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What do you need to know about kissing and how to learn to kiss correctly on the lips, with the tongue, passionately? How to properly kiss a guy on the lips without tongue for the first time? Learn to kiss passionately in French (photos and videos) How to learn to kiss with tongue with a girl

It is impossible to convey in words the feeling that a person has when he kisses his true soulmate!

Sooner or later, the question of kissing begins to worry every young individual. This is not surprising: the touch of lips brings you closer and excites. They play the role of a prelude to something more, help to get to know your loved one better, awaken feelings and desires. There comes a time when classical technology no longer pleases lovers. They want to get even closer to each other, to feel their partner, to taste their partner. Humanity has long figured out how to do this without crossing known boundaries. This is why you need to learn how to kiss with your tongue. This art has been improved over the centuries, it has become one of the most important acquisitions of our civilization.

Is a kiss a test of compatibility?

Most often, adults do not think about how to kiss with the tongue correctly. They just enjoy kissing. That's why most advice goes something like this: relax and enjoy the process. However, these tips cannot satisfy the curiosity of young men and women looking for answers to their questions. Young people are simply afraid to behave incorrectly and scare off their partner with inept actions. This fear is well founded. Most girls and guys form their own opinion about their kissing partner. Women and men feel something like this when their partner’s tongue penetrates their mouth. Something that tells them whether they need to continue the relationship or whether it is better to break up, as they say, “on the shore.” However, the point here is not how well the potential partner knows all the techniques and techniques. Rather, it's simply a matter of compatibility. You can call it a spark, or you can call it physiological compatibility, but it is impossible to convey in words the feeling that a person has when he hugs his true soulmate.

A little theory

However, a spark is a spark, and you can’t do without theoretical preparation either. There are many sources from which you can learn how to kiss with your tongue. Videos and photographs, most often, show us only the “general” picture. We can’t look into the mouths of the characters in the videos and see what’s going on there. There are a few tips that are essential for those who want to learn how to do everything right.

Kissing technique with tongue

1. Start with the classic version. Gently touch your partner's lips with your lips, kiss him several times without unclenching your lips.

2. Run the tip of your tongue over the closed lips of your loved one. Most often, after such preparation, the partner himself opens his lips; if this does not happen, then lightly insert the tip of your tongue between your lips. If your partner hasn’t responded this time, then it’s probably not worth continuing. It’s impossible to force, and maybe your partner just doesn’t want to do it today.

Sometimes a heart-to-heart conversation is more important than physical intimacy, although for men this statement, of course, sounds quite controversial.

3. If everything goes well, continue to explore your partner's mouth with your tongue. Just don't overdo it. Remember the golden rule: everything should be in moderation. According to statistics, the greatest disgust is caused by a tongue inserted to its full depth at the first contact. In order to move to this stage, it takes time, it is necessary that there are no longer physical barriers between lovers. The main thing is to be gentle enough and carefully monitor the reaction of your loved one. Try caressing your partner's tongue with the tip of your tongue, gently brushing your teeth. Men, don't forget to swallow your saliva. Girls don't like overly wet lips, especially at first.

4. Enough for the first time. We can assume that you have already completed theoretical and practical training for the course. Now you can break away from each other and just talk. Sometimes a heart-to-heart conversation is more important than physical intimacy, although for men this statement, of course, sounds quite controversial.

Several new techniques for those who consider themselves professionals

Now some information for professionals. Of course, you already know perfectly well how to kiss with your tongue correctly. However, there are methods that are quite unusual, but very interesting. Try them at your leisure when you want to entertain your partner.

- "Stinging"- Gently sucking your partner’s lips, quickly push the tip of your tongue into his mouth.
- "Scorching"- a very exciting process, which is accompanied by licking the lips of a loved one.
- "Mill"- kiss with tongue rotation.
- "Tsarsky"- during this kiss, the tongue gently slides over the partner’s teeth without penetrating further.
- "Exquisite Kiss"- touch the tip of your tongue to your partner's palate. Don't overdo it: stroking the roof of your mouth too intensely can be very ticklish.

Listen to yourself and your partner, try to tune in to the wavelength of your loved one, and everything will be fine!

There are a lot of tips on how to do everything perfectly. Whichever of them you listen to, remember: a kiss is, first of all, pleasure for two. Listen to yourself and your partner, try to tune in to the wavelength of your loved one, and everything will be fine. Don't think about it from morning to night. Train, practice, have fun, improve your skills, and believe me, the moment will come when you will no longer think about theory.

When romantic feelings arise between people, they want to be as close to each other spiritually and physically as possible. Lovers show their condition through touching, hugging, and kissing. The latter are important in a relationship, because after a kiss you can understand how deep the feelings for a person are, and whether they exist at all. How to properly kiss a guy and a girl on the lips if they have not had such experience? There are many different techniques that are worth considering.

How can you kiss

Kiss - touching something or someone with your lips. The process differs depending on the person's intentions. The other half is kissed for a long time, passionately, the mother is kissed tenderly, meekly, there is no place on the body of the long-awaited child where the mother’s lips do not touch. Residents of different countries have different attitudes towards the phenomenon. The most kissing nations are the Spaniards, Germans, and Dutch. Even when meeting a stranger, they touch their cheeks with their lips. A loving couple kisses passionately - with tongue. Australians touch their foreheads to each other, and the Chinese draw in their partner's breath through their lips and nostrils.

The best kisses

There are many varieties of this phenomenon. The most common kisses in our culture:

  • Welcome. When meeting, people kiss each other on the cheek and often quickly touch their lips. The phenomenon is not of an intimate nature.
  • Romantic. Happens to people between whom feelings arise. It may first affect the earlobes, cheeks, neck, and slowly move to the lips. It starts with timid, hesitant movements, then gains momentum and develops into a kiss with the tongue.
  • Passionate. This category is represented by lip biting, French kissing, and “dancing” with tongues. This includes kissing on the teeth.
  • Body kisses. A loving person carefully “explores” especially sensitive areas of the body with his lips - the neck, the curves of the arms, legs, stomach, chest.


The classic understanding of platonic love is sublime romantic feelings based on spiritual attraction and not involving physical relationships. Kisses with such love are short, gentle, romantic, without smacking or other sounds. Chaste actions are characteristic of teenagers who are not going to move on to intimate relationships, but are already experiencing feelings. Another understanding of this phenomenon is a friendly, related kiss. He expresses joy and gratitude to his parents, brother, sister, friend or girlfriend. It is also given at a meeting or farewell.

Kiss with tongue

This type of expression of feelings is extremely rare on a first date, although among adults there are exceptions to the rule. Boys and girls should hold off on moving to such a serious stage so as not to be disappointed. You need to think about how to kiss with your tongue correctly when you are confident in your feelings and their reciprocity. This action allows you to feel the taste of your loved one, get to know him better, awaken sensuality and desires.

Kissing on the lips

They won’t tell you how to kiss properly, because each person has their own preferences. However, there are some tricks in this process. A little theoretical preparation will ignite your imagination and provide a wide field of activity. A kiss on the lips can be different:

  • Smooth – light sucking, biting lips.
  • Smooth - the movements are gentle and slow, they do not bypass a single millimeter of the partner’s lips.
  • “Pleasure of the bud” (the view described by the Kama Sutra) - a man gently squeezes a woman’s lips with his fingers and kisses them.

How to start kissing

In this matter, the environment, feelings towards a person of the opposite sex, and mood are important. A young man should invite his significant other on a romantic date. If it goes well, the girl will have “butterflies in her stomach” and you can kiss her while walking her home. Based on your partner’s behavior, you will understand whether he is ready for this stage of the relationship. Burning eyes, reciprocal movements when hugging, stroking - all this indicates that you can act.

Before you kiss on the lips, you should think about your oral hygiene. To ensure that the smell is normal, you should brush your teeth in the morning and evening and properly remove plaque from your tongue. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth and use a cleansing floss. Take care of the health of your teeth, because caries, holes in the enamel, its darkening or yellowness kill self-confidence.

How to kiss a girl

Previously, women rarely showed such initiative. Today, girls are increasingly taking matters into their own hands and winning. How to learn to kiss first? Three cases in which a kiss is appropriate:

  1. The young man is older than you. He is afraid of harm, so you yourself let him know when you are ready for the next stage. A girl can give her partner a light kiss or immediately move on to decisive action.
  2. The guy has no relationship experience. Your careful movements will help to liberate and teach a young man how to kiss correctly.
  3. You are in a playful mood. You know for sure that the guy likes you, but he is in no hurry. During goodbyes, you can move closer to your partner, clearly making it clear that you are not against something more. Lightly touch your loved one's lips and linger close, waiting for an answer.

How to kiss a guy

Love intentions should not be voiced in the question. This will create a tense environment. How should a guy kiss correctly? A girl should be loved and loving, then all embarrassment will go away. The guy needs to relax, be gentle, decisive, and not skimp on pleasant words (tell her how cool, beautiful, and the best she is). It is not necessary to practice kissing on tomatoes or the tip of a pillow; act intuitively and avoid common mistakes. If a girl closes her teeth or holds her tongue to the roof of her mouth, it means she doesn’t want to continue.

Lip kissing technique

It's never too late to learn, even if you have an idea of ​​how to kiss properly. You need to take care of the condition of your lips in advance - do sugar peeling, apply a softening balm. Be open psychologically - keep your gaze straight, do not cross your arms over your chest, smile, do not cover your face with your palms. Further training will not cause you any difficulties and will lead to complete euphoria in practice.

  • “How to kiss a guy correctly?”
  • “When to start?”
  • “Isn’t it too late/too early to try kissing at 12?”

There is no specific age for the first kiss - the main thing is that it is gentle, and the person with whom you are going to do it reciprocates your feelings.

After all, a kiss on the lips is it’s an intimate and even magical thing. Don't believe me? Then read this article and you will learn how to kiss correctly, as well as many other interesting things about kissing.

The art of kissing was known back in Ancient Greece and Rome. Plato also eagerly tried to penetrate the secrets of the kiss, developing a whole theory for this. According to the philosopher, since time immemorial the human body was spherical. He had 2 halves - male and female, four arms, four legs. However, the thunderer Zeus, angry at the arrogant bisexual creature, ordered it to be divided into male and female halves. This is how the female and male genders appeared.

According to Plato's theory, the reunification of these two entities happens precisely during a kiss. Since then, humanity has not abandoned the desire to learn how to kiss tenderly and correctly. After all, a passionate kiss can give a timid girl a little courage, and plunge a guy into the sweet depths of bliss.

Kissing period the most romantic in the history of the relationship of a young couple. It can only be compared with spring, when you want to wander the flower-filled streets until the morning, carry your beloved in your arms and enthusiastically read Pushkin or Yesenin. But before you repeat your favorite poems, read about how to kiss correctly, as this may come in handy on your next walk together.

How to kiss passionately with your tongue?

As you know, the French are very good kissers. The concept of a French kiss is known all over the world, but here’s how to properly kiss passionately, not everyone knows.

When people kiss, they touch each other not only with their lips and tongue, but with their whole soul - at least that’s what the French themselves think.

Of course, you must really like the person you intend to kiss: you feel lightness, a little languor, and... pleasant breath from his mouth. It is under such conditions that learning how to kiss deeply will be easy and pleasant.

Of course you can try practice without a partner. Do a little exercise: open your mouth slightly, run your tongue over your lips - from the outside and inside. There are many nerve endings on the lips - this is why we experience pleasant sensations.

Imagine how your lips become engorged and noticeably red when you kiss your loved one. This is why girls often use red lipstick before a date, as if signaling that the time has come to learn how to kiss deeply.

Passionate kiss: technology, chemistry and psychology

So, you stand eye to eye with your partner. Your lips are close to each other, your bodies are touching, and a slight trembling is felt on your hand, which is frozen in the palm of your loved one. You feel the aroma of her or his body, you want to enjoy it without reserve, returning to this smell every moment that you do not spend together. Congratulations, you are ready to tongue kiss with your partner.

To begin, open your mouth slightly and touch with just your lips. You can take the first steps without using your tongue, as if testing the waters. Take your time, do everything gently but confidently so that your partner does not suspect your inexperience or timidity. Although this also has its own unforgettable charm that will never be repeated.

Do you know that a guy who doesn’t yet know how to kiss properly with the tongue, but dreams of learning how to do it, is simply not worth it in our modern society. And a girl who learns to kiss on tomatoes is generally the standard of purity, naivety and fidelity beliefs.

Well, have we given you confidence with our praises? Now quickly open your mouth and proceed to the most important thing - kiss passionately, because this the most eloquent foreplay, the most sincere confession, the most beautiful symphony of two hearts.

  1. On the contrary, start with light touching and biting of the lips, combining them with tongue movements.
  2. Now close your lips with your partner’s lips.
  3. Play a little with the tip of your tongue, sliding it along the inside of your partner's lips.
  4. Explore his tongue, understanding the soul of your loved one millimeter by millimeter and reuniting with it in the alluring magic of a kiss.

Nice? But scientists believe that it is also useful. During a kiss, we burn more than a dozen calories, and real love hormones – oxytocin and dopamine. They are the ones that evoke feelings of affection, joy and bliss. Psychologically, a passionate kiss also causes a strong shock, especially for women. However, men also experience positive emotions during a kiss. They just rarely talk about it.

How to learn to kiss for the first time?

Absolutely everyone experiences their first kiss, so every person on Earth will have to learn how to kiss for the first time. In addition to humans, primates also like to kiss. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to talk about the natural nature of a kiss. Perhaps this is a continuation of the sucking reflex or a conditioned skill acquired in the process of evolution. One way or another, for us and primates, the simple question of how to learn to kiss for the first time is very relevant.

Don’t put all your ardor into the tender magic of the first kiss just yet - it should be easy like the spring wind and warm like the gentle sun of a May day. That’s why it’s the first, to be remembered for a lifetime and leave memories of a slight trembling, and not the feeling of someone else’s saliva on your face.

Before the first kiss it is important to make eye contact. Your partner's eyes will tell you a lot - for example, whether he or she is ready to give you a kiss. At this moment, you can expect intense emotions - girls usually play with their hair to attract attention to themselves. A slightly excited state and pleasant trembling are normal for both boys and girls. But try to control your nerves if they are in earnest. It's just a kiss, and it's about to happen.

In order to learn how to kiss for the first time, a guy and a girl must:

  1. Sympathize with each other.
  2. They should have fresh breath and strong nerves.
  3. The situation is appropriate: without outside witnesses and parents who dropped in at the wrong time.
  4. The meeting of the lips occurs at a slight angle, otherwise the partners risk their noses meeting. The situation is quite comical, but laughter is not what you need at this moment. You may never cross the friendly line and end up stuck in the friend zone forever.
  5. Your lips touch gently, your tongues are not yet involved.
  6. Close your eyes, surrender to this moment, time and place.
  7. Run your hands over your partner's face, hair, shoulders. But don’t let go of your hands - this is the first kiss.
  8. Don't kiss for too long. You can start with 10 seconds - you can always repeat it.

Several mistakes and interference during first kisses

We have already told you how to learn to kiss. There are a few points left to clarify.

French kiss, passionate kiss... Some people don’t even know if there is a difference between these concepts! And were all these concepts somehow differentiated before? But some kissed well and skillfully, while others did not do it passionately and beautifully. But if you remember the cinema of the USSR, they loved to show kisses on the lips on the entire screen! And this is because sex scenes were mostly prohibited, as they were considered obscene. They thought that the viewer would already understand what exactly would follow the kiss. That’s right, exactly what we “didn’t have” in our country, that is, sex, according to one woman who took part in the teleconference.

Can a kiss be considered sex in this case? Some say that this action is, as it were, borderline, transitional. At the same time, teenagers, for example, can kiss - and nothing more. Simply because it is not yet time for them to engage in any other intimate activities. After all, at this age there is more even a purely “sports interest” than a strong sexual desire. But this is the right age to learn to kiss.

Of course, nature itself suggests a lot here. But for this to happen, you need to overcome the first timidity. How will you overcome it when you don’t know where to start with that first kiss? So the first task is to develop self-confidence. The more you know, the calmer you will be when you have to do something for the first time. So it would be a good idea to have a theory. After all, you don’t want it to turn out like in the famous ditty:

My darling doesn’t kiss me, he says: “Later, later.”
I come, and he’s on the stove, training with the cat.

By the way, about cats! There really is a lot to learn from these animals. Namely, tenderness. It’s worth watching your Muska or Barsik to catch how they move, for example, when they want to show all their feline love for their owner. They rub their muzzle and always squint their eyes. Most people on the planet also close their eyes when they kiss. So don't make it a point to look at your partner when you kiss. One of the writers even made a remark on this topic that it is difficult to trust such people who kiss with their eyes open.

Why does this happen? The fact is that when a person's eyes are closed, he is effectively blind. And like a blind person, his other senses begin to become more intense in order to compensate for the lack of ability to see. Including tactile sensations and touch become sharper. This means that the effect of the kiss will be much deeper and stronger.

Surprisingly, when kissing it is important to smell your partner. And it should be pleasant. That is, you shouldn’t go on a date without eating something with onions or garlic beforehand. But using mint chewing gum as a rescue remedy is also not an option. Not everyone likes the smell of mint. Some people prefer, for example, lemon aroma, because it is associated with freshness. And mint - with toothpaste, morning rush and a crazy race to work or study. These associations make it difficult to relax, which is what it takes to give a good kiss on the lips.

It is not very good if one of the partners smells of tobacco or alcoholic beverages. If you take something before a kiss, then both should do it. For example, drink a glass of champagne. If both of you smell the same drink, then the smell will not be noticeable to either of you.

How to learn to kiss on the lips

Let's return to training “with a cat”. Let's just remember our childhood. One of our relatives always kissed us on the cheeks, on the top of the head, on the nose. And this was done with the greatest tenderness. You also need to kiss with the same caring attitude towards your partner. Passion is passion, but when you love, you need to value and protect the object of your affection, and not try to “tear” and “crumple” it. Also, during a kiss, there is no need to try to bite your partner. Such a gesture can frighten someone who is kissing for the first time. And then it will be easier to even get sex from this person, and not kisses!

The same applies to kissing with the tongue. If you have heard information that all kisses on the lips are done with the tongue, then this is not true. There are different techniques, and you need to use the one that both would like. First you need to learn how to kiss without tongue, because it is easier and everyone will like it. It won’t be difficult to add tongue movements later.

So, let's learn the basics of kissing on the lips

  • No tongue. Such a kiss can look like a friendly one. They just kissed each other on the lips - that’s all! You just need to linger a little while doing this. You can gently grab your partner’s lips with your lips. How to do it? To practice, place your own index finger horizontally in front of your mouth and try to grab it only with your lips, slightly squeeze them and fix it. Your finger will help you feel how hard you can squeeze something with your lips. Now try to make these touches as gentle as possible.

    You can also try to draw on your finger as if you are trying to pick an imaginary flower from it with your lips. Then make wave-like movements. After all, you have to do the same with the lips of your loved one.

    Now let's study where the most sensitive areas on the lips are. Firstly, these are the very edges of the lips, the edging of the mouth. This is the part where girls draw a line with a lip pencil. Secondly, this is another border - between the delicate skin of the lips and the mucous membrane inside the mouth. With a good kissing technique, you need to influence these places in order to evoke the greatest possible feeling of euphoria in your partner.

  • Kissing with tongue. When language is used, it is done in different ways. Some people like to penetrate their partner’s mouth deeply with their tongue, others prefer to act on the surface. If you have just started kissing, and have not done this at all before, then try running your tongue over the internal sensitive areas. You shouldn’t strain your tongue too much, but it shouldn’t hang out limply either. There is an opinion that only a guy can “use” his tongue, and a girl should not do this. The truth is that this is a matter for both, and you need to kiss in such a way that it is pleasant for both. Even if partners like it when something like a sword duel takes place in their mouths, only in reality - on tongues, then this is also acceptable and wonderful.
  • Passionate. This kiss is different in that the lips of the partners are closed so tightly that breathing is possible only through the nose. If you have a runny nose, then don’t even think about doing these kisses, but prefer a different type. Of course, during such a kiss you should not try to pull your partner’s lips into your mouth, because this can hurt the person. But you can and should pull them slightly towards yourself.

    Passionate kisses are done both with and without the tongue. More precisely, the partners’ tongues will most likely touch in this position, but whether to act with them or not is up to both of you to decide.

When people kiss, not only their lips take part in this. We said about the eyes: it is better to close them. But don't forget about your hands. Holding your hands behind your back when you kiss is only possible in one case - if you were kidnapped by attackers and both of you were tied up. Then you simply will have no other choice. But when you are free, you need to at least gently hug your partner. If you stroke his neck or shoulders at the same time, you will show your passion for him, all your good attitude, all your love. Before kissing, you can run your hand over the guy’s chest, stroke it, and then cling to it. All this will show your dedication and care.

How to learn to kiss for the first time

Of course, if the guy is experienced in kissing, then not much is required from you: you just need to peck him on the lips, pull away slightly and close your eyes. Then he will understand that you are ready for a more passionate and longer kiss, so he will take the initiative into his own hands. And if he is interested in you kissing him well, he will tell you how he likes to do it.

French kiss - passionate kiss with tongue

One of the options is a French kiss with tongue. This is exactly the case when it is good to run your tongue along the lips, namely along the inner edge, of your partner. After paying attention to the edge, you can lick the guy’s tongue in a circular motion, but you need to keep your teeth away from his tongue so as not to accidentally bite in a fit of passion.

How to learn this kissing technique

You need to use the imitation reflex. How do we learn to dance at a disco? We watch how others move and repeat after them. You can do the same thing if you watch your kissing technique. This could either be a scene from a love drama or a special video. Turn on the video and play it several times, because the imitation reflex will work better when you try to repeat it more than once.

How to learn to kiss with tongue without a partner

On the Internet you can often find advice such as training... on tomatoes. This is not bullying or trolling in any way. It’s just that a tomato is somehow close in density and tenderness of the skin to the lips. If you eat a whole tomato, then at some point you will definitely have to suck the juice out of this fruit so as not to splatter. Remember the feeling on your lips when you extract the juice from a tomato. This will give a good idea of ​​a passionate kiss.

All that remains is to work on the tongue kissing technique. Surprisingly, you don’t need to use any items at all for this.

Learn how to properly move your tongue while kissing

So, we open our mouths slightly and begin to run our own tongue over our own lips. Along the same inner edge. It will be a good “feedback” due to its high sensitivity. It is this zone that will tell you at what speed the tongue should move so that it can cause pleasant sensations.

To learn how to lick your partner's tongue, a popsicle, an orange slice, a banana, or any round object that you can run your tongue around will do.

You can learn to kiss on tomatoes

Now we take a tomato and begin to move our lips along its skin. We try to stick to the surface of the fruit without biting through it. If it works, then you can repeat everything in front of the mirror. In this case, you can slowly tilt your head to the right and left. You need to do everything without haste, otherwise, if you are too fussy and hasty, you will look in front of your partner as if you don’t like kissing at all and want to quickly finish this “procedure”.

Who should initiate the kiss?

Usually the initiator of a kiss is the stronger sex. But what can you do when both you and your partner are essentially “green” teenagers? It is difficult for him to guess what you want. And you shouldn’t be offended by him for this: he’s just still inexperienced. But you are his first! If you understand that you need to take the initiative into your own hands, then try just peck him on the lips and pull away. He certainly will not remain indifferent to this “invitation”. In the worst case, if he himself does not know how to kiss, he will repeat your gesture. And that's already good. At least the guy will start studying the topic of how to kiss properly before the next date. And he will even succeed! Your task is to delicately wait for this moment, and not attack with ridicule or, worse, with reproaches.

I didn’t like kissing, what should I do?

Not always and not everyone is unequivocally fascinated by their first kissing experience. There might be something you didn't like. Let’s immediately note the topic “this is indecent.” Everyone has complexes, and if your partner started right off the bat, that is, very passionately, then this could simply frighten you. You need to ask him to kiss less passionately, because you are not used to it yet.

But there may be other reasons why either you or he didn't enjoy the kiss. Don’t give up this pleasant expression of love forever!

1) Find out the reasons (bad breath from the partner after cigarettes, alcohol, etc.)

For example, you just didn’t like the smell. Does your boyfriend smoke? Ask him not to smoke before kissing. If he respects you, he will understand. Alcohol? Drink the same drink and then everything will be fine. It's worse if he has bad breath coming from a sore tooth or throat. Not everyone can say this directly. You can simply try to take care of yourself, such as giving you a lollipop for a sore throat. And along with it, the smell will disappear for a while. For sick teeth, you can offer an ointment that will alleviate the condition and at the same time remove the smell.

2) Practice (perhaps if this is the first time, excitement prevailed, the wrong kissing technique was chosen, for example, the partner does not like kissing with the tongue, and you did not skillfully insist on this, etc.)

Sometimes partners don’t have time to discuss which kisses they prefer, and everyone tries their best. After all, sometimes two people merge spontaneously in a kiss. And then one of them begins to “work” with the language, and the second has no idea at all that this can be done. Naturally, the second one will be shocked. This will create an element of awkwardness, because of which you won’t like the kiss.

What are the benefits and harms of kissing for the body?

First we should talk about the bad. It sounds trivial, but through saliva you can get those infections that are not airborne. That is, in addition to a cold, you can catch, for example, hepatitis or tuberculosis. But a person would not deliberately infect his beloved girl. If he knows about his illness, he will always warn about it.

Also in one of the films it was said that when kissing, blood pressure jumps. But this is only part of the “process”. A kiss makes your heart flutter. And this is a cardio load, that is, training the heart muscle.

These actions change the hormonal composition of the blood: endorphin, the hormone of happiness, enters there. It not only evokes a feeling of flight, but also helps recovery from illnesses and improves general condition. So kisses, if they are from the heart, can become a cure even for chronic ailments. Therefore, kiss your health! Love and respect each other, and then over time you will no longer have questions about how to kiss better. You will find a great solution yourself.

Simple kisses perfectly convey sympathy, tenderness, and care. However, they rarely demonstrate anything more passionate, intimate, and frank. But French technology successfully copes with this task. However, practice without a previously acquired theory does not always go smoothly. I don’t want to lose face at the very first attempt. Then how to kiss with tongue correctly? What mistakes are best to avoid?

Kiss with tongue

It may not appeal to everyone. Some people, in principle, do not like to kiss often and a lot, while others are against this particular technique. How to recognize someone who can truly appreciate the benefits of “French seduction”?

Most often these are the following people:

  • passionate, open, emotional, expressive people, mostly extroverts. They get excited quickly, and their feelings resemble a typhoon or a storm;
  • curious people, ready to experiment. They do not tolerate monotony and perceive any changes with joy and optimism;
  • connoisseurs of intimacy. They become strongly attached to their couple and strive to maintain close contact on a physical, emotional and often everyday level.

This also includes partners in long-term relationships. They have already built high level of trust, frankness. They are not afraid of intimacy, so they are often not averse to “spice up” their feelings with a tongue kiss.

In its strength and intensity, the French technique can be completely different. Even if a guy/girl doesn't particularly like kissing, you can still find a style that will give him/her pleasure. Another thing is unpreparedness or lack of mood for such an activity. How to determine such conditions?

How to tell if your partner is ready for a tongue kiss

It’s good if he/she himself/herself begins to use language, openly making it clear that he/she wants to close the distance. But what if there are no obvious promises for rapprochement? How to guess the very moment that requires using the French technique, especially for the first time?

Setting and atmosphere

Simple “cemchiks” are versatile and effortless. They do not have a high threshold of intimacy, so few people feel embarrassed when playing them in public. They can be used anytime, anywhere. The same cannot be said about language contact. Often it requires:

  • privacy. It is too awkward to prolong such pleasure under the gaze of passers-by;
  • suitable excuse. Perhaps with erotic overtones. This could be a dinner together, watching a love scene in a movie, frank conversations, etc.;
  • romantic setting. Subdued light, candles, city lights at night, a beautiful sunset, sexy music put you in the right mood;
  • no rush. Sweet trembling, warmth spreading throughout the body, do not always come immediately. It will take a few seconds before these sensations begin to arise.

Of course, you can kiss like this even in the market - while choosing and buying meat, for example. But the effect will be completely different.

Cautious check

This method most effectively allows you to determine your partner’s readiness to continue. To see if a couple wants to try a deeper technique, you can follow these steps:

    1. start with simply touching your lips, in the usual way;
    2. open your mouth slightly, lightly run your tongue over the couple’s lower lip;
    3. monitor the reaction:
      • if the guy/girl moves away, frowns, or otherwise expresses dislike for such a move, it’s better to hold off on moving to the next level;
      • if nothing has changed or he/she clings closer, expresses pleasure, opens his mouth slightly, you can try to gently push your tongue further inside the oral cavity;
  1. again monitor the reaction, depending on it, proceed with a deep French kiss or abandon it for now.

The direct question is: to be or not to be?

There is a very simple way to find out if he/she is ready to continue - ask directly. This is the fastest way, it is suitable for those who do not like to complicate things. However, it has its disadvantages:

  • a person may be confused by such directness and give a false answer;
  • the intrigue and intensity of emotions are partially lost;
  • awkwardness and uncertainty prevent you from asking (in newly created couples);
  • the fear of failure will overpower the desire to try and everything will end in failure.

That is why it is better to avoid such questions and leave them only for cases where his/her solution is generally illegible or not fully understandable.

How to kiss with tongue correctly

Act gradually

Such mastery requires smoothness and does not tolerate haste. That's why French kissing doesn't start right away. At first, it’s better to just gently press your lips to his/her lips, lightly clasping one of them with your two.

Then it’s time for a “test” - a test of readiness for the next step (see paragraph “Careful Test”).

If the green light is given, you can gently begin to move your tongue around the mouth. First, only the tip is activated, then the back is connected. It is important that the movements are smooth, unsweeping, and sliding.


Using the tongue opens up new possibilities for pleasure. To stop at just one point or movement is a great loss.

There are several varieties of this technique. Here are just a few of them:

  • stinging- during a simple kiss, push the tip of your tongue several times between the lips of a guy or girl;
  • inflaming- licking movements are concentrated only on the lips;
  • mill- contact of tongues, performed in the form of circular rotations;
  • royal— touching the teeth (the inner part of the lips is automatically touched);
  • refined- brief touch to the sky.

But even that's not all. You can not only stroke your partner’s tongue (along, in a circle, across, chaotically), but also lightly bite, suck, even tickle, making quick but short movements with the tip.

Find the right points

Most sensitive and favorable points The outer and inner zones of the lip (especially the upper one), and the frenulum of the tongue are considered. The tip, back of the tongue, and cheeks are also good places for exposure.

But what exactly better not to do it, is to tickle the palate or try to reach the root of the tongue. At best, the kisser will simply move away or redirect the other person's tongue with his own. In the worst case, a person will experience unpleasant sensations up to the urge to vomit.

Don't forget about posture and movements

To use such a passionate expression of feelings, while freely lowering your hands and taking a static position, is somehow wrong.

Girls They can bend a little in the lower back, pressing their chest to their chosen one.

  • You can run your fingers through your man's hair.
  • Running your hands over his shoulders, back, neck, or placing them on his torso is a great idea.
  • If an even more intimate continuation is planned, it would be good to put your hands under his shirt/T-shirt/sweater.

Boy can hold his partner tightly to himself, stroke her waist and back.

  • The neck is a real erogenous zone, so you can put your palm on it and slightly compress
  • A girl will like it if they gently stroke her cheek during a kiss.
  • Running his fingertips along the hollow between the collarbones, a man will certainly cause a pleasant shiver in his lady.

Catch the couple's reaction

Timely response to retaliatory actions can also enhance the positive effect of a kiss.

It's simple: if a person pushes away, moves away, or tries to change the position, it is better to stop the current action or replace it with another. Exactly the same and vice versa.

If a partner constantly repeats some movement or tries to encourage his partner to do it, then he likes it. However, embarrassment or awkwardness does not allow you to express everything openly. You can try to trust your beloved person and experience something new. Mirroring the steps taken will also work.

Finish correctly

You can't stop abruptly. This decision leaves a feeling of incompleteness. It’s the same as if a skilled artist with enormous potential suddenly gave up painting a painting halfway through the process.

The completion of a technique mirrors the beginning:

  1. smoothly move your tongue back along the affected points;
  2. lightly lick the lips or their contours;
  3. completely stop using your tongue;
  4. continue kissing in a simple way, slowing down the pace, weakening the force of the touches, until the lips barely touch each other;
  5. carefully move away from your partner.

Then it is better to say a compliment, for example: “ Your lips are so soft/sugar/delicate" or " Mmm, that was magical, you're a good kisser" If everything went well, of course.

If you didn’t like something in his/her kiss, you can try to fix it right away. To do this, use phrases constructed according to the following scheme:

  1. I liked the fact that you...” (she bit her lip softly, stroked her neck, ran through her hair);
  2. It was nice/interesting/great/sweet”;
  3. You know what would be even nicer? If you…” (she hugged me by the neck, sometimes whispered tenderness) or “ But this kiss would be even better if you...”(first swallowed saliva a little, slightly reduced the pressure);
  4. Let's try this? What do you say?”.

It is important to express goodwill and smile sincerely, then a person will adequately perceive veiled criticism. After offering your option, you can reach for a new portion of pleasure.

Typical mistakes that doom you to failure

Even with the tips already listed, you can get into trouble. For this reason, it is important to know not only recommendations on how to kiss correctly, but also rules on how to IT IS FORBIDDEN act. Common mistakes:

  • stick your tongue too deeply, too zealously, move it dynamically;
  • open your mouth wide and at the same time compress your lips tightly;
  • forget about saliva and make the kiss too wet;
  • dramatize by making incomprehensible movements with your hands, head, or even your whole body, indicating an unsuccessful acting past;
  • kiss for a very long time. It is advisable that this technique does not last longer than a minute. If you really want to use this method of kissing, it is better to try to be briefly distracted by another caress, and then resume the activity again.

Knowing how to kiss with your tongue can help you express much deeper feelings towards your partner. By trying different techniques for this activity, kissers enhance the sensuality of the moment, deepen intimacy, and find points of maximum pleasure. They actually move to a new level of relationship and personal skill in kissing.

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