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Nymphomania (Andromania, Hypersexuality). Illness or character trait? Nymphomania in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment Nymphomaniac designation


Characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, an incessant search for new partners and, due to the disinhibition of sexual behavior, casual sexual relations.

see also

  • Satyriasis is a similar phenomenon in men


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  • Windows 98

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    NYMPHOMANIA- (Greek, from nymphe nymph, and mania rabies). Uterine rabies disease: uncontrollable sexual desire in women. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NYMPHOMANIA Greek, from nymphe, nymph, and mania, rabies.… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    nymphomania- and, f. nymphomania f. honey. Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. BAS 1. Regarding your conviction about the revealed nymphomania, they brought me joy. Hertz. //30 27 (1) 122. Seeing Lva Mikhail in a dream portends seizures for men... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    nymphomania- nymphomania, in the speech of doctors, nymphomania... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    NYMPHOMANIA- (from the Greek nymphe, bride, young woman and mania), in medicine, a painful increase in sexual desire in women ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NYMPHOMANIA- NYMPHOMANIA, nymphomania, many others. no, female (from Greek nymphe, see nymph, and mania madness) (med.). Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    nymphomania- noun, number of synonyms: 11 andromania (4) uterine rabies (2) hypersexuality ... Synonym dictionary

    NYMPHOMANIA- (nymphomania), a special type of hypereroticism (sexual hyperesthesia) increased sexual desire in women, which is expressed in constant sexual dissatisfaction and an incessant need for sexual satisfaction. Similar to similar... Great Medical Encyclopedia

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    Nymphomania- (Greek nymphe bride + mania; synonym andromania), pathological sexual desire in women, manifested by an unbridled desire for sexual intimacy with different partners. In men, a similar deviation is called satyriasis. Sexological encyclopedia

At first, doctors applied the term “nymphomania” only to women who had increased sexual needs and engaged in promiscuous sexual intercourse. However, today the answer to the question of who are nymphomaniacs is broader - such people include both men and women with pronounced hypersexuality.

What does the diagnosis of nyphomania mean?

Normally, sexual desire plays a big role in a person’s life, but in a nymphomaniac, sexual desire overrides all other desires and aspirations. And if someone thinks that having a nymphomaniac wife is not so bad, this person should be upset - such a woman will strive for sex anywhere and with anyone. Moreover, very often nymphomaniacs do not achieve orgasm, but rather change their sexual partner.

As for the pleasure received from sex, nymphomaniacs usually experience a whole series of orgasms in one sexual act. But at the same time, they do not get a feeling of satisfaction - they want more and more. It is not for nothing that in the old days such a disease was called “rabies of the uterus.”

Symptoms of nymphomania in men and women

Only a doctor can distinguish promiscuity from illness. According to statistics, nymphomania occurs in 1 person out of 2500, and residents of hot countries are more often affected. Doctors include the following signs of nymphomania:

  • constant search for a new sexual partner;
  • very quick disappointment in any partner;
  • frequent attraction to a stranger;
  • endless thoughts about sex;
  • lack of interest in people as individuals, a person matters only as a sexual object;
  • frequent casual sex;
  • prone to hysterics.
Causes of nymphomania

Despite the popular belief that nymphomania is equivalent to promiscuity, this disease occurs for serious reasons.

  1. One of the main causes of nymphomania is organic brain damage affecting the hypothalamus. Most often these are mechanical injuries. Thanks to the work of the hypothalamus, a person realizes when he needs to sleep, drink, and eat. This part of the brain also regulates sexual behavior. When the hypothalamus is damaged, the sensitivity of the genital organs increases and libido increases.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. This reason often overtakes women who are in menopause. A malfunction of the ovaries causes an imbalance of male and female hormones, which results in strong sexual desire and itching in the genitals. Hormonal imbalance can also be caused by tumors on the ovaries.
  3. Mental illnesses. Nymphomania often accompanies psychopathy and manic-depressive states.
  4. Early onset of sexual activity. Nymphomania can develop in a girl who began sexual activity early due to complexes and self-doubt, lack of parental attention.

Treatment of nymphomania

Diagnosis and treatment of nymphomania require a systematic approach with the participation of different specialists:

Traditional therapy can be enhanced with traditional methods of treatment. Calming herbal preparations that reduce increased excitability and soothe the hypersensitivity of the genital organs are considered effective for the treatment of nymphomania.

Initially, the term “nymphomania” served to designate an exceptionally strong sexual desire in women, forcing them to disregard the norms of decency and frequently change partners. Nowadays, “nymphomaniac” is often used in relation to an equally active man, although the word “nymphomania” itself comes from two ancient Greek words: “nympho” - “bride” and “mania” - “passion”, “madness”. In any case, a nymphomaniac is a person with pronounced hypersexuality.

Nymphomania - a disease or promiscuity?

Greek doctors considered nymphomania a disease, closely linking it with hysteria, which was given the crude name “rabies”. The fact is that increased sexual desire and promiscuity in intimate relationships were often observed in women who were overly impressionable, emotional, and prone to demonstrative scandals, many of whom could not even give birth.

Such views were widespread until the late Middle Ages. Therefore, a woman who was too sexually active could either be considered sick or suspected of having connections with evil spirits. And then her fate was very sad.

What can cause nymphomania?

After the advent of a more liberal era, promiscuity with frequent changes of partners was classified as “promiscuity.” In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is quite complex. Most often, people with elevated levels of certain hormones in their bodies that are responsible for sexual desire become nymphomaniacs. It is because of this hormonal shift that they experience a strong (often obsessive) desire for frequent sexual intercourse with different partners. That is, some hero-lover like Don Juan may well turn out to be an ordinary nymphomaniac.

Often, nymphomania in women is associated with the impossibility of satisfaction during sexual intercourse (the so-called “nymphomanic frigidity”). It turns out to be a vicious circle: the more a woman strives to achieve orgasm, changing partners for this, the greater the disappointment. Often, because of this, the case ends in a persistent mental disorder.

Many modern experts believe that nymphomania is based on some psychopathological processes, which, however, cannot be considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is a kind of “borderline state”.

Nymphomania is manifested by an uncontrollable, obsessive, often impulsive desire for sexual relations with different partners. At the same time, age, appearance, financial situation, social status and even the gender of the sexual object that “comes to hand” do not play a special role, that is, there is a low level of selectivity in choosing a partner.

Nymphomania is characterized by constant dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, sexual disinhibition, searches for new partners and casual sexual contacts. Nymphomaniacs, as a rule, are not capable of orgasm, and if orgasms do occur, they do not satisfy the “hunger” and only reduce desire for a short time. Women with this disorder usually have an obsessive desire to achieve sexual satisfaction, which is why they “seek” release in a large number of sexual acts - in the hope that quantity will someday turn into quality.

Excitement in this pathology is not accompanied by adequate physiological reactions from the genital organs, and the attraction is of an obsessive subjective nature. The lack of involvement of the genital organs in the process of arousal indicates the presence of psychopathology. Hypersexuality in nymphomania must be distinguished from hypersexuality that occurs with any organic lesions of the brain. Most often the disorder accompanies the manic stage of manic-depressive psychosis. It is also possible to experience an excessive increase in sexual desire after experiencing stress, severe fright or tension.

The causes of nymphomania can be obsessive states, nervous or mental disorders, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and organs performing endocrine functions, ovarian tumors, etc. It is often observed in persons prone to psychopathy, especially in the hysterical circle. It can also be observed in oligophrenia.

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To some, the question of whether a nymphomaniac has a chance to become a good wife may seem rhetorical. Some people may not see a problem at all in combining these two concepts. In order to understand, it is worth starting by defining both.

Nymphomaniacs are women whose sexual needs in terms of the quantity and quality of regular sexual intercourse significantly, very significantly exceed the average, for example, up to 10 times a day. And with different partners. A wife is a woman who is officially married. That is, her husband is her only official partner. So can a man desire to have a nymphomaniac next to him throughout his life?

A nymphomaniac cannot be a faithful wife and mother

What is not just a wife, but a good wife? The question is almost philosophical, but in the generally accepted meaning it is a woman who has chosen her only man and devoted herself to loving him, taking care of him, creating a family home, raising children and, in one way or another, sharing her life and bed with him alone. From this point of view, a nymphomaniac cannot be a good wife. A-priory.

If such a loving woman, having entered into marriage, shares a bed only with her husband, she can no longer be called a nymphomaniac.

Prostitute wife

At the same time, nymphomania is not just a lack of moral principles and a dissolute lifestyle. It's a disease. A pathology recognized in the medical world. And it’s not just women who suffer from this kind of deviation from the norm. We can assume that there is a man who is beautiful in every way except one. He is an active bisexual and a supporter of group sex. And in this area he is also unrestrained. Naturally, the vast majority of women had already explained to him where to go. And he also wants someone to cook him borscht and drink it after the next party, without falling into hysterics about its contents. And why shouldn’t this someone become that same nymphomaniac, whom most men would mentally deny the opportunity for such a role. After all, by and large, a good wife is one who shares her husband’s values, takes care of him and does not judge him.

Who knows, maybe these two sick people in a marriage can be happier than most “normal” couples, and without sex they can find a reason to be unhappy.

It also happens that, having walked together and resisted the fall, at a certain moment people find the strength to change. Together. After all, they say that nothing is impossible for those who really want something. Even if we are talking about a nymphomaniac. Especially if we are talking about a nymphomaniac who wants to become a good wife.

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Sexual desire is a common occurrence in human life. Thanks to this generous gift of nature, a person can continue his family line and do it with pleasure. It would be difficult to imagine seven billion people on planet Earth if the process of conception were not accompanied by pleasant sensations. However, sometimes the desire for intimacy goes beyond the boundaries of common sense and takes on the character of pathology.

It is believed that it was known back in the time of Plato, who came up with its name. And it means a woman’s strong pathological sexual desire. It manifests itself in a constant obsessive desire for sexual contact. This phenomenon is both interesting from a scientific point of view and dangerous for humans. And that's why.

Norm and pathology

A person in his normal state still remains an animal, since he belongs to the named kingdom according to the biological classification. However, this is an organized animal, capable to a certain extent of controlling its desires, making responsible decisions, receiving information from the outside and analyzing it adequately.

Pathology is a disorder. And in the case of nymphomania, the disorder is both psychological and partly physiological. According to statistics, it affects women living in warm climate zones to a greater extent. Perhaps there is some climatic dependence here, since from a physiological point of view, human behavior is largely controlled by the hormonal system, and under direct sunlight the endocrine system works more actively.

Be that as it may, this is a violation of the normal functioning of the body. A woman is ready to have sexual contact very often, with many people, even strangers, in order to achieve pleasure, which is not enough for a long time. We have to look for new “victims”.

A lot and often or a man’s dream?

A lot and often - this can be called a man’s dream, especially at a young age, when “play the hormone” replaces common sense. And this is physiologically justified and correct from the point of view of procreation, in order to have time to create offspring and raise them. And to such men, nymphomania seems like manna from heaven. Until they get involved with a real nymphomaniac.

This definition is often understood as simply loving women, healthy and morally liberated. However, this is not correct. Nymphomania is a disease. A disease that forces you to seek sexual satisfaction always and everywhere. Even at the risk of your own health or the well-being of your partner.

Not every man will decide to meet a real nymphomaniac. Just as communication with the mentally ill is dangerous, in this case such relationships, which seem ordinary at first glance, can lead anywhere. Sexually transmitted diseases, risks during sex in unusual places (which is not uncommon for nymphomaniacs), crimes caused by raging hormones - this is not a complete list of what real pathological nymphomania entails. Therefore, we can definitely say - yes, nymphomania is dangerous, and for both partners.


  • Interesting about nymphomania

Nymphomaniacs are women who frequently change sexual partners. Such people love sex very much, and a variety of it. Psychologists say that nymphomania is a disease. However, is this so?

Initially, the term “nymphomania” served to designate an exceptionally strong sexual desire in women, forcing them to disregard the norms of decency and frequently change partners. Nowadays, “nymphomaniac” is often used in relation to an equally active man, although the word “nymphomania” itself comes from two ancient Greek words: “nympho” - “bride” and “mania” - “passion”, “madness”. In any case, a nymphomaniac is a person with pronounced hypersexuality.

Nymphomania - a disease or promiscuity?

Greek doctors considered nymphomania a disease, closely linking it with hysteria, which was given the crude name “rabies”. The fact is that increased sexual desire and promiscuity in intimate relationships were often observed in women who were overly impressionable, emotional, and prone to demonstrative scandals, many of whom could not even give birth.

Such views were widespread until the late Middle Ages. Therefore, a woman who was too sexually active could either be considered sick or suspected of having connections with evil spirits. And then her fate was very sad.

What can cause nymphomania?

After the advent of a more liberal era, promiscuity with frequent changes of partners was classified as “promiscuity.” In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is quite complex. Most often, people with elevated levels of certain hormones in their bodies that are responsible for sexual desire become nymphomaniacs. It is because of this hormonal shift that they experience a strong (often obsessive) desire for frequent sexual intercourse with different partners. That is, some hero-lover like Don Juan may well turn out to be an ordinary nymphomaniac.

Often, nymphomania in women is associated with the impossibility of satisfaction during sexual intercourse (the so-called “nymphomanic frigidity”). It turns out to be a vicious circle: the more a woman strives to achieve orgasm, changing partners for this, the greater the disappointment. Often, because of this, the case ends in a persistent mental disorder.

Many modern experts believe that nymphomania is based on some psychopathological processes, which, however, cannot be considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is a kind of “borderline state”.

0 Many men probably don’t even realize that there are girls for whom sex is a basic need in life. All the thoughts of such babes revolve around men, or rather them " jade wands". Such a lady, at the sight of any guy, experiences a surge of desire, and an urgent need to get into his pants. Such young ladies do not stand out from the crowd at all, they are difficult to identify by appearance, but inside they represent a real storm of emotions that pushes them to adventure. These beautiful ladies were popularly called Nymphomaniac, which means you can read a little lower. On this site you can find a lot more useful articles on a variety of topics, from criminal argot to the jargon of fashionistas. Therefore, do not forget to add this educational resource site to your bookmarks to gain access to new and useful information.
However, before I continue, I would like to present to your attention some popular news on the topic of women and girls. For example, what does Nymphet mean, what is Harasment, who is Minx, what does Flirtatious mean, etc.
So let's continue Nymphomaniac, meaning? This term was borrowed from the Greek language" nymphe"(bride) plus prefix" mania".

Nymphomaniac- this is a girl who experiences an unquenchable constant sexual thirst, which manifests itself in a pathological desire for sexual contact with various men.

Almost any representative of the stronger sex would not refuse a nymphomaniac friend who would be ready to mate at any time, in any place and in any mood. Perhaps some guys, having discovered a nymphomaniac, should be wary and not rejoice, since they do not imagine the full scale of the troubles and problems that " flow out"from communicating with such a female individual. Men who have already met and were very closely acquainted with nymphomaniacs can easily dispel a certain magical myth cultivated among young guys about these seductresses. People who believe that a girl who is ready to twenty - To engage in sex thirty times a day is a completely normal phenomenon, and not beyond the bounds - go into the woods! For a nymphomaniac, copulation is the same as blowing your nose into a handkerchief, and handkerchiefs ( men) she usually has a huge amount. During sexual intercourse, the sweet lady experiences one orgasm after another, without finding the long-awaited release. She wants to experience intimacy again and again, while making her partner almost faint.
This girl does not care at all about her partner, she is not at all interested in his inner world, what he thinks about, his thoughts and hobbies. Even who he works and how high his status in society is, by and large, is indifferent to her. She uses it as a f*ck simulator, and after a dozen f*cking contacts she will throw it away like a used pad. A man will be lucky if he is not infected with various skin and sexually transmitted diseases.

Lack of control is one of the main signs by which you can identify nymphomaniac. For example, if a young lady constantly changes partners for financial reasons or thus tries to get rid of her complexes, while being aware of what is happening, then this is quite normal. Such actions cannot be classified as nymphomania, and making correct diagnoses is the prerogative of doctors or physicians.
In addition, some confuse nymphomania with the body's increased needs for copulation, more frequent than the average woman. Moreover, if your lady wants " love"more often than you yourself, this is not an excuse to start calling her a nymphomaniac.

In Russia, nymphomania is not treated as a disease, but nymphomaniacs are mistaken for whores or libertines. Moreover, towards some girls who, with the help of doctors, were able to get rid of this destructive disease, the attitude in society remained negative, emphasizing this with their contempt and ignoring them as individuals. Often, because of this disease, families break up, because what kind of husband would be pleased to contemplate his wife returning from another lover. However, if you consider yourself a nymphomaniac, do not panic in advance; such a deviation occurs extremely rarely. According to statistics, one girl out of 2,500 representatives of the fair sex becomes a nymphomaniac.

If you meet a nymphomaniac, you should not immediately condemn and insult her indiscriminately. She probably already knows about her illness, but has not yet understood how to deal with it correctly. Usually, with such a pathology, they turn to psychologists, psychiatrists or psychotherapists who can make life easier for sick girls.

After reading this informative article, you learned who is Nymphomaniac, and now you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation if you suddenly find this word again on the Internet or in everyday communication.

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