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Comic test: who did you see (an old woman or a girl)? Test young girl or old

We are accustomed to taking the world around us for granted, so we do not notice how our brain deceives its own masters.

The imperfection of our binocular vision, unconscious false judgments, psychological stereotypes and other distortions of worldview give rise to optical illusions. There are a huge number of them, but we tried to collect the most interesting, crazy and incredible of them for you.

Impossible figures

At one time, this genre of graphics became so widespread that it even received its own name - impossibilism. Each of these figures seems quite real on paper, but simply cannot exist in the physical world.

Impossible trident

Classical blivet is perhaps the most striking representative of optical patterns from the “impossible figures” category. No matter how you try, you will not be able to determine where the middle tooth originates.

Another striking example is the impossible Penrose triangle.

It is in the form of a so-called “endless staircase”.

And also “The Impossible Elephant” by Roger Shepard.

Ames room

Issues of optical illusions interested Adelbert Ames Jr. from early childhood. After becoming an ophthalmologist, he continued his research into depth perception, which resulted in the famous Ames Room.

How does the Ames room work?

In a nutshell, the effect of Ames's room can be conveyed as follows: it seems that in the left and right corners of its back wall there are two people - a dwarf and a giant. Of course, this is an optical trick, and in fact these people are of quite normal height. In reality, the room has an elongated trapezoidal shape, but due to false perspective it appears rectangular to us. The left corner is farther away from the visitors’ view than the right, and therefore the person standing there seems so small.

Movement Illusions

This category of optical tricks is of greatest interest to psychologists. Most of them are based on the subtleties of color combinations, the brightness of objects and their repetition. All these tricks mislead our peripheral vision, as a result of which the perception mechanism gets confused, the retina captures the image intermittently, spasmodically, and the brain activates the areas of the cortex responsible for recognizing movement.

floating star

It's hard to believe that this picture is not an animated GIF, but an ordinary optical illusion. The drawing was created by Japanese artist Kaya Nao in 2012. A pronounced illusion of movement is achieved thanks to the opposite direction of the patterns in the center and along the edges.

There are quite a few similar illusions of movement, that is, static images that appear to be moving. For example, the famous rotating circle.

Or yellow arrows on a pink background: when you look closely, they seem to sway back and forth.

Caution: This image may cause eye pain or dizziness in people with weak vestibular systems.

Honestly, this is a regular picture, not a GIF! Psychedelic spirals seem to drag you somewhere into a universe full of strangeness and wonder.

Changeling illusions

The most numerous and fun genre of illusion drawings is based on changing the direction of looking at a graphic object. The simplest inverted drawings just need to be rotated 180 or 90 degrees.

Two classic illusions-shifters: nurse/old woman and beauty/ugly.

A more highly artistic picture with a trick - when turned 90 degrees, the frog turns into a horse.

Other “double illusions” are more subtle.

Girl/old woman

One of the most popular dual images was published in 1915 in the cartoon magazine Puck. The caption to the drawing read: “My wife and mother-in-law.”

Old people/Mexicans

An elderly couple or Mexicans singing with a guitar? Most people see old people first, and only then their eyebrows turn into sombreros and their eyes into faces. The authorship belongs to the Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo, who created many illusion pictures of a similar nature.


Surprisingly, the interpretation of this psychological illusion depends on the person’s age. As a rule, children see dolphins frolicking in the water - their brains, not yet familiar with sexual relationships and their symbols, simply do not isolate two lovers in this composition. Older people, on the contrary, see the couple first, and only then the dolphins.

The list of such dual pictures can be continued endlessly:

In the picture above, most people see the Indian's face first, and only then look to the left and see the silhouette in the fur coat. The image below is usually interpreted by everyone as a black cat, and only then does a mouse appear in its outline.

A very simple upside-down picture - something like this can be easily done with your own hands.

Illusions of color and contrast

Alas, the human eye is imperfect, and in our assessments of what we see (without noticing it ourselves) we often rely on the color environment and brightness of the background of the object. This leads to some very interesting optical illusions.

Gray squares

Optical illusions of colors are one of the most popular types of optical illusion. Yes, squares A and B are painted the same color.

This trick is possible due to the way our brain works. A shadow without sharp boundaries falls on square B. Thanks to the darker "surrounding" and the smooth shadow gradient, it appears to be significantly lighter than Square A.

Green spiral

There are only three colors in this photo: pink, orange and green. Don't believe me? This is what you get when you replace pink and orange with black.

Is the dress white and gold or blue and black?

However, illusions based on color perception are not uncommon. Take, for example, the white-gold or black-and-blue dress that conquered the Internet in 2015. What color was this mysterious dress really, and why? different people Did you perceive it differently?

The explanation of the dress phenomenon is very simple: as in the case of gray squares, everything depends on the imperfect chromatic adaptation of our visual organs. As you know, the human retina consists of two types of receptors: rods and cones. Rods capture light better, while cones capture color better. Each person has a different ratio of cones to rods, so the determination of the color and shape of an object is slightly different depending on the dominance of one or another type of receptor.

Those who saw the dress in white and gold noticed the brightly lit background and decided that the dress was in the shadows, which means White color should be darker than usual. If the dress seemed blue-black to you, it means that your eye first of all paid attention to the main color of the dress, which in this photo actually has a blue tint. Then your brain judged that the golden hue was black, lightened due to the sun's rays directed at the dress and the poor quality of the photo.

In reality the dress was blue with black lace.

Here's another photo that baffled millions of users who couldn't decide whether it was a wall in front of them or a lake.

Optical illusions on video


This crazy optical illusion is misleading: it is difficult to determine which leg of the figure is the supporting leg and, as a result, to understand in which direction the ballerina is rotating. Even if you succeed, while watching the video the supporting leg may “change” and the girl seems to begin to rotate in the other direction.

The most popular optical illusion “Ballerina”

If you were able to easily fix the direction of the ballerina’s movement, this indicates a rational, practical mindset of your mind. If the ballerina rotates in different directions, this means that you have a wild, not always consistent imagination. Contrary to popular belief, this does not affect the dominance of the right or left hemisphere.

Monster faces

Of interest to lovers of unusual things is a chair designed by Chris Duffy. It appears to rest solely on its front legs. But if you risk sitting on it, you will understand that the shadow cast by the chair is its main support.

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Dual or polysemantic images, as the Big Psychological Dictionary tells us, are explained by the fact that when perceiving such drawings, a person has different ideas that are equally consistent with what is depicted.

How many women do you see?

At first glance, 90% of people see an attractive girl of 20-25 years old, the remaining 10% see an old woman over 70 with a huge nose. For those who see the picture for the first time, it is difficult to see the second image.

Clue: The girl's ear is the eye of an elderly woman, and the oval young face- this is the old woman's nose.

The first impression, according to psychologists, usually depends on what part of the picture your gaze fell on at the first moment.

After a little training, you can learn to order yourself who you want to see.
Psychiatrist E. Boringou used the portrait in the 1930s as an illustration for his work. The author of such an image is sometimes called the American cartoonist W. Hill, who published the work in 1915 in the magazine “Pak” (translated into Russian as “elf”, “fairy-tale spirit”).

But back in the first years of the 20th century, a postcard was issued in Russia with the same picture and the inscription: “My wife and my mother-in-law.”

The picture with two ladies can be found in many psychology textbooks.

Hare or duck?

Which character did you see first in the modern version of The Ehrenstein Illusion? The very first "duck-hare" drawing was published in Jastrow's book in 1899. It is believed that if children are shown the picture on Easter Day, they will be more likely to see it as a rabbit, but if shown to them in October, they will tend to see a duck or similar bird

Clue: In the picture you can see a duck, which is directed to the left, or a hare, which is directed to the right.

Singing Mexicans or old men?

Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo is the author of rather unusual paintings with hidden meanings. If you look closely, you will see another, hidden image in each of his drawings. He has designed sets for more than 120 Mexican and American films. He created several portraits of famous people of the Western world in a surreal style (“Portrait of the singer Cher”, “Portrait of the actress Jane Fonda”, “Portrait of Jimmy Carter”, etc.).

Clue: The old man and the old blonde woman look at each other. Their eyebrows are the hats of Mexican musicians, and their eyes are the faces of musicians.

Just Rose?

At first glance, yes. An ordinary flower and nothing more. But it was not there. The author of this image, Sandro del Pre, formed a new direction in art, which he called “illusorism,” focusing on creating optical illusions when painting.

Clue: In the center of the rose you can see a couple kissing.

Old man or cowboy?

This painting by Ya. Botvinnik, first half of the twentieth century, USA, is called “My husband and my father-in-law.”
Who did you see first? Young man V cowboy hat or an old man with a big nose?
Psychologists say that a person’s attitude towards himself influences the choice of image: with a positive attitude, people are more likely to perceive a young image in the first seconds.

Clue: The cowboy's neck is the old man's mouth, the ear is the eye, the chin is the nose.

What do you see in the sixth picture?

Leave your options in the comments to this article. The answer will appear at 13:00 on October 8, 2013.

Answer: Skull or young couple

Have you ever wondered how old you are? Many people believe that we only have one life and when it's all over there will be nothing left. But in many traditions there is a concept that the soul can have several lives.

Even if you don't know it, you may be young at heart. Or an old soul who holds within himself the wisdom of hundreds of past lives!

Now look carefully at the image and tell me what you saw first! Your answer will tell you what kind of soul you are.

If you saw a girl

You have a young soul that is taking its first steps in the earthly world. You are the one who is always surprised by this world, who always finds positive sides in everything.

You don't have many wounds from past lives, and that's why you can be a little naive at times. You give yourself completely to things and people, even at the risk of mental trauma. It is important for you to feel and love everything you have!

You are an incredibly inquisitive person, always pursuing new goals. The bad thing is that you can often make mistakes, because the soul is at the learning stage.

If you saw an old woman

Your soul has already come a long way. Surely, you are the kind of person who more than once feels out of place in this world: you are too wise for your age, and you don’t like the same things as others.

You've already been through it all. Your soul is very careful because it has already suffered many times. You are a person who takes care of himself, respects himself and, above all, knows what he wants and needs and focuses on it!

Don't waste time on things that have no value. You have learned to distinguish the important from the unimportant, and have learned to focus only on the important.

Life may be less exciting for you than it is for younger souls, but you have the advantage of being that much closer to achieving your life's true purpose!


"My wife or mother-in-law" is one of the most famous optical illusions in the world.

It is believed that your age depends on what you see: in the same picture you can see both a young woman turning her face away and the profile of an elderly woman solemnly looking away.

Picture test

So what do you see in this picture?

The chin of a young girl or the nose of an older woman? An old woman's chin or a girl's breasts? What was the first thing that caught your eye?

Have you ever wondered why you see what you see? A study conducted by two Australian psychology professors says what you see in a picture determines your age.

Optical illusions of vision

According to this study, young people immediately see a girl, while representatives of the older generation, on the contrary, first see an elderly woman.

This study included 393 participants (242 men, 151 women) aged 18 to 68 years. Average age participants were approximately 32 years old.

All these people were shown the image. Literally for one second they had to look at it, and then they were asked a question about who they see in the picture. This meant the gender and age of the depicted object.

When the researchers separated the oldest 10 percent of the participants from the youngest 10 percent, they found some patterns. It turned out that those participants who saw the young woman tended to be younger than the others. Conversely, those who first caught the eye of the old woman were very advanced in age.

The purpose of the study was to determine whether a person's own age influences the initial perception and interpretation of an image on a subconscious level.

In other words, you see what you are. But even if you noticed an elderly woman first, don’t be upset. Just remember: you are only as old as you feel.

Jastrow's Illusion (Jastrow, 1899)

Who do you see here? Hare or duck?

The illusion was originally published in a German humor magazine Fliegende Blatter (October 23, 1892, p. 147). For more information on the history of illusion, see.
Jastrow, J. (1899). The mind's eye. Popular Science Monthly, 54, 299-312.

Ehrenstein illusion. Schematic modification. (Ehrenstein, 1930)

Hare-duck in full height.

Ehrenstein, W. Untersuchungen uber Figur-Grund-Fragen.

Zeitschrift fur Psychologie 117, 1930. P. 339-412 (Fig. 3, p. 369).

Wife or mother-in-law (two picture options).
Who do you see here?

A young girl or a sad old woman?

How many people are there?

One? Two? Or maybe three?

Who do you see? Sad old man or cowboy?

J. Botwinick "Husband and Father-in-Low", 1961

Illusion with the face of a pharaoh.

Is it a donkey or a seal?

Who is this?

American Indian or Eskimo?

Old man or lovers?

Is it just a rose?

Sandro del Prete "Life In The Rose"

What is this?
Facial profile? And if you take a closer look? Still can't see?!

Did you see the inscription “Liar” (liar, deceiver)?

Mysterious portrait of a general.

The picture shows 9 people.
Can you find them all?

Don Quixote.

How many faces do you see here?

Portrait of Sigmund Freud.

What is Einstein thinking about?

The brain of a man.

Find a donkey.

G.A. Wotherspoon "Society, A Portrait"

Illusions with a skull.

Clown in love

L'amour de Pierrot "A Clown's Love", 1905

Salvador Dali. "Slave market with a disappearing bust of Voltaire", 1940.

Donkey head or naked girls?

10 friends. Can you find the tenth "friend"

Rusty Rust "Ten Friends"

Are they old people or singing Mexicans?

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