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How the house of Givenchy made a dress for Megan. Meghan Markle's wedding dress. What actress Meghan Markle wore when she got married in the TV series “Suits”

0 May 19, 2018, 10:05 pm

The official part of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has died down. We watched the couples online, and now the newlyweds, their family and close friends are having fun outside the sight of an army of thousands of reporters. Network users can only re-watch the most striking shots of Meghan and Harry, discuss the images and be moved by looking at them with Prince George and Princess Charlotte. And it’s also time to sort out the bride’s wedding image point by point. This is what we suggest you do!


Having driven up to St. George's Chapel in a vintage Rolls-Royce, Megan got out of the car, and the whole world finally saw what dress she had chosen for one of the most important days of her life. The actress chose a laconic outfit with an emphasis on open shoulders, which was created for the now wife of the British prince Claire Waight Keller, creative director of the French fashion house Givenchy.

Collaborating with Meghan Markle, and on such a wonderful occasion, is a great honor for me. Together we wanted to create a dress that would go down in history,

- said Keller.


Meghan's head was adorned with a diamond tiara, which was lent to her by Queen Elizabeth II.

The decoration, created in 1932, is kept in the collection of the British royal family, and it previously belonged to Elizabeth II’s grandmother, Queen Mary. At the center of this tiara is a detachable 10-diamond brooch that Mary received as a wedding gift.


The highlight of Meghan Markle's wedding look was a five-meter veil, on which flowers-symbols of each of the 53 countries of the Commonwealth of Nations were embroidered.

Interesting fact: in order to keep the product clean and undamaged, the seamstresses who worked on it were instructed to wash their hands every half hour.

Wedding rings

Megan's engagement ring also deserves special attention - it was made of Welsh gold, which was given by Queen Elizabeth II.

As for Prince Harry's ring, it is platinum. And by the way, it is reported that Harry intends to wear this ring, although traditionally in the royal family men do not do this.


Meghan Markle has never been known for her love of flashy jewelry. So for the wedding, she chose quite classic and elegant diamond earrings and a Cartier bracelet.


Not only professional florists, but also Harry himself worked on the bride’s bouquet. On the eve of the wedding, he personally walked through the gardens of Kensington Palace, where he chose some flowers, in particular Princess Diana's favorite forget-me-nots, lilies and jasmine.

And, of course, the completion of the floral arrangement was myrtle - an obligatory component wedding bouquet royal brides in Great Britain.

Makeup and hairstyle

If Kate Middleton did her own makeup on her wedding day, Megan decided to entrust this task to a professional - makeup artist and close friend Daniel Martin, who used only a light highlighter, eyebrow pencil, and eye pencil (he applied it along the lash line and shaded), mascara (Martin added fluff to them with artificial buns), and nude lipstick.

Behind wedding hairstyle Megan - a neat low knot - answered celebrity stylist Serge Normant.


When Prince Harry met Meghan Markle at the altar in St. George's Chapel, he could only say:

You look great!

In short, the wedding look was a success!


May 19 actress Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, repeating her fate Grace Kelly. The name of the designer of the wedding dress of the newly minted Duchess of Sussex was kept secret until recently. This honorable mission was entrusted to the British Claire Waight Keller, designer of the French fashion house Givenchy.

For the wedding ceremony, the designer created a royally spectacular dress that met both conservative canons and modern trends fashion. Many found similarities between Markle’s wedding dress and the heroine’s. Audrey Hepburn in the film "Funny Face", for which Wedding Dress Hubert Givenchy himself sewed. Indeed, there are similarities: both had a boat neckline. Otherwise the dresses are still different. Megan refused lace, beads, pearls and others decorative elements- the dress is as laconic as possible and it is its simplicity that captivates.


The veil, made of silk, and the diamond tiara make the look fabulous. On Meghan's veil you can see flowers that grow in all 53 countries of the Commonwealth of Great Britain. As for the tiara, it has not seen the light of day since 1953. Queen Elizabeth II took it out of her storage. Queen Mary wore this “Filigree Tiara”.

Readers of the site shared their opinions about Meghan Markle’s wedding dress, now it’s time to find out what fashion world professionals think about it. At our request, designers, stylists and bloggers commented on the wedding outfit of the newly minted Duchess of Sussex.

On May 19, 2018, ex-actress Meghan Markle became the legal wife of Prince Harry. The 36-year-old American walked down the aisle in a dress from the French brand Givenchy, which is headed by a British designer. Not everyone appreciated the creative idea of ​​Clare Waight Keller, who offered the bride a very laconic outfit by royal standards. We decided to get an opinion on this matter from fashion professionals - designers who also work with wedding dresses, stylists and fashion experts. At the same time, they asked what they thought about Meghan’s second dress by Stella McCartney.

Daniil Grachev, fashion expert :

I liked the minimalism of the Givenchy dress, especially in combination with the tiara - a noble tandem that is timeless. But I think it looks a little like armor, and Meghan apparently lost weight before the ceremony, so the outfit looks bulkier and the fit leaves a lot to be desired. It's beautiful to stand in. But the veil is luxurious, the idea with the symbolism of flowers also seemed cute to me.

The second outfit looks better, it is lighter and more elegant, and Megan is clearly more comfortable in it - she is a beauty. But I don’t understand what this “American armhole” is for? The shoulders become visually even larger, the neck disappears, and this is especially noticeable in the contrast of the color of the body and the dress. And Megan is no longer an elegant beauty, but practically a swimmer.

Anastasia Romantsova, designer of the A la Russe brand

Royal wedding dresses are usually rich in a variety of embroidery and lace. But, in my opinion, Megan, with her striking appearance, did right choice in favor of a minimalist, discreet outfit, leaving a “bright” detail in the form of lace for a silk veil. The party dress was a wonderful continuation of the laconic story.

Yulia Dubova and Inna Faleva, founders wedding agency WeDoAgency

Many criticized Megan's dress for its triviality and cut, which was not flattering for the figure. But in our opinion, this Givenchy look showed the duchess’s good taste and her desire to be true to the restrained style of the English aristocracy. And a five-meter embroidered veil and tiara with precious stones emphasized the solemnity of the event and the status of the bride.

The Stella McCartney dress has become no less discussed. We liked it even more than the main one. The flowing hem, stand-up collar and bare shoulders are the same discreet luxury worthy of royalty.

Yana Fisti, stylist

In my opinion, it is a beautiful and laconic dress, as befits a bride. Givenchy coped with the task of making the wedding dress modern and light, while taking into account the royal traditions.

Alena Demina, founder of the brand Edem Couture

The image is perfectly composed: modest, but elegant dress, texture that does not leave folds or bruises - chaste and appropriate for a ceremony in a church.

The second dress is also beautiful: clean design, good fit. But personally, I would make it more romantic and different from the first one. Perhaps a different shade.

Eight personal meetings, three months of work on the dress and 500 hours on a 5-meter silk veil. Its author, Givenchy creative director Clare Waight Keller, spoke about how the most talked about wedding dress of this year was created.

Even Claire’s husband did not know that Meghan Markle entrusted the design and sewing of her wedding dress to Givenchy creative director Clare Waight Keller until the very last moment. To create the outfit, it took 8 personal meetings with the future duchess, which took place in the strictest secrecy, and 3 months of work, and 500 hours to embroider a 5-meter veil, which was carried out by hand. Clare Waithe herself shared interesting details in an interview with the American online version of Harper's Bazaar.

As we remember, Prince Harry proposed marriage to his beloved in November, after which Meghan had to fulfill a number of royal obligations, take part in closed meetings at Kensington Palace and finally complete the move from Toronto. As a result, a month passed, and Megan didn’t even start choosing a designer for her wedding dress. The situation began to change only after her call close friend and part-time personal stylist Jessica Mulroney, who convinced the bride that this could not be delayed any longer.

Megan spent several hours on Instagram, Pinterest and fashion sites in search of the desired option, and famous brands, including Burberry, Ralph and Russo, Erdem, Roland Mouret, Stella, Givenchy and others, meanwhile sent sketches to Kensington Palace outfits In the end, the closest thing to Megan was what Keller offered. After a short correspondence with Jessica Mulroney, Keller was scheduled to meet Meghan - it took place in Kensington before Christmas and lasted only 30 minutes.

I think she was familiar with my work and knew what I was doing. “I think Meghan was attracted by the fact that I was a British designer and working in a fashion house of such a level as Givenchy,” says Claire.

On January 11, a second meeting between Claire and Meghan took place, at which the future duchess announced that she had made a choice in favor of Claire, but the latter was required to be able to keep secrets. Claire had to hide the fact of her collaboration with Meghan Markle even from her family, and in particular her husband. He found out about everything at the same moment as the whole world, when he saw his wife next to Megan getting out of the car on TV.

The third meeting took place in February, and Megan herself arrived at Claire’s home in a very ordinary car that did not arouse suspicion, without security or an assistant. The meeting lasted two hours, during which time Claire showed the client archival materials, sketches and catalogs of the house Givenchy, as well as fragments of fabrics.

We discussed the silhouette, proportions of the dress, measurements. I saw that Megan knew exactly what she wanted. As a result, all our ideas were formed into the final design.

Sketch of Meghan Markle's wedding dress

Above wedding dress Two teams worked, each member of which signed a non-disclosure agreement: the veil was created in the closed workshop of the Givenchy Haute Couture studio in Paris, and the dress was created in the London workshop, the location of which has not yet been disclosed. Claire searched all over Europe for fabrics, and in the end she managed to find silk in that “dazzling white shade” that Meghan asked for.

The future Duchess of Sussex wanted her outfit to reflect her social mission as a representative of the British royal family for all countries of the Commonwealth. Claire then came up with the idea of ​​representing each country through their flora or fauna. But, as you know, there are 53 Commonwealth countries, and in the end 55 symbolic flowers were embroidered. Megan chose two flowers personally for herself: the chimonanthus growing in the garden of her and Harry’s cottage in Kensington Palace, her new home, and the Californian poppy - the official symbol of the state in which she was born. And the flowers are connected by ears of wheat, symbolizing love and charity.

Meghan's 5-meter silk veil took more time to create than the dress itself - 500 hours. Seamstresses embroidered each flower with silk threads by hand, and in order not to damage the fabric and threads, they were instructed to wash their hands every 30 minutes.

The next meeting between Megan and Claire took place in March in Kensington. The designer showed Megan the first photos of the half-finished dress and suggested discussing the sleeve length - in the end, they settled on the three-quarter version. At the beginning of April, final fittings were carried out, and in early May the wedding dress and veil were delivered to Windsor Castle. By that time, only three people had seen the dress - the designer, Meghan and Jessica Mulroney, but it was necessary to show it to one more - Queen Elizabeth II.

No, this was not done to gain approval. “Just to share this special moment with Her Majesty and, if possible, get some advice before the wedding,” Jessica noted.

On her wedding day, Meghan woke up at 6 am, had breakfast and invited hair stylist Serge Normant and makeup artist Daniel Martin. Getting ready took 3.5 hours.

“She was all glowing,” Keller recalls. - And there were no tears. She was very collected, which aroused admiration.

As Meghan stepped out of the Queen's Rolls Royce Phantom IV, Claire was on hand to straighten her veil and the hem of her dress with the page boys.

This was a very important moment: she was getting out of the car, and I had to be nearby, I wanted the veil to be straightened perfectly, after all, it is very long. With the help of pages - Brian and John Mulroney - we did it quickly.

Clare Waight Keller straightens Meghan Markle's veil

What impression the dress made on Prince Harry, who wished not to see the outfit until the ceremony itself, we think is clear without words - his look said much more. However, Claire still shared insider information. During a photo shoot, at which the designer was also present and watching how the dress looked, Harry came up to her and said: “Oh my God, thank you! She looks absolutely incredible.”

Will Meghan Markle surpass Kate Middleton? This question has haunted the world for the last six months. And here's the answer: it looks like Prince Harry's fiancée succeeded!

The whole world greeted Meghan Markle's wedding dress with a unanimous exclamation of “wow!” The outfit was worthy of a classic princess, but more modern than that of. For example, Megan refused lace and, unlike Kate Middleton, risked opening her shoulders a little.

Meghan Markle arrived at the ceremony in the royal 1950 Rolls-Royce Phantom IV - the same one that carried Kate Middleton to the altar
Meghan Markle and her mother Doria

The name of the designer of the wedding dress also surprised everyone. Markle chose French Givenchy over British brands like Stella McCartney, Ralph & Russo, Burberry and Erdem! True, with an English accent, the dress was sewn by a native of the United Kingdom, Clare Waight Keller.

The designer used cady silk as the main material and organza for the veil, which turned out to be almost 5 meters long. The look was completed with earrings and a bracelet from Cartier, as well as a diamond tiara that once belonged to Elizabeth II’s grandmother, Queen Mary.

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