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Character history. Black widow spider: photos, videos and detailed characteristics Can a black widow harm a woman

For a long time, I was eaten up from within by my state of self-dislike, despondency, and disappointment in everything. There was no desire to move forward, but water that stands still begins to stink. Here I was, unpleasant (to myself first of all), “stinking” with my irritability, aggressive attitude, and lack of trust in everyone and everything. At first there were moments when I wasn’t in the mood and didn’t want to see myself in the mirror. Then it became an everyday routine - I didn’t want to look at myself in the mirror, I was disgusted with myself, I saw a creature without goals and desires. Complete zero in the eyes. I asked myself, how is it possible that I’m so young, still just a girl, but there’s no spark or enthusiasm inside. I tried to pull myself together, to curb my fickle moods. I tried to look at the world optimistically and treat myself with love. I knew all the theory well. But nothing moved beyond awareness. I wrote a list of wishes and goals. Used the principles of positive thinking. But it didn’t work.... Yes, I myself couldn’t understand - what do I want? ... More reviews...

With all my heart I want to sincerely thank Alla Anatolyevna for what she did for me. This is a man who is truly in the right place! He is able to help you understand yourself, which some specialists are not able to do. Men! Do you have problems related to sex, uncertainty, fear? Do you want to return everything, but don’t know how? Alla Anatolyevna is your savior! Go and don't be shy! Thank God for helping me meet such a person - a specialist like Alla Anatolyevna.... More reviews...

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A widow is a woman whose husband has died. There can be many reasons for death: a man’s poor health, his personal karma, weak energy. However, such a reason could also be the woman he chose as his wife. Such a woman, as a rule, is surrounded by the deaths and failures of her loved ones. It is these women who are called “black widows.” By the name of the most poisonous spider on our planet, the karakurt spider, whose venom is 15 times stronger than the venom of a rattlesnake. Karakurt spiders tend to eat spiders after they have fertilized them. Actually, this is why they received such a nickname - black widows. “Black Widow” is a woman with strong destructive energy.

This is due to the fact that among widows there is a large percentage of “femme fatales” who bring death or misfortune to their husbands. Moreover, the danger comes both from the combination of one’s fate with the heavy, destructive karma of a widow, and from energy vampirism. There are also combinations of these reasons with the “heavy” karma of husbands. This, according to numerous studies, is a guarantee of the premature death of the widow's husband. For example, “fatal widows” are known whose 10-15 husbands and lovers have died. This is too extensive and regular a phenomenon to be accidental.

The most famous and famous “black widow” of the past was considered a lady from the high society of St. Petersburg, Aurora Karlovna Sternval. Just a few days before the wedding, this very young beauty’s groom tragically dies, and soon the girl accepts a new marriage proposal from her friend A.S. Pushkin, Colonel Alexander Mukhanov. The wedding has been scheduled again, and again on the eve of it terrible event: Mukhanov dies suddenly... Two years later, Aurora marries again, this time to P. Demidov, a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. But almost immediately she becomes a widow again... Six years later, Aurora Sternval decides on another marriage. This time her chosen one was the son of the famous writer and historian Andrei Karamzin. This time her husband was killed in the war against the Turks... The last victim of the “black widow” was the poet G. Even the novelist Maslov, who dared to write a poem about this mysterious femme fatale, suddenly became seriously ill while working and soon died in a hospital bed. Until her death, and she died in 1902, Aurora Sternval, although she enjoyed enormous success with the strong half of humanity, never dared to get married again. She knew that a terrible curse was hanging over her. They said that her mother, once angry with her own daughter, rashly cursed all those men who would fall in love with her...

Jacqueline Bouvier, who later became Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, was born into the aristocratic but poor family of John Vernon and Janet Bouvier. Since her youth, Jacqueline has always been surrounded by fans. Jacqueline worked as a reporter for a Washington newspaper. Then she began dating her future husband, young Senator John Kennedy. John Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963; at the funeral, Jacqueline was inconsolable. Soon after John's death, her brother Robert appreciated her elegance. But even after Robert’s death, Jacqueline was not alone for long. In 1969, Jacqueline married Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis. Even the billionaire was tormented by Jacqueline's extravagance. By the time Onassis became seriously ill, he and Jackie were already living separately, although the divorce was not finalized. Jackie flew to Paris, where Onassis was being treated, on the second day after his death. The first thing she did was call designer Valentino and order a collection of funeral dresses. After Aristotle's death in 1977, Jackie inherited $26 million. The widow Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was not left alone again. Her companion was a prominent businessman, Maurice Templeman. She lived with him for 12 years, until her death. Jacqueline Bouvier-Kennedy-Onassis died on May 19, 1994 from lymphoma.

For the first time, the glamorous writer Oksana Robski married the first person who came to hand. A simple guy, Andrei Antonov, loved to drink and show off. One day, in a fit of anger, Oksana kicked her husband out of the house. And after a while he was killed in a drunken brawl. Soon Oksana began to live with her second husband; a young rich banker gave her expensive foreign cars. But one morning, as soon as he stepped out of the apartment, he fell, shot through and through by several shots. With her third husband, Mikhail Robski, the widow started selling furniture. But suddenly Mikhail disappeared, leaving his wife a sonorous surname and a mansion on Rublyovka. Shortly before his sudden departure, he began to have some big troubles. The writer was going to get married for the fourth time - with famous football player Igor Shalimov. They scheduled a wedding several times, but it never took place. It is possible that the next groom, after reflection, decided that it was better not to link his fate with the femme fatale.

People started talking about Albina Nazimova after the tragic death of her husband, the famous TV presenter Vladislav Listyev, who was killed on March 1, 1995 with two shots in the back in the entrance of his own house. She worked as a props manager at Ostankino, where she met Vlad. After the death of her husband, the widow inherited shares of the ViD television company from him and became its art director. That’s when she met her next husband, the famous television journalist Andrei Razbash, who died of a heart attack in July 2006.

Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008, was the second husband of the beautiful Yulia Meshina. The first husband of the widow of the famous artist was Alexey Ignatenko, the son of the general director of the ITAR-TASS agency Vitaly Ignatenko. Thanks to his father’s connections, Ignatenko was well-known in artistic circles. To his misfortune, he once introduced his young wife to Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov... Yulia’s first husband died five months after Abdulov’s death. And he died of a heart attack. Just like Abdulov, who, although he suffered from cancer, died precisely from cardiac arrest. And a month later, Yulia’s uncle, Vitaly Meshin, a very rich man who ran the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery, also passed away. Four years before the streak of deaths, her cousin, Ksenia, the daughter of Vitaly Meshina, fell ill with cancer and died. It was in her house that Julia lived for the first time after moving to Moscow...

People have long noticed that very often a widow brings misfortune. Usually her second husband also dies. Where she lives, people get sick and die early. Therefore, widows were attributed the stamp of fate and misfortune. Why is widowhood dangerous?

A man’s daily communication with such a partner turns out to be disastrous for him. Her biofield has the ability to absorb other people's energy. A person nearby suddenly begins to get sick, problems at work befall him, relationships with people around him deteriorate, and accidents occur. On an energetic level, the victim can understand the full danger. Therefore, men often subconsciously try to break up with her. Here the man has two options. The first is to part with this woman as quickly as possible, the second is to urgently turn to an experienced healer who can save the “black widow” from her destructive dark energy and thereby save people's lives! This process is quite complicated, but in the hands of a true professional it is quite feasible.

As a rule, these women are beautiful and charming. But for some reason, a trail of deaths follows them. Is this a coincidence or is there something worth thinking about?

There are reasons for everything.

Black Widow Blanket

The "black widow" veil is one of the types of severe curses sent to a woman. This curse brings misfortune, illness and death to her loved ones. Often such a curse is imposed through magical influence or pronounced at a moment of strong emotional state. The “black widow” herself does not even suspect that she exudes evil. As a rule, she is also a victim of someone’s ill will.

Karmic widowhood

Widowhood can also be inherited. There are cases when a daughter inherits the fate of her widowed mother, choosing as her husband a man with the same name as her late father. Such a woman usually becomes a widow at the same age as her mother. Often they can live under. one roof. The theory of karma explains this phenomenon very reliably: it is a terrible curse associated with grief. Moreover, most often women themselves are to blame for what happens to them. If each of the “black widows” analyzes her past life, each of them will have in her memory an incident when she herself launched this flywheel.

Guilty without guilt

Widows who initially married a vampire man (seriously ill, dependent, aggressive, etc.) fall under this status. In this case, after the death of her husband, a woman may experience additional misfortunes, as if transferred from him to her. This is due to the fact that her late husband destroyed her protection, does not want to let her go, and after his death she continues to be drained of energy. Or those entities that de-energized him are now connected to her after his death. These women are usually friendly and love to give gifts. Such a woman urgently needs the help of a specialist. For starters, it would be nice to change your surname to your maiden name.


So men need to be careful if they want to throw in their lot with charming widows. In Israel today there is a state law that a woman who has become a widow twice is prohibited from marrying a third time.

In many countries, a custom has developed that when a woman becomes a widow, she seems to drop out of society. The attitude towards her changes. Certain prohibitions are imposed on her. In addition, you cannot use the widow’s things; she is treated like a leper. Inviting a widow to a wedding is still considered a bad omen. In many countries, remaining a widow is considered a great punishment from God. In some tribes, widows were shaved bald.

According to the customs of a number of nations, after the death of her husband, the widow committed suicide. In India, this ritual was called sati and was performed until the 19th century. In China, widow suicide was practiced from the 5th to the 20th centuries. This tradition was intended to protect widows from attacks by outsiders, symbolizing loyalty to the deceased spouse. Among nomadic peoples, suicide was replaced by self-mutilation. Widow killing existed in Mexico and Peru when they were conquered by Europeans, and was observed among modern inhabitants of Africa (Katunga and Yenna) and Australia (New Zealand and the Friendship Islands). In India, the custom of self-immolation of a widow (suttee) persisted in the Brahmin caste for thousands of years and even in our time provoked a stubborn struggle against the English government. Hints of the existence of a custom of killing widows among the Germans are found in the Edda, and Procopius talks about the suicide of a widow among the Heruli; the spread of the same custom among the Slavs is attested by many writers of the 6th - 11th centuries. (Mauritius, Boniface, Ibn Dost, Massoudi, Ibn Foslan, Leo Deacon, Thitmar). For example, among Bulgarians and Serbs, widows rarely remarry; it is assumed that they continue to live with their husband even after his death. In Moravian folk songs the dead rise from their graves and take their wives and brides to them. In the Russian epic, the hero Potok is buried with his living wife. Among the Ossetians, a widow, mourning her husband, says: “Let me fray and burn,” she cuts off her braid, which she places in her husband’s coffin, which in itself is a curse and damage for her.

In other countries, a widow not only did not commit suicide upon the death of her husband, but could also remarry. In ancient Greek myths, Gorgophone (daughter of Perseus) did this for the first time. The Torah (Old Testament) directly ordered widows to marry relatives of their deceased husbands (see levirate).

Patriarchal society legally protected the rights of widows. This is discussed in the First Epistle to Timothy, in which the responsibility to support widows was assigned to their relatives and the church community. The latter were also supposed to facilitate secondary marriages of widows. In Asian countries, the community and relatives were supposed to support widows (Kazakh “Seven Establishments” by Khan Tauke).

Is it possible for a woman to get rid of such a curse? Of course it is possible, although it is not easy. First of all, a lot depends on the woman herself, on her desire to change her energy. Because this will require not only the masterly work of an experienced specialist, but also the hard work of a woman. Of course, you won’t have to dig holes, but you will definitely need to read prayers.

(Black Widow) Natasha Romanova (full name Natalia Ulyanovna "Natasha" Romanova) is a fictional character from. It was created by Stan Lee, Don Rico and artist Don Heck, and first appeared in the comic book " Tales of Suspense" #52 in April 1964. The character was first introduced as a Russian spy, an antagonist of the superhero Alias. She later defected to the United States, becoming an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a member of the Avengers.

In May 2011, Black Widow was ranked 74th on IGN's list of the top 100 comic book heroes. She was ranked #31 on Comics Buyer's Guide's "" list.


Not much is known about Black Widow before World War II. Natalya Romanova was born in Stalingrad (Volgograd). Unknown people set fire to the house where Natasha lived with her family. Mother threw Natasha out of the window straight into the hands of Soviet soldier Ivan Petrovich. Ivan took the girl for himself and took care of her. Natasha studied very well at school, was an excellent athlete and soon became a ballerina. Having grown up, she fell in love with Alexei Shostakov (test pilot) and married him, but Alexei soon dies during testing of an experimental rocket. Natasha grieved greatly and wanted people to remember her husband. She decided to honor Alexei's memory and achieve his goal of becoming an operative. Some time later, she joins the Red Room Academy and becomes one of the many women being trained for operational work. She is trained by the Winter Soldier. Natasha becomes an extremely talented operative.

The KGB gives her the alias "Black Widow", and in 1984 they test the Super-Soldier serum on her, or rather a version of the serum developed by Soviet scientists. Thanks to it, Natasha can use the peak capabilities of her body: strength, flexibility, speed, agility, etc. The serum also provides a slow-aging effect. One of Natasha's first tasks was to infiltrate Stark Industries with her partner Boris Turgenov and eliminate Anton Vanko. She was supposed to attract Tony Stark's attention while Boris sabotaged Tony's factories. Shortly after the death of Boris and their enemy Anton Vanko, Natasha decided to remain in the United States and act as a secret KGB agent.

Other versions

Age of Heroes

At the beginning of the Age of Heroes, Natasha is recruited by Steve Rogers into the Avengers' new black ops division, called the Secret Avengers. She travels to Dubai with her new teammate, Valkyrie, where they steal a dangerous artifact, which the Beast then studies, noting that it seems as if distant relative Snake Crowns. In the story "Coppelia", she encounters a juvenile clone of herself called "Little Dancer", whom she rescued from an arms dealer.

Civil War

During the Civil War, Natasha becomes a supporter of the Superhuman Registration Act and a member of a task force led by Iron Man. Later, a registered Natasha joins the reconstituted Avengers. SHIELD's Director, Nick Fury, is presumed dead and Deputy Director, Maria Hill, is incapacitated, so Natasha assumes temporary command of SHIELD as a top-ranking agent.


Norman Osborn discovered Yelena Belova breaking into an abandoned SHIELD facility and offered her the position of field leader of the new Thunderbolts. On her first mission, she and Ant-Man take control of Air Force One with Goblin, Doc Samson and the new President on board. It has been suggested that she faked her near-death experience (as an Adaptoid), but how is never explained.


Black Widow is in excellent physical shape - she has skills in gymnastics and ballet; expert in martial arts, including karate, aikido, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, sambo, savate, various styles of kung fu; Professionally wields bladed weapons, firearms and espionage skills.

Often uses equipment that was invented by Soviet scientists and engineers and subsequently improved and adapted by technicians in S.H.I.E.L.D. She typically wears distinctive black bracelets that contain grappling hooks, tear gas pellets, electrical charges that can stun opponents at 30,000 volts, and a belt with metal discs that can hold explosives and other weapons. Her suit is made of stretch leather and has suction cups on the palms and feet, allowing her to climb walls.

Black Widow's physical attributes were enhanced through biotechnology, making her body resistant to aging, disease, immune to psychological influences and mind reading, and giving her accelerated healing.

In the media
Cartoon series

Black Widow appeared in " Marvel Superheroes", voiced by Peg Dixon.

Superhero Squad", in the episode "Black Widow's Deadly Bite", voiced by Lena Headey.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes", voiced by Vanessa Marshall.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " iron Man: Adventure in Armor", voiced by Ashleigh Ball.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " Avengers, general assembly!", voiced by Laura Bailey.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload", voiced by Laura Bailey.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " Ultimate Spider-Man", voiced by Laura Bailey.

Black Widow appears in the animated series " Avengers: Disc Wars".

Animated films

New Avengers"and its sequel" New Avengers 2", voiced by Olivia d'Abo.

Black Widow appears in the cartoon " Iron Man: Rise of Technovore", voiced by Claire Grant.

Black Widow appears in the cartoon " Avengers X-Files: Black Widow and the Punisher", voiced by Jennifer Carpenter.


The actress plays the role of Natasha Romanova / Black Widow. The first film in which Black Widow appeared was Iron Man 2, which was released in 2010. Further, she appeared in the films:

"Avengers" (year 2012)

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (year 2014)

"Avengers: Age of Ultron"(2015)

"The first Avenger: Civil War"(2016)

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Endgame


Black Widow appears in the 2005 video game, " chastener" She appears in one level as a non-playable character (NPC) who fights alongside the Punisher.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance", voiced by Nika Futterman. She is an exclusive character in the game on the PlayStation Portable (PSP), and in all other versions of the game as a non-playable character. A mod available for the PC version of the game makes her a playable character.

Natasha Romanov is mentioned in the game" iron Man" as a possible love interest for Tony Stark.

Black Widow appears in the game" Spider-Man: Web of Shadows", voiced by Sally Saffioti.
Black Widow appears in the game" Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2", voiced by Nika Futterman.

Black Widow appears in the game" iron Man 2", voiced by Katherine Campion.

Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet", voiced by Gray DeLisle.

Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Marvel Super Hero Squad Online", voiced by Laura Bailey.
Black Widow, a playable character in the Facebook game" Marvel: Avengers Alliance".

Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Marvel Contest of Champions".
Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth".
Black Widow is available as downloadable content for the game" LittleBigPlanet"as part" Marvel Costume Kit 5".
Black Widow, a playable character in the MMORPG game " Marvel Heroes".
Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Lego Marvel Super Heroes", voiced by Laura Bailey.
Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Marvel Avengers Alliance Tactics".
Black Widow, a playable character in the game " Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes", again voiced by Laura Bailey.

The black widow spider is very unusual and in some way is a collective term, since about 30 species of arthropods are hidden under it. These creatures became famous because some representatives of this genus are distinguished by their ability to secrete an extremely toxic poison that can cause severe intoxication in humans and even cause death. Wherever this segmented creature lives, people are well aware of the degree of its danger.

The black widow is a very unusual spider

Representatives of this order are found almost everywhere where climatic conditions quite soft. They are widespread in the countries of East and South Asia, America, and North Africa. Some of them are found in Australia and Oceania. Only a few species can live in the northern regions, which are not as dangerous as their heat-loving counterparts.

The spider seems rather inconspicuous, so often a person, due to his own carelessness, becomes its victim. Adults reach 2 cm in length. The female black widow is larger than any of her mates. Despite their increased toxicity, these creatures are characterized by an unremarkable appearance. Local residents in many regions with a tropical climate know what this black spider looks like, sometimes living next to a person’s home, but even this does not always save them from a chance encounter.

The chitinous covering on the paws and cephalothorax is varnished black. Some varieties do not have additional decorations. The most poisonous representative of this genus has a characteristic hourglass-shaped mark on its abdomen. The spot has a reddish tint. The rich red color of this element is very eye-catching and helps many predators determine the degree of danger of the spider.

In some varieties the spot has a pink tint. The steotoda, called the false black widow, is no less dangerous to humans. Despite the external similarity of the creatures, the spot on the abdomen of this spider has a white or orange tint.

Spiders of this species have from 6 to 8 eyes, but they see very poorly and mainly receive all the necessary information by assessing the vibration that comes from various living objects.

A true black widow has short legs that resemble a comb. These creatures have curved bristles on their hind legs. This structure of the legs is necessary for the spider to throw a trapping net when attacking prey.

In addition, black widows weave extremely untidy horizontal chaotic webs. It allows the spider to sense the slightest movement of the victim caught in it. Females of this species are larger and more venomous than males.

A healthy adult can quite successfully survive an attack by this spider. At the site of the bite, extensive tissue death can occur due to their impregnation with toxins.

Typical general manifestations of black widow damage include:

  • mild erythema;
  • muscle spasms;
  • severe pain in the bite area and in the abdomen;
  • salivation;
  • increased sweating;
  • hypertension;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • parasthesia;
  • vomit;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dyspnea.

Some victims of this spider develop kidney failure. Since black widow venom is neurotoxic, a person may be left with serious damage to the nervous system, which may not have the most favorable effect on his mental state.

For children and the elderly, attacks by these creatures often have fatal consequences. Only timely administration of an antidote can reduce the destructive effect of spider venom on the body.

Only females of this species are characterized by increased aggressiveness. The male, as a rule, flees if he is attacked, and therefore is considered less dangerous to humans.

Gallery: black widow spider (25 photos)

Black widow spider (video)

Black widow lifestyle

These creatures are extremely whimsical in choosing a home. They often settle in the grass of open steppe space, and also in ditches, ravines, cracks in the ground and tree hollows, and rodent burrows. Under certain circumstances, these arthropods can live in people's homes. These spiders got their name because often after mating, the female spider attacks her partner, which ends tragically for him. However, this does not happen in all cases.

Strong males who have mated for the first time in their lives are quite capable of running away from their partner in the future. However, multiple sexual acts deplete their reserves, so when they are already close to death, they often become victims.

Despite the fact that all black widows, regardless of gender, are immune to the poison, weakened males do often become a nutritious snack for their partners. After mating, the female begins to produce offspring. Like other types of spiders, it weaves a cocoon in which it carefully wraps its young.

The spiders usually leave the nest after 8 days. However, they need to moult many times to become sexually mature. The life cycle of spiders living in the northern hemisphere is longer.

Black widows are very effective predators. Their diet includes all types of insects, including praying mantises, which are significantly larger than themselves. But often small lizards and amphibians end up in spider webs. Such delicacies are not very common in the spider’s diet, since the enzymes that the black widow spider injects into the body of the victim do not always allow the digestion of large prey.

Black Widow (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

Black Widow(Latrodectus mactans) is a deadly species spiders, which densely inhabits North America and Australia.

More often than not, our fears of spiders are unfounded, but not in the case of the Black Widow. Among all the spiders on the planet, this species is the most poisonous.

Male black widows are not aggressive; most often, females bite people. The female is much larger than the male, the diameter of her body is 1 cm, but the length of her legs is up to 5 cm.

Black widow spider - description and photos

The body of the black widow is painted glossy black, and on the abdomen the spider has a characteristic red spot, reminiscent in shape hourglass. Female black widows are extremely dangerous and aggressive, they will attack and bite their prey without warning! The slightest provocation or sudden movement - and you are guaranteed a bite from a black widow. If poison enters the human body, you must immediately call ambulance, because if you do not do this on time, then death cannot be avoided.

A black widow's bite is deadly

The neurotoxin found in black widow venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. Black widow bite is accompanied by immediate acute pain at the site of the bite, and after some time (from 15 minutes to 1 hour) other symptoms begin to appear. First of all, this is severe pain in the abdominal area, due to which a black widow bite is often confused with an open ulcer, pancreatitis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The difference is that the pain does not increase with palpation. In addition to abdominal pain, pain and cramps begin in the limbs, the patient begins to rush around the bed and scream, breathing becomes difficult and difficult. In addition, nausea, severe headaches, salivation, severe sweating, hyperreflexia, hypertension, paresthesia of the extremities, and low fever may occur. With timely medical care after 2-3 hours the pain subsides, but does not go away completely, and within a few days it can recur with renewed vigor. Full recovery occurs only after a week. But bringing a patient to the hospital on time does not mean saving him; in children or elderly people, death often occurs due to cardiac or respiratory failure during the manifestation of the main symptoms.

Peak aggressiveness black widow spider falls from mid-April to October.

Adult male black widows are half the size of females and less dangerous, and the young of this species are born white or yellowish, and darken more with each molt until they reach sexual maturity and become glossy black.

Why is the spider called a black widow?

This species of spider received its name due to the cannibalism that the female exhibits towards the male immediately after fertilization.

During the mating season, a male who has discovered a female's lair shows extreme caution when approaching his beloved's web. The male literally “sniffs” the web, trying to understand how long ago the lady ate. If the female is hungry, then it is likely that the date will not even have time to begin, and the man will be eaten without having time to experience the pleasures of love.

If the female is ready for copulation, she will respond to the male's mating dances with a response vibration along the webs, and this will mean "welcome." However, if after mating the female suddenly becomes hungry, the male will be eaten without delay.

Not only females are distinguished by cannibalism: spiderlings, while in a cocoon, begin to eat each other, and in the end only from 1 to 12 babies hatch. The black widow's breeding season occurs at the end of summer - July-August. At this time, the female black widow is able to create 5-10 cocoons, in which she lays up to 600 eggs!

Spiders are one of the most terrifying creatures on the planet. Despite their small size, they can cause a lot of trouble for their neighbors. Especially those who have a difficult disposition and are not afraid to attack people. The black widow spider is considered one of the most dangerous, because its bite can lead to death.

That is why it will be useful for every person to learn about his unpleasant neighbor. So that when you meet, you can recognize him without any doubt and be ready to take the necessary measures. After all, this is the only way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Males are much smaller, which makes them vulnerable to their mates. Also in their glands the concentration of poison is much lower, which makes them harmless to humans. But the trouble is that in nature, males are much less common, and, therefore, the chance of running into a poisonous spider is still quite high.

Where does the spider live?

North America is considered the homeland of this arthropod. There and now their numbers are highest, just like the number of cases of attacks on people.

With the development of trade routes, the black widow spider managed to move to other continents. Now they can be found everywhere, even in Australia, which is considered the most isolated continent.

Do we have a black widow spider? In Russia, unfortunately, these creatures are also found. And if previously they could only be seen in the Caucasus or Crimea, then with climate change they began to move closer. For example, an official case was recorded when a black widow was found in Taganrog.

Features of behavior and methods of hunting

The black widow spider leads a closed lifestyle. To set up a den, he looks for a quiet area where uninvited guests rarely appear. There weaves a net that can become a good lasso for small insects. Often it is located at a height of 30-40 cm and has an arbitrary shape.

Although this predator has eight eyes, it practically does not use them when hunting. He uses the network as his main weapon. As soon as the victim touches it, the spider is already on alert, and at the first convenient opportunity it will attack its prey.

Mating season

With the arrival of warmer weather, spiders begin their mating season, during which males begin to actively look for a mate. It is curious that the gentleman, having entered the web of his chosen one, begins to emit special vibrations. Thanks to this, the spider understands that she has a welcome guest.

As soon as sexual intercourse ends, and sometimes even during it, the female stings her companion and wraps him in a web in order to later satisfy her hunger. Afterwards, she prepares to lay eggs, for which she looks for a secluded place and begins to weave cocoons.

One cocoon can hold from 20 to 350 eggs, but only a few will crawl out of it. Since the mother does not feed her children, after some time they begin to eat each other. And after 3-4 weeks, no more than a dozen spiders appear outside.

How dangerous is the bite?

Many people are interested in how deadly the black widow spider is? The bite of this creature is dangerous, since the secretion contains poison, the strength of which exceeds that found in the glands of a rattlesnake. But the good thing is that when a person is bitten, not many toxins enter the human body, because the spider itself is much smaller than a snake. But still painful sensations can't be avoided.

Bite symptoms:

  1. It is impossible to miss the moment of injection of poison, since it looks like a sharp prick with a sharp object. After which two points will be visible on the body, which are difficult to confuse with something else.
  2. After 20-30 minutes, the muscles around the bite will begin to contract, and pain will be felt.
  3. Muscle spasms will spread throughout the body. Toxins in the blood lead to fever and sometimes even nausea and chills.
  4. Only after 24 hours the effect of the bite begins to recede. Full recovery occurs only after one week.

It is important that if you are bitten, you should definitely see a doctor. Ideally, he should inject a serum that neutralizes the effects of toxins. And remember: if an adult gets away with an unpleasant experience, then for children and the elderly such a bite can be fatal. The same goes for people who are allergic to certain toxins or have health problems.

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New Year's adventures of the Christmas tree: the origins of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree When the Christmas tree was first decorated for the New Year