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Crocheting a washcloth for beginners. How to crochet a round washcloth. Washcloth with regular loops

What types of washcloths can be knitted?

There is a desire to give a small nice gift or simply receive something knitted yourself, as a sign of a small victory and real learning results. It’s so nice to feel a little success, to get your own product that you can give to your loved ones. And if it is made with imagination, warmth and love, then it is triple pleasant and not only for you.

You can come up with and knit any comfortable and beautiful one, any length and width, using your favorite color or knitting pattern, from a material you like. Create a work that you will be happy to pick up and certainly will never find a similar one in any store in the country.

1) Determine what kind of washcloth we will knit

We determine the task that our washcloth will solve. Whether it will help with housework or be useful for washing is up to you to decide.

2) What materials will the washcloth be made of?

The yarn is selected in accordance with the function performed by the washcloth. The material can be the usual: polyamide, linen, linen cord with synthetic thread, polypropylene, acrylic thread, cotton, wool, and unusual ones: linden bast, birch bark or twine from other natural plant materials.
It should be taken into account that all materials have different abrasiveness. But when wet, everything should acquire a texture that is pleasant to the body. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a cotton or wool washcloth will take longer to dry after use than others.

3) Select a pattern and color of the product

You definitely need to start with single crochets, but to continue knitting a washcloth, you can use your favorite patterns for tight knitting. By choosing a pattern for loose knitting, we risk getting a crooked, ugly product. You can use several matching colors.

Having determined which and from what materials we will knit, we proceed directly to execution. In order to knit a washcloth like the one in the video, you will need twine (although the thread is a bit stiff and flakes when you pull out the loop) and a double hook. The video shows how to knit a simple round washcloth using single crochets and elongated stitches. How to knit elongated loops.

About the beginning of knitting a round washcloth from twine

Having determined which and from what materials we will knit, we proceed directly to execution. In order to knit a washcloth like the one in the video, you will need twine (although the thread is a bit stiff and flakes when you pull out the loop) and a double hook. The video shows how to knit a simple round washcloth using single crochets and elongated stitches.

How to crochet a washcloth You can study it in detail in this master class. Loofah with extended loops It turns out lush, perfectly foams, cleanses and massages the skin.

You can buy polypropylene yarn especially for knitting washcloths; you will need 2 skeins of 50 grams each, in two contrasting colors and a hook number 2.5.

To start crocheting a washcloth, cast on a chain of 50 chain stitches and close it into a ring with a connecting post.

Along the chain, knit two rows of single crochets. It is not necessary to make lifting loops at the beginning of the row if you knit the stitches in a spiral.

To make a long loop, before knitting a stitch, the working thread should be on the index finger, as usual.

Insert the hook into the loop along the row, grab the working thread from the bottom of the index finger, a loop is formed on the finger, pull the loop onto the hook.

Grab the working yarn again and knit two loops from the hook, completing the stitch.

After knitting the stitch, release your index finger from the long loop.

*To knit the next stitch with a long loop, reinsert the hook into the loop along the row, grab the working thread from the bottom of your index finger and pull the loop through. Grab the working thread again, knit stitches from the hook and slip a long loop off your index finger.* Repeat steps * to * when knitting stitches with long loops.

Having knitted 4 circular rows of stitches with long loops, change the color of the thread by attaching a new one from another skein. Do not cut the remaining thread; after 4 rows to change the color of the thread, pull the thread along the side and continue knitting the next 4 rows with it. So alternate the color of the thread every 4 rows until you knit a washcloth of the desired length.

Finally, knit 2 round stitches. b/n, a row of connecting posts and tie the handle. To do this, cast on a long chain of chain stitches, attach it to the opposite side with a connecting stitch, make another connecting stitch along the row and knit a row of sts back along the chain. b/n. At the end of the row, make a connecting stitch along the side of the washcloth, knit another row of single crochets along the handle and cut and fasten the thread.

Also tie a handle on the other end of the washcloth.

No person can do without a washcloth. But purchased products stretch quickly, so you have to change them often. Therefore, it will be more profitable to knit a washcloth yourself. In our article you will find step-by-step instructions that will help you quickly make high-quality poles for yourself and all family members.

Crochet washcloth without elongated loops

Not every needlewoman knows how to knit elongated loops, and sometimes a leader is needed very urgently, and there is absolutely no time to learn. In such cases, you can make your own product using a simplified design. It looks attractive and will be very convenient to use.

First you need to perform 9 air loops. Then work a double crochet stitch. You will need at least 10 such layers. Each subsequent layer increases one loop on both sides. From layer 11 there is no need to make additional columns. You can make some kind of pattern. It is located in the middle of the canvas. The knitting is completed with 10 layers of double crochets, each of which decreases on both sides.

At the end we knit 10 air loops. The product can be tied in a circle with a thread of a different shade. Along the edges, knit comfortable handles from one or two rows of knitting. At this point the work can be considered completed.


Using this product is incredibly beneficial for beauty. It turns out tough, which ensures high-quality cleaning of pores and increases blood supply in the upper layers of the skin. Women note an excellent anti-cellulite effect after using such washcloths.

Crochet round washcloth: diagram and description

The round pole is very convenient for children to use. Try knitting such an interesting gift for them.

First you need to perform 9 air loops. Close them into a ring. The next row consists of 16 double crochets. When knitting them, do not forget to pull the thread from one side of the circle. Make one simple stitch, the other with an elongated loop. The third circle is made with double crochets: two for each loop.

The fourth layer is knitted without additional stitches. Then you need to alternate rows according to the diagram. One layer consists of double crochets, the other - of single crochets. This way you will end up with a perfect circle and not a dome. As you knit each single column, pull out the working thread. If the row consists of double stitches, pull the thread every other time.

The penultimate row is performed as follows. From one loop, make two double crochets. From the next one - only one. Repeat this until the end. The final circle consists of alternating two columns with crochets from one base and two air crochets.

Another scheme for making a beautiful round washcloth is in the next photo. It is ideal for beginner craftsmen who do not yet know how to make elongated loops on canvas. The product will turn out embossed and beautiful, especially if you use yarn of different shades.

How to crochet elongated loops for a washcloth?

Our step-by-step instructions will help you make a pole with elongated loops of any shape: round, rectangular, mitten-shaped, ball-shaped, etc. You will need strong threads, such as polypropylene, and a No. 5 hook. After knitting the main rows, follow the instructions:

  1. Place the working thread over the tool.
  2. Bring the hook into the loop one row below.
  3. Grab the working thread from both sides to make a large loop.
  4. Pull two loops through the base and slip them off your finger. You should have four loops left.
  5. Grab the working thread and pull it through two arcs.
  6. Grab the thread again and knit the remaining arcs.

For convenience, the washcloth is turned inside out while knitting. The number of elongated elements should be approximately equal to ½ of all columns of the main rows. In this case, you will get a fluffy and voluminous body washing tool.

Video tutorials on knitting washcloths

Schemes may seem complicated to beginners, even if they have a detailed description. Beginners often fail to achieve elongated elements. You can master the art of making such washcloths both by knitting and crocheting online using special videos from professionals.

To begin with, we offer a video that will tell you step by step how to make knitted elongated loops. You can watch the lesson directly on our website:

The next video tutorial is devoted to knitting a voluminous rectangular product. It will be two-layer. You can use this washcloth for a very long time. It is surprisingly simple to make; the main thing is to repeat all the steps of the master.

If you have never tried to knit a washcloth and are afraid to start doing it using a pattern and a simple video, we offer a detailed master class from a professional. This video shows the entire manufacturing process of this product. In addition, the author gives valuable recommendations for successful work:

The most popular recently is the mitten washcloth. There are also more complex variations of it, for example, in the form of toys. It will not be so easy for a beginner to do it. But if you already know how to knit simple items, try to please your children or nephews with an amazing and very useful gift - a hedgehog washcloth.

Everyone uses washcloths. Mostly they are bought, but due to the fact that washcloths stretch quickly, it is not entirely profitable. Today we will talk about how to knit a shower sponge using a hook with difficult elongated loops or regular ones - it takes little time, and the costs are significantly reduced. Our master class today is dedicated to this very topic.

Making useful things for everyday life with your own hands is a very good hobby!

MK for beginners on crocheting washcloths according to patterns

We will need:
  • a hook of medium thickness (for example, No. 4);
  • polypropylene threads (they are sold in the same place as regular knitting threads).

When choosing a hook, you must take into account that if the head of the hook is sharp, it will tear the polypropylene fibers.

The color of the threads can be selected according to your own desire and taste. To create a good volume of the washcloth, you can take two threads at once.

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions with a description of the work

To begin with, two threads are folded and a chain of air loops is made. For a chain width of 10 cm (excluding elongated loops), you need a chain 20 cm long. We connect the resulting chain of air loops into a ring and tie the ring with single crochets. We knit 4 rows.

Pulling out the loops: you can continue knitting with single crochets, but it will be faster to knit with double crochets, and the loops must be pulled out.

How to pull out loops:
  1. The working thread is thrown onto the hook;
  2. The hook is brought into the loop of the previous row;
  3. Grab the working thread from both sides, thus forming a loop on your finger;
  4. Pull two threads through the loop of the row and slip them off your finger. There are four loops left on the hook;
  5. The working thread is caught with a hook and pulled through two loops;
  6. The working thread is grabbed again and pulled through the two loops that remain on the hook;
  7. When a row is knitted, you need to turn the washcloth inside out to make it easier to knit (example in the photo).

Then you need to knit with double crochets, pulling out the loops. You need to knit until the washcloth reaches the required length.

The last rows are knitted in single crochet stitches, without pulling out the loops.

How to tie handles:

The handles for the washcloth can be knitted separately and then attached to the washcloth, but you can knit them without breaking the thread.

We knit the first handle after the main fabric.

In the first loop of the row you need to knit a single crochet, and from the resulting loop, tie a chain with air loops. The number of air loops regulates the length of the handle. We secure the end of the chain by knitting single crochets in the middle of the washcloth. Once the handle is secured, you can begin tying the handle. You need to tie it with a single crochet. Knit 2-3 rows. Upon completion, the loop is pulled out and the knot is tightened. The thread can be cut.

The second handle is knitted according to the principle of the first handle. You need to tie the threads to the edge of the washcloth and secure it. We knit a chain of air loops (the number is the same as on the first handle), tie 2-3 rows with single crochets and secure.

When finished, turn the washcloth with the shaggy side out. An example of the resulting washcloth can be seen in the photo below.

We create a washcloth-mitten with our own hands from a photo

This accessory is perfect for children. With knitted washcloths in the form of mittens, children will be happy to bathe, or use such a washcloth to help clean the house.

We will need:

  • Acrylic threads of different colors;
  • Medium hook, for example No. 4;

The knitted washcloth will be 18 cm high and 13 cm wide.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a shower product

First you need to knit a mitten; to do this, we cast on 34 air loops and connect them into a ring with a connecting post. Next, knit single crochets, at the beginning of a new row, make one chain stitch for lifting, and at the end of the row, knit a connecting stitch into the initial chain stitch. The diagram can be seen in this photo.

Explanation for the diagram:
  • Rows 1-7. Single crochet stitches (34)
  • 8 row. Four more single crochets are added on both sides. There are 42 columns in total.
  • 9 row. 42 single crochets are knitted.
  • 10 row. Add two single crochets on both sides.
  • 12 row. Add two single crochets on both sides.
  • 14 row. Add two single crochets on both sides. There are 50 columns in total.
  • 15 rows. We knit 50 single crochets.
  • Then we skip 10 single crochets on both sides to form holes for the handles, the remaining 30 loops continue to be knitted in the round.
  • Rows 1-4. 30 single crochets are knitted.
  • 5 row. Decrease two single crochets on both sides (26 stitches remain).
  • Rows 6-10. The decrease continues on both sides by two single crochets. There are 6 single crochets left.
  • Next, you need to cut the thread and pull it through the remaining six loops and fasten.

Making the arms and nose of a bear and a pig

First you need to attach the thread to the hole of the ten missed loops.

Rows 1-3. Knit 10 single crochets.

4 row. Work two single crochets together five times. You will get five single crochets.

Perform the same operation on the other side of the washcloth.

Depending on what animal you want to depict on a knitted washcloth, you need to knit the eyes, nose and ears.

For the nose, make a ring of air loops.

2nd row. Knit six double crochet stitches (you will get 12 stitches).

For the pig's nose, knit three air loops.

1 row. 8 single crochets, tie the chain on both sides.

2nd row. 15 single crochets.

Make a knot and cut the thread.

Ears for a bear and a pig or eyes for a frog

Make the initial ring.

1 row. Knit six single crochets.

2 poisons. Add 3 more single crochets (you will get 9 stitches).

3rd row. Knit nine single crochets.

Cut the thread and make a knot.

Examples of circuits can be seen in this photo.

To finish, you need to tie the edges of the mitten in a crawfish step. At the end, tie a loop of 13 air loops in order to hang it on a hook.

You can get more ideas for decorating washcloths with animal images.

All is ready! And with this, our master class came to an end. Leave questions and feedback in the comments. Inspiration and creative success to you!

After making your own washcloth, you can do it yourself - and everything in your bathroom will be beautiful and environmentally friendly!

A bathhouse requires many accessories, and one of the main ones is washcloths. Different sizes, shapes, degrees of hardness, from different materials - for different people and skin types. Some of it can be bought, some can be grown (exactly, this is a loofah from a luffa) or peeled off (bast), and you can also knit it. How to tie a washcloth with your own hands - read on.

In principle, you can use any thread to knit washcloths. They are chosen depending on how hard you require this bath accessory.

If the skin is delicate - for children and ladies - you can use sheep or goat wool. Only we are talking about homemade threads, and undyed ones. Wool can be bleached, but it is better not to use dyed wool - it sheds heavily. Wool sponges are not rough, but slightly prickly, which gives a good massage effect - due to the “work” of small hairs. When using wool washcloths, they should not be immersed in hot water - only in warm or cool water. Otherwise, they “sit down” and become several times smaller in size and become very dense and even hard. They also need to be dried thoroughly: wet wool is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, so we dry it well.

Before knitting a washcloth, it is advisable to wash household wool (if it is in skeins) in warm water with shampoo or soapy water. To prevent moths from eating the threads, they are treated with gasoline. Therefore, they are first washed and dried, hanging a load from the skein so that the threads do not twist. Then they are unwound into balls and only then knitted.

A universal option is polypropylene yarn. It comes in different thicknesses and densities, so you can knit a washcloth that is harder for active massage, and softer for delicate skin. The degree of stiffness also depends on the density of the knit. Polypropylene thread is the same as packaging twine, only thinner and wound into bobbins, so if you have twine, you can use it. But a sponge made from twine often turns out to be too hard, although this depends on the characteristics of the fiber. In any case, you can try.

There are a lot of positive aspects to their use of polypropylene threads for washcloths - the paint does not wash out, they do not fade (features of the technological process), and they are not demanding on the water temperature (just don’t put them in boiling water). They dry quickly - water is not absorbed into the fibers and drains quickly. Perhaps their only drawback is that they are not of natural origin. But the properties are remarkable (chemically neutral, hypoallergenic, bacteria do not multiply on them) and therefore most of the washcloths are knitted from polypropylene beaches.

Natural washcloths

Lovers of natural fibers often use luffa washcloths. This is a vine from the genus of pumpkins, similar to a large cucumber. On ripe fruits, the peel bursts, the seeds fall out, and the sponge-like core is exposed. It is dried, and can be used either in the bathhouse or in the kitchen. Only the washcloth turns out to be hard, it is not suitable for every skin and needs to be changed often: bacteria thrive in natural fibers.

This is how washcloths grow - from luffa pumpkins

Another natural washcloth is made from bast. Bast is the fibrous part under the linden bark. Bast is harvested in mid-summer by cutting down the tree and stripping the bark, and the fibrous part between the bark and the woody core is torn into strips. The softest ones are used for washcloths. The bast is rolled into skeins, with the remaining bark turned inward. These skeins are soaked in water (previously they were sunk in the river) for at least a week. During this time, small plant fibers rot and are easily washed off. Both the appearance and smell of bast are, to put it mildly, unattractive. But after removing the mucus and thoroughly rinsing it in the river, it acquires a pleasant color, and after drying it also has a honey smell. Now the bast can be used as a washcloth. Our ancestors took several strands out of a bun (kept in the attic), wrapped them around their hands and washed themselves. In the modern version, you can try to sew the bast somehow, giving it the shape of a rectangle.

There are also washcloths made from nettle and flax, but they are made from a special fabric, and the skills to make them at home have been practically lost. But in stores there are different types, although the prices are not at all encouraging.

Crochet washcloth with elongated loops

If you're just learning to crochet, a washcloth is a good choice for your first project. Everything here is simple, and we will tell you in detail how to knit a washcloth. You need to know how to knit chain stitches, a regular single crochet, a double crochet, and elongated loops. This is the entire required set. Most of it will be demonstrated in photos and videos, but you can prepare in advance.

We knit from polypropylene yarn, in this case from two skeins, since the thread is thin. For beginners, it is more convenient to use one thicker thread. We take hook No. 5 (you can use less if it’s more convenient for you).

First we knit a chain of air loops. If you fold it in half, you get the width of the future washcloth. This way you can decide on the length of the chain, but for example you can knit 30 air loops.

After this, we knit one lifting air loop and move on to the next row. We knit the second row with single crochets. We knit them by inserting a hook between the columns of the previous row (behind the jumper). Having knitted the last one, we connect it with an air loop to the first column of the row, closing the ring.

To move to the next row, we make two air loops - this row and the next two will be made from double crochets. Having finished the row, we connect it into a ring, make two air loops and begin to knit the next one.

Please note that the number of columns together with lifting loops should always be 30. Count them, otherwise you will not end up with an even washcloth, but an expanding one. So, there should be three rows of double crochets in total.

In the next row we knit elongated loops. We place the hook as usual under the jumper of the bottom row, but we grab the thread with the index finger of our left hand and pull it back. We hook it and start it up as usual. We also knit with a regular half-column.

We take the thread away and hook it on the other side
Pull it through the jumper

Using the same pattern, we knit the remaining elongated loops in each of the columns. However, they remain inside. Having finished the row with long loops, we knit one of the double crochets (don’t forget two lifting loops). It will secure long loops, the washcloth will not stretch and lose its shape.

Next - again elongated loops, then a row with double crochets. So we alternate to the required length. We finish the washcloth with two rows of double crochets in a row, then single crochets. The washcloth is almost ready, all that remains is to tie the handles.

The finished “body” of the washcloth from the inside out

We tie the handle. First, fold the washcloth and connect the two edges with single crochets. Next, we knit one air loop, make several loops in the second row (3-4 loops) and begin knitting air loops. Their number is the desired length of your handle. Having made the last air loop (count to knit as many on the second handle), tie it to the 4th loop from the other edge of the washcloth, then another single crochet to the side, and, turning the “handle” in the other direction, knit stitches along the chain without a crochet. You need 3-4 such rows. The same operation is repeated on the other side.

Two more ways to tie a washcloth. They also have elongated loops, but there are differences in how they are knitted (there are three ways in total). Another difference is that these accessories are knitted using single crochets, which is why they are more dense. In general, choose how to knit a washcloth according to your own preferences and feelings.

Crocheting all the loops is shown in great detail in the next master class. This is a great step-by-step guide for beginners who want to knit their own washcloth.

Washcloth-mitten with elongated loops (crocheted)

A washcloth and mitten are knitted using the same principle. Select the sizes according to your hand - the starting chain of air loops should freely cover the hand (there should be a little free space left, since a wet mitten is difficult to put on). Read on to learn how to knit a washcloth-mitten.

First of all, knit a chain of air loops and connect it into a ring. At the same time, make sure that the chain does not turn over and form a figure eight. Next we knit two rows of single crochets.

Hook it near your index finger and then knit it like a regular single crochet.

We make the next row from single crochets. So we alternate (loops-posts) to the height where you need to make a hole for the thumb.

Then, when knitting a row with posts, in some place we knit 12 air loops, skip the same number of jumpers in the row and tie them to the 13th. We finish the series. This creates a hole for your finger.

We continue until the little finger is closed.

The crocheted washcloth mitten is almost finished. Now in each row we decrease several loops. So - until the last one remains, close it, cut the thread.

The final touch is the top binding and eyelet. Crocheting a washcloth mitten is finished

The final touch remains - to tie a loop through which you can hang the knitted washcloth. You can make two or three more rows of single crochets, and make a loop in the last one.

Crochet patterns

There are two more types of homemade washcloths - single flat and round. They knit even easier than those described above. There are schemes by which even a beginner can do this.

How to knit a washcloth: single (with or without elongated loops)

The middle part can have any number of elements. Their number is determined by the required length of the washcloth. First, a chain of air loops is also knitted, but it is not tied into a ring. Having made one more additional lifting loop, they begin to knit single crochets, picking up one from the jumpers. Having reached the end of the chain, two stitches are knitted in one loop at the end, which makes it possible to continue knitting on the other side of the chain. And again, having reached the end of the chain, knit two stitches into each jumper and continue to knit on the other side. It turns out to be such a long chain. When the washcloth reaches the desired size, handles are knitted, then the thread is cut and pulled in.

If you wish, you can knit a flat washcloth with elongated loops. They are also added in every second row. You saw how to make them in photos and videos (there are two options), everything is the same here.


For children, it is more convenient to make small round washcloths and disks. The pattern for knitting with double crochets is shown in the figure. The principle is simple: we double the loops through one jumper, and we knit air loops between two adjacent posts.

The number of rows is as you wish. Once the disk reaches the desired size, you can knit two or three rows of single crochets along the edge to seal the edge, but make sure that the edge does not tighten the disk, periodically also knitting two loops into one jumper.

How to knit a round washcloth on your hand using single crochets is shown in the video.

How to knit elongated loops with knitting needles

For those who want to knit a washcloth for a bath with elongated loops using knitting needles, the following video tutorial.

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