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Is it better to shave with a razor or a razor? What to shave with, that is the question: a razor, an electric razor, or a “safety razor.” Suitable for hair of any length

In many ways, the choice of a tool for getting rid of stubble depends on what the man initially started shaving with as a teenager. Many people stop at this method and don’t try others.

Sometimes the question still arises, what is better to shave - with a machine or an electric razor? There is no consensus here, and therefore you should start only from facts and personal opinion.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of both shaving methods in turn, and it's up to you to decide which one is preferable.


The blade machine is one of the oldest methods of getting rid of facial stubble. The only difference is in a few nuances - several blades and a safe plastic case are added.

Now this tool is available in any stores; there are disposable and reusable models from various manufacturers. Availability is perhaps one of the decisive factors when choosing a razor.

To use a razor, you must also purchase shaving foam, which will soften and moisturize the skin.

The advantages of shaving with a machine include:

  1. Quality. The blades of the machine are very sharp and can handle all vegetation better than an electric razor. As a result, you get the closest shave possible.
  2. Hydration. Using accompanying cosmetics (shave foam and aftershave lotion), you not only remove prickly stubble, but also cleanse and moisturize the delicate skin of your face.
  3. Availability. Not only financial, but also step by step.
  4. Simplicity. You don't need any skills to use a razor. Both a teenager who has decided to shave the dark fuzz on his face for the first time, and an elderly person can handle it quite well.

Like any thing, machines also have disadvantages.

The disadvantages of razors include:

  1. Injury hazard. Of course, not like a couple of centuries ago, when with one awkward movement of the hand you could lose your life. But direct contact of the blades with the skin causes irritation and a high probability of cutting.
  2. Additional expenses. If you use a disposable machine, despite its apparent cheapness, the annual costs do not seem so small. The same goes for razors with replaceable blades.
  3. You just can't shave with a machine. To do this you will need at least water and foam. This fact makes it difficult to shave on long trips and travels.

So, we have figured out the pros and cons of razors, but it is still not clear what is better - an electric razor or a machine. To further understand this issue, let's look at the positive and negative aspects of an electric razor.

Electric shaver

A more modern and safer shaving device that can be powered by either mains or battery power. The first electric razor appeared in the United States, many years have passed since then and the device has not only changed, but also acquired many additional functions.

Pros of an electric razor:

  1. Nothing more is needed. To use the device, it is enough to have a charged or spare battery. There is no need for water here. There are even models designed for shaving in the car.
  2. Rapidity. The entire shaving process is much faster than with a conventional machine.
  3. Mobility. With such a device it is very convenient to go on business trips and travel.
  4. Safety. When using an electric razor, the risk of damage and irritation to your facial skin is completely eliminated.
  5. Inexpensive to maintain. Maintenance of the device requires only cleaning and periodic replacement of knives. The latter last quite a long time: in a mesh type razor up to 1.5 years, and in a rotary device - up to 3 years.

But even with so many advantages, one cannot do without disadvantages.

The negative aspects of an electric razor include:

  1. To provide the skin with sufficient care, you need to resort to the use of cleansing cosmetics. Unlike razors, an electric razor does not unclog pores, which can lead to acne.
  2. The simplest electric shavers are not equipped with a self-cleaning system. This makes caring for them more tedious and time-consuming.
  3. Price. Of course, depending on the brand and functionality, but still it is higher than the price of a razor.
  4. Like any device there is a risk of breakdown. As a result, repair or purchase of a new razor.
  5. Noise during operation. This factor does not bother everyone. But if you are the father of a family and shave before work at 5 o'clock in the morning, there is a risk of waking up your household with the buzzing of the device.

Perhaps we have listed all the pronounced pros and cons. Understanding what is better for a man – an electric razor or a razor – is not so easy. It is worth taking into account individual preferences and the lifestyle that a man leads.

However, a razor can only be given as a gift to a man whom the woman knows very closely. Otherwise, there is a risk that the gift will simply lie on the shelf or be given to someone else. The right choice should be left to the man.

Conventionally, all shaving tools are divided into two large groups: an electric razor and a razor. Both types of devices are popular, but there are significant differences between them. Some men prefer to use only classic razors, others have switched to more expensive, but at the same time high-speed electric shavers. You can make an informed choice only by considering in detail the characteristics of both groups.

Features of the razor

Razors are available for sale in hypermarkets. They are low cost and easy to use. Other advantages include:

  1. By wet shaving, the machines clean out the pores.
  2. The use of additional moisturizing strips, foams and lotions reduces skin sensitivity and allows you to nourish it.
  3. There is no risk of developing bacteria because the blades are constantly changed.
  4. High-quality cutting of hairs at the root.

At the same time, machines, both cheap and more expensive, damage the skin when used. They often lead to the development of irritation and do not cope well with stubble of different lengths.

Machine types

Pros and cons of an electric razor

This tool appeared later, already in the 20th century, but its popularity is comparable to the demand for machine tools. An electric razor has undeniable advantages over its classic counterpart:

  1. Safe hair removal when using a device with a mesh grip system. There is no risk of cuts.
  2. Suitable for sensitive skin. Since the blades are securely hidden and cannot damage the skin, irritation, which is caused by microtraumas of the epidermis invisible to the eye, also disappears.
  3. Speedy hair removal. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 times less than when using a machine. The speed is justified not only by the fact that the removal of vegetation occurs due to the rapid rotation of the blades. It is possible to save additional time, since there is no need to use foam, moisturizing compounds, or rinse off the remaining foaming substance at the end of the procedure.
  4. Suitable for both small stubble and beards. Machines do not cope well with long hairs. Electric shavers are specifically designed for different types of vegetation. Even cheap devices often come with attachments that are used depending on the length of the regrown hairs.
  5. Infrequent blade replacement. Even in the cheapest modifications, the blades last 1.5-2 years. High-quality devices can operate without the need to change cutting parts for 5-7 years.
  6. Convenient additional functions. If you purchase devices in the middle and high price categories, you can get the option of automatically moisturizing your face (by dispensing lotion from the built-in container) or trimmer. The trimmer allows you to carefully trim your mustache, remove hair from your neck, trim your eyebrows or shorten regrown hair on your temples.
  7. We must not forget about a number of shortcomings. Electric shavers are sold at a much higher price than classic razors. The difference in cost can be tenfold. High-quality devices cost from 2,000 rubles, and optimal models in terms of price-quality ratio will cost 4-5 thousand rubles. There are some other negative sides:

    1. The need to carry out a cleaning procedure. Manufacturers recommend doing this after each stubble removal. It is advisable to additionally treat the blades with antiseptics to prevent the development of bacteria. In total, caring for the device can take more time than the hair removal itself. Self-cleaning models are available for sale, but they cost 20-30% higher than others.
    2. Possibility of accumulation of microbes due to improper care. Machines are constantly changed (or their blades are replaced), but electric razor blades are used for months. Microorganisms can lead to the development of allergic reactions, acne, pimples, and irritation.
    3. Expensive repairs and difficult to replace parts yourself.
    4. Less close shave. To remove hairs at the root, you will have to walk over the same place several times. For the same reason, to shave with a tool, you need minimal skills. This means that the device is suitable for teenagers.
    5. Types of electric shavers

      Electric shavers differ in the type of mechanism. Products with rotary blades are suitable for removing stubble of any length, but may cause minor cuts. Mesh devices never injure the skin, since the hairs are first captured by the mesh and then removed without the cutting parts coming into contact with the skin.

      Models may also differ in the following parameters:

      1. Dry or wet shaving. Dry razors can be used without foam or water. Wet shaving devices are suitable for use in the shower and have a waterproof design.
      2. Number of heads (from 1 to 4). The more, the better the result.

      Comparative differences

      Selection factor Machine Electric shaver
      Ease of use Suitable for teenagers Skills Required
      Pressure force Medium or high Almost not required
      Risk of injury Present Absent
      Difficulty in caring for the instrument Zero, only periodic cassette changes are required High (disinfection, cleaning)
      Shaving quality Cutting to the root Low or medium (depending on model)

      What is better to choose in the end?

      Electric razor or razor – which is better to use? It is impossible to give a definite answer. To make a choice, you need to take into account your skin type, the degree of its sensitivity, and the conditions for using the tool. It would be advisable to indicate the best option for each case:

      1. For sensitive skin who are prone to irritation, electric shavers with a mesh that protects the epidermis from microtrauma are best suited. The ideal option is an expensive device with the function of nourishing and moisturizing the skin while shaving.
      2. If a man or teenager suffers from frequent pimples and blackheads, it is recommended to purchase any of the existing types of machines. They unclog pores since shaving occurs after moisturizing the skin. An alternative option is an electric razor with a wet shaving function. Since it can be used on damp facial skin, the problem of cleansing pores disappears.
      3. For first shave Classic machines are suitable. They are cheap and easiest to use, although they can slightly injure the skin. Due to the low price, you don't have to worry about your teenager breaking the instrument. In the case of an electric razor, this would lead to additional costs.
      4. Persons with disabilities, To old people It is better to use electric shavers with a foil system. The possibility of injury is eliminated; facial cleansing occurs quickly and without additional effort; it is enough to move your hand over the relevant areas.
      5. In field conditions, when traveling, it is best to use an electric razor with a battery designed for dry shaving. The process of removing facial hair when using such a device does not require the presence of water, shaving foam, or moisturizing lotions. The presence of a battery allows you to use the unit even in the middle of the forest.
      6. If you plan to stay in hotel, the machine will do. Since there is access to water and shaving foam in guest establishments, you don’t have to limit yourself to just an electric razor.
      7. Finally, if the user cares clean shave and at the same time he knows how to handle a razor well, it is recommended to purchase a classic metal razor with a replaceable dangerous blade.
      8. You don’t have to choose a specific option as to which is better for shaving. Some men purchase both instruments and change them depending on the situation. When traveling, we use disposable razors; at home, we use devices with cartridges and electric shavers.

There comes a time for every man when he needs to shave. Some people grow beards, most often because they don't have to shave. But a beard makes you look older and causes a lot of inconvenience, so many men don’t wear it for a long time, but still change their style and shave. And then the question arises. How?


Previously, in the old days, special devices were used. It was a sharply sharpened object that was polished on felt with a special powder or paste. Later they started using GOI paste, from the word “State Optical Institute”. Such razors were called blade razors. It was necessary to shave with such blades very carefully, which is why they were called straight razors. Or simply people are “wary.”

The first machine was made by an American who loved to invent King Camp Gillette. The blade was not sharpened in it, but replaced with a new one. This machine was a handle-holder in which a replaceable blade was clamped on both sides. A few years later, their production and sale began, which achieved great popularity in record time. In 1904, sales reached 12,400 thousand copies. Gillette opened an office in London and sold razors to Europeans.

Over time, machines and replacement blades were improved. Designs were invented where the blade holder could be snapped off or unscrewed. In other inventions, the cover of the machine head, which clamps the blade, opened automatically when the handle of the holder was unscrewed. In 1975, Marcel Bic, who invented everything disposable, created a disposable razor. Many people still use them today. They have one, or several, up to five, thin blades soldered into a plastic holder. Machines are produced in which disposable cartridges with blades are replaced.

How to shave with a razor

First, apply shaving gel or foam to the lower part of the face and neck. It is better to use a special brush made of natural wool for this. This way the gel or foam is applied and foamed better. The brush applies the product evenly and rubs it into the skin better. The uniform application of foam will allow you to better ensure that shaving occurs with one pull of the razor. A second pull is necessary only at the joints. As a result, the blade passes over the body of the face once or twice, at least cutting off the skin epithelium.

With this type of shaving, there is less irritation and microtrauma, leading to roughening of the skin. But this is facial skin! Therefore, it is better to use sharp blades or disposable machines and, if they become dull, change the blade or machine. At the end, you should use an aftershave gel or cream that works best. You can try new products, memorize the effects and use them optimally.

In 1910, an American Willis Shockey The first electric razor was patented. It was a flywheel design with manual control. With progressive movements, the replaceable blades moved, shaving the stubble. The hair fell under the blades through a stationary knife, which was a mesh with slots. The hair that fell was cut off with a moving knife.

In 1926, an electric razor with one fixed and one moving blade was invented by an American colonel. The movements of the moving knife were driven by a small electric motor. They used a whole cassette of interchangeable blades, like cartridges in a machine gun magazine. This principle prompted the colonel to invent.

The company began manufacturing and improving electric shavers Philips using three blades. And in the 70s the company "Remington" engaged in improvements and mass production of electric shavers. Among them are razors that do not cause skin irritation.

In the Soviet Union, electric shavers began to be produced in the 50s in the city of Kharkov. In Ukraine and now in this city there is their production.

Nowadays, there are many models of electric razors. With two, three knives. Very easy to use, battery powered, using shaving gel.

There are two main types of electric shavers: rotary And mesh. The rotary has round knives and the movable knife rotates, shaving the stubble. In mesh ones, movable knives make translational movements, so the meshes are longitudinal. Razors are available with up to four foils, some with recessed sections, capable of conforming to the shape of the face.

In fact, few men know how to shave with it correctly. And few people specifically buy an electric razor. Usually it is a gift, and when it is there, it is used, and used at random.

Before shaving with an electric razor, the bristles must be washed and moisturized, and you can use shaving gel or cream. For it to be absorbed into the skin, it must remain on it for at least a minute. Next, wash everything off, dry it with a towel, and start shaving. The skin is still a little damp, there is no sweat, and the fat is washed away. While shaving, you can moisturize your skin with a special shaving lotion for an electric razor.

When shaving, do not apply too much pressure; too much pressure will make shaving worse. With a light touch, the mesh should spring back a little, trying to catch the average position of its recessing. Usually, with such pressure, the stubble is completely shaved off during the second or third pull.

There are electric shavers adapted for wet shaving. But they can also shave dry. Shaving with dry stubble is easier, but it is better to wash and moisturize the skin with stubble first.

Comparative differences

Even the most advanced electric razor will not be able to shave as clean and smooth as a sharp machine will do with a wet shave. However, if your skin is irritated, an electric razor is simply irreplaceable. Anti-irritation gels and creams only help for a short time. With frequent shaving, irritation simply makes it impossible.

Mesh models can shave even with irritation, and it stops and goes away. Therefore, for those who experience irritation after beating with machines, we can recommend an electric razor.

Removing excess facial hair is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures by men. Even now, when beards have become fashionable, not all representatives of the stronger half of humanity have become adherents of this trend. Therefore, the question of choosing a shaving device has been and remains relevant. And the eternal rivals in this struggle for supremacy are the razor and the electric razor.


The razor appeared a long time ago. To this day, many men trust only him for the smoothness of their skin. In modern stores you can find many varieties of this very convenient and easy-to-use device - from simple disposable machines to newfangled ones with a sliding head and several blades. All of them are in steady demand.

The main advantages of razors:

  • Quality shave. The machine is able to cut hairs at the root, which helps men's skin remain smooth and soft. In addition, during the wet shaving procedure, the pores open and the razor helps clean them;
  • Availability. These shaving tools can be bought at any supermarket for very little money;
  • Ease of use. Shaving using a machine does not require any special skills.

Which to choose?

There are several types of razors. In order to choose the one that suits you best, check out their characteristics:

  • Disposable. It is difficult to underestimate this device: a very low price, widespread availability, the presence of several pieces in a package, compactness, light weight and ease of use make them truly in demand. They can be taken on the road and used even in a tent camp, which is especially important for those whose activities involve constant travel. But in addition to such obvious positive qualities, disposable machines also have disadvantages:
    • not very good quality of blades and, as a result, their short service life;
    • Although the light weight is good for traveling, it forces a man to press harder on the machine for a better shave, and this can lead to irritation and trauma to the skin.

  • With replaceable cartridges. The market is now simply overflowing with them! With a “floating” head, with several blades, with a lubricating strip, vibrating... In general, for every taste and color. Such machines have many advantages: sharp blades, comfortable rubberized non-slip handle, availability in most stores, ergonomics. The disadvantages include the possibility of irritation with frequent use and the appearance of ingrown hairs.
  • T-shaped. This is a classic. It is a rather heavy metal device into which a “dangerous” blade is inserted on top. However, this machine has a lot of fans. It boasts the highest quality cutting of hairs (almost at the root), if you have certain skills, it is safe to shave with it and it is affordable (the blades are cheap, but the machine will last you for many years).

The only disadvantage is the longer procedure time and the need to learn how to use it correctly.

electrical appliance

An electric razor is a fairly common device. Each household appliance store can offer the consumer a wide range of such razors to choose from. Undoubtedly, this device has firmly occupied its niche in the market, but this is not surprising - it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Shaving does not require water or special cosmetics;
  • Trauma to the skin is excluded;
  • Compact size and light weight allow you to take the razor with you anywhere;
  • Shaving takes very little time;
  • Longer blade life (from 1.5 to 3 years).

However, let's add a fly in the ointment - such a wonderful device still has a number of imperfections:

  • When shaving with an electric razor, the pores of the skin are not cleaned, which means that comedones, blackheads and pimples may appear;
  • Some models of electric razors require manual cleaning of the blades after each shave, which can take some time;
  • The cost of such devices is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of machine tools;
  • If a malfunction occurs in the mechanism, professional repair is necessary; it is difficult to repair such a razor yourself;
  • The power machine is noisy during operation. This may create certain difficulties in carrying out the procedure in the morning, when the rest of the family members are still sleeping.
  • To use the device and recharge the battery, you need an electrical outlet.

Which one to choose?

When choosing an electric shaving device, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Type of shaving system. There are 2 of them: mesh and rotary. The principle of operation of the net is similar to the operation of a hair clipper: the blades vibrate, pick up hairs and cut them off. The blades are covered with a special mesh, so they are not capable of injuring the skin. This mesh has holes in it so that hairs of different lengths can be picked up. Foil razors are great for removing long hairs and treating sensitive skin. The rotary mechanism consists of several round knives rotating inside the head. Suitable for both long and short stubble.
  • Number and rotation of heads. The more heads there are in an electric razor and the faster they rotate, the better the shave becomes. Grid devices can have 1-4 heads, rotary ones - 2-3.

  • The presence or absence of a “wet” shaving function. If you like to shave while taking a shower, then there are special waterproof electric shavers that are battery powered. To recharge such a power machine, you just need to insert it into a special stand. Blades are cleaned by rinsing under running water. If this function is unnecessary for you, buy a classic dry shaving device.
  • Battery or electrical outlet. Undoubtedly, if you often go somewhere and it is important for you that the razor is always at hand and in working order, then your choice is an electric razor with a battery. Of course, it needs to be recharged periodically, but this can be done in the car, and in the end you will be able to shave several times, regardless of whether you have an outlet nearby or not. Batteries are different. The cheapest variety is nickel-cadmium. They take a long time to charge, but the charge lasts for a maximum of 40 minutes. Nickel metal hydride ones work a little longer - about 70 minutes. Lithium ones are the most expensive, but also more “long-lasting” - their operating time reaches up to 2 hours.

  • Availability of additional functions. Some modern electric shavers are equipped with additional options that can be useful for most men. One of them is a trimmer. It is necessary for those who have a beard and mustache. You can also use it to slightly adjust your haircut by removing excess hair on your neck and trimming your temples.
  • Cleaning function. A dry electric razor can be cleaned using the brush that comes with the kit; a wet one can be rinsed under running water. Nowadays devices with self-cleaning capabilities have appeared on the market.

  • Skin moisturizing function. Found only among wet shaving devices. A cosmetic product is poured into a special compartment, which is supplied in small doses and moisturizes the skin during shaving.
  • Display indicator. If you want to be aware of what your device needs at any given time - recharging, cleaning or replacing blades - purchase a razor with an LCD screen. If all this knowledge is of no use to you, there are devices with a regular battery charge indicator.

The first shave is an important step. And it must be remembered that the razor should under no circumstances harm the delicate skin of a teenager. Therefore, you should give preference to either disposable machines or machines with removable cartridges equipped with a lubricating strip and 3-5 blades. Such devices will not damage the skin and will cope well with unwanted hairs.

As for electric razors, this is a controversial issue. Of course, an electric razor has many advantages, for example, it eliminates skin trauma, shave quickly, cleanly and without the use of additional cosmetics; however, it may not be suitable for a teenager for the simple reason that you need to know how to use it correctly, and it is also possible that acne and pimples may appear due to insufficient cleaning of the pores during shaving.

When choosing a hair removal device, a teenager needs to take into account all the features of the skin and the intensity of facial hair growth, and then select options. Try a few and settle on the one that suits you best.

Both razors have their strengths and weaknesses. First, a close shave is what everyone should strive for. Here, undoubtedly, a conventional machine wins, as it shave all hard-to-reach places, especially if the blades are changed in time.

The disadvantage of hand-held machines is that you can easily cut yourself with them due to inexperience, carelessness and old blades. An electric razor simply eliminates this possibility due to all the safety systems provided.

When using a razor, it is important to apply foam or gel before the process, as well as aftershave lotion, which will prevent irritation. An electric razor doesn't need anything other than charged batteries or a nearby outlet.

An important point in case of constant delays will be shaving time. An adult man can shave well with a machine in an average of 20-30 minutes. This time is needed to steam the skin, apply products and thoroughly shave all areas. Shaving will take no more than 5 minutes.

The machine is less demanding when it comes to shaving conditions; in extreme cases, you can even use old blades. But if you lose the cord or batteries, you can forget about removing facial hair.

The machine is perfect for home use and a leisurely process with maximum quality; the electric razor is more designed for camping conditions, business trips and other places where there is no space for a full-fledged ritual.

An electric razor has one more disadvantage: it is much more difficult to choose than a machine. In addition to the fact that they come in mesh and rotary types, modern manufacturers Braun, Philips, Panasonic and others have already released more than 1000 different models with their own advantages and disadvantages for buyers.

general information

The average price of a machine in a store is from 200 to 1000 rubles for a new model from a popular company. Depending on the frequency of shaving, it requires replacing the blades. Usually it is enough to do this no more than once a month. An electric razor is more expensive; prices for a more or less good device start at 2,000 rubles. In the future, it only requires washing and electricity to operate or charge the batteries.

Unlike a machine, it cannot damage the leather as there is no scraping process. For people with acne or other facial skin problems, only .

An electric razor will not be able to remove 2 centimeters of hair if you decide to shave your mustache or beard. The machine, of course, will also not be delighted with such a task, but in this case it is more realistic to shave with it.

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