesting compliments that may come in handy:

    • “You smell so great... (dreamy) violets, citrus, nuts... (with appropriate joking intonation) I hate nuts!” - here your task is not to seduce her, but to make her smile. So if you can come up with something unexpected but funny, do it.
    • “You’re so thin... How does your soul even fit inside you?” - Especially if the girl is obsessed with diets/sports.
    • “You’ve gained so much weight, you’ve become so slim!” - There, especially for anorexics on the path to correction.
    • “Did you grow your legs or are they just like that by nature?” - If you REALLY want to joke. Although it’s better not to, especially if you don’t know each other well.

    Doing science right beautiful compliments you'll have to figure it out on your own, getting bumps and getting slapped. However, at the end of the path, SHE is waiting for you - the only one for whom you embarked on it... well, or just a wonderful night after a pretty good evening.

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