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Funny good morning wishes. Funny good morning greetings to a friend Funny good morning quatrains

Good morning has already arrived,
It gave us a new day.
I wish you good mood
Let only luck come.
WITH Good morning I wish you soon
Today, invite all your friends.

Open the door wider,
Let the new day in now.
Good morning, please accept my congratulations,
May it bring you joy.

The day will begin with bright hopes,
And he will quickly drive away all the ignorant from the path.
All your deeds will go well,
Good morning brought you good fortune.

The first bird on the street began to sing,
She dared to wake you up.
Perhaps you shouldn't be angry with her,
And quickly start charging.

Good morning has already come to you,
But luck was definitely not deterred.
I'll shout good morning to you,
Let happiness increase in fate.

The sun rose early,
Jumped onto a cloud
The ray illuminated the river and meadow,
The cheerful nightingale burst into flute,
Like “Good morning!” -
My friend spoke.

Day in good mood meet,
And leave all your problems at night.
The morning brought us a ray of sunshine,
And I have a surprise in store just for you.

Smile towards the new day,
I'll sing good morning to you too.
The morning wind will blow you success,
And he will immediately cast a spell on fortune.

The day is just beginning now,
And now you are so reluctant to wake up.
Get out of bed quickly, smile,
And reach out to the new day now.

Good morning and a bright, new idea,
Let it be the basis for your mood.
May everything succeed this good morning,
And happiness will come to you soon.

It's so simple, the night has passed and the morning has come,
And the sun immediately hurried towards us.
Don’t hesitate and wake up right away,
And with a minute of the morning, quickly recharge yourself.

You'll have enough energy for a long time then,
And there will be a lot of business success.
Good morning, all your achievements,
And in business today you must have good luck.

" Good morning!" -
We hear these words every morning, early,
And it makes everyone feel good,
As if we wish you happiness then.
And the work is in full swing, and luck in all matters,
And the eyes glow with wondrous light,
After all, someone wished us today
Such Have a good day!

The alarm clock rings so insistently
He is in a hurry to wake you up.
We will join him now,
And good morning at this hour.

Let the morning be nice and coffee,
And the day was successful, even a lottery day.
Don’t hesitate even for a second,
You will receive success like an emerald.

Good morning, smile
And quickly pull yourself up.
The sun is already shining through the window,
Pull yourself up like a cat.

I wish you only good mood,
Lots of smiles and good luck.
So that luck is also nearby,
May you catch the smile of the sun with your eyes!

In anticipation of dawn, the birds fell silent.
The breeze caught on a branch,
Dawn eyelashes sway slightly,
The brook, singing loudly, fell silent.

A wonderful thrill fills my heart,
The delicate blue fog is fading.
A ray will dawn, a quiet babble will be heard,
The nightingale will continue her nightly romance.

Stretching, good morning sun
He will congratulate the day, and he will respond to him
Will send it painted with shiny mother-of-pearl,
A bouquet gracefully woven from clouds.

A new day is just beginning
Dawn is emerging on the horizon.
And while you sleep sweetly in bed,
And you see your dream as rosy.

Get up quickly, wake up quickly,
And recharge yourself on a good, sweet morning.
Let the sun add vigor,
And the ray will leave its kiss for you.

The dark night has completely passed,
And the sadness took with it.
And the dawn came to replace it,
The ray was the first to point at you.

Wake up, take in the first ray,
Start your day in good spirits.
Good morning and have a good day,
We will spend this day well with you.

The day starts very slowly,
So let it pass amusingly.
Good morning, with bright dreams,
Let it delight you with fabulous places.

Start this day with a cup of coffee,
Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy.
Prepare your basket for luck right away,
And arrange a holiday for yourself even on weekdays.

It's already quite light outside,
Open your eyes quickly.
The sun is shining brightly through the window,
Gives everyone passionate love...

Well, I just kiss you on the cheek,
And I wish you the most pleasant moments.
I think it's time for me to call it a day
And wish you a great mood!

How can you sleep for so long? I don't have the strength to wake him up anymore.
Wake up or you'll miss precious moments:
Hug, kiss, go to the store for coffee.
Wake up, stop sleeping! I need your compliments!
In fact, I'm so bored without you,
And “Good morning!” I want to wish. Well, I do not know.
Eh, okay, I’ll entertain myself here for another five minutes.
That's it, five minutes have passed. Hold on, I'm attacking!

Wake up soon
I'm hurrying to you
To see faster
Your smile in the window.
To hug you tighter
And kiss on the mouth,
And of course, faster
Get you out of bed!

You and I had a great time yesterday
And you fell asleep without your hind legs at all...
The night hours flew by quickly...
Well? Were you able to get up this morning?
I send you greetings with good morning!
Well, are you awake? Answer me: where are you?

Waking up is a pleasant moment,
Don't miss it
Open your eyes quickly
Drink coffee, don't be sad!

This day is incredible
A big surprise awaits you,
Do you doubt it? Not worth it!
Believe in him with your heart and soul!

I am simpler, quiet and leisurely,
And tenderly, as if angelically
Kissing, hugging, of course,
And quietly in your ear: Good morning!

Banana-Orange Morning!
Every day early in the morning
Eat Banana and Orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all!
Good morning!

Very funny good morning wishes

The sun has risen, I yawn, wrapped in a sheet.
I don’t want to go for a run, I won’t go to work.
I want to sleep longer next to you today.
And the eyes opened to wish “Good morning”.
Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket and sleep with you some more.
"Good morning!" - the beam stubbornly tells us through the window.
And now I can’t sleep anymore, the sun is shining in my eyes.
Okay, tomorrow we’ll sleep off: “Good morning, fidget!”

Wake up quickly, the sun has already risen.
I know it’s cozy and warm under the blanket.
But despite this, you still have to get up,
Do some quick exercises to stretch your bones.
And then brush your teeth, don’t forget to wash your face,
Eat your favorite breakfast, go and perform great feats.
You see how many pleasant things you have to do.
Good morning! Your alarm clock has already been ringing for 5 minutes!

The nightingales have already gone to rest.
So it's time for you to get up.
Open your heart to a new day
Understand, I already love you more.

I really miss you this morning...
Outside the window the night is quietly melting...
Come on, get up, darling, good morning!
I want the day to pass again with delight!
Just wear cleaner socks...
Look at the service again, don’t be late...

Good morning to you, little man!
Time to wake up, get up quickly!
Do exercises, make coffee,
Take a more contrasting shower in the morning!

Every day early in the morning
Eat Banana and Orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all!

Good morning, cat.
I kiss your tummy.
And when I see you,
I'll kiss you even lower.

The morning has come, come on, wake up!
Hurry up to exercise, sunshine, go!
So that your body is strong and healthy,
So that your appearance will always look cool.
And don’t forget to brush your teeth, of course.
This point is also important, my dear friend.
Don't forget to shower with cold water.
Good morning! And even if you try to break the point!

Good morning! Cool and funny wishes

When dawn breaks into the world,
When the morning opens the shutters,
I'll send you my regards:
“Wake up, my darling, my glorious one!”

Smile back at me, my love
And send a couple of phrases via SMS...
What else is dawn needed for?
To illuminate you with its brilliance!

I imagine how you walk in the morning
Still a little sleepy in my apartment...
You can’t find the socks that you scattered
And again you sit in the toilet for half an hour...
And there you read this SMS,
Where I write good morning with greetings...

Good morning, with joy to you,
Wipe your eyes quickly!
Admire yourself in the mirror,
Warm up and get ready for a fairy tale!

To make the morning good,
You start it by charging:
I need to run a little
Drink some coffee on the sly
Take a shower, make the bed,
Stretch your abs, iron your pants,
Put a smile on your face
Raise your chest, pull in your stomach
And take it with you on the road
Enormous sandwich!

Wake up my master
I hasten to tell you -
What do you need today
Don't oversleep on work!

The sun is shining outside the window,
Everything is blooming all around.
Wake up my master -
I'm your phone number.
Ding-ding! Good morning!/

Good morning! Let it be at dawn
The world will smile at you from the heart,
Life is a lottery, lucky ticket
Pull it out as quickly as possible.

It's already morning.
Good morning I want to say.
It's incredibly cute to watch
How will you open your eyes now?
I'll kiss you softly
And I will press my cheek to your shoulder.
Come on, wake up, I'm sad.
Otherwise, I'll tickle you!

The birds have been fluttering in the garden for a long time.
They protect the main secret of the Earth.
You don't want to get out of bed,
You mumble something anxiously in your sleep.

The alarm clock has already rung five times,
But you still don’t want to get up.
You wrap yourself in a blanket again.
It's me good morning I wished you.

I am writing to remind you that yesterday
You asked me to wake you up this morning...
And so I got up even at five o’clock,
To write you pleasant words...
Well? Have I woken you up yet?
You see: I didn’t forget my promise!

The sun looks sternly out the window,
It's time for you to wake up a long time ago,
Good morning! Hurry up and open your eyes,
And touch this morning fairy tale!

Confessions to a guy Good morning beloved Good morning to my husband Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved Love boyfriend

The sun is like a partisan
Hiding on the next roof,
Aims accurately at the screen.
Isn’t it me you’re writing to, Zaya?
I'm ahead of you:
I wish you a good morning!

My dear, wake up quickly,
Great things await you
Look in the mirror and smile -
Then life will become doubly bright!

It is not suitable for a man to be Sonya -
A new day has come, welcome it!
Stop being lazy, my beloved,
And kiss and hug me!

Darling, it’s time to return from the world of incredible dreams to everyday life, where you will find not only a hot kiss instead of coffee, but also a burning hug instead of a cool shower! Good morning!

May it be a sweet morning,
And the sky is pure, pure,
And your day will be wonderful
Under the radiant sun.

Wake up, my cute kitten!
“Good morning,” I whisper in your ear.
I wish you have enough strength
Say goodbye to the soft pillow.

I wish the blanket
That which tempts you to sleep again,
It couldn't hold me in sweet captivity.
Come on, quickly leave the bed!

Good morning, my love, what a pity to wake you up! You sleep like a child, and my heart overflows with tenderness, and for a minute I forget how courageous, persistent, strong you are and I’m trying to protect you.

Stop cuddling with the blanket
And stop kissing the pillow.
The morning has long come in the yard,
My dear, it's time for you to get up.

Hello my love, are you already awake?
Did you manage to finish watching your beautiful dream?
Look: the whole world is reaching out to meet you,
As soon as you looked out the window!

May the morning be good and pleasant,
And may deeds be accomplished easily!
And the day, of course, will be noble,
If you smile widely!

The lights have long gone out, trams are ringing outside the windows again, people are rushing somewhere fusily. Only you, my beloved bear cub, still can’t cope with your morning sleep and leave your cozy den. Wake up soon and may your morning be good!

Good morning, coffee is waiting
And the sun has been calling for a long time,
He tells everyone that without you
It won't be a great day!

You snore angrily into your pillow,
You quietly grumble at the alarm clock,
At least you need to get up now,
You could have slept for another hour.

But stop grumbling already,
Get up, darling, get up,
Shake good morning's hand,
Well, I'll chase away your boredom.

Darling, good morning! The alarm clock is already tired of ringing - wake up quickly and turn it off! My dear sleepyhead, I wish you a delicious breakfast, joyful thoughts and a successful working day!

So the morning has come,
Wake up, my dear friend.
It's time to stretch sweetly
And smile at your beloved.
A gentle kiss on the cheek -
And let's put an end to this...

I've already pushed through the whole bed,
Darling, it's time to get up!
Stop sleeping like a bear!
It's time to fuck your conscience!

I've been on my feet since dawn,
You are in the feather-clouds!
Show solidarity
Send your body to the bath!

Morning burst into your bedroom and showered you with sunshine, bringing with it cheerfulness so that you would quickly dispel the night fog of thoughts and return to real life make your best dreams come true.

Alina Ogonyok

Life plays, life goes on.
The morning brings the sun.
A minute dances for eternity.
Wishing everyone a good morning.
The world woke up all wonderful.
Everything is so new and interesting.
So, dawn comes again.
He sends a bouquet of happiness.
Sends hope and love.
The blood stirs in my veins.

I wish you good morning,
Have a great day and lots of luck!
Wake up and smile at me!
I will whisper: “You are my happiness”!

Lazy boy, get up!
Don't be angry, don't be indignant,
Leave your bed
There's no point in sleeping like a gopher!

Good morning, how are you?
Put on your panties
And a sandwich with sausage
Put it in your mouth quickly

Drink coffee, smile,
The sun is shining above!
A new morning is coming,
Brings a lot of joy!

Get up quickly
The sun has more fun with us!

Good morning wishes on mobile

Ray plays on the pillow
And tickles your nostrils.
And specks of dust are flying
In the soul of the morning dawn.
Good morning, wake up,
The house whispers, the parquet floors creaking,
Plunge yourself headfirst
To this world, warmed by warmth!

The sun is spinning in the sky.
What a crazy round dance!
The earth cannot live in freedom.
She lives by herself.

I'll tell you - good morning!
Just meet him and believe
That living under the sun is cool!
And spend the day without losses.

Good morning,
Get up, get up.
Good morning,
Cheer up.

Life surprises
He will bring it more than once.
Good morning…
And everything will pass.

The birds sing merrily
A beam burst into the room,
The sun is shining in the corners
The dream goes away like a lie.

Good morning, new day!
Good morning, my shadow!
Good morning, dear land -
How I love a day off!

No matter how stormy the evening may be,
No matter what night it is,
You have to get up, of course.
Be cheerful in the morning!

Don't get up on a bad foot
And don’t get up abruptly either!
Think about the sweet bun
About how delicious strong tea is!

Let the morning be the clearest,
Instantly replacing the darkness of night.
Let the sun's ray wake you up,
Not a clockwork alarm clock!

Before the sun, in the morning,
I'll come to you.
I will show you the riches of the World,
The soul will sing like a lyre.

I'll give you everything
Even a planet, even a Star, -
Everything in the World is for you,
Good morning, my life!

You wake up - the birds are singing,
Smile - the clock is ticking.
It's great - life is good,
And the soul sings with delight.

Good morning - the trumpet is calling,
Good morning - flight of souls.
Good morning - wake up and shine,
This joy is always with you.

Good morning, beloved!
Where were you at night?
Can't reach you by phone -
It's so cute of course.
I was so nervous
That I wrote poetry for you
This life is yours at night
Everyone got a little fed up.
You're a free artist, right?
Like the wind you are free
But probably without conscience
And not suitable for life.
So this morning you can
Apologize first
And then you’ll tell me
Where did fate take you?

With the first ray of dawn,
With the morning light,
The earth is waking up
I miss you.

May it be a good morning,
Let every minute
Do you feel the warmth of love
You catch my love!

Good morning, beloved baby!
Get out of bed and run!
The sun has risen, why are you still sleeping?
Summer is knocking on the windows with its fist!

I'll be there in a couple of minutes
Get ready, get your swimsuit ready!
Hurry up, dear, they are waiting for us
Sun, sea, heat and love!

A cup of coffee will lift your spirits.
Half a chocolate means eating bad luck.
This proven taste is bittersweet
As if whispering:
"Everything will be OK"

The bear slept in the den for a long time,
Everything stinks - hands, feet,
My ass is shaking, my back is spinning,
I'm sweating, my stomach is churning,

My eyes are swollen, my fingers are frozen,
The snot is stubborn, the balls are swollen.
But there is only one moral here - it takes a long time
You will sleep - HANA!

The sun gets warmer earlier
A ray of sunshine hits the window,
The sunrise is already turning yellow,
Morning came into the room.

Good morning, wake up,
It's time to get up
The sun asks: “Smile”
You need to leave the bed.

May good morning be your gift.
A ray of sunshine will gently wake you up with a kiss
And the wind will send you greetings from me.
And good morning will turn into good day!

Morning has come, wake up, kitten,
The sun rose a long time ago
A ray of hope, love and luck
Gently shines through the window

The birds woke up and fluttered across the sky,
The animals stood on their paws,
Even dragonflies don't sleep this morning,
Butterflies and moths!

I smile, remembering you,
My dear light,
May this morning bring hope
And a fruitful day!

The light is shining into your window,
The stomach asks to eat a little.
There's also a cat here:
“Pour food into my basket!”

This is your usual morning,
The noise of the neighbors is obscene
They all groan and scream
They want to congratulate you on a happy morning.

Banana-Orange Morning!
Every day early in the morning
Eat Banana and Orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all!
Good morning!

Hello! Good morning!!!
How did you sleep today?
A cup of delicious coffee,
Who brought it for you today?

Who wished you health
How long to live on earth?
Who confessed his love to you,
Gently hugging you to yourself.?

Hello, I wish you
Good day and love!
I want to ask you
Live happily ever after!

May you always be healthy.
And no problem
You won't be overtaken on the road.
Be happy always!

Good morning! Let it pass
The whole day is good.
Good morning! You'll be lucky
Let a little more.

Let the sun's ray wake up,
Playing with sleep.
Don't forget to wish everyone
You are kind at that.

Good morning! Let there be a day
Like a sparkle from the glare of the sun.
Put on a smile along with your clothes:
She is like in that song - she will return a hundred times.
Good morning! Hurry up to come alive!
Let the little funny things live in your morning coffee.
I wish all your wounds to heal,
And on the cheeks, instead of tears, there are snowflakes!

Good morning! How are you?
From whom are you expecting greetings?
Maybe you're not expecting it from me?
But today it's me!

Good morning sunshine,
Wake up quickly
Open your eyes quickly
Don't yawn or be timid.
Today there is a lot waiting for us,
The whole day is ahead,
Don't be lazy, get out of bed,
The night is left behind.

Good morning! Have a good day.
White lake after rain.
It will quietly cover you with a gray veil.
Life is wonderful - while you're young!

Good morning, cat.
I kiss your tummy.
And when I see you,
I'll kiss you even lower.

Good morning and again
The smiles on our faces shine.
Let the word bring good luck,
Do you hear the singing of light birds?
Let adversity pass us by,
Let the fuss pass.
Let your worries please you,
And never sadness.

Good morning! Happy new day!
Happy new sun outside the window!
Open the doors wider
Let the freshness of the morning into your home!
The dark night has passed,
And she took away her worries.
Good morning!
Start your day well!

The dawn will be decorated with mother of pearl
Your face, which is quietly dozing!
“My dear, good morning!” –
I will say it with love, listening to my heart.
I open the window - the sun is bright
It will burst into the house and fill it with light!
You have become a gift to me!
I’m ready to scream about this all my life!

To make the morning good,
You start it by charging:
I need to run a little
Drink some coffee on the sly
Take a shower, make the bed,
Pump the press, iron the pants,
Put a smile on your face
Raise your chest, pull in your stomach
And take it with you on the road
Enormous sandwich!
Good morning!!!

Starlings to the sounds of a nightingale trill
Today it was announced everywhere
That this morning is only for you,
It is inappropriate to consider him unkind.

And I'm ready to sing in unison with them,
So that in the morning you can hear our songs
My only favorite face
Well, and other parts of the body together.

Good morning flower
Stop yawning, smile little angel
Get up, stretch, drive away sleep and laziness
And let it be joyful
Present day.

Wake up my master
I hasten to tell you -
What do you need today
Don't oversleep on work!

The sun is shining outside the window,
Everything is blooming all around.
Wake up my master -
I'm your phone number.
Ding-ding! Good morning!

Good morning my sleepyhead,
How you love to sleep.
Kiss me, little one,
It's time for you to get up.

Don't swear at the alarm clock
Don't hit him baby
And get up quickly
Otherwise you'll sleep through everything again.

For your attention and care
Don't forget to hug me
Before you go to work
Try to escape.

Stay just a moment
So that I can give you time
Read a poem
Which I've been poring over.

Morning cheerful greetings
Marks himself again
Sunny bright light
It washes you.

Good morning
I hasten to congratulate you.
And an air kiss
I'm giving myself away.

Change this gray morning -
Maybe only one Kama Sutra.
Good morning!!!

Good morning, say brightly
The sun is a joyful ray.
Good morning, glass of happiness
Let him come to our house again.
Let the trouble pass on.
Let the despondency go away.
Good morning! More happiness
May you always be lucky in everything.

Different funny wishes good morning to everyone everyone everyone!

Good Morning Wishes

Good morning darling, I’ll say good morning!
Passionate, kind, sweet, let me wake you up!
The eyes will wake up with a smile, here's a kiss at dawn
The heart of a dancing fish beats like a flame in response.
Good morning my love! Well, tell me how you slept?
Good morning my love! How are you doing these days?
Here is the kiss of awakening, here is the kiss after sleep.
Here is a kiss of mood, here is a kiss like spring.

Good morning girl

My beloved sunshine!
But it’s still nice to live in the world,
To realize that somewhere nearby there is a close soul.
And wait for the moment, like the wind waits for a sail,
When I can kiss you, look into your wonderful eyes!
I kiss, hug, and look forward to meeting you.
You are my greatest joy!
I adore you!!

Good morning to a friend

I want love with you so much
Hurry to me, my love!
Good morning, my baby,
Wash your face and get up!
I feel very bad without you,
I'll come, make some tea.

Good morning wishes

When you wake up at dawn,
you will see a ray on the wall,
promise you'll smile
and just remember me.

Good morning guy

Get up quickly from your bed
And stretch your paws to the sun.
Hurry up and catch the sun
And don't let go anywhere
Hold him close to you
And remember me.

As soon as I open my eyes,
I remembered you, my Goddess...
I remembered the eyes of your reality tearing apart,
Their depth and bright shine, my Goddess...
And my heart is beating so hard that my chest is ready to break,
And thoughts only about you alone, my Goddess...

A ray of sunshine on the glass,
Titmouse's shadow on the wall,
Are you going to open your eyes now?
And you will understand that life is wonderful!
Good morning baby

Wake up, beauty, wake up!
And reach out sweetly to the sun,
Plunge into its rays
And smile tenderly and tenderly!

Early morning, the sun has risen.
Good morning, whispered to you.
Open your eyes my beloved baby,
I'm waiting and hoping that you call!

Good morning wishes in prose

I opened my eyes and immediately remembered you, my beloved!
Drops of dew sparkle playfully in the rays of the morning sun, birds sing their songs wonderfully, the air is fresh. And I really want you to wake up and see the same beauty outside the window and remember me and our immense love! Good morning, my sunshine!

Good morning wishes for your beloved

Good morning! Get up, wake up!
Brush your teeth, get dressed quickly.
Take the phone, dial my number there,
So that without you I won’t die here at all!!!

Good morning wishes to a girl in verse

Good morning, dear, beloved!
I miss you so much, irresistible.
I'm sending you a tender kiss
And I ask you to hug me.
Good morning, I love you...

Good morning wishes to my beloved

The morning will come, and your
Instantly the rose will open its petals...
Let your tender eyes
They don't know what tears are.
Let everything be as you want.
Let your expectations not be deceived.
And all the wonderful dreams
They will become your reality!

Cool good morning sms

Only two words help me wake up:
your name and “must”!

Good morning for him
Good morning, my dear,
I feel so good with you.
Know you I adore
And I always miss you.

Today we did not meet in a dream,
It's strange, but you didn't come to me.
I was so homesick, I was looking for you:
Where did you wander this night without me?

A ray of sunshine creeps towards the bed...
The sound of SMS will disturb the peace,
At this moment your dream will end,
Good morning my kitten!

My beloved sunshine! GOOD MORNING! But still, it’s nice to live in the world, to realize that somewhere nearby there is a close soul. And wait for the moment, like the wind waits for a sail, When I can kiss you, look into your wonderful eyes! I kiss, hug, and look forward to meeting you. You are my greatest joy! I adore you!

The sleepy birch trees smiled,
Silk braids were disheveled.
Green earrings rustle
And the silver dews burn.
The fence is overgrown with nettles
Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl,
And, swaying, whispers playfully:
Good morning!

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