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Schedule for raising the retirement age in Russia. Retirement age for women From what year does the retirement age increase?

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial support. General principles legal regulation in Russia of issues related to retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision” (No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

First retirement age in the Russian expanses was appointed in 1932 (that is, still in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55 years old) and men (from 60 years old), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching a figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience and having five or more children whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a working experience of 20 years or more who became disabled due to injuries received during hostilities;

3) women over the age of 40, and men over 50, who are visually impaired, class I, and have a work experience of 20 years or more;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided he is raised up to 8 years of age);

5) citizens working in the vastness of the Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have disabilities (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

Newly developed pension reform As part of its implementation, it provides for early retirement status for other categories of people working in underground work, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. Citizens laid off due to layoffs will be able to apply to become a pensioner early.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. They continue to receive a long-service pension. Military personnel who have served in their position for at least 20 years are eligible. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for at least 25 years. For ballerinas, early retirement begins with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the flight attendant category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

The reform of the pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a savings system. The Russian Federation has managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

Size pensions for old-age pensioners, leaving later than the legally established period, according to the new system is calculated using a bonus coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the date of their right to a pension. They are determined based on a fixed salary. A higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age bonus rates.

Number of full months that have elapsed from the date the right to insurance pension

For a fixed payment

For old-age and survivors' insurance pensions

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Russian Ministry of Finance put forward a proposal to continue to increase retirement age in 2016. Having previously carried out the necessary calculations, the ministry announced colossal savings of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets managed to state on air on the RBC TV channel that the government’s plans in the near future do not include making fundamental changes in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, there will be virtually no change until 2018. From 2017, changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

Having analyzed the legislation of countries around the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices it is set between 50 and 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

Retirement age differs from generally established standards. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

Starting from 2019, Russians with long work experience can retire early. This basis was introduced in order to mitigate the consequences of carrying out.

Note that since 2017, the retirement age has been gradually increasing - to 63 and 65 years.

Retirement age in Russia since 2019

Came into force on January 1, 2019 Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, according to which the retirement age, the achievement of which allows a Russian to receive payment of an old-age insurance pension, was increased by 5 years. The retirement age is now 65 years for men and 60 for women.

  • Changes are being introduced not right away, but with a provided transition period (from 2019 to 2023).
  • Every year, the retirement age increases by 1 year, that is, in 2019 - to 61/56, in 2020 - to 62/57, and so on.
  • The final values ​​will be fixed from 2023, that is, it will be possible to apply for a pension from this time only at 65 and 60 years old.

For those citizens who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, the law provided a special benefit. They can apply for pension payments 6 months earlier than the schedule for raising the retirement age suggests. Accordingly, for 2019 the increase will be only six months, and for 2020 - one and a half.

The table according to which the retirement age will be increased is presented below.

Retirement table by year from 2019

DVP according to the old law (at 60/55 years old)PV (in years)Duration increase (in years)Fiberboard under the new law
2019 60.5 55.5 0.5 II p. 2019 / I p. 2020
2020 61.5 56.5 1.5 II p. 2021 / I p. 2022
2021 63 58 3 2024
2022 64 59 4 2026
2023 65 60 5 2028
2024 2029
2025 2030
2026, etc.2031, etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: DVP - date of retirement; PV - retirement age; p. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The table shows generally established retirement age standards for old-age insurance pensions. For Russians who have retirement benefits (for example, northerners, teachers, mothers of many children etc.), timing of pension registration will be different from those indicated in the table (they will all be discussed below). The retirement schedule by year of birth can be found in the article on.

Early retirement in 2019

Pension legislation is provided for certain categories of citizens on various grounds:

  1. When developing the established special work experience in the profession:
    • (working in the conditions of the Far North and areas equivalent to the CS);
    • For , .
  2. For health reasons or social reasons(, parents and guardians of disabled children, etc.).
  3. (42 years for men and 37 years for women).
  4. registered with the employment service.

Disability pension

Workers with experience in difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions, the law provides for the possibility early retirement due to harmfulness.

Reducing the retirement age for these citizens depends on:

  • their professions (from the so-called and “small lists”);
  • duration of special (harmful) work experience;
  • duration of the total.

The list of professions, jobs and working conditions, requirements for insurance and preferential length of service, as well as the preferential retirement age established for these persons are indicated in paragraphs 1 - 18 of Part 1 of Art. 30 and art. 31 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “ About insurance pensions».

Please note that the retirement age has been increased since 2019. did not affect the disability pension. All requirements for insurance and special experience also remain the same. You can read more about granting a preferential pension for harmful and difficult working conditions in a separate article.

Retirement for northerners from 2019

For citizens living and working in the Far North (FN) and equivalent areas (MKS), a pension is assigned ahead of schedule- until reaching . The provisions of Article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ establish the following retirement age standards for northerners:

Recipient categoryAge, yearsWork experience at the CS in years, not lessWork experience at the ISS in years, no lessInsurance experience in years, not less
Women with 2 or more children50 12 17 20
Men60 15 20 25
Women55 15 20 20
Men50 Permanently residing and working as reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters25
Women45 20

Long service pension for teachers and health workers

The right to early old-age pension is medical and teaching workers who have developed the required professional experience:

  • needs to be worked out at least 25 years in institutions for children (clause 19, part 1, article 30 of law No. 400-FZ);
  • need to work at least 25 years in rural areas or 30 years in the city (clause 20, part 1, article 30).

Since 2019, the length of service standards for teachers and doctors have not changed, but the procedure for applying for a pension has been adjusted:

  • Until the end of 2018, these categories of citizens could apply for a pension immediately after completing the required special work experience.
  • On January 1, 2019, the provisions of Part 1.1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, according to which the date of assignment of payments deferred for 5 years after completion of work experience.

These changes will be introduced gradually, with annual delays increasing for 1 year. In addition, in the first 2 years (2019 and 2020), a mitigating amendment to the law will be in force, allowing the deferment to be reduced by 6 months.

Below is a schedule according to which teachers and health workers can now apply for pension payments:

Early pension for the unemployed in 2019

Citizens who lost their jobs due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise and registered with the employment service, pension payments can be issued ahead of schedule. This assignment occurs:

  • at the suggestion of the employment service and with the consent of the unemployed;
  • if it is impossible to get a new job;
  • no earlier than two years before retirement age, including on preferential terms;
  • if there are 25 years for men and 20 for women, as well as the required amount, depending on the year of retirement (for example, in 2019, 16.2 IPC is needed).

Early retirement benefits for the unemployed are assigned and paid in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 “On employment in the Russian Federation”.

Upon achievement of the requirements established by law, recipients early retirement how the unemployed convert their pension to old-age insurance. More information about applying for early pensions for unemployed citizens can be found in the article on.

Who else is eligible for early retirement?

For some categories of Russians, old-age pensions are granted earlier than the generally established retirement age. due to health conditions or for social reasons. The list of these citizens is listed in Art. 32 laws " About insurance pensions" These include, for example:

  1. Mothers with five or more children who raised them until they were 8 years old;
  2. Parent, guardian of a disabled person since childhood, who raised him until he was 8 years old;
  3. Disabled people as a result of military trauma, visually impaired people of group 1;
  4. Citizens classified as Lilliputians and dwarfs, and so on.

Pension provision for these citizens is established ahead of schedule if there are amounts provided by law.

Since 2019 the list of such preferential categories of citizens was expanded - it included. They now have a fixed retirement age:

  • 56 years old- for mothers with 4 children;
  • 57 years old- for mothers with 3 children.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants from 2017

In 2017, a law raising the retirement age came into force. The law applies to employees of state and municipal authorities, as well as to persons holding political positions. According to the adopted law, this category of citizens has the right to receive a pension benefit based on length of service. will arise:

  • in men upon reaching age 65 years old, in women 63 years old;
  • with a minimum amount of work experience in the government. organs 20 years.

The age and minimum work experience will increase gradually- starting from 2017 they will increase annually for 6 months.

Law No. 350-FZ, adopted in 2018, established a schedule for increasing the retirement age for civil servants. it was changed. From 2020, the step with which the age value changes annually will be not six months, but 1 year. This way the final values ​​will be set in 2026 for women and 2023 for men, that is, faster than according to the original scheme.

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The changes will affect the following types:

From 2019, changes must be made regarding early deductions: for persons receiving a northern pension and for employees of medical and educational institutions.

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Registration deadlines for the new reform

The age increase for civil servants occurred back in 2017, when the law was adopted. Other citizens will feel the changes starting in 2019.

The act states that for retirement it is established 63 years for women and 65 years for men. This means that the increase is 8 and 5 years old respectively.

The government proposes to increase the rate for one year during the transition period:

There will also be changes to old-age social benefits (assigned to those citizens who did not have the required number of years of experience to receive insurance payments). Now you can get it at 5 years later - in 70 and 68 years old for men and women respectively.

Old age insurance table

The reform became necessary for several reasons:

  • increasing life expectancy;
  • increasing the comfort and standard of living of ordinary citizens;
  • the need to improve working conditions.

Important to remember!

The Government's decision was also influenced by the economic situation within the Russian Federation. According to the FIU, the number of elderly people in the state increases every year. At the same time, the number of workers is constantly decreasing.

Men's retirement under the new legislation:

Retirement procedure for women:

Date of Birth Age How many years have you added? Time to receive payments
1964 56 1 , with the right to leave six months earlier 2020
1965 57 2 , maybe earlier on 6 months 2022
1966 58 3 2024
1967 59 4 2025
1968 and younger 60 and younger 5 2028

Required experience

The 2019 reform does not make any changes to the number of years of service required. All edits were made several years ago. Part 2, Article 8, establishes that to receive an insurance pension you must have at least 15 years.

The establishment of this indicator did not occur immediately, but gradually:

  1. Until the beginning of 2015, citizens had to earn more than 5 years of work experience.
  2. In 2015, the legislation was significantly changed. Along with all the edits, this figure also increased slightly - it was necessary to have from 6 years. In addition, a gradual increase in this value is envisaged. by 1 every year. This meant that in 2016 it was necessary to have 7 years, in 2017 – 8 .
  3. The increase will continue until 2024, when this figure will increase up to 15 years.

The insurance period includes the following periods of activity:

  • labor and other activities when a citizen or his employer paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund;
  • , but not more 6 ;
  • time to care for a child with a disability, or a person who has reached 80 year old age;
  • military service or other equivalent to military service;
  • other periods specified in Article 12 No. 400-FZ.

Who will not be affected by the changes?

Innovations do not apply to the following citizens:

  • their work takes place in difficult conditions;
  • in respect of which a special assessment of labor is carried out at special rates;
  • workers in underground mining;
  • pilots and aircraft maintenance personnel;
  • members of expeditions, geological exploration teams;
  • working on river and sea fleet vessels, in the fishing industry;
  • women working in the textile industry with increased severity and intensity of work;
  • workers of locomotive crews and the metro who are responsible for travel safety;
  • truck drivers in mines, quarries and mines;
  • employees of institutions where prisoners are serving their sentences;
  • drivers of construction, road, loading equipment;
  • tractor drivers;
  • drivers of city vehicles on regular routes;
  • other professions that are not included in the list of the adopted law;
  • women who have given birth to five or more children;
  • women with two or more children who have worked the required number of years in the Far North or in regions that are equivalent to it;
  • parents or guardians of disabled children;
  • dwarfs, midgets, visually impaired people of the first group;
  • citizens whose disability was caused by a military injury;
  • people who live in the Far North on a permanent basis;
  • victims of radiation man-made disasters;
  • test pilots, paratroopers, testers of other aircraft equipment.

Pension calculation and forecasts

Retirement in old age in 2019 will occur under the following conditions:

  • men and women will be able to exit through 6 months after reaching 60 and 55 years old respectively;
  • the age for receiving social benefits will also be increased;
  • Pension benefits will also be changed.

The size will be:

  1. Increases in social benefits will exceed inflation ( 7,07% – on average, payments will be increased by 1 thousand rubles).
  2. It is planned that indexation will be carried out annually on January 1.
  3. The amount of the supplement will be calculated individually for each individual citizen. This applies only to unemployed people who receive deductions for disability, old age, etc.

Increased benefits will be received only in January - after indexation. Only those who do not receive wages, that is, do not work, can count on increased payments.

Calculation of the amount of security for a woman born in 1964:

  1. In 2019, a woman can apply for a deduction if she was born in the first half of 1964.
  2. Then she will be more than 55.5 years, since it will be possible to go on a well-deserved vacation only 6 months after execution 55th anniversary.
  3. This is only possible if she has more 10 years length of service, and the pension coefficient is minimal 16.2 points.

The calculation formula is as follows:


If we take the minimum indicators, we get:


This means that in 2019 a woman will receive RUB 6,747.48.

If a woman was born in the second half of 1964, then the year the benefit was assigned to her will only be 2020. In this case, for the calculation it will be necessary to use values ​​​​that will be relevant for 2020.

To whom it is possible earlier than established

The extension of deadlines will also affect preferential categories of the population:

Year in which the required number of years of experience was obtained Postponement Retirement under the new law
2019 + 6 months in 2019 and 2020
2020 + 18 months in 2021 and 2022
2021 + 3 years in 2024
2022 + 4 years 2026
2023 and the rest + 5 years in 2028 and subsequent years

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Update: 18:56 04/13/2019

From what year will the retirement age be raised in Russia - latest news

Many citizens continue to wonder whether the working age for workers of the Far North and other areas equivalent to it. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Northerners will now also retire 5 years later - at 60 years (men) and 55 years (women), and not at 55 and 50 years old, as was previously provided.

Also, the conditions for retirement will be changed for teachers, workers in the medical and creative fields. These categories of citizens will still need to develop the required special length of service (25-30 years), after which they will be able to retire in another 5 years or less if the required length of service is acquired during the transition period.

What other retirement requirements will change?

As mentioned above, in 2018 men had the right to apply for an old-age insurance pension at 60 years old, and women - at 55. However, this is not the only condition for reaching labor pension at this age, Russians must also develop the necessary length of service and have a sufficient number of pension points.

According to Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “About insurance pensions”, to retire in 2018, citizens had to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Work out at least 9 years of work experience. This value increases by 1 year each year and will reach the target of 15 years in 2024.
  • Have 13.8 pension points. This standard also increases annually in increments of 2.4 and by 2025 will reach the target value of 30 points (if, of course, by then these pension points will not be canceled at all).

As can be seen from the list above, the minimum requirements for retirement have already been increasing since 2015, when the law on insurance pensions was adopted.

Why is it necessary to raise the working age?

Every year, the average life expectancy in Russia is growing, and the birth rate is falling, which is why the number of working-age population is decreasing and the number of recipients of pension payments is increasing. Without raising the working age, the number of pension contribution payers and pensioners will become equal, which will slow down economic growth and will not allow pensions to be increased above the inflation rate.

Dmitry Medvedev promised that when the retirement age is raised the annual increase in pensions will average 1000 rubles(that is, the increase will occur at a faster rate). Later, his words were confirmed by the head of the Ministry of Finance and First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov, who noted that already in 2019 indexation of pension payments will outpace inflation.

Many experts believe that now is the most favorable period to start increasing the retirement age from the point of view of the demographic situation (this will be even more difficult to do in the future). According to official data, over the past 7 years, average life expectancy in Russia has increased from 59 to 67.5 years for men and from 72.26 to 77.64 years for women. According to Rosstat forecasts, this indicator is expected to increase in 2024 up to 72.3 and 82.1 years for men and women, respectively. When the transition period of raising the retirement age ends (in 2028 and 2034 for men and women), the average life expectancy of men will be 75.1 years, and for women - 85.28 years.

Medvedev launched pension reform

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The government proposes to raise the retirement age for men from the current 60 to 65 years, and for women from 55 to 63 years. Thus, the last “transition year” will be 2034, when the retirement age for women reaches a new level. From 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years - for example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020, namely at the ages of 61 and 56 years, respectively.

Pensions will begin to grow faster

The government claims that raising the retirement age is long overdue and all conditions have been created for this. The current retirement age was introduced back in 1956 in the USSR, when the level of medical and social security was at a low level. Raising the retirement age is necessary, according to the Cabinet of Ministers, for faster growth of pensions themselves. At the moment, according to Medvedev’s estimates, pensions are growing by an average of 400-500 rubles per year (in 2016 the increase was 399 rubles, in 2017 - 524 rubles, in 2018 it will be 481 rubles), the reform will increase the growth rate pension provision doubled - by a thousand rubles per year. Average pension at the end of 2017 it amounted to 13,620 rubles, so by the time the reform is completed it could increase by at least 10 thousand rubles.

Russia took the example of raising the retirement age from Kazakhstan

The retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest not only in the world, but even in comparison with its closest neighbors and the countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years; this level was established back in 2001. Moreover, since 2018, the second stage of increase has been underway in Kazakhstan - by 2027, the retirement age for women will rise to the level of men. Belarus began raising the retirement age in 2017 and intends to increase it to 63 years for men and 58 years for women; this is planned to be done by 2022. For comparison, the retirement age in Norway, which Russia is often cited as an example, is 67 years for both men and women; in the UK, both sexes retire from 65 years of age.

The government will set European standards for pensions

During the government meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Cabinet intends to raise the issue of ratifying the Convention on Minimum Standards of Social Security. “Its provisions will make it possible to bring the legislative regulation of the pension sector to international standards. It establishes a clear relationship between the average size of pensions and average earnings,” noted Dmitry Medvedev. One of the fundamental principles of the Convention is that the pension must be at least 40 percent of the lost income, that is, the employee’s salary.

Pension reform is overdue

As of January 1, 2018, the official population of Russia was 146.9 million people. Of these, 46.5 million people were pensioners, that is, 31.7 percent of the total number, while working pensioners, according to official statistics, were 26.4 percent of the total number of pensioners, or 12.3 million people. The authorities insist that upon reaching retirement age, more than 50 percent of citizens remain working. For example, in 2017, 1.45 million people retired, and 0.73 million of them continued to work. The government fears that the share of working pensioners will continue to rise, leaving the other half unable to raise their pensions.

When current pension standards were set per pensioner, pension system“paid” (paid pension and insurance contributions to social funds) 3.7 people of working age. The current demographic situation and trends in the labor market will lead to the fact that by 2019, only two able-bodied people will “pay” for one pensioner - the system may not be able to cope even with payments at the current level.

Today's retirees have nothing to fear

Dmitry Medvedev noted during a government meeting that current pensioners have nothing to worry about. “No rules are changing regarding current pensioners,” the prime minister assured. Moreover, retirement age benefits will be maintained. We are talking about citizens who work in harmful and dangerous industries, women with five or more children, disabled people, Chernobyl survivors and others. For workers in the Far North, the retirement age will be set at 60 and 58 years, respectively. For citizens with extensive experience, an additional benefit is provided - they will be able to retire for two years ahead of schedule. We are talking about women with more than 40 years of experience and men with more than 45 years of experience.

VAT also went up

In addition to raising the retirement age, during the government meeting it was announced that the value added tax (VAT) would be increased from the current 18 to 20 percent. As First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov noted at the meeting, this measure will allow for an additional 600 billion rubles in tax revenues per year. “These funds, together with additional income from the completion of the oil and gas maneuver, will be the main sources for financing the national development goals set in the presidential decree of May of this year,” Siluanov said. According to the government's plan, the tax increase will allow businesses to also participate in increasing the pensions of Russians, while without the reform it would not have been possible to maintain the current level of insurance premiums paid by businesses - they would have to be increased.

The documents will be sent to the State Duma

According to Medvedev, the law on raising the retirement age and VAT will be sent to the State Duma in the near future. “All bills, all accompanying documents must be sent to the State Duma as soon as possible, so that our fellow deputies can consider them in the first reading before the end of the spring session. Therefore, I ask all relevant ministers and deputy prime ministers, the government apparatus to deal with this as a priority,” the prime minister demanded. Medvedev, in turn, expressed hope that parliament will support the proposed innovations and quickly adopt them. After the State Duma and the Federation Council, the documents will go to the President of Russia for signature.

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